Tidbits Grand Forks - September 4, 2014

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

September 4, 2014

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BREAKFAST by Kathy Wolfe

What’s for breakfast? Since September is all-American Breakfast Month, Tidbits is checking out what’s in the cupboard for the best meal of the day. • What do eggs, bacon, oatmeal, toast, and waffles have in common? They’re all jentacular, which is a fancy word for “pertaining to breakfast.” • Drs. John Harvey Kellogg and William K. Kellogg first produced the wheat flake in 1894. Four years later, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes were introduced, and in 1906, the company made its headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan. The Kellogg Company was the first to create “Waxtite” wrappers to package product inside cereal boxes. William K. Kellogg funded several charities throughout southern Michigan, donating more than $66 million to worthy causes during his lifetime. • In 1928, Kellogg’s presented Rice Krispies. In 1939, Malitta Jensen and Mildred Day created the long-time favorite recipe for Rice Krispie Marshmallow Treats as part of a fundraiser for the Campfire Girls. The 1930s also brought the introductions of Snap! Crackle! And Pop!, the animated mascots for the cereal. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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Quiz Bits

5. What color is the $20 bill in the game of Monopoly? 6. What are the chief ingredients in a White Russian cocktail? 7. What is the third most common element in the Earth’s atmosphere by percentage, after nitrogen and oxygen? 8. Which female is mentioned in the first verse of the Elton John song “Crocodile Rock”?


1. Who was the sponsor of the first commercial sports broadcast on television in 1933? 2. What is the name of Froot Loops’ toucan mascot? 3. How many calories are in the average Pop-Tart? 4. Which cartoon character was the mascot for Sugar Smacks cereal in the early 1960s?


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BREAKFAST (continued): • Back in 1921, as a Minneapolis health clinician was mixing up a pan of bran gruel for his patients, he accidentally spilled some of the glop on a hot stove. It sizzled and crackled and became a crisp flake before his eyes. Thinking it could be a good breakfast item, he presented it to the local Washburn Crosby Company (later General Mills). The mill went to work developing a flake that wouldn’t crumble inside a box, and after 36 tests of different grain varieties, in 1924, Wheaties were born. The company held an internal contest to name the flake, and the entry submitted by an employee’s wife was chosen. The name Wheaties beat out Nutties and Gold Medal Wheat Flakes. • Radio’s first ever singing radio commercial advertised Wheaties in 1926. In 1933, an advertising company came up with the slogan “Breakfast of Champions,” a phrase still in use today. Baseball player Lou Gehrig was the first athlete to be featured on the Wheaties box in 1934, and was followed up with Babe Didrikson, Jesse Owen, Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, and several other well-known athletes. However, their faces were all pictured on the side or back of the box until 1958. That was the first year that the picture was on the front of the box, when Olympic pole vaulter Bob Richards was featured. Basketball great Michael Jordan has been on the Wheaties box a record 18 times. • With all the health benefits of oatmeal, who wouldn’t choose it for breakfast on a regular basis? It helps lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, is rich in antioxidants, reduces hardening of the arteries, helps stabilize blood sugar, and boosts the immune system. Sounds like it’s nature’s perfect food!

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many different times did Billy Martin manage the New York Yankees? 2. Name the last starting pitcher to win the N.L. Most Valuable Player award. (hint: 1960s) 3. Who holds the NFL record for most career touchdown passes by a non-quarterback? 4. In what decade did Greece’s men’s soccer team make its first World Cup appearance?

5. How many times did Bjorn Borg win the French Open men’s singles title, between 1974 and 1981? 6. What decade was the last time before 2013, that the Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Royals and Pittsburgh Pirates all had a winning record in the same year? 7. Who holds the NBA mark for most accurate 3-point shooting in a season in which he made at least 200 threes?



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BREAKFAST (continued): • There are several kinds of oats on the market, including old-fashioned oats, which are whole oats that are simply rolled to flatten them. Quick oats are made the same way, but are cut into smaller pieces for a faster cooking time. Steel cut oats have not been rolled, but rather are cut into thirds, making for a longer cooking time and thicker texture. The oats in instant oatmeal are rolled thinner and cut finer. Livestock eat about 95% of the oats grown in America. • The Quaker Oats Company was the first to register a trademark for a breakfast cereal. The Quaker Oats man image was registered with the U.S. Patent Office in 1877. Although some think his image is that of William Penn, he was registered simply as “a figure of a man in Quaker garb.” The owners selected the likeness because he signified “good quality and honest value.” Quaker was the first to include a recipe on its package, as well as having the original idea of including a premium in the box, which in 1891, was a chinaware item. Their familiar cylindrical canister came along in 1915. • You may not recognize the name of John Gilchrist, but it’s likely that his face is familiar. From 1974 to 1986, Quaker used him, along with his two brothers Michael and Tommy, in an ad campaign for Life cereal. While the older brothers refused to try the cereal, John, known as Mikey in the ad, happily ate Life, and his brothers chorused, “He likes it!” • General Mills introduced Cheerioats in 1941, but due to a trademark conflict, the names was changed to Cheerios in 1946. Although Wheaties had long had athletes on their boxes, it wasn’t until 2009 that Cheerios featured their first, Olympic gold medal winner, gymnast Shawn Johnson.

