Tidbits Grand Forks - February 4, 2016

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU February 4, 2016

Published by: Wick Publications

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BOTTLES by Janet Spencer

In honor of the fact that William Painter patented the first bottle cap on February 2, 1892, Tidbits will be drinking from bottles this week! • One of Napoleon's biggest problems during war was food. No matter how much food his soldiers took with them, it spoiled. Finally, Napoleon offered a prize to anyone who could invent a way to preserve food. • Nicholas Appert had grown up working in his father's wine cellars. He was intrigued with the idea that wine would never go bad if it was bottled correctly. He wondered what would happen to other foods if they were bottled. He tried soups and stews, then fruits and vegetables and milk. When the bottles were sterilized, filled, corked, and heated, the results were excellent.

were used instead of bottles. It was years after that before the can opener was invented. Before that, it took a hammer and chisel to open a can. In fact, some people believe that the bayonet (invented in the French town of Bayonne) was developed not to spear people, but merely to open cans! Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

5. In states that have deposits on bottles, what percent are recycled? 6. How many states require deposits on bottles and cans? 7. Approximately how many years does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose? 8. T or F: Americans use over 2 million plastic bottles every hour.


1. What is the purpose of the indentation in the bottom of wine bottles? 2. Why are wine bottles tinted dark colors? 3. How many times can a glass bottle be recycled? 4. Approximately what fraction of glass in the United States is actually recycled?


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• Before bottle caps were invented, bottles were sealed with corks. Often bottles would blow their tops if the substance inside was fizzy such as wine or beer. William Painter – a prolific inventor – solved the problem by inventing the ‘crown’ bottle cap, the design still used today. It is called the crown cap because it looks like a tiny crown. A year later, Painter also invented the bottle opener. • Milk was originally sold by the dipperful from open cans. Henry Thatcher was standing in line one day in 1883 to buy some milk. The little girl ahead of him accidentally dropped her filthy rag doll into the open can of milk. The milk man fished the doll out, then turned to Mr. Thatcher to serve him. Thatcher decided he didn't need any milk that day after all. The following year he patented the first milk bottle with a sanitary seal. Soon all milk was sold in bottles. • An official in the Coca-Cola company wanted the design of the bottles to be so distinctive that a bottle could be recognized in the dark, or if it was broken. In 1913 the prototype of the shapely bottle we still use was introduced. It was patterned after a cola nut: bulging at the sides with ridges. • Early soda pop bottlers had trouble finding bottles that wouldn’t explode. They had to wait for heavy mass produced bottles to be invented. • A man named Colonel Taylor wanted to raise the popularity of his bourbon, named Old Taylor. He hired men to collect empty bottles of Old Taylor, and shipped three freight car loads to New York City. Another crew set up the empty bottles on mantels and shelves in bars, restaurants, and clubs all across town. Having rows of empties gave the impression the Old Taylor was the most popular drink in the town, and New Yorkers began to order.

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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. The Chicago Blackhawks, between 1961 and 2013, won three NHL Stanley 1. Did Willie Mays' highest Cups, with the clinching single-season home-run victory on the road each total come with the New time. Name the three opYork Giants or the San ponents. Francisco Giants? 5. Which NFL team holds 2. Which Big Ten football the record for most concoach won the most bowl secutive winning seasons? games? 6. How many times has a 3. When was the last time beNew England Patriots fore 2015 that Tiger Woods NFL season been ended was not ranked in the top by a Manning brothers’ 100 PGA golfers? (Peyton or Eli) team?


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• In the mid-1970s, Portugal over-cut their cork oak forests and failed to replant. The result was a worldwide cork shortage, leading to the development of plastic stoppers for wine bottles. • Plastic bottles were first used commercially in 1947 but did not become widespread in the industry until polyethylene (PET) was invented in the 1960s. Manufacturers flocked to plastic not only because it weighs less than glass thereby saving on shipping costs, but also because it doesn’t shatter during shipping.

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$2 Domestic Bottles • $2 Morgans $3: 12” Cheesy Bread

• In the U.S., 24% of bottled water sold is either Pepsi’s Aquafina or Coke’s Dasani. Both brands are bottled, purified municipal tap water.

