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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
January 24, 2013
Issue # 803
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• Actress Lucille Ball reported that every time she walked near a certain area, she heard Japanese radio broadcasts coming across some lead fillings in her teeth. An investigation revealed a Japanese radio station hidden underground.
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• On December 6, 1941, President Roosevelt sent a message to Emperor Hirohito in Japan pleading for peace. He sent the message by telegraph in a simple code used for everyday transmissions. In Japan, the telegram sat for ten hours unread due to a backlog of messages. Had he sent the message in a top security code, it would have reached the Emperor immediately. But it did not— and the next day, Pearl Harbor was attacked.
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WORLD WAR II When Roosevelt and Churchill were scheduled to meet in 1943, they knew the Germans were desperate to find out where the meeting would be. News was leaked that it would be at the place identified in code as Casablanca. The Germans figured that since “casablanca” was Spanish for white house, the meeting would take place at the White House. They sent all their spies to monitor the White House while Roosevelt and Churchill had an uneventful meeting in Casablanca, Morocco.
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Quiz Bits
5. Which three comedians starred in the film comedy “¡Three Amigos!”? 6. What kind of gases are neon and helium? 7. What is the official nickname of the state of Illinois? 8. Who was the first pop group memorialized in London’s Madame Tussauds Wax Museum? How were they posed?
1. How many Silly Putty eggs are sold each day—5,000, 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000? 2. The Falkland Islands lie off the coast of which continent? 3. As far as hobbies go, what does a spelunker do? 4. Name the 1970 song in this lyric: “I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend.”
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SECRET CODES (continued): • On December 6, 1941, Japan was preparing to mount an attack on Pearl Harbor. A Japanese spy in Pearl Harbor walked right up to the telegraph office in town and sent a dispatch to his confederates describing where the warships were located. The telegram cost $6.82 and apparently nobody in the telegraph office thought it was suspicious. • On Dec. 6, 1941, a new employee at the Office of Naval Intelligence, Mrs. Dorothy Edgers (who had been employed there only a month), decoded an intercepted Japanese message that indicated Honolulu was to be the target of a Japanese attack. She showed it to her superior officer, who said it needed more work and could wait until Monday. • In May of 1942, the Japanese were preparing to mount a major attack somewhere in the Central Pacific. The U.S. had broken the Japanese code and were aware of the impending attack. However, they didn’t know what the target would be. The Japanese called the target “AF” and the Americans could not figure out what place that denoted. Then they came up with a scheme: they had Midway send an uncoded message saying their water distillation plant had broken down and they were short on drinking water. Then they monitored the Japanese transmissions. Two days later, they intercepted a coded message from Japan reporting that “AF” was short of drinking water. When the Japanese descended on Midway, the American forces were ready and waiting. • When agents stormed the Japanese embassy in Portugal, they seized a Japanese code book, thinking it would be helpful to the Allies. What they didn’t know was that the Allies had already broken the code. Now that Japan knew the code book had been stolen, they changed the code. It took a year before the U.S. could break the new code.
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3. Four players who started their major-league careers in the 1970s played in four 1. T or F: In 2011 it was the decades. Name two of them. first time ever that a pair of 4. Four players 6 feet 3 inches A.L. teammates (Boston’s or shorter have won an Adrian Gonzalez (213) and NBA Most Valuable Player Jacoby Ellsbury (212)) each Award? Name them. had more than 210 hits in the 5. Name the NHL team that same season. allowed the fewest goals in 2. In 2012, Serena Williams bean 82-game season? came the 2nd woman to have 6. Of the nine NASCAR Chase won all 4 of tennis’ Grand for the Cup playoffs through Slam titles along with Olympic 2012, how many drivers have singles gold. Who was the first? made at least eight of them?
