Tidbits Grand Forks - May 7, 2015

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

May 7, 2015

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FAMOUS LAST WORDS What thoughts go through a person’s mind in their last moments on Earth? This week, Tidbits recalls the famous last words of these wellknown folks. • Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti was enjoying a wildly successful career when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2006. One year later, Pavarotti proclaimed his final words, “I believe that a life lived for music is an existence spent wonderfully, and this is what I have dedicated my life to,” and went to sing with the angels. • Frenchman Nostradamus was an apothecary who published several collections of prophecies, which have rarely been out of print since his death. Followers of Nostradamus credit him with predicting many major world events. There was one event he predicted very accurately – his death. On July 1, 1566, he told his assistant, “Tomorrow at sunrise, I shall no longer be here.” Indeed, it was true. • In 1960, James W. Rodgers stood before a Utah firing squad awaiting his execution for the 1957 murder of a miner. His answer to the usual question, “Any last requests?” was, “Bring me a bullet-proof vest.” Rodgers was the last person to die by the firing squad in the U.S. for the next 17 years. Turn the page for more! WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? We provide the opportunity for success!

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Quiz Bits

4. What percentage of all lumber harvested goes towards the production of paper? 5. What does the first “A” in NASA stand for? 6. What type of candy was invented by Walter Diemer in 1928? 7. In anatomy, what is the scapula more commonly known as? 8. Who was the only Roman Catholic president of the United States?


1. Some of the last words spoken by this Revolutionary War hero were, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Who was he? 2. The last words of this famous Prime Minister were “I’m bored with it all.” Name him. 3. How old in years was Yoda when he died in “Return of the Jedi”?


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• Once a grammarian, always a grammarian! The famous French grammar expert Dominique Bouhours lay on his death bed and spoke, “I am about to – or I am going to – die: either expression is correct.” • And speaking of all things proper, as Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, was being escorted to the guillotine to be executed for treason in 1793, she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner. This very polite lady expressed the apology, “Monsieur, I beg your pardon.” • After being diagnosed with cancer, legendary movie critic Roger Ebert wrote to the faithful readers of his blog that he would be taking leave for his treatment. The final words of his farewell were, fittingly, “I’ll see you at the movies.” • Who knows what Apple Computers co-founder Steve Jobs saw when he passed from this life to the next? His sister Patty reports that at the moment that pancreatic cancer claimed the life of this creative genius, he looked over her shoulder and proclaimed, “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” • One of the greatest basketball players of all time, Pete Maravich, had a magnificent tenyear career with the NBA. A severe knee injury forced him to retire in 1980. In 1988, while playing a pickup basketball game in the gym at a Pasadena, California, church, “Pistol Pete” collapsed and died at age 40, less than one minute after saying, “I feel great.” An autopsy revealed that he had been born without a left coronary artery, necessary for supplying blood to the heart’s muscle fibers. The right coronary artery had been compensating for the heart defect his entire life without his knowledge and it finally gave out.

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4. As of the 2015 Australian Open, how many Grand 1. In 2014, Paul Pierce became Slam singles titles have the Williams sisters won the sixth player in NBA —17, 20, 23 or 26? history to tally 1,000 points 5. When was the last time bein 15 consecutive seasons. fore 2014 that Villanova’s Name four of the first five. men’s basketball team won 2. Doug Jarvis holds the NHL the Big East regular-season record for most consecutive title outright—1982, 1989, games played. How many was 1996 or 2005? it—776, 884, 914 or 964? 6. Which Major League 3. Who holds the Pittsburgh Baseball team calls Citi Steelers record for most Field it’s home? rushing yards in a season?


