Tidbits March 7 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

March 7, 2013





Issue # 809

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MARCHING BANDS This Tidbits examines where and when marching bands originated and other trivial matters to help us stay in step with the bands. • The first marching bands started many centuries ago with military organizations. The needs of military groups to get thousands of troops moving in the same direction quickly, without mishaps, were best met if everyone stayed in rows, the same distance apart. Orderly movement was easiest if it was done in an organized manner. Because many groups did not have musical instruments, chants of, “Left – left, left, right, left,” giving instruction on which foot should be down helped accomplish the tasks. As military troops grew around the world, choruses of encouragement and sometimes humor were added. • When available, drums were added to help troops stay together as they progressed along the way. Musical instruments were added through the years and melodies were great for keeping soldiers encouraged and giving them a sense of pride. • During the Revolutionary War in America, soldiers marched to fifes and drums. The Civil War brought the development of drum and bugle corps. During the big wars: World War I and II, full brass, percussion and woodwind bands formed. turn the page for more! WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a We provide the opportunity for success!


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Quiz Bits

5. Which actress was married to Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra? 6. What decade was the first coinoperated pinball machine invented? 7. What year did AC/DC release the album Back in Black? 8. Who was the first U.S. president to be born an American citizen? 9. What was the name of cowboy actor Roy Rogers’ dog?


1. What is it called when a band marches in place with only their heels moving? 2. When the conductor or band director is not leading the band, who leads? 3. What other types of instruments are in an orchestra, but not in a marching band? 4. How many eyes does a bee have?


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MARCHING BANDS (continued): • Early military troops in Scotland and some places in Canada marched to drums and bagpipes. Some still use this style. • Military traditions are still used by modern marching bands. Bands usually march in formation and use orders of “attention”, “about face” and “forward march.” Most marching band uniforms resemble military uniforms. • The marching bands that most people think of are university, college, and high school bands that perform at football games and in parades. Halftime shows can be quite elaborate and require hours of training. • The marching band credited with the first modern halftime show at a football game was the Marching Illini of the University of Illinois in 1907. It occurred at a game against the University of Chicago. • The first band to break the tradition of military ranks and form a letter on the football field was Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The letter, of course, was the “Block P” for Purdue. The first time it was on the field was in 1907 under the direction of Paul Spotts Emrick who was the first band director and served the university band for 49 years, from 1905-1954. • Emrick came up with the plan for the “Block P” after seeing a flock of birds flying in a “V” formation. He decided that if birds could make a letter a band surely could replicate the action in a formation on a football field. The Purdue “All American” Marching Band still forms the P before every home game. • Purdue is also known for what is considered to be the “World’s Largest Bass Drum.” The original drum built by Leedy Corporation in Indianapolis in 1921 is still used today.

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©2012 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved TRANSPORTATION

4. How many times has Pittsburgh’s Evgeni Malkin been the runner-up for the Hart Me1. Who holds the pitching record morial Trophy (NHL MVP)? for most consecutive batters 5. Who was the last NASCAR struck out? Cup season champion to 2. Name the last major-league drive a Dodge before Brad team before the 2011 PhilaKeselowski in 2012? delphia Phillies to win more 6. Who was the last American than 100 games in the regular soccer player before Abby season and not reach the Wambach in 2012 to win World Series? the FIFA women’s World 3. Who was the last teen to win Player of the Year award? a singles title in a Grand Slam 7. What NBA player has won the women’s tennis event? most reg. season MVP awards?


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MARCHING BANDS (continued): • The large drum is about eight feet (2.4 m) in diameter, nearly four feet (1.22 m) wide between the drum heads and more than 10 feet (3 m) high when mounted on the field carriage built for rolling it around. A crew of four bandsmen handling the drum must have accurate timing and placement for the two beaters to keep accurate time with the band.

• Colonel D. Harold Byrd, a Texas Longhorn band supporter purchased Bertha from the University of Chicago in 1955. Bertha’s dimensions are eight feet (2.4 m) in diameter, 54 inches (1.37 m) wide and more than 10 feet (3 m) high when mounted on her trailer. Called the “sweetheart of the Longhorn band,” Big Bertha is escorted by the “Bertha Crew.” • Members of the Kappa Kappa Psi fraternity of Purdue challenged their Texas fraternity brothers to a drum showdown in 1961 to settle the question of which band had the largest bass drum. They planned the showdown at the fraternity’s national convention in Wichita, Kansas. Purdue kept its side of the promise and loaded their drum on a truck and headed west. They stopped in Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City and Topeka, pushing their drum through the streets showing off.


