Tidbits November 21 Issue

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November 21, 2013

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TURKEY by Janet Spencer


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The average annual consumption of turkey has increased from 8.3 pounds in 1975 to 18.5 pounds today. Come along with Tidbits as we talk turkey!

TASTY TURKEY • Turkey meat is higher in protein and lower in fat and calories than many other meats, averaging 26 percent protein and 11 percent fat. It has 25 percent less fat than roast beef, and 46 percent less than pork loin. Skin accounts for six percent of the bird’s weight. The highest concentrations of fat are found in the skin and the pan drippings, which is why you should avoid both.

Issue # 844


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TURKEY FACTS • The size of an average turkey breast has increased 22 percent since 1979. • A typical turkey will consume 110,000 calories in its lifetime. • It takes 3 lbs of feed to produce one pound of turkey, but it takes 7 lbs of feed to produce one pound of beef. • A typical 15-pound bird will have 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat. • The first meal eaten on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin in 1969 consisted of a foil packet full of turkey with trimmings.


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Quiz Bits

6. What company uses the slogan “Imagination at Work”? 7. What do these artists have in common: Shirley Bassey, Carly Simon and Paul McCartney? 8. “Don’t Shed a Tear” was a 1987 hit for which artist? 9. What 71-year-old actor celebrated his Ocar win by doing a set of one-handed push-ups on stage, in 1991?


1. How fast can a wild turkey run? 2. T or F: Only male turkeys gobble. 3. Name the state with the largest average per-acre population of wild turkeys in the U.S. 4. Name the two states with the most domestic turkeys. 5. What was the name of Sir Francis Drake’s ship, which he sailed around the world?

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TURKEY QUESTIONS ANSWERED • You go to buy a turkey, and wonder how big a bird you should get. An 11 lb. turkey will yield 5 to 6 lbs. of meat. The bigger the bird, the greater the ratio of meat to bones, so the cheaper the serving. You wonder if it would be more economical to get a turkey breast, roast, or roll. Whole turkeys are cheaper per serving. Sometimes turkeys are so cheap that you wonder if you should stock up. A frozen turkey will keep for up to a year if stored at zero degrees (-18 c). You wonder if you should get a selfbasting bird. According to taste tests, there is no reason to choose a self-basting bird over one that is not self-basted. Basted birds have more salt. You wonder how long it will take to thaw. It should be thawed in the fridge for 24 hours for each 5 lbs. of weight. You debate between homemade or Stove-Top. Stuff the bird at the very last minute before cooking to cut down on bacteria, or cook it unstuffed. SMOKED TURKEY • To celebrate the wealth of turkey farms in the area, the town of Frazee, Minnesota erected a gigantic turkey statue. Standing 22 feet tall, it was billed as the world’s largest turkey. On July 1, 1998, city workers wanted to spiff up Big Tom (as he was called) in preparation for the annual Turkey Days Festival. However, they decided to clean the fiberglass and paper maché statue with blow torches. Big Tom caught fire and burned to the ground. But civic pride kicked in and by September, another equally impressive Big Tom was installed in its place. WHITE vs. DARK • Myoglobin is the dark-colored protein that stores oxygen in muscles of some animals, just like hemoglobin stores oxygen in red blood cells. The oxygen stored by myoglobin is used for power to drive muscles, and is present in large amounts in muscles that do a lot of work, such as the legs. Muscles that do little work, such as the breast, have less myoglobin.


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SPORTS QUIZ 1. In 2013, Dirk Nowitzki became the fifth highest scoring 7-footer in NBA history. Who was ahead of him on the list? 2. How many Hart trophies (NHL MVP) and Norris trophies (top defenseman) combined did Bobby Orr win during his 12-year NHL career? 3. How many consecutive World Cup downhill titles has Lindsey Vonn won?

4. Outfielder Paul O’Neill was a member of how many World Series-winning teams? 5. T or F: The University of South Carolina’s football team posted consecutive 11win seasons for the first time ever in 2011-2012. 6. The Los Angeles Lakers have retired nine jersey numbers in their franchise history. How many of them have not been worn by centers?
































