Tidbits February 21 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

February 21, 2013





Issue # 807

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• Archaeologists general divide prehistoric eras into three ages – the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age – named such for the material used for making implements and weapons. During the Stone Age, stone was fashioned with a sharp edge or a point, with the oldest known stone tools excavated from several sites in what is now Ethiopia. The Stone Age is divided into three sub-eras, the Paleolithic era (early), roughly 70,000 to 20,000 B.C., the Mesolithic era (middle), 20,000 to 7000 B.C., and the Neolithic era (new), 7000 to 3000 B.C. The period of the Bronze Age is considered to be from 3000 to 1200 B.C., and ushered in the use of copper and tin with the alloy bronze in the manufacture of tools and weapons. The Iron Age occurred between 1200 and 600 B.C., when the harder and tougher iron replaced bronze. Cultural changes accompanied the difference in metal, as newer agricultural practices, religious beliefs, and artistic styles evolved. Decorative designs on ornaments and pottery became prevalent. Blacksmiths were hammering items into shape, advancing away from the Bronze Age’s method of casting.

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How much do you know about how our culture has evolved throughout the ages? This week, Tidbits explores the progress made over the centuries.



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IT’S BEEN AGES! (continued):

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• According to Greek mythology, there are several stages of human existence on Earth. During “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through a large store just to pick up my medicine.” the Golden Age, the first race of mortals, dubbed a large store just to pick up my medicine.” - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient the golden race (meaning good and noble), was - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient created by the gods and held conversations with them. There was an endless abundance of food HOURS HOURS and no need for agriculture. This age was charM-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 Sat. 9-1:30 acterized by peace, harmony, and prosperity. Sat. 9-1:30 JeffJeff Theige R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Jeff Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 The mortals lived to an old age while maintaining their youthful appearance, and eventually PET GROOMING died very peaceful deaths. The Silver Age followed, with the mortals described as foolish and immature, who refused to worship the gods and goddesses. According to mythology, this Save on select: Hu • Food • Treats • Collars • Leashes fo rry In so angered Zeus, he destroyed the silver race. r Best • Harnesses • Dishes • Clothes Sele The mortals of the mythological Bronze Age ction! • Beds • Grooming Items were hardened and tough, caught up in wars. This race was undone by their own violence. CALL 772-0556 The Heroic Age was the period of heroes who 1905 S. Washington St. • Grand Forks • www.gftreatplaylove.com fought at Troy. In the Iron Age, pain and evil ran rampant, with humans living in toil and misery, 6. Approximately, how many popular votes separated Richard Nixon and with no shame over wrongdoing.


Quiz Bits


1. In what year was Twitter created? 2. Name the 1920 novel by Edith Wharton for which she won the Pulitzer Prize. 3. Which famous Jazz Age writer penned The Great Gatsby? 4. Name the satellite whose flight kicked off the Space Age. 5. What country lies northwest of Colombia?

and John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election? 7. On the television show Bonanza, what was the name of the character played by Michael Landon? 8. Which merchant used the fiveand-dime store concept to create one of the largest retail chains in the world?


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• The period of European history from the 5th to the 15th centuries is referred to as the Middle Ages. It began after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the abdication of Romulus Augustus in the year 476. The early Middle Ages were called the Dark Ages, lasting until about 1000, during which time there was a drastic deterioration in cultural development and the economy, as well as an increase in wars. The part of the Middle Ages commonly known as the Medieval Period, began around 1000, and continued until the Renaissance began in the 16th century. Gothic art and architecture appeared during this era. • The goal of the religious wars known as the Crusades during the Middle Ages was to restore the holy places in Jerusalem. Pope Urban II begged Catholic armies to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land.

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sports Quiz 1. 2. 3.


5. In the 10-year span between the 1972-73 & 1981-82 seasons, a Montreal Canadens goalie What is the standard weight led the NHL in goals-against of a shot put used by men in average how many times? competition? 6. How many players have Who replaced Tony LaRussa won two or more NBA Slam as manager of the Chicago Dunk contests? White Sox in 1986? 7. T or F: Kobe Bryant has Between 1984 and 2012, entered only one Slam Dunk name the team that won only contest during his career? one NBA title during that 8. How many times has coach span? Jim Boeheim led Syracuse’s How many majors has Tiger men’s basketball team to the Woods won in his PGA career? Final Four?

