Tidbits Grand Forks June 5 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

June 5, 2014

Published by: Wick Publications

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by Kathy Wolfe

“To whom much is given, much will be required.” These words of wisdom were taken to heart by many people who were blessed financially and intellectually. Follow along as Tidbits looks at the contributions of these generous philanthropists. • Marie Curie, winner of two Nobel Prizes and famous for her radium research, refused to take out a patent for her process of making radium, believing its benefits belonged to the world. She stated that scientific work “must be done for itself, for the beauty of science” and for the “benefit of humanity.” • Fellow Nobel Prize winner German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen, who discovered X-rays in 1895, also refused to patent his scientific breakthrough, declining any financial gain from his research. Although he did collect Nobel Prize money in 1901 for his achievement, (the very first Nobel Prize in Physics), Roentgen donated all of it to a German university. He died in poverty. • Similarly, English chemist John Walker, who invented the friction match in 1827, never patented his invention, believing that such an important tool should belong to the public. Walker did make his invention known to the public, and sold books of 50 matches for one shilling each Turn the page at his Stockton, England pharmacy. for more! WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a We provide the opportunity for success!

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Quiz Bits

4. What was Shaggy’s real name on the “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!” animated series? 5. What is the only U.S. state that can be typed on a single row of a keyboard? 6. In which movie did a girl gang called the Pink Ladies appear? 7. What habitat did eight scientists spend two years inside during the early 1990s?


1. Name the company where Warren Buffet accumulated his massive wealth. 2. What hotel chain founder donated $10 million to build a research center at Mayo Clinic? 3. Name the 1960 Olympic medal winner who gives time and money to the prevention of Parkinson’s Disease.



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PHILANTHROPISTS (continued): • The name of Rockefeller is synonymous with wealth, dating back to the 19th century when John D. Rockefeller and his brother founded Standard Oil. John began contributing to the needs of others at age 16 and it became a lifelong habit. After graduating from a Cleveland business school, he went to work in a local shipping firm as a low-level clerk. He diligently saved up to start a produce business, and with the advent of the Civil War, when the demand for his goods skyrocketed, he came out with a small fortune. With the success of Standard Oil, he became America’s first billionaire, retiring at age 58 with $1.5 billion. The University of Chicago was founded with Rockefeller’s $80 million endowment, and New York City’s Rockefeller University was also established with his endowment. His donations to medical research led to the eradication of hookworm and yellow fever. The Philippines and China were recipients of his money to open medical universities, and America’s Johns Hopkins University received substantial donations as well. In all, John Rockefeller bestowed close to $550 million of his fortune on churches, medical foundations, universities, and centers for the arts. • Bill Hewlitt and Dave Packard, founders of the giant computer and electronics company, have donated more than $300 million to Stanford University. Packard funded a children’s hospital with another $40 million and the Monterey, California Aquarium with an additional $40 million. Their business got its start in 1939 with an initial investment of $538. Working from Packard’s garage, the pair came up with an audio oscillator, a device for testing and synchronizing sound equipment. One of their first customers was Walt Disney, who bought eight of the devices for use in the production of his animated classic Fantasia. Today, Hewlett-Packard has gross sales of about $120 billion annually and has over 330,000 employees.





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• William K. Kellogg wasn’t just about Corn Flakes! When Kellogg founded the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906, the cereal he had developed was immediately successful. Within ten years, Kellogg had created a foundation to fund charities throughout southern Michigan. He was devoted to improving education and health care, especially for children. He established hospitals in rural areas and organized public health departments, and founded a school that allowed children with disabilities to learn alongside those without disabilities. In the 1940s, he expanded his charity to Latin America. Frequently heard to say, “Dollars do not create character,” Kellogg donated more than $66 million to worthy causes during his lifetime. • In 1637, 29-year-old John Harvard and his new bride emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony from their native England. They settled in Charlestown, where John was an assistant pastor

at a local church and described as “a godly gentleman and a lover of learning.” The following year, the young preacher was stricken with tuberculosis and died. In an oral will spoken to his wife, Harvard bequeathed half of his fortune to a nearby college founded two years earlier. Upon receiving the rather substantial money that Harvard had inherited from his father, mother, and brother, along with Harvard’s extensive 320-volume scholar’s library, the college was renamed after its first major benefactor. Harvard University remains the oldest institution of higher education in the United States.

