Tidbits January 10 Issue

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Take a Breaks. from the new Feed Your Bnrain Some Fu with Tidbits!


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

January 10, 2013





Issue # 801

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by Janet Spencer

A lot has been said about hero dogs – but not all of them are heroes! Let’s take a look: • When Haroldo Renato Mota of Sao Paulo, Brazil let his dog out one day in February of 2002, he knew there was a high likelihood that the dog would return carrying something he had found- a stick, a bone, a piece of trash. But the dog, a black and white mixed breed named Chumbinho, came back carrying something Mota didn’t recognize. He told the dog to drop it. Mota recognized it all right- a rusty hand grenade. He called police; police called the bomb squad; and the bomb squad detonated the grenade safely. • Mark and Lara Tomlinson live in South Africa with their kids and their dog Digger. Digger is well named, perpetually burying and unbury bones. One day in February of 2002 when Digger began to dig industriously underneath the children’s playhouse, Mark became curious when another neighborhood dog, a puppy named Jack, joined in the excavation. Going to see what they were so interested in, he found to his alarm that the two dogs had uncovered a bomb. Police removed the 60mm mortar bomb left over from World War II. The playhouse had been built the previous April. “Never did we think that we were building it on top of a bomb,” said Lara. Publish a We provide the opportunity for success!


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BAD DOGS (continued):

• In 1998 when Rachel Murray of Britain wanted to get a Christmas gift for her roommate, she decided to get him a cell phone. She wrapped - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient it and left it under the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, her dog, a bloodhound named CharHOURS HOURS lie, enjoyed tearing the package apart while he M-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 was bored and unsupervised. Finding the mess Sat. 9-1:30 Sat. 9-1:30 but not the phone, Murray dialed the number, Med Park Mall • 1395 S.S. Columbia Road • •746-1800 Med Park Mall • 1395 Columbia RoadRoad 746-1800 Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia • 746-1800 hoping to hear it ring. She heard it ringing- a muffled ringing, coming from inside Charlie’s Winter 10-15,000 BTU stomach. “At first I though Charlie was lying Tank Top Heater DEALS (497-0013) #F242100 on the phone- then I realized where it was. I couldn’t believe he’d swallowed it. I sat there in disbelief.” The vet advised her to let nature $ 99 take its course, and 24 hours later, the phone 34 Reg. $39.99 emerged. The Orange Nokia was in perfect working order.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What is the name of the angel in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”? Standing at 30 inches at the shoul- 6. In what century was the Erie der, this is the tallest breed of dog. Canal constructed? Name it. 7. Which composer wrote more Name one of the two heaviest than 400 waltzes, including dogs, both weighing up to 200 lbs. “The Blue Danube”? This breed of dog is commonly 8. What was the name of the little girl in the animated TV show thought to be the smartest breed, “Frosty the Snowman”? often used for sheepherding. What percentage of dogs in the TRIVIA U.S. are spayed or neutered?






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• Stinky, a six-year-old mongrel, enjoyed going hunting with his master, 30-year-old Kelly Russell near their New Zealand home. In December of 2000, Stinky, Russell, and another dog named Red were out hunting wild pigs. When Russell cornered a pig, he set down his rifle to pick up his knife and, in the ensuing chaos, Stinky jumped on the gun. “There was a big bang and my leg went flying back,” recalled Russell. The blast tore right through his foot. Unable to walk or drive and barely able to crawl, Russell endured a five-hour wait before someone came along who could help him. At the Waikato hospital, doctors were unable to save his foot. Stinky went home, unaware of the trouble he had caused, and Russell said he didn’t blame Stinky for the accident. Russell was charged with hunting illegally in an exotic forest. He collected $10,000 (New Zealand dollars) from the state-run insurance company for the accident, and was fined only $500 for illegal hunting.

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sports Quiz

4. T or F: The fewest points ever scored in a NCAA Men’s basketball champion1. What color is the No. 3 ball ship game was 41 by Butler in billiards? in 2011. 2. Name the last time before 5. Pitcher Dwight Gooden set 2012 (Michigan International a record for most consecuSpeedway) that NASCAR tive games with at least one Cup drivers posted qualifying strikeout to start his majorspeeds above 200 mph— league career. How many was 1984, 1987, 1990 or 1993. it—224, 279, 301 or 349? 3. At the 2012 Olympics, what 6. In 1935, Lefty Gomez two male tennis players set a pitched the most innings in record for the longest threeone MLB All-Star Game. set match (4 hrs., 26 min.)? How many innings was it?


