Tidbits Grand Forks - April 30, 2015

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

April 30, 2015

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On April 29, 1813, Jacob Hummel of Philadelphia was awarded a patent for an elastic rubber varnish suitable for waterproofing clothing, in one of the world's first applications of rubber. Come along with Tidbits as we consider rubber! A NEW SUBSTANCE • Rubber comes from the sap of the Para rubber tree. The sap is called latex (from the French word for milk), and it is refined to form rubber. • In 1755 a paper was presented to the French Academy of Sciences describing the properties of latex. In 1770, Joseph Priestley found that it was extremely good for rubbing off pencil marks on paper, dubbing the substance with the name "rubber."

of Brazil, delivering them to Kew Gardens, England. Only 2,400 of these survived, after which the seedlings were then sent to India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. Malaysia later became the biggest producer of rubber.

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Quiz Bits

5. People with a latex allergy have also been known to show an allergic reaction to what common tropical fruit? 6. Who is the world’s largest consumer of rubber bands? 7. Which planet rotates on its axis once every 243 Earth days? 8. Which book of the Bible first describes how God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses?


1. T or F: Latex balloons are biodegradable. 2. The maximum altitude a helium balloon can reach is about 28,000 feet. What percentage of released balloons reach this altitude? 3. Is latex paint made from natural or synthetic latex? 4. Rubber bands will last longer if you do what to them?


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• Over 21 million tons of rubber are produced each year, and about 42% is natural rubber, with the rest of it being synthetic rubber made from petrochemicals and coal. Natural rubber offers best elasticity, while synthetic rubber tends to offer better resistance to environmental factors such as oils, temperature, chemicals and ultraviolet light. • Asia is the main source of natural rubber, accounting for about 94% of the world's supply. The largest producing countries are Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, which account for 72% of all rubber production. • It takes six years for a rubber tree to grow to a point at which it's economical to harvest the sap, and each tree has a productive life of about 35 years. A single tree yields about 19 lbs. of rubber each year. • Although natural rubber originated in Brazil, it is not cultivated there due to leaf blight and other natural predators of the rubber tree, which do not exist in Asian countries. • The highest quality of latex rubber is used for such things as surgeons' gloves, condoms, and balloons. Mid-range quality rubber is used in items such as belts, windshield wipers, hoses, tubing, insulators, valves, gaskets, shoes, and pencil erasers. • When electricity was invented, demand for rubber skyrocketed because it was such an effective insulator for wires. With the invention of automobiles, demand once again jumped because every car needed rubber tires that wore out at a regular rate. About 70% of rubber produced today is used for tires. • Foam rubber is made by beating air into the latex before pouring it into a vulcanizing mold, which heats it under pressure. Rubber sponges are made by adding a powder to the latex which forms gas during vulcanization.

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4. Name four of the six athletes who played for the Montreal Canadiens and were inducted 1. In 2013, Pitt tailback James into the Hockey Hall of Fame Conner set a school bowl between 2000 and 2013. rushing record with 229 yards. 5. When was the last time beWho had held the mark? fore 2014 that Costa Rica’s 2. Who was the last NBA center men’s soccer team made it to before Chicago’s Joakim Noah the round of 16 at the World in the 2013-14 campaign to Cup—1982, 1990 or 1998? lead his team in assists for a 6. T or F: in 2014, Penn State season? (hint: 1990s) became the first team in 3. Name the three men in golf’s NCAA Division I baseball modern era to have top-5 history to turn two triple finishes in each of a PGA plays in one game. season’s four majors.


