Tidbits Grand Forks April 17 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

April 17, 2014

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Since April is National Frog Month, it only seems fitting for Tidbits to bring you the facts on these little creatures.

• Frogs are amphibians, meaning they are cold-blooded and split their time between land and water. Their body temperature changes depending on their surroundings. If it’s cold, certain frogs dig underground burrows or hole up in the mud of ponds. • More than 4,700 species of frogs can be found around the world. The U.S. is home to about 90 species. Frogs can survive in an astonishing variety of climates and live on every continent except Antarctica. It’s not just warm tropical climates they thrive in – they also dwell in deserts and on mountaintops. Some wood frogs live north of the Arctic Circle, subsisting for weeks in a frozen state. The glucose in the frog’s blood acts as an antifreeze that collects in the vital organs, preserving them while the body freezes. • The front legs of a frog have four toes each, and the back legs have five toes. While aquatic frogs’ legs are longer and stronger to help them swim, land-dwelling frogs have shorter legs for walking and climbing. The tree frog’s large round toe pads act as suction cups to help it grip branches. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

6. What is the symbol of the Gemini sign? 7. In what year did singer Kelly Clarkson win the “American Idol” competition? 8. Name the country artist who had hits with “Lovesick Blues,” “Cold, Cold Heart” and “Hey Good Lookin’.” 9. How many miles are run in a 5K (kilometer) footrace?


1. What is the term for a frog’s ear? 2. What name is given to a group of frogs? 3. Name the process during which frogs lose their tail and gills, trading them for legs and lungs. 4. What is another word for molten rock below the Earth’s surface? 5. How many toes does a hippopotamus have?


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• Out of all animals with a backbone, frogs are by far the best jumpers, with many able to leap up to 20 times their body length. If a human could do that, it would be about a 100-foot jump. The longest frog jump on record took place at a 1989 South African frog derby when Santjie the frog leaped 33 feet, 5.5 inches. • Not all frogs are jumpers. Costa Rica’s flying tree frog soars among the branches aided by its feet. The webbing between its toes fills with air much like a parachute, enabling the frog to fly from tree to tree. • Have you ever tried to sneak up on a frog? It’s “nigh on” impossible because its bulging eyes enable it to see in all different directions without even moving its head. And because its eyes are located on the top of its head, a frog can sit in the water with only its eyes and nose above the surface. Frogs have three eyelids, two of which are used above water, and the other to protect its eyes when it is under water.

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• At least once a week, frogs shed their skin. After doing a lot of twisting and stretching, a frog will pull the skin over its head. Although the frog will usually eat the skin, some species, like the Australian water-holding frog, uses the shed skin as a cocoon to burrow in. This desert-dwelling water-holding frog can wait seven years for rain in its underground burrow.

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FROGS (continued): • Although it does have lungs, a frog breathes through its skin, which allows oxygen to pass through it, so its skin must always be moist. If it isn’t wet enough, there isn’t enough oxygen and the frog suffocates. The frog doesn’t take a drink when thirsty – all the moisture the frog needs is absorbed through the skin.

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TRIVIA NEWSFRONT™ by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood

1. What British duo hit number one in 1983 with “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)? 2. What actress portrayed Patsy Cline in the 1985 biographical film Sweet Dreams? Valley Memorial Homes is screening 3. What cartoon character a ghostly horse candidates forowned the Nurse Aide Training named Nightmare? Class held May 5 - 27, 2014 4. What 17th century author theatphrase Pick up coined applications either: “To Valley Eldercare Center, 2900 14th Ave. S., GF sleep, perchance to dream”? or 4000 Valley Square, 4000 24th Ave. S., GF 5. What is the name of the villain in the Nightmare valleymemorial.org on Elm Street movie series?


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FROGS (continued): • An unusual species known as the glass frog has transparent skin, meaning you can see its internal organs, bones, and muscles. An observer can view the heart beating as well as the stomach digesting food.

