Tidbits Grand Forks - October 22, 2015

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU October 22, 2015

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications




State of of State $avings. $avings.

Issue # 940




by Kathy Wolfe

October 22 is National Nut Day – time to see how much you know about one of our favorite snacks. Get discounts up to 40% * Sharon Opdahl Get discounts up to 40% * • A nut is simply defined as a “dry fruit with Saving money is important. Agent Saving important. That’s money why youis can count That’s why you can count one seed in which the seed case wall beon me to get you all the 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F on me to get you all the discounts you deserve. Grand Forks, ND 58201 discounts you deserve. comes very hard at maturity.” It’s plain to GET TO A BETTER STATE . 701-746-0495 GET A TODAY. BETTER STATE . CALLTOME sharonopdahl.com CALL ME TODAY. see that a peanut doesn’t fit this description. That’s because peanuts are really legumes – a pod with multiple seeds – and are grown underground unlike nuts. About 3.75 million pounds of peanuts are eaten every day across America. The peanut has its origins in South America, specifically Brazil and Peru, and found its way to North America with early explorers. Today, peanuts are grown primarCarpet Cleaning ily in China, West Africa, and the United Services, Inc. States. Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Texas, Virginia, and Oklahoma are AmeriCleaning SPECIAL! ca’s key producers of peanuts. • Upholstery $99 • Peanuts are rich in folate, a mineral necesCleaning 3 Rooms & sary for brain development. Studies indicate Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. that because of this, eating peanuts may help Extraction Expires 11-15-15 protect against cognitive decline. • Likewise, walnuts are not really nuts, but rather are drupes from the same genus as 701-775-8500 apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, and Residential & Commercial plums. The walnut tree is 15 years old beA Lightweight Vacuum Even fore it reaches its full production, but then produces for 45 years. a 6-Year Old Can Handle

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Quiz Bits

6. What is the capital city of Australia? 7. What actor who has played James Bond was also a contestant in a Mr. Universe contest? 8. What year did the awardwinning kids’ show “Sesame Street” debut on television? 9. Which motown singer had a hit with “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”?


1. What nut grows on a caju tree? 2. What tree is considered the national tree of America? 3. Which U.S. state honors the pecan tree as its state tree? 4. Which nut has the highest calorie count? 5. Which nuts are also known as groundnuts, earthnuts, and pinders?


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NUTTY FACTS (continued):

• With origins in ancient Persia, the walnut is the oldest tree food known to man. Walnut meats closely resemble a little human brain, with left and right hemispheres, and because of this, people in medieval times believed that walnuts could cure headaches. In actuality, walnuts contain substances that help develop neuron transmitters within the brain, boosting its ability to send signals and messages. Studies also indicate they help ward off dementia by breaking down the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Walnuts are the only nut that contain heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, and can help reduce inflammation in the arteries. • California supplies 99% of U.S. walnuts and 75% of the world’s resources. Franciscan monks first began growing walnuts in California in the late 1700s. Commercial groves were first planted in 1867. • Native to Brazil and the West Indies, cashews are also drupes and are a member of the poison ivy family. The lining of the cashew’s seed contains a powerful oil called anacardic acid that can irritate and burn the skin. Once the cashew is roasted, the oil disintegrates and the shell is easy to remove. Research indicates that cashews may be beneficial in warding off or managing diabetes by stimulating blood sugar absorption by muscle cells. • Sometimes called the “king of nuts,” the Brazil nut is actually another drupe. The Brazil nut tree produces large pods weighing about 4 lbs. that are filled with 12 to 20 seeds, sectioned like a grapefruit. The pods fall to the ground when ripe, split apart, and release the seeds. They are grown mostly in the Amazonian rain forest of northern Bolivia, not in Brazil as the name implies. The trees have a height of 150 feet, with a trunk diameter of nearly 8 feet. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Who was the first designated hitter to hit a home run in 1973, the debut year for the DH in the American League? 2. How many managers did the Chicago Cubs have during the 1990s? 3. How many quarterbacks,

currently playing in the NFL, have thrown for 500 yards and

5 or more TDs in a game?

