Tidbits August 1 Issue

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Take a Breaks. from the new Feed Your Bnrain Some Fu with Tidbits! August 1, 2013


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks The




Issue # 828

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HARLEY FACTS by Kathy Wolfe

In honor of the 73rd annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being held August 5 through 11, Tidbits checks out the facts on Harley-Davidson, founded in 1903 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. • In 1901, 21-year-old William Harley wrapped up a blueprint drawing of a single-cylinder engine designed to be attached to a regular bicycle frame. Two years later, with the help of his childhood friend Arthur Davidson, their first motorcycle rolled out of their first “factory,” a 10’ x 15’ wooden shed. Arthur’s brothers joined the company shortly afterward, boosting 1903’s production to three motorcycles. Eight cycles were sold in 1905, and 50 the following year. While the first Harley was black, customers in 1905 could choose black or the “Silent Grey Fellow,” Each had hand-painted stripes and a handlettered “Harley-Davidson Motor Company” on the fuel tank. • Harley-Davidson expanded to a new factory measuring 28’ x 80’ in 1906, and six full-time employees were on staff. The next year, production increased to 150. Another new factory came along in 1913, boasting 297,110 sq. ft, compared to the 2,240 sq. ft. of the 1906 facility. The larger area enabled the company to produce 12,904 cycles that year. Turn the page for more!


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• Seventeen years after the first cycle rolled out of that wooden shed, Harley-Davidson was the largest motorcycle company in the world, with dealerships in 67 countries. Over 28,000 motorcycles were produced in 1920.

• Of all the country’s motorcycle manufacturers in business in 1929, only Indian and HarMed Park Mall • 1395 S.S. Columbia Road • •746-1800 Med Park Mall • 1395 Columbia Road 746-1800 Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 ley-Davidson were able to weather the stock market crash. Production at H-D dropped from 22,350 bikes to 3,703. Sales to police Join Our Team! forces helped them survive the economy’s • Be Self-Employed • Head-to-Toe collapse. Services with • Great Location All Equipment • Fun Environment • H-D profited greatly from the use of their • Established Salon & Furnishings motorcycles during war time. Over 20,000 already in place • Full or Part Time Harleys were used during World War I, and nearly 90,000 were put into service during World War II.

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HARLEY FACTS (continued)

5. What kind of animal is described as an ursine? 6. What percentage of people are Which city was home to the first left-handed? Harley-Davidson dealership? 7. What is the spice that gives curry What year was the H.O.G. (Harley powder its yellow color? Owners Group) founded? 8. What was the only state that presHarley-Davidson manufactured idential candidate George McGovtheir first one of these in 1963. ern carried in the 1972 election? 9. What is the largest man-made What was it? lake in the United States? In what decade did the Sturgis Black Hills Rally change from a TRIVIA 5-day event to a 7-day event?



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• In 1946, foreign motorcycles hit the American market and the competition with British and Japanese bikes was fierce. British imports had a sportier appearance and were cheaper and more reliable. Favorable tax laws governing imports made these bikes even more attractive. Although Harley-Davidson introduced the Hydra-Glide with the Panhead engine in an attempt to compete, it was heavy and not as sporty. It didn’t take long for HD’s market share to shrink to a mere 6% of the market. By 1950, 40% of the motorcycles in the U.S. were foreign-made. • Marlon Brando was 30 years old when he rode a British Triumph in the 1954 movie The Wild One, the story of a motorcycle gang terrorizing a small town. The film’s popularity did nothing to help the sales of Harleys. In an effort to combat the appeal of British bikes, in 1957, H-D introduced the Sportster, considered “father of the superbikes.”

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5. Who was the last NBA player before New York’s Tyson Chandler in the 2011-12 1. Who succeeded John Wooden season to have a field-goal in 1975 as coach of the UCLA percentage for a season of at men’s basketball team? least 67.9 percent? 2. Who has won the most NAS6. When was the last time beCAR Sprint All-Star Races? fore 2013 (New Jersey) that 3. Which of the two Williams a Stanley Cup finalist failed sisters was the first to win a to make the playoffs the next Grand Slam tennis title? season? 4. Of the original 10 Major 7. Which player led the NaLeague Soccer teams, how tional League the most many have won an MLS times in both doubles and championship? triples for a season?

