Tidbits September 12 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

September 12, 2013




Issue # 834

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Published by: Wick Publications • P.O. Box 12861, Grand Forks, ND 58208 • For Advertising Call: 701-772-8239 • wickpub@yahoo.com

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THE BIRDS & THE BEES by Kathy Wolfe

Back in 1965, Jewel Akens had a Billboard top hit and gold record with “Let Me Tell You about the Birds and the Bees.” This week, Tidbits brings you a variety of facts about these creatures.

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• Out of close to 10,000 varieties of birds, the largest is the African ostrich, with an average height of 8 ft. (2.44 m). This flightless bird weighs between 220 and 350 lbs. (100 to 160 kg.). It has the largest eye of any land animal, measuring almost 2 inches (5 cm) across. An ostrich egg measures nearly 7 inches (17.8 cm) across and weighs around 4 lbs. (1.8 kg), enough to make about 11 omelets. • A cheetah can run at speeds up to 70 mph (113 km/hr), but it’s not the fastest animal on Earth. A spine-tailed swift can fly at speeds of 106 mph (171 km/hr), but one bird is even faster. The peregrine falcon can reach 200 mph (320 km/hr) as it dives down while hunting prey. The fastest bird on land is the ostrich, who can hustle along at 43 mph (69 km/hr).

• The world’s smallest bird is the bee hummingbird, just a bit more than 2 inches (5 cm) in size, and weighing .07 of an ounce (1.8 g), about as much as a lump of sugar. Native to Cuba, this tiny creature can flap its wings between 50 and 80 times per second.

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BIRDS AND THE BEES (continued):

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• To safeguard your home from woodpeckers, consider the reasons these creatures peck. The fast drumming by the male is an attempt - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient to attract a mate and announce to other males in the area that this is his territory. He usually HOURS HOURS chooses a hollow branch for this purpose, but M-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 will opt for a house’s gutter or loose siding. Sat. 9-1:30 Sat. 9-1:30 They also peck searching for insects. If you Jeff Theige R.Ph. Park Mall • 1395 S.S. Columbia Road • •746-1800 Theige, R.Ph. Med Med Park Mall • 1395 Columbia RoadRoad 746-1800 JeffJeff Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia • 746-1800 see holes in your siding, you could very well have insects living in the boards that the bird Complete hearing aid care found. Your siding is also an attractive place • Advanced Digital Technology • FREE Hearing Evaluation for a nest, and it’s nothing for the woodpeck• 60 Day Hearing Aid Trial er to drill a hole large enough for entry. It can • Service Most Makes be beneficial to install a nest box on the side of your house or fence to keep them from pecking into the siding. “I love the drive-thru window. No walking through “I lovestore the drive-thru window. walking through a large just to pick up myNomedicine.” a large store just to pick up my medicine.” - Another Satisifed Medicap Patient

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Quiz Bits

6. What name is given to the scientific method of dating trees by the number of rings? 7. What was the name of Fred Flintstone’s boss? 8. What product uses the advertising slogan, “How do you spell relief?” 9. In the comics, what is the name of the military base where Beetle Bailey and his friends reside?


1. How fast can the average bumblebee fly? 2. Bees see all colors except one. Name it. 3. What tree is most often struck by lightning? 4. Sequoias are the world’s tallest trees. What species is second? 5. What is the Periodic Table symbol for silver?


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• The woodpecker has a very thick skull and a built-in “shock-absorber system” in its neck and rib cage to withstand the constant pounding. • Filling up your birdbath today? The Audubon Society recommends a depth of about 2½ inches (6.3 cm). Any less makes it too difficult for the bird, and deeper water frightens them. • Not every group of birds is called a flock. A group of pelicans is known as a squadron. Other unusual group names include a charm of hummingbirds, a tiding of magpies, a muster of peacocks, a conspiracy of ravens, a bouquet of pheasants, a murmuration of starlings, and a murder of crows.

