Tidbits August 8 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

August 8, 2013





Issue # 829

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Published by: Wick Publications • P.O. Box 12861, Grand Forks, ND 58208 • For Advertising Call: 701-772-8239 • wickpub@yahoo.com

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by Janet Spencer

Neil Armstrong, while describing the first steps man took on the moon, admitted that he was also the first man to wet his pants on the moon. Come along with Tidbits as we explore space!

FIRST FACTS • The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, launched by the USSR in 1957, weighed only 184 lbs. (83 kg) and was a mere 22.8 inches (58 cm) in diameter. In 1958, the U.S. launched its first satellite, the Explorer. It weighed only 18 lbs. (8 kg). • In 1959, the Soviet craft Lunik 2 was the first man-made object to reach the moon. It landed so hard that the instruments were destroyed and no data was collected. • Aladimir Komarov was the first cosmonaut to be killed in space. He launched on April 23, 1967, from the USSR aboard the spacecraft Soyuz 1. He was to orbit the earth 18 times in 25 hours, then come down to earth as a parachute slowed his descent. But the straps to the parachute broke and Komarov died. • The spaceship Columbia, which took the Eagle and three astronauts to the moon in 1969, had a control panel which had 566 switches, 71 lights, 40 event indicators, and 24 instruments. • The first re-usable space shuttle was named Enterprise in honor of the success of the “Star Trek” series. Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

6. Which animated superhero’s theme song contains the lyrics “Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, Fighting all who rob or plunder”? 7. Name the female artist who had an enduring hit with “Crazy” and the year it was released. 8. Who recorded “Gimme Shelter,” and when? Name the album. 9. Who was the last U.S. president of the 19th century?


1. T or F: “Earthquakes” do not occur on the moon. 2. The surface of the moon is equal to the size of which continent? 3. Approximately, how fast do astronauts travel on their way to the moon? 4. What percent of the moon is visible from Earth? 5. Who was 2nd to walk on the moon?


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ASTRONAUT ANECDOTES • Astronaut John Young was with Gus Grissom on the first manned space flight in 1965. Young smuggled a sandwich on board the capsule to supplement the boring fare offered by NASA. However, the crumbs from the sandwich threatened to ruin some of the equipment on board. Young was reprimanded by officials for his unauthorized snack. • The first meal eaten on the moon, consumed by Armstrong and Aldrin, consisted of four bacon squares, three sugar cookies, peaches, pineapple-grapefruit drink, and coffee. • President Nixon placed the first phone call to the moon on July 21, 1969. He spoke to Aldrin and Armstrong in the lunar module. • Alan Shepard knocked a few golf balls around on the moon. But he missed the first shot, taking a mulligan. This earned him a lifetime membership in the U.S. Duffers Association of Newport, KY. They also awarded him the presidency of their first moon chapter. • When Navy Commander Pete Conrad set foot on the moon during the second lunar landing on November 19, 1969, he said, “Man, that may have been a small one for Neil Armstrong, but that’s a long one for me!” Conrad was only 5 foot 6 inches tall. • When Alan Bean walked on the moon, he tried to fix a TV camera that was not working by hitting it with a hammer. He failed. DANGER ZONE • A study done on a Spacelab mission showed that some microorganisms reproduce better in the weightlessness of space. This fact, coupled with the fact that human immune systems don’t tend to work as well in space, could spell trouble for future long-term astronauts. It is feared that unless great precautions are taken, certain bacteria may be able to invade a spacecraft and present grave danger to its inhabitants. Let us put a smile back on your face. Call Tidbits® for some great ad rates! 701-772-8239


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sports Quiz

4. In 2012, Bill Self became the third Kansas men’s basketball coach to win the 1. Mike Schmidt is the first on Naismith College Coach of the list of most home runs the Year. Name the first two. hit during the decade of the 5. Golfer Tom Watson has won 1980s (313). Who is No. 2? the British Open five times. 2. When was the last time before How many other majors 2012 that the Denver Broncos has he won during his PGA had a pair of 1,000-yard career? receivers? 6. How many years was it be3. Who has the longest stretch tween George Foreman winof not losing a regular-season ning a major heavyweight game in regulation in NHL boxing title for the first time history? and the second?