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THE INVALUABLE SNOOD • Besides the fleshy wattle that hangs below a turkey’s chin, a male turkey also has a fleshy appendage that hangs over its beak called a snood. The snood indicates virility and stretches to twice its length during the macho strutting preceding mating. The ladies prefer a long snood. The snood also plays an important role in the rivalry between males. Males will access the length of a rival’s snood before engaging in battle. One researcher wanted to find out just how important the snood is. He constructed two turkey decoys and placed them three feet apart in a small arena. Each of the decoys stood next to a pile of birdseed. The decoys were identical except that one had a large snood and the other’s snood was small. One at a time, the researcher placed 28 young male turkeys into the yard and waited to see what would happen. Only four of the 28 turkeys took birdseed from the pile in front of the decoy with a huge snood, while 17 stole seed from the decoy with the smaller snood. Seven of the real turkeys stole birdseed from both decoys. The researcher theorized that the length of the snood may be determined by the bird’s testosterone level. WILD vs. DOMESTIC • One difference between wild and domestic turkeys is that the domestic variety is unable to fly, whereas wild birds are extremely good fliers. They need no runway for takeoff, can climb vertically, are capable of attaining speeds of 40 m.p.h. (64 km) in the air, and can glide for a mile (1.6 km) without fluttering a wing. TURKEY HISTORY • Turkeys originated in Central and North America. Archeologists have found turkey fossils over 10 million years old. They’re the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere. There are two species of wild turkey: the Yucatan turkey inhabits Central America, and the North American turkey lives in the U.S.

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TURKEY TALK • No one is sure where the word “turkey” came from. Some claim that when Columbus saw them, he thought they were related to the peacock. Because he thought he was in India, and because the word for peacock in India is “tuka,” he named them thusly. Others say that it got its name because it was imported through the country of Turkey. Still others swear it was because the bird’s head resembles the helmet of Turkish soldiers. Some think it’s because the call of the bird sounds like “turk-turk-turk.” ACCORDING TO GUINNESS • Vincent Pilkington of Ireland plucked a turkey bald in one minute, 30 seconds on Nolots and carrot; cook 20 minutes,Just stirask us.us. vemberAutumn 17, 1980,Soup making him the world’s Just ask ring frequently. Stir in thyme,Bill bay leaf, Gose | 701-746-4541 fastest turkey plucker. This soup is a creamy combination 1 tablespoon sage, 1/2 Bill Gose 701-746-4541 JustIsalt ask us.| Grand Forks teaspoon 2915 South Washington Street

of classic autumn flavors: butternut and 1/4 teaspoon freshly (Next Happy Joe ground black 2915 Washington St. BillS. Gose |to701-746-4541 • One of the world’s largest turkey farms is squash and sage. pepper; cook vegetable mixture 2 minGrand Forks, ND 2915 South Washington Street | Grand Forks located in Norfolk, Britain and isutes owned longer.by (Next(Next to Happy Joes) to Happy Joe 2 medium (2 1/2 pounds each) Add broth, Bernard Matthews. Over a million3.birds per water and squash to butternut pot; cover and heat to boiling on high. year are raisedsquash, there. each cut lengthwise in half, seeds Reduce heat to low; simmer 10 min-

Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or in all GEICO companies. See geico.com for more details. GEICO and Affiliates. Washington DC 20076. GEICO Gecko image © 1999-2013. © 2013 GEICO.

removed utes. raised • One of the heaviest turkeys ever 4 tablespoons olive oil 4.which Meanwhile, 10-inch skillet, weighed 86 stalks pounds dressed is inSome coverages, payment plans and features are not 2 medium celery, choppedout, heat remaining oil available on discounts, medium-high in all states or in all GEICO companies. See geico.com for more details. GEICO and Affiliates. Washington DC 20076. GEICO about the size of thinly a large German shepherd 2 large shallots, sliced until hot. Add sage leaves; Gecko cook 1 ©minimage 1999-2013. © 2013 GEICO. 1 Itmedium carrot, chopped ute or until sage is crisp. Transfer to dog. won the annual Heaviest Turkey com3 sprigs fresh thyme paper-towel-lined plate to drain. Add petition in London in 1989. 1 bay leaf bread to skillet; cook 3 minutes or 1 tablespoon chopped fresh until golden brown, stirring. Transfer GOOD GIZZARDS! sage leaves to plate with sage. • On the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, 24 sage leaves, for garnish 5. Discard thyme and bay leaf. NUGGET OF dodo birds lived under the calvaria tree. The Salt and pepper Working in batches, ladle squash mix1 seeds carton (32-ounce) chicken intothey blender. WithKNOWLEDGE center part of tree’s were unable to sproutture until broth blender cover removed to allow steam had2 been ground down by the dodo’s digesThe wattles on the chin of a cups water to escape, blend mixture until pureed; turkey change color to indicate tive2 tract. The dodo had no natural enemies ounces French bread, cut into return to pot. Reheat on low, stirring mood, especially 1/2-inch cubes cups) additional water for desired thick- in mating and therefore had(2developed noin defenses. season, ranging in color from serve, ladle soup into shallow When man came accompanied byness. rats,Todogs, blue to red. 1. Preheat oven to 450 F. Line 15 1/2 bowls; garnish with croutons and sage and10guns, thejelly-roll dodo died off, foil. and it leaves. lookedServes like 12. by 1/2-inch pan with The135 world’s first TV dinner was Place squash halves, cut sides • Each calories, the calvaria tree was soondown, to follow. At serving: one About Swanson’s turkey, mashed in prepared pan and roast 45 minutes 5g total fat (1g saturated), 0mg cholespoint there were only 13 of the trees left in potatoes, and or until very tender when pierced with terol, 335mg sodium, 23g total carbs,peas, and apthe world, some oftothem more years peared in 1953. Frozen stuffed knife. Cool until easy handle; withthan 3g300 dietary fiber, 3g protein. turkeys ready to cook were first spoon, scoopa squash fromfrom shellsWisconsin and old. Then professor the of triple-tested For fed thousands reciintroduced in 1955. place large bowl. Discard our website at www.goodseedsinto turkeys, whoseshells. gizzards pes, did visit the job 2. Meanwhile, in 5- to 6- quart housekeeping.com/recipefinder/. that the dodo to do. oil Just nick of saucepot, heat 2 used tablespoons on in the © 2013 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved time, the wasshalsaved from the medium untilcalvaria hot. Addtree celery, dodo’s fate.

Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or in all GEICO companies. See geico.com for more details. GEICO and Affiliates. Washington DC 20076. GEICO Gecko image © 1999-2013. © 2013 GEICO.

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: i A woodpecker pecks a tree at 15 miles an hour. i The average American generates more than four pounds of garbage each day.

Tidbits Laughs

Thanksgiving Day was soon —1— approaching when the schoolteacher asked her class what they were thankful for. One small boy replied, “I am thankful that I am not a turkey.”


ANNIE JUMP CANNON • Annie Jump Cannon was born in 1863 to Elizabeth Jump and Wilson Lee Cannon. Growing up in Delaware, her mother taught her the names of all the constellations in the sky, imbuing her with a lifelong interest in astronomy. Annie excelled in school and was particularly adept at mathematics. • In 1880 she enrolled in Wellesley College in Massachusetts, one of the top schools for women in a day and age when women rarely attended college. Here, a bout with scarlet fever left her nearly deaf, a handicap that barely slowed her pace.

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• After graduating with a degree in physics in 1884, she returned home to Delaware, where she grew bored. When her mother died in 1894, she knew it was time for a change. She wrote to her former professor at Wellesley to see if there was a job opening at the school. The professor hired her to be an assistant, and the job allowed Annie to take graduate courses at the college. • A new course in astronomy caught her attention, as did a class in spectroscopy, where she learned the science behind the dispersion of light. She was also fanatically interested in photography. Later she enrolled at Radcliffe Women’s College at Harvard in order to gain access to the Harvard College Observatory. There she caught the attention of noted astronomy Edward Pickering. • Pickering hired Annie to be his assistant at the observatory. His project was to map, define, and catalog every possible star in the sky. He paid Annie and a bevy of other astronomically inclined women a wage of 25 cents per hour for their labor, at a time when the secretaries at the college were earning up to a dollar per hour. Soon the work got bogged down because the system used to classify stars was bulky, difficult, and complex.

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ANNIE JUMP CANNON (continued): • Annie went to work on the problem, and soon devised a simpler system of star classification based on stellar temperatures. The system, called the Harvard Classification Scheme, was so successful that it was adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922 as the official system for stellar classification. It is still being used today. • Annie’s career in astronomy spanned more than forty years. She received a doctorate of astronomy, became the curator of the Harvard Observatory, and was appointed as an official Harvard astronomer. Harvard officials also named her Curator of Astronomical Photographs. She was the first woman ever to receive an honorary degree from Oxford, and the first woman ever elected an officer of the American Astronomical Society. In addition, she received the prestigious Henry Draper Medal from the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors available to any astronomy. Only one other woman has ever won it. • The only time her deafness got in the way of her career was when she was nominated for membership in the National Academy of Sciences, but not elected, after a noted biologist made an issue of her deafness. • Over the course of nearly half a century, she classified and cataloged around a quarter of a million stars, causing Time magazine to label her “Census Taker of the Sky.” She also discovered about 300 new stars. In 1923 she was voted one of the twelve greatest living American women by the League of Women Voters. • She died in 1941, having lived long enough to see women win a grudging place in the world of science. In her honor the American Association of University Women presents the Annie J. Cannon Award each year to a woman beginning her astronomical career.

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by Linda Thistle

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THANKSGIVING • In 1621 at the first Thanksgiving where the Pilgrims and Indians ate together, they no doubt ate birds, but there is no proof that they ate turkey. They had no bread, since they had long depleted their store of flour. Although they probably ate stewed pumpkin, without flour they could not have had pumpkin pie. Instead, they ate venison, corn cakes, berries, plums, watercress, and cranberries. The next year brought more immigrants to shelter and feed, and a poor harvest made life hard. They never again celebrated Thanksgiving.