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4. Who had the most stolen bases for his career— Pete Rose or George Brett? 1. What was the total combined 5. In 2012, Houston and the margin of victory in the two Chicago Cubs set a record recent Super Bowl victories for most pitchers used in a by the N.Y. Giants over the nine-inning, 1-0 game. How New England Patriots? many was it? 2. When was the last time before 6. Name three of the four play2012 that Texas A&M won at ers to win the NBA All-Star least 10 games in a season? MVP Award and NBA Finals 3. Name the country that has MVP Award in the same made the most trips to the season. World Cup (men’s soccer) 7. Which conference has won more without bringing home a title. Super Bowls—AFC or NFC?

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THE BIRDS AND THE BEES (continued): • It’s a long trip south every year for the North American Black Warbler, a small bird about 6 in. (14 cm) long, weighing only 0.39 oz. (11 g). Every year, it migrates a distance of nearly 2,500 miles (4,023 km) that is covered in a non-stop flight that takes close to 90 hours. They accomplish this by doubling their body mass as migration time nears. The warbler’s average speed on the journey is 27 mph (43 km/hr). • West Baden Springs, Indiana was the birthplace of a very famous Bird who migrated to Boston, Massachusetts in 1979. The 6’ 9” tall (2.1 m) Bird, also called a Larry Bird, played his entire basketball career with the Boston Celtics, leading them to three NBA championships. He was also a 12-time NBA All-Star and league MVP three times. After participating on the 1992 Olympic “Dream Team,” the Bird retired as a player and entered into coaching. • There are about 20,000 different species of bees in the world. Bumblebees pollinate crops and plants, while honeybees produce honey from the pollen and nectar of the plants they pollinate. A honeybee’s wings flap at the rate of 11,000 times per minute, producing that familiar buzzing sound.


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• Three types of bees occupy each colony – the queen, the worker bee, and the drone. All drones are male and their only job is to mate with the queen. Female bees are the only ones that work, collecting pollen and nectar and cleaning the hive. The queen’s only job is to lay eggs, and she can lay about 3,000 eggs in one day. Only the queen bee can reproduce and all worker bees are sterile. • One tablespoon of honey requires the nectar of about 2,000 flowers. One pound of honey is produced by 550 bees collecting nectar from 2.5 million flowers. A typical honeybee can carry the pollen from 500 flowers in one trip.

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THE BIRDS AND THE BEES (continued): • If you think poisonous snakes are deadly, consider the fact that bees kill more people annually than snakes. Of all deaths caused by animals, bee stings rank highest, causing 75% of those deaths compared to about 5% for snakes. • The stinger on the average bumblebee is .3125 of an inch (7.9 mm) long. Bees store their venom in a sac attached to the stinger. Only the female bee stings, and uses 21 muscles to accomplish this task. Contrary to popular belief, not every bee dies when it stings. Honeybees, whose stingers have barbs or hooks, die after stinging because as the bee tries to fly away, part of the abdomen gets caught and is ripped away. Bumblebees have smooth stingers that do not get caught in the victim’s skin, enabling them to fly away and sting again. • Back in 1985, a Virginia man named Jed Shaner set a world record by piling 42 lbs. (19 kg.) of bees on his body. But that wasn’t enough for this third-generation beekeeper. Two months later, he upped the amount to 48 lbs. (21.8 kg.), then followed up six years later with an astounding 80 lbs. (36.3 kg.) – about 640,000 bees – several inches thick covering his body. He missed his goal of 100 lbs. (45.4 kg.), and although he endured several stings, said, “It’s not as bad as you think.” That’s what he thinks!


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The name of Clara Barton might not be familiar to some, but her accomplishments live on throughout the world today. The American Red Cross has provided compassionate care to millions around the world during times of disaster, as well as support to the families of the members of our armed services. Follow the life of this courageous woman who founded this organization. • Born in 1821, by the age of four, Clara was reading and spelling complicated words. It was no surprise that she was already a Massachusetts school teacher at age 17. By 24, she had founded her own school. A few years later, she temporarily left the field to pursue writing and language classes at a New York college. • After completion of her further education, Clara opened another school, which rapidly grew to 600 attendees under her leadership. When the school board chose a man over her to head the school, her career took another route. Clara accepted a job in

Washington, D.C. as a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office, the first woman to receive a significant clerkship with the federal government. • It was during her time in Washington that the Civil War broke out. Troops poured into the capital city, and Clara began offering assistance to hungry and wounded servicemen. She campaigned for donations for bedding, clothing, and medical supplies. Having always had an instinctual feel for nursing, having cared for her seriously-ill brother for two years when she was just 11, she began caring for the wounded, traveling to the battlefields.

