Happy Halloween!
FREE! Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
October 24, 2013
Issue # 840
Little Paper Ever Read®
Published by: Wick Publications • Grand Forks, ND • For Advertising Call: 701-772-8239 • wickpub@yahoo.com • www.tidbitsgf.com
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WORLD SERIES by Kathy Wolfe
The World Series is scheduled to begin on October 23. Tidbits takes you out to the ball game with the history of baseball’s Fall Classic, and says, “Play ball!” • Although Major League Baseball has had some sort of post-season championship series since about 1884, the World Series as we know it began in 1903 when the Pittsburgh Pirates competed against the Boston Americans. Boston took the Series in what was then a nine-game series, five games to three. • Every now and then, all the World Series games were played in one city, for example, the 1906 Series which was played by the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox. But it’s pretty rare for all the games to be played in the same ballpark. In 1921 and 1922, both New York teams, the Yankees and the Giants used the Polo Grounds as their park, where all the games were played. In 1944, the St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Browns battled it out in one stadium, Sportsman’s Park. • The World Series ring is a familiar award given to players as a token of their victory. However, up until 1922, players received pocket watches or medallions as a memento. The 1922 New York Giants were the first team to receive rings as a keepsake from the championship. Turn the page for more!
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WORLD SERIES (continued): • The winning pitchers in all four games of the 1934 series were brothers. Dizzy Dean and Paul Dean of the St. Louis Cardinals each won two games in the classic against the Detroit Tigers.
• In the 1960 World Series, the Pittsburgh Pirates were pitted against the New York Yankees. The Yankees scored 55 runs to the Pirates’ 27, yet the Pirates won the Series. The Yankees were JeffJeff Theige R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 Jeff Theige, R.Ph. Med Park Mall • 1395 S. Columbia Road • 746-1800 victors in three games 16-3, 10-0, and 12-0. The Pirates won four games 6-4, 3-2, 5-2, and Complete hearing aid care 10-9. Game Four was won on a 9th-inning • Advanced Digital Technology homer. • FREE Hearing Evaluation HOURS HOURS M-F 9-7 M-F 9-7 Sat. 9-1:30 Sat. 9-1:30
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Quiz Bits
5. What ancient food has been traditionally used as an ointment for wounds? 6. What do these songs have in common— “Rockin’ Robin,” “Turn the Beat Around” and “Video Killed the Radio Star”? 7. What was the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s first solo album? 8. Name the two deputies that appeared on TV’s “The Dukes of Hazzard.”
1. What is America’s favorite Halloween candy bar? 2. What percentage of the U.S. annual candy consumption is sold for Halloween? 3. How long is a giraffe’s tongue, on average? 4. Who played the lead female character in the 1970s TV series “The Bionic Woman”?
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• In 1996, the Atlanta Braves’ Andruw Jones became the youngest player ever to hit a home run in the World Series. The 19-year-old was also only the second player ever to hit two home runs in his first two at-bats in a World Series. Unfortunately, the Braves still lost that Series to the Yankees.
• Even though Major League Baseball started holding night games in 1935, the World Series was a daytime event for decades. In 1949, one of the Series games had to be finished under lights for the first time, but the first actual scheduled night game was in 1971 in Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers Stadium. From that point on, games were frequently scheduled at night, in order to capitalize on larger television audiences. There hasn’t been a daytime World Series game since 1987, when Game Six was played indoors at Minneapolis’ Metrodome. • The Yankees have played in more Series than any other team, 40 appearances with 27 wins. Their first win was in 1923, the year that the original Yankee Stadium opened. In second place, the St. Louis Cardinals are way behind with just 10 titles. The player with the most World Series titles is Yankees catcher Yogi Berra, who played from the late 1940s until the early 1960s. Yogi has also played the most Series games, a record 75. Let us put a smile back on your face. Call Tidbits® for some great ad rates! 701-772-8239
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sports Quiz 1. 2. 3.
5. What MLB team has won the most consecutive World Series? How many was it? Which league has won more 6. Who was the last Atlanta World Series, American or Brave before Jason Heyward National? in 2012 to have a season of What book told the story at least 20 stolen bases and of the Chicago Black Sox 20 home runs? scandal? 7. How old was Babe Ruth What player holds World when he last led the AmeriSeries records for the most can League in home runs for runs, most RBIs, and most a season? total bases? 8. Name the last National Name the award given to the League team to win backchampions of the World Series. to-back World Series.
