Tidbits Grand Forks - January 7, 2016

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU January 7, 2016

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications




How do you get there? Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495

Your good neighbor has a roadmap just for you. Does planning for your sharonopdahl.com 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F retirement leave you feeling Grand Forks, ND 58201 a bit lost? I can get you headed in the right direction. 701-746-0495 Like a good neighbor, sharonopdahl.com State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. ®

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January 4 has been designated National Trivia Day, so come along with Tidbits as we delve into the most trivial of facts! TRIVIAL DRIVEL • On an average day in New York City, almost a million people use taxis. • Washington, D.C., has the lowest marriage rate in the U.S., along with New Jersey. Nevada has the highest, and Hawaii is second. • Liza Minnelli, daughter of Judy Garland, married Jack Haley, Jr, the son of Jack Haley who played the Tin Man in "The Wizard of Oz." • Steven Spielberg was just 26 years old when he directed "Jaws." • The average American business lunch lasts 67 minutes, but the average French business lunch lasts 124 minutes.


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• When Hitler’s associate Ernst Hanfstaengl told him that his short mustache was unfashionable, Hitler responded: “If it is not the fashion now, it will be because I wear it.” • Only 2% of the world’s population is naturally blonde. • There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia.

Little Paper Ever Read® Issue # 950






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TRIVIAL DRIVEL (continued): • The average home buyer looks at 14 homes before making a purchase. • The average American lives in 30 different abodes over the course of a lifetime.

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• Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has gone on record saying he witnessed a UFO.

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• Between 1900 and 1920, Tug of War was an officially sanctioned Olympic event. • Diamonds are simply crystallized carbon (like coal or soot) and will burn at a temperature of 1652° F. • Red wines are fermented from grapes that still have their skins on. White wines come from grapes with no skins.

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• When Walt Disney went to collect his Academy Award for the film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" he was handed one regular sized award statue and seven little tiny ones.

5. What was the name of the town where the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” takes place? 1. What Bruce Springsteen album 6. What was the title of the was the first CD ever pressed in theme song to the TV sitcom the United States? “Cheers”? 2. Approximately, how many hours 7. What are the names of the two per day does a cow spend chewing? feuding families in “Romeo and 3. Which borough of New York Juliet”? City is the only one on the U.S. 8. What year did the Alcatraz mainland? Penitentiary close? 4. Who wrote the novel “Where the


• The term ‘carpet’ comes from the Latin word ‘carpere’ meaning ‘to pluck’ probably because carpets were made from ‘plucked’ fabric. Carpet has the same Latin root as ‘carpe diem’ meaning ‘pluck/seize the day.’

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• Caterpillars completely liquefy inside the cocoon as they transform into moths. • Humans can survive longer without food than they can without sleep.

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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TRIVIAL DRIVEL (continued):

• Michael Jackson's 1988 autobiography “Moonwalk” was edited by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. • Horses can't vomit. • Koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day. • The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” which uses every letter in the English alphabet, was developed by Western Union to test communication systems. • One out of every five people on the planet is Chinese. • On Valentine’s Day, nearly 189 million stems of roses are sold in the U.S. • The little dot over the lowercase letter ‘i’ is called a tittle. • The mask used by Michael Myers in the original “Halloween” movie was actually a Captain Kirk mask painted white. • About 10% of the world’s bird species live in Thailand, a greater diversity than in all of Europe or North America. • Voice actor Thurl Revenscroft sang “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and was also the voice of Tony the Tiger.

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www.dakotacommercial.com/apts • The Corduroy Appreciation Club celebrates 1111-11 as ‘The Day That Most Resembles Corduroy.’ • Bug repellent doesn’t repel mosquitoes; it simply masks your body odor with a new scent that female mosquitoes dislike. • Rome was the first city to reach a million people. • Fortune cookies were invented by a cook in San Francisco in 1920. • The bladder of a male lobster is located in its head. When they fight, they squirt each other in the face with urine.


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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com 4. In the 2014-15 NHL season, only one player for the New Jersey Devils 1. When was the last time before 2015 that the Detroit tallied more than 20 goals. Who was it? Tigers started a season 6-0 5. Which country has won —1985, 1991 or 2004? 2. Who had more stolen bases the most Winter Olympic medals overall? in his MLB career: George 6. Name two of the top three Brett or Pete Rose? Detroit Tigers pitch3. In 2015, Jordan Spieth beers with the most career came the sixth male golfer strikeouts. to win the Masters and the U.S. Open in the same year. 7. Which NBA player played the most minutes during Name three of the other the 2014-15 reg. season? five to do it.