NEW LOCATION: 210 Gateway Dr NE, East Grand Forks , MN 56721 n 218-793-0035 2475 107 32nd Ave. S. 210 Gateway Dr. NE E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658

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East Grand Forks, MN 218-793-0035

If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Grand n 218-281-3658MN 107Forks, E 2ND St,ND Crookston , MN 56716Crookston,



If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

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BAD DOGS (continued): • In the year 2000 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, Mark Meltz bought his fiancée Hillary Feinberg a lovely wedding ring. On the day before their wedding, he set the ring on the kitchen counter where he’d be sure to see it and remember to give it to the best man. That evening while walking his year-and-a-half old lab, Liza, he noticed the dog was coughing and hacking a lot, but he didn’t think anything of it- until he was unable to find the ring on the morning of the wedding day. Suspecting that the cat had knocked it off the counter and the dog had swallowed it, he rushed the dog to Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston, where vet Kathleen Wirth took an X-ray and confirmed his fears. At the wedding at 4:00 that afternoon, Hillary Feinberg presented Mark Meltz with a wedding band, and Mark Meltz presented Hillary Feinberg with an X-ray. The congregation burst into laughter. Meltz’s father stood watch over the dog waiting for the ring to reappear while the couple went on their Hawaiian honeymoon. • Garbage collector Glen Shaw operates a trash collection service in New Hampshire. He occasionally allowed his large Newfoundland dog named Bear to come along for the ride. But at 4:30a.m. on December 20, 2001, Shaw got out of the 10-wheeled compactor truck to load some garbage in the back. Bear somehow released the hand brake somehow, and the truck began to roll slowly forward. Shaw ran after the runaway garbage truck but was unable to catch it as it gained momentum, rolling down the road. It plunged into the Souhegan River, and Shaw plunged into the water in order to rescue the dog. The dog turned out to be fine, but it took a hazardous material team many hours to clean up the mess.

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by Linda Thistle


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by Samantha Weaver

• You think there are a lot of lawsuits being heard in the courts these days? Statistics show that half of the suits filed never even make it to court. • When famed inventor Alexander Graham Bell died in 1922, he was dictating a memo. His final words were, “So little done, so much to do!” • There’s been much public conversation about the growing girth of Americans in recent decades. It’s not just people who are gaining weight, though; between 1996 and 2006, the average motor vehicle made in the U.S. gained 500 pounds.


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• In France in the 1700s, capital punishment was not uncommon, and criminals thus condemned were decapitated by the country’s Chief Executioner. This position was hereditary, which posed a problem when, in 1726, the holder of that title, CharlesJean-Baptiste Sanson, suffered an early death, leaving his 7-year-old son, Charles, to take up the grisly duties. It was obvious to all that a child could never wield the heavy axe required for the decapitations, so it was deemed acceptable for a helper to actually perform the executions. Only the official office-holder could put the official seal on the act, however, so the poor boy had to witness every one. It wasn’t until the ripe old age of 12 that he began to take over the full duties of the office.

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

BAD DOGS (continued): • In Oklahoma, the Dodson family left their three-month-old puppy in the utility room when they went out. They returned to find their home a pile of rubble. The pup somehow flipped the gas line switch, filling the room with natural gas. When the water heater kicked on, the gas exploded. The pup was hurled clear of the explosion, unharmed. • Lyle Sneary and his dog Rancher were driving in a truck making the rounds of his Oklahoma cattle herd. Noticing a cow was down, Sneary got out of the truck, while the dog stayed inside. Sneary fed the cow hay out of the back of his truck. Seeing that dinner was being served, the rest of the cattle herd stampeded towards him. He began screaming to head off the herd, which caused Rancher to get excited inside the truck. The dog hit the automatic door lock. Then he knocked the gear shift into neutral. Seeing the truck rolling, Sneary jumped on the sideboard, trying to reach inside the window. He was unable to stop the truck and bailed out right before the rig hit a tree. Sneary and his dog had to walk a mile and a half to call for help. The officer who responded revoked Rancher’s license. • Michael Staley and Jenna Lee Fetters left their black lab tied to an outdoor water spigot at their apartment in Montana while they went out. The dog pulled so hard on its leash that the spigot broke. The broken pipe flooded the apartment. The property manager entered the home using his pass key to shut off the water. Not only did he find the emergency water shut-off valve in the basement, but he also found 21 six-foot marijuana plants under cultivation in the basement. Police lieutenant Jim Neumayer was still searching the basement when Staley and Fetters returned. They were arrested on the spot.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.