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SECRET CODES (continued): WORLD WAR I • When American decoding experts intercepted and deciphered a message from Germany to Mexico, they found that Germany was offering Mexico a large chunk of the United States if only Mexico would join with them in the war. This message was pivotal in pushing the U.S. into World War I. • Zeppelin L-49 was returning to Germany during World War I after having bombed London. It was over France when it ran out of fuel. There was no way the aircraft was going to make it back to Germany. The captain, knowing they were doomed to be captured, knew it was essential to get rid of the code books. But he couldn’t burn the books because the zeppelin was filled with flammable gas. So he ordered his men to shred the books and toss the pieces of paper over the side. When they were captured, Colonel Richard Williams of the U.S. Army Intelligence was frustrated when he found that the code books had been destroyed. So he sent the troops out to search the ground following the path the airship had taken. By nightfall they had collected 22 sacks full of tiny scraps of paper. Williams set his men to the task of reconstructing the book. By midnight they had put together a complete map of the North Sea showing the call sign positions for a U-boat rendezvous. • William and Elizabeth Friedman were a married team of cryptanalysts who were instrumental in cracking many codes. Once the British sent them some sample messages from a new encoding device they were considering using throughout the British Army. Within three hours of receiving the five messages, the Friedmans had deciphered them. The first message, ironically enough, said, “This cipher is absolutely indecipherable.”
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by Linda Thistle
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Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
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SECRET WARS (continued): EARLIER WARS • A captured slave was brought to General Lysander, leader of the Spartan forces around 400 B.C. A message the slave was carrying was handed to the General. There were many hostilities going on, so Lysander suspected the message would bear important information. However, it did not. Then he noticed the slave’s belt was decorated with a series of letters that made no sense. He took the belt and wrapped it around a thin rod. There, down the side of the rod, was a perfectly legible message. It said that the Persians— who were supposed to be allies of the Spartans— were planning to take over. Thus forewarned, Lysander rushed his forces back to Sparta and ruined the plot. • Around 300 B.C. Histiaeos was the governor of the ancient Greek city Miletus. He was being held under guard and couldn’t get any messages out— but it was imperative that he inform his people behind enemy lines that he planned to overthrow Darius, the king of Persia. He shaved the head of his servant and tattooed the message on his scalp. After the hair grew back, he sent the servant out on an errand. The message was delivered. • During the Revolutionary War, messages were sent via Anna Strong’s clothesline. She signaled an American spy whenever a boatman was ready to carry secret messages across Long Island Sound. A black petticoat hung out to dry meant that the boatman was waiting. The number of hankies next to it indicated which cove he was hiding in. • Paul Bernard was a French spy in World War I who sent his secret messages home by writing the essential information in the top right-hand corner of postcards, and then putting postage stamps over the writing. • Thomas Jefferson invented a coding instrument called the wheel cipher that is still used by the U.S. Navy today.
: i Newborn dolphins sleep for only a few seconds at a time. i Every continent has a city called Rome (except for Antarctica).
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson completed the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson hired Lewis and Clark to explore the area. Lewis and Clark and their men left St. Louis on their journey in 1804, and stopped to spend their first winter with an Indian tribe in what is now North Dakota. There, they met a trapper from Quebec named Charbonneau, and his young Indian wife, Sacajawea. • Sacajawea was born in what is now Idaho around 1790. When she was 12, she was kidnapped and carried hundreds of miles away, to where Lewis and Clark met her. It is thought that Charbonneau won her hand in marriage in a card game. When Lewis and Clark met her, she was pregnant, and soon gave birth to a baby boy named Jean Baptist. • Lewis and Clark needed someone who was familiar with the territory to help guide them to the Pacific coast, and Charbonneau was a good match. Having his wife along was very advantageous for several reasons. First, she spoke Shoshone and served as an interpreter. Second, she was familiar with the country and helped make crucial decisions regarding which route they should take.
Finally, having a woman and a baby along on the expedition convinced other tribes that the group of men was a peaceful party, and not a war party. • There was one other reason why her presence was important. Lewis and Clark knew that they would need to abandon their boats in order to cross the mountain range that separates what is now Montana and Idaho. In order to do that, they would need to procure horses from the Indians. They hoped Sacajawea could help them negotiate a trade when the time came. Introducing the affordably priced, fully functional snowplow designed for the homeowner. Watch the whole story at youtube.com/acmetoolstv
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Moments in time • On Jan. 31, 1606, in London, Guy Fawkes, a chief conspirator in the plot to blow up the British Parliament building, jumps to his death moments before his execution for treason. He had been found lurking in a cellar of the Parliament building with 2 tons of gunpowder.