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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com FAMOUS LAST WORDS (continued): • Many famous men had kind words for their beloved before they passed into the Great Beyond. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who penned the stories of Sherlock Holmes, died in his garden with his wife at his side. After suffering a massive heart attack, he looked at her and said, “You are wonderful.” The last words of actor John Wayne, dying of stomach cancer, directed toward his wife were, “Of course I know who you are. You’re my girl. I love you.” Legendary coach Vince Lombardi died just three days after his 30th wedding anniversary, and the last words whispered to his wife Marie were, “Happy anniversary. I love you.” • There’s a difference of opinion on the last words of actor Humphrey Bogart. Some sources hold to the belief that he spoke, “Goodbye, Kid. Hurry back,” to wife Lauren Bacall as she left his bedside in the hospital to go pick up their children. When she returned, he was comatose and never regained consciousness. Others claim his final remark was, “I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.” • Baseball great Joe DiMaggio wasn’t with the one he loved when he passed on in 1999. Although married to actress Marilyn Monroe for just nine months in 1954, he carried a torch for her for the remainder

of his life. After her death in 1962, Joe had roses sent to her grave twice a week for 20 years. His final words were, “I’ll finally get to see Marilyn.” • Showman Flo Ziegfeld brought musical revues, Broadway productions, and films to the world of entertainment, including his legendary Ziegfeld Follies, which ran from 1907 to the early 1930s. Ever the theatrical producer, his last words from his deathbed were, “Curtain! Fast music! Lights! Ready for the last finale! Great! The show looks good, the show looks good!”


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by Linda Thistle

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Columbia Mall • (701) 757-4100 2800 South Columbia Road • Grand Forks, ND midwestvisioncenters.com FAMOUS LAST WORDS (continued): • What was on the minds of U.S. Presidents as they prepared to face the Great Beyond? First President George Washington seemed fulfilled with his life, if his last words in 1799 are any evidence: “It is well, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go.” Grover Cleveland remains the only U.S. President to serve two non-consecutive terms as the 22nd and the 24th chief executive. Well-known for his honesty, integrity, and fight against political corruption, it seems fitting that his last words, while in the throes of a gastro-intestinal disease, would be, “I have tried so hard to do right.” Franklin D. Roosevelt stated, “I have a terrific headache,” just moments before he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in 1945. • Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had no idea that their last words would in fact be their last. As Lincoln and his wife sat in Ford’s Theater watching the play “Our American Cousin,” Mary Todd Lincoln, worried about the opinions of the women seated next to them in their theater box, whispered to her husband, “What will Miss Harris think of my hanging on to you so?” Abe’s last words before being shot by John Wilkes Booth were, “She won’t think anything about it.”

• As Kennedy rode in a Dallas motorcade in 1963, the wife of Governor John Connelly commented to him, “You certainly cannot say that the people of Dallas haven’t given you a nice welcome, Mr. President.” His answer of, “No, you certainly can’t,” were his final words before his assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald. • Ever the poet, Emily Dickinson, author of more than 1,800 poems, pronounced her last words in 1886, “I must go in, for the fog is rising.”

When Bob Hope's wife Dolores Tidbits Laughs asked him where he would like to

be buried, his last words were, "Surprise me."

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GEORGE EASTMAN Folks have been taking pictures with a Kodak camera since 1888. Follow along and learn about its inventor George Eastman and his contributions to the photography industry. • Born in central New York State in 1854, George Eastman had a difficult childhood, with his father passing away when George was eight. His sister contracted polio when he was a teen. George’s mother took in boarders for the family’s financial survival, and at age 14, George quit school to go to work, first as an errand boy at an insurance company, and later as a junior clerk at the Rochester Savings Bank. • At age 23, an invitation from a friend changed Eastman’s life forever. He was invited on a vacation to Santo Domingo, and bought photographic equipment to document the trip. He found the gear to be enormous, heavy, and very expensive. Eastman never took the trip, but was inspired to research the invention of improved methods of taking pictures. • For three years, Eastman experimented in his mother’s kitchen, seeking an easier way to develop negatives. He developed gelatin emulsions that led to his patent of a dry-plate coating machine. He founded the Eastman Dry Plate Company when he was 30. Continued experiments led to a patent of rollable film to replace glass negatives. • Eastman introduced the Kodak camera in 1888, inventing the name that would be familiar for decades to come. He explained the name, “The letter ‘K’ had been a favorite with me. It seems a strong, incisive sort of letter.” He tried several combinations of letters, wanting a word that started and ended with “K”.


