Tidbits Grand Forks - December 3, 2015

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU December 3, 2015

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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From science to medicine to politics to music – Tidbits makes you aware of the events that occurred this week in history. • On November 29, 1947, the United Nations met to vote on a crucial issue, that of whether to partition the British-controlled territory of Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The area had been under British control since 1917. Needing a two-thirds majority for passage, the U.N. General Assembly passed the resolution with 72%, with all Arab nations voting against the creation of Israel. The day after the vote, violence erupted into what became the 1947-48 Civil War between Jews and Arabs. In May, 1948, the state of Israel was formed. • The world lost a famous daredevil on November 30, 2007, with the passing of motorcyclist Evel Knievel. The Butte, Montana native suffered more than 430 broken bones over the course of his career. His record of jumping 19 cars on his cycle lasted for 27 years, his record of jumping over stacked cars endured for 35 years, and his jump over 14 Greyhound buses was on the books for 24 years. Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

5. What was the 1953 film for which Frank Sinatra received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar? 1. What West Coast newspaper 6. Who once said, “I have not was published for the first time failed. I’ve just found 10,000 on December 4, 1881? ways that won’t work”? 2. What article of men’s clothing is 7. Deceased musicians Jimi honored with its own commemHendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Mororative month during December? rison and Otis Redding are all 3. How long does it take to walk memorialized in what song by off the calories in a Burger King the Righteous Brothers? Whopper? TRIVIA 4. What flavor is the liqueur Cointreau?



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By Bonnie Baglien

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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (cont.): • On November 30, 1954, as a Sylacauga, Alabama woman lay sleeping on her couch, a meteorite crashed through her roof, bounced off a radio, and struck her, the first modern record of such an occurrence. Measuring about 8 inches in diameter and weighing about 9 lbs., the sulfide space rock did not permanently injure Mrs. Hulett Hodges, but it did leave a 3-ft. hole in her roof. • Rosa Parks made history when she stepped onto a Montgomery, Alabama bus on December 1, 1955. Headed for home from her job at a local department store Rosa took a seat in the 11th row of the bus, the first row of the section reserved for blacks. As the bus filled up, three whites were left standing. The driver demanded that four black people give up their seats. Three black men moved, but Rosa refused to surrender her place. Although she had not technically broken any law, she was arrested for violating city code and for disorderly conduct. Within four days, a boycott of the city’s buses was in place, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Because 75% of bus customers were black, the finances of the public bus companies plunged. Yet it still took 381 days for an agreement to be reached on the end of segregation. • The Ford Motor Company dramatically shortened the time it took to assemble an automobile when they launched a continuousmoving assembly line on December 1, 1913. A complete car could be produced every 2 ½ minutes, a reduction from the previous time of 12 hours. By producing vehicles so efficiently, Ford was able to substantially lower the price of the Model T, from $825 to $575. ...continued

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3. Bridgestone Arena is home to what NHL team? 4. In 2014, Andrew Wiggins 1. Ernie Banks and Rod became the most recent Carew both played at least NBA No. 1 overall draft 1,000 major-league games pick to be traded without at each of two positions. playing a game for the Who played more games team that drafted him. Who at first base? was the last player to have 2. Who was the last goalie that happen prior to him? before Montreal’s Carey 5. Who was the last womPrice to lead the NHL in en’s tennis player before victories, goals-against Serena Williams in 2015 average and save percentto win the first two grand age in the same season? slam events of a season?



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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (continued): • On the first day of December in 1959, representatives from 12 countries signed the Antarctica Treaty, an agreement that banned any military activity and weapon testing on that frozen continent. The pact decreed that all personnel and equipment may only be for scientific research or other peaceful purposes. Prior to that, several nations, including Great Britain, Australia, Chile, and Norway, had laid claim to parts of Antarctica. • “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was released by the Beatles on December 1, 1963, quickly hitting the top of the charts in America and the U.K. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame lists the song as one of history’s 500 songs that shaped rock and roll. It’s also ranked as the 45th best song of all time. • The New York Municipal Airport opened on the waterfront of Flushing Bay in Queens on December 2, 1939. The site was originally an amusement park owned by the Steinway Pianos family, and became a private airfield in 1929. New York City shelled out $23 million to change the field into a modern airport. In 1953, the name was changed to LaGuardia Airport, honoring Fiorello LaGuardia, major of the city from 1934 to 1945, who had come up with the idea of the new facility.

