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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
June 13, 2013
Issue # 822
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POTATOES by Janet Spencer
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The potato is a member of the deadly nightshade family and its leaves are indeed poisonous. The tuber is not poisonous in the least, but it took a lot to overcome cultural fears surrounding the plant. Come along with Tidbits as we consider the humble but miraculous potato. • Potatoes originated in the Peruvian Andes. The Incas called them batatas. They were eating potatoes 2,000 years before Columbus set sail. There are over 5,000 kinds of potatoes growing in the Andes— so many types that the local language has 1,000 different words for potato. The Incas even measured time by how long it took a potato to cook. When the Spanish Conquistadors overran the land, they had never seen anything like the potato. They were forced to eat the strange new food when their own food supplies ran low. The potatoes they introduced to Europe turned out to be far more valuable than the gold that they killed for, but it took some doing to convince the European populace to try them out. • In 1744 Prussia was at war and Frederick the Great was distressed to see his people starving to death. He had earlier been introduced to the potato as a food crop, and he encouraged the peasants to grow the new food as well. The peasants did grow them— but they only fed them to their livestock.
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. What is the French name for the English Channel? 7. Which song by the Rolling Stones Dried potato flakes were used to was their first ever to reach No. 1 simulate snowflakes in this Steven in the U.S.? Spielberg movie about aliens. 8. Which state is larger based on area: Idaho grows the most potatoes. North Dakota or South Dakota? What state comes in second? 9. What was the name of the detecWhat percentage of a potato is tive agency in the 1980s TV series Moonlighting, starring Bruce water? Willis and Cybill Shepherd? In what country can the ancient site of Machu Picchu be found? TRIVIA What’s the capital of Kentucky?
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POTATOES (continued): • So the ruler had his cooks invent recipes using the potato, and passed copies of the recipes out to everybody. Still the people would not eat the potato. Finally Frederic resorted to the threat of violence: he issued an edict that anyone who did not eat potatoes would have their ears cut off. Potatoes quickly became the most important part of the Prussian diet. • When French pharmacist Augustine Parmentier was captured during the Seven Year War in the mid-1700s, he was thrown into prison where his Prussian captors fed him little besides potatoes. He remained in good health in spite of the limited diet. When he was released, he returned home and encouraged all French families to start eating potatoes. He went to the King of France with a plan to grow potatoes and feed them to the hungry. The King was not impressed, but he consented to give Parmentier a few acres of the worst possible land near Paris. Nothing would grow there— nothing, that is, except potatoes, which thrived. Like the Prussians, the French people thought of potatoes as simply a food for livestock, so Parmentier devised scheme to change the tide of public opinion. • Operating under the principle that people only want what they can’t have, he stationed soldiers around the potato field in order to “protect” this valuable crop from theft. However, he instructed the soldiers to take bribes and allow peasants to steal potatoes. The plan worked, and soon potatoes were growing all over the countryside. Next, Parmentier threw a huge feast, inviting all the most prominent names of the day. Everything served at the feast was made from potatoes - from soup to dessert. The Queen even wore potato flowers in her hair. This was all that was needed to make the potato a socially acceptable food.
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sports Quiz
4. Of the 20 teams to appear in the NBA Finals more than once before 2013, how many 1. In 2012, Jimmy Rollins beof them have a winning percame the fourth player to get centage better than .500? 2,000 hits with the Philadel5. Since Olympic women’s phia Phillies. Name the last doubles tennis resumed in player to do it. 1988, name the only country 2. How many quarterbacks have other than America to win a won a Super Bowl at age 36 gold medal. or older? 6. For how many consecutive 3. When was the last time before years now has the winner 2013 that the New York of the Big East men’s basIslanders reached the NHL ketball tournament appeared playoffs? in the NCAA Final Four?
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POTATOES (continued): • Potatoes didn’t gain popularity in America until Thomas Jefferson began serving them regularly at the White House. Then the potato caught on fast, with good reason. The potato is one of the most perfect natural sources of nutrition found so far. The average potato has 100 calories and provides 50% of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C; 20% of vitamin B6; 15% of iodine; 10% of niacin, iron and copper; and smaller amounts of other vitamins and minerals. Potatoes are high in potassium and fiber but have no fat and are almost salt free. • No other food matches the potato in food energy per acre. Potatoes produce 75% more food energy per acre than wheat and 58% more than rice. The Soviet Union grows the most potatoes, followed by Poland, the US, and Canada. Only corn grows in more countries than potatoes. It’s the fourth most important food worldwide, after wheat, rice, and corn. It’s also is the only vegetable that grows in the desert and in mountains above 14,000 feet. The value of the potato worldwide exceeds $100 billion a year. • Potatoes have many uses. They are used in the production of many kinds of foods. They are added to soups, sauces, pasta, baked goods and dairy products in order
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to help foods stick together, stop ice crystals from forming, and make food creamier. When used to make ethyl alcohol (ethanol), one acre of potatoes can produce enough gas to fill up 25 station wagons. A product made from potatoes is used by oil well drillers in order to keep their drills dry enough to keep the friction high. Potato starch was used in the early days of color photography, and vodka is made from distilled potatoes. Potato starch is now being made into “plastic” bags which decompose when buried. Potatoes are also used in manufacturing of plastics, medicines, paper, cloth, glue, and candy.
