Tidbits May 30 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

May 30, 2013





Issue # 820

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by Janet Spencer

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Come along with Tidbits as we consider the marvel of engineering called the human foot!

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• With 26 bones, 114 ligaments and 20 muscles, a foot is an amazing invention. A quarter of the bones in the human body are located in the feet. (Add in the bones in the hand, and that accounts for fully half of our bones.) Feet need to be structural marvels. • Consider that the average adult travels around 1,000 miles a year on foot, taking about 10,000 steps per day. A typical 70-year-old human will have walked a distance equivalent to going around the circumference of the earth four times. The feet strike the ground 17,000 times in a 20 mile marathon run, but even a mile of gentle walking subjects the feet to about 80 tons of weight. Feet must be sturdy. • Although 98% of us are born with healthy feet, 80 out of 100 Americans develop foot problems during their lifetime. At any given moment, about 30 million Americans suffer from foot problems, ranging from corns and ingrown nails to club feet and fallen arches. • Four times as many women as men deal with foot problems, mostly due to high heels. Podiatrists trace 95% of the 500 known foot ailments to ill-designed shoes or improper foot care. Turn the page for more!

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FEET FACTS (continued): • High heels prevent the ankles from absorbDrive-Thru Window. ing their normal share of the force of walking, “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through shunting it instead to the toes. A three-inch a large store just to pick up my medicine.” a large store just to pick up my medicine.” heel puts more than seven times the pressure - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient on the forefoot than a flat shoe. This promotes many foot ailments such as bunions, hammer HOURS HOURS toes, and neuroma, which is a painful thickenM-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 ing of the nerve that connects the toes. A study Sat. 9-1:30 Sat. 9-1:30 JeffJeff Theige R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Jeff Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 of 3,000 surgeries performed on the forefoot found that 87% of the bunion surgeries, 81% Complete hearing aid care of hammer toe surgeries, and 89% of the neu• Advanced Digital Technology roma surgeries were done on women’s feet. • FREE Hearing Evaluation • 60 Day Hearing Aid Trial • Service Most Makes

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What was the Skipper’s nickname for Gilligan in the TV show “Gilligan’s Island”? About 56,000 people have parts of 6. What is the name of the head their feet and lower legs amputatelf in the Keebler cookie comed each year due to what disease? mercials? What is the elf bakery The average man wears size 10½ referred to as? shoes. What size shoes does Sha- 7. Where are the adrenal glands quille O’Neal wear? located in the human body? 8. What date did the movie “Star Which is harder on your feet: Wars” debut in theaters? standing in one spot, or walking? How many color groups of propTRIVIA erty are in the game of Monopoly?



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• High heels also affect the knees. A study published in the British medical journal The Lancet showed that high heels cause strain and pressure on the joint that joins the kneecap and the underlying thigh bone. The rotational forces on the inner part of the knee joint were 23 percent higher when women participating in the study walked in heels than when they walked barefoot. • Surprisingly, the big toe has only two bones, while the rest of the toes have three. Although nearly every bone in the body has an official name, one exception is the toe bones. They are known only as “metatarsal digits #1-5.” A fourth-year medical student at Yale decided to undo the injustice by bestowing names on the toes. He called them porcellus fori, porcellus domi, porcellus carnivorus, porcellus nonvoratus, and porcellus plorans domun. In Latin, these names translate as little pig at market, baby pig at home, meat-eating piglet, small pig that has not eaten, and piggy crying all the way home. Some orthopedic surgeons have picked up his names, but doctors have not yet gone hog wild over the idea. • The measuring device in shoe shops is called a Brannock Device, after the inventor who designed it in the 1920s. The firm is still going strong.

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sports Quiz 1. In 2012, Alfonso Soriano became the sixth player in major-league history to have at least 1,000 RBIs, 350 HRs, 400 doubles and 250 steals. Name three of the first five. 2. T or F: The Arizona Cardinals were the first team in NFL history to block a punt and take the ball into the end zone for the winning touchdown in overtime.

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3. When was the last time an NCAA Tournament final in men’s basketball was decided by one point? 4. T or F: In March of 2013, the Pittsburgh Penguins became the first NHL team to go at least 10-0 in a full calendar month. 5. In this year’s shortened NHL season the Blackhawks finished the regular-season with the most points at 77. How many times did they lose back-to-back games?

