Tidbits Grand Forks - September 3, 2015

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU September 3, 2015

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications



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Because September is National Disaster Preparedness month, come along with Tidbits as we weather a hurricane! SMALL FACTS, BIG STORMS • Hurricanes are born where the ocean is warmest, when it is warmest. The Caribbean Sea gets warmer as the sun passes over it on its way north in June and July; it warms up again when the sun travels south in September and October. Therefore the hurricane season lasts from June through October. Not surprisingly, Florida gets hit by more hurricanes than any other state. • The practice of naming hurricanes seems to have begun in a fictional book called “Storm” published in 1941. In this book, a meteorologist amuses himself by naming tropical storms after girls. The idea caught on. It became standard practice in 1950 when there were three different hurricanes going on at the same time in the Caribbean. Meteorologists began choosing names in alphabetical order. In 1978 they started naming hurricanes after men. • The word 'hurricane' may have originated from the Carib god Huracan, a malicious spirit who ruled over fire, wind, and stormy weather and craved human life, haunting the coastlines and delivering destruction, chaos, Turn the page for more! and death indiscriminately.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. At what wind speed will a storm officially become a hurricane—74, 85, 92 or 96 mph? Which month typically sees the 7. In what war were tanks first most hurricanes form? used? How many hurricanes occur in 8. Who were the two male stars in the world in a typical year? the 1940 film “The Philadelphia Which country gets hit by hurriStory”? canes more often than any other? 9. Name the Stevie Wonder song On average, how many Ameriin the soundtrack for the 1998 cans die each year in hurricanes? film “You’ve Got Mail.” Approximately, how wide is the TRIVIA eye of a hurricane storm?




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HURRICANE WINDS • There are many perils attendant with hurricanes: strong winds, high waves, heavy rains causing flooding and landslides, and storm surges. A storm surge is a gigantic dome of water that swells under the low barometric pressure of the hurricane, flooding the coastline. The sea rises a foot for every inch drop in barometric pressure. In the eye of a hurricane where the barometric pressure reaches record lows, this can cause a devastating storm surge. • Three-quarters of all hurricane deaths occur due to drownings in the storm surge. Surges 40 feet tall are not uncommon. • The farther the wind blows across the top of the sea unobstructed, the higher it pushes the waves. The taller the waves get, the more they absorb the energy of the wind. The rule of thumb is that the maximum height of the waves equals half the speed of the wind. So a hurricane wind of 150 mph can produce waves up to 75 feet tall. • Hurricanes usually track forward at between 5 and 15 mph. At 15 mph, a hurricane can cover 3,600 miles in 10 days. They can be up to 600 miles wide. Most hurricanes last between 7 and 14 days from the time they form until the time they dissipate when they encounter land. • It is said that in 1938, a resident of Westhampton Beach, NY received in the mail a barometer he had ordered. Opening the package, he was disappointed to find that it registered “hurricane”. He tapped it and smacked it, but still nothing could dislodge the indicator from the hurricane setting. Obviously the barometer was faulty. He wrote a letter of protest to the manufacturer and went to the post office to mail it back. He was never able to return home from the post office, because the hurricane struck just then and swept his house into the sea.

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the last major-league pitcher before Cleveland’s Corey Kluber in 2014, to strike out at least 14 batters in consecutive starts. (hint: N.L pitcher in 2004). 2. Which was the last team before the St. Louis Cardinals in 2011-14 to have four consecutive N.L. Championship Series appearances?

3. Who was the last PGA golfer before Jordan Spieth in 2015, to go wire-to-wire in winning the Masters? (hint: 1976) 4. When was the last time that there was a back-toback rematch in the AFC title game? Name the teams. 5. Since the 2000-01 NHL season, only two teams have won back-to-back Presidents’ Trophies for being the best regularseason team. Name them.

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• In some places, hurricanes are called cyclones, which is Greek for "wheel" or "coils." • When hurricanes strike places like New England, thousands of elms, birches, spruces, and hemlocks fall, but oaks, hickories, and walnuts do not. That’s because they have taproots that sink like a shaft straight into the earth, whereas other trees have shallow root systems that spread out flat. • In 1954 Hurricane Edna became twins when it reached the New England coast: it split apart and became two storms with two eyes.