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• Big Bertha is the large drum that belongs to the University of Texas. Created for the University of Chicago, Bertha’s first game was when Chicago played Princeton on October 23, 1922. When Chicago stopped its football program, band at the university was also discontinued. At that time, the large drum was put in storage.


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If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Crookston, MN Grand 107Forks, E 2ND St,ND Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658



If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.


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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Rural clubs for youth across the United States used the three-leaf clover for their symbol in 1907. The three leaves represented head, hear, and hands. In 1909, the emblem was changed to four leaves and another “h” was added: health. In 1924 the clubs became known as 4-H clubs, dedicated to teaching citizenship, leadership and life skills.

MARCHING BANDS (continued): • When the Purdue students and their drum arrived in Wichita, they discovered that their Texas fraternity brothers didn’t bring their drum. By default, Purdue declared their drum as the “World’s Largest Drum.” Since then, the exact measurements of the Purdue Big Bass Drum have been kept secret, preserving the mystique of its existence. • Marching bands exist in universities, colleges, senior and junior high schools for more than just football games. They also perform at other school events and parades. Many large parades across the country are magnificent venues for marching bands. • The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade is one of the famous parades that marching bands love to participate in. There are usually about a dozen bands that are chosen from entries received from the band directors. Having a unique feature helps a band get chosen. Participants have come from all 50 states and even as far away as Guatemala. A band that always performs and is a crowd favorite represents New York’s own police department (NYPD). • Independence Day (Fourth of July) parades across the nation are filled with patriotic floats and marching bands playing patriotic music. One of the largest parades is, naturally, the National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D. C. The 2012 parade had 28 bands mostly from military units and high schools. There were also marching platoons from all of the military services: Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. • Marching bands put in many hours of practice and training to get their steps and tunes right. Many dedicated musicians get as much of a thrill by participating in marching drills as they do in hearing the music.

Presidential Quotes: “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” ~ Ronald Reagan

: i The Earth spins so fast that someone

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Eleanor Roosevelt was shy as a child but became one of the most outspoken First Ladies to ever live in the White House. • Born October 11, 1884, in New York City, to Anna Hall and Elliott Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was named after her mother. When Eleanor’s mother died in 1892 she and her siblings went to live with their maternal grandmother. Her father died two years later in 1894. He was the younger brother of Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States from 19011909.


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• Eleanor was a very shy child but being of wealthy Roosevelt heritage she received an excellent education at Allenswood, a boarding school in London from 1899 to 1902. With the education and maturity, Eleanor developed self-confidence that lead her to become a leader among women of her era. • After her return from England, Eleanor met a handsome Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) in her affluent circle of friends. The distant cousins became engaged in 1903 and married in 1905. • According to genealogical records Eleanor and FDR were fifth cousins, once removed. The closest mutual ancestor was Nicholas Roosevelt. One of his sons was FDR’s great-greatgreat grandfather; another son was Eleanor’s great-great-great-great grandfather. • President Theodore Roosevelt, Eleanor’s uncle, walked her down the aisle and had the honor of “giving her away” in marriage. • Franklin and Eleanor had six children in the next eleven years; one son died as an infant. They also had to contend with Sara, FDR’s mother who tried to run their lives in their early years of married life!


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ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (continued): • With Eleanor’s encouragement and support FDR entered politics and served in the New York state senate from 1910-1913. It was in Albany, the state capital of New York, that Eleanor started her own rise to fame as an able political helpmate. • When FDR served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy from 1913-1920 during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, Eleanor gained tremendous knowledge of Washington and national politics. • When her husband was stricken with polio in 1921, and lost the use of his legs for the remainder of his life. Mrs. Roosevelt devoted her time to caring for him. She also became active in the State Democratic Committee women’s division to keep FDR’s interest in politics piqued.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was screenwriter, playwright, novelist, director and producer Ben Hecht who made the following sage observation: “Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.” • Those who study such things say that the Earth spins faster on its axis in September than it does in March. • When the TV show “Bewitched” first started filming, the star, Elizabeth Montgomery, was just a month away from giving birth to her first child, so the first five episodes were shot almost in their entirety without her. It wasn’t until the baby was a few weeks old that she was able to go on the set to film her scenes. • If you’re a fan of the Beatles, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that during the decade of the 1960s, they had more top 10 hits and more No. 1 records than any other recording artist.