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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com FORDLANDIA • In 1926 Henry Ford set up the Ford Industrial Company of Brazil. He wanted to build a rubber plantation to provide rubber for his tires. Ford wanted not only to build the cars, but also to control all the resources it took to build the cars. In exchange for employing Brazilian workers, the government of Brazil gave him free use of 2.5 million acres of jungle taxfree for 50 years. • The community was dubbed Fordlandia. 4,000 workers cleared the land of the native hardwoods. Then they planted nearly half a million rubber trees on 7,000 acres. By 1936 the first rubber plants were ready to be tapped. Also by 1936, the hilly deforested slopes that had been cleared of their hardwood trees were so eroded that the soil ran down gullies and rainwater flooded the community. Then came the leaf blight which devastated the rubber plantation. • Ford abandoned Fordlandia and moved the project to a new site, ten times bigger than the old one. Called Belterra, the area was healthy and well drained. Ford ordered workers to clear the land and plant three million rubber trees. This time they planted a grafted hybrid designed to resist disease. The process of grafting and planting was extremely tedious. Workers

grew dissatisfied and left in droves. By 1941, Ford had only 2,700 of the 11,000 workers he needed. And then the leaf blight returned. Plagued by high costs, labor shortages, and blight, Belterra also ended in failure. • In 1945 Henry Ford's son sold the whole thing to the Brazilian government for a mere half a million dollars. Over $9 million had been pumped into the project over 19 years, and Ford had failed to produce enough rubber to make a pencil eraser.


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Columbia Mall • (701) 757-4100 2800 South Columbia Road • Grand Forks, ND midwestvisioncenters.com AN OVERSHOE • In the Middle Ages, the Roman name for the area that is now France was Gaul. When they invaded, they found the Gauls wearing unusual shoes. They wore the normal sandal, but tied over the top of the sandal was an upper leather casing which covered the top of the foot, the ankle, and sandal. This was to protect the feet and the sandal during wet and cold weather. The Romans called this new style ‘Gaulish shoes’ or, in Latin, ‘gallicae.’ • The fashion quickly spread, since it made sense to wear an overshoe to protect the inner shoe during bad weather. • Centuries later, legend has it that an English man named Radley improved upon the idea. He suffered from rheumatism and wanted to keep his feet dry in the rainy weather, so he invented cloth overshoes that were reinforced with rubber to keep the feet dry. • Then in 1823, Scottish chemist Charles Macintosh discovered that liquid latex rubber would dissolve in coal-tar naphtha. When he spread this solution over a marble slab and allowed the naphtha to evaporate, he was left with a thin film of rubber,

which could then be glued and sewn to fabric for waterproofing. Thereafter, in England a raincoat came to be known as a mackintosh. Charles Macintosh set up a factory to mass-produce this waterproof fabric. • The process worked for waterproof boots as well, but latex rubber turned out to be brittle when cold and sticky when hot. Not until Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber (by heating rubber under pressure) did the art of the waterproof rain boot get a boost. An inventor named Alvin Longo Rickman received a patent for a rubberized overshoe in 1898. What are these waterproof overshoes called today? (Answer at top of next page)

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Answer: The rubber overshoes are galoshes. NOTEWORTHY INVENTORS:


• The chemical company run by Edwin Binney and Harold Smith in the 1880s manufactured pigments used in paints. They made a very deep black by using carbon, and there was a high demand for this pigment for use in shoe polish, ink, and even tires. • With the profit, they began to expand, producing chalk, pencils, and other school supplies and art products. Now there were many new items in their warehouse that needed to be tracked and inventoried. • At the time, the ink marker used to label boxes and crates was very messy, so Binney and Smith designed a new box marker using carbon black mixed with paraffin wax, wrapped in paper to make it easy to handle. • As their salesmen visited schools across the country hawking the company’s products, they began to report back that often the only art supplies the children had to work with were expensive French markers that many children could not afford. Binney and Smith decided to take the idea for their box marker and adapt it for school use.


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• They added talc to the formula and mixed in different pigments. First they sold it in boxes of eight colors, then 16, and now 120. Binney’s wife came up with the name for the product from the French word "craie" meaning chalk, and "oleaginous" meaning oily, referring to the paraffin wax: Crayola Crayons. • Today the average child will use up an average of 730 Crayola Crayons by the time they turn ten. • If the power ever goes out, remember that you can use crayons as a candle.