Emma Carpenter, born in Wisconsin in 1853, moved to Montana with her family in 1864. Emma married a lawyer named George Cowan when she was 22. In 1872, Yellowstone became the world’s first national park. Emma and George decided to travel to the area to celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary. At that time, Yellowstone was a wilderness area with only rough wagon trails. An expedition was mounted, consisting of Emma and George, several friends, and Emma’s older brother and younger sister. • It took several days of travel to reach the park. Along the way they heard disturbing news of Indian warfare. The Nez Perce tribe had been unceremoniously evicted from their tribal lands in Idaho by white settlers. They preferred to flee to Canada rather than settle on reservation lands. The army was summoned to force the tribe into subjugation. • Emma didn’t fear the Indians, and the trip went forward. They marveled at the geysers they found in Yellowstone. But then they encountered the Nez Perce Indians, who asked them for

supplies. George refused to help them, and was rude. Emma advised him to hold his tongue. When one member of their party started to give the Indians some food, George angrily stopped the exchange. Finally, several warriors told them that they were officially being held hostage, but that they could earn their freedom by exchanging their fresh horses for the Indian’s worn-out horses. When George objected– against the advice of his wife– one of the warriors shot him. It was their second wedding anniversary, and Emma watched her husband fall.

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EMMA COWAN (continued):



NEW LOCATION: 210 Gateway Dr NE, East Grand Forks , MN 56721 n 218-793-0035 2475 107 32nd Ave. S. 210 Gateway Dr. NE E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658

Grand Forks, ND 701-746-0425

East Grand Forks, MN 218-793-0035

If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Crookston, MN Grand 107Forks, E 2ND St,ND Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658



If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.


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• Emma rushed to his side, finding he’d been shot in the leg. Another Indian shot him in the head. In the confusion, several members of the party escaped, while Emma, her sister, and her brother were taken prisoner. After traveling with the tribe for several days, a tribal council was held. The elders decided to let them go, giving them a few supplies. • They soon ran into soldiers, who gave them provisions and went to find George’s body. Instead, they found George. After being shot twice, he blacked out. When he regained consciousness, he began crawling down the trail. A Nez Perce warrior found him and shot him a third time, this time striking him in the hip. Yet still he did not die. • When he was found, his rescuers gave him food and supplies, built him a fire, and went to get help. The campfire spread while he was sleeping, burning him badly– so now he had three bullet holes and third degree burns. When Emma received news of his survival, she took a carriage to meet him. The horses spooked while going around a hairpin turn and the carriage overturned, dumping George into a deep ravine. When George finally arrived in the town of Bozeman, a doctor was summoned. The moment the doctor sat on George’s bed, the bed collapsed to the ground. Emma said, “This sudden and unexpected fall, in his enfeebled state, nearly finished him.” • Emma nursed him back to health. They later had three children together. Emma’s brother wrote a book about their experiences. George died in 1926 at the age of 84, and Emma died in 1938, aged 85. The Nez Perce tribe were captured just a few miles short of the Canadian border, and spent the next eight years on a reservation in Oklahoma before being allowed to return to Idaho.

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LETTER BOX Place a letter in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9 box square contains all of the letters listed above the diagram. When completed, the row indicated will spell out a word or words.

by Linda Thistle



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Moments in time • On Jan. 18, 1803, in a secret message to Congress, President Thomas Jefferson requests funding for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the mysterious Far West and perhaps find a Northwest Passage to the Pacific. Jefferson officially asked Congress for $2,500, though some sources indicate the expedition ultimately cost closer to $50,000.

The History Channel

• On Jan. 15, 1951, Ilse Koch, wife of the commandant of the Buchenwald concentration camp, is sentenced to life imprisonment in a court in West Germany for her extraordinary sadism. The “Witch of Buchenwald” collected lampshades, book covers and gloves made from the skin of tattooed camp prisoners. • On Jan. 17, 1966, an American B-52 bomber collides with a KC-135 jet tanker over Spain’s Mediterranean coast, dropping three 70-kiloton hydrogen bombs near the town of Palomares and another into the sea. The U.S. eventually settled some 500 claims by residents whose health was adversely affected.

• On Jan. 19, 1883, two steamers, the Cimbria and the Sultan, collide in heavy fog in the North Sea, resulting in the deaths of 357 people. For those who did not make it into a lifeboat, the cold water was deadly. Hypothermia and drowning claimed hundreds of lives within minutes. • On Jan. 20, 1980, President Jim• On Jan. 16, 1942, actress Carole my Carter proposes that the 1980 Lombard, famous for her roles in Summer Olympics be moved from screwball comedies such as “My the planned host city, Moscow, if Man Godfrey” and for her mar- the Soviet Union failed to withdraw riage to actor Clark Gable, is killed its troops from Afghanistan within a when the TWA DC-3 plane she month. The United States was one is traveling in crashes en route of some 60 countries that eventufrom Las Vegas to Los Angeles. ally boycotted the Moscow Olympics. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Curators at the Gladstone Pottery Museum in England opened an exhibit described as a “celebration of the toilet” in 2001. The area surrounding the museum has historically been a hub of pottery and ceramics, and many of the world’s toilet manufacturers are based in the area, making it the perfect spot for a museum exhibit dedicated to the cause. The exhibit, called “Flushed with Pride,” honors Thomas Crapper, a real-life plumber who improved the design of several parts of the toilet but did not actually invent it. There are seven gallery rooms displaying over 150 objects related to the toilet. It begins with a realistically re-created pit toilet from an 1840s tenement slum, shared with realistically re-created pigs, complete with realistically re-created odors formed by combining various noxious chemicals.