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MOMENTS IN TIME • On Sept. 10, 1813, in the first unqualified defeat of a British naval squadron in history, U.S. naval commander Oliver Hazard Perry leads a fleet of nine American ships to victory over a squadron of six British warships. After the battle, Perry sent a famous dispatch to U.S. Gen. William Henry Harrison that read, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours."

The History Channel

fic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act into law. The two bills made the federal government responsible for setting and enforcing safety standards for cars and roads.

• On Sept. 12, 1972, after nearly 40 years of riding across millions of American TV and movie screens, the cowboy actor William Boyd, best known for his role as Hopalong Cassidy, dies at the age of 77. Boyd was to • On Sept. 11, 1857, Mormon gue- be the first cowboy actor to make the rillas, stoked by a deep resentment transition from movies to television. of decades of public abuse and • On Sept. 13, 1980, country music artfederal interference, murder 120 ist Willie Nelson and his band perform at emigrants at Mountain Meadows, the White House with President Jimmy Utah. The conflict apparently be- Carter in attendance. Later that night, gan when the Mormons refused unbeknownst to the president, Nelson to sell the emigrants any supplies. allegedly retired to the White House • On Sept. 14, 1959, a Soviet rocket bearing a Russian flag crashes into the moon's surface. Vice President Richard Nixon expressed some sour grapes by noting that it took the Soviets four tries to hit the moon and reassured Americans that "We are way ahead" in the space race.

roof to smoke a marijuana cigarette.

• On Sept. 8, 1998, St. Louis Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire hits his 62nd home run of the year, breaking Roger Maris' record. McGwire was celebrated as a hero, though allegations that he used performance-enhancing substances have • On Sept. 9, 1966, President Lyn- since led some to question the ledon Johnson signs the National Traf- gitimacy of his accomplishments.

BREAKFAST (continued): • As far back as 1820, the British were singing the rhyme, “Do you know the muffin man?” During the Victorian period, many households had fresh baked goods delivered to their door by the muffin man, who brought not the cupcake-like confection Americans call a muffin, but rather a flat round bread baked on a griddle. Today, of course, we call them English muffins. • In 1971, McDonald’s had no breakfast business. After one franchisee cooked up an egg, added cheese and Canadian bacon and put it on an English muffin, the company adopted his idea calling it the Egg McMuffin. About 25% of McDonald’s sales are from breakfast sales these days. • In 1919, Minnesota mill owner John Campbell started a company with $900 worth of poker winnings. He added malt flavoring to farina cereal and dubbed his creation Malt-O-Meal. It’s now the third largest producer of cereals in the United States with 1,400 employees and annual sales topping $750 million. The number of varieties has grown from one hot farina cereal to 28 bagged types. • Many breakfast cereals have an animated mascot as their “spokesman.” Tony the Tiger became the official mascot of Kellogg’s new cereal Frosted Flakes in 1951. In 1955, Trix hit the grocers’ shelves, with a silly rabbit constantly trying to get children to give him a bowl of the cereal. He’s always been told, “Trix are for kids.” When Trix entered the market, it was composed of more than 46% sugar! Linus the Lionhearted was invented to peddle Post’s Crispy Critters in 1963 and in 1964, Post Sugar Crisp had a soft-spoken, cuddly bear named Sugar Bear touting its product.

