Tidbits Grand Forks - June 4 Issue

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

June 4, 2015

Published by: Wick Publications






Issue # 921


by Kathy Wolfe

Summer is just around the corner, and Tidbits is taking the opportunity to bring you up to date From backyards to big leagues, count on me on a few of June’s facts and historical events. to be there. I can help you get the coverage you need and the discounts you deserve. • June is most likely named after the mythoRetirement. Sharon Opdahl, Agent logical Roman goddess Juno, the wife of How17th do Ave. you S. • Suite F 2534 get there? Grand Forks, ND 58201 Jupiter. Juno was the goddess of marriage, 701-746-0495 which explains why it is considered good sharonopdahl.com luck to get married in June. • The solstice occurs between June 20 and 22. In the northern hemisphere, it’s the summer solstice, while to those living in the southern hemisphere, it’s the winter solstice. At this time, the Earth is at a point in its orbit that the North Pole is leaning most toward the sun, as far north as the sun ever gets during the Carpet Cleaning year. Everywhere north of the equator expeServices, Inc. riences days longer than 12 hours at the June Carpet Cleaning • Carpet solstice, while locations south of the equator Cleaning SPECIAL! have days shorter than 12 hours. Upholstery $149 •Cleaning • The first Corvette rolled off the assembly line 5 Rooms, Hallway in Flint, Michigan, on June 30, 1953. It was & 1 Stairway • Water Not valid with any other offer. Polo White with a red interior, automatic transExtraction Expires 6-30-15 mission, wraparound windshield, and the ability to go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 12 seconds. It was the innovation of GM designer 701-775-8500 Harley Earl, who desired to have an American Residential & Commercial sports car that could compete with the Jaguar, Ferrari, and MG. There were just 300 Corvettes The Most Maneuverable made that year, with a sticker price of $3,490. Vacuum In the World


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Quiz Bits

5. What woman was fined $100 for trying to vote in the 1872 U.S. presidential election? 6. What year was “The Muppet Movie” released? 7. What are the first names of the Blues Brothers (Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi)? 8. Who was on the cover of the first issue of Rolling Stone Magazine?


1. What is the flower of the month for June? 2. In June of what year did Eastman Kodak discontinue producing color film? 3. The world’s most widely syndicated comic strip debuted in June, 1978. Name it. 4. Name the Beatles last #1 song, released in June, 1970.


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JUNE JUMBLE (continued): • Indianapolis, Indiana, was home to the final concert performed by Elvis Presley, an event held at Market Square Arena on June 26, 1977. His last song sung to a live audience was “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” Less than two months later, Elvis died in his Memphis, Tennessee, home. • On June 2, 2004, software engineer Ken Jennings made his first appearance on the popular game show Jeopardy, beginning a record-setting winning streak. By the time he was defeated, he had won 74 consecutive games, racking up winnings of $2,520,700. The program’s ratings were 22% higher during Jennings’ string of wins over the previous year. Jennings didn’t stop with Jeopardy, but went on to appear on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Grand Slam, Stump the Master, and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. In addition, he appeared on Jeopardy’s Tournament of Champions, which brought his total Jeopardy winnings to $3,196,300. Jennings has writing four books, including Brainiac: Adventures in the Curious, Competitive, Compulsive World of Trivia Buffs. • Every June, Belmont, New York, is home to the Belmont Stakes, a 1.5 mile horse race that is the third leg of the American Triple Crown. It’s held five weeks after the Kentucky Derby and three weeks after the Preakness Stakes, on a Saturday between June 5 and 11. On June 11, 1919, the chestnut thoroughbred Sir Barton became the first horse to win the Triple Crown, even though that name had not yet been conceived. There have been 11 horses that have won the coveted crown since 1919, including 1973’s winner, Secretariat, the horse that holds the record for fastest time. There hasn’t been a Triple Crown winner since 1978, when jockey Steve Cauthen rode Affirmed to victory.

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4. Name the four Golden State coaches who led the Warriors to at least one 1. When was the last year the 50-win season. Dodgers played in Brook5. T or F: The last time before lyn? 2013, Clemson beat Georgia 2. Who was the first player to in a college football game hit 100 or more home runs was over 20 years ago. for three different major6. T or F: Wayne Gretzky was league teams? the first hockey player to 3. Four different pitchers be on the cover of Sports won at least 20 games in a Illustrated. season for the Los Ange7. What age was the oldest les Dodgers in the 1960s. player to ever play in a Name three of them. World Cup soccer match?