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TRIVIAL DRIVEL (continued):

• The oldest living organism on earth ever verified was a Great Basin bristlecone pine tree in Nevada called Prometheus that was measured by a ring count to be about 4,900 years old when it was cut down in 1964.

• In 1949, brothers Forrest and Leroy Raffel created a restaurant that sold roast beef sandwiches. They spelled out the initials “Raffel Brothers” (RB) to create the name Arby’s.

• George Washington was a redhead.

• The deadliest natural disaster in the U.S. was the Galveston hurricane of 1900, which killed between 8,000-12,000 people.

• Michigan has more shoreline than the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S. • Texas is larger than every country in Europe. • The characters Bert and Ernie on “Sesame Street” were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's film “It’s A Wonderful Life.” • When director George Lucas was mixing soundtrack for the film “American Graffiti” he numbered the reels of film starting with an R and numbered the dialog starting with a D. When the sound designer requested Reel 2, Dialog 2 by requesting “R2D2” George liked the way it sounded so much that he worked it into his Star Wars project.

• China and the U.S. are about the same size but China’s population is four times larger. • Thomas Jefferson first introduced French fries to the White House.

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• The Sahara desert is larger than the continental U.S. • Whales, dolphins, and porpoises move by plunging their tails up and down, unlike fish, which move their tails from side to side.

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• It was 20th-century American poet, physician, educator, researcher and essayist Lewis Thomas who made the following sage observation: "We haven't yet learned how to stay human when assembled in masses." • Those who study such things say that when Jell-O is hooked up to an EEG machine, the movements registered are almost identical to those produced by the human brain. • Historians claim that notorious pirate Blackbeard made himself fearsome to enemies by tying lighted fuses into his beard. • In a survey conducted in five major U.S. cities, men were asked to choose which activity they'd rather do: spend a romantic evening in a hotel with a sexy woman, or go to the Super Bowl. Three-quarters of respondents chose the football game. • There were no domestic cats in North America until they arrived with voyagers from Europe. • You've probably noticed that St. Pauli Girl beer has on its label the image of a buxom blond beauty. You probably aren't aware, however, that the beer was named after the St. Pauli neighborhood of Hamburg, Germany -- a notorious red-light district. So while you may think the lovely image is that of a simple serving girl, it's not out of the question that the lady's occupation may have been somewhat less savory. • If you're planning to wrap a mummy in the proper Egyptian manner, you'll need about 500 feet of linen to finish the job. • Parts of Australia have been undergoing an intense drought for more than a decade. The water shortage has been so severe that in 2002, the nation's environmental minister issued a plea for those in affected areas to shower with a partner in order to conserve the scarce resource. *** Thought for the Day: "The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly." -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Amazing Animals:


• Average cubic feet of gas a cow belches each day: 35 • Gallons of milk a good dairy cow can produce daily: 8 gallons • Gallons of urine produced daily: 30 • Pounds of manure produced daily: 60 • Distance of world record toss of a cow chip: 266 ft • Number of times an average cow stands up and sits down daily: 14 • Percent of DNA genome cows share with humans: 80 • Normal lifespan of a cow: 20-25 years • Typical lifespan of a beef steer: 2 years • Number of cows in the U.S.: 90 million • Number of people in the U.S.: 318 million • Percent of U.S. beef cows in Texas: 13% • Approximate percent of food budget Americans spend on dairy products: 12% • Average number of people killed by cows in U.S. annually: 20 • Average number of people killed by bee stings in the U.S. annually: 60 • Number of 7-ounce servings of beef a typical cow will yield: 1,000 • Average annual consumption of beef by Americans: 61 lbs. • Average annual consumption of poultry by Americans: 97 lbs. • Approx. number of cows consumed by McDonalds per day: 2,500 • Percent of U.S. cattle purchased by McDonalds: 1 • Number of cows a typical American will eat in a lifetime: 350