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GEORGE EASTMAN (continued): • The first Kodak camera cost $25 and came with 100 exposures. The user would send the camera into Kodak for the film to be developed. The advertising slogan was, “You press the button, we do the rest.” • The following year the company developed a type of flexible film that helped establish the motion picture industry and Eastman’s success continued to surge. • The Eastman Kodak Company was founded in 1892, bringing convenient, easy-to-use cameras to the common man. In 1900, Eastman introduced the first Brownie camera, intended for children and priced at $1, with film selling for 15 cents a roll.

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• In 1902, Eastman began building a mansion in Rochester, New York, a 35,000-square-foot, 50-room house with the latest in heating and electricity, telephones, and an elevator. It took three years and $335,000 to complete. Today, the home is the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film, and is a National Historic Landmark. • Upon his retirement, Eastman embarked on African safaris, bringing home a white rhinoceros and an elephant, which he displayed in his home. In his early 70s, Eastman was diagnosed with a crippling spinal disease. After enduring excruciating pain for over four years, in 1932, Eastman took his own life. His last words, penned in a suicide note were, “To my friends: My work is done. Why wait?” • A generous philanthropist, Eastman donated more than $100 million to education and the arts, public parks, hospitals, and dental clinics (about $2 billion in today’s dollars). He supported the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with $20 million, as well as establishing the Eastman School of Music. Having never married, he willed his entire estate to the University of Rochester.


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“The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” ~ Ronald Reagan


by Linda Thistle

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Cinco de Mayo translates to the "fifth of May." Tidbits takes the opportunity to look into the history of this event. • In the United States, many mistakenly believe that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico’s Independence Day. Not so! That event is commemorated on September 16, marking the anniversary of Mexico’s call to arms against the Spanish colonial government in 1810. Cinco de Mayo is actually the celebration of the Mexican army’s victory of over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. In Mexico, the holiday is called El Dia de la Batalla de Puebla, which translates into English as “The Day of the Battle of Puebla.”

by Samantha Weaver

• It was noted 20th-century British playwright Tom Stoppard who made the following sage observation: "It is better to be quotable than to be honest." • You've probably seen ventriloquists perform, but you may not realize that it's a skill not limited to humans. The crested bellbird, which can be found in the wetlands of Australia and Venezuela, throws its voice in order to misdirect predators. • Bibliophiles beware: Using a public library can carry hidden risks, as a 20-year-old woman in Wisconsin discovered when she checked out "White Oleander" and "Angels and Demons." Heidi Dalibor never returned the books, and she didn't respond to letters or phone calls requesting that she return the books and pay the overdue fine. Eventually, Dalibor was arrested by local police, who handcuffed and fingerprinted her, and she wasn't released until her bail was paid.

• We've all heard the childhood tale of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, then 'fessing up because he could not tell a lie. Most history books don't mention other aspects of his childhood, though; for instance, did you know that our first president, when he was 10 years old, was a champion wrestler and long jumper? • If you were a member of the middle class in Victorian England, you might have spent an enjoyable afternoon with friends on a boat, searching for bizarre sea creatures. This popular pastime was known as "monster spotting." • Those who study such things say that the smallest vertebrate in the world is a type of carp: The Paedocypris progenetica grows to be less than half an inch long. *** Thought for the Day: "A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted." -- Helen Rowland

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• In 1861, after undergoing both the MexicanAmerican War and a civil war within their boundaries, the Mexican treasuries were nearly empty and the national economy was in ruins. The country was deeply in debt to France, Great Britain, and Spain, but was forced to default on its loans. President Benito Juarez declared that all payments on foreign debts would be suspended for a period of two years, and promised that payments would resume after that time. The three European countries sent armed forces to Mexico to demand payment. Negotiations were successful with Britain and Spain and those two countries withdrew their armies, but France, under the rule of Napoleon III, opted to attempt to expand its empire and install its own leader. • A well-outfitted and provisioned French force of over 6,500 soldiers began its march toward Mexico City. President Juarez rounded up a force of 4,000 loyal but ill-equipped Mexican men and sent them to the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe near Puebla. Many of them were not soldiers at all, but rather agricultural workers, armed with machetes and outdated rifles.