• The first Burger King opened its doors in Miami, Florida on December 4, 1954, first known as Insta-Burger King. They added The Whopper in 1957. More than 11 million folks eat at a Burger King somewhere in the world every day. With more than 13,000 locations in 79 countries, they are the world’s third largest hamburger chain. In case you’re counting calories, a Burger King cheeseburger has 360. A slice of cheddar cheese adds about 113 calories to an ordinary burger.



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Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.


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• This week was an important one in the history of heart surgeries. On December 3, 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant in Cape Town, South Africa. Dr. Barnard removed the heart of a 25-year-old woman killed in an auto accident and placed it in the chest of 55-year-old Louis Washkansky, who was dying of heart damage. For 18 days, the transplanted heart functioned normally; however, the antirejection drugs Washkansky was given left him susceptible to illness. Her perished from double pneumonia on December 21. Fifteen years later, during the same week, Dr. William DeVries implanted the first permanent artificial heart, designed by Dr. Robert Jarvik, in Seattle dentist Barney Clark. Mr. Clark survived 112 days with the device. • On December 5, 1945, five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers departed from the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station for a three-hour training mission over the Atlantic. The five aircraft carrying a total of 14 men were known as Flight 19 and were scheduled to fly east for 120 miles, north for 73 miles, then back another 120 miles to the base. Two hours into the flight, the squadron leader radioed that his compass had failed and that he did not know his position. The other

planes reported similar malfunctions. A search and rescue plane carrying 13 men took off five hours after Flight 19. A massive air and sea search was launched to comb the area now known as the Bermuda Triangle, a stretch of sea from the southern U.S. coast across to Bermuda and down to Cuba and Santo Domingo. No trace of the six planes was ever found and 27 men were lost. The Navy’s final report of the incident listed the cause of the disappearances as “Reasons Unknown.”

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• It was Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky who made the following sage observation: "Silence will save me from being wrong (and foolish), but it will also deprive me of the possibility of being right." • If you live in New Jersey, you pay eight times as much in real estate taxes as residents of Hawaii do. • Given the popularity of both Legos and Star Wars, you probably won't be surprised to learn that the first licensed, themed Lego set was an X-Wing fighter, released in 1999. • Those who study such things say that wearing skinny jeans can cause varicose veins. • In the 1930s, during the Bolshevik Revolution, a Communist patrol in Siberia came across an isolated fundamentalist Russian Orthodox settlement. Christians were persecuted in the Soviet Union, and one of the soldiers shot and killed a man working in the village. This prompted the man's brother, Karp Lykov, to flee into the forest with his wife and two young children. A sad story, perhaps, but nothing unusual -- until you find out that the Lykov family remained in complete isolation for 42 years. It wasn't until 1978 that surveyors in a helicopter saw in a remote area a clearing that was obviously not of natural origin. Investigation revealed that Karp and his four children (his wife had died in 1961) were living in a crude log dwelling. They'd had no contact with the outside world since fleeing their village in 1936, and two of the children had never seen a human not related to them. • A male lion can mate up to 50 times in one day. *** Thought for the Day: "Language is the apparel in which your thoughts parade in public. Never clothe them in vulgar and shoddy attire." -- George W. Crane © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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“If the shoe fits, wear it.” That phrase could have been the inspiration for Charles Brannock’s famous 1926 invention. Follow along and learn about the invention of the shoe-measuring device. • Charles Brannock was raised in the shoe business. In 1903, when he was three years old, his father Otis Brannock and Ernest Park founded the ParkBrannock Shoe Company in downtown Syracuse, New York. The company continually expanded, offering a wide selection of all shoes, handbags, hats, hose, and accessories. Charles worked as a salesman while attending Syracuse University. • Dissatisfied with the shoe size-sticks known as RITZ sticks, an industry standard, Brannock began tinkering with an improved foot-measuring device. While the sticks measured only the foot’s length, Brannock’s sketches and calculations represented an apparatus that would measure length, width, and distance from the heel to the ball of the foot to determine arch length. His prototype was built from an Erector set. • The Brannock Device improved accuracy to about 96%. It began with a man’s size 1 measurement of 7 2/3 inches, with each additional size adding 1/3 inch. Each width was separated by 3/16 inch. The widths were divided into nine sizes, AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, and EEE. There were also two knobs for adjusting the fit for the curve of the heel, along with a sliding bar for adjusting for thin feet and wide feet. The device remains much the same today, with very little change.