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Did you know that one of Hollywood’s hunkiest leading mean hails from up north? Let’s look at the life of Ryan Reynolds, who at age 37, already has 28 movies under his belt. • Reynolds’ humble beginnings were in Vancouver, British Columbia, where his father was a food wholesaler and his mother worked in retail. Reynolds himself worked in a grocery store in his youth. • At age 15, Reynolds was cast in a teen soap called Hillside in Canada, and known as Fifteen in the U.S. He also co-starred in the TV movie Sabrina the Teenage Witch during his youth. • Since he failed his high school drama class, it didn’t seem like he was destined for a big career in movies, but at age 20, fellow Vancouver actor Chris William Martin convinced Reynolds to head to Los Angeles. Reynolds loaded up his Jeep, and on the pair’s first night in L.A., the Jeep was vandalized. He drove it for the next four months without doors. • At age 19, Reynolds attempted to earn his skydiving license, but it was an endeavor gone wrong. On his 13th jump, his chute malfunctioned, coming out vertically rather than the normal horizontal. Fortunately, he had a reserve chute, and safely landed eight miles away from the drop zone. The incident left him with a fear of flying and a vow never to skydive again. • Reynolds got his first break at age 21 in the role of med student Berg Bergen in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. The story of three Boston University students sharing an apartment ran from 1998 to 2001, and Reynolds appeared in 81 episodes.

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• Reynolds hit the big screen in 2002 with Van Wilder, which led him to roles in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and as a vampire hunter in Blade: Trinity. It was a slow but steady climb to stardom with The Amityville Horror, X-Men Origins, and The Proposal opposite Sandra Bullock. Shortly after the release of The Proposal, Reynolds was selected as People magazine’s 2010 Sexiest Man Alive. • Reynolds’ romantic life has been filled with a series of lovely ladies. From 2004 to 2007, he was engaged to a fellow Canadian, singer Alanis Morissette. Shortly after their breakup, Reynolds became engaged to actress Scarlett Johansson, and four months later, the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony in British Columbia in September, 2008. By December, 2010, the marriage was over. While filming Green Lantern, in which Reynolds portrayed the DC Comics crime-fighting superhero, he first met his co-star Blake Lively. They were married on a South Carolina plantation in September of 2012. • Reynolds’ charitable work revolves around research for Parkinson’s Disease, spurred on by his father’s diagnosis with the disease. Reynolds is on the board of directors of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease, and he ran in the 2008 New York City marathon on behalf of this organization. • Two out of three of Reynolds’ older brothers are police officers in Canada – one of them is a Royal Canadian Mounted Police member. On the subject of Canada’s favorite sport, Reynolds has joked, “I’m not a hockey fan, which is probably why I had to leave Canada in the first place.”

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by Linda Thistle

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In conjunction with All-American Breakfast Month, Tidbits gives you info on this week’s celebration of National Waffle Week. • Waffles have been around since about the 9th century, although people were using a type of waffle iron to make communion wafers prior to that time. The word “waffle” has its origin in the Dutch language, meaning “wafer.” Beginning in the 13th century, waffle-making plates were stamped with various designs, such as a landscape scene, family crest, or religious symbol.

© 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• What North Americans call Belgian waffles don’t even resemble those found in Belgium. The Belgians call theirs Brussels waffles, which are quite crispy on the outside and made with yeast rather than baking powder like their American counterparts. In 1964, Maurice Vermersch sold fluffy Brussels waffles at New York’s World’s Fair. Because he didn’t think anyone would know where Brussels was, he called his creation Belgian waffles. A Belgian waffle is larger with a deeper grid pattern and larger squares than a standard American waffle, and is frequently topped with fresh fruit, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and powdered sugar.



rick went to New Jersey, stole a small plane and landed it on the street in front of the Manhattan bar -- all while allegedly drunk. The story, remarkable as it is, doesn't end there, however. A couple of years later he was boasting about the incident, but his story was met with disbelief. To prove himself once again, he repeated the stunt. • The name of the state of Idaho comes from the Kiowa-Apache word "idaahe," which means "enemy." • Every spring, one of the world's great migrations occurs. At the end of March, 500,000 cranes descend upon an 80-mile stretch of Nebraska land, representing about 80 percent of all the cranes on the planet. * * * Thought for the Day: "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter." -- Sir Winston Churchill


• It was German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who made the following sage observation: "We have art to save ourselves from the truth." • If you live in Waukegan, Illinois, you might be surprised to learn that your property tax is 12 times higher than it would be if you lived in Honolulu. • If you can't remember the word you want to use, you're suffering from lethologica. But you probably won't remember that when it happens. • A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. • Have you ever made a bet when you'd been drinking too much, and later wondered what you'd been thinking? If so, it might make you feel better to consider the case of a pilot named Thomas Fitzpatrick. In 1956, he was drinking at a bar in New York City when a rather boisterous argument ensued regarding his flying ability. To prove his skills to his drinking buddies, Fitzpat-


by Samantha Weaver

• When Thomas Jefferson returned from a stint as Ambassador to France in 1789, he brought a long-handled waffle iron home with him and is reported to have regularly held waffle parties at his home. In 1869, 60-year-old Cornelius Swarthout received the first patent for a stovetop waffle iron. General Electric debuted an electric waffle iron in 1911, even though homes with electricity were few.