4. Of Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan, which one attempted more 3-point shots during his NBA career? 5. Which NHL goaltender has recorded the most saves in a season for the Tampa Bay Lightning? 6. What decade was the last time a Japanese men’s tennis player reached the semifinals of the French Open—1930s, 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s?


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NUTTY FACTS (continued): • Brazil nuts are 65% oil with 19 grams of fat in a oneounce serving. You would need to walk nine minutes to burn off the calories in one Brazil nut. The good news is they are high in fiber, protein, and magnesium.

capital. Every year, the community is home to the National Pecan Festival, hosting a race, parade, cooking contest, and crowning of the National Pecan Queen.

• A pecan tree can live to be over 200 years old. The only major tree nut that is native to North America, the name “pecan” has its origins in the Algonquin Native American language, describing “all nuts requiring a stone to crack.” Cultivation of pecan orchards began in the 1700s and George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were among those who planted pecan trees. A tree, which only produces its fruit every two years, has a trunk that can grow to a diameter of more than 3 feet.

• Pecans and macadamia nuts have the highest amount of fat, the lowest amount of protein, and the most calories of any nuts. However, a pecan contains more than 19 vitamins and minerals, and is rich in Vitamins A and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, and zinc.

• Many of the more than 1,000 varieties of pecans are named for Native American Indian tribes, including the Cheyenne, Mohawk, Sioux, Choctaw, and Shawnee. Some pecan processing facilities shell 150,000 lbs. of pecans every day, enough to make 300,000 pecan pies. The average pecan pie contains about 78 pecans. • About 80% of the world’s pecan supply is produced in the United States. There are more than 600,000 pecan trees in Albany, Georgia, making it the nation’s pecan


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NUTTY FACTS (continued): • The macadamia nut tells the farmer when it’s ready for harvest by falling to the ground. With origins in Australia, this nut was not discovered until around 1857 and not cultivated until the 1930s. It was named in honor of an Australian chemist, medical teacher, and politician John Macadam. The seeds were introduced to Hawaii in 1882 as a windbreak for sugar cane fields. Dog owners should be aware that macadamias are toxic to dogs, and can produce weakness, hind leg paralysis, muscle tremors, and severe abdominal pain. • The almond has its origins in the Mediterranean countries. It’s considered a very healthy nut (although it’s really a drupe!), with more calcium than any other nut. It also contains an antioxidant that helps fight inflammation and may keep cancer and cognitive decline at bay. Almonds are the lowest-calorie nuts – 23 nuts contain 160 calories. There are 110,000 acres of almond trees in California, the almond capital of America. • Filberts are also known as hazelnuts or cobnuts, and are the main ingredient in the confection praline. Filberts are used to make Nutella, a sweet hazelnut

chocolate spread, and Frangelico, an Italian liqueur. As with many other nuts, filberts are rich in thiamine and B vitamins. Most of the world’s supply is grown in Turkey (75%), but Iran, Spain, the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington, and British Columbia, Canada, also contribute to the production. • The black walnut tree, a member of the hickory family, secretes a poisonous substance called juglone into the soil. Apples, tomatoes, and white birch should not be planted near a black walnut tree, as juglone deprives the plants of energy for their metabolic activity.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com


Sanitation Department


Disposal Options:

For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, author and historian Garry Wills who made the following sage observation: "Politicians make good company for a while just as children do -- their selfenjoyment is contagious. But they soon exhaust their favorite subject -- themselves." • According to ancient Egyptian mythology, humans were created from the tears of the sun. • The Pizza Hut restaurant chain got started when two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom. • You might be surprised to learn that, just as there is a market for used cars, there is a market for used roller coasters. With the skyrocketing costs of construction, it can be cheaper to disassemble, move and reassemble a coaster than to build one from scratch.