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FAST FACTS • Michael Collins walked in space twice during the Gemini 10 mission in 1966. When he returned, he filled out his travel voucher: $8 a day for 3 days, and he was reimbursed $24. He said later that he should have charged 7¢ a mile equaling $80,000, but acknowledged that one of the Mercury astronauts had already tried it, and had received in return a bill from NASA for a couple million dollars for the non-reusable rocket. • When Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon, they dutifully declared their lunar rocks and dust on customs form. FAR-OUT FACTS • Researchers at the University of Chicago found multitudes of dust-sized diamond particles embedded in meteorites that may predate the sun and the Earth. These diamonds may have been formed in the atmosphere of an exploding star and then spewed across space up to 4.5 billion years ago. This suggests that the universe is full of these minuscule diamonds. • Scientists at the University of Hawaii have found two asteroids which they believe are composed almost entirely of metal. According to their spectrograph measurements (light bounced off the asteroids


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to tell their content) the asteroids are almost pure iron and nickel. These two objects come relatively close to Earth’s orbit. It is thought that since they are both more than two miles wide, their worth (at today’s market value), could top several trillion dollars each if they could ever be brought back to Earth. • The dust from Halley’s Comet (collected by the Vega 1 space probe), contain a rich assortment of organic compounds. The dust also held silicate materials and ices. The organic materials were mostly hydrocarbons and do not indicate the presence of actual life forms.

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by Linda Thistle



ll in the grid so that every column, every row, every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.

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SPACE TRASH • Scientists, engineers, and space planners in general are becoming increasingly concerned with the growing number of small pieces of space junk. The North American Aerospace Defense Command currently tracks more than 7,000 objects the size of a baseball or larger orbiting the Earth. Recent research appears to show there are many more large objects we aren’t tracking. One half of these small objects come from the 80 satellites that have broken up while in orbit, and there are probably millions of smaller particles stuck in Earth orbit. These particles are no small matter when it comes to space travel. A particle no more than 0.6 millimeters wide can penetrate one of the space suits currently used by NASA. When the shuttle Challenger was orbiting in 1983, a small chip of paint hit the windshield and gouged a quarter-inch crater. The space debris can also wreak havoc on Earth-bound astronomers and delicate equipment in orbit. ASTONISHING ASTRONOMY • On a clear night, the average person can see only 3,000 stars. If the sum of all starlight that falls on the Earth could be concentrated on one point, it would only equal a 100-watt bulb seen from a distance of 613 feet (187 m). • Just one square inch of the sun’s surface shines with the intensity of 300,000 candles. • The sun contains 99.9% of the solar system’s entire mass. • The full moon is nine times as bright as the half moon, since the surface of the visible half moon is extremely rough and mountainous, which makes for more shadows and less reflected sunlight. QUICK BIT • 12 men have walked on the surface of the moon. Their footprints will be visible for an estimated ten million years. Those dozen men have spent a total of 300 hours there, and they brought back 842 lbs. (381 kg) of lunar rock.


Women in History


• Of the 400 applicants, five finalists were chosen. All five women then commenced a grueling months-long training program which included weightless flights, isolation tests, centrifuge tests, rocket theory, spacecraft engineering, 120 parachute jumps, and pilot training in jet fighters. After examinations in November of 1962, four were chosen to continue the training. Within a few months, Valentina was picked to be the first woman in space, being the solo pilot of Vostok 6. Nikita Khrushchev confirmed the appointment. • On June 14, 1965, Vostok 5 was launched with a male cosmonaut piloting. Two days later, Valentina prepared to follow him into orbit aboard the Vostok 6. They would orbit the planet simultaneously. On the morning of June 16, she was dressed in her flight suit and taken to the launch pad. She went through the communication and life support checks, and then was sealed inside the craft. Following a twohour countdown, the Vostok 6 launched flawlessly, and Valentina became the first woman in space. Her call sign was ‘Chaika’ meaning ‘Seagull.’ • She was 26 years old at the time, which was ten years younger than Gordon Cooper, the youngest Mercury 7 astronaut. Prior to this, only military personal had been launched by any country.

: i Humans lose up to 100 hairs a day. i The first airplane journey across the

United States took 49 days.

West Nile Virus DETECTED IN LOCAL BIRDS & MOSQUITOES Most human West Nile virus cases in North Dakota occur from late July to mid-September. People infected with this disease typically develop syptoms between 2 and 14 days after the infected mosquito bites them. Protect yourself from mosquito bites and West Nile virus. North Dakota - West Nile Virus Cases By Date 2002 - 2012 Number of Cases

• Valentina Tereshkova, born in central Russia in 1937, grew up to become not only the first woman to have flown in space, but also the first civilian to have flown in space. When the Russian space program announced they were taking applications for the first female cosmonaut, there were over 400 applicants. The list of qualifications stipulated that applicants must be under 5 ft 7 in tall (170 cm), must weigh less than 154 lbs (70kg), and must be expert skydivers. Valentina met all of the qualifications.

Weekly Data 2002 - 2012 Total Human Cases in ND - 1,385

What Are the Symptoms of West Nile Virus? Symptoms vary: Serious Symptoms in a Few People. About one in 150 people infected with West Nile virus will develop severe illness. The severe symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These sympotoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent.

