Tidbits Grand Forks - November 26, 2015

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU November 26, 2015

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications



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On November 23, 1919, the first play-by-play football game in radio broadcast history took place when Texas A & M beat the University of Texas 7 to 0. In honor of this, join Tidbits as we play football!


• In a 1897 football game, Georgia was playing the University of Virginia. During a pile-up, a player named Von Gammon ended up on the bottom and was found unconscious. He died of a brain concussion. As a result, the Georgia team disbanded. Protests against the brutality of football spread. A bill was introduced to the Georgia state legislature to ban football from the state. It passed and was sent to the governor for his signature. It looked like football was doomed. But then a woman came forward. She wrote a letter to the governor, pleading with him not to use Von Gammon’s death as an excuse to outlaw a good game. Because of this letter, the Governor refused to sign the bill into law. Football was saved. The woman who had written such an effective letter was Von Gammon’s own mother. • In 1905 there were 18 football deaths in the nation. The violence of the game diminished somewhat when the forward pass was invented, cutting down on the confrontations. Publish a We provide the opportunity for success!



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FOOTBALL (continued):

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Quiz Bits 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. What was the profession of Duncan Hines, whose name became a household brand of When did Thanksgiving become food products? a national holiday in the United 6. What sci-fi character once said, States—1863, 1873, 1883 or “Do. Or do not. There is no 1893? try.”? What TV show featured neigh7. Which Christmas carol begins bors named Lenny and Squiggy? with the lyric “City sidewalks, Which of the Great Lakes is lobusy sidewalks, dressed in cated entirely within the United holiday style.”? States? TRIVIA What’s the capital of Illinois?



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• In 1890 the Naval Academy in Annapolis challenged the Army institution of West Point to a game, but West Point had no team. A cadet named Dennis Michie accepted that challenge and set about drumming up a team. However, Michie’s father was an officer at West Point and felt that football was a pathetic game. He told his son to quit the project. Dennis Michie defied his father, and three weeks later 300 spectators watched the first Army-Navy game in history. The inexperienced Army team lost 24 to 0. Not even Dennis Michie’s father could swallow such a defeat. He ordered his son to do better next year and beat the pants off the Navy. Today the football stadium at West Point is named after Dennis Michie, founder of the Army-Navy rivalry. • In 1893 a little old lady watched the Annapolis football team play a game. She was friendly with a player named Reeves. During the game she saw Reeves take a pretty hard hit in the head during a pile up. Thinking about that blow to the skull, she became so concerned that she went home and designed a crude helmet for him. When he wore it in the next game, fans laughed and players teased. But it started a new fashion and before long helmets were standard gear. • During a football game at West Point a player sat on the bench watching Jim Thorpe run all over the field. As he was sitting there dreaming of becoming as great a player as Thorpe, the coach called him and sent him into the game. His moment of fame was at hand! Unfortunately, during his very first play he was hit so hard that his leg was broken and he was carried from the field, his dreams shattered. He never played football again, but the player went on to other successes. He was Dwight D. Eisenhower. ...continued


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5. What is the oldest team franchise in the NFL? Who are second and third 1. A typical football game oldest? lasts 3 hours, but how long 6. Between 2006-2015, how is the ball actually in play? 2. How much does an average many MLB teams won at least 100 games in a season? NFL cheerleader earn per 7. T or F: 2015 was the first game? time ever that the first five 3. What is the wealthiest team games of the NHL Stanin the NFL, and how much ley Cup Finals were each is it worth? decided by one goal. 4. When was the last time the 8. What NFL team currently Dallas Cowboys were in an has the longest active NFC Championship Game? playoff drought?



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• When the Nomads were up against Knute Rockne’s Notre Dame, Rockne could not understand why so many of his players were suddenly breaking their ribs. Player after player was hauled out of the game on a stretcher and the team doctor admitted that perfectly normal ribs were breaking like kite sticks. Rockne got suspicious and found that the Nomads were wearing steel knee braces. Rockne hit the roof while the Nomad coach feigned ignorance. “Guess they didn’t want to hurt their knees,” he said. From then on a new rule was on the books that made it illegal for any player to wear steel knee braces. • On October 7, 1916, the powerful Georgia Tech team invited little Cumberland College to play on Tech’s field. Cumberland did not have a regular team, but they rounded up some guys. The game didn’t go well for Cumberland, and later fullback A.L. Macdonald recalled making “our longest gain of the day when I lost 5 yards.” One Cumberland player is said to have fumbled the ball and yelled at a teammate to pick it up. But with five big Georgia Tech guys bearing down on him, he yelled back, “You pick it up! You dropped it!” The game was called in the third quarter and the final score was Georgia Tech 222, Cumberland 0.