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HURRICANE FACTS • On September 3, 1821, a hurricane hit New York City and moved north up into New England. A man named William Redfield rode on horseback through the area shortly after the storm passed and noticed as he moved through the area that in the southernmost areas hit by the storm, the trees had all fallen down in the exact opposite direction as the trees that had toppled in the northernmost area damaged by the storm. Upon returning home, Redfield collected information about the storm from newspapers, letters, and ships' logs and afterwards was the first human to come to a great conclusion concerning the nature of hurricanes: "This storm was exhibited in the form of a great whirlwind."

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• In 1963 the weathermen in Taiwan predicted than oncoming hurricane Gloria would bypass the island. However, the storm struck the island head-on the following day, killing some 250 people and causing over $17 million in damage. The weathermen were arrested and charged with criminally negligent forecasting, a crime which carried a penalty of up to ten years in prison. The weathermen brought in experts who testified to the unpredictability of hurricanes. The judge decided that the prosecution had failed to prove criminal intent. The weathermen were freed.


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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com HURRICANES IN HISTORY • Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, was getting ready to invade Japan in 1274 when a hurricane blew in. Hundreds of his ships were sunk in the storm and thousands of his troops drowned. Japan was saved. Seven years later he tried to invade Japan again. This time he managed to get to the shores of Japan with some 200,000 men and a thousand ships. Then another hurricane blew in, wrecking the ships and sweeping the beaches clean of soldiers. Kublai Khan no doubt thought of hurricanes as work of the devil, but the Japanese referred to their savior storms as “kamikaze” meaning “divine wind.” • In 1854 during the Crimean War, 500 British soldiers died in the Battle of the Light Brigade at Balaklava. A few weeks later, a hurricane wrecked 13 supply ships that were destined for the British army still stationed in Balaklava. With no supplies, over 8,000 soldiers died during the winter. • In December 1944 a hurricane struck the U.S. Pacific Fleet that was preparing to invade the Philippines. Three destroyers sank, nine ships sustained serious damage, and 19 ships suffered some damage. The storm wrecked 146 planes, and 790 soldiers drowned. The invasion was postponed.

Some experts feel that if the invasion had not been drowned out and the Philippines had been re-taken, the war with Japan would have ended without any atomic bombs being dropped. • On November 13, 1970, a hurricane roared up the Bay of Bengal in Pakistan and swamped the area. Half a million people died. Survivors turned to the government for help. But the government of Pakistan was located 2,000 miles away, out of the path of the storm. They sent no aid. Thousands died while waiting for help. The governmental indifference caused such resentment that revolution broke out which hastened the split of Bangladesh, which became a nation independent of Pakistan.

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PEAK SEASON FOR WEST NILE VIRUS OCCURS FROM MID-AUGUST - EARLY SEPTEMBER West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.

Number of Cases

North Dakota - West Nile Virus Cases By Date 2002 - 2014

Weekly Data 2002 - 2014 Total Human Cases in ND - 1,534

Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur from July – September. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system.

West Nile Virus Symptoms:

• Most people (70-80%) infected with West Nile virus will not develop any symptoms, or the symptoms may be so mild that they won’t seek medical care. • About 20% of the people infected will have a fever with other flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most of the people with this type of WNV will have a complete recovery, but fatigue and weakness may last for weeks or months. • Less than 1% of the people infected will develop the more severe neurological form of this illness. The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seazures, or paralysis. • Serious illness may occur in people of any age but people over 60 have the greatest risk for the severe form of this illness. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants are also at a greater risk of getting the severe form of this disease. • Recovery from the severe form of this disease may take several weeks or months and some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. This disease is fatal for about 10% of the people who develop neurologic infection.

Old Tires Breeding Site for Mosquitoes

• Old tires are a great place for moquitoes to breed. Please help us eliminate these breeding sites by disposing of old tires. The State Health Dept. has identified human West Nile virus in Grand Forks County and Grand Forks Mosquito Control has identified several pools of mosquitoes positive with WNV. • If you have old tires on your property that you would like to get rid of, we will pick them up free of charge. Please contact us if you’d like to have us dispose of your old tires. Call 701-787-8110 or email: thanson@grandforksgov.com THANK YOU!