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HARLEY FACTS (continued) • The 1969 cult film Easy Rider featured Peter Fonda as Captain America riding a completely transformed H-D Electra-Glide with a Panhead engine. Four bikes were customized for the making of the film. Three were stolen before the movie was completed, and one burned. Fonda later restored the burned bike and today that chopper can be seen at the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa. The Harleys ridden by the main characters in the film were purchased from the Los Angeles Police Department, as HarleyDavidson refused to provide free bikes for the movie. • The 1960s ushered in the customizing trend, but H-D failed to jump on the bandwagon in time. Their earnings faded, and the company was forced to go public, selling shares for the first time in 1965. In 1969, the family relinquished control of the business they had owned for 66 years, selling out to the American Machine and Foundry Company for $21 million. AMF, famous in the bowling industry, allowed the quality to slip considerably. Sales plummeted and by 1980, there seemed little chance of recovery for the company. In 1981, 13 senior H-D executives banded together and purchased the company from AMF for


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$80 million and the recovery began. In 1986, two million shares of common stock were offered, returning the company to public ownership. • There have been a number of “glides” throughout Harley history. The Hydra-Glide was introduced in 1949, with the first hydraulic front forks. This evolved into the Duo-Glide in 1958 with the addition of rear brakes and hydraulic rear suspension. The Electra-Glide came along with its electric starter motor in 1965, and on to the Super-Glide in 1971 and the Wide-Glide in 1980.

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• Harley has also had a variety of “heads” over the years. First there was the Flathead, dubbed as such because of the shape of the cylinder head cover. Introduced in 1929, it was a 45-cubic-inch side-valve engine. The Knucklehead, the first V-Twin model, debuted in 1936 with its cylinder covers shaped like clenched fists. It featured two fuel tanks with the instrument panel positioned between them. It was produced until 1947. Along came the Panhead in 1948 with aluminum cylinder covers resembling upside-down saucepans. Panheads were around until 1965. The next year brought the Shovelhead, whose cylinder covers looked like the back of a shovel. Compare the Shovelhead’s engine size of 74 cubic inches with that 1903 model’s 25 cubic inches! The year 1984 brought in the Blockhead, an 80-cubic-inch engine. • The 1932 Harley-Davidson could be purchased for around $300. If you’re looking to buy a 2013 Electra-Glide CVO Ultra-Classic 100th Anniversary Edition, better set aside about $38,000. A new Sportster will set you back around $11,000. • For seven days every August, Main Street in Sturgis, South Dakota, population 6,700, is packed with thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts who gather to race and tour. The first rally was held in 1938, drawing nine racers and 200 spectators. The two-day rally offered $500 in prize money. Two years later, 150 racers participated in front of 5,000 onlookers. Close to 450,000 are expected for this year’s rally. • Harley-Davidson expects to ship about 260,000 motorcycles to dealerships during 2013.

Presidential Quotes: “I have one yardstick by which I test every major problem - and that yardstick is: Is it good for America?” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower


florence nightingale The field of nursing wouldn’t be the same without the contributions of Florence Nightingale. This selfless woman gave up a life of privilege to minister to others and is considered the founder of modern nursing. • Born in 1820, Florence was named after the city of her birth, Florence, Italy. She was raised on a Derbyshire, England estate in a well-to-do family, and tutored by her father in mathematics, history, and philosophy. Her home education included Greek, French, Italian, Latin, and German, all languages she could speak. • At age 17, Florence told her family she had received a revelation from God, telling her she had a mission in life, and she abandoned her active social life and marriage proposals to devote her life to serving others. Although her parents voiced strong objections and disapproval, Florence entered a training school for nurses and went on to become superintendent of a charity-supported medical facility. • When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, Florence volunteered as a nurse and organized a group of 38 nurses to work at a Turkish hospital. Her first order of business was to clean up the filthy and unsanitary conditions at the facility, greatly reducing the death rate among wounded soldiers. The hospital had been built atop an immense cesspool, which had poisoned the entire building. As a result of her efforts, Florence became the leading expert on waste sanitation and fresh water irrigation, and continued to strive for hygienic medical conditions. Because she frequently made her rounds after dark, walking the halls with a lamp and comforting patients throughout the night, she soon came to be known as “The Lady with the Lamp.”