• Although most frogs stick to a diet of insects, snails, spiders, and worms, some species dine on small fish and even mice. Argentina’s horned frogs can eat a mouse in one mouthful, swallowing it whole. Africa’s dwarf puddle frog gobbles up to 100 mosquitoes in one night’s dinner. It takes less than one second for a frog to roll out its long sticky tongue, grab its prey, and return it to its mouth. While the frog does have a row of teeth on its upper jaw, they’re only to hold the prey while the frog kills it. The teeth are not used to chew. • You can distinguish the male from the female frog by checking out its ears, located just behind the eye. If the ear is larger than the eye, it’s a male; if the ear is smaller, it’s a female. • The largest kind of frog is the Goliath frog native to the Cameroon in West Africa. The Goliath’s body can grow to nearly a foot long, and can weigh as much as a housecat, about 7.3 lbs.. In contrast, one ofTRIVIA the world’s smallestNEWSFRONT frogs can be found ANSWERS in Brazil. The adult Gold Frog measures just 3/8th of an inch. 1. Eurythmics • What’s 2. theJessica difference between a frog and a Lange toad? Technically, the Friendly toad is a frog because 3. Casper, the Ghost it also belongs to the order Anura. Toads are William Shakespeare simply 4. frogs with dry warty skin and short hind legs. Frogs have smooth 5. Freddy Krueger moist skin and long webbed hind legs. ALWAYS FREE ALWAYS FUN

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4. In 2013, Tampa Bay’s Matt Moore became the youngest A.L. left-hander (23) to start 1. In 2012, the Arizona Cardia season 8-0 since who? nals became the second team 5. Gordie Howe (1,767) and in NFL history to win their Mark Messier (1,756) are first four games, then lose one-two on the NHL list of their next six. Who was the most games played. Who is first—Eagles, Bears, Texans No. 3—Chris Chelios, Ron or Buccaneers? Francis, Dave Andreychuk 2. In what year did golfer or Ray Bourque? Tom Watson win his last 6. Name the top four Men’s PGA major? NCAA Div. I Hockey teams 3. Name the last NFL team to win that have won the most back-to-back Super Bowls? national championships.


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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE While many frogs make a croaking sound, each species has its own unique sound. The barking frog found in rocky cliffs in Texas makes a sound like the yapping of a small dog. Other species whistle and some even chirp like a bird. The male is the only one who croaks.

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• In the English language, the frog says, “ribbit,” while in the Arabic, it says “far, gar.” Mandarin Chinese frogs croak, “guo, guo,” while Russian frogs make the sound “kva-kva.” • Frogs have their place in folklore as well. Legend has it that if the first frog you see in the Spring is sitting on dry ground, for the next year, you will shed as many tears as the frog would need to swim away in. It’s also not a good sign if Spring’s first frog jumps into the water – you’ll have misfortune all year. Likewise, if it jumps away from you, you will lose some friends. However, take heart! If it jumps in your direction, you’ll have many friends. Why not adopt the Japanese’s view of frogs – they view them as symbols of good luck. • About 120 species of frogs, toads, and salamanders have disappeared over the past 35 years.

K TRIVIA by Ava & Sophia

1. Who provides the voice for Elsa in the Disney movie Frozen? 2. Who provides the voice for for Queen Tara in the Disney film Epic? 3. Where were the 2014 Winter Olympics held? 4. Who wrote the 1980s song "Billie Jean"?

Answers: 1. Idina Menzel 2. Beyoncé 3. Sochi, Russia 4. Michael Jackson


FROGS (continued): • While all frogs have poison glands in their skin, most aren’t potent enough to do any damage. However, some Central and South American varieties, known as poison dart frogs, have extraordinarily strong poisons. The natives use this poison on the tips of their hunting arrows. Although there are about 170 different kinds of these poisonous creatures, the most toxic is the golden poison frog. It contains enough poison to kill eight people.