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CLARA BARTON (continued):

Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne disease that first showed up in our region in 2002. This virus has been present every year since 2002. Human cases of WNV are starting to appear in Minnesota and South Dakota and it’s only a matter of time before it gets to our region. Grand Forks Mosquito Control is monitoring and testing the mosquitoes most commonly known to transmit this virus. We cannot eliminate this virus. The Grand Forks Public Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn.

How can people reduce their chance of getting WNV? The most effective way to prevent WNV is to avoid mosquito bites: • Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors from dusk through dawn. • Apply insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET provide the best protection. • Reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by eliminating standing water from containers such as flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, discarded tires, and birdbaths. Anything that holds water for more than a week could be producing mosquitoes.

How do people get infected with WNV? Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

What are the symptoms of WNV? No symptoms in most people. Most people (70-80%) who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. Febrile illness in some people. About 1 in 5 people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. Severe symptoms in a few people. Less than 1% of people who are infected will develop a serious neurologic illness such as encephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues). The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures, or paralysis. Recovery from severe disease may take several weeks or months. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. About 10 percent of people who develop neurologic infection due to West Nile virus will die.

• As the battles raged, she drove wagons to the sites loaded with supplies, earning her the name “Angel of the Battlefield.” She was a nurse, a cook, and source of comfort, reading to soldiers, writing letters for them, and offering a sympathetic ear. • As the war drew to a close, Clara began working diligently to identify 13,000 of the prisoners who had died in the legendary Andersonville Confederate prison camp and marking their graves. Following her efforts, thousands of letters began pouring in asking for her help in locating missing loved ones. Over the next four years, Clara operated the Office of Correspondence with Friends of the Missing Men of the U.S. Army, answering over 63,000 letters, and identifying more than 22,000 men. The Red Cross’ tracing service had its roots in Clara’s activity, helping million locate missing loved ones over the decades. • Visiting Switzerland after the war, Clara learned of the European Red Cross effort, and upon her return to the States, rallied supporters to establish an American organization. She led the group for the next 23 years, expanding the function to disaster relief, assisting victims of a destructive Michigan forest fire as the first official project. She and 50 volunteers were the first relief workers at the site of the devastating 1889 Johnstown, Pennsylvania flood, which claimed over 2,000 lives. Her final project was providing relief to survivors of a hurricane and tidal wave that struck Galveston, Texas in 1900, causing more than 6,000 deaths. Clara was 79 years old. She retired from the Red Cross in 1904, and passed away eight years later. Born on Christmas Day, 1821, she died on Good Friday, 1912.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness.

For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmsoquito.com or call the Information Line at 701-787-8144

Tidbits of Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.


by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

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Tidbits continues its examination of the 1956 Jewel Akens song by moving on to “the flowers and the trees.”




• Of the more than 250,000 species of flowering plants in the world, 15,000 of them are roses. About 10% of flowering plants in the United States are considered endangered, including the state flower of Minnesota, the pink and white lady slipper. This rare wildflower can take up to 16 years to produce its first flower, and it’s illegal to pick them.


• The world’s largest flower, the titan arums, has blossoms 10 feet high (3.0 m) and 3 feet (0.9 m) across that weigh nearly 36 lbs. (16.3 kg). What a shame its nickname is the “stinking corpse lily,” because its flowers smell of rotten meat and decaying flesh! This is to attract flies, which are the flower’s pollinators.