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Mosquito Surveillance - Why Trap Mosquitoes? WEST NILE HAS BEEN POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED IN LOCAL BIRDS AND MOSQUITOES. PLEASE TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID BITES. The Grand Forks Health Department maintains an active mosquito surveillance program. The more we know about mosquitoes, the better equipped we are to control them. Our surveillance program is responsible for collecting, identifying, and conducting West Nile virus tests on mosquitoes. Traps are distributed throughout the community and the Information gained from these traps include: Mosquito Population – Knowing the population helps us determine if it’s necessary to conduct citywide mosquito spraying. This information also enables us to measure the effectiveness of the mosquito spraying operations.

Species of Mosquitoes – There’s around 43 different species of mosquitoes in North Dakota. Some of these mosquitoes are just annoying pests, but one of them, the Culex tarsalis, is the most common mosquito for transmitting West Nile virus in North Dakota. This mosquito is prevalent in the Grand Forks region. Monitoring and testing the Culex tarsalis mosquito is important because it may enable us to respond to an elevated threat of West Nile virus before it infects the human population. This component of mosquito control is very important in reducing the risk of mosquito-borne disease in our community. Mosquito Activity – Knowing what times the mosquitoes are active is important for getting the best results from our spray operation. We use ultra-low volume sprayers that deliver very small droplets and only 1 ounce of a diluted, non-residual insecticide per acre. Because we’re using such a small amount of insecticide, timing is critical to be successful. This insecticide must directly impact mosquitoes, generally while in flight to be effective. Rotator traps are used to monitor the times the mosquitoes are most active. Gender Identification – Knowing the sex of the mosquito can be helpful in predicting a new hatch. Male mosquitoes hatch out before females. Therefore, if we see a spike in the number of male mosquitoes collected in our traps, we know there’s the potential for an increase of females soon to follow. That data is helpful in preparing us for a citywide spray. It’s a short warning to get ready. Traps used in mosquito surveillance programs are not successful in reducing mosquito populations. They are simply a surveillance tool used to collect data about the mosquitoes in our community. For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com or call the Information Line at 701-787-8144

Tidbits Laughs North Dakota, Inc.

When a young man showed up at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter asked him if he had ever done any good in the world. He replied, “Well, there was this one time when I came across a motorcycle gang giving a young girl a hard time and I stepped in and punched the leader right in the mouth so they would leave her alone.” St. Peter asked when that was. The young man looked at his watch and said, “About 5 minutes ago.”

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was stand-up comedian Lenny Bruce who made the following sage observation: “All my humor is based on destruction and despair. If the whole world were tranquil, without disease and violence, I’d be standing in the breadline.” • You might be surprised to learn that a flamingo cannot eat unless its head is upside-down. • While in the Capitol rotunda attending the funeral for Congressman Warren B. Davis in January 1835, President Andrew Jackson was the victim of an assassination attempt. Richard Lawrence, a 35-year-old house painter, pointed two revolvers at the president and fired. In an incredible stroke of luck, both weapons misfired, at which point President Jackson began to beat the man with his cane. • The Dead Sea isn’t actually a sea; it’s a lake. • It’s been reported that the Paul Simon found the inspiration for his hit song “Mother and Child Reunion” in a chicken-and-egg dish he was eating in a Chinese restaurant.

• More than 60 percent of the 50 most common words in the English language contain three or fewer letters. • Natives of Finland drink more coffee per capita than citizens of any other country in the world. • The Hula Hoop fad swept the globe in the 1950s, but the toy did not find a warm welcome everywhere. In Indonesia, Hula Hoops were banned because they “might stimulate passion.” China’s official news agency called it “a nauseating craze,” and the Soviets declared the toy to be “a symbol of the emptiness of American culture” (despite the fact that the Hula Hoop originated in Australia). • Adult tuna have been known to swim up to 100 miles in a single day. * * * Thought for the Day: “I don’t know anything about music. In my line, you don’t have to.” -- Elvis Presley © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (continued): • As age 40, Florence created the Nightingale School for Nurses at London’s St. Thomas Hospital. She personally trained the nurses and midwives herself, stressing the need for hygiene and sanitary conditions. The school remains in operation today as part of King’s College in London. • During the Crimean War, Florence had become sick with “Crimean Fever,” which took its toll on her for the remainder of her life. Although she was confined to her bed much of the time after the war, she continued her efforts at improving hospital conditions. She frequently suffered from depression, probably the result of brucellosis, a fever common during the War. Florence’s symptoms lingered for decades. Even from her bed, Florence was active as a pioneer in the field of hospital planning. • Florence was responsible for bringing quality nursing to the United States through her mentoring and instruction of Linda Richards, America’s first professionally-trained nurse. Linda used Florence’s training and knowledge to establish high-quality nursing schools in the U.S. and Japan, and went on to create the first system for keeping individual medical records for patients. • In 1883, Queen Victoria awarded Florence the Royal Red Cross, a military decoration for exceptional service in military nursing. • As her health continued to fail, Florence rarely left her home, eventually becoming completely blind. She passed away at age 90 in London. The annual International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide on May 12, in commemoration of Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.