• In the early 1900s, if you called someone a "geek" it didn't mean that person was nerdy. A geek back then was a carnival wild man. • Iconic songstress Madonna once worked as a coat-check girl at the Russian Tea Room. • If you weren't a fan of math in elementary school, it might comfort you to know that students have been struggling longer than you probably realize. It was way back in 1900 B.C., in early Mesopotamia, that the first known multiplication tables were created. • If all the salt in the world's oceans were removed and spread out, it would cover all the world's land in a layer 40 feet deep. • Researchers using standard statistical methods have determined that it takes an average of 142 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. • Those who study such things say that half the residents of Spain have never read a book. *** Thought for the Day: "Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can't understand." -- Cardinal de Retz


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Every time you drive past a neighbor’s front yard decorated with plastic pink flamingos, remember the name of this man, Donald Featherstone, their inventor.


• In 1958, when the color pink was trendy, the plastic birds appeared in the Sears catalog with a retail price of $2.76 a pair. Instructions were included: “Place in garden, lawn, to beautify landscape.” However, not everyone viewed them as a lovely addition to the neighborhood. Some residential developments prohibited the ornaments, declaring that they epitomized bad taste.


• Late in 1957, Union tasked Featherstone with carving a flamingo to be molded into plastic. Without a live flamingo to use as a model, he studied photographs of the bird from National Geographic. A pair of flamingos was the result, one standing erect, the other bending over, seeming to munch on grass. Their legs were metal rods that were planted in the ground. Featherstone dubbed his creation Phoenicopterus ruber plasticus.


• One of Featherstone’s first projects at Union Products was to sculpt a duck. He purchased a live duck, named it Charlie, and kept it in his sink while he studied the duck for sculpture. Charlie was later released in Fitchburg, Massachusetts’ Coggshall Park.

• In 1987, Featherstone inscribed his signature in the original molds in order for buyers to distinguish between his creation and unauthorized imitations. • In 1996, Featherstone became the president of Union Products. That year he was also awarded the Ig Nobel Prize for Art, a parody of the Nobel Prizes, given each year for unusual achievements. The goal of the prize is to “honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Featherstone remained at the helm of the company until his retirement in 2000. During his 43-year tenure, he had designed over 600 items for Union. In addition, he had co-authored a book The Original Pink Flamingos: Splendor on the Grass. • In 2006, after producing an estimated 20 million plastic flamingos, Union Products closed its doors and the bird became an endangered species. Featherstone set out to find a buyer for the molds. In 2007, a New York manufacturer purchased the copyright and molds, and once again the ornaments were in production. • Donald and his wife Nancy, whom he married in 1976 when he was 40 years old, wore matching outfits for more than 35 years. Nancy sewed all of the ensembles, many of them from flamingo-patterned fabric. The couple kept 57 plastic flamingos on their front lawn. Her Christmas gift to Don one year was a 6-foot-tall bronze flamingo. Although the plastic flamingo was Don’s most popular creation, Nancy claims she has always been partial to the ostrich he designed. • Tribute was paid to Don by naming the pink flamingo character Featherstone in the 2011 Disney film “Gnomeo & Juliet.” Don passed away in June of 2015 at age 79.


• Back in 1957, Massachusetts native Donald Featherstone was a new graduate of the Worcester Art Museum’s art school, after nine years of formal art training. Described as “an extremely talented artist,” Donald said he “decided to make a living rather than starve to death,” and took a job designing 3D plastic animals for Union Products, Inc.