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FLOWERS & TREES (continued):

• The Redwood National Park is home to some DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): real giants, including the world’s largest living • tree, It was while living in Illinois that John378.1 nonicknamed Hyperion, which stands ticed the m) problems thata farmers faced feet (115 tall. Just bit shorter is when Helios attempting to till soil. Because the area at 376.3 feet (114.7 m), and third tallest,had Icaformerly been woodland, the soil was rich rus, at 371.2 feet (113 m). The General Sherwith hummus, which clumped and clung to man, another giant redwood sequoia, reaches the blades of the plows farmers were accusa tomed heighttoofusing. 275 While feet (84 m), but its girth repairing a broken cir-is the amazing figure. It measures 25 ft. (8 m) cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He and has an his estimated weight of 4 million lbs. employed smith skills to fashion the steel (1,814,369 kg.) blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed

wooden spokes, then named hitched Methuselah the device • Atwo Bristlecone pine tree to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soilis located in California’s White Mountains like a charm. In world’s fact, a farmer thought to be the oldestwho tree,happened estimated to be observing the test run immediately put to be 4,650 years old. in an order for his own John Deere plow.

Differences: 1. Bear is missing. 2. Neckline is lower. 3. Bottle is missing. 4. Picture is missing. 5. Chair is lower. 6. Spoon is missing. © 2013 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• A tree’s age can be accurately determined • toInthe short order, Deere gave exact calendar year up byhis its blacksmith number of shop and focused on making plows. The growth rings. The size of the ring can be afcompany grew steadily and added many emfected by environmental events, such as temployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the perature, water availability, nutrition in the entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed soil, andown evenlack volcanic eruptions. of his of education, John sent his • Did you know that you can increase your propchildren to the state’s finest schools. One of his value proudest occurred trees? when son Charles erty justdays by planting Realtors tell the equivalent of an MBA fromtypically Bell’s usearned that houses surrounded by trees Commercial College Chicago. sell for 18-25% higherinthan those houses with trees. trees can make a the building up to • noWith hisShade son Charles managing company, 20John degrees cooler in the summer, and heating found time to pursue philanthropic inand air conditioning costs reduced terests. He co-founded bothcan thebe First Nation-by 30% by having a building. Trees al Bank and thetrees First around Congregational Church. Healso wasbeneficial elected theby mayor of as Moline 1873, are acting soundinbarriers one on of his first actions – the replacetowhere cut down noise pollution. ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer • Studies indicate that hospital patients whose pipe system – saved countless lives by reducwindow faces trees heal faster, use fewer ing the spread of disease. painkillers, and leave the hospital sooner than • those The whose originalwindow John Deere registered in faceslogo, a brick wall. Re1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afrisearch also suggests that workers are more ca. Thirty-six years in 1912, was their reproductive when theylater, can see trees itfrom placed with the image of a North American office window. white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading over as the symbol of the John Tidbits! Deere brand.


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Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.

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September 15, 2013 11:00 - 4:00 Schedule of Events: • Facepainting • Inflatables • Roger’s Artwork • Local Entertainment • Silent Auction • Photo Booth

MENU: BBQ Beef on Bun, Chips, Coke Products


PRIZES: • GM 350/290 HP Deluxe Crate Motor • $500 Rydell Auto Gift Certificate • $150 Rydell Auto Gift Certificate Tickets $5 each or 5 for $20 Tickets available at Front Desk or Parts Dept. at Rydell Auto Center

September 15, 2013 11:00 - 4:00

2700 South Washington StreetND Street • Grand Forks, EVENT LOCATION: 2700 South Washington Schedule of Events: Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 Facepainting 701.772.7211/800.228.8285 Since 1954 2700 South Washington Street Inflatables Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 Funds Collected 701.772.7211/800.228.8285 Roger’s Artwork along with a Rydell Local Entertainment Corporate match Silent Auction Funds collected will go to Photo Booth will benefit: Since 1954

with a Rydell corporate match

MENU ToBeef register to: www.RydellCarShow.com To register your vehicle go to our website BBQ on Bun your vehicle go Chips Select this event to download form www. a registration carshow.com Coke Products select this event to download a registration form.

Pre-registration Fee $35 • After Sept. 5th $40

Pre-registration Fee $35 After Sept 5th $40


Potato Chips Compliments of

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