Milder Symptoms in Some People. Up to 20 percent of the people who become infected will display symptoms which can include fever, headache, and body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach and back. Symptoms can last for as short as a few days, though even healthy people have been sick for several weeks. No Symptoms in Most People. Approximately 80 percent of people (about 4 out of 5) who are infected with West Nile virus will not show any symptoms at all.

For information about West Nile virus protection visit www.gfmosquito or call 701-787-8144

Presidential Quotes: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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The litter left on the moon by Apollo 11 has a value of $1 million, including the Eagle’s descent stage, a mast for solar wind experiments, a seismic package, a laser reflector unit, a silicon disk containing messages from the leaders of 73 nations, a TV camera, a gold olive branch symbolizing peace, two life support systems, an equipment bag with cameras and tools, and various other artifacts.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was George Bernard Shaw who made the following observation: “The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time.” • Modern dietary trends notwithstanding, raw vegetables have not always enjoyed the healthsome reputation they now have. In medieval times, in fact, veggies would always be cooked; raw ones were considered to be bad for the humors. • Those who keep track of such things say that the Rolling Stones’ song “Satisfaction” is played on the radio in the U.S. more than 300 times every day. • One of the most notorious magic tricks performed by professionals is catching a bullet in the mouth. It’s said to be cursed, due to the fact that, over the past 400 or so years, at least 15 magicians have died in the attempt. Some of them mistakenly

used live rounds instead of blanks, and one jealous wife swapped out the blanks for live rounds. One of the earliest attempters of the trick was beaten to death by a mob who believed he was in league with the devil. Cursed, though? If someone is trying to catch a bullet in the mouth, it hardly requires a curse to result in a violent end. • Portland, Ore., could just as easily have been named Boston, Oregon. The two men who named the town couldn’t decide which city back east should be the namesake, so they flipped a coin. Portland came up the winner. • Originally, the best man was supposed to serve as a sort of armed guard, in case the bride needed to be kidnapped from her disapproving parents. * * * Thought for the Day: “Every American carries in his bloodstream the heritage of the malcontent and the dreamer.” -- Dorothy Fuldheim © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• She spent 71 hours in space, orbiting the planet 48 times at a maximum distance from Earth of 143 miles (231 km). With a single flight, she logged more flight time than the combined times of all American astronauts who had flown before that date. • Her craft, the Vostok 6, came within 3 miles (5 km) of the Vostok 5, and they communicated by radio. When the two craft re-entered, they landed within three hours of each other. • Although she reported suffering from nausea (which she claimed was because of the poor food), she kept up a schedule of taking photographs, making observations, and recording changes in her body. • Because the craft was not able to land, Valentina had to bail out with her parachute at just the right moment. Buffeted by strong winds, she nearly missed the landing site and almost landed in a lake. Once on the ground, the wind caught her parachute and dragged her a short distance before she was able to disconnect herself. She received a badly bruised nose but was otherwise unhurt. • After returning home, she was acclaimed as a national hero. She went on to become a cosmonaut engineer and has spent much of her life in key political positions. She married fellow cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev, who was the only bachelor astronaut to go into space. Their wedding was presided over by Khrushchev. • In 1964 she gave birth to a daughter, who became the only person to have two parents who had both been in space. • Even though there were plans for further flights by women, it took 19 years until the second Soviet woman went into space. Valentina continues to be active in politics to this day, and carried the Olympic torch for the summer games in 2008.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.


by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

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• Eighty percent of English words are not spelled phonetically. That is, they are not written as they sound. • ‘Manslaughter’ and ‘man’s laughter’ are spelled exactly the same. So are ‘fatherless’ and ‘fat her less.’ • The letter combination of ‘ough’ has more pronunciations than any other combinations: bough, bought, cough, dough, hiccough, rough, thoroughbred, through, and trough.

• On Aug. 14, 1971, St. LouisCardinals ace Bob Gibson throws the first no-hitter of his storied career. GibsonÕs heroics helped his team sail to an 11-0 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates. In 1964 Gibson won his first World Series Most Valuable Player Award. He retired after the 1975 season.

• On Aug. 18, 1941, Adolf Hitler orders that the systematic murder of the mentally ill and handicapped be brought to an end because of protests within Germany. But 50,000 people had already fallen victim to it. It • On Aug. 17, 1993, Random would be revived in occupied Poland. House agrees to pay Gen. Colin • On Aug. 16, 1958, Madonna Powell an advance of about $6 Louise Ciccone, the entertain- million for the rights to his automent icon later known around the biography, “My American Jourworld by her first name only, is born ney.” It became the fastest-selling near Detroit. The provocative per- book in Random House history. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• George Bernard Shaw, who tried unsuccessfully to will his fortune to anyone who could invent a better alphabet, declared it was possible to spell fish ‘ghoti’ by using gh as in enough; o as in women; and ti as in nation. But there are many ways to spell fish. For instance: Phusi- physics / busy / pension. FFess- off / pretty / issue. Ughyce- laugh / hymn / ocean. The list is endless. • ‘Floccinaucinihilipilification’ is the longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary. The word is unusual not only because it dates back to 1741; not only because it has 29 letters with 9 i’s and no e’s, but also because it means to classify something as worthless or trivial. • Amaze your friends by dropping these words into the conversation: Foozle: a bungling golf stroke. Groak: to stare hopefully at other’s food. Schizocarps: the pinwheels that grow on maple trees. Vomer: the slender bone separating the nostrils.