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• On Oct. 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France, is dedicated in New York Harbor as the last copper rivet is fitted. The dismantled Statue of Liberty had arrived 16 months earlier in more than 200 packing cases. • On Oct. 29, 1925, Dominick Dunne, chronicler of high-profile crimes, is born. Dunne reported on the 1995 O.J. Simpson double-homicide trial and provided TV commentary about the case. He was stunned when the former football star was acquitted. • On Oct. 30, 1938, Orson Welles, age 23, causes a nationwide panic with his broadcast of "War of the Worlds" -- a realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth. "War of the Worlds" was not planned as a radio hoax, and Welles had little inkling of the havoc it would cause. • On Nov. 1, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt announces that the U.S. Coast Guard will be under the direction of the U.S. Navy, a transition of authority usually reserved only for wartime. Five weeks later, Japan would attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. • On Oct. 31, 1957, the Japanese car company Toyota establishes its U.S. headquarters in California to begin selling its inexpensive Toyopet Crown sedans. A sensation in Japan, it flopped in the U.S. The car was too small for many American drivers, guzzled gas and oil, and shook at freeway speeds. • On Oct. 26, 1984, in Loma Linda, California, Dr. Leonard Bailey performs the first baboonto-human heart transplant, replacing 14-day-old Baby Fae's defective heart. Baby Fae survived for 20 days, longer than any previous human recipient of an animal heart. • On Oct. 27, 1994, the U.S. Justice Department announces that the U.S. prison population has topped 1 million for the first time. The 1,012,851 men and women were in state and federal prisons, and did not include those incarcerated in local jails. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

2015 Mission of Hope Banquet and Silent Auction November 5, 2015 Alerus Center, Grand Forks Silent Auction: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Dinner & Program: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Join us for an evening of delicious food, great entertainment and warm fellowship, as we come together to celebrate Northlands Rescue Mission’s ministry to the homeless and hurting. You won’t want to miss the motivating message from River Jordan, criticallyacclaimed author, inspiring speaker and creative radio host. Your attendance and generous support will help the Mission provide guidance, training and resources to empower men and women struggling with homelessness and hunger to overcome their challenges and build stable and meaningful lives. An opportunity to invest in the ministry of Northlands Rescue Mission will be presented at the banquet. Proceeds from the evening will go to helping children in the community through the backpack program, helping the women’s dorm that is beyond capacity, helping feed those in the community who need a warm meal, and much more!

Individual Tickets: $55.00 Table Sponsorships: from $550+ If you are unable to attend, but would like to support the Mission’s rescue and relief services for the homeless, you can make your gift online today.

www.northlandsrescuemission.org Please call or text Lauralee at 218-330-2008 for more information.

(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• “Apply petroleum jelly to the panes of your windows before painting the trim. This works better than masking tape in many ways. It is easily removed, and even large paint flecks come right off.” — P.S. in Illinois • For easy-cleanup pancakes, use a turkey baster to “squirt” the batter in the griddle or skillet. No drips, and it usually results in a pretty good circle, too! • When you are able to pick up extra meat at a great price, you want to be sure that while it’s frozen, it maintains its best taste. Use this tip to vacuum seal your meat without any special equipment! Add meat pieces to a plastic, zipper-top bag. Fill a large pot several inches deep with water. Seal all but an inch or so of the bag. As you lower the bag into the water (zipper top up) the air will escape through the unsealed portion. When no air remains, seal the bag and then remove from the water. • “Have you tried this single-serving blender hack using a mason jar? Most standard-size blender blades can be screwed on to a pint Mason jar. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you can make single servings of smoothies to blend and go.” — T.U. in South Carolina • Baby have diaper rash? One of the best remedies is “air time” — that is, letting baby go without a diaper for a bit. Another simple soother is a baking soda bath. Try adding 2-4 tablespoons of baking soda to Junior’s bathwater. • After you’ve cooked your chicken whole, remove the meat and throw the bones and remaining carcass in the slow cooker with 3-4 cups of water. Let it cook on low for several hours for a spectacularly flavorful broth. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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World Origami Days are held October 24 through November 11. Let’s see how much you know about this ancient art. • The word “origami” has its origins in the Japanese language, with “ori” meaning “folding” and “gami” translating “paper.” At one time, it was known as “orikata,” or “folded shape.” The goal of origami is to transform a simple sheet of paper into a delicate sculpture through folding techniques, without the use of glue or cuts. Paper folding that utilizes cuts is referred to as “kirigami.” • Many claim that paper was invented in China around 105 A.D., although some archaeological evidence indicates an earlier date. Early Chinese paper folding was primarily “yuanbao,” paper folded to look like gold nuggets. The pieces were used at funerals as a burnt offering to the dead. China also introduced Golden Venture Folding, in which small pieces of paper are folded into triangular units which are assembled into larger models. • Around the sixth century, paper was introduced into Korea and Japan. Paper was expensive and not readily available to the general public, and consequently, became an art form limited to religious rituals and ceremonies. Early Japanese purification rituals employed the use of zig-zag-shaped paper known as “Shide.” These triangles were attached to straw ropes, to altars, or to wooden staffs that were used as purification wands. • The first documented book published about paper folding was Tsutsumi-no Ki, published in 1764, containing instructions on how to fold 13 different ceremonial folds. In 1797, recreational paper folding became popular and the book Folding of 1000 Cranes was introduced, with lessons on folding interconnecting cranes. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Fence opening is wider. 2. Hair is different. 3. Neckline is different. 4. Arm is moved. 5. Window shade is missing. 6. Shrub is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