(Answer located 2 pages after this one)

CINCO DE MAYO (continued): • Early on the morning of May 5, French General Charles de Lorencez led his attack, supported by heavy artillery, on the Mexican forces. Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza commanded the counter-attack and after a day-long battle, Mexico emerged the victor, having defeated the French army that was considered the “premier army in the world.” Although vastly outnumbered, the Mexicans suffered less than 100 casualties, while the French had five times that many.

• This was just one battle in the war against French occupation (which did not end for another six years), but the victory at Puebla was a great boost to the morale of the patriotic resistance movement. Napoleon III responded to the defeat by sending 30,000 more troops to Mexico, eventually taking over Mexico City and appointing Maximilian as the ruler of Mexico. His rule lasted but three years until 1867. The U.S. began providing military assistance to Mexico, France withdrew, and Maximilian was eventually executed. • Today, Cinco de Mayo is just a minor holiday in Mexico, primarily observed only in the state of Puebla. It is much more of a celebration in the United States, where it is seen as an observance of Mexican heritage. The largest festivals in America are held in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.

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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

April 27, 2015 • J.C. in Florida writes: “The one thing I might add [to your tips about preparing deviled eggs] is to make sure the eggs are point down during storage. That will keep the yolks centered and make stuffing easier.” Great point! A little vinegar in the boiling water will help to keep egg in the shell if it cracks. • “I love to put photos of family on the fridge. But I found that the photos were getting ruined from grease and moisture in the air. To get around that — and to really preserve them — I cleaned and laminated them. Afterward, I hot-glued little magnets to the backs, and now I can move them around to accommodate new photos. There are so many, and it gives me pleasure to look at them.” — C.R. in Oklahoma • This is a classic money-saving tip as well as safety advice: Lower your water-heater temperature from 140 F to 120 F. You’ll save money on heating water, and reduce the risk of a painful burn from scalding. • “Add a cinnamon stick or softener sheet to your vacuum bag when you change it. While you clean, you’ll distribute the good smell throughout your home.” — F.H. in Colorado • Got a squeak in your hardwood floors? Dust a sprinkling of baby powder at the source of the squeak, and then use a brush to get it in the cracks. The powder will help to lubricate the boards and remove the squeak. • If you need to clean stained plastic storage or takeout containers that you’ll use again, do it with baking soda. Get the container wet, and then use a liberal amount of baking soda as a scrub. It’s abrasive but gentle — and super safe. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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You Are Invited

5th Annual Northern Valley Police Week Memorial Service Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 2:00pm Grand Forks County Courthouse Lawn 124 S. 4th Street, Grand Forks, ND

Let Them Not Be Forgotten For They Did Not Die in Vain

Son: "Dad, there is someone at the door to Tidbits Laughs collect donations for a community swimming pool."

Father: "Okay, give him a glass of water." I decided to make my password "incorrect" because if I type it in wrong, my computer will remind me, "Your password is incorrect." Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground beef.

(Solution on Next Page)