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• One of the world’s favorite crooners hails from Ottawa, Ontario. Born in Canada in 1941 to restaurant-owning parents of Lebanese descent, Paul Anka began singing in the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church choir at age 12. By 13, he had formed his own group, the Bobbysoxers. • A school contest when he was 13 changed the course of Anka’s life. He collected Campbell’s soup labels for three months and won a trip to New York City, where he determined he was going to make it in the music industry. By 14, he had recorded his first single, “I Confess.” • At 16, Anka headed back to New York and was granted an audition at ABC-Paramount Records, singing “Diana.” The studio signed him immediately and “Diana” quickly skyrocketed to Number One, and continues to be one of the bestselling 45s in music history, with sales of over 9 million copies. Following up with four more singles, Anka was firmly in place as a universal teen idol. • In the late 1950s Anka was traveling the world, singing such hits as “Put Your Head on My Shoulder” and “Hey There, Lonely Boy.” While touring Great Britain and Australia with Buddy Holly, Anka composed “It Doesn’t Matter Anymore” exclusively for Holly, and Holly recorded it shortly before his fatal plane crash in 1959. At age 18, Anka generously bestowed his composer’s royalties on Holly’s widow. • While enjoying a career as a recording star, Anka began songwriting in earnest. He composed the 1960 hit “Puppy Love” inspired by his brief teen romance with Mouseketeer Annette Funicello. At age 19, he wrote the theme song to the hit movie The Longest Day, for which he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Song. He was also given a part as an army private in the film.

• In 1962, Anka wrote the theme song for The Tonight Show, during Johnny Carson’s tenure. During Carson’s heyday, Anka earned $900,000 annually in royalties for just that one song. It’s estimated the song has been played close to a million-and-a-half times. • Paul Anka has written more than 900 songs, including Frank Sinatra’s signature tune “My Way” and Tom Jones’ biggest hit “She’s a Lady.” Sinatra also became noted singing Anka favorites “Fly Me to the Moon’ and “I’ve Gotta Be Me.” Connie Francis, Barbra Streisand, and The Doobie Brothers have had hits with his compositions. The voice of Elvis Presley can heard singing Anka’s “Blue Christmas” every holiday season. • Anka was inducted into the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame in the U.S. in 1993, and into the Canadians Songwriters’ Hall of Fame in 2008. He’s had a song on the Billboard charts in every decade since his 1957 debut, including singles in the Top 50 during five different decades. Anka has recorded 125 albums, including songs in Japanese, German, Spanish, French, and Italian. Worldwide, he’s sold more than 15 million records. In recent years, he has gravitated to big-band arrangements of popular standards. At 72, he still performs on a regular basis as well as appearing on a motivational speaker circuit. In his words, “I’ve always believed that if you don’t stay moving, they will throw dirt on you.”

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by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.



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• It was Benjamin Franklin who made the following sage observation: "It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." • If you're like 87 percent of American adults, you use the Internet. The only thing I find surprising about this statistic is that there are 13 percent of adults who "don't" use it. • In a recent survey, more Americans said they would have a hard time giving up the Internet than said they'd have a hard time giving up TV. • Those interested in maritime history (and practically everyone else, for that matter) are familiar with the story of the Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on the night of April 15, 1912. It's interesting to note, though, that in 1898 a book called "Futility," by Morgan Robertson, described an almost identical scenario: The ship in the novel was called Titan, and, like the Titanic, it was trying to break a speed

record for crossing the Atlantic. The Titan was declared to be unsinkable, and it didn't have enough lifeboats for all the passengers. On its fictional voyage in the month of April, it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean and sank, resulting in the deaths of almost all the passengers. • In Ireland, the police do not carry firearms. Their only weapons are batons and pepper spray. • In 1943, then-chairman of IBM, Thomas Watson, went on the record saying, "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." • If you're afraid of sharks, you might want to consider this tidbit: Every year, more people are killed by bees than by sharks. * * * Thought for the Day: "In this world, you must be a bit too kind to be kind enough." -- Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• There was no Olympic women’s marathon until the 1984 Summer Olympics. • The first New York City Marathon was held in 1970 with 127 competitors running several loops around Central Park’s Park Drive. Only 100 spectators were on hand to watch 55 of these runners cross the finish line. Held every year on the first Sunday of November, the race has dramatically changed. The course now winds through all five boroughs of New York City, beginning on Staten Island, finishing up outside Tavern on the Green near Manhattan’s Central Park.




by Samantha Weaver

• When the modern-day Olympics began in 1896, the marathon was one of the original events, although there was no standardized distance. In 1908, at the London Olympics, the race course was from Windsor Castle to the White City Stadium, followed by a partial lap of the track within, a distance of 26 miles, 385 yards. In 1921, the International Amateur Athletic Federation made this the official length of a marathon.