by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

NURSE AIDE TRAINING Valley Memorial Homes is screening candidates for the Nurse Aide Training Class held September 9 - 30, 2013 Pick up applications at either: Valley Eldercare Center, 2900 14th Ave. S., GF or 4000 Valley Square, 4000 24th Ave. S., GF valleymemorial.org or call Jenny 787-7831 or Kathy 787-7946

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We all do it! Sneeze, that is. But why do we do it? These curious facts about this process are nothing to sneeze at!

Moments in time • On Aug. 11, 1856, a hurricane hits Isle Derniere, a resort community on the Louisiana coast, killing more than 400 people. The storm first brought blinding and torrential rain, then storm surges and finally a tidal wave. Upward of 150 people were carried off with the wave, with some bodies ending up 6 miles away.

The History Channel

from Philadelphia to 67 ABC affiliates across the country. Dick Clark was host, a slot he held for 27 years. • On Aug. 9, 1969, members of Charles Manson’s cult kill five people in movie director Roman Polanski’s Beverly Hills, Calif., home, including Polanski’s pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate. Polanski was not the cult leader’s intended target. Manson, an aspiring musician, chose the Polanski house because he had once unsuccessfully tried to get a recording deal from a producer who used to live there.

• On Aug. 6, 1890, at Auburn Prison in New York, the first execution in history by electrocution is carried out against William Kemmler. It didn’t go as planned. With the first charge, the current failed. A second charge • On Aug. 10, 1978, three teenage was required for two minutes before girls die after their 1973 Ford Pinto Kemmler was declared deceased. is rammed from behind by a van • On Aug. 7, 1944, under the and bursts into flames. It was known threat of Allied bombing during as far back as 1972 that the Pinto’s World War II, the German car gas tank, which sat behind the rear manufacturer Volkswagen halts axle, was particularly vulnerable production of the “Beetle.” Volk- to damage by rear-end collisions. swagen, under the control of the • On Aug. 8, 1986, actor, writer and British military, began turning out director Spike Lee’s first featureBeetles again in December 1945. length movie, “She’s Gotta Have It,” • On Aug. 5, 1957, rock ‘n’ roll television show “American Bandstand” goes national with teens dancing and rating records on a scale from 35 to 98. The show was broadcast

opens in theaters around the United States. The movie launched Lee’s career and established his reputation as an outspoken filmmaker who often tackled controversial subjects.

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• The official name for sneezing is sternutation. It begins as a nerve transmission and is a signal telling your brain that something in your nose needs to come out. Something tickles the lining of your nose, and the nerves initiate a message to the brain stem, which causes a chain of events throughout the body in the chest, abdomen, face, eyelids, and mucus glands. All the areas work together to expel the irritant by forcing air, saliva, and mucus out of the mouth and nose. Sometimes it takes several sneezes to rid your nose of the irritant. • The most common stimuli are dust, pollen, and pepper, but they’re not the only things that can bring on a sneeze. Powerful aromas can cause you to sneeze, as well as a fluctuation in temperature, especially colder air. Exercise can trigger a sneeze since over-exertion can create drying in your nose and mouth. Plucking your eyebrows can even make you sneeze! It stimulates a facial nerve connected to our nasal passages. Similarly, rubbing your eyes can have the same effect. • Why don’t we sneeze in our sleep? The nerves that send a signal to the brain are also sleeping, so we don’t sneeze while we rest. • There are a few old wives’ tales about sneezing, including the belief that your heart stops. Although your chest contracts during a sneeze and blood flow is momentarily constricted, the heart does not stop. Its rhythm may be altered slightly for a few seconds, however. Some folks actually believe that your eyeballs can pop out of your head during a sneeze. The slight increase in blood pressure behind the eyes during a sneeze is certainly not enough to dislodge eyeballs from their sockets.




