Tidbits May 2 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

May 2, 2013





Issue # 816

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by Patricia L. Cook

Children who are afraid of the dark often need a small night light to help them overcome their fear. This Tidbits is about small and large lights in the dark as well as neon lights that shine in some pretty fancy ways! • Even on very dark nights, if you let your eyes adjust it is possible for most people to see well enough to walk around. • The moon at night shining in the dark is not actually a light source since it does not produce its own light. The moon is visible because of the sun’s light that bounces off of it back to earth. When we see different phases (or sizes) of the moon it is because the earth revolves around the sun and the moon orbits the earth. The part of the moon that is reflecting depends on the angles or relative positions of the earth, moon and sun. • The earth’s orbit also changes our view of the stars at night even though the stars are in fixed patterns. Astronomers who named many of the stars and constellations (named patterns of stars) years ago gave them Greek and Roman names that are still used today. • The most well-known constellations are the “Big Dipper” and “Little Dipper.” The “dippers” are part of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which mean Greater Bear and Smaller Bear. turn the page for more!

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Why Medicap Pharmacy? WhyDrive-Thru Medicap Pharmacy? Window.

NIGHT LIGHTS (continued): • Many children the world over hear a song about Drive-Thru Window. the night sky long before they learn to talk. “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star was published by a large store just to pick up my medicine.” a large store just to pick up my medicine.” - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient Jane Taylor and her sister, Ann, in England in - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient 1806. Their second book of children’s poems, Rhymes for the Nursery, includes the poem, HOURS HOURS The Star, written with five verses. Only the M-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 Sat. 9-1:30 first verse is widely sung, with an occasional Sat. 9-1:30 JeffJeff Theige R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Jeff Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 addition of verse two.

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Quiz Bits

7. What is a common name for the medical condition alopecia? 8. Which group released the hit songs “Where Did Our Love Go,” and “Baby Love”? 9. What is the setting for the TV soap “Another World”? 10. On the 1980s TV sitcom “Night Court,” Harry had a “statue” of what animal in his office? What was the name of the baliff?


1. What is the chemical symbol for neon? 2. Name another gas that is used in neon lights? 3. What does “LED” stand for? 4. What color is a hippo’s sweat? 5. Toiletry items rank third in national TV advertising. What two categories rank higher? 6. What’s the capital of Portugal?



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• The tune for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is actually older than the poem. It originated in France, first seen in print in Paris in 1761. The tune was first associated with a French song, Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman, which is translated Ah! Will I tell you Mommy. It is still popular with French children. • Another “tune” that came from Paris was the quiet buzz of neon lights. Georges Claude, a chemist, engineer, and inventor was a pioneer in the development of neon lighting. • Neon gas was first discovered in 1898. The word neon was chosen for the gas from the Greek word “neos” which means “new gas.” • Two predecessors to neon lights were the Geissler Moore tubes that used pressurized gas in tubes with electric volts to make colorful lights. When neon was discovered it proved to be a more lasting gas for tube lights. Neon was in short supply until Georges Claude’s company, “Air Liquide,” began producing large quantities. Claude made his first neon light in 1902 and first displayed his invention at the Paris Motor Show in December, 1910, with two 39 foot long (12 m) bright red tubes of neon light. • Claude received his first patent for neon lighting in Paris in 1911 and another in the United States in 1915.

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sports Quiz

5. Who finished with a higher career free throw shooting percentage: Wilt Chamber1. Who was the last pitcher belain or Shaquille O’Neal? fore Detroit’s Justin Verlander 6. Sam Snead holds the record in 2011 to reach 20 wins for most career PGA tour before the end of August? victories with 82. How many 2. Which two NFL quarterbacks of them were majors? combined to throw for 1,000 7. In 2012, center Andrew Byyards in a game in 2012? num became the fifth Laker 3. Who was the first heavyto have 30 or more rebounds weight boxer to regain the in a game. Name three of the undisputed world title? first four to do it? 4. What MLB team had the 8. What team won the Super fewest hits in 2012? Bowl with the fewest points?

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NIGHT LIGHTS (continued): • (There is some historical evidence that Perley G. Nutting, a physicist who started the Optical Society of America, displayed the first neon light at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904.) • The first commercial neon sign was sold to a barber shop in Paris in 1912, by Jaques Fonseque, an associate of Claude. • When red and blue tubes of neon lights were installed decorating the Paris Opera House in 1919, the colors became known as “Opera Colors.” • Claude sold the first neon sign in America, actually two, to a Packard Car dealership in Los Angeles in 1923. The price: $24,000! Neon quickly caught on in the advertising world. • The “liquid fire” signs began dominating outdoor advertising displays in American cities from Times Square in New York to Los Angeles. Las Vegas quickly became a city filled with neon on the borders of signs and buildings, architectural accents and even neon animations. • Today, many of the first neon signs and displays in Las Vegas have become part of the Neon Museum.


