Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
September 26, 2013
Issue # 836
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by Kathy Wolfe
It’s something that you do every single day of your existence, but how much do you really know about sleep? Tidbits has some lesserknown facts about one of life’s necessities – shut-eye! • When you’re asleep, your body may be resting but your brain certainly isn’t! It remains hard at work constantly giving orders to the body’s various systems to keep it breathing, pumping blood, and digesting. Short-term memories are recorded in the brain during sleep. Did you know that sleeping shortly after learning something new will actually improve your ability to remember it? • Rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, is characterized by rapid and random movement of the eyes and accounts for about 25% of a total night’s sleep, 90 to 120 minutes. Prior to that are stages of light sleep, when our eye movements stop and brain waves are extremely slow. The first period of REM occurs about 90 minutes after a person falls asleep and lasts about 10 minutes. A sleeper will experience about four or five periods of REM, with each lengthening toward morning. Brain activity is heightened and this is the time of intense dreaming.
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Quiz Bits
4. What is the largest cell in the human body? 5. What was the name of the company where George Jetson worked in “The Jetsons”? 6. What favorite promotion did Kmart shut off in 1991, angering longtime shoppers? 7. Who learned English just two years before her Oscar-winning “Beauty and the Beast” duet?
1. What disorder is characterized by frequent “sleep attacks,” causing sufferers to fall asleep at any time without notice? 2. Over the course of an average lifetime, how many years will be spent dreaming? 3. What Autumn event has been shown to contribute to a decrease in road accidents?
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• Lack of sufficient sleep can even lead to obesity! The hormones leptin and ghrelin are instrumental in controlling feelings of hunger and fullness. Inadequate sleep can increase production of ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite, raising the sensation of hunger by as much as 25%. Leptin signals the brain when the body is full, but not enough shut-eye drives leptin levels down. Combine these two and it’s a recipe for obesity. • Even an increase in wrinkles can occur when you don’t get enough rest. Your body releases extra cortisol, the “stress hormone” when you don’t get enough rest. Cortisol breaks down the skin’s collagen, that substance that maintains skin’s elasticity. • It’s a little alarming to know that 23% of commercial airline pilots admit that sleep deprivation affects their performance at least once a week. One-fifth of those surveyed disclosed that they have made serious mistakes as a result. Fourteen percent of truck drivers confess a “near miss” due to lack of sleep, while 44% of them say they never or rarely get enough sleep on work nights.
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5. T or F: Tennis start Rafael Nadal holds the record for the most singles titles on Name the last time American clay courts with 42. League teammates finished 6. In 1991, what Spanish city 1-2-3 in the regular-season got fired up over an NFL MVP voting? Europe team called the How many times has guard Dragons? Chris Paul led the NBA in 7. What was the name of the steals per game for a season? football team that the plot is Who was the first defensecentered around, in the 1999 man after Bobby Orr in 1972 movie “Any Given Sunday”? to win the Hart Trophy as the 8. What was the last name of NHL regular-season MVP? Rudy in the movie of the Name the first-ever NBA MVP. same name?