• In 1972, Ray Tomlinson was working on developing the precursor to the Internet, a system called ARPANET, which stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. One day he sat two computers next to each other. They were connected to each other only by ARPANET. He sent a message from one to the other, and that was the world's first email. Tomlinson claims the message was probably something like "Testing 123." • It was Tomlinson's idea to use the @ symbol to separate the name of the user from the name of the computer. The @ sign was originally an accounting symbol used in commercial invoices meaning "at the rate of" as in: six widgets @ $2 per widget = $12. Tomlinson chose the symbol because it is on every keyboard, yet is rarely used. Its official English name is "the commercial at sign." • Although in the U.S. it's usually called simply the "at sign," other countries have different names for it. In Dutch, it's apestaart meaning monkey's tail. In Swedish, it's snabel-a meaning "A" with an elephant's trunk. In Italian, it's chiocciolina meaning small snail. In Hungary, it's kukatsz meaning little worm. In Czech, it's zavinac meaning a rolled pickled herring. In Finland, it's miumau (the sound a cat makes) because it looks like a sleeping cat. In Russian, it's sabachka meaning puppy. In German, it's klammerraffe meaning spider monkey. • On May 24, 2004, which was the 160th anniversary of the first public Morse telegraph transmission, a unique Morse code for the ‘@’ symbol was introduced: • – – • – • (dot-dash-dash-dotdash-dot). This was the first official addition to the Morse set of characters since World War I. • There are about 3.8 billion email accounts worldwide, on a planet with about 7 billion humans.

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Quiz Answers

1. Nathan Hale 2. Winston Churchill 3. 900 years 4. 35-40%

5. Aeronautics 6. Bubble gum 7. Shoulder blade 8. John F. Kennedy

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Sports Answers 1. K. AbdulJabbar (19), Karl Malone (18), John Havlicek (16), Elvin Hayes (15), Robert Parish (15)

2. 964 games 3. Barry Foster (1,690 yards in 1992) 4. 26, Serena (19), Venus (7) 5. 1982 6. N.Y. Mets


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THE FIRST SPAM • By 1978 there was a printed directory of everyone who was using the ARPANET system. When a new computer operating system was Answer: releasedDell. that supported ARPANET, someone A NUMBER decided theVERY newsLARGE should be spread among all •600 Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 ARPANET users. A marketing manager he was asked to come up with a name for a entered the email addresses of all 600 people very large number: the numeral one, followed and sent them what turned out to be the world's by afirst hundred He asked his two young very spam.zeros. Ironically, the marketer wasn't nephews what name they would suggest. familiar with the system, so the 600 email ad•dresses Nine-year-old a name filled the Milton recipientsuggested box, overflowed the out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character CC box, and flowed into the body of the email. named Barney was very popular. Milton chose • Spam waslast named Barney’s namespam for thebecause number.of a Monty Python comedy sketch in which the waitress in • Kasner announced the new name for the big anumber café explains that the only thingsthe on spelling. the menu in his next book, altering are spam and eggs, spam and bacon, sausage •and Sixty yearsspam later,with Larryspam, Page spam and Sergey Brin spam, with spam developed a new internet search engine. Other and a side order of spam, or lobster thermidore search engines searched each webpage and with a side spam, while the diner ranked themofaccording to how many explains times a that she DOESN'T LIKE SPAM. This is simispecific term appeared on them, but Page and lar to what happens open email Brin designed their when searchyou engine to your search for in-box to find 72 messages that you don't want. the specific term and then find out how many links there more were that to that page, • Worldwide, than led 294back billion emails are which resulted in a better search engine. sent and received daily, averaging around 40 •for They they a those, name anthat everydecided person on the needed planet. Of esreflected how many websites the search timated 90% are spam or viruses. engine was searching. They took the name EMAILvery FACTS of Edward Kasner’s large number, only slightly, so it ended upsent being • Ifthey youmisspelled printed outit each non-spam email in spelled the piece same of way the cartoon the worldexactly on a single standard paper, Barney spelled last name. incharacter just under 2 hours, youhis would have What’s enough it called? (Answer at bottom of page) paper to cover the continental USA. Around 4 COMPUTER FACTS days later, you could cover the earth’s entire day’s would •surface In 1981area. BillOne Gates said,worth “640ofkbemails of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” produce a stack of paper 2,159 times taller than Everest. wouldthat take just overperformance 20 days for •Mt. Moore’s LawItstates computer the stack every to reach moon. doubles 18 the to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. EASY PASSWORDS • HP, Google, Microsoft, Applepasswords were all • In 2009 when ten thousandand Hotmail started in garages. were exposed online, it turned out that the most Answer: from googol. was "123456." popular Google, choice for a password




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