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IT’S BEEN AGES! (continued): • The Age of Discovery started in the early 1400s and continued to the 1600s. Also called the Age of Exploration, it was the time when Europeans began travels in search of new sea trade routes to what they thought were the East Indies. The Portuguese and Spanish dominated the exploration – Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Balboa, Cortes, Ponce de Leon, and, of course, Columbus were the leaders of the more well-known voyages of discovery. • When the Earth undergoes a long-term reduction in surface and atmospheric temperatures, glaciers and ice sheets may expand. This is known as an ice age, or more accurately, a glacial age. Experts say there have been at least five major ice ages over the Earth’s history. They are probably the result of an interaction between very small changes in the Earth’s orbit, changes in ocean currents, and changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can see the effects of glaciers across the continent – the Great Lakes and most of Minnesota’s and Wisconsin’s lakes were carved out by glaciers and filled up with melting water. • During the 17th and 18th centuries, the world moved into the Age of Enlightenment, a cultural movement promoted by the intellectuals of that time, such as Isaac Newton and Voltaire. They attempted to lead the world away from superstition, irrationality, and tyranny and toward knowledge through science and reason. It was based on faith in nature and belief in human progress, with hostility toward organized religion and monarchy. The “enlightened” believed that people were naturally good and would work to further the happiness of others.

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NEW LOCATION: 210 Gateway Dr NE, East Grand Forks , MN 56721 n 218-793-0035 2475 107 32nd Ave. S. 210 Gateway Dr. NE E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658

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East Grand Forks, MN 218-793-0035

If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Crookston, MN Grand Forks, ND 107 E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658



If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

IT’S BEEN AGES! (continued): • The period between 1750 and 1850 was the Industrial Age, when dramatic advances in manufacturing, transportation, and technology produced powerful changes in the economy and culture. The introduction of steam power and improvements in mining created huge advancements. Manufacturing machines allowed mass production of goods. • The 1920s, commonly called the Roaring Twenties, was a time of economic prosperity and rapid industrial growth. Drastic social changes came along, including the growth of jazz music, which was so popular that the decade became known as the Jazz Age. The sounds of Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller, and Benny Goodman dominated popular music. It was a time of breaking with tradition and turning toward modern technology. Young people took joy in shocking the older generation – women bobbed their hair and wore short skirts with silk stocking, taking on the nickname “Flappers.” The Jazz Age came tumbling down on October 29, 1929, with the crash of the stock market, ushering in the Great Depression. • We entered the Atomic Age when the first atomic bomb was detonated over Japan in 1945. The phrase Atomic Age was invented by a New York Times journalist named William Laurence, who was the official journalist for the U.S. Manhattan Project, which developed the first nuclear weapons. After witnessing the Japan bombings, he wrote a series of articles supporting the advantages of the new weapon. • Today we are part of the Information (or Digital) Age, characterized by our increases in technology and how we receive our information. We are also in the Social Age, which places more emphasis on people’s needs through various social networks.

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Often referred to as the “Mother of Modern Physics,” Marie Curie was the first famous woman scientist in the modern world. Here’s your opportunity to learn more about the woman who made many significant contributions to the research of radioactivity.

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• Born in Poland in 1867 to a physics teacher father and an educator mother, Marie enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris for her higher education. She graduated first in the class of physics and in second place in mathematics, and immediately began work as a researcher. • Alongside her fellow researcher husband, Pierre Curie, the pair studied the elements and radioactivity. Marie was the first to discover radioactivity in an element, thorium. She and Pierre went on to discover two new elements, polonium (which she named for her native Poland) and radium. As a result of her 1903 dissertation on radium, she was awarded a doctorate in science, the first ever for a woman in all of Europe. The Curies received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for their work, and Marie became the first woman to be awarded this prestigious prize. Their prize winnings were poured back into their research. • The year 1904 was an eventful one for Marie – she was awarded a professorship at the Sorbonne, established the use of radiation therapy for cancer, and gave birth to her second child. Just two years later, Pierre was run over by a horse-drawn carriage in Paris and died, leaving Marie a widow at age 37 with two young daughters to raise alone. Shortly afterward, she was awarded Pierre’s department chair position at the Sorbonne, becoming the first woman ever to hold a chair there, and the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. Although she was offered a national pension following Pierre’s death, she declined it.