The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. • Use mosquito-repellent products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century Hungarian author and psychiatrist Thomas Szasz who made the following sage observation: "The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic, and to some extent even antibiotic -- in short, the closest thing to a genuine panacea known to medical science -- is work." • The story that's been adapted to film more than any other is the fairy tale "Cinderella." • While it's true that paying to use transportation routes is nothing new, you might be surprised to learn the extent of some early pay-for-travel routes. In England in the early 1800s, there already were 30,000 miles of toll roads -- not to mention 8,000 toll gates. • During World War II, money was smuggled into German POW camps using Monopoly games -the real stuff was stashed in among the fake cash.

McEnroe Place

Morgan Meadows


• Twerking may be a modern phenomenon, but in the 16th century, it was not unusual for a gentleman to be caught twirking (with an "i," not an "e") in public. Of course, twirling the hairs of one's mustache generally didn't raise an eyebrow in polite society. • If you see a group of ducks in the water, you can call them, collectively, a "paddling" of ducks. In the air, however, the correct collective term is a "team." • Before he became famous in his eponymous sitcom, Jerry Seinfeld appeared on the TV show "Benson" -- he played the governor's speechwriter. He didn't last long, though; he was fired after just three episodes. *** Thought for the Day: "By the age of 6 the average child will have completed the basic American education. ... From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white, and kill people with a variety of sophisticated armaments." -- Russell Baker



• Francois Spoturno was born on the island of Corsica in 1874, but when he moved to Paris as a young man he took on his mother’s maiden name because it sounded more French.

• In 1952, 13-year-old David Mullany loved playing baseball, but his backyard in Connecticut was too small and the danger of broken windows too great. He and his friends played with a perforated plastic golf ball and a broomstick, but David couldn’t throw a curveball with it.


• One day he wanted to play cards with a friend, but the friend said he was busy because he had to mix up a batch of his own cologne. Francois asked if he could watch, and as a result he became interested in perfumes. He studied the art for two years, learning how to grow and harvest flowers, and then extract their scent. • Around that time, the Industrial Revolution was yielding all sorts of synthetic essences as well. Francois combined natural scents with synthetic fragrances and began to peddle his own perfume to barbers. • At that time perfumes and colognes were packaged in unattractive pharmaceutical bottles. Francois was inspired to package his product in elegant bottles instead. He asked designers to craft bottles for him from crystal, feeling he should sell perfume as "something in a lovely bottle," rather than "something lovely in a bottle." He wanted to appeal to the eye as well as the nose. He also thought the label should be beautiful as well, such as raised gold lettering on a black background. • Sales were slow when he tried to make the jump to department stores, but then fate intervened: in a store in Paris, he dropped a bottle of his perfume and it shattered, its scent permeating the store, creating immediate demand, resulting in a large order, and launching his career.

• He cut one in half, added weight, and taped it back together, but it didn’t curve. Next he cut some holes in it to create drag but it still didn’t curve. Over the next few weeks he and his son experimented, discovering that the trick was to perforate one half of the ball, and leave the other half intact. • Finally they had a ball that was guaranteed to curve at least two feet. David Mullany, Jr. named it after a slang baseball term meaning ‘to strike out swinging.’ They set up a factory, selling the ball for 49 cents, and a year later added a plastic bat. • David Mullany, Sr. sold the buyer for Woolworth’s on the new toy when he threw the ball against the man’s office window, which didn’t shatter. TV ads featured Yankee pitcher Whitey Ford hurling the ball against plate glass, which also didn’t break. In alleys and backyards children across the country started playing with the new ball. • When the New York state legislature declared that the sport was risky enough to require government oversight, they received such ridicule that the law was rescinded. Today there are national tournaments. What’s the name of the ball? (Answer at bottom of page).



Answer: Coty


• His dad, David Mullany, Sr., thought all it needed was extra weight on one side of the ball. A friend of his worked at a cosmetic factory and said that the round plastic moldings that covered Coty perfume bottles for shipping were the size of a baseball. David started experimenting with them.

Answer: Wiffle Ball


• Now his line of perfumes, named after his French mother's maiden name which he adopted as his own name, is well-known worldwide. What’s it called? (Answer at bottom of page).


