Tidbits Grand Forks - January 1, 2015

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks January 1, 2015

Published by: Wick Publications

Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495

See why State Farm insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. Great sharonopdahl.com service, plus discounts of up 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F to 40 percent.* Grand Forks, ND 58201 Like a good neighbor, 701-746-0495 State Farm is there. sharonopdahl.com CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. ®



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Issue # 899





by Kathy Wolfe

Back in 1974, singer Jim Stafford told us in his Billboard hit that he didn’t like spiders and snakes, a record that sold over two million copies. Tidbits is sure that this sentiment is shared by thousands of others, so we’re bringing some creepy facts about these creatures. • Spiders are the largest order of arachnids and are found on every continent except Antarctica. The arachnid family also includes scorpions, mites, ticks, and harvestmen. There are believed to be close to 44,000 species of spiders. Some geographic locations have an estimated spider count of as many as 265,000 per acre. • Spiders are arthropods, meaning they are invertebrates (they have no backbone), have an external skeleton, a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Their bodies have two parts, the cephalothorax, which contains the eyes, fangs, and legs, and the abdomen, where the spider’s silk-spinning organs, the spinnerets, are located. • Every spider produces silk, but not all spiders spin webs. There are many other purposes of silk – capturing prey, protecting offspring, for shelter, and in reproduction. Wolf spiders, which do not spin webs, seize their prey without a web as do jumping spiders, who just spring on their prey.


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Quiz Bits


6. Who played the role of Boo Radley in the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird”? 7. Who was the first pope of the Catholic Church? 8. Who was the first actress to receive $1 million for a single movie? 9. The group: REO Speedwagon. The song: Guy falls in love with an old friend. Name the song.


1. What part of the spider is known as the chelicerae? 2. What name is given to an abandoned spider web? 3. Which spiders belong to the family called Hairy Mygalomorphs? 4. What U.S. state is home to the most species of rattlesnakes? 5. What’s the name of the pig in the children’s novel Charlotte’s Web?


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SPIDERS & SNAKES (continued): • The jumping spider can jump up to 50 times its own length, due to the high blood pressure in its back legs. • Certain spiders’ silk is so strong that fishermen in the South Pacific make their nets from it. Silk from the orb weaver spider is nearly the tensile strength of steel. • Spiders have the reputation of being deadly, but in actuality, only about 25 species are dangerous to humans. Most spiders, even the dreaded brown recluse and black widow, bite humans only in self-defense or when they feel threatened. The purpose of a spider’s venom is to kill or subdue its prey. As it bites, muscles around the venom glands contract and push venom through the spider’s fangs and into its prey. • The venom of the funnel web spider has caused at least 13 human deaths. Found in Australia, they are near the top of the heap for the most deadly spider in the world. Guinness has named the Brazilian wandering spider as the most venomous sider. Although native mostly to South America, they have branched out internationally by hiding in shipments of bananas, earning the nickname “banana spider.” • During the 20th century there were about 100 reported deaths from a spider bite. Compare this to death by the sting of a jellyfish at about 1,500. • There is one spider family, the Uloboridae, or hackled orb weaver, that does not have venom glands. These arachnids kill their prey by crushing it with over 450 feet of thread. • The smallest species of spiders is Colombia’s Patu digna, with a body length of less than 0.015 inch. The largest spiders are varieties of tarantulas, with a body length of about 3.5 in. and leg span up to 9.8 inches.


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4. Who was the last men’s basketball player to lead the nation in blocks per game 1. In 2014, the Angel’s Albert and reach the Final Four Pujols became the third-youngbefore Kentucky’s Anthony est player (34) to reach 500 Davis did it in 2012? home runs in a major-league 5. The Los Angeles Kings set career. Who was younger? an NHL record in 2014 for 2. In 2013, DeMarcus Ware most playoff games en route became the Dallas Cowboys’ to winning a Stanley Cup. all-time leader in sacks. Who How many was it? had held the record? 6. Which was the only Olym3. Name the last American golfer pics in the past six in which before Michelle Wie in 2014 Finland’s men’s hockey to win the U.S. Women’s Open. team did not win a medal?