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• In 1976, the average American consumed 1.5 gallons of bottled water each year. By 2008, the number had grown to about 30 gallons of bottled water per person in the U.S. It takes about 2 quarts of water to produce a single plastic bottle.

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• Lead crystal is valued because of its brilliancy and clarity. However, when beverages are stored in lead crystal bottles, glasses, or decanters, the lead passes into the liquid and then into the bloodstream of the consumer. Many people assume that if you store your beverage in the leaded container only for the duration of the dinner, no harm will be done. Studies have shown that some room-temperature liquids can increase from 1 microgram of lead per liter to 166 micrograms per liter in just 15 minutes. (The EPA guidelines for water are 50 micrograms per liter, with recent recommendations for lowering it to 20.) Wine will double its lead content in only an hour.

Thursday, February 11, 2016 You can impact 25 local charities in our community through this 24-hour online fundraiser.

Keep the Love Local! Health & Wellness Altru Health Foundation Prairie Harvest Mental Health Sunshine Memorial Foundation Third Street Clinic Women’s Pregnancy Center Emergency Services CVIC Northlands Rescue Mission Red River Children’s Advocacy Center The Salvation Army Arts & Culture Empire Arts Center ND Museum of Art

Education Global Friends Coalition GF Foundation for Education Riverside Christian School St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center UND College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines Social Services The Arc Upper Valley Development Homes Grand Forks Senior Center Northland Christian Counseling Center Family Recreation & Wellness Altru Family YMCA Circle of Friends Humane Society Grand Forks Parks and Recreation Red River Valley Gymnastics Special Olympics

All donations of $10 or more will be matched by generous donors. Please support the charities of your choice on Thursday, February 11.

impactgiveback.org Giving Hearts Day is co-hosted by Dakota Medical Foundation, Impact Foundation and the Alex Stern Family Foundation.



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“Local farm boy creates new physician extender program that revolutionizes primary medical care.”


• In 1954, 18 liquor bottles were salvaged from a ship that had gone down 250 years earlier off the English coast. The bottles were good as new, but the corks had deteriorated and there was no longer any liquor in the bottles.


• In 1982 a Coca-Cola bottler in Tennessee began a new contest, whereby consumers had to spell out "home run" with letters in the bottle tops to win $100,000. The odds were supposed to be a million to one because very few bottle caps with the letter R were supposed to be produced. However, due to an error at the bottling plant, 18,000 extra Rs went out and people started popping up all over wanting their money. The bottler backed out of the contest. • In 1945, First Lady Bess Truman was asked to christen a new plane, but someone forgot to score the champagne bottle so it would shatter. When she hit the plane with the bottle, it dented the plane but the bottle remained intact. Again and again she swung the bottle, but succeeded only in enlarging the dent. Finally a workman grabbed the bottle, held it against the plane, and smashed it with his wrench, drenching Bess. • The Heublein food company once came out with an upscale TV dinner that came with a small bottle of wine which was supposed to be poured on the food before cooking. People drank the wine instead of cooking with it and the product flopped. • Minor league umpire Steamboat Johnson once noted, "I have rendered about one million decisions since I began umpiring. Something like four thousand bottles have been thrown at me in my day but only about 20 ever hit me. That does not speak very well for the accuracy of the fans' throwing."

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IT'S REFUND SEASON! by Linda Thistle

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Walk in or call 800-HRBLOCK to make your tax preparation appointment today.

hrblock.com/grand 2715 S. Wash. St. • Grand Forks 701-746-0425 210 Gateway Dr. NE. • East Grand Forks 218-793-0034 2600 DeMers Ave. • Grand Forks 701-746-7361

LIMITED TIME OFFER. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. For Official Rules and Alternate Method of Entry, visit hrblock.com/grand. Open to legal U.S. residents (50 states + DC & PR) age 18+. Entry Period: 1/4/16-2/15/16. One entry per taxpayer with paid federal tax return. Daily drawings 1/16/16-2/15/16 + final drawing on 2/19/16. 1000 winners per drawing; 32,000 winners total. Total ARV: $32,000,000. Void where prohibited. OBTP#B13696 ©2015 HRB Tax Group, Inc.