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FEET FACTS (continued) • Not surprisingly, the place on the body where the skin is thickest is the heel of the foot, where it’s about 1/16th of an inch thick. Compare that to the thinnest skin on the body— the eyelids— at 2/1000 of an inch. Although the heel is the area on the body that is least sensitive to pain, it’s also the sweatiest area. The 125,000 sweat glands in a single foot can excrete as much as half a pint of sweat per day. Research done at the University of Miami centered on foot odor. How does a research team study foot odor? First you get a bunch of volunteers to sit with their feet in plastic bags. Then you have the laboratory staff sniff the feet. They discovered that people with foot odor had large numbers of a certain bacteria on their bodies— the same type of bacteria found in Limburger cheese. They also discovered that antibiotics can reduce the number of bacteria, and thus improve the smell of feet. Why some people carry large amounts of this bacteria and others don’t is still unknown, but is under investigation. It could be differences in a person’s sweat or pH balance. Since it’s not a good idea to take antibiotics to reduce odor, this valiant research team is now trying to find ways to keep bacteria from sticking to the skin, to prevent bacteria from getting a “foothold.” Around 80 million Americans suffer from smelly feet.

• One company called Sweet Feet combated foot odor with scented socks. Impregnated with various scents such as powder, citrus, strawberry, and peach, the footsie socks threw off a long-lasting fragrance. The odor remained even through many launderings and the socks cost about $20 per pair. • Many people do not wear the correct shoe size for their feet. Often this is because people stick to the size they were measured for when young and fail to realize that their feet change shape.

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by Linda Thistle

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Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.



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3. Apply an effective insect repellent. Repellents have improved. There are new repellents that are odorless and leave your skin feeling dry instead Enjoy the Outdoors of oily. Repellents this Summer! are still one of the best ways to avoid Here are 4 Simple ways to remosquito bites. duce the risk of West Nile virus and reduce the mosquitoes in your backyard: 1. Eliminate breeding habitat. Anything that holds water for up to seven days can produce 4. Apply a barrier treatment to mosquitoes. Get rid of the kill and fend water! off those pesky crit2. Make your property unattractters. Barrier ive for mossprays can quitoes. Keep give you your grass cut one to three short, hedges weeks of trimmed, etc. control from Mosquitoes a single aplike cool, shadplication. ed areas during hot sunny For information about mosquito control days. contact the Grand Forks Public Health Department at 701-787-8110 www.gfmosquito.com

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FOOT BINDING • The only thing worse for feet than high heels was the Chinese practice of foot-binding. A young girl’s feet were wrapped with a bandage ten feet long, strapped in a figure eight around the foot and ankle. It was tightened daily and pulled so taut that the four smallest toes were forced under the foot, breaking the bones. The bones in the arch of the foot would also break, forcing the arch into a sharp inverted “V” shape. Every two weeks the girl was given a pair of shoes two tenths of an inch smaller than the previous pair. Infection often resulted, sometimes followed by gangrene, amputation of toes, and even death. After two years, the ideally deformed foot fit a shoe only four inches long, and would proudly be called “lotus feet” or “lily feet.” Because women with lily feet could only put weight on their heels and couldn’t walk without pain, they hobbled with a mincing step which men considered charming. No one knows why the custom became habit, though it’s conjectured that the practice was popular because it prevented unhappy wives from running away. The practice began with the higher classes in order to prove that the family was so rich that the daughters didn’t need to work. However, a majority of low-class girls had their feet bound anyway in the hopes that they would find a high-class marriage. Only the most poverty-stricken families, whose daughters needed to work in the fields, failed to follow the practice. Beauty in the feet was considered more important that beauty in the face. Footbinding was the norm in China for a thousand years, until being outlawed in the Revolution of Sun Yat-Sen in 1911. A 1997 study of elderly women in Beijing who had suffered from foot binding in their youth found they tended to fall easily, were often unable to rise from a chair without help, could not squat, and had higher rates of osteoporosis.

: i It takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for

light to travel from the Sun to Earth. i Adults have as many as 1,500 dreams a year.

