Take a Breaks. from the new Feed Your Bnrain Some Fu with Tidbits!
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
September 5, 2013
Issue # 833
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RESTAURANTS by Janet Spencer
About 95% of all households report that at least one family member had dined out in the last month. Come along with Tidbits as we eat out! THE RESTAURANT IS BORN • Until the mid-1700s there were no recognizable restaurants as such. There were inns, where lodgers were fed whatever was in the stew pot that night, and there were taverns where limited food played second fiddle to the drink, and there were places called “ordinaries” where a fixed menu was available at a fixed time for a fixed price.
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• In France, development of the restaurant was stymied by licensing laws. Only stewmakers were licensed to sell stew; only bakers were licensed to sell baked goods; only soupmakers were licensed to sell soup. • In 1765 a soupmaker named Boulanger decided to challenge the licensing system, so he offered his customers lamb’s feet in white sauce. The stewmakers took him to court.
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• The judge, however, decided that since lamb’s feet were not stewed meat, Boulanger was not breaking any laws. This was the first inroad into the world of restaurants. Boulanger hung a sign above his shop that read in French “Come to me all whose stomachs cry out and I shall restore you.” The French word for restore is “restaurabo” and gave us the word restaurant.
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Quiz Bits
5. Who wrote the novel Dr. Zhivago? 6. Who was the first female guest host of TV’s “Saturday Night Live”? 7. What land did Alexander the Great rule as king? 8. Which 1979 Phil Collins song was used in the 2009 film “The Hangover”? 9. In the military, what is a dreadnought?
1. What percent of all money spent on food in the U.S. is spent in restaurants? 2. How many tons of food will a typical person eat in an average lifetime? 3. What percentage of Americans have had a pizza delivered in the past three months? 4. Where is Denali National Park?
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FAST FACTS • August is the busiest month of the year for America’s restaurants. A typical family of four will spend more than $200 in various eating establishments in August. • The United States now has over 250,000 restaurants, of which more than a third are franchises. The franchises account for more than 40% of all the income for restaurants. • Americans are dining out even more often than at any previous time in our history. A survey showed that 99.4% of people who were under 30 years old typically eat out about once a week. Of the over 65 group, 87.9% had eaten out in the previous week. The survey also showed that 39.7% of all meals eaten away from home were served by a fast food outlet while only 6% of the meals were consumed at full service restaurants. • Another survey concluded that 56% of adults eat out at a sit-down restaurant at least once a week. 7% of people eat out almost daily. • Each American eats almost 30 lbs. (13 kg) of hamburgers each year. McDonalds, the single largest chain of restaurants in the world, serves up 2,250 head of cattle per day. McDonalds has surpassed the Army as the biggest supplier of meals as well as the biggest employer of young people. • The following dishes are the most frequently ordered by people dining out: chicken; roast beef; spaghetti; turkey; ham; shrimp; stew; meatloaf; fish; macaroni & cheese. YOU BE THE JUDGE • When a food critic reviewed a restaurant, he used phrases like “a ghastly concoction” and “pretentious failures” and “green plague” and “yellow death.” The restaurant owner sued for $2 million in damages claiming that the reviewer ruined his reputation and humiliated him. If you were the judge, how would you rule? Let us put a smile back on your face. Call Tidbits® for some great ad rates! 701-772-8239
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sports Quiz 1. In 2012, San Francisco’s Pablo Sandoval became the fourth player to hit three home runs in one World Series game. Name two of the first three to do it. 2. When was the last time a team rallied from losing the first two games of the World Series to win the championship? 3. What year did the Vikings last play in a Super Bowl?
4. Since 2002, only one NFL team has had 13-plus wins in consecutive seasons twice. Name it. 5. How many consecutive appearances did five-time Wimbledon champion Venus Williams make at the event before missing it in 2013? 6. Who was the last gymnast before Gabby Douglas in 2012 to be named The Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year? 7. Who lost the 2012 World Series?