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• In 1777, all 13 colonies joined in a Thanksgiving celebration to commemorate the victory over the British at Saratoga. It too was a one-time event. In 1789, George Washington tried to establish a regular Thanksgiving Day, to no avail. But in 1827, magazine editor Sarah Hale started a one-woman crusade in Godey’s Lady’s Book urging readers to write their politicians in support of a national holiday. Over a period of four decades she kept up her campaign. It took the victory at Gettysburg to put the public in a thanksgiving mood, and in 1863, Lincoln signed the proclamation and Thanksgiving Day was born.

by Samantha Weaver




© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Since then, there has only been one controversial tampering with the tradition. In 1939, store merchants who wanted a greater number of shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas pressured Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt to move Thanksgiving back one week. This made the merchants happy but upset just about everyone else. Millions of Americans, in defiance of the new proclamation, continued to take the fourth Thursday off from work instead of the third Thursday. In 1941, Roosevelt admitted his error and returned the holiday to the traditional date.


card at random out of a deck, and the one with the highest card would be declared the winner of the election. Thomas McGuire drew the six of hearts, then waited while his opponent, Adam Trenk, took his turn. Trenk pulled the king of hearts, securing his city council victory. • You may be surprised to learn that clams can live to be 200 years old. • If you’re of a morbid inclination and have some time to kill in Chicago, head to that city’s Graceland Cemetery. Find the monument known as “Eternal Silence” -- a tall figure in robes -- and look into the statue’s eyes. It’s said that if you do that, you’ll have a vision of your own death. * * * Thought for the Day: “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” -- E.B. White


• It was noted wit Oscar Wilde who made the following sage observation: “Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.” • It seems that having blond hair was popular in ancient Rome, too. Those not naturally blessed with golden hair, though, had to go through a bit of an ordeal to change their natural color. The treatment of choice was pigeon droppings. Messy, perhaps, but effective • Those who study such things say that dung beetles use the Milky Way as a navigational aid. • In June 2009, the town of Cave Creek, Ariz., was faced with an electoral tie in the race for a city council seat: Each candidate received exactly 660 votes. According to the state constitution, such ties can be broken by a game of chance. After some discussion, the candidates agreed that they would each pull a

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DINNER IS SERVED • About 275 million turkeys are raised in the DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): U.S. annually. About 45 million of those will • be It eaten was while living in Illinois that John noduring Thanksgiving. ticed the problems thata turkey farmerspurchased faced when • The average weight of for attempting to till soil. Because the area had Thanksgiving dinner is 15 pounds. formerly been woodland, the soil was rich • It’s estimated 90 clumped percent of with hummus,that which andAmericans clung to eat theturkey bladeson ofThanksgiving. the plows farmers were accustomed to using. Whileconsumes repairing aabout broken2,250 cir• An average person cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He calories during Thanksgiving dinner. employed his smith skills to fashion the steel • It’s been estimated 20He percent of blade into the shapethat of about a plow. affixed all cranberries produced each year are eaten two wooden spokes, then hitched the device attoThanksgiving. a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil like a charm. In fact, a farmer who happened ANTICS & ANECDOTES to be observing the test run immediately • President Lincoln was presented with a put live in an order for his own John Deere plow.in the turkey that was to be the main course • Presidential In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith family’s Thanksgiving dinner. shop andLincoln’s focused son, on making plows. toThe However, Tad, appealed his company grew steadily and added many emfather to save the life of the bird. The turkey ployees. late 1840s, relocated the was givenInathe reprieve and John thereafter became entirepet. operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed Tad’s of his own lack of education, John sent his • For Thanksgiving in 1909, Jersey children to the state’s finest bakers schools.inOne of City and New York City got together and dehis proudest days occurred when son Charles cided tothe send PresidentofTaft a gigantic mince earned equivalent an MBA from Bell’s pie. It was some four feet wide and six inches Commercial College in Chicago. deep. Somehow, the pie disappeared without • With his son Charles managing the company, a trace on the train trip to Washington. At John found time to pursue philanthropic inChristmas they decided to try again. But terests. Hetime, co-founded both the First Nationthis time and theythetook chances: theyChurch. packed al Bank FirstnoCongregational itHe in was a heavy box, nailed it shut, and had four elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, union sitfirst on top of it –allthe thereplaceway to wheremembers one of his actions the White House. ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer pipe system – saved countless lives byofreduc• William Maxwell Evarts, Secretary State ing the spread of disease. in 1877, was asked to give a speech after an Thanksgiving He rose • important The original John Deere function. logo, registered in and opened his aspeech by was saying, “You have 1876, depicted deer that native to Africa. Thirty-six years later, in it was rebeen giving your attention to 1912, a turkey stuffed placed withyou theare image a North Americana with sage; nowofabout to consider white-tailed deer.turkey.” In the decades that folsage stuffed with lowed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanksgiving! over asHappy the symbol of the John Deere brand. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.


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