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SPIDERS & SNAKES (continued): • There are about 700 species of tarantulas, who hunt at night and pounce on their prey of insects and grasshoppers. The largest, the Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula goes after lizards, snakes, frogs, bats, and small birds. • Each of a spider’s eight legs has seven distinct parts. When it’s moving along the ground, four legs are always on the surface and four are above. • There are more than 3,000 species of snakes worldwide, but the good news is that only about 375 are venomous. Of those, about 250 can kill their prey with one bite. When they strike, they have nearly a 100% success rate. However, most species of snakes are actually helpful since they keep the rodent population under control. • It’s a popular misconception that snakes kill their prey by biting it and injecting venom. Cobras and vipers are the only ones who use their poisonous venom to hunt. The remainder swallow their dinner whole, and are capable of ingesting animals up to 100% their own size by unhinging their jaws. After the prey is inside, the snake releases enzymes that break the food down into energy. Because of their very slow rate of metabolism, snakes don’t need to eat as frequently as other animals, with some species able to survive for months without food.



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• The rarest snake is the St. Lucia Racer, an endangered snake that lives only on the tiny uninhabited Caribbean island of Maria Major. Once declared extinct, 11 of the small nonvenomous reptiles were discovered in 2012. Anywhere from 18 to 100 are believed to be in existence today.

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The History Channel

• On Jan. 9, 1768, in London, Eng- Company, thereby becoming the lishman Philip Astley stages the first world's third-largest automaker. modern circus. Astley, a former caval- • On Jan. 5, 1933, construction bery sergeant major, found that if he gal- gins on the Golden Gate Bridge, as loped in a tight circle, centrifugal force workers start excavating 3.25 milallowed him to perform seemingly lion cubic feet of dirt for the strucimpossible feats on a horse's back. ture's huge anchorages. The Golden Gate2 Bridge officially opened on • On Jan. 6, 1838,FILLER Samuel Morse's PAGE telegraph system is demonstrated for May 27, 1937, the longest bridge WEEK 03 in the world at the time. the first time in New1Q09 Jersey. -The tele- span 11 - JAN graph, a device thatJAN used electric im- • 17 On Jan. 8, 1946, Elvis Presley repulses to transmit encoded messages ceives his first guitar. Competing over a wire, would eventually revolu- versions of the story say that what tionize long-distance communication. Presley really wanted for his birthday • On Jan. 11, 1908, U.S. President was a rifle or a bicycle. Instead, his Theodore Roosevelt declares the mother took him to the Tupelo HardPRESENTS massive Grand Canyon in northware Store and bought a $6.95 guitar. western Arizona a national monu- • On Jan. 10, 1976, "Convoy," by TRIVIA ment. Congress didNEWSFRONT™ not officially C.W. McCall, is the No. 1 song on Kara Kovalchik & Sandy outlaw private by development in the the Wood U.S. pop charts. "Convoy" fuGrand British Canyon duo until hit 1919,number when eled What onethein trucking/CB-radio 1983 with craze President Woodrow Wilson signed that had millions “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)? of Americans crethe Grand Canyon National Park Act. ating "handles" for themselves -What actress portrayed PatsyRubber Cline in the • On Jan. 7, 1929, Walter Chrysler, Duck, Pink 1985 Lady, Scooter the founder of the Chrysler CorpoPie, etc. Sweet Dreams biographical film ? -- and daydreaming about ration, one of America's Big Three the glamorous life of the long-haul automakers, is character featured on owned the trucker. Hollywood horse responded with What cartoon a ghostly cover of Time magazine as its Man a parade of related works, includnamed Nightmare? of the Year. In 1928, his company ing "Smokey and the Bandit" (1977). had acquired the Dodgeauthor Brotherscoined the © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. What 17th century phrase “To

sleep, perchance to dream”?