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MARIE CURIE (continued): • Marie’s second Nobel Prize came along in 1911, this time in the field of Chemistry, for her isolation of pure radium. This set her apart as the only woman to win the Nobel Prize in two different fields up to that date. This time, Marie donated her prize money toward equipping World War I ambulances with portable X-ray machines, as well as establishing 200 permanent X-ray stations in France and Belgium. • The laboratories of the Radium Institute at the University of Paris opened in 1914, and the Curie Foundation was established in 1920 to work toward applying radium in medical procedures. Marie’s daughter Irene joined her mother in her research at the Institute.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was British author Oscar Wilde who made the following sage observation: “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” • Those who study such things say that if you drink 100 cups of coffee in a row, it’s likely to kill you. • You might have heard that George Washington’s dentures were made of wood, but in fact, they were made of hippopotamus ivory. • In 1900, a prairie dog colony was found in Texas. That’s not surprising -- prairie dogs are fairly common out West -- but this colony was unique. Researchers say it was the largest colony ever discovered, providing a home to 400 million prairie dogs and stretching over 25,000 square miles. • If you’ve read “Alice in Wonderland” or seen any of the numerous adaptations of it, you probably know about the Mad Hatter. But did you ever wonder why he was mad? It seems that haberdashers (those who

make hats) at one time used mercury to cure the felt they needed for the hats. Longterm exposure to mercury causes madness, hence the phrase “mad as a hatter.” • Martin Van Buren was the first president to be born a citizen of the United States. • To earn a world record, a woman named Sonya Thomas ate 65 hard-boiled eggs in 6 minutes, 40 seconds. • The female long-tailed shrew gives birth to exactly one litter of pups in her lifetime -- and promptly dies. • Our modern word “salary” comes from the Latin “salarium,” or “salt money.” Salarium was the monthly wages given to Roman soldiers in ancient times -- paid in salt. * * * Thought for the Day: “Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.” -- Jose Maria de Eça de Queiroz © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Marie Curie certainly passed on her brilliance to the next generation. In 1934, her daughter Irene and her husband discovered artificial radioactivity, an accomplishment for which they received a Nobel Prize in 1935. Unfortunately, Marie did not live to see her daughter’s award. Seemingly unaware of the effects of radioactivity on human health during all her years of research, Marie contracted leukemia, most likely due to her prolonged exposure. She died a few months after Irene’s discovery. Sadly, Irene developed leukemia as well and died from the effects of radiation exposure. The Curies’ notebooks recording their research remain so radioactive today that they still cannot be handled without protection, and are stored in lead-lined boxes. • The name Curie is a household word among scientists, as it is used as the name of the unit of measure for radioactivity.


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NEW LOCATION: 210 Gateway Dr NE, East Grand Forks , MN 56721 n 218-793-0035 2475 107 32nd Ave. S. 210 Gateway Dr. NE E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658

Grand Forks, ND 701-746-0425

East Grand Forks, MN 218-793-0035

If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Grand n 218-281-3658MN 107Forks, E 2ND St,ND Crookston , MN 56716Crookston,



If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

THOMAS JEFFERSON Quotes “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give it to those who would not.” ********* “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved


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Moments in time

• On March 1, 1692, in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, three women are charged with the illegal practice of witchcraft after two young girls experienced fits and other mysterious maladies. During the next few months, area residents incriminated more than 150 women and men. • On Feb. 27, 1864, the first Union inmates begin arriving at Andersonville prison in Georgia. Andersonville became synonymous with death as nearly a quarter of its inmates died in captivity. Confederate camp commander Henry Wirz was executed after the war for brutality and mistreatment under his command.

• On March 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signs the JonesShafroth Act, under which Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans were granted statutory citizenship. As citizens, Puerto Ricans could now join the U.S. Army, but few chose to do so. After Wilson signed a compulsory military service act two months later, however, 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted to serve during World War I. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

The History Channel

• On Feb. 26, 1928, R&B legend Antoine “Fats” Domino is born in New Orleans. His most memorable hit was “Blueberry Hill” in 1956. After Hurricane Katrina, he was reported missing from his home in the Lower Ninth Ward, but luckily had been rescued early in the storm. • On March 3, 1952, in a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a New York state statute (the Feinberg Law) that prohibits communists from teaching in public schools. The law remained in force until another Supreme Court decision in 1967 declared most of its provisions unconstitutional. • On Feb. 25, 1964, 22-year-old Cassius Clay dethrones heavyweight boxing champ Sonny Liston in a seventh-round technical knockout. Clay had predicted he would “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” to defeat Liston, the 8-1 favorite. • On Feb. 28, 1983, the celebrated sitcom “M*A*S*H” bows out after 11 seasons. Its title came from the initials for the “Mobile Army Surgical Hospital,” an isolated forward compound that received wounded soldiers and was staffed by the show’s cast of doctors and nurses.