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WORLD SERIES (continued): • Several teams have experienced a long old dry spell without a World Series win. The Boston Red Sox were winners in 1918 over the Chicago Cubs, but waited 86 years for their next title in 2004 over the St. Louis Cardinals. The 1917 Chicago White Sox triumphed over the New York Giants, but couldn’t do it again for another 88 years, when they were the 2005 champions. The Chicago Cubs are still waiting! They were the 1907 and 1908 champs, but haven’t managed to collect a World Series title since. (The Cubs did make it to the Series in 1945, but were defeated.) They had their early wins in Weeghman Park before moving into Wrigley Field in 1914. Fans are optimistic that the upcoming $500 million upgrade to Wrigley will produce the elusive title. • Some teams have never won the World Series – the San Diego Padres, Tampa Bay Rays, Houston Astros, Milwaukee Brewers, Colorado Rockies, and Texas Rangers (although the Rangers did compete in both 2010 and 2011). There are two teams who haven’t yet managed to make it to the Series, the Washington Nationals (formerly the Montreal Expos) and the Seattle Mariners.
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• The only non-American team to take the Series has been Canada’s Toronto Blue Jays, who defeated the Atlanta Braves in 1992 and the Philadelphia Phillies in 1993. The Jays are also the only Canadian team to host a World Series game. • Game 3 of the 1989 Series was scheduled to start at 5:35 on October 17. The two Bay Area teams, the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A’s were warming up when a 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook the area. Due to the many cameras lined up for the game, the Loma Prieta earthquake became the first major U.S. earthquake ever to be broadcast by live television.
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WORLD SERIES (continued): • The World Series has been played every year since 1903, with two exceptions. In 1904, John T. Brush, president of the National League’s New York Giants, refused to allow his team to play against the Boston Americans because he considered the American League team too inferior. World War I, World War II, the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, and the Great Depression couldn’t keep the Series down. But the baseball strike of 1994 could. The 232-day strike from August, 1994 until April, 1995, led to the cancellation of nearly 950 games, including the entire 1994 post-season and World Series. Unfortunately for the Montreal Expos, it had been the best season of their history, and in fact, the best record in baseball, 74-40. They were never to get close to the Series again. • Scandal struck the World Series in 1919 when eight members of the Chicago White Sox were banned from professional baseball for conspiring to fix the series and profit from it by intentionally allowing the opposing team, the Cincinnati Reds, to win. In what became known as the Black Sox incident, the first baseman, who had longstanding ties to underworld kingpins, agreed to accept $100,000 to throw the Series, and set about convincing seven of his team members, including “Shoeless” Joe Jackson. Speculation was that players were unhappy with the stinginess of team owner Charles Comiskey who had supposedly treated the members unfairly and grossly underpaid them. Presidential Quotes:
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
: i Dogs have three times more taste buds than cats. i A typical American grocery store is stocked with about 50,000 items.
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FAMOUS WOMEN OF THE WORLD: FILLER PAGE 2 1Q09 WEEK 03 ELLA FITZGERALD JAN 11 - JAN 17 It didn’t look like Ella Jane Fitzgerald’s life was going to amount to much, but a lucky break led to her career as “The First Lady of Song.” Follow along this popular jazz singer’s journey to fame.
• Ella’s parents separated shortly after her birth, and she TRIVIA NEWSFRONT™ and her mother moved to Yonkers, New York. When by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood Ella was six, she was joined by a new sister, Frances. 1. What British duo hit number one in 1983 with Her stepfather was a ditchdigger and part-time chauf“Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)? feur, while her mother worked at a laundromat. As a 2. What actress portrayed Patsyfor Cline the 1985pickchild, Ella worked as a runner localingamblers, Sweet Dreams biographical film ? ing up bets and distributing winnings.
3.• When What cartoon owneddied a ghostly horse reElla wascharacter 15, her mother from injuries named Nightmare? ceived in a car accident, and Ella went to live with her aunt. Shortly afterward, her stepfather died“To from a 4. What 17th century author coined the phrase heart attack, and Frances joined Ella and their aunt. sleep, perchance to dream”? • Life notname happyoffor andin hertheschoolwork Nightmaresuf5. Whatwas is the theElla, villain fered significantly. Sheseries? was frequently truant, and beon Elm Street movie fore long was in trouble with the law and was sent to reform school, where she was beaten by the personnel there. Ella managed to escape, but was without money and alone in the midst of the Great Depression. NUMBER PUZZLE Fill in the grid so that every column, every row, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
• Each week, Harlem’s Apollo Theater hosted TRIVIA anNEWSFRONT amateur talent night,ANSWERS and in 1934, when Ella was 17, her name was selected in the 1. Eurythmics drawing to compete. She was planning a Jessicabut Lange dance 2. number, when the preceding act featured rather dancers, Ella 3.some Casper, theexceptional Friendly Ghost made a last-minute decision to sing, one that William Shakespeare would 4. change her life. She crooned one of her 5. Freddy mother’s favorites,Krueger and at the end, the audience demanded an encore.