Women in History:

JEANA YEAGER • Jeana Yeager was born in 1952 in Texas. She studied drafting in high school, a skill that would later serve her well. At the age of 26 she earned her pilot’s license. She was most interested in becoming a helicopter pilot, but then became interested in high performance aircraft. She moved to California and got a job designing experimental planes. • In 1980, she met Dick Rutan at an air show in California, where he was a featured aerobatic flyer. Rutan and his brother ran their own aircraft company, designing new planes. Rutan hired Yeager to work with him, and they later fell in love. Over the next several years, she set several speed records as a test pilot for the planes Rutan was designing. • In 1981, Yeager and Rutan began working to design a plane that could circle the globe without landing or refueling. Yeager named the plane Voyager. Because it was a private endeavor, the plane was built using volunteer labor and donations. As it was being designed and constructed, Yeager underwent extensive training in ocean navigation and communications, expanded her flying credentials, and became one of the first civilians ever to complete an Air Force water survival training course.

• On December 14, 1986, the Voyager took off from Edwards Air Force Base in California, with Yeager and Rutan stationed in a cockpit about the size of a telephone booth. The wings, which were heavily loaded with fuel, scraped the pavement upon take-off and were damaged, but not badly enough to abort the mission. Traveling across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, over Africa, and then across the Atlantic before crossing the U.S., the flight was full of peril. They used much fuel avoiding a hurricane.

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” • According to some Native American tribes, all you have to do to make a wish come true is to catch a butterfly, whisper your wish to it and set it free. • If you drive a white automobile, you have a lot of company. There are more white cars in the United States than any other color. • You probably are aware that the names that foreign places are known by in the English language are not always the same as the names of those places in the local tongue. The capital of Russia is called Moskva in that country, and to Italians it’s not Venice, but Venezia. Not all names sound so similar, though; if you didn’t know the language, it would be nearly impossible to figure out that Ellinki Dimokra-

tia is what Greeks call their country, and that Konungariket Sverige is Sweden to the Swedish. South Korea is known locally as Han Kook, China is Zhonghua Renmin Gonghe Guo, and Finland is Suomen Tasavalta. • When Hernan Cortes reached the New World in the 1600s, he found the Aztecs drinking hot chocolate at their banquets. • President Franklin Delano Roosevelt added both a swimming pool and a movie theater to the White House. • You probably knew that cats were revered in ancient Egypt, but did you know that when a domestic cat died, the family went into mourning? Yep. People would shave their eyebrows to demonstrate their grief over the passing of their beloved pet. * * * Thought for the Day: “The nice thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore people they think it’s their fault.” -- Henry Kissinger

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

JEANA YAEGER (continued): • Libya refused to allow access to air space, requiring an unexpected detour. A fuel pump failed mid-flight causing an engine to shut down. Moreover, the craft was extremely difficult to fly. Unstable in the air, it required constant attention to keep it aloft. Constant engine noise left both pilots with hearing damage by the end of the flight, and chronic fatigue dogged their every moment. • Nine days after it had taken off, Voyager landed at Edwards Air Force, having traveled 26,366 miles at an average elevation of 11,000 feet. Whereas 3,500 people had been on hand to see them take off, about 55,000 people showed up to see them land, along with 23 news cameras. Yeager and Rutan had traveled 28,000 miles at an average speed of 116 mph. When they landed, they had eight gallons of fuel to spare, enough to have taken them only another 100 miles. • From a record standpoint, Rutan and Yeager became the first aviators to circumnavigate the globe nonstop, without landing or refueling in mid-flight. They also endured the longest flight up to that time, doubling the previous flight record for distance. President Ronald Regan awarded them with Presidential Citizen Medals of Honor, which had been bestowed only 16 times previously. They also received the Collier Trophy, aviation’s highest honor, and many other prestigious awards. • After the flight, Rutan and Yeager went on an extensive speaking tour in an attempt to raise enough money to pay off some of the debts incurred during the mission. • The Voyager is now displayed in the Smithsonian Institute next to other historic aircraft. Unfortunately, the relationship between Yeager and Rutan ended shortly after their historic flight, and they went their separate ways.