The History Channel
• On Jan. 29, 1922, in the middle of a film, the Knickerbocker Theatre in Washington, D.C., collapses, killing 108 people and sending another 133 to the hospital. Accumulated snowfall from a blizzard collapsed the theater’s roof, which fell down on top of theatergoers.
• On Jan. 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler -- fuhrer (leader) of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party) -- as chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany was spurred largely by the German people’s frustration • On Jan. 28, 1915, the captain with dismal economic conditions. of a German cruiser orders the destruction of the William P. Frye, • On Feb. 3, 1950, Klaus Fuchs, a an American merchant ship off the German-born British scientist who Brazilian coast. He had ordered helped developed the atomic bomb, the Frye to jettison its cargo as is arrested in Great Britain for passcontraband, but the ship’s crew ing top-secret information about the refused. It was the first American bomb to the Soviet Union. The armerchant vessel lost to Germany’s rest of Fuchs led authorities to sevaggression during World War I. eral other individuals, including Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the U.S. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. • On Feb. 1, 1884, the first portion of the Oxford English Dictionary is published. In 1857, members of London’s Philological Society decided to produce a dictionary that would cover all vocabulary from 1150 A.D. to the present. It took more than 40 years to complete.
SACAJAWEA (continued): • After months of grueling travel, the explorers reached the head of the Missouri river in August of 1805, and began looking for Indians who could provide them with horses. Sacajawea recognized the area they were in, as it was very close to the place where she had been born. In an incredible stroke of luck, the first Indian scouting party they met was led by none other than Sacajawea’s own brother, who had not seen her since she had been kidnapped years before. It was an emotional reunion, which was made much harder when her brother was forced to tell her that their parents had died while she was away. Of course, Lewis and Clark and all their men were treated like family, loaded with provisions, and sold all the horses they needed to make the difficult crossing. • Sacajawea, Charbonneau, and Jean Baptist remained with Lewis and Clark for the duration of their two-year journey, and eventually even moved to St. Louis at the request of Clark. Clark even adopted Jean Baptist as his own son, making sure the boy received the best possible education and ensuring he was given many opportunities to travel the world. Jean Baptist died at the age of 61. • What became of Sacajawea is uncertain. It’s known that she gave birth to a baby daughter while she lived in St. Louis, who died as a child. Some claim Sacajawea died of a fever at the age of 25; others say she died an old woman in 1884. • It is sad to reflect that if Sacajawea died in 1884, she would have lived long enough to see the genocide and subjugation of the Indian nation by the very nation of people she had assisted by leading them across the wilderness as a young woman.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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LETTER BOX Place a letter in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9 box square contains all of the letters listed above the diagram. When completed, the row indicated will spell out a word or words.
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by Linda Thistle
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was Martin Luther King Jr. who made the following sage observation: “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” • Are you a dromomaniac? If you travel compulsively, you are. • The famed statue Venus de Milo was lost to history for nearly 2,000 years. No one knew of its existence until 1820, when a Greek peasant tilling a field on the island of Milos hit stone -- several carved blocks of stone, to be specific. Within a few weeks, archaeologists arrived and took the statue of Aphrodite to France. King Louis XVIII dubbed it the Venus de Milo and donated it to the Louvre, where it remains today. • You might be surprised to learn that Humphrey Bogart wasn’t the producers’ first choice for the role of Rick in “Casablanca.” An actor named George Raft was originally offered the part, but he turned it down because he didn’t like the script.
• In 2010, a new species of slug was discovered in the mountains of Borneo. It is distinguished from other species of slug by its novel method of mating: It shoots its mate with a so-called love dart made of calcium carbonate and containing hormones. The researchers nicknamed the gastropods “ninja slugs.” • If you’re traveling to Kansas anytime soon, be sure to remember that it is against the law in that state to catch fish with your bare hands. • During the original run of the classic 1960s TV series “Gilligan’s Island,” some viewers took the show rather too seriously. Several telegrams were sent to the U.S. Coast Guard asking why the poor people hadn’t yet been rescued. * * * Thought for the Day: “I want a man who is kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?” -- Zsa Zsa Gabor © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
• It stretched further than rubber; rebounded higher than rubber; was impervious to mold and decay; and could withstand all temperatures. The only problem was that scientists could find no real use for the stuff. In 1945, G.E. mailed samples to scientists all over the world, asking them to find a purpose for it. • Paul Hodgson happened to attend a party where some of the stuff was brought out. It entertained the party-goers for hours. He teamed up with the owner of a toy store and Silly Putty outsold everything else in the company catalog with the exception of a 50 cent box of crayons. Still, the store owner wasn’t interested in pursuing Silly Putty, so Hodgson split off on his own. In 1950 Hodgson bought a huge glob of the stuff for $147 and hired a Yale student to separate it into one ounce balls and put it into plastic eggs, perhaps because Easter was coming up. Several months later when Silly Putty was mentioned in the “Talk of the Town” section of the New Yorker magazine, Hodgson’s phone rang off the hook and he collected a quarter million orders in only four days. A few years later, he was racking up sales of over six million dollars annually. Hodgson was soon a millionaire.
