Tidbits Grand Forks - June 11, 2015

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

June 11, 2015

Published by: Wick Publications

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by Janet Spencer

On June 8, 1869, Ives W. McGaffey patented a suction-type vacuum cleaner in Chicago, IL. Called the Whirlwind, it was difficult to use because the operator had to manually turn a crank while pushing it across the floor. Come along with Tidbits as we vacuum up the dust!

UNAVOIDABLE DUST • It’s been estimated that there are over 1,500 motes of dust in a typical cubic inch of air, even air that’s considered to be ‘clean.’ Human lungs take in about 14,000 quarts of air daily, and contained in those 14,000 quarts of air are about a billion and a half particles of dust. One of the major components of house dust is microscopic flakes of human skin. You inhale Carpet Cleaning about 700,000 of your own skin flakes daily. Services, Inc. • What is dust? It’s salt from the sea, singleCarpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning celled diatoms from the oceans, forest fire SPECIAL! smoke, volcano ash, bacteria, viruses, fungus • Upholstery $99 Cleaning spores, mold, pollen, and insect parts. About 3 Rooms & half of the dust that floats around in the air is Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 6-30-15 a result of human activities such as agriculture, industry, and transportation.


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Quiz Bits

3. The Seistan Basin in Iran is one of the dustiest places on the planet. How many dust storms 1. Kids between the ages of two does it get each year on average? and five put their hands and fin- 4. Who was the first U.S. president gers in their mouths an average to fly in an airplane while in of how many times per hour? office? 2. Ash from the 1980 explosion 5. Name the author of the famous of Mount St. Helens launched novel “The Outsiders.” Who into the stratosphere, crossed the directed the movie adaptation breadth of the U.S. in three days. of the novel? How long did it take to circle the TRIVIA Earth?



DUST AND HUMANITY • As Hannah Holmes explains in "The Secret Life of Dust" humans can’t do without dust. Cement is a mixture of rock dust and pebbles. Rock dust is used in toothpaste, talcum powder, cosmetics, and medicine tablets such as aspirin. The pencil lead is compressed graphite dust; chalk is limestone dust; bread is wheat dust; mustard is the dust of mustard seeds; cocoa is the dust of cocoa beans. • Dust has a huge amount of surface area available: you wouldn’t drop whole coffee beans into hot water; instead you add coffee dust. You don’t put a whole bar of soap into the laundry; you add soap dust. Surface area increases the amount of interaction that can take place. Sometimes that can be detrimental. GRAIN DUST • When grain is poured into a grain elevator, billions of grain dust particles fly into the air, rising into the enclosed elevator like a cloud. If the dust cloud is mixed with oxygen it becomes explosively flammable if a spark is provided. Sometimes a static electricity spark or the flipping of a light switch is all it takes to blow the roof off the grain elevator. • Between 1900 and 1955 there were around 1,000 grain dust explosions not only at grain elevators but also at malt houses and food processing plants across the U.S., killing a total of about 650 people. Similar dust explosions have happened in woodworking shops, coal dryers, fertilizer plants, cotton factories, and other industries that deal with pulverized matter. In 1998 alone there were 18 dust explosions in the U.S. • One of the biggest happened in Haysville, Kansas on June 8, 1998, when seven workers at the DeBruce Grain elevator died when something triggered an explosion of grain dust so big that houses rattled in Wichita ten miles away. It was one of the largest grain elevators in the world. The grain burned for weeks.

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4. What year was the first

in which NHL players took part in the Winter 1. In 2014, Giants pitcher Olympics? Yusmeiro Petit set a major5. How many majors did league mark for most Gary Player win during his consecutive batters retired. PGA career, and what were How many was it? the years of his first and 2. Five players have tossed 20 last major victories? or more TD passes in each 6. Which Ivy League men’s of their first three NFL seabasketball school was sons. Name four of them. the last to win an NCAA 3. Which two teams did Pat Tournament game in two Quinn coach to the NHL consecutive years before Stanley Cup Finals? Harvard did it in 2013-14?