• Before the June 1944 invasion of Normandy, a crossword puzzle that was printed in the London Daily Telegraph contained the words “mulberry,” “Neptune,” “Omaha,” “overlord” and “Utah.” That may not seem to be a fact of much interest, but it turns out that those were all secret code words used by the Allied military in planning the upcoming offensive. The puzzle’s author, a schoolteacher, was tracked down and interrogated, but the puzzle’s content was ultimately chalked up to coincidence. • The country’s first pay phone was installed in a bank in Hartford, Conn., in 1889. It cost 5 cents to place a call, the equivalent of $1.25 today. * * * Thought for the Day: “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” -- Albert Einstein © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Eleanor encouraged and supported her husband as Governor of New York and later, in 1933, as President of the United States. She “became his eyes and ears” and the closest confidant for her husband, helping and understanding during the trying times of his presidency, which included the “Great Depression” and World War II. • Mrs. Roosevelt changed the role of First Lady. She greeted and entertained thousands with her charm. She expressed her opinions in a daily syndicated newspaper column entitled “My Day,” gave press conferences, travelled all around the country, gave lectures and participated in radio broadcasts. • After FDR’s death in 1945, Eleanor was selected as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, serving from 1945 to 1953. She became the chair of the UN’s Human Rights Commission and helped write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She considered this one of her greatest achievements.

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STAR H MAP Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

by Linda Thistle



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NEW LOCATION: 210 Gateway Dr NE, East Grand Forks , MN 56721 n 218-793-0035 2475 107 32nd Ave. S. 210 Gateway Dr. NE E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658

Grand Forks, ND 701-746-0425

East Grand Forks, MN 218-793-0035

If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll E.during 2ndthe St. 2600 DeMers refund the tax prep fee for that Ave. return. Refund claims must107 be made calendar year in n 218-793-0035 NEW LOCATION: Gateway Dr NE,OBTP# East Grand Forks , MN which the210 return was prepared. B13696 ©2012 HRB56721 Tax Group, Inc. Crookston, MN Grand Forks, ND 107 E 2ND St, Crookston , MN 56716 n 218-281-3658


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If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2012 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

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Moments in time • On March 17, 1762, in New York City, the first parade honoring the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is held by Irish soldiers serving in the British army. Early Irish settlers to the American colonies, many of whom were indentured servants, brought the Irish tradition of celebrating St. Patrick’s feast day to America. • On March 11, 1818, “Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus,” is published. The book, by 21-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, is frequently called the world’s first science-fiction novel.

The History Channel

• On March 14, 1950, the Federal Bureau of Investigation institutes the “Ten Most Wanted” list in an effort to publicize particularly dangerous fugitives. The creation of the program arose out of a news story in 1949 about the “toughest guys” the FBI wanted to capture. • On March 15, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson addressed a joint session of Congress to urge the passage of legislation guaranteeing voting rights for all. On Aug. 6, 1965, Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act.

• On March 15, 1972, “The Godfather” -- a three-hour epic chronicling the lives of the Corleones, an ItalianAmerican crime family led by the powerful Vito Corleone -- is released in theaters. “The Godfather” was adapted from the best-selling book • On March 13, 1944, Britain an- of the same name by Mario Puzo. nounces that all travel between • On March 16, 1985, in Beirut, Ireland and the United Kingdom Lebanon, Islamic militants kidnap is suspended, the result of the American journalist Terry AnderIrish government’s refusal to ex- son. On Dec. 4, 1991, Anderson’s pel Axis-power diplomats within its captors finally released him afborders. Ireland stood its ground. ter 2,455 days. Anderson spent his entire captivity blindfolded. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. • On March 12, 1933, eight days after his inauguration, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gives his first national radio address, or “fireside chat,” broadcast from the White House. Roosevelt made sure each address was understandable to ordinary Americans.