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Z-Z-Z’s (continued): • Staying awake for just 17 hours leads to decreased performance equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.05%. No sleep for 21 hours is comparable to 0.08% blood alcohol content. • How do you know if you’re sleep deprived? A sure sign is if it takes you less than five minutes to fall asleep at night. The optimum amount of time is between 10 and 15 minutes. Other symptoms include irritability, nervousness, and inability to tolerate stress, and problems with concentration and memory. You might also notice blurred vision, hand tremors, or a change in appetite. • We each have an internal “master clock” in our brains that coordinates the rhythm of our body’s functions. Known as the “circadian clock,” it is affected by external environmental factors, with light as the main factor influencing our 24-hour circadian cycle. These rhythms influence our sleep cycles, hormone release, and body temperature, and function best with a normal light-dark cycle. This master clock controls the productions of the hormone melatonin, the one that makes us sleepy. When there is less light, the clock tells the brain to produce more melatonin, resulting in drowsiness. When a person’s work
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hours are scheduled during the normal sleep period, it’s difficult to stay awake, but it can also be a health risk. It’s believed that melatonin protects the body against cancer. For those who are exposed to light at night, melatonin levels are reduced, and researchers believe those people are more prone to colon and breast cancer. • Studies indicate that the risk of cardiovascular disease declines significantly when a person regularly sleeps seven hours a night.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was Israeli politician Abba Eban who made the following sage observation: “A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.” • Moose are so nearsighted that they have been known to try to mate with cars. • According to tradition, a bride whose dress is made of silk will have good fortune in her marriage. A woman who wears velvet to her wedding will face poverty, and a satin wedding gown will bring bad luck. • On average, there are 50,000 earthquakes around the world every year. • Beloved composer Frederic Chopin died in 1849 in France. He was terrified of being buried alive, so at his request, after his death his heart was removed, preserved in alcohol and returned to his native country, Poland. Once in Warsaw, the urn containing his heart was sealed into a pillar of the Holy Cross Church with the inscription,
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” • Spanish explorers named California after a mythical island of Amazon women ruled by a warrior queen named Califa. • An assemblyman in Alaska once wrote and tried to pass legislation mandating a $100 fine for “public flatulence, crepitation, gaseous emission and miasmic effluence.” • In 1903, a now-unknown inventor (and breeder of chickens, one might venture to guess) submitted a request to patent eyeglasses for chickens, designed to prevent injury due to pecking by other chickens. The request was refused. • The Sphinx in Egypt is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence. * * * Thought for the Day: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” -- Albert Einstein © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
Z-Z-Z’s (continued): • It’s estimated that sleeplessness contributes to one in six fatal highway accidents. It seems that men are more likely than women to drive while drowsy and twice as likely as women to fall asleep while driving. Also related to gender, women need about an hour more sleep per night, yet are twice as likely to have insomnia. Unfortunately, the loss of that hour, coupled with stress level, biological stages, and responsibilities makes them more prone to depression. • A lack of sleep decreases your attention and concentration and inhibits the cementing of memories, so that you cannot remember what you learn from day to day. A scientific study has determined that a 60 to 90 minute nap can be as beneficial as a full night’s sleep for learning a new skill. A “power nap” can improve alertness, creativity, productivity, motor skills, and accuracy, as well as reduce stress and risk of heart attack, and aid in weight loss. • What about those folks who never seem to need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning? These individuals are awakened by the release of a stress hormone called adrencorticotrophin as they unconsciously anticipate the stress of waking up. • If you’re one of those who kicks and punches while asleep, you are more susceptible to neurological disease. Experts say that “violent sleepers” have a 50% chance of developing Parkinson’s Disease or dementia and should consult a neurologist to diagnose the problem. • If you think that drinking coffee will help you stay awake, consider that those folks who drink four or more caffeinated beverages on a daily basis have a higher risk for sleep apnea.
: i All of the letters in the word “typewriter” can be found on the same row of a keyboard. i Sharks do not blink.
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One of the most popular and beloved First Ladies in American history, Jacqueline Kennedy was a symbol of style and elegance. Learn more about the life of a member of one of America’s most famous families.
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• Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was the first First Lady to be born in a hospital. The daughter of a wealthy stockbroker, Jackie experienced a privileged childhood full of ballet lessons, French lessons, and equestrian training and events. At age 15, she was enrolled at the prestigious Miss Porter’s School, a Connecticut boarding school established in 1843 that stressed demanding academic courses, as well as proper manners and social skills. During her senior year, Jackie was named “Debutante of the Year” by the local newspaper. • Jackie’s choice of college was Vassar with studies in history, literature, art, and French, spending her junior year studying in Paris. Following a transfer to George Washington University and subsequent graduation, she took a job at the Washington Times-Herald photographing and interviewing local citizens. One of her final assignments with the paper was covering the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. • Jackie met Massachusetts senator-elect John F. Kennedy at a 1952 dinner party after he “leaned across the asparagus and asked her for a date.” They were married the following year. • Although she always wished to write a novel, instead she encouraged her husband to write Profiles in Courage, which she helped him edit, a book that won the Pulitzer Prize.