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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com JUNE JUMBLE (continued): • Stephen Carlton Clark was a Cooperstown, New York, hotel owner who was looking for a way to increase tourism to a town badly hurt by the Great Depression. He came up the idea of a baseball museum to house baseball-related artifacts and exhibits, and to honor the game’s exceptional players. The Baseball Hall of Fame opened in June of 1939, and five of the game’s greats were elected to the Hall – Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson, and Walter Johnson. Twenty more were selected after the initial five, and were inducted at the Grand Opening. In order to be considered for election, a player must have 10 years of major league experience, and have been retired five years. To date, 310 have been elected, with four more slated to be formally inducted in July, 2015.

• In June of 1994, the eyes of millions of Americans were glued to their television sets, watching a white Ford Bronco being chased across Los Angeles. Inside the vehicle was former football hero O.J. Simpson, who was under suspicion for killing his wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman. Twenty police cars joined the chase, along with 20 helicopters, mostly from the news media. Simpson finally surrendered to police in

his driveway and headed for trial the following year. Although the jury reached a verdict of not guilty in just four hours, in 1997, Simpson was found liable for punitive and compensatory damages of $40 million in a civil trial filed by the victims’ families. Simpson remained free until 2008, when he was found guilty of 12 charges related to his breaking into a Las Vegas hotel room to steal a number of his sports memorabilia at gunpoint. He was sentenced to 33 years in prison.

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JUNE JUMBLE (continued): • The Flying Wallenda Family have been performing various daredevil stunts since 1922. Nik Wallenda, a seventhgeneration member of the group made history on June 15, 2012 when he became the first to successfully walk on a tightrope over Niagara Falls from the United States into Canada, crossing at the river’s widest point. Although the family is well-known for performing feats without a safety net, Nik was required by ABC television to wear a safety hardness for this stunt, the first time in his life he was required to do so. Just one year later, in June of 2013, Nik was making history once again as he became the first aerialist to walk over the Little Colorado River Gorge in the Grand Canyon. Walking on a wire just 2 inches thick, Nik crossed the 1,400-foot distance, 1,500 feet above the river, this time without a harness or safety net. Having made his professional tightrope walking debut at age 13, this daredevil now holds nine Guinness World Records for his many aerobatic stunts. • June 18, 1983 marked the first day that an American woman went into space. Flying on the space shuttle Challenger, 32-year-old astronaut Sally Ride spent six days on NASA’s seventh shuttle mission. Ride joined NASA in 1978 after achieving a bachelor’s degree in physics, another bachelor’s in English, a Master’s of Science, and a doctorate in Physics. She made history again in 1984 when she became the first American woman to travel to space a second time, another Challenger mission which lasted nine days. However, Ride wasn’t the first woman in space. That honor goes to Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, who also made her historic trip in June. In 1963, she spent almost three days aboard Vostok 6 orbiting Earth 48 times.



Two famous inventions can trace their history to the month of June. Let’s examine their inventors and how these items came into use. • Christopher Sholes was a printer and newspaperman by trade, editor of the Wisconsin Enquirer in Green Bay during the 1840s. He was also involved in politics as a state senator and assemblyman, and served as a Milwaukee postmaster and a commissioner of public works. • In 1866, Sholes and a fellow printer, Samuel Soule, patented a paging and numbering device that automatically numbered the pages of a book. When they showed this invention to another local amateur inventor, Carlos Glidden, Glidden wondered if the machine couldn’t be adapted to produce words and letters in addition to the numbers. Although another inventor had come up with a typewriter around that time, it was very difficult and complicated to use. Sholes, Soule, and Glidden were granted a patent for their “type-writer” in 1868, and this invention was the first typewriter to become commercially successful. • The team continued to make improvements to their machine, with Sholes developing the common keyboard layout still in use today, the QWERTY keyboard. He ordered the letters in this manner so that typists would experience less typewriter jams. Sholes also developed the shift key for upper case letters, his final improvement before he sold the copyright to the Remington Arms Company for $12,000. • In June of 1890, the U.S. Census Bureau started using an automatic tabulating machine to count census returns. It was the brainstorm of a young engineer named Herman Hollerith whose inventions were the foundation of our modern information processing.

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JUNE INVENTORS (continued): • Ten years prior, as a recent college graduate, Hollerith had worked as a statistician on the 1880 census, and realized the need for a better way to tabulate data than hand-counting. He worked on his idea for the next seven years, the same amount of time it took to manually count the 1880 census.

• Hollerith used the idea of punch cards that would count based on the location of the holes on each card. After several trials with paper tape, he switched to 3” x 7” cards, with each card holding all of one person’s data, and designed a tabulator and sorter to register the results.