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YOU BE THE JUDGE (continued): The courts said the review was “degrading, malicious, and unprovoked” but that it still expressed the writer’s opinion which was protected by the Constitution. UNUSUAL RESTAURANTS • A restaurant in Washington, D.C. opened in 1992, specializing in insect dishes. They served mealworm wontons, cricket meatloaf, candied mealworm, and cricket popcorn. Chef Mark Nevin claimed he went through some 20,000 mealworms and 8,000 crickets every two weeks. All of his dishes contained insects that had been ground into flour or paste and no recognizable bugs or bug parts showed up in the fare. • George Pappavlahodimitrakopoulous owned a restaurant in Lansing, Michigan in 1961. He said he’d give a free meal to anyone who could pronounce his name correctly. • When Gordon and Jasmine Geisbrecht decided to open a new restaurant in Winnipeg in 1986, they wanted to make it really different. They decided to make toilets the theme of the restaurant. Called “The Outhouse,” toilet bowls were placed here and there in the decorating scheme, and menus featured a toilet bowl logo. Ironically enough, health inspectors suspended their license when it was found that their restroom facilities were inadequate.
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ANTICS & ANECDOTES • A homeless man paying for his meal in Salt Lake City apologized for not tipping, saying, “I’m going to go rob a bank and I’ll be back.” He walked across the street, relieved First Interstate Bank of $1,200, and was arrested at the restaurant after leaving a $2 tip. • At the New House Hotel in Wales, Chef Albert Grabham decided to hide the restaurant’s New Year’s Eve earnings in the oven. He forgot about it until he lit the oven to prepare New Year’s Day lunch.
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by Linda Thistle
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Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was noted American author Ambrose Bierce (sometimes known as “Bitter Bierce” for his acerbic wit) who made the following sage observation: “It is by the goodness of God that we have in our country three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and the prudence never to practice either.” • Did you ever wonder why pirates often had pierced ears? It seems that the belief at the time was that wearing an earring improved eyesight. • You might be surprised to learn that there is a world record for the tallest recorded hairdo. Even more surprising is the fact that the recordholder’s beehive measured a whopping 6 feet, 6 inches tall. • Food trucks are rapidly gaining popularity all over the country, both at fairs and at stand-alone food-truck bazaars. You might be surprised to learn that the origin of the food truck goes all the way
back to 1872. At that time, in Providence, R.I., all the restaurants closed at 8 every night, leaving factory workers who got off late without a place to eat. At the time, a man named Walter Scott (obviously not Sir Walter Scott) was working as a pushcart peddler, selling odds and ends out of a glorified wheelbarrow. Like a true American entrepreneur, Scott saw a need and moved to fill it. He put a small stove in a horse-drawn wagon and began roaming the streets late at night, selling sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs and coffee. His success spurred imitators, and soon the city was teeming with the “after-hours lunchwagons.” * * * Thought for the Day: “I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.” -- Umberto Eco © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
ANTICS & ANECDOTES (continued): • Timothy George was a busboy at a restaurant in California in 1982. When a customer was robbed in a restroom, Tim chased and captured the mugger, retrieving the stolen items. When he returned work, he was fired. Why? For leaving work… and for fighting. • In 1964, Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of President Johnson, was traveling from Cleveland to Washington, DC. Her secretary called ahead to a Howard Johnson’s restaurant to make reservations for Mrs. Johnson and her party. After they had eaten and left, a reporter interviewed the waitress. “How did it feel to serve Mrs. Johnson?” “I was pretty nervous,” replied the waitress. “Have you ever met a first lady before?” inquired the reporter. “First Lady?” cried the waitress. “That was Mrs. Lyndon Johnson? I thought it was Mrs. Howard Johnson!” • Entertainer George Jessel once arrived for dinner at the prestigious Stork Club with the talented black actress Lena Horne as his companion. The Club had a “whites only” policy and the restaurant owner pretended that all the tables were filled. “Who made the reservations?” he asked as he looked over the reservation book. George Jessel leaned forward and said, “Abraham Lincoln!” The couple was seated. • Musician Gerald Berners was listening to a high-toned woman of his acquaintance as she complained about a local restaurant. She was upset because the head waiter had refused to seat her and her husband immediately. “Why,” she exclaimed, “We had to tell him who we were!” Gerald inquired politely, “And who were you?” • Dining with friends at a fancy restaurant, Dorothy Parker rose and excused herself saying, “Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.” She paused a moment, then added, “I really have to use the telephone, but I’m too embarrassed to say so.”