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WAFFLES (continued): • We owe the ice cream cone to a waffle-maker. DEERE. DEERE. (continued): At the 1904JOHN St. Louis World’s Fair, the owner • ofIt awas while living in Illinois thatout John nobooth selling ice cream ran of cups ticedsought the problems thatfrom farmers facedvendor when and assistance a waffle attempting to till soil. Because the area who helped by rolling up waffles to holdhad the formerly been woodland, the soil was rich ice cream. with hummus, which clumped and clung to

• By 1930s, theplows electric wafflewere ironaccuswas a thethe blades of the farmers common in most households. tomed toappliance using. While repairing a brokenPriccirescular ranged to $12.00, saw,from Deere$7.50 stumbled upon andepending idea. He employed smith skills bell to fashion the when steel on whetherhis it had a signal that rang blade into were the shape the waffles ready.of a plow. He affixed two wooden spokes, then hitched the device

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Sleeves are shorter. 2. Cloud is smaller. 3. Gas can is missing. 4. Mower controls are missing. 5. Hair is shorter. 6. Soda can is missing. © 2014 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• The Waffle House chain got its start in 1955 to a horse. It plowed the heavy Illinois soil when andwho Tom Forkner like aneighbors charm. In Joe fact,Rogers a farmer happened joined forces in the Atlanta, Joe put was to be observing test runGeorgia. immediately working for a restaurant chain and Tom in an order for his own John Deere plow. was in the real estate business when they made • In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith their dream a reality. Although the friends shop and focused on making plows. The didn’t intend to steadily start a chain, by 1961, company grew and added many there emwere four Waffle Houses. Today there the are ployees. In the late 1840s, John relocated 1,700 25 states. Since their 1955 debut, entire in operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed they’ve sold close to 900 million waffles and of his own lack of education, John sent his served uptomore than 2.5 billion eggs.One All the children the state’s finest schools. of bacon they serve one year, laidson end-to-end, his proudest daysinoccurred when Charles earnedwrap the equivalent of an MBA from would around the equator. EveryBell’s year, Commercial Chicago.lbs. of pecans customers eatCollege close toin350,000 these site ofthe thecompany, very first • atWith hisrestaurants. son CharlesThe managing Waffle House is now the company’s museum. John found time to pursue philanthropic interests.San He Jose, co-founded both the First Nation• Three California brothers are real Bank and the First Congregational Church. sponsible for Eggo frozen waffles. Tony, He was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, Sam, and Frank Dorsa introduced their prodwhere one of his first actions – the replaceuct to grocery stores in 1953, calling them ment of the city’s open drains with a sewer Froffles, but –when started calling pipe system savedcustomers countless lives by reducthem “eggos” of their “eggy” taste, ing the spread because of disease. the name was changed in 1955. Eggo waffles • The original John Deere logo, registered in are now a division of Kellogg’s, and their ad1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afrivertising slogan “L’eggo my1912, Eggo” is a refaca. Thirty-six years later, in it was miliar placedone. with the image of a North American white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading over as the symbol of the John Tidbits! Deere brand.

Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.

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Quiz Answers

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Sports Answers 1. Five times 2. St. Louis’ Bob Gibson (1968) 3. Frank Gifford, with 14 4. 1990s (1994)

5. Six times 6. 1970s (1979) 7. Glen Rice hit 47% for Hornets in 1996-97

Tidbits Laughs Deciding to eat healthier breakfasts, a man told his wife that oatmeal would now be his cereal of choice. But after eating his first bowl, he told her, "I hope I develop a taste for the stuff. It goes down real rough." "Well," she asked, "how long did you cook it?" "You're supposed to cook it?" he said.

September 21, 2014 11:00 - 4:00

Schedule of Events: • Facepainting • Inflatables • Roger’s Artwork • Local Entertainment • Silent Auction

MENU: Sloppy Joe’s, Chips, Coke Products


Funds Collected along with a Rydell Corporate match will benefit:

2700 South Washington StreetND 2700 South Washington Street • Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 701.772.7211/800.228.8285 Since 1954

To register your vehicle go to: www.RydellCarShow.com Select this event to download a registration form Pre-registration Fee $40 • After Sept. 5th $45

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