• Quarterback Harry Adams was playing for Montana in a game against Washington State in 1920. He had a badly injured ankle but insisted on playing anyway. When a punt went over his head, he limped along to retrieve it, but by the time he picked it up he was flanked by two very large Washington ends who were running at him full tilt getting ready to tackle him. “Don’t hit him, he’s hurt!” yelled one of the ends. At that point both players very carefully picked Adams up and gently laid him on his back on the field.



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• During a game between Clemson & Mercer, a referee turned to Clemson’s halfback, Streak Lawton, and said: “Streak, this is the last game of the season and you have just 60 seconds left to make history.” On the next play, Mercer punted, and Lawton returned the punt 90 yards for a touchdown. As he walked past the referee, Lawton was heard to ask, “What are the other 40 seconds for?” • Coach Fielding Yost was giving his team an intense pep-talk during half time, whipping the team into a fury. “All right men!” he hollered. “Follow me to victory!” He yanked open a door to the locker room and ran out. But he had pulled open the wrong door. He plunged headfirst into the swimming pool, followed by the entire team. In their heavy football gear, several of the players nearly drowned before they were pulled out. • Joe Namath was listening to a lecture by coach Bear Bryant, who was goading them to do well in their college classes because there was more to life than football and he didn’t want any dumbbells on his team. “If there is a dumbbell in the room, I wish he would stand up,” Bear said. Namath immediately stood up. “How come you’re standing up? You ain’t dumb,” asked Bear. “Coach,” replied Namath, “I just hate like the devil for you to be standing up there by yourself.”


• Coach Knute Rockne would often drill his players by setting up imaginary situations and grilling them about what they would do next if caught in such a position. One day he said, “It’s our ball, fourth quarter, we’re behind by three points, ball on our 45-yard line, fourth down, three to go— what do you do?” He asked a third-string quarterback. “Well, Mr. Rockne,” replied the bench-warmer, “I’d slide a few yards down on the bench to get a better look at the next play.”

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Scottish novelist and politician John Buchan who made the following sage observation: "We can pay our debt to the past by putting the future in debt to ourselves." • The general board of the prestigious University of Cambridge has recommended that the institution hire a Professor of Lego. Yep. The lucky academic will head up the Research Centre on Play in Education, Development and Learning. On a related note, Cambridge recently received a donation of more than $6 million from the Lego Foundation. • If you happen to have 40 billion Lego bricks lying around, you could, theoretically, build a tower to the moon. • Single-shot coffee makers like Keurig are increasingly popular, but the inventor of the K-Cup coffee pods doesn't actually use them himself. John Sylvan says, "I don't have one. They're kind of expensive to use." He added, "It's not like drip coffee is tough to make." • Beloved British author Charles Dickens was forced to go to work at the age of 11, pasting labels on bottles of shoe polish in a bootblacking factory. Soon after, his father was put in debtors' prison, and when his mother and siblings went to live with him there; young Charles was left to live on the streets and fend for himself. It's not surprising, then, that after Dickens achieved the great success he enjoyed as a writer, he was an ardent campaigner for children's rights. • If you plan to become a patriotic citizen of Greece, I hope you have a good memory: The Greek national anthem has a whopping 158 verses. *** Thought for the Day: "The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic and to some extent even antibiotic -- in short, the closest thing to a genuine panacea -- known to medical science is work." -- Thomas Szasz © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• In 1959 a 37-year-old man named Arthur Granjean invented what he called “L’Ecran Magique” (“magic screen”) in his garage in Paris. He took it to the International Toy Fair in Nuremburg, Germany. The Ohio Art Company bought the rights to it in 1960 for $25,000 and renamed it the Etch A Sketch. They advertised it widely in time for the Christmas season in 1960 and sales immediately took off. They’ve sold over 100 million since then. • How does it work? There’s a stylus, or pointer, mounted on two rails. Using a system of wires and pulleys, one rail moves back and forth, and the other moves up and down when the knobs turn. The gray stuff is powdered aluminum mixed with tiny plastic beads. The beads help the powder flow easily. The aluminum powder sticks to the glass because of static electricity. When the stylus moves, it touches the glass and scrapes the aluminum powder off. Shake it, and the aluminum is redistributed evenly. • The basic design hasn’t changed a bit since 1960, although variations on the model have been introduced. Now there are pocket-sized models, travel size models, glow-in-the-dark models (only the frame glows), and also noisy models. The Zooper model makes all kinds of weird noises - beeps, boops, squeaks, and squawks - as the knobs turn. Also available is the Etch A Sketch “action pack” which offers various puzzles and games printed on overlays placed on top of the screen. • To celebrate the toy’s 25th anniversary in 1985, the Ohio Art Company came out with an “Executive” model made of silver with drawing knobs set with sapphires and topaz and a hand-carved logo at the top. Price: $3,750.