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THE IMPORTANCE OF DUST • Moisture in the atmosphere condenses as it cools. However, the water must condense upon something that it can cling to. Dust serves that purpose. In air that contains absolutely no dust, droplets would simply bounce off each other and would not condense until the atmosphere reached an incredible 300% humidity. Every single drop of rain and snow that falls contains a piece of dust, so precipitation really does “clean” the air. • If there’s too much dust in the atmosphere, water droplets are divided between so many particles that none of the drops ever gets big enough to fall to the earth. A super dusty cloud can hold up to twice as much actual water as a normal cloud, but each droplet is half the normal size and no rain falls. • Huge fires such as those that sometimes burn in the tropics produce gigantic smoke plumes. Studies done by NASA showed that clouds that pass through this smoke will become super-saturated in dust and will subsequently drop far less rain than clouds that skirt the edges of the smoke. A similar study showed that when volcanoes exploded upwind of the island of Taiwan, the rainfall amounts on Taiwan dropped. This is why cloud seeding is such a tricky business. In cloud seeding, either solid particles of carbon dioxide dry ice or a fine mist of silver iodide are spread through clouds. Too much and the cloud dissipates. Just the right amount, and rain falls.

NASA'S DUST COLLECTION • NASA actually keeps a Dust Library. There’s a collection of about 100,000 specks of space dust on file at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Scientists collect space dust from places such as trapped in the Antarctic ice, in the mud at the bottom of the ocean, collected by weather balloons, or gathered by spacecraft in orbit. Space dust generally clings to a magnet whereas earth dust does not, making it easy to separate and identify.



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PLANT STONES • If you’re a plant and you want to prevent caterpillars and other vegetarian insects from eating you, what do you do to protect yourself? Well, if you’re like most plants, you make sure there’s a hard gritty piece of stone inside each and every cell that might be eaten, making it an unpleasant meal for bugs. These microscopic stones are called phytoliths. Each of the cells in the plant’s leaves, fruit skins, or seed husks contain a tiny mineral rock, making it scratchy. This is what makes bran cereal so rough. When the plants die and deteriorate, their phytoliths are released into the air as dust. IT'S A FACT • The German word “dunst” meaning vapor gives us our word dust. • The word dirt comes the Old Norse “drit” meaning excrement. • “Manure” and “maneuver” have the same origin, the Old French word “manoeuvrer” meaning to till the soil or to work by hand. • “Bonfire” comes from “bonefire,” a fire built to cremate a dead body. • A grain of dust floating in a sunbeam is halfway in size between a sub-atomic particle and the size of the planet Earth. • When astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon, they dutifully declared their lunar rocks and moon dust on customs forms. • Dust storms in Arizona cause about 40 traffic accidents in a typical year. • Just when people in a Texas town met to decide the name of the city, a violent sandstorm whipped up dust in huge clouds. Taking this as a sign from God, the town was named Earth. • During medieval times, mummies found in Persia were ground into dust and sold as medicine.

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• It was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, who made the following sage observation: "The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." • Many people make provisions in their wills for their pets; it's the compassionate thing to do. Singer Dusty Springfield went a bit further than most, though; she specified that her cat was to be fed only imported baby food. • For a nation based on a foundation of democracy, the U.S. certainly has a lot of states (that were originally colonies, of course) named for British royalty. The state of Virginia, for instance, was named for Queen Elizabeth I, known as the "Virgin Queen"; and Georgia was named in honor of King George II. King Charles II got both North and South Carolina, while the Duke of York and Albany -- later King James II -- was honored when the state of New York was named. Even France got in on the action: When explorer Robert de la Salle claimed a large chunk of territory for France in 1682, he named it Louisiana, after King Louis XIV. • Sissy Spacek was originally considered for the role of Princess Leia in the iconic 1977 film "Star Wars," but she turned it down, paving the way for Carrie Fisher to play Luke Skywalker's twin. Interestingly, the year before, Carrie Fisher had been offered the title role in the horror flick "Carrie"; when she declined, Sissy Spacek stepped in. • If you're planning a trip to California this summer, you might want to keep in mind that in that state, it's illegal for a woman to drive while wearing a housecoat. *** Thought for the Day: "Hell is paved with good Samaritans." -- William M. Holden © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Safe Mosquito Repellents for Children (Answer located next to Super Crossword)