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Chadwick Parkinson Wick Publications 701-772-8239 P.O. Box 12861 wickpub@yahoo.com Grand Forks, ND 58208

• The distinctive sound of the harmonica is achieved by blowing air into the instrument’s reed chambers. Each chamber has multiple reeds of varying sizes that vibrate when air is blown in or drawn out. Longer reeds will produce deep lower sounds, while the short reeds make higher pitches. The harmonica was developed in Europe in the early 1800s. • The prestigious Harvard University is America’s oldest institution of higher learning, established in 1636. It takes its name from an English clergyman, John Harvard, who was the first significant benefactor of the college, bequeathing his 400-volume library and half of his estate upon his death in 1638. The library’s humble beginnings have grown to the largest academic library in the United States. Eight U.S. presidents have graduated from Harvard, as well as 62 living billionaires. If you’re planning to attend this year, plan on handing over close to $55,000 for the tuition and related fees. • What are you eating if you’re dining on haricot vert? Green beans! Haricot translates from the French word for “beans” and vert means “green.” French cut green beans are longer and thinner and more tender.


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• That comic jester dressed in a diamond-patterned robe, tights, and mask is known as a harlequin. This nimble clown has been performing his acrobatics and occasional magic tricks since the 11th century. The romance novel publishing company that took the name of Harlequin was founded in 1949 by a Canadian businessman. Today, the Toronto-based company publishes novels in 31 languages on six continents, with offices in Japan, Australia, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Brazil, and Turkey, among many others. Since its founding, more than six billion books have been sold.


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HAR-HAR-HAR! (continued):

• In 1901, 21-year-old William S. Harley drafted DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): a blueprint of an engine designed to fit into a • It was while living in Illinois that John nobicycle. Two years later, he and his partner Articed the problems that farmers faced when thur Davidson offered the first Harley-Davidattempting to till soil. Because the area had son motorcycle the public, formerly been to woodland, the working soil wasout richof a with 10 x 15-foot wooden shed. Their first dealer hummus, which clumped and clung to opened for business the following year accusin Chithe blades of the plows farmers were cago. In 1906, their new factory was erected, tomed to using. While repairing a broken cirmeasuring x 80 stumbled feet. About 20,000 Harleycular saw,28 Deere upon an idea. He Davidson motorcycles were used by the U.S. employed his smith skills to fashion the steel bladeduring into theWorld shapeWar of aI,plow. Army with He halfaffixed of the two wooden spokes, then hitched device company’s production during thosethe years sold to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil to the military. This year, the company expects In fact, a farmer who happened tolike shipa charm. more than a quarter million motorcyto be observing the test run immediately put cles worldwide. in an order for his own John Deere plow.

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• A person described as harum-scarum lacks a • In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith sense of responsibility and behaves in a reckshop and focused on making plows. The less manner. It’s also the name of a 1965 Elvis company grew steadily and added many emPresley musical film,1840s, in which King plays ployees. In the late Johnthe relocated the a kidnapped American in the Middle East who entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed is of recruited a group of assassins. his ownbylack of education, JohnElvis’ sent 24th his album by tothethesame name released children state’s finestwas schools. One that of year. his proudest days occurred when son Charles equivalent of an Bell’s • If earned you’rethefamiliar with theMBA termsfrom picot and Commercial College in Chicago. Kloster block, you may be an experienced em•broiderer. With his These son Charles managing the company, stitches are performed on harJohn found to pursue philanthropic indanger fabric,time a woven cotton material, typiterests. He co-founded both the First Nationcally with 22 stitches per inch. The technique Bank and First Church. is althought to the have itsCongregational origins in ancient PerHe was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, sia. A picot is a decorative loop achieved by where one of his first actions – the replacetwisting the thread around the needle. Kloster ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer blocks consist of five parallel satin stitches. pipe system – saved countless lives by reducing the spread of disease.

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is Now Available at all the Grand Forks & EGF locations of:

• The original John Deere logo, registered in 1876, depicted a deer that was native to AfriTidbits ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was reisplaced Now Available with the image of a North American atwhite-tailed the Grand deer. ForksIn the decades that folof: lowed, location the now-familiar “outline” logo took over as the symbol of the John Deere brand. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.


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Sports Answers 1. 16 pounds 2. Jim Fregosi 3. Dallas Mavericks in 2011 4. 14 majors

5. Seven times 6. Five players 7. True 8. Three times

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