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The Museum has three components: the Downtown Gallery, the Neon Boneyard, and the Las Vegas Signs project. • By the way, Georges Claude was imprisoned from 1945-1949 by the French government for collaborating with the Germans in World War II. • Claude’s patents were good but they did not stop others from “taking off” from his work. Charles J. Wamser created his sign company with neon technology that was slightly different from Claude’s patents.

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NIGHT LIGHTS (continued): • Wamser’s company, Sheet Metal Products, Inc., was started in a rented garage in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and started mass producing signs in the late 1920s. His company, now named Everbrite, is still a worldwide leader in the lighting and branding of companies.

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• Many of the “neon” signs that dotted the landscapes in North America were not all neon. People use the name “neon” for lights of all colors but actually neon lights are red. Other gases used with neon produce different colors. Argon is most widely used, along with mercury and phosphor. There are now over 150 colors that can be produced.


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• Neon signs were most popular in the 1950s. By the 1960s neon lights were being replaced with cheaper lighting.

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It was a really hot day at the office. There were about twenty people in close quarters and everyone was sweating, even with a fan on. All of a sudden, people started to wrinkle their noses at an odor passing through the air. One man said, “Uh oh, someone’s deoderant isn’t working.” The guy from the distant corner replied, “It can’t be me. I’m not wearing any.”

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• Artists and historians have not only helped to revive the “retro” looking neon signs in cities and along highways, but “Neon Art” is now considered at art form. • Not only can you see old neon in the museum in Las Vegas, new and specialized neon art is on display in Los Angeles. In 1981, the Museum of Neon Art (MONA) opened, being the only museum in the world to specialize in neon as an art. • Whether you prefer your night light in a small electric bulb or out in a city looking at the fancy displays or on a camping trip looking at stars and the moon in the sky, these all provide wonderful lights in the dark of night.


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• As in fashion, many things of old come back to be popular again. In 1999, the Route 66 Corridor Restoration Act, helped to put neon signs of old back in the public eye. Many of the monuments to the past, including the neon signs that dotted Route 66 were restored and reinstalled.

: i A shark can live for six weeks


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Susan B. Anthony was a woman ahead of her times in many ways. She held abolitionist views along with her Quaker family and was a part of the “feminist movement” many years before it became a large movement in the 1960s. • Born on February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony was the second of eight children born to Daniel and Lucy Anthony in Adams, Massachusetts. Her father owned the local cotton mill until the business failed in the late 1830s. He moved his family several times, ultimately establishing roots in Rochester, New York.


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• Her parents were actively involved in ending slavery and leading abolitionist were often guests in the Adams’ home. She heard the views of Frederick Douglass, Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Garrison, active speakers against slavery, often when they visited.

• Anthony attended a Quaker school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and ultimately entered the teaching profession. She became the preceptress, or lady principal, at Canajoharie Academy, in Canajoharie, New York for two years in the late 1840s. At age 26, she earned $110 per year at the academy. • After Anthony left the academy, she went on to speak at teacher’s conventions in New York and Massachusetts, calling for equal educational opportunities at all schools, including colleges and universities. • Anthony worked as an agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1856, promoting the cause up until the Civil War. She met Elizabeth Cady Stanton and joined with her as a major speaker and contributor to seek more rights for women and end slavery.


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was nationally syndicated newspaper columnist L.M. Boyd who made the following sage observation: “Anyone who eats three meals a day should understand why cookbooks outsell sex books three to one.” • The game of Chinese checkers did not come from China; it was invented in Great Britain in the 19th century. The game’s original name was Halma. • We usually think of Spain as a warm country, so it might surprise you to learn that the nation has 13 glaciers. • Doubtless you’ve heard of India’s Taj Mahal, but did you know that there is a tourist attraction in America that is so grand, it is popularly known as the Taj Mahal of the West? In 1968, a group of Hare Krishnas founded the New Vrindaban Community near Wheeling, W.Va. Though they began on 100 acres with no electricity or running water, the community now covers more than 1,200 acres and features Prabhupada’s Palace

of Gold, an ornate edifice of gold, marble and handcarved teakwood. The awardwinning rose garden alone is said to be worth a trip. • If you’re a dog lover, you might have used your beloved pet as a foot warmer from time to time. This is by no means a modern practice; the Aztecs were fond of a certain breed of small, hairless dogs to accomplish the task. • Despite popular opinion, the dictator Napoleon was not particularly short. He measured 5 feet, 6 inches tall, which was the average height for a Frenchman at that time. • Those who study such things say that if you’re like the average person, you can go 11 days without water -- provided the temperature never gets above 60 degrees F. * * * Thought for the Day: “Everyone is a genius at least once a year; a real genius has his original ideas closer together.” -- Georg Lichtenberg