The recent rains have the mosquitoes in a feeding frenzy and the best way to avoid them is by staying indoors or applying an insect repellent before venturing outside. DEET-based repellents are safe and effective and provide several hours of protection. Here’s some more information about DEET. • The American Academy of Pediatrics says products containing DEET are “the most effective” repellents available and should be used when necessary to protect against insect and tick-borne disease. The AAP says use DEETbased repellents containing up to 30% DEET on children older than 2 months of age. • As reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, insect repellents containing DEET provide complete protection from bites for longer periods than other repellent products. According to the study, “Only products containing DEET are dependable for long-lasting protection after a single application. • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency evaluates and registers all DEET-based products before they can be marketed in this county. The EPA has determined that the use of products containing DEET according to label direction, does not pose unreasonable risks of adverse effects to humans, regardless of the concentration (amount) of DEET. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

© 2015 by King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved


Answer: Hoover.


IT'S A FACT • In the early days of vacuum cleaners, Hoover salesmen were required to make 15 sales calls each week. In 1922, there were 748 salesmen making a total of 549,780 sales calls that year. 31% of people pitched bought the product.

• In 1907 Murray Spangler was trying to make a living as an inventor. To make ends meet, he worked nights as a janitor in a department store in Canton, Ohio. Spangler’s asthma acted up every time he cleaned the store’s rugs with a broom because he was allergic to the dust. He had seen suction sweepers but they were awkward and often ineffective. He knew there had to be a better way.

CLEANING UP • Melville and Anna Bissell owned a crockery and china shop in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the late 1800s. Melville had allergies and Anna did her best to keep their store dust-free. But there was a lot of sawdust in the shop and it clung to the carpets on the floor. In frustration, Anna asked Melville if he couldn’t come up with an invention to keep their carpets cleaner. • In 1876, Melville Bissell patented the Bissell Carpet Sweeper. Although there were already carpet sweepers on the market, Bissell’s model was light and easy to use, it worked on uneven floors, and it picked up dirt without creating a cloud of dust. Bissell Carpet Sweepers proved to be so popular that by 1883 Melville and Anna had given up their crockery shop and gone into the carpet sweeper business full time. • When Melville died in 1889, Anna took over the business until her death in 1934 at the age of 87. Anna Bissell was one of America’s first female CEOs. The Bissell Company is still run by family members. Their carpet sweepers are most commonly found in places like restaurants where crumbs regularly need to be swept without disturbing diners.

• Using a tin soap box, an electric fan, a rotating brush, a pillow case, and a broom handle, he put together a contraption. He showed it to his cousin, Susan. She used it in her home and raved about it to her husband, who everyone called Boss. • Boss owned a leather goods manufacturing shop but he was so interested in the invention that he bought Spangler’s patent, hired him as a partner, and soon had six employees making suction sweepers in the corner of his shop. • Boss placed an ad in the "Saturday Evening Post" giving ten days free use of a Suction Sweeper to anyone who wrote with a request. Rather than simply mailing them a sweeper, he sent the customers to local stores that had agreed to become dealers. In short order he had a nationwide network of dealers as well as teams of salesmen who went door-to-door demonstrating the product, ensuring that the vacuum cleaners soon became a standard household item. • The vacuum company, named after Boss’s last name, is one of the top vacuum manufacturers in the world today. What company is it? (Answer at top of next column)

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• The average carpet will harbor anywhere between three tablespoons and three cups of dust and dirt per square yard.


IT'S A FACT • One kind of early day vacuum cleaner was powered by bellows that were connected to a rocking chair. The man would read the evening newspaper, smoking his pipe and rocking, while the wife did the vacuuming.