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THE POTATO FAMINE • Growing potatoes in Ireland became very popular because they were handy to have around during times of war. The edible underground tubers were likely to escape the notice of invading troops. The growing green tops could not be set afire as could fields of wheat or barley. Even if a potato field were trampled by soldiers, the tubers would be undamaged. Armies and outlaws were not likely to take the time to dig them up. After being dug up, the potatoes could be taken directly to the kitchen to be cooked and eaten without having to be ground at a mill first. They could be stored in a root cellar for months, to be eaten in leaner times. People with very little land could still grow lots of potatoes, which was not the case with grains. Potatoes thrived on Ireland’s very poor soil, and all that was needed to plant them was a spade rather than a horse and plow. It is thought that the nickname “spud” came from “spade.” • The potato blight has been around as long as there have been potatoes, and there is still no cure for it. In 1845-1847 Ireland’s entire potato crop failed three years in a row, causing devastating starvation and social upheaval. Ireland’s population at that time was 8 million. The potato crop failed in America at the same time it failed in Ireland. However, in Ireland the potato was the sole food crop upon which the majority of the people depended for nourishment. In America, corn, oats, wheat, barley and other crops were grown in sufficient amounts so that Americans had other crops to feed them. One million people died in Ireland over the course of 3 years from hunger or disease, and another million moved away.
Presidential Quotes: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give it to those who would not.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Women in History:
irena sendler
• Irena Krzyzanowska Sendler was born in 1910 in Warsaw, Poland. From an early age, she sympathized with the Jews who were being persecuted relentlessly by the Germans. When Jews were rounded up and incarcerated in ghettos during World War II, she hatched a scheme to rescue as many Jewish children as possible. • The Germans were afraid of typhoid fever and feared that if there were an outbreak in the ghettos, it would spread to the German populace. Because Irena worked for the Social Welfare Department, she volunteered to be in charge of “inspecting” people in the ghetto for signs of typhoid on a daily basis, along with her team of nurses. The Germans were only too happy to hand this unpleasant chore over to her. This job gave her free passage to come and go from the ghetto. Every day she and her colleagues smuggled children out of the ghetto however they could. They were hidden in suitcases and coffins. They were disguised as packages. Babies were sedated and placed in a secret compartment in the bottom of a tool chest. Older children were taken out in burlap bags. A network of underground sewer tunnels was often used. A specially trained German shepherd barked any time a soldier was near, which scared the soldiers away while also covering the sound of a crying child. • The children were then given new identities and sent to orphanages, convents, or to live with Polish citizens. Irena kept meticulous track of the names of the children and where they had been sent to, hoping to be able to reunite them with their families after the war. The lists were kept sealed in jars buried in a backyard garden. Over 2,500 children were escorted to safety through the efforts of Irena Sendler and her cohorts.
: i In 1952, Mr. Potato Head was born. i The average American eats 140
pounds of potatoes per year. i Henry Spalding first planted potatoes in Idaho in 1837.
Repellents: Still One of the Best Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to controlling mosquitoes. The more rain and standing water we have, the more mosquito habitat available for those pesky critters. The start of the 2013 mosquito season is one of the wettest on record in the Grand Forks area. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites is essential to keeping the mosquito population in check. When the adult mosquito population seems unbearable, turn to one of the best prevention methods available…a can of OFF! Mosquito repellents with DEET are safe and very effective when applied according to the label. They’ve even improved many of these products so they go on dry, not oily. Don’t let these pesky critters win the outdoor battle this summer. Eliminate any standing water on your property and apply repellents with DEET when outdoors.