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JUANITA MUSSON • Juanita Musson was an extraordinary woman who ran restaurants in California from 1954 until she retired in 1984. She was a large woman whose girth was underscored by her favorite garb, a muu-muu, which also served to emphasize her colorful personality. • She was born Juanita Hudspeth in Texas in 1923. She married a soldier named Richard Musson in 1944, following him to his station at the Presidio in San Francisco. Although they were later divorced, she remained in California for the rest of her life, running one restaurant after another, each one more unique than the rest. • She started out with a place she called Juanita’s Gallery, a rowdy dive that occupied a former bait shop in Sausalito. Later she moved the restaurant into the decrepit remains of a paddlewheel boat. A columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle discovered her quirky restaurant and wrote about it in the paper, which brought comics, entertainers, and other celebrities flocking to the joint follow-
ing their late night performances in San Francisco. “She was something else,” Tommy Smothers said of her. “She was the most intimidating personality,” Smothers said, while also describing her as charming, fiery and fearless. • Over the years she ended up running eleven different restaurants. She often lost them due to tax problems or health department violations, and more than one of them burned down. She always found a way to move on. For many years she ran an eatery in and old gas station in the town of El Verano. Patrons coming to dine might run into her pet fawn Sissy, a pig named Erica, a monkey named Beauregard, as well as various ducks, cats, dogs, goats.
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WEST NILE VIRUS RISK FACTORS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever. Ideal conditions for mosquito breeding and WNV are a wet spring followed by a hot dry summer. That pretty much describes our season in the Grand Forks region this year and WNV arrived early. The Grand Forks Health Department identified WNV in a bird on July 15th and we continue to identify it’s presence in mosquitoes collected throughout the community. This is a preventable disease and recognizing the risk factors can help reduce your chances of being infected.
Human West Nile Virus Cases August 28, 2013 Number of Cases
North Dakota - West Nile Virus Cases By Date 2002 - 2012
United States
Weekly Data 2002 - 2012 Total Human Cases in ND - 1,385
Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur from July – September. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system. The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. • Use mosquito-repellant products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc.
© 2013 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmsoquito.com or call the Information Line at 701-787-8144
Tidbits Laughs
A customer walks into a restaurant and notices a large sign on the wall: $500 if we fail to fill your order! When his waitress arrives, he orders fried zebra on rye. She calmly writes down his order and walks into the kitchen where pandemonium breaks loose! The chef comes storming out of the kitchen. He runs up to the customer’s table, slaps five $100 bills down on it and says, “You got me this time buddy, but I want you to know that’s the first time in ten years we’ve been out of rye bread!”
Harvest Days!
by Linda Thistle
Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.
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JUANITA MUSSON (continued): • Some people claim she was more into rest-RANTeering than restauranteering, and she was never shy about letting the language fly when things displeased her. If she got your order wrong and you complained about it, she’d scream at the top of her lungs, “Eat it or wear it!” and she was by no means above dumping a plate full of food into someone’s lap if they irritated her. The house rules were printed on the checks: Pour your own coffee. Write your own order. Bus your own table. There were boxes to check whether you wanted slow service, didn’t care about the speed of the service, or were in a great big rush. Those in the know knew better than to check that last box. A sign was prominently posted: “Our food is guaranteed—but not the disposition of the cook.” There was the occasional riot, which was always taken in stride.
• In Greek, gastro means stomach and nomia means law: gastronomic = the law of the stomach. • In France, grourmet meant a groom for the horses. Later it came to mean any servant. Some servants were wine-tasters; some were connoisseurs of food. Eventually the word came to mean one who is well studied in fine foods— a gourmet. • The Middle Dutch word snacken meant to snap at a thing, such as a dog snaps at a morsel of food tossed its way. Today the English version of the word is snack. • The French word bancus meant little bench, such as one would sit on during a banquet. FOODS NAMED AFTER PEOPLE • Prince Charles Phillipe de Condé, grandnephew of Louis XIII, King of France in the 1600s, had a sweet tooth. He wouldn’t eat anything that wasn’t sweet. A chef made up a glaze made of sugar, egg whites, and nuts. Poured over meats and vegetables, Prince Condé finally ate stuff that was good for him. The glaze was named after Condé, and the word came to mean anything sweet: candy.
• The decor at Juanita’s was unusual to say the least. One reporter described it as “Grand Rapids Grotesque.” Decorations included Chinese gongs, dentist chairs, fake palm trees, baby scales, and stuffed alligators. A headless mannequin in a seductive gown lounged on a waiting room couch, and after-dinner mints were served from a bedpan. She used anything that resembled a dish for serving food, including a turkey served in an oval enamel baby’s bath pan. When the restaurant was full, she’d feed the overflow crowd in the parking lot on make-shift picnic tables fashioned from old doors and sawhorses.