• Brannock assembled the device right in the family shoe store, and its trials were conducted there, where it was used exclusively. Park-Brannock was the only store in town to measure feet so accurately. At age 25, Brannock obtained a patent, established the Brannock Device Company, and began sales of the apparatus to other shoe retailers. He then hired salesmen throughout the country. By 1929, the device was being sold internationally. • In 1933, a U.S. Navy captain was looking into why so many sailors had problems with their feet, and asked a shoe salesman for his advice. The salesman measured the sailors’ feet with a Brannock device, and informed the captain that the only problem was ill-fitting shoes. That captain wrote an article about this simple solution in the July, 1933 issue of United States Naval Institute Proceedings. Brannock seized the opportunity to expand his business by forwarding the article, first to other naval ships, then on to other branches of the military. By World War II, his device was in use by most of the armed forces. • Following the death of his father in 1962, Brannock added to his own manufacturing company work load by becoming CEO of Park-Brannock Shoes. He continued to come to the office of Brannock Devices on a daily basis well into his 80s. When his health began to fail, he thought about selling the business, but many prospective buyers wanted to change the device to a plastic material. To Brannock, this was a non-negotiable point, and he insisted that the devices be manufactured from steel. • Brannock passed away in 1993 at age 89. The company was purchased from his estate by Sal Leonardi, who has maintained the business just as Brannock would have wanted it.





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d Cities Gam n ra G 120 N. Wash. St. Grand Forks

• On Dec. 11, 1918, author Alexander Solzhenitsyn is born in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. The publication of parts of "The Gulag Archipelago" in Paris in 1973 led to Solzhenitsyn's arrest and exile in 1974.



• On Dec. 10, 1901, the first Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, as Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite, had directed in his will. It is believed that he did so out of moral regret over the increasingly lethal uses of his inventions in war.

GRAPHIC NOVELS Expires 12-31-15

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• On Dec. 9, 1921, General Motors engineers discover that leaded gas reduces "knock" in auto engines, eliminating the pinging sounds. Ethyl alcohol also worked, and it was cheap -- however, anyone with an ordinary still could make it, which meant that GM could not patent it or profit from it. • On Dec. 7, 1941, hundreds of Japanese warplanes attack the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing more than 2,400 naval and military personnel. The U.S. declared war against Japan the following day. • On Dec. 12, 1980, American oil tycoon Armand Hammer pays $5 million at auction for a notebook containing writings by Leonardo da Vinci. In 1994, the book was sold to Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, for $30.8 million. Gates has since loaned the manuscript to a number of museums for public display. • On Dec. 8, 1993, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton. NAFTA eliminated all tariffs and trade restrictions between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. • On Dec. 13, 2003, in Seattle, the iconic Hat 'n' Boots Tex Gas Station is hauled away for restoration. The 44-footÐwide Stetson hat had perched atop the filling station's office, while the 22-footÐtall cowboy boots had housed the men's and women's restrooms since 1955. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Michael Jackson probably didn't know that November 30, 1982 would change history. That's the day he released his second solo album, "Thriller", which would go on to become the best-selling record album in history.