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• In India, the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets in New Delhi exhibits all manner of potties. The museum follows the history of toilets dating back to 2,500 B.C. Find out about the first electric chamber pot, which pre-warmed the seat. See the medieval porta-potty shaped like a treasure chest. There’s the French commode disguised as a stack of books, each carrying the title of a literary classic. (Lift the lid by opening up the volume on top.) You’ll find a replica of King Louis XIII’s throne, who had a commode installed under his throne so he didn’t need to be take bathroom breaks. Also displayed are modern toilets such as the microwave toilet which incinerates waste without using any water. If you want to find out about the technology, social customs, or etiquette of the toilet, this is the place for you.



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Find at least 6 differences in details between panels

is moved. 4. Boots are different. 5. Picture is different. 6. Dial is missing.

Differences: 1. Earpiece is missing. 2. Backpack is missing. 3. Bandana

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• The Gladstone Pottery Museum’s display of DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): pre-sewer system toilets is billed as “an im• It was while living in Illinois that John nomersive theatrical experience.” climb ticed the problems that farmersVisitors faced when into a sewertopipe to view a video showing attempting till soil. Because the area had modern sanitary engineers doing their formerly been woodland, the soil was work. rich There’s a hands-on interactive which with hummus, which clumped gallery and clung to traces the development of the toilet with visithe blades of the plows farmers were accustors invited to doWhile some repairing flushing aofbroken their own. tomed to using. circular saw, Deere stumbled toilets upon anisidea. The collection of Victorian billedHeas employed his smith skills to of fashion the toilets steel the most complete showcase historic the shape a plow. He affixed onblade earth.into There’s also aofgallery devoted to the two wooden of spokes, then hitched the device development the bathroom, including the to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil story of how color was introduced to bathroom like a charm. In fact,isa the farmer who happened fixtures. A highlight avocado bathroom to be observing the test run immediately put suite displaying green porcelain first used in in an order for his own John Deere plow. the 1960s. Wanna know how astronauts go to •the In bathroom? short order, Find Deereout gave blacksmith in up an his exhibit devotshop and focused on making plows. ed to telling how people accomplish theThe feat steadily andFinally, added many em-of incompany extremegrew environments. toilets ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the the future are considered. Waterless toilets? entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed Composting potties? Toilets that check waste of his own lack of education, John sent his products health problems? childrentotoidentify the state’s finest schools.The Oneposof sibilities are discussed in detail. his proudest days occurred when son Charles

the equivalent of an MBA fromofBell’s • Inearned Wisconsin, the Madison Museum BathCommercial College in Chicago. room Tissue displayed a collection of toilet theCharles time itmanaging opened the in 1992 until •paper With from his son company, it John closed in 2000. 3,000 different rolls found time Nearly to pursue philanthropic interests. He co-founded both Firstthe Nationcollected from restrooms allthe over world al Bank and the First Congregational Church. were shown, including TP swiped from such He was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, notable places as Ellis Island, Caesar’s Palwhere one of his first actions – the replaceace, the Alamo, and Graceland. Proudly prement were of thethe city’s drains withasa well seweras sented “rollopen of the week” pipe system – saved countless lives by reduca complete history of T.P. from leaves to Sears ing the spread of disease. catalog to Charmin. There was the European •Collection, The original Deere logo, in the John African Shelf, andregistered the Mexican 1876, depicted a deer that was native to AfriDisplay. The museum is now closed. The paca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was reperwork is in storage, awaiting a new home. placed with the image of a North American white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading Tidbits! over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.



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Quiz Answers 5. Clarence Odbody 6. Early 19th 7. Johann Strauss 8. Karen

1. Irish Wolfhound 2. Mastiff and St. Bernard 3. Border Collies 4. About 78%

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Sports Answers 1. Red 2. 1987 3. Roger Federer & Juan Martin del Potro

4. False. Ohio State scored

only 33 in 1939

5. 349 6. Six innings

Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.


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