SPIDERS & SNAKES (continued): • In a process known as molting, snakes shed their entire skin three times a year. • The most common snake bites in North America are from rattlesnakes, with every one of their 30 species venomous. Rattlers have heat-sensing pits on the sides of their head between the nostril and eye. These enable them to detect warm-blooded prey, (their favorites are rodents and lizards), and they can detect differences in temperature to a fraction of a degree. When the rattlesnake shakes its rattles, it’s trying to warn or scare away predators. Every time the snake sheds its skin, another ring is added to its rattles. Beware, because even though young rattlesnakes don’t yet have rattles, they are just as dangerous as the adults. • Adult rattlers only eat about once every two weeks. It’s not unusual for a rattlesnake to live 30 years. • The Eastern Diamondback is the largest rattlesnake, growing to a length of 8 feet. Found in the southeast United States from North Carolina to Louisiana, they can be recognized by their prominent yellow-bordered black diamond pattern. • The highly aggressive Black Mamba snake is native to southern and eastern Africa. One of the world’s deadliest snakes, it takes only two drops of its venom to kill a human, who can die in just 20 minutes. Nearly 20,000 Africans die each year from the bite of the Black Mamba. The venom shuts down the nervous system and paralyzes its victims. TRIVIA This 14-ft-long snake isANSWERS also the fastest snake NEWSFRONT in the world, able to slither along at speeds up to1.12Eurythmics mph, all the while with one-third of its2.body 4 feet off the ground. Although Jessica Lange called the Black Mamba, the snake is actuCasper, the ItFriendly ally a3.brown color. takes itsGhost name from the color inside itsShakespeare mouth, which it displays 4. William when threatened.

5. Freddy Krueger



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Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks

September 11, 2014

Published by: Wick Publications

BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com

2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F Grand Forks, ND 58201 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com

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Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks

September 11, 2014

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BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com




Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s

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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer

On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!

HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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by Janet Spencer

HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again.

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On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!

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Issue # 884



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Since January is Braille Literacy Month, it seems like a good time for Tidbits to focus on Louis Braille, the inventor of the system of reading and writing for the blind. • Growing up in France in the early 1800s, Louis Braille was the son of a leather tanner and maker of horse tack. The young Louis loved playing in his father’s workshop and watching his father work. When he was three, Louis was playing with some of the tools, imitating his father making holes in a piece of leather with an awl. As the boy pressed down to drive the point in, the sharp awl bounced back and struck his eye. Louis’ parents rushed him to a local doctor, who bathed the inflamed eye in lily water and patched it. The next day he was taken to a renowned surgeon in Paris, who was unable to save the damaged eye. Severe infection spread into the wound, which then spread into Louis’ good eye, and the child became completely blind. • Due to the undying devotion of his parents, Louis was raised in a normal fashion, learning to read and write by feeling nails hammered into boards in the shapes of letters. He found his way around his French community without assistance aided by a wooden cane carved by his father. • In 1819, at age 10, Louis was enrolled in one of the world’s first schools for blind children, Paris’ Institute for Blind Youth. At the Institute, children were taught a method of reading developed by the school’s founder, Valentin Hauy, which used a technique of embossing heavy paper with raised imprints of Latin letters.

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• When Braille was 12 years old, a French Army captain, Charles Barbier, visited the Institute. Barbier had devised a writing system of dots and dashes impressed into thick paper for use by soldiers on the battlefield for a code they could read without needing light and without speaking. Braille was inspired by the cryptography and began working on his own technique, a simpler version of the military’s complex system. Braille used a six-dot cell rather than the 12 dots and series of dashes used by Barbier. Braille had perfected his embossed dot system by the time he was just 15 years old. He published it five years later. • Braille had an ear for music as well and created a system of musical notations entitled Method of Writing Words, Music, and Plain Songs by Means of Dots, for Use by the Blind and Arranged for Them. Braille himself was an accomplished cellist and organist, and throughout his later years, he played the organ in churches across France, as well as holding the position of organist at a Paris cathedral. • At age 24, Braille was hired by the Paris Institute for Blind Youth as a full-time professor. Here he spent most of the remainder of his life teaching history, geometry, and algebra. He was determined to improve communication between the blind and the sighted, and devised a system called Decapoint which used a set of 100 dots with a grid on a board with heavy paper and a stylus. He then progressed to the invention of a machine that could type out the dot formations, called a raphigraphe, which translates “needle-writer.” • Braille had been a sickly child and his weaknesses followed him into adulthood. At age 40, he was so ill with tuberculosis, he was forced to resign his professorship, and at age 43, he passed away from the illness.