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Noteworthy Inventions:


• Until about 1950, coal was the primary fuel used for heating homes, and coal produced soot. Housewives had a simple way of removing soot from wallpaper. They’d mix a lump of flour, water, salt, and borax, and then roll the lump up and down the wall. • In 1933 the Kutol Company began marketing pre-mixed wallpaper cleaner in a sealed can. Business was good until 1950 when coal furnaces began to go out of style. Later, vinyl wallpaper was introduced, which could be washed with soap and water. Kutol was on the brink of ruin. The company owner Noah McVicokor was desperate for help. • Just then, the Noah's sister-in-law, who ran a nursery school, read a magazine article that described how to make Christmas tree ornaments out of wallpaper cleaner. She took a can to class with her, rolled it out with a rolling pin, and the children cut out shapes using cookie cutters. She dried them in her oven, put little holes in the top, and hung them on the Christmas tree, all according to the magazine’s instructions. Then she called her brother-in-law.

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• Because of this, Kutol subsequently adjusted their recipe, changed the name, and Play-Doh was born. They put the product on the market as a toy. It came in the three primary colors of red, yellow, and blue. Kept in a sealed container, it stayed soft, but when dried overnight, it became hard enough to be sanded and painted. • Wallpaper cleaner sold for 34 cents, but the new toy clay sold for $1.50. Kutol had just over $100,000 in sales in 1954, and over $3 million four years later. More than 2 billion cans have been sold since then.


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“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give it to those who would not.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


by Linda Thistle

Draw a star in exactly 10 of the empty squares in the diagram below so that each numbered square accurately indicates how many immediately adjacent squares (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) contain a star.


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• Ben’s mother gave her son the first name of Benjamin and the middle name of Franklin. After the Civil War, he bought out a New York rubber company. Numerous other rubber companies in the area provided such stiff competition that the business floundered. • The citizens of Akron, Ohio, convinced him to set up a new factory in their town. In Akron, he was the only rubber company west of the Allegheny Mountains, and the market was wide open. He established a licensing agreement with Charles Goodyear, and named his new business after himself.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was American playwright Wilson Mizner who made the following sage observation: "Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research." • If you went into a restaurant for breakfast in the 1930s and ordered "cluck and grunt," the server would know to bring you ham and eggs. • Irish mom Maria JonesElliott holds the distinction of having twins with the longest interval between the two births. In 2012, she went into labor almost four months before her due date. After two days of labor, one of the girls was born, but then the contractions stopped. While Amy, born weighing just 1 pound, 3 ounces, continued to improve in the neonatal intensive care unit, her sister Kate continued to grow in utero -for another 87 days. Against all odds, both twins survived and are now thriving toddlers. • If you're like 60 percent of American pet owners, your pet sleeps with you. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• A recent study conducted by researchers at the Nara University of Education in Japan found that music affects people's generosity. Specifically, if you're listening to music you enjoy, you're likely to be more generous than if there were no music playing at all. In this scenario, the inverse is also true: If you're listening to a song you dislike, you're more likely to be stingy. • The next time you travel to Sweden for a vacation, try to catch a Kaninhoppning competition; you'll be treated to a spectacle of rabbit show jumping. • You might be surprised to learn that seven out of eight battle deaths suffered by all countries participating in World War II were suffered by the Russians and the Germans. *** Thought for the Day: "Never bear more than one trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds -- all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have." -- Edward Everett Hale

• Benjamin had once seen a friend’s home burn to the ground in the middle of winter because the leather fire hoses used by firemen were frozen, cracked, and useless. The first product he began manufacturing was rubber fire hoses that wouldn’t crack. Then he added garden hoses. When Benjamin died in 1888 at the age of 46, his son took over. • Pneumatic tires (containing air instead of being solid rubber) had recently been invented, and they began to manufacture tires for bikes, cars, and planes. Benjamin’s company, named after him, became the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, most well-known for its automobile tires. What’s it called? (Answer at top of next page) QUIZ: DETACHABLE TIRES • In France in 1886, a family’s rubber manufacturing firm was failing, but the founder’s nephews, Edouard and Andre, were determined to save it. One day a bicyclist came in whose bike sported two recently invented pneumatic tires, which contain air instead of being solid rubber. Pneumatic tires gave a smooth ride, but they punctured. This bike had a flat, and the biker asked the brothers to fix it.