• Today it’s estimated that 8,000 Etch A Sketches are sold every day. In 2000 the Ohio Art Company moved the Etch A Sketch factory to China. • Steve Jacobs created the world’s largest Etch A Sketch at the Black Rock Arts Festival in California in 1997. He placed 144 regulation-sized Etch A Sketches in a huge square and surrounded them with a huge red Etch A Sketch frame, including huge white knobs. It qualified him for a Guinness World Record. • A Canadian computer programmer named Neil Fraser pulled the knobs off a standard Etch A Sketch and hooked it up to two motors which attached to the port of his computer. The motors work by remote control, enabling Fraser to draw without ever touching the toy. Robotic components are also able to tilt the Etch A Sketch upside-down and shake it. • George Vlosich creates works of art using the Etch A Sketch as an artistic medium. He was a nine-year-old kid in 1989 when, on a long drive, he brought along his Etch A Sketch for backseat entertainment. A sketch he drew was so good his parents took a picture of it. An artist was born. Because one of his main interests was sports, he began sketching portraits of sports heroes. Then he waited after games hoping to get them to autograph his Etch A Sketch. His reputation as the “Etch A Sketch Kid” grew quickly. It takes George between 40 and 60 hours to complete a single Etch A Sketch masterpiece. After it’s done, he carefully unscrews the back and removes the excess aluminum powder to preserve the picture forever. Today George is known far and wide for his artwork and has appeared countless times on radio, TV, in newspapers, and magazines. His Etch A Sketch artwork sells for up to $10,000.





Thanks for Reading Tidbits!

• On Dec. 2, 1859, in Charles Town, Virginia, abolitionist John Brown is executed on charges of treason, murder and insurrection. Brown became militant during the mid-1850s, when he fought pro-slavery settlers in the sharply divided Kansas Free State territory. • On Dec. 6, 1917, a Belgian steamer and French freighter, both loaded with ammunition, explode in Canada's Halifax Harbor, leveling part of the town and killing nearly 1,600 people and injuring some 8,000. The ships carried 8 million tons of TNT intended for use in World War I. • On Dec. 5, 1945, five U.S. Navy torpedo-bombers take off from Florida on a routine training mission over the Atlantic Ocean. The squadron leader later reported that his compass had failed and his position was unknown, and a rescue aircraft was dispatched with a 13-man crew. No trace of the 27 crewmen or six aircraft was ever found. • On Dec. 4, 1956, the "Million Dollar Quartet" convenes at Sun Studios in Memphis, Tennessee, in an historic impromptu jam session. Present were Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley. A tape recorded that day was not discovered until 1981. • On Nov. 30, 1965, lawyer Ralph Nader publishes the muckraking book "Unsafe at Any Speed." It became a bestseller and prompted the passage of seat-belt laws in 49 states (all but New Hampshire). • On Dec. 3, 1979, eleven people are killed in a stampede outside a Who concert in Cincinnati when a crowd of general-admission ticketholders surged forward in an attempt to secure prime unreserved seats inside, known as festival seating. • On Dec. 1, 1990, 132 feet below the English Channel, workers drill an opening through a wall of rock, connecting the two ends of an underwater tunnel linking Great Britain with the European mainland for the first time in more than 8,000 years. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Knute Rockne was the captain of the Notre Dame football team when his mother came to watch him play in a game. He did his best, making brilliant plays, tough catches, and good tackles. When the game was done he hurried to see his mother and asked her what she thought of the game. "Oh, it was wonderful," she replied. "That cheerleader who turns cartwheels is the most marvelous thing I've ever seen!"

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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• Three ways to use an empty tissue box: 1) store plastic grocery bags inside; 2) line with a small plastic trash bag and use in your car as a travel trash can; 3) cut out the bottom and use it to disguise an extra toilet tissue roll in your guest bath! • Love oranges? Save the peels to add to your potpourri mix. Remove as much of the pith as possible, and cut into strips. Air dry in bright light for about a week. Or you can set the strips on parchment and dry in a partially closed oven set to 175 F for about 45 minutes. Check often. • “When the last serving of jam has been used, I will happily add some oil and vinegar to the jar, along with a few choice spices, then shake. It’s an instant vinaigrette, with a fruity tang.” — C.L. in Tennessee • Keep your jeans or other denim items from fading by soaking them in a solution of cold water and salt (two tablespoons to a gallon) for about an hour before washing. • How can you keep snow and ice off your windshield? Some say a solution of three parts vinegar to one part water sprayed on the windshield each night can cut your ice-scraping time in half or better. (Use caution to avoid your paint job.) Try covering your wipers with an old pair of long socks so they don’t freeze to the glass! • “To clean a can opener, get it wet and run a folded paper towel through it while turning the handle. Works best if done after each use.” — H.P. in Washington Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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(Solution on Next Page)