© 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• On June 15, 1215, following a revolt by the English nobility, King John puts his royal seal on the Magna Carta, or "Great Charter." The document guaranteed that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of the church and maintain the nation's laws. • On June 16, 1738, patriot printer, publisher and postmistress, Mary Katharine Goddard, is born. She would later publish the first version of the Declaration of Independence to include all of the Congressional signatures. The document appeared "printed by Mary Katherine Goddard." • On June 18, 1812, the War of 1812 against Great Britain begins. The American war declaration had been called in response to the British economic sanctions against the U.S. and the impressment of American seaman into the British Royal Navy. • On June 19, 1905, in Pittsburgh, some 450 people attend the opening of the world's first nickelodeon. The storefront theater boasted 96 seats and charged each patron 5 cents to view a 15-minute motion picture show. • On June 20, 1975, director Steven Spielberg's thriller "Jaws" debuts in U.S. theaters. Jaws starred Roy Scheider as police chief Martin Brody and Richard Dreyfuss as a marine biologist. The film's mechanical shark was named Bruce. • On June 21, 1982, John W. Hinckley, Jr., who on March 30, 1981, shot President Ronald Reagan outside a Washington, D.C., hotel, is found not guilty of attempted murder by reason of insanity. • On June 17, 1994, after a dramatic "low-speed chase" on I-405 witnessed by millions on live television, former football star and actor O.J. Simpson surrenders to Los Angeles police. He was charged in the double-murder of his ex-wife and her friend.

Tidbits of Grand Forks/East Grand Forks is Locally Owned and Operated.

(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• Here’s a grill tip just in time for summer: When you need to cook something that needs covering (say, chicken) alongside something that does not (like hot dogs), simply invert an aluminum roaster/cake pan over the needs-covering item. You can purchase smaller size pans that can be reused. — JoAnn • “I have a tip about taking medicine. Regardless of the size of the pill, I always feel as if it is stuck in my throat. I have started to have a chunk of banana after taking a pill. I don’t get that stuck feeling anymore.” — T.B. in New Hampshire

• “The sticky residue from price tags can be really annoying. I use WD-40 to get it off. Works every time for me!” — J.K. in Alabama • “Painting stairs? This tip will save your life! Paint every other step to start with. When they are dry, go back and paint the others. This way, you can use the staircase anytime during your project. This is particularly important if the stairs are the only way to get to bed after a long day of painting!” — I.L. in Nevada • Mix a quarter cup of salt in with two tablespoons of bath wash for a sudsy, refreshing, skin-soothing salt scrub. • To travel with pleated skirts, use this packing trick: Turn the skirt inside out, and straighten all the pleats. Then tape the bottom so that all the pleats are held together. Next, feed the skirt into a leg of pantyhose with the foot cut off. You’ll end up with a nice tube, which you can tuck into the side of your luggage. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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Mission Day Out Mission Day Out Thursday, June 18 Thursday June 18

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All day long

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Proceeds will go to Northlands Rescue Mission to help those in need. Proceeds willThank go toyouNorthlands Rescue Mission for your support!!

to help those in need. Thank you for your support!

Tidbits Laughs

Q: What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind as it hits your windshield? A: Its butt. Q: What did the lawyer name his daughter? A: Sue Q: Why do ghosts make such good cheerleaders? A: Because they have a lot of spirit. Q: What did one toilet say to the other toilet? A: "You look a bit flushed." Q: What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has a 1,000 letters? A: Post office