(Answer located 2 pages after this one)

Answer: The company is B.F. Goodrich DETATCHABLE TIRES (cont'd) • Edouard and Andre discovered that the bicycle tire was glued to the rim. It took hours to remove, but they eventually repaired it, replaced it, took it for a test drive– and it went flat again. There had to be a better way. • They subsequently invented detachable tires that could be easily removed from the rim. Then they outfitted bicycle racer Charles Terront with their tires, and showed him how to repair a flat. During a race in 1891, Terront’s tire was punctured, but he repaired the flat in a few minutes and went on to win the race. The resulting publicity boosted the family rubber firm immensely. • Next the brothers decided to work the same miracle for automobile tires. At that time, car tires were wooden wheels with a metal rim. The car industry embraced the new detachable tires and their company became one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world. Their company logo of a pile of tires shaped like a rotund man, trademarked in 1898, is one of the oldest and most recognizable logos in the nation. The company is named after the French family’s last name. What is it? (Answer at bottom of page) AN UNFORTUNATE MISHAP • When David Pearson was racing in the Rebel 500, he pulled off for a pit stop. His crew rushed to change all four tires. Pearson was under the mistaken impression that the crew was replacing the right tires only. They loosened the left tires as they were tightening the right tires. When Pearson started to pull out, a crew member yelled, "Whoa!" but Pearson thought he said, "GO!" Fifty yards later, both left wheels left the car and went bouncing down the track.


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Answer: Michelin, who now incidentally produces B. F. Goodrich tires. King CROSSWORD

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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

April 20, 2015 • “If you add a teaspoon of sugar to your biscuit mix or to the dough for rolls, it will help them to brown well, and they will come out of the oven with golden tops.” — J.R. in Michigan • Two ways to save money on laundry expenses: First, spring and summer are an excellent time to get into line-drying clothes — especially towels and jeans that take longer to dry thoroughly in a dryer. Then, clean out and shorten your dryer’s vent hose to make your machine more energy efficient. It cuts down on drying time, too, saving you time AND money. • “Got an odd job coming up? Before you go out and purchase an expensive limited-use tool, check with friends and neighbors to see if you can borrow instead of buying. Check with local hardware stores to see if it’s cheaper to rent, too.” — S.L. in Kentucky • Add a small bit of boiling water to a glass of iced tea to clear it up if it is cloudy. You can do this to a pitcher just before serving. • “Call and schedule your chimney service for sometime the next couple of months. Prices drop as it’s summer and the sweeps are not as busy.” — C.C. in New York • “I have pets that leave hair and dirt on the couch. When I wash my cushion covers, one thing I always do is put them back on the pillows when they are not quite dry. They stretch better when they’re a little bit damp. I had a terrible time a few years ago when I let them dry all the way and couldn’t get them back on!” — H.P. in Arizona Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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You Are Invited

5th Annual Northern Valley Police Week Memorial Service Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 2:00pm Grand Forks County Courthouse Lawn 124 S. 4th Street, Grand Forks, ND

Let Them Not Be Forgotten For They Did Not Die in Vain

Tom was at the hospital visiting with his Tidbits Laughs best friend Larry who was dying. Tom asked,

"If there is baseball in heaven will you come back and tell me?" Larry nodded yes just as he passed away. That night while Tom was sleeping, he heard Larry's voice in a dream, "Tom..." "Larry! What is it?!" asked Tom. "I have good news and bad news from heaven." "What's the good news?" "There is baseball in heaven after all, but the bad news is you're pitching on Tuesday."