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Moments in time • On Oct. 31, 1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther nails to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, a piece of paper containing 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. In one, Luther condemned the corruption of the Catholic Church for asking for payment for the forgiveness of sins.
Questions? Call 738-8740
The History Channel
and spruce, the “Spruce Goose” had a wingspan longer than a football field and was designed to carry more than 700 men to battle.
• On Nov. 1, 1952, the United States detonates the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific. The Soviet Union quickly followed suit, • On Oct. 30, 1890, Oakland, Ca- and by the late 1970s, seven nations lif., enacts a law against opium, had constructed hydrogen bombs. morphine and cocaine. The new • On Oct. 28, 1965, construction is regulations allowed only doctors to completed on the Gateway Arch, a prescribe these drugs, which had 630-foot-high parabola of stainless been legal for cures or pain relief. steel in St. Louis. An internal tram • On Oct. 29, 1929, Black Tuesday system takes visitors to the top, hits Wall Street as investors trade where on a clear day they can see 16,410,030 shares. In the after- up to 30 miles across the Mississippi math of Black Tuesday, America and to the Great Plains to the west. and the rest of the industrialized • On Nov. 3, 1986, the Lebanese world spiraled downward into the magazine Ash Shiraa reports that Great Depression. By 1932, stocks the United States has been secretly were worth only about 20 percent of selling arms to Iran in an effort to setheir value in the summer of 1929. cure the release of seven American • On Nov. 2, 1947, the Hughes Fly- hostages held by pro-Iranian groups ing Boat -- the largest aircraft ever in Lebanon. Within weeks, Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that built -- is piloted by designer Howproceeds from the arms sales were ard Hughes on its first and only diverted to fund Nicaraguan rebels. flight. Built with laminated birch © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
ELLA FITZGERALD (continued): • Several more talent show wins followed, and early in 1935, the prize was a week-long gig at the Harlem Opera House. A popular bandleader, Chick Webb, heard Ella and invited her to travel with the band for $12.50 a week. • Ella recorded her first song at 19, and had a number one song and million-copy seller at 21. Her version of the nursery rhyme, “A Tisket, A-Tasket” in a swing/bebop style stayed on the charts for 17 weeks. • When Ella was 22, her mentor Chick Webb passed away, and the band was renamed “Ella Fitzgerald and Her Famous Band,” as she took on the bandleader duties for the next three years. She then began touring and recording with other big bands, including those of Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong. She married the bass player of Gillespie’s group, Ray Brown, and the couple adopted a son. • Ella mastered the technique of “scat” singing, that vocal improvisation of nonsense syllables that mimics another instrument in the band. In other words, her voice performed the equivalent of an instrumental solo, with scales, arpeggios, and riffs. • During the 1950s and 1960s, Ella was a regular on television variety shows, “The Bing Crosby Show,” “The Dinah Shore Show,” “The Andy Williams Show,” and “The Ed Sullivan Show,” among several others. • Over the course of her career, Ella Fitzgerald recorded over 200 albums, which produced sales of 40 million albums, won 13 Grammy Awards, and performed at Carnegie Hall 26 times. Circulation problems related to diabetes resulted in Ella having both of her legs amputated below the knees when she was 76. Never fully recovering, she passed away at age 79 in 1996.
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by Linda Thistle
Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.
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HALLOWEEN The word “Halloween” is a contraction of “All Hallows’ Eve.” Early Christian holy days included All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows or Hallowmas, celebrated on November 1. • Americans spend over $5 billion every year celebrating Halloween, while Canadians drop about $1.5 billion. It’s the second highest grossing commercial holiday, after Christmas. In the U.S. about 600 million lbs. of candy (272 million kg) will be purchased nearly $2 billion worth, about $45 per household. • Halloween’s origins are Celtic during preChristian times. An ancient harvest festival known as Samhain marked the end of summer. The Celts believed that the spirits of the dead returned to visit the land of the living to damage crops and play tricks on the living on October 31, the first night of Samhain. The Celts wore animal skins at their bonfire festivities, and often sacrificed crops or animals to the spirits. Some donned ghost costumes, hoping to confuse the spirits or avoid being recognized by evil ones. On All Saints’ Day, early Christians dressed as saints or angels. The holy days blended together to give us our tradition of dressing up. When a large number of Irish immigrated to North America in the late 1800s, they brought their Celtic rituals with them.
by Samantha Weaver
© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
• America’s early celebrations were more of an autumn harvest festival with corn-popping parties, taffy pulls, and hayrides. The custom of trick-or-treating evolved from Medieval England, when poor people would beg for sweet breads in exchange for praying for families’ souls, a practice called “souling.” In North America, this became trick-or-treating, although this custom didn’t become popular until the 1930s.