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JACKIE KENNEDY (continued): • Jackie suffered a miscarriage in 1955, and delivered a stillborn daughter, Arabella in 1956. Daughter Caroline was born the following year. In 1960, John Kennedy was elected the 35th president of the United States, and three weeks later their son John, Jr. was born. • Shortly after the inauguration, Jackie began her famous project of redecorating the White House and historically restoring the public rooms, hunting down furnishings that had been removed from the White House. She was awarded an Emmy for her TV special highlighting the tour of the White House following the restoration. Jackie hosted many fine cultural events at the Executive Mansion – performances of opera, ballet, Shakespeare, and jazz. She had an elegant sense of style, and her fashions set trends around the world. • Jackie was 34 years old in 1963 when her husband was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas. She had experienced the death of her three-day-old son just three months before. After spending several months in Washington following his death, she moved to New York City to establish the John F. Kennedy Library. • In 1968, Jackie married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, who was 23 years her senior, and the couple split their time among homes in Athens and Skorpios Island, Greece, and Paris. Seven years later, she was a widow once again. • As a widow in her mid-40s, Jackie returned to the literary world, taking a job as an editor with Viking Press, later moving over to Doubleday Books. At age 64, she was diagnosed with nonHodgkin’s lymphoma. She gave up her threepack-a-day smoking habit and cut back on her work schedule at Doubleday, but the cancer continued spread. Just four months after her diagnosis, she passed away. She is buried in Arlington National Cemetery next to JFK, their son Patrick and daughter Arabella.
Presidential Quotes: “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” ~ Ronald Reagan
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by Linda Thistle
Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.
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It’s estimated that about 3.2% of the U.S. population are vegetarians. There are many reasons that folks choose to abstain from meat – let’s examine some of the information about those who like to veg out!
Moments in time • On Oct. 6, 1683, encouraged by William Penn’s offer of 5,000 acres of land in the colony of Pennsylvania and the freedom to practice their religion, the first Mennonites arrive in America aboard the Concord. The German Mennonites were founded in Europe by Menno Simons in the 16th century. • On Oct. 2, 1780, British Major John Andre, an accomplice of Benedict Arnold, is hanged as a spy by U.S. military forces in Tappan, N.Y. Andre wrote a letter to Gen. George Washington asking that he be executed by firing squad, that being a more “gentlemanly” death than hanging. • On Oct. 4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln observes a balloon demonstration near Washington, D.C. Both Confederate and Union armies experimented with using balloons to gather military intelligence in the early stages of the war, but the balloons proved to be dangerous and impractical for most situations. • On Oct. 1, 1908, the first production Model T Ford is completed in Detroit. The cheapest one initially cost $825, or about $18,000 in to-
• While some people opt for vegetarianism out of respect for animals’ rights, others have health-related or religious reasons. Motivation might also be cultural, environmental, or economic. The practice has its roots in ancient India, where they based the tradition on nonviolence toward animals. There are more vegetarians in India than in any other country, claiming 70% of the world’s vegetarians. The ancient Hellenes and Egyptians cited medical purposes and purification rituals for the practice. A Buddhist vegetarian abstains from not only animal products but all vegetables in the Allium family, including onions, garlic, leeks, chives, and shallots. They find the odor of these offensive and believe the “anger up the blood.”
The History Channel
day’s dollars. It had a 22-horsepower, four-cylinder engine that could run on gasoline or hemp-based fuel. • On Sept. 30, 1954, the USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear submarine, is commissioned by the U.S. Navy. In August 1958, Nautilus accomplished the first voyage under the geographic North Pole. After a career spanning 25 years and almost 500,000 miles steamed, Nautilus was decommissioned in 1980.
• The 6th-century Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was one of the first famous vegetarians, and those of his era were actually called Pythagoreans. He believed that nonviolence toward animals was the first step toward the same among humans. In his words, “For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.”