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Polish-born American rabbi and philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel who made the following sage observation: "When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people." • In medieval France, if a married woman kissed or allowed herself to be kissed by a man other than her husband, she could be found guilty of adultery. • In the summer of 1100, King William II of England went for a hunt in the New Forest, bringing along, of course, an entourage of nobles. One of his attendants, Walter Tirel, had a good opportunity to target their quarry, and the king urged, "Shoot! Walter, in heaven's name!" Tirel did, indeed, shoot, but the arrow evidently ricocheted off a tree and hit the king, killing him. • Early cars in the United States didn't have steering wheels; they were maneuvered by using a control similar to a joystick. • Those who study such things say the sport of boxing originated with the ancient Greeks and dates back to at least 688 B.C. It looked somewhat different then, though; at that time there were no gloves and no boxing ring. In fact, the fighters weren't even standing; they battled it out while sitting down facing each other. The fight continued until one participant was battered into unconsciousness. • All of today's housecats are descended from one particular kind of Middle Eastern wildcat. • In what is now Minnesota, early European settlers came across a lake Native Americans had named "Chargoggogomanchaugagochaubunagungamaug." This daunting appellation is said to translate roughly as "You fish on that side, we'll fish on this side, and nobody will fish in the middle." *** Thought for the Day: "If what you are telling is true, you don't have to choose your words so carefully." -- Frank A. Clark © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Amazing Animals:

• Groundhogs are the largest members of the squirrel family which includes chipmunks, prairie dogs, and marmots. There are 14 separate species of groundhogs, which are also called woodchucks. • Groundhogs like to live at the margins of the forest, so they are one of the few species that benefited from the spread of civilization in the U.S. As settlers cleared more fields and cut more forests, their population grew.


• In 1887, a newspaper editor in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, heard about a group of local hunters who went out every February in search of groundhogs. They held a picnic every year at Gobbler’s Knob. The editor wrote about the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, and Groundhog’s Day was born. • The folklore holds that if a groundhog sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter will follow. There is a kernel of truth here, for if it’s a clear cloudless day, it’s bound to be cold because there is no insulating cloud cover. However, most of the groundhog’s territory covers colder regions that usually have six more weeks of winter regardless of whether there’s a shadow or not. And statisticians estimate that the groundhog’s predictions are correct only 39% of the time. Flipping a coin would be more accurate.


• During summer months, a groundhog may eat more than a pound of vegetation per day, which would be equivalent to a typical man eating a 15-pound steak. Because so much of the groundhog’s diet involves crunching vegetation, its teeth grow at the rate of nearly an inch every four months. When aligned correctly, the teeth grind each other down. If the alignment is off, they keep on growing like tusks, making it difficult for the woodchuck to eat. In extreme cases, the upper incisors can even pierce the lower jaw.

• It was a habit for Europeans to look for signs of spring, and animals such as badgers, bears, and hedgehogs emerging from dens was always noted. When Germans immigrated to Pennsylvania, they continued the practice, watching for the emergence of groundhogs to indicate the coming of spring.


• In early February the male groundhogs will emerge from their dens in order to find a mate. After mating, the two will go their separate ways, because groundhogs are not social animals aside from the mother raising the young.

• Although they are also called woodchucks, they do not usually eat wood, so we’ll never know how much wood a woodchuck can chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


• Groundhogs are among the few animals that are true hibernators. They fatten up during spring, summer, and fall, then retreat to their dens for the coldest months of the year. During hibernation, their normal body temperature falls to just above freezing. The heart rate drops from 80 beats per minute to five. Breathing slows from 16 breaths per minute to about two. During the 150 days or so that they go without eating, a groundhog will lose about 25% of its body weight.

• Though they are noted for the prodigious underground tunnels they build, they are also adept at swimming and climbing trees, which helps them escape predators. A groundhog can move as much as 700 pounds of dirt to create its burrow which usually has several entrances. Groundhog burrows are beneficial because they offer shelter to other ground-dwelling animals while also keeping the earth from becoming compacted.




Be Watching for the

• On Feb. 14, 1867, Sakichi Toyoda, whose textile machinery company spawned the Toyota Motor Corp., is born. In 1937, Toyota was formed as a spinoff of his Toyoda Loom Works. "Toyota" reportedly was considered a luckier name than "Toyoda" and is easier to write in Japanese characters.