• On Sept. 10, 1608, English adventurer John Smith is elected council president of Jamestown, Virginia -- the first permanent English settlement in North America. Smith had won popularity in the colony because of his organizational abilities and effectiveness in dealing with local Native American groups. • On Sept. 7, 1813, the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a New York meat packer who supplied barrels of beef to the Army during the War of 1812. Wilson stamped the barrels with "U.S." for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as "Uncle Sam's." • On Sept. 9, 1939, audiences at the Fox Theater in Riverside, California, get a surprise showing of "Gone With the Wind" as a second feature. Producer David O. Selznick sat in the back and observed the audience reaction to his highly anticipated film. • On Sept. 12, 1940, near Montignac, France, a collection of prehistoric cave paintings is discovered by four teenagers. The roughly 16,000-year-old paintings, mostly of animals, are among the finest examples of art from the Upper Paleolithic period. • On Sept. 11, 1965, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) begins to arrive in South Vietnam, bringing U.S. troop strength to more than 125,000. The unit was the first full U.S. Army division deployed to Vietnam. • On Sept. 8, 1974, in a controversial executive action, President Gerald Ford pardons his disgraced predecessor Richard Nixon for crimes committed while in office involving the Watergate scandal. • On Sept. 13, 1990, the drama series "Law & Order" premieres on NBC. It would go on to become one of the longest-running prime-time dramas in TV history -- 20 seasons. The "Law & Order" franchise was created by Dick Wolf, who began his TV career as a writer for "Miami Vice." © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• This facial mask is good enough to eat: Mix together one mashed ripe banana with three tablespoons of sugar, and apply liberally to face. Leave it on for about three minutes, and rinse with warm water. Follow with your favorite moisturizer. • “The best way to soften butter is to let it stand at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes. But if you are in a hurry, you can slice it into 1/2-inch pats and roll it between sheets of waxed paper. It will take only a minute or so.” — I.V. in Connecticut • Pet hair is best removed from upholstery with a squeegee. Drag over the upholstery or even your carpet to collect the hair into a ball. Dispose of the hair in the trash. • “Here’s my tip for using a pool noodle in the garage. We have a narrow parking area, so we cut a foam noodle in half lengthwise, then secured it to the wall where the door might hit when we get out of the car. No bumps, no chips. The noodle saves the day!” — Y.I. in Maryland • “When you need to measure something that is sticky, like honey or peanut butter, try rinsing your measuring cup with oil, then hot water. The oily residue will make the sticky substance slide out, but it won’t be oily, as the hot water rinses away any excess.” — E.R. in Arkansas • If you are moving, use small pieces of plastic wrap to keep your toiletries from spilling en route. Simply unscrew the top, cover with the plastic and reattach the lid. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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We are converting office space into a chapel. Would you like to be part of this awesome opportunity? Join us on Tuesday September 15 from 3pm-7pm & Thursday September 17 from 3pm-7pm Donations needed: It’s a completely empty room— Paint, comfy chairs for the reading corner, chairs for where services could be held, kneeling rail, Christian/ Inspirational/Leadership books, Pictures for the wall, area rugs, ceiling tile, floor tile…… Volunteers needed: Painters, decorators, cleaners, ceiling tile installation, floor tile installation, people to pray. Call/text Lauralee/Amanda at 218-330-2008 for more information, to share an idea, or to drop off a donation for the chapel.

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Answer located on Inside Back Page


St. Anne’s

• The word "new" on a product is regulated in the U.S. Usually it can only appear on a package for six months. It can be used in some cases up to two years. A product can be called "new" or "improved" if it changes anything, including color, scent, or packaging.