ORIGAMI (continued):

• Origami is used at traditional Shinto weddings to fashion paper butterflies to decorate bottles of Japanese Answer: Dell. sake. The “Mecho” butterfly signifies the female, while the “Ocho” represents A VERY LARGE NUMBER the male. A “Tsuki” is a piece of origami that • accompanies Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 a valuable gift and can serve as he was asked to come up with a name for a its certificate of authenticity. “Noshi” are atvery large number: the numeral one, followed tached to gifts,zeros. much wehisuse by a hundred Helike asked twogreeting young cards, usedwhat as aname tokenthey of good fortune for connephews would suggest. gratulatory occasions, such as graduations or • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name promotions. “Noshi”Awould never given at out of the funnies. cartoon stripbecharacter funerals or religious ceremonies. The named Barney was very popular. Milton “Tsutchose sumi” is alast formal wrapping Barney’s namegift for the number.whose folds sincerity the and new purity. • symbolize Kasner announced name for the big number in his next book,paper altering • The traditional origami usedtheinspelling. Japan is known as “washi,” and is much tougher than • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin ordinary paper. being fashioned developed a newRather internetthan search engine. Other search engines eachpaper, webpage and from wood pulp searched like ordinary washi is ranked them according to how many times a made using fibers from the bark of the gamp specific term appeared on them, but Page and tree or mitsumata shrub in a long and intricate Brin designed engine to search for process. It cantheir alsosearch be made using bamboo, the specific term and then find out how many hemp, rice, wheat, or the kozo (paper mulberlinks there were that led back to that page, ry) tree. which resulted in a better search engine.

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Sports Answers 4. Barkley 1. Tony Olivia of attempted the Twins. 2,020 (made 2. 6: Don Zimmer, 538), JorJoe Altobelli, dan, 1,778 Jim Essian, Jim (made 581). Lefebvre, Tom Trebelhorn, and 5. Nikolai Khabibulin Jim Riggleman. 1,761 saves 3. 4: Matt Schaub, (2001-02) Matthew Stafford Tony Romo, and 6. 1930s (1933) Jiro Sato Ben Roethlisberger


• • InThey the 17th and they 18th centuries, decided needed a origami name was that used in Germany to produce baptism reflected how many websites the certifisearch enginecalled was searching. Theywhich took the name cates “Patenbriefs,” translates of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only “sponsor letters.” These were 4x4” papers, they misspelled slightly,bysotheir it ended up being typically given toit babies godparents. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • Incharacter commemoration of thehis 50th of Barney spelled lastanniversary name. What’s the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, 250,000 it called? (Answer at bottom of page) paper cranes, the symbol for world peace, COMPUTER FACTS were folded and displayed at a memorial in • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory that city. Each crane had a person’s name on ought to be enough for anybody.” it, along with as a short message. An ancient • Japanese Moore’s Law states that computer performance legend claims that if you fold 1,000 doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since cranes, you will be granted a wish. 1971, this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.




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