• Samuel Benedict was a famous playboy. After a night of partying in 1894, he went into the kitchens at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York and made himself breakfast. It consisted of two poached eggs on top of bacon on top of buttered toast with Hollandaise sauce poured over all. The chef was so impressed that the Waldorf added it to the menu and named it after the inventor: eggs benedict.
• She was such an unusual local character that two books were written about her. “Juanita: The Madcap Adventures of a Legendary Restaurateur” and “Juanita’s Eat it and Wear It Cookbook.” When she died at the age of 87 following a stroke, all of southern California mourned her passing.
Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.
• Ancel Keys worked at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. He invented a nutritious food that soldiers in the field could eat. It was named after the man who invented it: K-rations.
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EATING YOUR WORDS • In French, hors means outside and oeuvres DEERE. JOHNliterally DEERE. (continued): means the works: ‘apart from the main Latin word salsus meaning •work.’ It wasThe while living in Illinois that John salted noticedusthe that slaw farmers gives ourproblems salad. Cole is afaced saladwhen which attempting soil. Because the area had comes from to thetillDutch terms koolsa meaning formerly been woodland, the soil was rich cabbage, and sla meaning salad. The French withfor hummus, which clumped to word head, caboch, gave usand ourclung cabbage. the blades of the plows farmers were accusSpago is the Italian word for little cord: spatomedThe to using. Whilewas repairing a broken ghetti. cantaloupe first grown in cirCancular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He talupo, Italy, and brussels sprouts come from employedBelgium. his smith Gelatin, skills to fashion Brussels, Jello, the andsteel jelly blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed come from the Latin word gelo meaning to two wooden spokes, then hitched the device congeal. Desservir is French for clear away, to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil and that’s what you do before dessert is served. like a charm. In fact, a farmer who happened If to you some the tutti-frutti dessert, you’re behave observing test runfor immediately put eating an Italian word meaning ‘all fruits.’ If in an order for his own John Deere plow. you have some chocolate, you’ll be using a •Mexican-Indian In short order, Deere up hiswater, blacksmith work gave for bitter chocoshop and focused on making plows. latl. And if your family is giving you heatThe over company grew steadily and added many emthe number of calories you’re consuming, well, ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the calorie is Latin for heat. entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed of his own lack of education, FAST FACTS John sent his children to the state’s finest schools. • Peanuts are known as goobers becauseOne the of Afhis proudest days occurred when son Charles rican word for peanut is nguba. earned the equivalent of an MBA from Bell’s • The old French wordinmoisseron Commercial College Chicago. was mispronounced by the English and became mushroom. • With his son Charles managing the company, • The German knappen ‘to eat’inand John found word time to pursue means philanthropic a knappensack was a sack holding things to eat: terests. He co-founded both the First Nationa knapsack. al Bank and the First Congregational Church. He Peruvian was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, • The word charqui meant meat that where firstand actions thetoreplacehad beenone cutof in his strips hung–out dry. Toment of the city’s open drains with a sewer day we call it jerky. pipe system – saved countless lives by reduc• Ining OldtheEnglish, grappe meant a cluster of fruit spread of disease. growing together, and grape was the hook that • The original John Deere logo, registered in they were gathered with. grape means 1876, depicted a deer thatToday, was native to Afritheca.fruit itself, and grapple means struggling Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was rewith a struggles placedproblem with themuch imageasofa aharvester North American with a hook. white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading over as the symbol of the John Tidbits! Deere brand.
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4. Patriots 1. Babe Ruth, Reggie Jackson, 5. Sixteen & Albert Pujols 6. Mary Lou RetJayDee tonWeigand in 1984 2. Yankees in 1996 701.757.0926 7. Detroit Tigers 3. 1977 (S.B. XI) 701.210.2452 jaydee.weigand@gmail.com 5196 7th Ave. N. | Grand Forks, ND 58203
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1Q2009 :: Wk 13 :: Mar 22 - Mar 28 :: Pg. 6
6. Candace Bergen 7. Macedonia 8. “In the Air Tonight” 9. A heavily armored battleship
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Donations benefit Grand Forks CVIC
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with a Rydell corporate match
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