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NURSE AIDE TRAINING Valley Memorial Homes is screening candidates for the Nurse Aide Training Class held July 7 - 28, 2014 Pick up applications at either: Valley Eldercare Center, 2900 14th Ave. S., GF or 4000 Valley Square, 4000 24th Ave. S., GF valleymemorial.org

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PHILANTHROPISTS (continued): • Oprah Winfrey’s passion is education and she has given away hundreds of millions to educational causes. Born in poverty to a single mother, Winfrey has worked her way up in the media world, becoming a billionaire in the early 2000s. She founded Oprah’s Angel Network in 1998, devoted to charitable causes, an organization that has donated more than $80 million around the world. Sixty schools in 13 countries have been established, along with women’s shelters, youth centers, and scholarships. In 2007, she created the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, a female boarding school in South Africa, a $40 million endeavor to provide education and leadership opportunities for girls in a country where only 14% of the black population graduates from high school. • Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has joined forces with fellow billionaire Warren Buffet to form a campaign known as The Giving Pledge. Gates, worth about $72 billion, and Buffet at about $64 billion, have publicly pledged to give away at least 50% of their wealth during their lifetime or upon their death. Gates’ foundation that he established with wife Melinda focuses on health and world development and U.S. education. They’ve given about $28 billion to their foundation.

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• In 1953, at age 33, New Zealand mountaineer Edmund Hillary became the first to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, along with Tibetan climber Tenzing Norgay, and assisted by several Nepalese Sherpa people. As a token of his gratitude to the Sherpas, Hillary founded the Himalayan Trust, an organization that funded schools, hospitals, and transportation hubs in Nepal.

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4. The Boston Celtics won 8 consecutive NBA championships, until which team, in 1. Name the last Texas Rangers the 1966-67 season, stopped pitcher to record a 20-win their streak? season. 5. From 1980-1983, which 2. Name the first NASCAR NHL team won four straight driver to win an ARCA, a Stanley Cups, which were Nationwide, a Sprint Cup and their first-ever cups won? a Camping World truck race at 6. Which NHL team won it’s Daytona during his career? first-ever Stanley Cup in 3. T or F: Before 2014, the last 1989? time Britain beat the U.S. in 7. Who was the first team to tennis’ Davis Cup was in the win three consecutive NBA 1930s. titles?

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HOWIE MANDEL Toronto-born Howie Mandel has made his mark in several different media, from comedy to cartoons to drama. Take a look at the areas where this famous Canadian has had an influence. • Surprisingly, the likeable Mandel had few friends as a young person. He had a razorsharp sense of humor in high school and especially enjoyed playing practical jokes, but others failed to see the humor. In fact, he was expelled for impersonating a member of the school board and signing a contract for an addition to the school. After this infamous prank, Mandel never finished high school. One excellent outcome from these years was meeting his future wife, Terry, to whom he has been married 30 years, with three children. • Out on his own after his expulsion, Mandel became a carpet salesman and was so successful, he owned his own carpet business. In his spare time, he did stand-up comedy at a small Toronto comedy club. • In 1979, Mandel got his big break during a trip to Los Angeles with friends. During amateur night at L.A.’s famous Comedy Store, his pals convinced him to get up on stage. A producer who happened to be in the crowd hired him immediately and before long, Mandel was opening for Diana Ross. In 1982, he landed the role of Dr. Wayne Fiscus on television’s Emmy Award-winning medical drama St. Elsewhere, a six-year-run. • In 1990, Mandel created the children’s animated series Bobby’s World, an Emmy-nominated program that ran for 8 years. The series then went into syndication and now appears in 65 countries six days a week. Mandel tried his hand at hosting a talk show in 1998, but it was cancelled after just one season.

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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• On June 14, 1789, English Capt. William Bligh and 18 others, cast adrift from the HMS Bounty in a mutiny seven weeks before, reach Timor in the East Indies after traveling nearly 4,000 miles in a small, open boat. Bligh would fall prey to a total of three mutinies in his career.

• On June 13, 1895, Emile Levassor drives a Panhard et Levassor across the finish line in Paris to win the world's first automobile race, completing the 732-mile course in 49 hours -- an average of 15 mph. His car was powered by a two-cylinder, 750 rpm, fourhorsepower Daimler Phoenix engine.

The History Channel

there are more than 80,000 local groups in the United States. • On June 9, 1973, Secretariat wins the Belmont Stakes to become the first Triple Crown winner since Citation in 1948. Secretariat's heart was later found to weigh 22 pounds, more than twice that of a typical thoroughbred.