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• On Feb. 11, 1937, after a six-week strike by General Motors autoworkers in Michigan, GM president Alfred P. Sloan signs the first union contract in the American auto industry. Among other things, GM agreed to give workers a 5 percent raise and permission to speak in the lunchroom. • On Feb. 8, 1943, Japanese troops evacuate Guadalcanal, leaving the island in Allied possession after a prolonged campaign in which an estimated 1,600 American troops were killed. • On Feb. 10, 1962, Francis Gary Powers, an American who was shot down over the Soviet Union while flying a CIA spy plane in 1960, is released by the Soviets in exchange for the U.S. release of a Russian spy. The event was chronicled in the 2015 film "Bridge of Spies" starring Tom Hanks. • On Feb. 9, 1971, pitcher Leroy "Satchel" Paige becomes the first Negro League veteran to be nominated for the Baseball Hall of Fame. In August of that year, Paige was inducted. Joe DiMaggio once called Paige "the best and fastest pitcher I've ever faced." • On Feb. 12, 1988, in the waning days of the Cold War, two Soviet warships bump two U.S. Navy vessels in waters claimed by the Soviet Union off the Crimean peninsula. A confrontation was defused when the U.S. ships departed. • On Feb. 13, 1991, Sotheby's announces the discovery of a manuscript of "Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. The manuscript, missing for more than a century, was found in a trunk with some old papers. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give it to those who would not.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Q: Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a bottle of Coke? A: He was lucky it was a soft drink. www.tidbitsgf.com

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com

(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• A lint roller can dust a lampshade if it is a soft fabric. The roller picks up dust without grinding it into the surface the way a dust rag might. • “Use plastic wrap (or Press N Seal) to line shelves — even in your fridge. Spills are easily and quickly cleaned up by removing said wrap.” — P.E. in Washington • Small toys and action figures can usually be cleaned in the dishwasher. If you have a dishwasher basket leftover from when your children used bottles, you can use them to contain small toys. If not, they are inexpensive, handy and can be found pretty reliably at rummage or tag sales. • “Mix together lemon juice and olive oil to make a terrific furniture polish. Apply a few drops to a cleaning rag and wipe down wood furniture. Buff to a shine.” — S.S. in Michigan • MYO dog treats with this great recipe adapted from DailyDishRecipes. com: Combine 2 cups of flour with 8 ounces of jarred baby food. Mix to a sticky dough. Roll out and cut out to desired shapes. Bake in a 350 F oven for 20-25 minutes. Store in a covered container up to 2 weeks. • Epsom salts mixed with essential oils make for a great tub soak. So relaxing and refreshing on sore muscles. But did you know you also can use the same mix in the washing machine as a softener? It’s especially nice for towels. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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VOLUNTEERS needed for a research study

Fish For Health! Participants needed to join our study. The purpose of this study is to determine whether eating rainbow trout with different omega 3 levels reduces heart disease risk markers. Those who complete the study will receive up to $500 for participating. Criteria for Participation: 20-70 years old, Overweight, No tobacco, nicotene or e-cigarrette use, No history of cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic disease



• Around 300 B.C. Greek philosopher Theophrastus used floating bottles to prove that the Mediterranean receives most of its water from the Atlantic. • Albert, Prince of Monaco, asked ship captains to drop bottles into the sea at certain spots to research currents. Over 1,700 bottles were dropped between 1885 and 1888, and 227 of them were returned in the next 10 years. • An ocean survey ship called the Pioneer dropped 22,000 bottles into the ocean in 1964, each containing information on where and when it was tossed overboard. Forms enclosed explained the purpose of the bottle and asked the finder— in English, French, Spanish, and Japanese— to return the form and information about where it was found to the project’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The survey reported an average return rate of 8% and most were found between nine months and two years after they were released.