• If you see a group of pugs together, know that they’re collectively called a grumble. • One anagram of “William Shakespeare” is “I am a weakish speller.” Incidentally, a person who comes up with anagrams is known as an “anagrammatist.” • If you’re planning a trip to Japan, you might want to add the island of Okunoshima to your itinerary. It’s often called Usagi Jima, or “Rabbit Island,” by locals because the bunnies there are tame and approach humans without fear. • Those who study such things have discovered that if you put a sea sponge in a blender and leave the resulting mess overnight, the remaining cells will find each other and start forming a new sponge. * * * Thought for the Day: “An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.” -- Gilbert Keith Chesterton
• It was American writer Gore Vidal who made the following sage observation: “The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity -- much less dissent.” • If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never encountered a tziganologist. That is, unless you consort with those who study Hungarian gypsies. • When someone mentions the rock band ZZ Top, you probably think of a group of musicians with beards. They don’t all have beards, though; the drummer is clean-shaven as a matter of safety (imagine being in the middle of a drum solo and getting a stick caught in a long beard -- ouch!). Interestingly, the unbearded drummer’s name is Frank Beard. • Squirrels are wonderful foresters. Every year, thousands of trees grow from caches of nuts and acorns that squirrels forgot about.
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Sports Answers
1. A.L. has won 62, 6. Andruw Jones in 2000 N.L. has won 46 2. “Eight Men Out” 7. 36 years old, 46 HRs, 1931 3. Mickey Mantle 8. Cincinnati 4. The CommisReds 1975-76 sioner’s Trophy 5. Yankees, 5
HALLOWEEN (continued): • Jack-o-lanterns were an Irish tradition, and DEERE. JOHN DEERE. were originally made from (continued): hollowed-out tur•nips. It was while living in Illinois thatfaces John of no-the Their practice was to carve ticedonto the problems that farmers faceda when dead the vegetable and place lighted attempting to till soil. Because the area had candle inside to make it glow. formerly been woodland, the soil was rich • The record which of carving pumpkins is from withfirst hummus, clumped and clung to 1837. The word has were its origins the blades of the“pumpkin” plows farmers accus-in the Greek language, which translated tomed to using. Whilepepon, repairing a broken cir“large melon.” The Frenchupon modified this cular saw, Deere stumbled an idea. He to pompon, and the British changed it to pumpiemployed his smith skills to fashion the steel blade into thecolonists shape ofadjusted a plow. itHetoaffixed on. American “pumptwo One wooden spokes, thenoldest hitched the device kin.” of America’s known crops, to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soilof the pumpkin originated in Mexico. It’s one like a charm. In crops fact, ain farmer whowith happened the most popular the U.S., annual to be observing the test run immediately production of about 1.5 billion lbs. (680put milin an order for hisgrows own John Deere lion kg). Illinois about 95%plow. of the na•tion’s In short Deere is gave hiscontinent blacksmith crop.order, Antarctica the up only that shopnotand focused does grow them. on making plows. The company grew steadily and added many em• Small varieties weighing to 5 ployees. In the of latepumpkins 1840s, John relocated2 the lbs. (.9 to 2.3 kg) include the Sugar, Winter entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed Luxury, and Spooktacular. Intermediate of his own lack of education, John sent types his will weigh 8 to 15 lbs. (3.6 to 6.8 kg) children to the state’s finest schools. One with of names such asdays Autumn Gold, Harvest Moon, his proudest occurred when son Charles and Funny Weighing to 40 lbs.Bell’s (6.8 to earned theFace. equivalent of an15 MBA from Commercial College Chicago. 18.1 kg) are the Ghost in Rider, Hercules, Jumpin’ Jack, and Big Tom. All are ready for harvest • With his son Charles managing the company, inJohn aboutfound 110 time days.toThe record for the world’s pursue philanthropic inlargest pumpkin belongs to a Rhode man terests. He co-founded both the FirstIsland Nationnamed Ron who hauled hisChurch. massive al Bank andWallace, the First Congregational He was elected the pumpkin mayor of Moline in 1873, 2,009-lb. (911 kg) to the Topsfield, where one of fair his in first actions – of the2012. replaceMassachusetts September ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer • Halloween isn’t a fun time for everyone. Some pipe system – saved countless lives by reducfolks suffer from Samhanophobia, an intense ing the spread of disease. fear of Halloween, which can create severe •panic The original logo,include registered in attacks. John OtherDeere phobias the fear 1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afriof witches (wiccaphobia), the fear of ghosts ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was re(phasmophobia), and the fear of cemeteries placed with the image of a North American (coimetrophobia). white-tailed deer. In the decades that fol-
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lowed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading Tidbits! over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.
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