• On June 11, 1989, in the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, China issues a warrant for Fang Lizhi, a leading Chinese dissident, who had taken refuge in the U.S. embassy in Beijing. The diplomatic standoff lasted for a year before Fang and his wife, Li Shuxian, were • On June 15, 1904, more than 1,000 given free passage out of the country. people taking a pleasure trip on New • On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown York City's East River are drowned or Simpson, football star O.J. Simpburned to death when a fire sweeps son's ex-wife, and her friend Ron through the boat. The onboard fire Goldman are stabbed to death outhose did not work, and life preserv- side Nicole's California home. With ers had been filled with a weighty, overwhelming evidence against non-buoyant material that sank. Simpson, including his blood at the • On June 10, 1935, two recovering alcoholics, one a New York broker and the other an Ohio physician, found Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), a 12step rehabilitation program. Today

murder scene, Brown's and Goldman's hair and blood in his car and bloody shoeprints found at the scene, Simpson became the chief suspect. He later was tried and acquitted.

© 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

HOWIE MANDEL (continued):

• Just as Mandel was contemplating quitting show business in 2003, he was offered the job of hosting the game show Deal or No Deal. At his wife’s urging, he took the job, as well as the Canadian version of the program. His job was made especially difficult by his struggles with Obsessive Compulsive disorder and mysophobia, an irrational fear of germs. Mandel did not shake hands with any of the contestants unless he was wearing latex gloves, preferring to do a “fist bump” instead. He has written about his anxiety disorder in his autobiography, Here’s the Deal: Don’t Touch Me, a New York Times bestseller, in which he says at times that his anxiety is “paralyzing.” Mandel admits, “Handrails are my enemy. I never go near a handrail.” He also won’t touch money until it’s been washed, and refuses to wear shoes with laces because of his fear of the germs the laces pick up when they touch the ground. • America’s Got Talent found a new judge in Mandel in 2010, when he replaced David Hasselhof on the popular series. He has received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Reality Competition Host to add to his Deal or No Deal and Bobby’s World nominations. In addition, he does 200 stand-up performances every year throughout the U.S. and Canada. • Mandel has been honored with a star on both the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Canada’s Walk of Fame in Toronto. • The famous Israeli-American violinist Itzhak Perlman is a distant cousin of Mandel.

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by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.

Repellents: Still One of the Best Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to controlling mosquitoes. The more rain and standing water we have, the more mosquito habitat available for those pesky critters. The start of the 2014 mosquito season has been hot and wet thereby producing a healthy hatch of skeeters. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites is essential to keeping the mosquito population in check.

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When the adult mosquito population seems unbearable, turn to one of the best prevention methods available…a can of OFF! Mosquito repellents with DEET are safe and very effective when applied according to the label. They’ve even improved many of these products so they go on dry, not oily. Don’t let these pesky critters win the outdoor battle this summer. Eliminate any standing water on your property and apply repellents with DEET when outdoors.

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For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmsoquito.com or call the Information Line at 701-787-8144



.COM Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

by Samantha Weaver

• You might be surprised to learn that the hamburger didn't originate in the United States. In fact, it was early Turkic people called the Tatars who first came up with the idea. When they had low-quality beef, they discovered that shredding it and patting it back together improved the flavor and texture. • If for some reason you have a hankering to see the world's biggest tire, you'll need to head to Detroit (fittingly, I suppose). Located near the Detroit Metro Airport, the 80-foot Uniroyal tire weighs in at a whopping 12 tons. This attraction was created for the 1964 World's Fair in New York, where it served not only as an advertisement for the Uniroyal brand, but also as a Ferris wheel for the entertainment of attendees. In 1998, the company created the world's largest nail -- measuring 11 feet long and weighing 250 pounds -- and used it to pierce the giant tire. It was another