The Black Hills of South Dakota are home to two famous sculptures - Mount Rushmore and the still unfinished 563-ft. high sulpture of Lakota Sioux chief Crazy Horse. Rushmore was completed in 1941 after 14 years of effort. Crazy Horse has been in progress since 1948.



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Find at least 6 differences in details between panels

Differences: 1. Fringe is missing. 2. Blanket is smaller. 3. Hat is moved. 4. Pail is empty. 5. Trash can is missing. 6. Cooler is missing. © 2013 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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AH-CHOO! (continued): • According to folklore, if you sneeze, company JOHNInDEERE. (continued): isDEERE. coming over. Asia, it means someone is • talking It was about while you livingbehind in Illinois John no- if yourthat back. Now ticedcat thesneezes, problems farmers faced when your it’sthat going to rain! attempting to till soil. Because the area had • There are abeen number of theories why rich folks formerly woodland, the as soilto was say you”which to someone a sneeze. with“Bless hummus, clumpedafter and clung to One is an ancient belief that sneezing a nearthe blades of the plows farmers wereisaccusdeath and repairing it’s a blessing to cirhave tomedexperience, to using. While a broken cular saw,The Deere stumbled an idea. survived. ancients alsoupon believed thatHe the employed skills to fashion steel soul sneakshis outsmith of the body during the a sneeze blade the shape a plow.this He and affixed and thatinto a blessing willofprevent deter two wooden spokes, then hitched the device the devil from sneaking in. During the Roman to a horse. plowed plague the heavy Illinois Empire whenItbubonic struck, two soil of its like a charm. In fact, a farmer who happened symptoms were coughing and sneezing. The to be observing the test run immediately put Pope recommended a blessing to people after in an order for his own John Deere plow. a sneeze as protection. • In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith • When Donna Griffiths of Worcestershire, shop and focused on making plows. The England, was 12 years old 1981, she company grew steadily and back addedinmany emsneezed again, John thenrelocated continuously ployees.once, In thethen late 1840s, the for the next 978 days, the record for the lonentire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed gest sneeze the of world. of his owninlack education, John sent his children to the state’s schools. of • No matter how you sayfinest it, it’s still aOne sneeze! his proudest days occurred when son Charles In English we say “ah-choo,” but the French earned the equivalent of an MBA from Bell’s say “atchoum,” the Japanese say “hakushon,” Commercial College in Chicago. while Italians say “hapsu” and Swedes say • “atjo.” With his son Charles managing the company, John found time to pursue philanthropic in• How fastHe does a sneeze travel? single sneeze terests. co-founded both theAFirst Nationcan send 100,000 germs into the air at a speed al Bank and the First Congregational Church. ofHeabout 100 mph Theinbacteria was elected the (161 mayorkm/hr). of Moline 1873, from a sneeze can spread up to 150 feet (45.8 where one of his first actions – the replacem) away. ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer pipe system saved to countless lives by you reduc• Although it’s–tough stop a sneeze, can ing the spread of disease. try breathing through your mouth and pinch• ing Thetheoriginal Deere logo, registered in end of John your nose. 1876, depicted a deer that was native to Africa. Thirty-sixfor years later, in 1912, it was reThanks Reading Tidbits! placed with the image of a North American white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took www.facebook.com/tidbitsgf over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.


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Quiz Answers

1. Chicago 2. 1983 3. A golf cart 4. 1970s (1975) 5. Bears 6. About 10% Front FREE ESTIMATES

7. Turmeric 8. Massachusetts 9. Lake Mead, created by Hoover Dam

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Sports Answers


6. In 2007, both 1. Gene Bartow Carolina and 2. Jimmie Johnson Edmonton with four failed to reach 3. Serena JayDee Weigand the playoffs. 4. Six  701.757.0926 7. Stan Musial: 5. Wilt Chamber- 701.210.2452 doubles: 8 lain (72.7% in jaydee.weigand@gmail.com 5196 7th Ave. N. | Grand Forks, ND 58203 triples: 5 1972-73 season)

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