• In the early days of the 1800s, trade was just beginning to open up between Japan and America. Most American trade ships docked in the port of Yokohama. The city had one main street that was well-policed at night, and it was called Honcho-dori Street. It was the only safe thoroughfare in town; sailors caught in the city after dark trying to return to their ship through twisting alleys and convoluted byways were far more likely to be robbed, beaten and murdered. Therefore men being granted shore leave were warned never to wander through Yokohama at night, and to stick to the main route of Honchodori street, where they could be assured that everything would be “hunky-dori” which is how the phrase came into English. • The French “hoche” means “a shaking.” Add that to the word “pot” and you have “a shaking together in a pot.” “Hotch-pot” became the word for a stew and led to our “hodgepodge” meaning a jumbled assortment. • In Middle English “habben” meant to have; and “ne habben” meant to have not. “Habben, ne habben” was eventually abbreviated to “hobnob.” • In Massachusetts in 1812, Governor Elbridge Gerry pressured the legislature to re-district the state to insure his victory in the next election. A team of men re-drew the voting boundaries to include any pockets they could find of Elbridge supporters. One voting district in Essex County looked like a dragon. Someone looking at a map of the new district mentioned that it looked like a salamander. A bystander said a better name would be Gerrymander, after the Governor. And that’s how “gerrymander” came to mean tampering with something to make it advantageous to yourself.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Skirt is smaller. 2. Shirt neckline is different. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Flag is missing. 5. Fence is different. 6. Number is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

WORD ORIGINS (continued)

• Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296. In every town that was overtaken, he would force the local politicians to sign a Answer: Dell. document pledging support to the King. The A VERY LARGE NUMBER generic term for any official document writ• ten Edward was “ragman a mathematician. In 1938 on a Kasner scroll was roll.” Officials he was asked to come up with a name made public readings of the long boringfor rag-a very large number: the numeral one, followed man where people got tired listening by a rolls, hundred zeros. He asked hisof two young to what we now call “rigamarole.” nephews what name they would suggest. • • During the daysMilton of knights in shining Nine-year-old suggested a armor, name aout“buckler” was a small shield used to deof the funnies. A cartoon strip character fend oneself from blows of anMilton adversary’s named Barney wasthe very popular. chose Barney’s last name for the sword. “Swash” meant thenumber. same thing as the “swish” today: the sound sword • word Kasner announced the new namethat forathe big cutting through the air might make. Therenumber in his next book, altering the spelling. fore a “swashbuckler” manSergey who made • Sixty years later, Larry was Pageaand Brin adeveloped great show of fencing, by swashing his a new internet search engine. Other sword and striking his opponent’s buckler. search engines searched each webpage and ranked according to how many times • In John them Milton’s poem “Paradise Lost” writ-a specific term appeared on them, but Page ten in 1667, the city of Pandemonium is and the Brin designed their search engine to search for capital of hell. Pandemonium is coined from the specific term and then find out how many the terms “daimon” links there“pan” weremeaning that led “all” backand to that page, meaning demons: citysearch of Allengine. Demons. which resulted in athe better

• • “Lady Gunhilda” wasneeded the name bestowed They decided they a name that upon a large catapult protected reflected how many that websites theWindsor search Castle 14th century They England. engine in was searching. tookEventually the name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only the weapon’s name was shortened to “Lady they misspelled it ended up being Gun” and then ittoslightly, simply so “Gun” which then spelled aexactly the denoted same way cartoon became word that any the catapult, or character Barney spelled his last name. What’s any weapon that would hurl things such as it called?a (Answer at bottom of page) bullets: gun. COMPUTER FACTS • What does a catacomb have to do with a cat • or In a1981 Bill Nothing. Gates said, “640 kb is of from memory comb? The word the ought to be enough for anybody.” Greek “kata” meaning down, and “kumbe” • meaning Moore’s Law states that computer performance hollow. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since • The word means over and 1971,Latin this has been“supra” true. “saltus” means jump. “Suprasaltus” passed • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all through Spanish, French and Old English bestarted in garages. fore becoming our somersault. Answer: Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

6. Yoda, in 1. 1863 2. “Laverne & “The EmShirley” pire Strikes 3. Lake Michigan Back” 7. “Silver 4. Springfield 5. Restaurant critic Bells”

Sports Answers 6. Four: Angels 1. 11 minutes (100), Yan2. $75 to $150 kees (103), per game. 3. Dallas Cowboys Phillies (102), Cardinals (100) are worth $4 7. False. It last billion happened in 4. 1995 1951. 5. Cardinals; Bears (2) 8. Buffalo Bills (15 seasons) Packers (3)


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