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Although our address has changed, the level of expertise you’ve come to Although our address has changed, the level of expertise you’ve expect from H&R Block has not. We sign and stand behind every return we come to expect H&R Block has not.ofWe sign and stand prepare in our officesfrom and guarantee the accuracy returns prepared by 1 behind every return wehas prepare in our offices and guarantee the come H&R Block tax professionals. Visit our new office today to put our expertise Although Although our our address address has changed, changed, the the level level of of expertise expertise you’ve you’ve come to to 1 addressto has changed, theBlock level of expertise you’ve come to every accuracy offrom returns prepared by H&R Block tax professionals. work onfrom your refund. expect expect H&R H&R Block has has not. not. WeWe sign sign and and stand stand behind behind every return return we

Although our AlthoughVisit our address has changed, the level of expertise expertise you’ve come to ournot. new office today to put our to return work onwe your expect from H&R Block has sign and stand behind every prepare prepare in our inWe our offices offices and guarantee guarantee thethe accuracy accuracy of of returns returns prepared prepared byby expect from H&R Block has not.and We sign and stand behind every return we 2715 South Washington St refund. 1 1 Formerly 2475 32ND Ave Visit our new new office office today today to to put put our our expertis exper H&R H&R Block Block tax tax professionals. professionals. prepare in our prepare offices in and guarantee the accuracy of our returns prepared by our offices and guarantee theVisit accuracy of returns prepared by Grand Forks ,your ND 58201 1 on Although our address has thetoday level of expertise you’ve come to to to work work on your refund. refund. 1 changed, Visit our new put to our expertise H&R Block taxH&R professionals. Visitoffice our new officeto today put our expertise Block tax professionals. expect from H&R Block has not. We sign and stand behind every return we 701-746-0425 to work on your torefund. work on your refund. prepare in our offices and guarantee the accuracy of returns prepared by

HRBLOCK.COM 2715 2715 South Washington Washington StSt Formerly Formerly 2475 2475 32ND 32ND Ave Ave Visit our new office today to put our expertise H&R BlockSouth tax professionals. to work on your refund. Forks , ND , ND 58201 58201 ¹If Grand you Grand discover anForks H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger2475 tax refund (or32ND smaller tax liability), we'll 2715 South Washington St Formerly Ave 2715 South Washington St fee for thatFormerly 32ND refund the tax preparation return. Claims must be 2475 made during the calendar year inAve which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc. 701-746-0425 701-746-0425 Grand 2715 Forks , ND 58201 South Washington St Formerly 2475 32ND Ave Grand Forks , ND 58201 701-746-0425 Grand Forks , ND 58201 HRBLOCK.CO HRBLOCK.C 1




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prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 Tax Group, Inc. refund the tax preparation fee forwas that return. Claims must beHRB made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

© 2014 by King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved


Did you know that January is National Snowboarding Month? Let’s look into the history of this rapidly-growing sport! • Muskegon, Michigan’s Sherman Poppen is credited with the invention of the snowboard in 1965 and is hailed as the “Father of Snowboarding.” On Christmas Day of that year, after watching his daughters standing on their sled going down a hill, he raced to his garage and tied two skis together, then tied a rope to the front of the board for steering. Poppen called it the Snurfer, combining the word “snow” with “surf.” When his daughters’ friends saw the contraption, they all wanted one, and Poppen seized the idea of patenting and marketing his invention. He licensed his product to Brunswick who began manufacturing the Snurfer.

© 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• For a few years, the Snurfer was considered a kid’s toy, but in the 1970s, Poppen started scheduling snurfing competitions across the nation. It was at one of these contests that a young Jake Burton Carpenter became interested in the sport. In 1977, Jake moved to Vermont where he experimented with laminated, hardwood boards, adding bindings that the original Snurfer did not have. Avid snowboarders will easily recognize the name Burton as the leading snowboard equipment company in the industry today.

by Samantha Weaver

• As popularity continued to grow, the first national snowboard race was held in 1982, followed by the first World Championship half pipe competition the following year. In 1983, Vermont’s Stratton Mountain Resort became the first major ski resort to open its slopes to snowboarders, and in 1991, Vail, Colorado, became the first to establish a snowboard park. Many other major resorts refused to allow snowboarders because of the “bad boy” image many snowboarders had received.