Whether you spend hours seeking a four-leaf clover or have a favorite rabbit’s foot that you rub, you may wonder about the origins and realities of symbols of good luck. • The plant that is considered to be the original shamrock is the white clover, trifolium repens, plant. These true shamrocks sometimes produce four-leaf clovers. The way to know that these are the real thing is that the fourth leaf is smaller than the other three leaves. • According to the Free Online Encyclopedia, a shamrock is “a plant with leaves composed of three leaflets. According to legend it was used by St. Patrick in explaining the doctrine of the Trinity; it is now used as the emblem of Ireland.” • St. Patrick was actually born in Britain, kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave when he was only 16. He later escaped and then returned to Ireland as a missionary. He used the native clover to explain the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and is credited with bringing Christianity to the Irish people. • With four-leaf clovers it is said that the first leaf is for faith, the second for hope, the third for love and the fourth for luck. In Irish tradition, the regular shamrock or 3-leaf clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for each person of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When a fourth leaf exists on a shamrock it is said to represent God’s grace. • The native 3-leaf clover, called a Shamrock, is the most popular national symbol of Ireland.

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Find at least 6 differences in details between panels

GOOD LUCK! (continued):

• According to age-old legend, Eve carried a DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): four-leaf clover from the Garden of Eden.

• It was while living in Illinois that John no• Sirticed Johnthe Melton wrotethat in 1620, “Iffaced a manwhen walkproblems farmers ing in the fields find any four-leaved grass, attempting to till soil. Because the area hadhe shall in a small while afterthefind formerly been woodland, soilsome was good rich thing.” with hummus, which clumped and clung to thepeople bladeswho of the plows were accus• For look morefarmers to “luck” than spirtomed to using. While repairing a broken itual symbolism from clover, the leaves cirof a cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He four-leaf clover representa four lucky characemployed his smith skills to fashion the steel teristics: love, health, respect and wealth. blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed • Intwo thewooden Celtic religion of the Druids early spokes, then hitched the in device Irish wasthea heavy mystical number. to a history, horse. Itthree plowed Illinois soil They the shamrock a sacred plant like considered a charm. In fact, a farmer who happened to be observing theleaves test run immediately put because of its three that formed a triad, in an order for his own John Deere plow. also called a trifoliolate plant. In short order, Deerebelieved gave up his • •Early Celts of Wales thatblacksmith white closhop and focused on making plows. The ver, held in high esteem, would protect against company grew steadily and added many emevil spirits.

missing. 4. Cat is missing. 5. Arms are switched. 6. Heart is different.

Differences: 1. Birdhouse is missing. 2. Hat is different. 3. Purse is

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Sports Answers


1. Tom Seaver of the N.Y. Mets with 10 (1970) 2. N.Y. Yankees in 2004 3. Maria Sharapova won U.S. Open in 2006 at age 19

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ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the • The “luck of the Irish” is spoken about as much entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed inofAmerica as it is in Ireland. In fact, his own lack of education, John sentmany his Irish traditions rooted more in American children to the are state’s finest schools. One of heritage than Irish. his proudest days occurred when son Charles the equivalent of an is MBA from Bell’s • St.earned Patrick’s Day in Ireland a religious holiCommercial College in Chicago. day. Many businesses close for the day so fam-

•ilies With son Charles managing company, canhisspend time together. St.the Patrick’s Day John found in time to pursue incelebrations America arephilanthropic more American terests. than Irish!He co-founded both the First National Bank and the First Congregational Church. • The Charitable Irish Society of Boston held He was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, the first St. Dayactions celebration Amerwhere onePatrick’s of his first – the in replaceicament in 1737. of the city’s open drains with a sewer pipe systemthe – saved countless lives by • Shamrocks, three-leaf varieties, arereducworn ing the spread of disease. by many in America and Ireland on St. Pat-

Day to celebrate Irish heritage. Coun•rick’s The original John Deere logo, registered in ty1876, Cork,depicted Ireland,a deer is known fornative its growth that was to Afri-of shamrock plants. Several million are ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, itplants was regrown shipped all over worldAmerican every St. placedand with the image of athe North white-tailed deer. the In area. the decades that folPatrick’s Day from lowed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading over as the symbol of the John Tidbits! Deere brand. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.

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