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IRENA SENDLER (continued): • In 1943, her scheme was uncovered. The Gestapo arrested her and tortured her, insisting she divulge the location of the lists she had kept as well as the names of her co-horts. They wanted to know where the children had been sent, who was taking them in, and how her system worked. They broke her legs, but she never told. She was on her way to be executed when her co-workers bribed a prison guard to release her in secret. Her “execution” was duly noted on the official bulletin board, and posters were plastered all over the city announcing her death. Spirited to safety, Irena saw the posters of her death on her way into hiding. She spent the rest of the war in hiding, just as the children she rescued did. • After the war, she uncovered the names from the jars in the garden and endeavored to reunite as many families as possible. Unfortunately, the vast majority of parents had died or gone missing in the meantime, many of them perishing in Treblinka.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was architect Frank Lloyd Wright who made the following sage observation: “A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.” • If you take the free toiletries when you stay in a hotel, you’re not alone; fully 92 percent of travelers do so. • In a traditional wedding in Fiji, the groom is expected to present the bride’s father with a tooth from a whale, and the bride gets tattooed before the ceremony. • You might be surprised to learn that lightning isn’t confined to thunderstorms; the phenomenon can also occur in hurricanes, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and even serious snowstorms. • What’s in a name? A great deal, it turns out, if you’re talking about housing prices. Those who study such things say that a house on a “boulevard” is valued at over one-third more than the same house that has “street” in its address. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
• Before the 1976 film “Star Wars” was released, the studio, Twentieth Century Fox, conducted some marketing research on the movie. The results? It was concluded that robots would turn off most viewers, and that under no circumstances should the word “war” be used in the title. Obviously, filmmaker George Lucas ignored the advice. • Idi Amin may be best remembered as Uganda’s corrupt and violent dictator during most of the 1970s, but from 1951 to 1960, he was that country’s heavyweight boxing champion. • The literal translation of “karate” from the Japanese is “empty hand.” *
• Following the war, she was showered with awards and on several occasions was able to meet some of the people she had saved. However, she remained living under Communist rule in her native Poland, where her story was largely forgotten. In 1999 in a high school in Kansas, four students decided to feature her story for a history project they were working on. The result was a school play called “Life in a Jar,” which other high schools also began to perform across the U.S. This eventually led to a PBS documentary, a television special, and a book, which brought Irena wide recognition. Money raised from these items was sent to Poland to support her, and some of the students who worked on the play even traveled to Warsaw to meet her. Irena Sendler, often referred to as “the other Oscar Schindler” died in her native Warsaw in 2008 at the age of 98.
Thought for the Day: “There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.” -- C.A.R. Hoare
Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.
by Linda Thistle
Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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© 2013 by King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved
Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208
Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com
HUMAN HAILSTONES Hailstones form when ice crystals in a thunderhead are tossed around, gathering successive coats of ice. The average size of a hailstone is 1/4 inch in diameter. But consider the plight of these few unfortunate people, who became human hailstones.
Moments in time • On June 21, 1916, the controversial U.S. military expedition against Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa brings the United States and Mexico closer to war when Mexican government troops attack U.S. Gen. John J. Pershing’s force at Carrizal, Mexico. The Americans suffered 22 casualties, and more than 30 Mexicans were killed.
The History Channel
Vancouver in western Canada collapses, killing 59 workers. The Second Narrows Bridge was 175 feet above the water at its highest point.
• On June 18, 1983, from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the space shuttle Challenger is launched into space on its second mission. Aboard the shuttle was Dr. Sally Ride, who as a mission specialist became the first • On June 22, 1937, Joe Louis American woman to travel into space. wins the world heavyweight box- • On June 19, 1972, the U.S. Suing title when he defeats American preme Court rules against Curt Flood Jim Braddock in an eighth-round in Flood v. Kuhn, denying Flood free knockout. Louis was the first black agency as a baseball player. Flood heavyweight champ since Jack was trying to break the reserve clause Johnson, who lost the title in 1915. that had tied baseball players to one • On June 20, 1947, Benjamin “Bug- franchise since the establishment of sy” Siegel, the man who brought professional baseball. Today, free organized crime to the West Coast, agency is as much a part of baseis shot and killed. In 1945, Siegel ball as Cracker Jack and hot dogs. had built the Flamingo Hotel in the • On June 23, 1992, Mafia boss John middle of the desert, in what would Gotti, nicknamed the “Teflon Don,” is become Las Vegas, with $6 million sentenced to life in prison. Moments of the mob’s money. When the ho- after sentencing, hundreds of Gotti’s tel wasn’t immediately profitable, he supporters stormed federal courtcouldn’t pay the money back on time. house in Brooklyn and overturned • On June 17, 1958, a bridge being and smashed cars before being built to connect eastern and northern forced back by police reinforcements.