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During World War II, Japanese invasions of rubber-producing countries in the Far East vastly reduced availability of rubber in the U.S. In the 1940s, the U.S. War Production Board asked General Electric for help in developing a cheap substitute for rubber so that production of things such as boots and tires could continue. G.E. hired James Wright, who created a compound after accidentally dropping some boric acid into silicone oil in 1943.
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SILLY PUTTY (continued): • Today, Binney & Smith, owners of Crayola, DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): own the rights to Silly Putty. It comes in 16 dif•ferent It was while living inglow-in-the-dark, Illinois that Johnglitter, nocolors including ticed the problems farmerscolors. faced There’s when metallic gold, and hot that flourescent attempting to till soil. Because the area hadon also Silly Putty that changes color depending formerly been woodland, the soil was rich the temperature of your hands. You can even buy with hummus, which clumped and clung to a five-pound block of Silly Putty for only $79. the blades of the plows farmers were accus• Intomed 2001 to Silly Putty wasrepairing inducteda into thecirNausing. While broken tional Fame located Salem, cular Toy saw, Hall Deereofstumbled upon an in idea. He Oregon. In his addition, one ofto the original Silly employed smith skills fashion the steel Putty onshape display the Smithsonian’s bladeeggs intoisthe of at a plow. He affixed National Museum of American History. two wooden spokes, then hitched the device to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois • Binny & Smith sponsored a contest asking soil peolike charm.their In fact, a farmer happened ple to asubmit silliest uses who for Silly Putty. to be observing the test run itimmediately put The winner suggested using to replace your in an order for his own John Deere plow. stockbroker by throwing a ball of it at the stock •page In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith in the newspaper and investing in whatshopstock and itfocused on the making plows.Second The ever lifts from newsprint. company grew steadily and added many emplace went to the woman who said it could be ployees. In the lateswollen 1840s, John theof used to form a fake glandrelocated to get out operation anentire unwanted date.to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed of his own lack of education, John sent his • What exactly is Silly Putty made of? Mostly it’s children to the state’s finest schools. One of dimethyl siloxane, hydroxy-terminated plymers his proudest days occurred when son Charles with boricthe acid. Add in aof little ST,Bell’s a dash earned equivalent an thixotrol MBA from ofCommercial polydimethylsiloxane, a pinch of decamethyl College in Chicago. cyclopentasiloxane, and top it off with titanium • With his son Charles managing the company, dioxide, and that’s about all there is to it. John found time to pursue philanthropic in• You can He make your ownboth sort-of silly Nationputty at terests. co-founded the First home by and mixing twoCongregational tablespoons of Borax al Bank the First Church. and it to one of of water, mixing well. Headding was elected the cup mayor Moline in 1873, Seperately a cupactions of water to half a cup where oneadd of half his first – the replaceofment whiteofglue. Next add a cup of your Bothe city’s openhalf drains with a sewer pipe systemto–the saved lives by reducrax solution gluecountless and water mixture. Mix ingand the spread well store inofa disease. plastic bag. original John Deereslowly logo, registered in • •It’sThe flammable and burns with a bright 1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afriwhite light. Microwaved for a few minutes, it beca. Thirty-six years later, 1912,toititswas recomes excessively sticky but in reverts original placed the image of horrible a Northwhen American form whenwith it cools. It smells baked. white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading Tidbits! over as the symbol of the John Deere brand. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
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