• On Aug. 12, 1964, Charlie Wilson, part of the gang who pulled off the 1963 Great Train Robbery, one of the biggest heists of its kind, escapes from Winson Green Prison in Birmingham, England. Several men broke into the maximum-security facility to free Wilson, who was finally recaptured in Canada in 1968.

• ‘Strengths’ is the longest word with only one vowel. ‘Latchstring’ has six consonants in a row. Beijing, Fiji, and hijinks have the most dots in a row. ‘Set’ has the most different meanings, with ‘run’ running a close second.


• On Aug. 15, 1930, President Herbert Hoover gives a press conference in which he offers plans for relief of individuals and businesses affected by a series of devastating droughts. Though criticized later for not doing enough overall, he asked the War Department to provide artillery-range land to Montana cattle and sheep farmers for grazing.

former, who often tackled sexual and religious themes in her work, also became famous for her everchanging hairstyles and fashion sense, as well as her personal life.


• On Aug. 13, 1878, Kate Bionda, a restaurant owner, dies of yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn., after a man who had escaped a quarantined steamboat visited her restaurant. The disease spread rapidly, and by October, 20,000 people in the Southeast had died.

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Moments in time

• The word ‘queue’ is the only word which retains its original pronunciation even when the last four letters are dropped.

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Find at least 6 differences in details between panels

Differences: 1. Mower is missing. 2. Nozzle is shorter. 3. Ball is turned. 4. Whistle is missing. 5. Towel is missing. 6. Radio is missing. © 2013 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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WORD TRIVIA (continued): • In the Shan language of Burma, inflection DEERE. JOHNa DEERE. (continued): and tone means great deal. With the proper • inflection, It was while living in Illinois thatma John the sentence, “Ma ma ma noma” ticed the problems thata farmers when means “Help the horse, mad dogfaced is coming.” attempting to till soil. Because the area had • Informerly America, Rice Krispies say “snap crackle been woodland, the soil was rich and pop” but Sweden they and say clung “piff paff with hummus,inwhich clumped to puff” and in South Africa theywere sayaccus“knap the blades of the plows farmers knaetter and in Germany “knisper tomed to knak” using. While repairing a broken cirknasper knusper.” cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He employed hisword smithfor skills to fashion the steel • The Russian hurry is bystro. When blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed Russian soldiers occupying Paris in 1814 sat two wooden spokes, hitched down in French bars,then they’d shouttheoutdevice “Bysto a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil tro! Bystro!” Eventually bistro came to mean a charm. a like small tavern In or fact, bar. a farmer who happened to be observing the test run immediately put WORD ORIGINS in an order for his own John Deere plow. • • Makrama is the Turkish word meaning a In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith fringed napkin and gives us macrame. shop and focused on making plows. The grew steadily and added em-to • Incompany the South Seas the word tattawmany means ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the knock or to strike and gave us the word tattoo. entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed • The chess term checkmate comes from the of his own lack of education, John sent his Persian shah mat meaning “the king is dead.” children to the state’s finest schools. One of • When Bradley, Voorhees, Day his proudest days occurredand when sonformed Charlesan underwear theyfrom called their earned the company equivalentinof1876, an MBA Bell’s Commercial College in Chicago. product BVDs. With his son Charles managing company, • • The Hollywood stereotype of anthe Indian saying John found time on to pursue philanthropic “How!” is based the traditional Indianin-Aterests. He co-founded both theorFirst Hau meaning “Peace with you” “AllNationis well.” al Bank and the First Congregational Church.

• The ancient Greeks used a resin called ‘muHe was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, mia’ or ‘momie’ preserve bodies, where one of histofirst actions – the giving replace-us mummies. ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer

pipeword system countless lives • The tip–issaved an abbreviation forby “toreducinsure ing the spread of disease. promptness.” TheGerman originalword Johnfrau Deere logo,wife. registered in • • The means It is a con1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afritraction of two German words, froh meaning ca. and Thirty-six years later, joy, weh meaning woe.in 1912, it was re-

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placed with the image of a North American

• The word potpourri originally meant a stew. In white-tailed deer. In the decades that folFrench literally means “putrid pot.” lowed,itthe now-familiar “outline” logo took over as the symbol of the John Deere brand. Thanks for Reading Tidbits!



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