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(Solution on Next Page)

MEMORABLE CAMPAIGNS • In 1970, the Dr Pepper company decided it wanted to make itself better known in New York City. It spent $1.3 million in advertising, including 13,200 bus posters, 6,600 subway ads, 150 TV spots, and almost 2,000 radio ads. The next year sales in New York increased by 1.5 million cases. At 35¢ per can, the company gained $9.1 million gross from this promotion— seven times the amount spent on the advertising. • William Wrigley once said, “Anybody can make gum. The problem is selling it.” He decided the solution was advertising, and he turned into not only the world’s largest gum manufacturer, but also the world’s largest advertiser. He spent $100,000 on an advertising campaign in New York City that flopped. So he tried spending another $100,000 just on Broadway, and it also flopped. Then he spent $100,000 advertising in small New York towns, buying every billboard, all the streetcar space, and huge newspaper spreads. Orders poured in. • An ad for a dental clinic in Topeka, Kansas in the 1920s featured a grinning boy with red hair, freckles and a missing front tooth. The boy was not worried a bit, because his dentist was Painless Romine. The picture of the grinning boy appeared also in ads for shoes and soft drinks. In the 1950s the boy was adopted by Mad Magazine, and named Alfred E. Neuman. In 1956 he was even featured as a write-in candidate for president, but lost.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Shirt is different. 2. Firewood is missing. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Hot dogs are missing. 5. Trash can is missing. 6. Strap is shorter. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

ADVERTISING (continued) • A study done of U.S. television ads showed the following words to be the most frequently used: new, improved, better, extra, fresh, Answer: Dell. clean, beautiful, free, good, great, and light. A VERY LARGE NUMBER ENDORSEMENTS Edwardplayer Kasner wasLaver a mathematician. In 1938a • • Tennis Rod was paid to endorse he was asked to come up with a name for a certain type of tennis racket. However, he revery large number: the numeral one, followed ally brand preferred hisyoung origiby adisliked hundredthe zeros. Heand asked his two nal racket.what He solved the problem by using his nephews name they would suggest. old racket, which was painted to look like the • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name kind he the wasfunnies. endorsing. out of A cartoon strip character • In 1972Barney Lou Brock, biggestchose base named was verybaseball's popular. Milton stealer, in the an ad in which he tore Barney’swas lastshown name for number. bases, then credited • around Kasner the announced the new namea certain for the type big of candy for his speed. In a landmark decision number in his next book, altering the spelling. stemming thePage Federal Trade Com• Sixty yearsfrom later,this, Larry and Sergey Brin mission ruled candy can't be credited as the developed a new internet search engine. Other source a person's speed.each They webpage also ruledand that search of engines searched Domino Sugaraccording could nottoadvertise themselves ranked them how many times a specific term appeared them, but Page and as the "official sugar" ofonthe National Football Brin designed their search engine to search for League because all brands of sugar are identithe specific term andruled then that find out many cal. Later the FTC any how athlete enlinks there were that led back to that page, dorsing a product would have to be a bona fide which in a better search engine. user ofresulted that product. • They decided they needed a name that reflected howQUICK many QUIP websites the search • The sports writer was interviewing the coach. engine was searching. They took the name "What's theKasner’s line-up for this season?" of Edward very large number,"Well," only replied the coach, "It looks like this: Jones and they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelled exactly the razor sameblade way commercials; the cartoon Jackson will do the character last name. What’s Smith andBarney Brownspelled will gohis to deodorants; Taylor it called? (Answer at bottom of page) and Fitzpatrick will appear for shaving cream; and McGregor is slated for breakfast cereals." COMPUTER FACTS • In 1981 Bill Gates “640 kb of memory IT'S said, A FACT ought to be enough for anybody.” • An Indianapolis mortician advertised that his • coffins Moore’scame Law with statesathat computer performance “lifetime guarantee.” doubles every 18 to 24 months, and everMagoo since • Jim Backus, who did the voice of Mr. 1971, this has been true. and played Mr. Howell on "Gilligan's Island," • recorded HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all 15,000 commercials for La-Z-Boy started in garages. recliners and got listed in the "Guinness Book Answer: Google, fromfor googol. of World Records" the effort.

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Quiz Answers

8. James 1. September 2. 85-90 Stewart & 3. The Philippines Cary Grant 9. Signed, 4. Twenty 5. 20-30 miles Sealed, De6. 74 mph livered I’m 7. World War I Yours (1970)



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Sports Answers 1. Randy Johnson 5. Vancouver (2011-12) 2. Atlanta Braves, and Detroit 1991-99 (2004-2006, 3. Ray Floyd with 2005 4. Baltimore and season susNew England, pended due 2011-2012 NFL to lockout). seasons

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