(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• Candles will burn more evenly if you refrigerate them for a few hours before lighting. • “To make your drains fresh-smelling, shake a half-cup of baking soda into the drain. Then pour 2 cups of vinegar that you have warmed on the stove. It will froth and bubble. When it’s done, run the hot water and give it a little scrub.” — R.C. in Idaho • Visit the dollar store for low-cost toys to use on car or airplane trips. You can get several busy toys and dole them out one at a time. Most parents will attest to what a lifesaver this can be. • “When planning to visit my hometown for the holidays, I set aside a few hours to take the kids to the park or a nice playground. Then I message all my old friends and classmates with kids (Facebook is great for this) a few weeks ahead of time and let them know when I will be there. It’s great to catch up while the kids play, and even if no one shows up, we still have a fun break.” — F.L. in California • Cookie sheets make great temporary mud and moisture trays for dirty shoes. Stash one at the entry to your home, and you will have less dirt tracked across your floors. • “Keep knitting yarn in check with empty tissue boxes. Set your yarn ball inside the box, and let the string lead out of the top. When not in use, tape the string to the side of the box. Boxes can be stacked and stored for future projects.” — C.W. in Indiana Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Holiday Togetherness Can be Overwhelming During the holiday season, an estimated 57 percent of travelers plan to visit family or friends' homes. With family bonding a cherished part of the season, it's important to remember that too much togetherness can cause stress for both visitors and hosts. As Benjamin Franklin's famous phrase goes, "fish and visitors smell after three days." To help travelers love their families even after the holidays, national hotel chain Extended Stay America has 10 traveler tips for better holiday togetherness time, allowing families to create happy memories during the most wonderful time of year. 1. Get Out of the House Plan a family outing like ice skating or attending a sporting event. A little fresh air is the perfect solution for the "cooped-up" feeling that comes with an extended visit. 2. Lend a Hand Offer to help Uncle Chuck chop firewood or go to the grocery story with Grandma. Beyond being a nice gesture, spending quality time with a single relative fosters individual relationships and adds variety to the holiday routine. 3. Say Goodbye Seventy percent of Americans have, at some point, wished they weren't staying with friends and family during the "most wonderful time of the year." Being able to say goodbye at the end of the night gives guests and hosts time to recharge, making togetherness more enjoyable. For out-of-towners, check into a local hotel for a restful retreat to maintain your family's sanity from restless nights on the couch, or Uncle Eddy hogging the bathroom.

www.dakotacommercial.com/apts 4. Entertain the Kids While the in-laws catch up on family gossip, offer to take the kids to the park or start a snowball fight. Channeling your inner child is fun and allows you to sneak away and get some much-needed fresh air and exercise. 5. Have a Wholesome Breakfast Overindulging on sweet treats make travelers feel sluggish and crabby. 6. Blow Off Steam Go for a jog or work out at the hotel fitness center to ensure your endorphins are flowing when you face the family. 7. Save Money It's hard to relax when preoccupied with mounting travel expenses. Remain focused on your friends and family by setting a strict budget before holiday trips and diligently sticking to it. 8. Invite the Neighbors The more the merrier! Spice up conversations by introducing new personalities into your family gatherings like neighbors, co-workers or friends. 9. Split Up Designate different activities for the ladies and gentlemen. While the boys are off watching football, the girls can treat themselves to the spa or shopping. This gives couples a chance to fly solo, catching up with friends and family. 10. Give Back Food banks and donation centers regularly require holiday help, volunteering as a group is a great way to make holiday memories, while supporting others.