• Miami's sewage treatment facilities consisted of a plant that piped the raw sewage into the ocean about 2 miles from shore. Officials felt that winds and tides would disperse the mess harmlessly. Sign up today for this ongoing study on-line at: Environmental activists thought differently and http://ars.usda.gov/pa/gfhnrc set out to prove it. They took a boat to the end of the pipe, and released 700 watertight bottles. Call 701-795-8396 or 1-800-562-4032 Inside each bottle was a note and a mail-in card. for more information. The note said, "This card was placed in a drift * USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. bottle released directly over the end of the Miami Beach sewer outfall which dumps raw, untreated sewage into the ocean. This drift bottle was found by (name, address). It was found (location). This drift bottle was moved by the same wind and currents that move the raw sewage. This is where .COM Miami's sewage goes." 12 days later, 70 of the Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks cards had been received from points along the coast of Florida.


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DIFFERENCES: 1. Lamp is missing. 2. End table is different. 3. Tail is shorter. 4. Leash is missing. 5. Picture is missing. 6. Hair is different. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• In 1875, the crew of the Canadian ship Lennie staged a mutiny, murdering all officers on board except Answer: Dell. for a steward who was needed to navigate the ship to Spain. He headed the ship A VERY LARGE NUMBER to France, telling them it was Spain, while pe•riodically Edward Kasner wasbottles a mathematician. In 1938 dropping overboard that told he was asked to come up with a name a the whole story. The French authorities for were very large number: the numeral one, followed waiting when they arrived in France. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young • Daisy Alexander inherited the Singer nephews what name they would suggest.sewing fortune.Milton She couldn't decidea what to •machine Nine-year-old suggested name do with her money when she died, so she wrote out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character out her will, sealed it in apopular. bottle, Milton and tossed named Barney was very choseit inBarney’s the River in the London. The will gave lastThames name for number. of her fortune to found •50% Kasner announced thewhoever new name for the the botbig tle. She died 2 years later. Ten years after her number in his next book, altering the spelling. unemployed restaurant •death, Sixty an years later, Larry Page andworker Sergeynamed Brin Jack Wurm found the bottle on the beach San developed a new internet search engine. at Other Francisco. He received over $6 million. Daisy's search engines searched each webpage and lawyer the according other half to of how the fortune. rankedgot them many times a specific term appeared on them, buta Page and • A British sailor in the 1800s tossed marriage Brin designed their search engine to search for proposal overboard into waters off of Britain the specific term and then find out how many aslinks his ship underway India. On the retheregot were that ledfor back to that page, turn journey he inwas walking along the beach which resulted a better search engine. in Egypt when he found and retrieved his own • They decided they needed a name that bottled proposal marriage. reflected how of many websites the search • Swedish sailorsearching. Åke Viking bottle engine was Theydropped took thea name of Edward Kasner’s very large number, overboard in 1958, asking any pretty girl only who they misspelled it ended beinga found it to writeit slightly, to him. so Two yearsuplater, spelled fisherman exactly the same waygave the itcartoon Sicilian found it and to his character Barney spelled his last name. daughter, Paolina, as a joke. She wrote What’s to Åke. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) They were married in Sicily. COMPUTER FACTS • The longest it has ever taken a message in a •bottle In 1981 Billdiscovered Gates said,is “640 kb of memory to be 108 years. In 1906, ought to be enough for anybody.” the Marine Biological Association of the Unit•edMoore’s Lawdropped states that computer performance Kingdom more than 1,000 bottles doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since into the North Sea with instructions to return 1971, this has been true. any bottles found to the institute with informa•tion HP,about Google, Microsoft, Apple were where they hadand been picked up.all In started in garages. 2015 a tourist found one of the bottles and dutiAnswer: Google, from fully returned it to thegoogol. address listed.


1st Quarter 2015 Week 2 Jan 4 - Jan. 10 Page 8


1003 S. Washington Street Grand Forks, ND • (across from Gerrells)


Quiz Answers

1. It strengthens the bottle and traps sediments. 2. Wine spoils if exposed to light. 3. Infinitely

4. 5. 6. 7.

About 1/3 About 64% Ten states About 450 years 8. True. About 2.5 million

Sports Answers 1. 52 HRs for SF 4. Detroit (‘61), Philly (2010), (1965), 51 HRs Boston (‘13) for NY (1955). 5. Cowboys: 20 2. Joe Paterno (1966-1985) won 10 with Penn State 6. 5 (Peyton-3, 3. 1996 Eli-2)



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