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• The official distance of the modern marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards. It began as a commemoration of legend’s run of the Greek messenger and soldier Pheidippides. At the completion of the Battle of Marathon between the Greeks and the Persians, Pheidippides was sent from the battlefield to Athens to announce the victory. After running the entire distance without stopping, he rushed into the assembly, proclaimed, “We won,” then collapsed and died.


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With the Boston Marathon scheduled for Monday, April 21, Tidbits examines the facts on the history of marathons, while focusing on a few famous events.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Headband is missing. 2. Bedpost is missing. 3. Doll is missing. 4. Glass is smaller. 5. Light switch is missing. 6. Apron is smaller. © 2014 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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Quiz Answers Tympanum An army Metamorphosis Magma Four on each foot

6. The twins 7. 2002 8. Hank Williams 9. 3.1 miles


Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.

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MARATHONS (continued): • The New York Marathon begins promptly at DEERE. DEERE. (continued): 10:10 A.M.JOHN and has a time limit of 8.5 hours. • One It was while living in Illinois John noof the largest marathons in that the world, this ticedyear the there problems farmers facedincludwhen past werethat 50,304 finishers, attempting to tillrunner soil. Because hadin ing the millionth to start the the area course formerly been woodland, the soil was rich its 43-year history. Since 1970, the race has with cancelled hummus, only whichonce, clumped and due clung to been in 2012, to the the blades of the plows farmers were accusdevastating effects of Hurricane Sandy the tomed to using. While repairing a broken cirweek before. cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He • The BostonhisMarathon is to thefashion world’s employed smith skills theoldest steel annual marathon, firstof held in 1897, year blade into the shape a plow. He the affixed two wooden spokes, then hitched after the marathon’s premiere in the the device Olymto a horse. heavy Illinois pics. From It itsplowed humblethebeginnings withsoil 18 like a charm.the In fact, a farmer participants, Boston eventwho has happened grown to to be 20,000 observing the test run with immediately put about participants, 2013’s race in an order for his own John Deere plow. boasting 26,839 entries. About 500,000 specareorder, on hand annually. • tators In short Deere gave up his blacksmith shop and focused on making plows. • Each year, the Boston Marathon is heldThe on company grew steadily and added many Patriots’ Day, the third Monday in April. emThis ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated the date commemorates the anniversary of the entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first of his own lack of education, John sent his battles Revolutionary childrenoftothe theAmerican state’s finest schools. OneWar of on April 19, 1775. his proudest days occurred when son Charles earned the equivalent an MBA from Bell’s • The Boston Marathonofdid not officially alCommercial in Chicago. low women College until 1972. However, in 1966, donned her broth• 23-year-old With his sonRoberta Charles Gibb managing the company, er’s Bermuda shorts and hooded sweatshirt John found time to pursue philanthropic inand hid He in the bushes near the First starting line. terests. co-founded both the NationThe starting gunFirst went off and after Church. half the al Bank and the Congregational He was elected the of Moline in 1873, pack of runners hadmayor started, she jumped in. where of training his first for actions the replaceShe hadone been two –years, running of as the40city’s drains asment much milesopen in one day.with a sewer pipe system – saved countless lives by reduc• Ining order to compete in Boston, a runner must the spread of disease. be at least 18 years old, and have completed a • certified The original Johncourse Deere within logo, registered in standard a certain pe1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afririod of time before the Boston event. ca. Thirty-six years later, in 1912, it was replaced with the image of a North American white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo.COM took f Grand Forks • East Grand Forks over as theOsymbol of the John Deere brand.



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Sports Answers 5. Ron Francis 1. Eagles, in 1,731 games 1993 2. 1983 British 6. Michigan-9, North Dakota-7, Open Denver-7, and 3. N.E. Patriots Wisconsin-6 4. Babe Ruth was 22 (1917)

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