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SUSAN B. ANTHONY (continued): • Following the Civil War, Anthony focused more on women’s rights. In 1866, with Stanton, she helped establish the American Equal Rights Association. The organization was very vocal in calling for equal rights for all regardless of sex or race. • In 1868, Anthony and Stanton produced a weekly publication, The Revolution, used to promote the cause of women’s rights. The motto for the paper was “Men their rights, and nothing more; women their rights, and nothing less.” • Anthony and Stanton continued working together when founding the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869. (Suffrage means “the right to vote.”) Anthony spoke around the nation. (This organization merged with a similar one and became the National American Woman Suffrage Association – NAWSA). • Anthony never married. She devoted her life to fighting for the rights of herself as a woman and others, including those of minority races. • Anthony met with President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905, to lobby for an amendment to give women the right to vote. She never gave up – but she never saw the change she worked so hard for, dying in 1906. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving all adult women the right to vote, was not ratified until 1920. • The U.S. Mint officially released Susan B. Anthony Dollar coins on July 2, 1979, in Rochester, New York, the city where Anthony lived during her most politically active years. Anthony was the first woman to be honored with her likeness on a coin in the U.S.. The mint produced 888,842,452 Susan B. Anthony coins, which are either in collectors’ hands or in circulation today.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.


by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.



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CONTRAILS The long white trails of clouds that are formed when airplanes fly across the sky are called contrails. When the “friendly skies” are busy there are many crisscrossing lines. • The word contrail is short for “condensation trail.” Webster’s Dictionary defines contrails as “streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by an airplane or rocket at high altitudes.”

Moments in time

The History Channel

• On May 8, 1884, Harry S Truman is born in Lamar, Mo. Upon President Franklin Roosevelt’s death in 1945, Truman became the 33rd president of the United States. After four months in office, Truman authorized the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, believing it ultimately saved American and Japanese lives by forcing Japan to surrender.

Bannister won the mile race with a time of 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.

• On May 11, 1947, the B.F. Goodrich Company of Akron, Ohio, announces it has developed a tubeless tire. The disadvantage of the old inner tube design was that if the inner tube failed, the tire would blow out immediately, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

time, rivaled only by “I Love Lucy.”

• On May 7, 1960, Leonid Brezhnev, one of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev’s most trusted proteges, is selected as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet -- the Soviet equivalent to the presidency. Brezhnev took control of the USSR in 1964 when Khrush• On May 12, 1932, the body of avia- chev was removed from power. tion hero Charles Lindbergh’s baby is • On May 9, 1971, the last original found more than two months after he episode of the sitcom “The Honwas kidnapped from his family’s New eymooners,” starring Jackie GleaJersey mansion. After numerous ran- son, airs. Despite its brief life as som notes, the baby was found less a traditional sitcom, “The Honeythan a mile from the home. He had mooners” remains one of the most been killed the night of the kidnapping. memorable TV comedies of all • On May 10, 1994, in South Africa, Nelson Mandela is sworn in as the first black president of South Africa. In his inaugural address, Mandela, who spent 27 years of his life as a political prisoner of the South African govern• On May 6, 1954, in Oxford, England, ment, declared that “the time for the 25-year-old medical student Roger healing of the wounds has come.” Bannister cracks the four-minute mile. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Contrails are considered “man-made” clouds since they are formed by airplane exhausts. Water vapor condenses and freezes when air around planes and particles (aerosols) from the exhausts hits the cold temperatures present at high altitudes where airplanes fly. • Contrails are formed above 30,000 feet, which is approximately 5-6 miles (9-10 km) above the earth where the air is extremely cold; less than -40° F (-40° C). • An interesting way to think of contrails is to compare when you exhale warm moist air in cold winter temperatures and “see your breath.” The damp, warm air coming from your lungs adds moisture to the air forming condensation. Usually the condensation from your breath evaporates in less than a second. Condensation from jet airplanes, in the form of contrails, can last quite a while, sometimes even for hours if the conditions are right. • Just like natural clouds, contrails are made of water and ice crystals. Depending on air conditions, contrails can last only a few minutes and be fairly small or they can grow miles long and remain visible for hours. The tiny moisture droplets in contrails freeze instantly and can’t evaporate or melt. They eventually fade away in what is called “sublimation,” when the solid particles turn to gas. It is the same situation as when dry ice ‘dissolves’ back into the air.