advertising stunt, of course; this time to promote Uniroyal's puncture-resistant tire. • If you're like the average American, you will eat between 25 and 30 pounds of apples this year. • Some researchers believe that those who drink large quantities of coffee on a daily basis are selfmedicating for depression. • There is a species of frog found in Australia with an odd method of reproduction. It lays eggs like other frogs, but this particular frog keeps the eggs in its stomach, hatching them internally. When the baby frogs are fully developed, they emerge into the world via the adult frog's mouth. * * * Thought for the Day: "Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people." -- Elizabeth Green © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• It’s believed that the word “clown” has its origins in the Scandinavian word for “clod,” a clumsy oaf or lout. Even those in the Middle Ages had clowns in the form of court jesters, who were musicians, mimics, dancers, acrobats, and witty jokers. They frequently wore a hood with donkey ears and even a tail on the costume, meant to show they were not to be taken seriously. This hood and tail eventually became a three-cornered hat with bells at the ends. The early French clown was a happy, white-faced dancing clown called the Pierrot. • Clowns are characterized by their makeup and garb. The “whiteface” has a face completely covered in white makeup, with the eyebrows, nose, and mouth painted in red and black. He is usually the one in command of any situation… he’s the bossy one! The Auguste clown’s face makeup is pink, red, or tan, and facial features are exaggerated in size. The mouth and eyes often have a thick outline of white. His clothes are either too big or too small and he usually wears suspenders. The Tramp or Hobo is the “low man on the totem pole,” the one consigned to cleaning up after the other clowns. He usually has a sad pink or tan face with a makeup beard, and wears a tattered and patched sloppy suit. A character clown is one who dresses like a specific occupation – a doctor, policeman, sailor, pirate, rodeo cowboy, what have you. • One of the many characters created by comedian Red Skelton on his 1960s weekly television variety show was the tramp clown Freddie the Freeloader. Freddie lived at the city dump and slept on the local park bench. At age 16, Skelton was a performer with a circus where his father had been a clown, and copied his father’s makeup for the TV program.


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Everybody loves a clown! Do you remember your favorite? Here are a few interesting tidbits about these comical performers.




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CLOWNS (continued): • One of the world’s best known clowns was DEERE. JOHN DEERE. Emmett Kelly, who got his (continued): start in 1920 as a • circus It wastrapeze while performer. living in Illinois John In the that 1940s, henowas ticed the problems that farmers faced when best known as a sad hobo named Weary Wilattempting to till soil. BecauseBarnum the area&had lie, with the Ringling Brothers Baiformerly been woodland, the soil was rich ley Circus. He was performing an afternoon with hummus, which clumped and clung to show in Hartford, Connecticut in 1944 when the blades of the plows farmers were accusa tomed deadlytofire broke out that killed 168 and inusing. While repairing a broken cirjured over 700 Thisupon tragedy became cular saw, Deereothers. stumbled an idea. He known as “The Day the Clowns Cried,” and employed his smith skills to fashion the steel Kelly’s picture was featured in newspapers blade into the shape of a plow. He affixedin his tramp costume, carrying a bucket water. two wooden spokes, then hitched theofdevice Kelly Ringling afterthe 14heavy years Illinois and latersoil beto a left horse. It plowed came mascot thea Brooklyn Dodgers. like athe charm. In of fact, farmer who happened to be observing the test run immediately put • Bozo the Clown was created during the 1940s in an order for his own John Deere plow. for a children’s book and accompanying re• cord. In short order,appeared Deere gave up his blacksmith He first on television in 1949, shop and focused on making plows. which at its peak in the 1960s, was seen The in 50 company grew steadily andweek. addedHis many emmillion U.S. homes every popularthe late 1840s, Johnwere relocated ityployees. spread In worldwide and there Bozothe TV entire operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed shows in many countries including Mexico, of his own lack of education, John sent his Thailand, Australia, and Brazil. It’s children to the state’sGreece, finest schools. One of estimated that more than 200 different actors his proudest days occurred when son Charles have played this clownofwith the white and earned the equivalent an MBA fromface Bell’s red hair and nose. Commercial College in Chicago. • The McDonald’s restaurant chain introduced • With his son Charles managing the company, Ronald McDonald in 1963. Willard Scott inwas John found time to pursue philanthropic He co-founded the First who Nationa terests. Washington, D.C. radioboth personality also al Bank and the First Congregational played Bozo Clown on a local TVChurch. station. Hebecame was elected the mayor of in Moline in 1873, He the first Ronald the initial TV whereScott one ofwent his first actions thethe replacespots. on to serve– as Today ment ofweatherman the city’s open drains years. with aSurveys sewer Show’s for many pipe system – saved countless lives by reducindicate that 95% of American school children ing the spread of disease. recognize Ronald McDonald, second only to • Santa The Claus. original John Deere logo, registered in 1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afri• Not some ithave terca. everyone Thirty-sixloves yearsclowns later, in– 1912, wasarerifying them. Those from this placedfear withofthe image of asuffering North American are said to have coulrophobia. white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading Tidbits! over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.

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