• Gliding in engineless planes is a popular sport in Europe, with pilots holding exhibitions and contests to set records for time aloft and height. In Germany in 1930, a glider society held an exhibition. Five glider pilots flew into a towering thunderhead in an effort to set a new altitude record by using the updrafts. The updrafts were more than they had counted on— all the gliders were torn to pieces by the violent winds. The pilots bailed out, but were caught in the strong updrafts and carried to the upper regions of the cloud, where they were coated by ice. All but one froze to death before finally falling to the ground. • In 1959, a military pilot named Lt. Col. William Rankin bailed out of his single engine plane when the engines failed at 47,000 feet above Virginia. A storm was in progress at the time, and he fell right through the middle of it. It normally would take a man 13 minutes to fall 47,000 feet, but Col. Rankin got caught in the updrafts and came to earth 45 minutes later. The temperature was 70 below zero and as Rankin tumbled about he was covered with ice and sleet, his body bruised by hailstones. Fortunately, his parachute opened at 10,000 feet and he landed intact in a tree in North Carolina, 65 miles away from where he’d bailed out. A passing motorist took him to the hospital, where he was found to be suffering from frostbite and shock. He made a complete recovery.
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Sports Answers
1. Mike Schmidt 5. China (2004) 2. Johnny Unitas, 6. Four—West Virginia (2010), Jim Plunkett, UConn (2011), & John Elway & Louisville 3. It was 2007 (2012-13) 4. Five: Celtics, Lakers, Spurs, Bulls & Heat
HUMAN HAILSTONES (continued): • In 1975, a sky diver named Mike Mount bailed DEERE. JOHN out of a plane 4,500DEERE. feet over(continued): the state of Mary• land. It was while living in Illinoistwo-minute that John noHe expected a standard fall ticed the problems that farmers faced when to earth. Although thunderstorms were buildattempting till had soil.over Because areaunder had ing, Mount, to who 400 the jumps formerly been woodland, the soil was rich his belt, was confident he could steer himself with hummus, which clumped and clung to through a hole in the clouds. He opened his the blades of the plows farmers were accuschute at to2,000 andrepairing was promptly sucked tomed using.feet While a broken cirinto the storm and pulled up by the updrafts. cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He Soon he’d been carried to 10,000 feettheand his employed his smith skills to fashion steel parachute collapsed and re-opened over and blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed over the storm swept up and two as wooden spokes, thenhim hitched thedropped device him again. He whether to aagain horse.and It plowed the debated heavy Illinois soilto like a charm. farmer whoand happened cut himself freeInoffact, his amain chute freefall to be observing test run put through the storm,the relying on immediately his reserve chute in an order for his own John Deere plow. to save him. But he wasn’t sure if he’d be able when to Deere deploygave his reserve chute. Fi• toIntell short order, up his blacksmith nally storm released grip and he landed, shoptheand focused on its making plows. The company added many emnine miles grew away steadily from hisand intended drop zone. ployees.ofInthe the anticipated late 1840s, John Instead two relocated minutes, the his entire Moline, Illinois. Ashamed ride hadoperation lasted antoestimated 30 minutes. of his own lack of education, John sent his • German champion Ewa Wisnierchildrenparagliding to the state’s finest schools. One of ska was training for a competition in Australia his proudest days occurred when son Charles inearned 2007 when she and her kiteMBA werefrom sucked into the equivalent of an Bell’s a Commercial storm. In a span of 15 minutes, she was lifted College in Chicago. to an altitude of 32,612 feet, which is higher • With his son Charles managing the company, than Mount nearphilanthropic the cruising altiJohn foundEverest, time to and pursue intude of a He jumbo jet. Battered by hailstones the terests. co-founded both the First Nationsize of oranges, she lost consciousness for 45 al Bank and the First Congregational Church. minutes ground teams using He waswhile elected the mayor oftracked Moline her in 1873, GPS equipment. As the temperature dropped where one of his first actions – the replacetoment 40 degrees below zero, she with rose aand fell of the city’s open drains sewer pipe system – saved countless by reducregained conwithin the thundercloud. She lives ing the spread of disease. sciousness at about four miles high and radioed her ground crew to say logo, she was on her way • The original John Deere registered in down. and landed safely, attached 1876,She depicted a deer that wasstill native to Afri-to her but had icelater, in herinlightweight flying ca.glider, Thirty-six years 1912, it was replaced the image a North suit and with frostbite on herofface. She American landed 40 white-tailed deer. In decades contestant that folmiles off her launch site.the A Chinese lowed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took sucked into the same storm died. over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.
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Quiz Answers
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