(Solution on Next Page)

THE HISTORY OF PAPER PART 2 • In the 1830s and 1840s, two men on two different continents began to experiment with making paper out of pulped wood instead of pulped rags. Charles Fenerty in Canada and Friedrich Keller of Germany individually invented a machine that extracted fibers from wood and made paper from it. This started a new era for paper making. By the end of the 19th century almost all paper in the western world came from wood instead of rags. • Ruled paper was first produced by machine by John Tetlow in England in the 1770s. It was used for music paper and accounting ledgers. Before this, the rules had to be drawn by hand. • During the Civil War, there were 555 paper mills in the U.S., but only 24 were located in the South. Naval blockades caused southern newspaper offices to run out of paper so some editions were printed on wallpaper. • Next came the invention of the first practical fountain pen, the mass-produced pencil, and the steam-driven rotary printing press. With paper now cheap and widely available, books, schoolbooks, and newspapers became available by 1900. Widespread availability of wood-based paper also meant that keeping diaries and writing letters became common. CARDBOARD • The first cardboard was made in 1824. When people started shipping things in cardboard, manufacturers of wooden boxes and barrels pressured railroads and insurance companies to refuse to handle or insure them, due to increased likelihood of damage. It wasn't until 1914 that a law was passed prohibiting railroads from charging extra for handling goods packaged in cardboard. Today, 99% of all products are packaged in paper at some point, and about 50% of all paper used in the U.S. is used for packaging.

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Find at least six differences in details between panels.

DIFFERENCES: 1.Sign is different. 2. Cornerstone is missing. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Glasses are missing. 5. Book is moved. 6. Fireplug is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


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Sports Answers 1. Tony Dorsett had 202 yards in the 1977 Sugar Bowl. 2. San Antonio’s David Robinson (1993-94) 3. Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Rickie Fowler

4. Denis Savard, Rod Langway, Dick Duff, Patrick Roy, Doug Gilmour, Chris Chelios 5. 1990 6. False. Gonzaga did it in 2006


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PAPER BAGS • In 1872, the first paper bag manufacturing machine was patented by L. C. Crowell. Paper bags had been around a long time, but Answer: Dell. they were pasted together by hand and had VA VERY What LARGE NUMBER shaped bottoms. made these paper bags •so Edward Kasner was they a mathematician. 1938 popular was that would standInalone. he was asked to come up with a name When supermarkets became popular infor thea very large number: the numeral one, followed 1930's, business boomed. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young VENTURES PUBLISHING nephews what nameINthey would suggest. • •Gutenberg spentMilton 20 yearssuggested in the 1400's perNine-year-old a name out of the A cartoon strip character fecting the funnies. first method of printing using named Barney popular. Milton chose moveable type was and very a press. He was a skilled Barney’s last name for the number. metalworker and was familiar with tools. To •typeset Kasner the announced the new 2,500 name for the big Bible required individual number his next book,page. altering pieces ofintype for each He the usedspelling. parchpaper hadPage not yet invent•ment Sixtybecause years later, Larry andbeen Sergey Brin developed a new internet search ed, and each Gutenberg Bible engine. requiredOther the search engines searched each webpage and skins of 300 sheep. Ink was made from pine ranked them according to three how many shavings and soot. It took years times to pro-a specific term appeared on them, but Page and duce the Bibles, which had 1,284 pages each. Brin designed their search engine to search for He printed 200 of them, and 47 still survive. the specific term and then find out how many However, Gutenberg to links there were thatwent led heavily back tointo thatdebt page, develop this technique. The same year the Biwhich resulted in a better search engine. bles were completed, financier • They decided they hisneeded a confiscated name that all his equipment and used it to make reflected how many websites the himself search rich. Gutenberg died in poverty, yet the his name engine was searching. They took name lives on today. of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being WORLD'S FINEST spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • Cartier on Barney Fifth Avenue York What’s at one character spelled in hisNew last name. time offered for sale handmade stationery it called? (Answer at bottom of page) from Finland with rough edges and COMPUTER FACTS a personportrait watermark. For kb only •alized In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of $10,000 memory you could get 100 sheets (including enveought to be enough for anybody.” lopes.) To write on such paper, one should re• Moore’s Law states that computer performance ally haveevery a nice18pen, such as theand twoever 18-carat doubles to 24 months, since diamond pens that sold for just under 1971, thiscapped has been true. $23,000. To go along with that, you might be • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all interested in a blue glass paperweight made started in garages. in Paris around 1850. It sold for $143,000 in Answer: Google, from googol. 1982.




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