• The Latin word ‘caput’ meaning ‘head’ is the origin of the word ‘capital’ meaning ‘a principle sum of money.’ That word went into the Anglo-Norman language as ‘catel’ and the Old French language as ‘chatel.’ That evolved into the word ‘cattle’ because a person measured wealth in terms of how many head of livestock they owned. The Old English word ‘feoh’ also meant cattle or property, and survives as our word ‘fee.’ • Cattle were domesticated some 10,000 years ago, descended from a species of wild ox called aurochs which is now extinct. DNA studies have shown that it’s likely the 1.4 billion cattle that now inhabit the earth are descendants of a single herd of auroch. • Christopher Columbus brought cattle with him on his second journey in 1493. Texas longhorns descended from the cattle explorer Coronado brought with him in the year 1540. • Cows have nearly panoramic vision, being able to see 300 degrees from side to side. This helps them spot predators as they graze. Their sense of smell is highly developed and it’s been estimated they can catch a whiff of a predator at a distance of six miles. • Cows have 32 teeth, but they are all located on the bottom part of the jaw. The top part of the mouth is a hard platform of skin which serves as a grinding pad. • Cattle are ruminants, meaning they have a digestive system that allows them to digest difficult foods by regurgitating and re-chewing the cud. The cud is then re-swallowed and further digested by specialized microorganisms in the four different compartments of the stomach, called a rumen. They can digest things such as almond shells and shredded newspaper.





Thanks for Reading Tidbits!

• On Jan. 12, 1904, Henry Ford sets a land-speed record of 91.37 mph on the frozen surface of Michigan's Lake St. Clair. His four-wheel vehicle, dubbed the "999," had a wooden chassis but no body or hood. • On Jan. 15, 1919, fiery hot molasses floods the streets of Boston, killing 21 people and injuring scores of others. Some 2.5 million gallons of molasses burst from a huge tank when bolts holding the bottom of the tank exploded, shooting out like bullets. • On Jan. 11, 1949, in Washington, D.C., the cornerstone is laid at the first mosque of note in the United States. The Islamic Center was built with a 160-foot minaret from which prayers were to be announced.

• On Jan. 14, 1969, an explosion aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise kills 27 people in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. A rocket accidentally detonated, destroying 15 planes and injuring more than 300 people. • On Jan. 16, 1979, faced with an army mutiny, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, leader of Iran since 1941, is forced to flee the country. Fourteen days later, the Ayatollah Khomeini, spiritual leader of the Islamic revolution, returned after 15 years of exile and took control of Iran. In November, Islamic militants stormed the U.S. embassy and took 52 Americans hostage, holding them for 444 days. • On Jan. 13, 1999, NBA superstar Michael Jordan announces his retirement from professional basketball for the second time, saying he had lost the drive and desire to continue playing. Jordan originally had announced his retirement in 1993. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• On Jan. 17, 1950, in Boston, 11 men steal more than $2 million from the Brinks Armored Car depot. It was almost the perfect crime. The culprits weren't caught until January 1956, just days before the statute of limitations for the theft expired.

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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• Wondering what winter fruits and vegetables are in season? Here’s a sampling: apples, dates and pears, as well as citrus, like grapefruit, oranges and tangerines. For vegetables, consider endive, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, kale, leeks, mushrooms, parsnips, radicchio, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams and winter squash. • Don’t store propane tanks in the garage or shed. Propane has a freezing point of -310 F, so tanks can stay outside year-round. Even a small leak can build up in an enclosed space, so be sure to keep those tanks outdoors! • If you want to keep pots and pans looking great, spray off residue as soon as you can after cooking. Use the heat from recently turned-off ovens to loosen stuck-on bits. Get a plastic scrubbie, which will not damage the finish on your pots. For cast iron, scrub with salt for abrasiveness, but not soap. Coat with oil and wipe dry. • Looking to cut calories? Add more vegetables to meals. Cook with steam, or stir fry with very little oil — or better yet, use broth to stir fry! Roast root vegetables to bring out the natural sweetness instead of frying. • “This tip to remove antiperspirant stains has worked for me. Take two aspirin and crush them; mix with a half cup of hot water. Pour directly on the stain, and allow it to sit for a couple of hours.” — S.D. in Georgia • Recipe substitutions: If you need 1 cup self-rising flour, use 1 cup all-purpose flour plus 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


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Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks

September 11, 2014

Published by: Wick Publications

BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495

Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s sharonopdahl.com 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F most important. For peace of Grand Forks, ND 58201 mind, protect your family with State Farm life insurance. 701-746-0495 Like a good neighbor, sharonopdahl.com State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. ®


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Little Paper Ever Read®

Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks Published by: Wick Publications

BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon 2534 17thOpdahl Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com





Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s

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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer

On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!

HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer

On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!

HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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Issue # 884

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“Pick of the Week!” “Louise 73”

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(Solution on Next Page)



• In ancient Greece, it was common to find statues of the god Hermes (messenger of Zeus) or the goddess Hecate (goddess of childbirth, wilderness, and land of the dead) at the street corners. • Hermes’ name originated with the Greek word ‘herma’ meaning a stone cairn used to mark roads and pathways. The Greeks thought that the spirit of Hermes would reside inside these piles of stones, protecting and guiding travelers. • Hecate’s job was to ensure that people didn’t take the wrong road, so pillars were erected at crossroads to please her. • The cairns and pillars built for Hecate and Hermes were also considered to be altars, so passersby could pay homage to the two gods as they traveled, hoping for a safe journey. Travelers customarily added stones to the cairns to win the favor of the gods. • Of course, any time roads and pathways meet, people also meet, and they pass the time gabbing. With so many cairns and pillars handy, they could chat with each other and worship the gods at the same time. • Altars and statues of Hermes and Hecate were so plentiful that Hecate became known as Trioditis, which is Greek for ‘one who is worshipped where three roads meet.’ • When the Romans began to adopt Greek gods as their own, they re-named Trioditis, giving her a new name that meant ‘three roads’ in Latin. • Eventually Trioditis’ new Roman name entered our language meaning ‘useless or obscure knowledge’ such as those petty details exchanged where three roads meet. Her name was Trivia, and that how a word that means ‘three roads’ came to mean ‘things of little importance.’

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Bench is missing. 2. Cap is different. 3. Scarf end is missing. 4. Stick is shorter. 5. Glove is different. 6. Skates are different. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

JEOPARDY! (continued):

See if you can answer some Jeopardy-style questions about this popular trivia show! Answer: Answer:“What’s Dell. the Question?” Question: AWhat was the name originally proVERY LARGE NUMBER posed for the Jeopardy show? • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 A: he 1964. Whattoyear first debut, wasQ: asked comedidupJeopardy with a name for a veryArt large number: with Fleming as the the numeral host? one, followed by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young A: 1984. Q: What year did Alex Trebek take over nephews what name they would suggest. as host of the “All-New Jeopardy”? • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name A: out 2016ofQ: yearAis cartoon Alex Trebek theWhat funnies. strip scheduled character tonamed retire?Barney was very popular. Milton chose lastHow namemany for the number. A: Barney’s 100,000 Q: people apply to be on •Jeopardy Kasner announced the new name for the big each year? number in his next book, altering the spelling. A: 0.04% Q: What is the acceptance rate of peo•ple Sixty later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin whoyears apply to appear on Jeopardy? developed a new internet search engine. Other A: search $1 Q: What’s lowest amount that ever and won enginesthesearched each webpage the game? ranked them according to how many times a term appeared them, but Page anda A: specific $3.4 million Q: What’sonthe highest amount Brin designed their search engine to search for contestant hasterm everand won? the specific then find out how many there were that ledthe back to that page, A: links $2.5 million Q: What’s amount Jeopardy which resulted in a betterwon? search engine. contestant Ken Jennings • They decided needed a Jennings name that A: 74 Q: How manythey shows did Ken apreflected how many websites the search pear on? engine was searching. They took the name A: of $556,400 What isvery the maximum winnable EdwardQ: Kasner’s large number, only sum a single game if a contestant the theyinmisspelled it slightly, so it endedsweeps up being spelledbets exactly the and same way everything the cartoonin boards, the max, wagers character Barney spelled his last name. What’s Final Jeopardy? it called? (Answer at bottom of page) A: 30 seconds Q: How many seconds does a conCOMPUTER FACTS testant have to write down their answer in Final •Jeopardy? In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” A: 30 seconds Q: How long did it take show de• Moore’s Law states that computer performance veloper the Jeopardy doublesMerv everyGriffin 18 to to 24write months, and ever theme since song? 1971, this has been true. A: How muchand did Merv • $70 HP, million Google,Q:Microsoft, AppleGriffin were earn all instarted royalties from the Jeopardy theme song? in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.has the show won? A: 30 Q: How many Emmys

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