• On Oct. 3, 1967, writer, singer and folk icon Woody Guthrie dies in New York. Guthrie, originally from Oklahoma, introduced a form of music called protest folk. Most famous was “This Land Is Your Land,” written in 1940 and first recorded in 1944.
• The word “vegetarian” was coined in the 19th century, and England was home to the world’s first Vegetarian Society, formed in 1847 to demonstrate that it was possible to live a healthy life without eating meat.
• On Oct. 5, 1978, Isaac Bashevis Singer wins the Nobel Prize for literature. Singer wrote in Yiddish about Jewish life in Poland and the United States, and translations of his work became popular in mainstream America as well as Jewish circles. One of his stories, Yentl, was made into a movie directed by and starring Barbra Streisand in 1983.
• Some cultures are primarily vegetarian due to poverty. A large percentage of those populations are poor farmers who cannot afford meat and subsist on beans, peppers, legumes, and grains.
© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications Chadwick Parkinson P.O. Box 12861 701-772-8239 Grand Forks, ND 58208
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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VEGETARIANS (continued): • Founding father Benjamin Franklin followed DEERE. JOHN DEERE. a vegetarian diet for much of(continued): his life. Franklin • believed It was while living Illinois that John nothat the dietinwas not only healthier, ticed the problems farmers faced the money he saved that on expensive meatwhen could attempting to till soil. Because the area introhad be spent on books. He is credited with formerly been woodland, the soil was rich ducing tofu to America around 1770. with hummus, which clumped and clung to • Vegetarians be lumped in one the blades can’t of theall plows farmerstogether were accusgroup, theirWhile preferences differ so widely. tomedsince to using. repairing a broken cirDeere upon an idea. He Acular strictsaw, vegan dietstumbled is completely plant-based employed his animal smith skills to fashion the steel and excludes products of any kind, blade intoeggs the and shapedairy, of a and plow. He beeswax affixed including even twohoney. wooden then hitched device and Anspokes, ovo-vegetarian eatstheeggs, but to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil not dairy products. A lacto-vegetarian includes like aproducts charm. In farmer who dairy infact, theira diet, but nothappened eggs. An to be observing the test run immediately put ovo-lacto vegetarian eats both eggs and dairy. in an order for his own John Deere plow. If you’re a pescetarian, you are a vegetarian • who In short Deere gavefoods, up his dairy, blacksmith eats order, all plant-based eggs, shop and focused on making plows. The and fish. company grew steadily and added many em• There seem many health associployees. In to thebelate 1840s, Johnbenefits relocated the ated with vegetarianism. The American Dietetentire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed icofAssociation reports that vegetarians have his own lack of education, John sent his a lower Body Mass Index, cholesterol children to the state’s finestlower schools. One of his proudest days occurred when Charles levels, lower blood pressure, lessson Type 2 diaearned the equivalent of an MBA from Bell’s betes, lower rates of hypertension, and less inCommercial Collegeand in Chicago. cidences of prostrate colon cancer. Studies low-fat,managing high-fiber • indicate With histhat sonaCharles theplant-based company, diet also decreases the risk of developing John found time to pursue philanthropic gallinterests.Some He co-founded both the Nationstones. research shows thatFirst a vegetarian al Bank and the Congregational diet increases theFirst body’s metabolism, Church. enabling He was elected the mayor of Moline in the body to burn calories at a faster rate1873, than a where one diet. of his first actions – the replacemeat-based ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer • More people –can be countless fed on a lives vegetarian diet pipe system saved by reducthan one. One acre of land can ing athemeat-based spread of disease. yield about 20,000 lbs. (9,072 kg) of potatoes • The original John Deere logo, registered in whereas only about 165 lbs. (75 kg) of beef 1876, depicted a deer that was native to African producedyears on that same acre. itOnly Thirty-six later, in 1912, was 20% reofplaced America’s corn is eaten by humans, with the with the image of a North American remainder consumed by livestock. Livestock white-tailed deer. In the decades that foleat 95% of oats grown“outline” in the U.S. lowed, thethe now-familiar logo took over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.
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