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December has the distinction of being Bingo’s Birthday Month. Take a look to see what you may not know about one of the world’s favorite games. • The game of Bingo has its origins in Italy, clear back in 1530, when a game called Lo Guioco del Lotto D’Italia, which resembles present-day Bingo was played. This early lottery-type game is still played every Saturday in Italy. The game spread to France in the 1770s and Germany in the 1800s. • Bingo came to North America in 1929, and was originally called Beano because the squares on the playing card were covered with beans. Players used pieces of cardboard or paper with a grid of numbered squares. It was first played at an Atlanta, Georgia carnival. Numbered disks were drawn from a cigar box and beans were placed on the appropriate square. • About that time, a New York toy salesman named Edwin Lowe was playing and when a player mistakenly yelled “Bingo!” instead of “Beano!” he had a brainstorm. Lowe hired a math professor from Columbia University to help him expand the game by increasing the number of combinations on a card. The professor came up with 6,000 different cards. Lowe changed the name to Bingo and launched his creation. The cigar box was replaced with a wire mesh cage with a handle that twirled the balls inside. • In the early 1930s, a Pennsylvania Catholic priest thought that Bingo might be a good way to raise funds for the church, and that practice began. By 1934, about 10,000 Bingo games were being played weekly across the country.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Phone is missing. 2. Towel is shorter. 3. Blender is missing. 4. Beads are missing. 5. Apron is different. 6. Pan is missing. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

B-I-N-G-O! (continued)

• The most common Bingo cards have 25 squares in a five row by five row configuration. The squares contain numbers from 1 Answer: Dell. to 75, with the center square a “Free” space, A VERY LARGE NUMBER considered automatically filled. The letters • of Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 the word BINGO head up each of the five he was asked to come up with a name for a columns. The “B” column contains numbers very large number: the numeral one, followed from 1 to 15, “I” has 16 to 30, “N” has 31 to by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young 45, and numbers 61 towould 75 aresuggest. listed in the nephewsthe what name they “O” column. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name • There to achieve a Bingo. out of are the several funnies.ways A cartoon strip character The most common is, ofpopular. course,Milton to fill achose line named Barney was very Barney’s last name for theornumber. vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Also is “Four Corners,” requires • popular Kasner announced the new which name for the biga player to cover the game card’s four corners. number in his next book, altering the spelling. The L” Larry pattern requires the entire • Sixty“Roving years later, Page and Sergey Brin “B” column to be covered along withOther the developed a new internet search engine. search enginesrow, searched and top or bottom or the each entirewebpage “O” column ranked to how many an times and the them top oraccording bottom row, forming “L.”a specific term appeared Page The Cross pattern formsona them, centerbut cross on and the Brin designed their search engine to search for card. And, of course, covering all the squares theaspecific term and then find out how many on card is called a “blackout.” links there were that led back to that page, • The “bubble” to thesearch minimum number which resultedrefers in a better engine. of balls necessary to complete a Bingo • They decided they needed a name patthat tern, the earliest point websites a player could have reflected how many the search aengine valid Bingo. If a player achieves a “Hardwas searching. They took the name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only Way Bingo,” the bingo is a straight line withtheyusing misspelled it slightly, it ended up being out the Free space insothe middle. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • What about whenspelled a player out “Bingo!” character Barney hiscalls last name. What’s but is actually mistaken? There are several it called? (Answer at bottom of page) names given to this blunder – “falsie,” “just COMPUTER FACTS practicing,” “social error,” or “bongo.” • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory • It’s estimated that for people spend more than ought to be enough anybody.” $90 million dollars each week playing bingo • Moore’s Law states that computer performance in Northevery America alone. doubles 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. Thanks for Reading Tidbits! • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol. .COM


1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8


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Quiz Answers

1. The Los Ange- 5. les Times 6. 2. The necktie 3. About 2.5 hours at a moderate 7. pace. 4. Orange

“From Here to Eternity” Thomas Edison “Rock and Roll Heaven”

Sports Answers 1. Banks: 1,259 Carew: 1,184 2. Ed Belfour of the Chicago Blackhawks (1990-91) 3. Nashville Predators


4. Chris Webber was dealt by Orlando to Golden State in 1993. 5. Jennifer Capriati, 2001


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