STAR H MAP Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

by Linda Thistle






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• Allied operatives in charge of the project secured the body of a soldier who had died of pneumonia. They made up fake ID papers which named him as Major William Martin. Two letters from Major Martin’s “girlfriend” named Pam were handwritten and placed in his pocket, along with a snapshot of a woman. In the letter she talked about their upcoming wedding, and they placed a bill from a jewelry store for an engagement ring in the billfold. A bill for an overnight stay at the Naval and Military Club was included, dated the day before the Major was to meet his unfortunate “death.” His pockets were filled with coins, keys, a pencil, cigarettes, matches, and theater ticket stubs. A watch was placed on one wrist. An ID tag was placed on a chain around his neck. A wallet in his back pocket contained two pictures of “Pam,” a book of stamps with two missing, and some money. Then they attached a briefcase to his body with a chain of the same type bank messengers use when carrying valuables. This would prevent the briefcase from floating away from the body, as well as alerting the Germans to the importance of the corpse.



• In World War II, the Allied forces decided to start re-taking Europe by wresting the island of Sicily out of the hands of the Axis. British Naval Intelligence concluded that enemy forces needed to be misled into believing the Allies were planning on storming the nearby island of Sardinia. Axis troops would be massed there, leaving Sicily unprotected. The question was how to fool the Germans. Thus was born one of the more unusual plots of World War II. The plan was to find a corpse, outfit it with fake ID, plant important documents on it that divulged the “secret” plans to invade Sardinia, then put it where the Germans would find it.

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MAJOR MARTIN (continued): • Fake letters from high ranking officers were DEERE. JOHN DEERE. placed in the briefcase. The(continued): letters discussed • how It was while living in Illinois noit could be possible to makethat theJohn Germans ticed the that would farmersbe faced when believe theproblems next attack on Sicily, attempting to till soil. Because the area had leaving Sardinia unprotected. formerly been woodland, the soil was rich • Next had towhich get theclumped body to and the Germans, withthey hummus, clung to bythemaking it appear as if his crashblades of the plows farmers plane were accuslanded into the sea. They knew that a German tomed to using. While repairing a broken cirsecret was stationed Huelva, Spain. cular agent saw, Deere stumbled at upon an idea. He Soemployed they commissioned a submarine to carry his smith skills to fashion the steel the body to the the shape coast of of aHuelva and affixed release blade into plow. He spokes, theninhitched device it.two Thewooden body was packed dry icethe to prevent to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil decomposition on the submarine. Major Mara charm. In fact, a farmer who happened tinlike was wrapped in a life jacket before being to be observing the test run immediately released to be sure the body would float. put The in an order into for his own John Deere plow. plan kicked action. short order, Deerefound gave up blacksmith • • AInSpanish fisherman thehis body. Military shop and focused on making plows. officers were summoned. A Naval officer The took company grew steadily and added many emthe briefcase and all personal documents. A ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the doctor, finding fluid in the lungs (due to pneuentire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed monia) announced that the death had been of his own lack of education, John sent his due to drowning. The body turned children to the state’s finest was schools. Oneover of tohis British diplomats, and they arranged a miliproudest days occurred when son Charles tary funeral. “Pam” sent theBell’s grave. earned the equivalent of flowers an MBAfor from The British asked that Major Martin’s briefCommercial College in Chicago. case be returned, and eventually it was. But • With his son Charles managing the company, examination showed that all the “secret” docJohn found time to pursue philanthropic inuments removed and terests.had He been co-founded both thethen Firstreplaced. National Bank and the First Congregational • German officials forwarded copiesChurch. of the He was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, documents all the way up to Hitler. German wherewent one to of reinforce his first actions – the replacetroops Sardinia. Submarines ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer moved out of Sicilian waters. pipe system – saved countless lives by reduc-

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• On 10, 1943, the Allies invaded Sicily ingJuly the spread of disease. incurring only slight losses. Even after the in• vasion The original Deere logo, registered in started,John the Germans were convinced 1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afriit was not a legitimate attack but merely a ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was rediversionary tactic. Allies liberated Sicily in placed with the image of a North American only 39 days and used it as a springboard for white-tailed deer. In the decades that folthe invasion of Italy. Major Martin logo served his lowed, the now-familiar “outline” took country well. over as the symbol of the John Deere brand. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.


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Sports Answers 3. It was 1989 1. Barry Bonds, Michigan over Andre Dawson, Seton Hall in Willie Mays, OT, 80-79. Alex Rodriguez, Gary Sheffield 4. True 5. Four times 2. True. (2008)

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