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• Hollerith’s design was so successful that he won a contract from the Census Bureau for the 1890 census. His invention reduced the time required for the count to two years and saved the taxpayers $5 million. It was adopted by Russia, Austria, Canada, France, and Norway for their censuses as well. The 1900 U.S. Census was also counted with Hollerith’s tabulator. His continued improvements added an automatic card-feed mechanism and the first key punch. • In 1906, Hollerith created a model that included a wiring panel that enabled the machine to perform several different jobs with one machine. His 1890 tabulator was wired to work only on 1890 census cards. • In 1911, at age 51, Hollerith sold his Tabulating Machine Company for $2,312,000. His company later evolved into the International Business Machines Corporation, better known as IBM.

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• On June 10, 1752, Benjamin Franklin flies a kite during a thunderstorm and collects a charge in a Leyden jar when the kite is struck by lightning, demonstrating the electrical nature of lightning. Among the terms coined by Franklin are "battery," "conductor" and "electrician." • On June 8, 1896, President Grover Cleveland calls for an investigation into the number of "aliens," or foreign nationals, employed in the federal government. Anti-immigrant sentiment was widespread, as immigrants were blamed for increases in crime and for driving down wages. • On June 14, 1909, folksinger Burl Ives is born in Illinois. Ives is best known for his voiceover work as Sam the Snowman in the animated Christmas special "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." • On June 11, 1949, Hank Williams makes his Grand Ole Opry debut, electrifying a live audience at Ryman Auditorium that called him out for six encores. Organizers implored fans not to call him out for more so the rest of the show could go on. • On June 9, 1954, Joseph Welch, special counsel for the U.S. Army, lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether communism had infiltrated the U.S. armed forces. Welch's verbal assault marked the end of McCarthy's power during the anticommunist hysteria. • On June 13, 1971, The New York Times begins to publish parts of a top-secret Department of Defense study of America's involvement in the Vietnam War. The "Pentagon Papers" indicated that the government had been lying for years about the war. • On June 12, 1987, during a speech in Berlin, President Ronald Reagan famously challenges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." The Berlin Wall had been erected in 1961 to prevent East Germans from escaping to the West.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.

(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

May 25, 2015 • Need a patch for old woodwork? Try mixing paint (whatever color you are using) and flour. Make a paste, fill in the holes and let dry. It’s hard like cement, and can be sanded into shape if necessary. • When you get near the end of a roll of paper towels, save it to put in your car. Put together a kit with the following items: a small bottle of Windex or other cleaner, a squeeze bottle of water, some wet wipes and the short roll of paper towels. Now you’ll always be ready for a quick on-theroad cleanup. • Use baking soda to scrub away stuck-on food on your grill. Sprinkle it on the metal brush, and scrub away. If your grate is beyond the power of fire and baking soda, remove it and lay it on the ground on some newspaper. Spray with oven cleaner and let sit (keep pets and kids away from it). Rinse with a garden hose and replace on the grill. • “I have a plastic cup that changes color when the drink is hot. Oddly enough, it changes at the perfect temperature for my baby’s bath. So, I fill the tub and toss in the cup. When the cup starts to change back to its original color (blue), I know the bathwater is not too hot.” — P. in Idaho

• Sprinkle baby powder in dish gloves to help them slide on in an instant. • “To remove muffins or rolls from a pan, set it on an old, damp towel for a minute. The steam must loosen the bottoms, because they just slide right out. I thank my mom for this tip.” — Janey R. via e-mail Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was back in the 19th century that American author and philosopher Henry David Thoreau made the following sage observation: "Men have become the tools of their tools." • Clinomania is an affliction that affects a large percentage of the American population. If you suffer from an overwhelming desire to stay in bed, you're one of us. • If you're like most parents, at one time or another you've been shocked by how quickly your kids outgrow things -- especially shoes. What may be an annoyance in a developed country is a major problem in undeveloped areas of the world; Kenton Lee is working on changing that. As a volunteer in an orphanage in Kenya, he noticed that many children had the toes cut out of their shoes just so they could fit in their feet. After returning home, Lee developed an adjustable sandal that can grow with a child, increasing up to five sizes via a system of snaps. Although the shoe is only

made available to nonprofits for those in need, domestic demand is increasing. If you're a parent sick of buying seemingly endless pairs of new shoes, you'll be glad to hear that Lee and his team are working on a commercial version. • You might be surprised to learn that actor David Duchovny, best known for his role in "The X-Files," was just a dissertation away from being awarded a doctorate in English literature. • In 16th- and 17th-century Europe, it was considered fashionable to attend public dissections of human bodies. So-called anatomy days often included music, speeches and processions. Viewers could even pass around body parts for inspection, though taking the parts home was forbidden. *** Thought for the Day: "You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can from a kind word alone." -Al Capone