• Long ago people in Britain used wood as fuel. When the supply of wood ran short, they began burning coal. Some coal burns fairly cleanly, but the cheapest coal does not. It smokes a lot and loads the air with sulfur. The word “smog” was invented in 1905 by a person describing the combination of fog and coal smoke over London. London smog led to one of the deadliest dust episodes in history. • On December 5, 1952, a temperature inversion moved over London. A layer of cold air was trapped by a layer of warm air which acted like a lid. Sulfurous coal soot was trapped in the air around the city. The moisture in the air condensed around the smoke particles, forming a thick fog. Visibility dropped to a few feet. The smog stung the eyes and caused skin irritation. Cattle began dropping dead of asphyxiation. People with respiratory illnesses or cardiovascular problems became seriously sick. Those suffering from bronchitis or pneumonia who might have recovered under normal conditions died instead. By the time the inversion lifted on December 9, about 4,000 people had died from breathing the highly acidic polluted fog. • As a result of the “Black Fog,” Parliament enacted the Clean Air Act in 1956, reducing the coal-burning allowed in the city. LOS ANGELES LANDSLIDE • In L.A. in 1994 earthquakes caused landslides in the area. The landslides created clouds of dust that engulfed entire towns. A few days later, people began showing up at hospitals complaining of fever, coughing, and fatigue. Over 200 people got sick. The Centers for Disease Control investigated. Mapping the location of the victims showed that they had all been in the path of the dust clouds. They had inhaled fungus spores in immense numbers, causing them to become ill.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Fence is different. 2. Bat is shorter. 3. Stripe is missing. 4. Number is different. 5. Glass break is different. 6. Piece of glass is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE In 1816, a volcano named Tambora erupted in Indonesia. The gas and dust circled the globe, causing extreme weather and unusual cold worldwide. A 19-year-old woman named Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was vacationing in Switzerland that summer. Since it was too cold to go outside to enjoy the mountains, she stayed inside and wrote "Frankenstein."

FAST FACT • Some researchers theorize that people who experience chronic sinusitis are actually suffering from their body’s auto-immune response to Answer: Dell. fungus spores in the air. A VERY LARGE NUMBER ASTHMA • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • One studyasked showed that kids who alive on farms he was to come up with name for a suffered from less asthma than kids live in very large number: the numeral one,who followed the A studyzeros. of Berlin shortlyhisafter Berby city. a hundred He asked twothe young nephews what name would suggest. lin Wall fell found thatthey in wealthy West Germany, asthma was common, but in impoverished • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name East it was A rare. out Germany of the funnies. cartoon strip character named Barney was very popular. Milton • It has long been known that asthma is farchose more Barney’s last name for the number. common in wealthy developed nations than in •poverty-stricken Kasner announced the new name for the undeveloped nations. In big the number in his next book, altering the spelling. U.S., the number of people who suffer from •asthma Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin has grown by 50 percent per decade developed a new internet search engine. Other since 1970. Other nations such as New Zeasearch engines searched eachand webpage and land, Britain, Japan, Australia, the Netherranked them according to how many times a lands have also experienced asthma epidemics. specific term appeared on them, but Page and InBrin fact, militarytheir records Finland show that designed searchinengine to search for the number of young men with asthma has multhe specific term and then find out how many tiplied an incredible twenty timestosince links there were that led back that1960. page, whichResearchers resulted in a better search • Why? theorize thatengine. constant exdust andthey dirt needed challenges immune •posure They to decided a the name that reflected websites system and how keepsmany it strong. People the who search live in was searching. They took the name aengine fairly sterile environment have immune sysof Edward Kasner’s very large number, tems that get totally freaked out when hitonly by a theyof misspelled it slightly, so it ended being load dust they’re unfamiliar with. up The imspelled exactly the same way the cartoon mune system then goes overboard trying to character Barney spelled his last name. What’s fight the “invader” which it doesn’t it called? (Answer at bottom of page)recognize as being ordinary dust. COMPUTER FACTS • Nowadays kids spend most of their time in• In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory doors of the for TV,anybody.” the video game, or the oughtintofront be enough computer screen in clean indoor environments •where Moore’s Law that computer performance there is states limited dust. In earlier days kids doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since spent their time outdoors where they were ex1971, this has been true. posed to a wide variety of dusts. Incredibly, •some HP, Google, and Apple wereasthall allergistsMicrosoft, have had success treating started in garages. matics with an injection of a solution of dusts Answer: Google, from cleaner googol. bags. reaped from vacuum


1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8


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Quiz Answers

1. Ten times per hour 2. Two weeks 3. Up to 80 dust storms

4. Franklin D. Roosevelt 5. S.E. Hinton; Francis Ford Coppola



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