• The first Rambo movie originally was shot with two different endings. The one that made it into the final cut, of course, left the title character spent, but alive. In the ending that was cut, Rambo was shot and killed by his nemesis. Just think of all • On average, 56,000 pounds the sequels that would never of ore must be mined in order to find one karat's worth of diahave been ... mond. • In China, farmers often use colonies of ants to control the • A man by the name of Walpopulation of insects that are ter Cavanaugh once possessed 1,196 different credit cards in detrimental to their crops. his name -- all of them valid. • Just 150 years ago, New York He was also known as "Mr. City was home to 10,000 free- Plastic Fantastic." range hogs. *** • According to the Talmud, a central text of Judaism, if Thought for the Day: "Who someone is bitten by a rabid overcomes by force hath overdog, the victim should write on come but half his foe." -- John Milton


• The beer can was introduced in 1935 by the now-defunct Kreuger Brewery.

the skin of a male hyena, strip naked and bury the clothes for a year, then burn the clothes and scatter the ashes. Of course, early medical treatment for the bites wasn't much better. Some doctors recommended pouring boiling oil on the wound or cauterizing it with a red-hot iron. Some went as far as packing the bite with gunpowder, then igniting it. Greek doctors suggested that victims bathe in the juice of crawfish. Castration and massive doses of asparagus also were suggested as cures for rabies.


• It was 19th-century German philosopher, poet and composer Friedrich Nietzsche who made the following sage observation: "He who has a 'why' to live can bear with almost any 'how.'"

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Arm is moved. 2. Frame is different. 3. Hassock scallop is missing. 4. Clock is missing. 5. Clown is turned. 6. Remote control is missing. © 2014 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• In 1985, the first magazine devoted entirely DEERE. JOHN DEERE. (continued): to snowboarding hit the newsstands with re• sounding It was while living in Illinois that John nosuccess.

ticed the problems that farmers faced when • Snowboarding to the the area Winter attempting to tillwas soil.added Because had Olympics at Nagano, Japan, 1998. Canaformerly been woodland, theinsoil was rich dian Regaliati the and goldclung medal, withRoss hummus, whichnabbed clumped to the was blades of the plows of farmers were accusbut later stripped the medal when tomed to using. Whileuse repairing a broken ciraccusations of drug emerged. He was cular saw, Deere stumbled upon an idea. He cleared of any charges and his medal was employedgiving his smith fashion the steel restored, himskills the to honor of the first blade into the shape of a plow. He affixed gold medalist in snowboarding. two wooden spokes, then hitched the device • By yearIt2000, was soil the to athe horse. plowedsnowboarding the heavy Illinois fastest-growing sport in America, with like a charm. In fact, a farmer who happened about milliontheparticipants. At the 2006 to be 7.2 observing test run immediately put Winter Olympics Torino, Italy, aplow. 20-yearin an order for hisin own John Deere

wild-haired Shaun White captured the • old, In short order, Deere gave up his blacksmith attention of the world as he triumphed in the shop and focused on making plows. The half pipe event. Nicknamed Tocompany grew steadily and “The addedFlying many emmato” because his1840s, flaming redrelocated hair, White ployees. In the of late John the entireon operation to Moline, Illinois. Ashamed went to win gold in 2010 in Vancouver. of his also own holds lack ofthe education, Johnthe sent his White record for most children to the state’s finest schools. One of gold medals and overall medal count at the his proudest days occurred when son Charles X-Games. earned the equivalent of an MBA from Bell’s • Who snowboards? 17% of the enCommercial CollegeAbout in Chicago.

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Quiz Answers

The fangs Cobweb Tarantulas Arizona (13 species) 5. Wilbur

6. Robert Duvall 7. St. Peter 8. Elizabeth Taylor, for “Cleopatra” 9. “Can’t Fight This Feeling” (1985)


thusiasts are aged 7 to 11. One out of four

• isWith his25 sontoCharles managing thepercent company, aged 44. Twenty-three of John found time to pursue philanthropic insnowboarders are women. terests. He co-founded both the First Nation• Today there totalCongregational of 10 OlympicChurch. events al Bank and are the aFirst inHesnowboarding, five for men and five was elected the mayor of Moline in 1873, where one of including his first actions the replacefor women, giant –slalom, half ment cross, of the slopestyle, city’s openand drains with aslalom. sewer pipe, parallel pipe system – saved countless lives30% by reducSnowboarders account for about of all ing the spread of disease. business at major ski resorts. Yet there are • still The some original John that Deere registered in resorts arelogo, skiers-only, pro1876, depicted a deer that was native to Afrihibiting snowboarding, including Vermont’s ca. Thirty-six years in Glen 1912,Valley it wasand reMad River Glen andlater, Utah’s placed with the image of a North American Alta. white-tailed deer. In the decades that followed, the now-familiar “outline” logo took Thanks for Reading Tidbits! over as the symbol of the John Deere brand.

Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.

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