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com


Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208


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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks



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CONTRAILS (continued): • The first recorded spotting of a contrail hapDEERE. DEERE. (continued): pened overJOHN Italy in 1915 by a man named •Ettenreich It was while living in Illinois that John nowho said, “the condensation of a ticed thestripe problems cumulus from that the farmers exhaust faced gaseswhen of an attempting till soil. thethe area aircraft” wastovisible for Because a while in sky.had formerly been woodland, the soil was rich • Real in contrails and more withinterest hummus, which clumped and published clung to reports cameof about during World WaraccusII. It the blades the plows farmers were was at that time that more aircraft were protomed to using. While repairing a broken cirduced in stumbled combat that had ability cular and saw,used Deere upon anthe idea. He toemployed reach high altitudes. his smith skills to fashion the steel blade intoofthe shape working of a plow.together He affixed • Hundreds aircraft over two wooden spokes, then hitched the device Europe generated so many contrails that forto a horse. plowed the heavy Illinois soilto mations wereIthard to keep and targets hard likeOn a charm. In fact, positions a farmer who happened find. the contrary, could be spotto be observing the test run immediately putto ted by the enemy making aircraft vulnerable in an order for his own John Deere plow. enemy attack. short order,anDeere gave up his blacksmith • •H.InAppleman, American scientist, in 1953, shop and focused on making plows. The and E. Schmidt, a scientist in Germany, incompany grew steadily and added many emdependently studied contrails and developed ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the the theory of contrail formation, called the entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed Schmidt-Appleman still his acof his own lack of Criterion education,that Johnis sent cepted today. children to the state’s finest schools. One of his proudest occurred when sonscientists Charles • The accepteddays theory of the two earned the equivalent of an MBA from Bell’s “showed that the threshold temperature deCommercial in pressure, Chicago. temperature pended on theCollege ambient humidity the aircraft, and on the •and With his sonoutside Charlesof managing the company, ratio of water vapor and heat released intointhe John found time to pursue philanthropic atmosphere by the aircraft exhaust.” Appleterests. He co-founded both the First Nationman published a chart that is used to determine al Bank and the First Congregational Church. if He andwas when aircraft elected the produce mayor ofcontrails. Moline in 1873, where onebiggest of his first actions – the replace• One of the events that allowed scienment of the city’s open drains with a sewer tists to observe the absence of contrails happipe system – saved countless lives by reducpened after the attacks on America on Septeming the spread of disease. ber 11, 2001. The skies were cleared of traffic, •except The original John Deereaircraft, logo, registered in for a few military for approxi1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afrimately 2 days. Even after these observations, ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was rethere is still not a definitive answer among placed with thethe image of aofNorth American scientists about effects contrails on the white-tailed deer. In the decades that folenvironment. lowed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took over as the symbol of the John Tidbits! Deere brand. Thanks for Reading Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.


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Quiz Answers

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Sports Answers 1. Curt Schilling (Arizona, 2002) 2. Detroit’s Matthew Stafford (520 yds) & Green Bay’s Matt Flynn (480) 3. Floyd Patterson in 1960 4. Astros had 1,276 hits

5. Shaq (.527) Wilt (.511) 6. 7 majors 7. Abdul-Jabbar, Baylor, Mikan Chamberlain 8. Dolphins won 14-7 over Redskins in Super Bowl VII

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2013 GMC Sierra

1500 4x4 Crew Cab


The GMC Sierra pictured above had the following installed by the Rydell Accessories Division: • KMC Chrome Rims with Bridgestone Dueler Tires • Belltech Lowering Kit • GMC Accessory Grille • GM Chrome Door Handles • GM Chrome Mirror Caps • Truck Armor Chrome Door Moldings • Putco Cross Rails • GM Painted Molded Mud Flaps • GM Rear Wheel House Liners • GM Chrome Tow Hooks • GO RHINO Stainless Exhaust Tip • Access Lorado Tonneau Cover • Access Bed Light • Reflex Spray-In Bed Liner • AstroStart Autostart • Suntek Window Tint • DeeZee Tailgate Assist • AMP Bed Step • Smoked Taillights & 3rd Brake Light • Weathertech Front & Rear Floorliners

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