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(Solution on Next Page)

• Many of today’s music lovers have no idea what an “LP” is, choosing to download their music onto iPods and other electronic devices. In June of 1948, Columbia Records unveiled a 12-inch vinyl disc with 17 minutes of music on each side, revolving 33 1/3 times per minute. Up until that time, the “78” was the trend for phonograph records, revolving 78 times per minute and containing just one song per side. The first public demonstration of the Long-Playing record took place at New York City’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, a recording of Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E Minor, performed by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. It would seem that LP’s would have instantly replaced the old “78”s in popularity, but four years later, “78”s still accounted for half of all record sales. • On June 6, 1946, a group of major arena owners met at New York City’s Commodore Hotel to discuss the formation of a league of professional basketball teams. They decided on 11 cities that would have a pro franchise – Boston, Philadelphia, Providence, New York, Toronto, Washington, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and Cleveland. They named the league the Basketball Association of America, but three years later the name was changed to the National Basketball Association. Today there are 30 teams in six divisions in the NBA. • On June 6, 1944, in the midst of World War II, Allied forces crossed the English Channel, landing on the beaches of Normandy, France. On the orders of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 6,000 vessels with 176,000 soldiers aboard departed England on a mission to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control. Overhead, 822 planes had dropped 18,000 parachutists early that morning. Code-named Operation Neptune, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Cap is reversed. 2. Dinosaur is missing. 3. Racket is shorter. 4. Bow is smaller. 5. Blouse is shorter. 6. Jacket is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

MORE JUNE EVENTS (continued): • Remember when boxer Mike Tyson bit off opponent Evander Holyfield’s ear? That match took place on June 28, 1997 in the third round Answer: Dell. of the pair’s heavyweight match. It was two A VERY NUMBER years after TysonLARGE had been released from a •federal Edwardpenitentiary Kasner wasafter a mathematician. 1938 serving threeInyears he was asked to come up with a name on a rape charge. After Tyson regainedforhisa very large number: the numeral one, followed heavyweight title, the bout with Holyfield was by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young scheduled. Holyfield easilywould won suggest. the first two nephews what name they rounds, which riled Tyson greatly. In the third • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name round, Tyson spit out his mouthpiece, bit off out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character a named chunk Barney of Holyfield’s right ear and spit it out was very popular. Milton chose onto the mat. Amazingly, Tyson was only givBarney’s last name for the number. en a two-point deduction, a physician declared • Kasner announced the new name for the big Holyfield continue, and thethe fight went number incould his next book, altering spelling. on! With any sense of composure completely • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin gone, Tysonathen after Holyfield’s other developed new went internet search engine. Other ear, bitingengines an evensearched bigger piece. fight was search each The webpage and called off, and Tyson was disqualified, fineda ranked them according to how many times $3specific millionterm (outappeared of his $30 millionbut purse) on them, Page and and suspended for 16 months boxing. Brin designed their searchfrom engine to search for the specific term and then find outJune how 19 many • Primarily celebrated in Texas, is links there were that led back to that page, known as Juneteenth, also referred to as Freewhich resulted in a better search engine. dom Day or Emancipation Day, commemorat• They decided they needed a name that ing the end of slavery in the U.S. Even though reflected how many websites the search President Abraham Lincoln the engine was searching. They had tookissued the name Emancipation Proclamation in January, 1863, of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only the actmisspelled had littleitimpact because of they slightly,insoTexas it ended up being the small number of Union troops stationed spelled exactly the same way the cartoon character BarneyLincoln’s spelled hisorder. last name. there to enforce OnceWhat’s Genit called? at bottom ofin page) eral Robert(Answer E. Lee surrendered April, 1865, Union soldiers landed at Galveston COMPUTER FACTS that June, bearing tidings that the war waskbover and all • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 of memory slaves oughtwere to befree. enough for anybody.” • Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since THANKS 1971,FOR this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all READING started in garages. TIDBITS! Answer: Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

1. The rose 2. 2009 3. Garfield 4. “The Long and Winding Road”

5. Susan B. Anthony 6. 1979 7. Jake and Elwood 8. John Lennon



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Sports Answers 5. True (1990) 1. 1957 2. Reggie Jackson 6. False. Jean with the A’s (269), Beliveau of Montreal Yankees (144), Canadiens Angels (123) in 1956. 3. Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax, 7. 43. Goalkeeper Faryd Bill Singer, and Mondragon Claude Osteen of Columbia , 4. Al Attles, in 2014. Mark Jackson, Steve Kerr, & Don Nelson

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