Tidbits Grand Forks - March 3, 2016

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• They rowed him out to a frigate in the middle of Chesapeake Bay and held him prisoner. Dr. Beanes had a friend named Francis Scott Key who was a lawyer. Urged by President James Madison, on Sept. 13, 1814, Francis Scott Key rowed out to the ship to negotiate Dr. Beanes’ release. Turn the page for more! WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a We provide the opportunity for success!

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• One of the town founders, an American physician named Dr. William Beanes, was so angry at this drunken display that he arrested the rowdy Redcoats and hauled them to the local jail. However, one of them escaped, ran for help, and came back fortified by more redcoats. They released the imprisoned soldiers and seized Dr. Beanes.

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• During the War of 1812, British soldiers set fire to buildings in Washington, D.C. and then marched through Maryland. Most of the soldiers were peaceful as they filed through the town of Upper Marlboro, but a couple of drunken soldiers at the end of the procession were shouting, cursing, and carrying on.

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• On March 3, 1931, a measure passed Congress and was signed into law that formally designated “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the national anthem of the U.S. Come along with Tidbits as we sing the national anthem!

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• Francis Scott Key was a very influential lawyer. He served as an advisor in President Andrew Jackson’s cabinet, was appointed United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, and argued over 100 cases in front of the Supreme Court. Although he was an avid poet, the lyrics to the national anthem are the only rhymes he’s remembered for.


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• The construction of the flag that flew over Fort McHenry was commissioned by Major George Armistead when he arrived in Baltimore to take command of Fort McHenry. • A woman named Mary Pickersgill who sewed the flag for Fort McHenry, spreading it out on the floor of a brewery because that was the only place big enough to unfurl it. It took her and her assistants about a month to construct it. She billed the government $490 for the work, which is equal to about $5,500 in today’s money. • The flag that so proudly waved was gigantic, measuring 30 feet by 42 feet. That’s equal to one-quarter the size of a basketball court. The stars were two feet in diameter and each stripe was 2 feet wide. It required a team of eleven men to raise it on a 90 foot flagpole. It was designed to be highly visible. • The weather was stormy while the Battle of Baltimore was raging. The woolen flag would have weighed more than 500 lbs. when water-logged, so it was taken down and replaced with a smaller “storm flag.” When the rain cleared, the storm flag was taken down and the big flag was hoisted once again. This is the flag Francis Scott Key would have seen from the ship when dawn broke, not knowing that a substitute stand-in flag actually flew during the ‘perilous night.’ ...continued


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According to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the future of the republic teeters in the balance. Unless the United States Senate bows to the will of President Barack Obama and approves his replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, everything we hold dear will be lost. A refusal to get with the program, Warren insists, “would threaten both the Constitution and our democracy itself. It would also prove that all the Republican talk about loving the Constitution is just that — empty talk.” This is the twisted view now prevalent on the left and in the media: It reads Article II of the Constitution giving the president the power to appoint justices with “the advice and consent” of the Senate as, in effect, an affirmative obligation on the Senate to consider and approve the president’s nominees. Might this wholly fanciful constitutional exegesis have something to do with a desire to replace Scalia, a giant of originalism, with another progressive rubber stamp? Back in 2007, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a giant of clever partisan manipulations, all but pledged his life and sacred honor to blocking any further George W. Bush appointments to the Supreme Court — and somehow democracy survived. Of course, Barack Obama can nominate whomever he likes to the Supreme Court. Of course, the Senate can block him or her. And of course, Democrats can call Republicans heed-

less obstructionists and try to turn the public against them. This is the natural contest between the political branches, which is a feature of the U.S. Constitution, not a bug. At the fault line between the two elected branches, the nomination process is inherently political, and, inevitably, tensions will be highest when a president is about to leave office. The Congressional Research Service looked at rejected Supreme Court nominees a few years ago and concluded, “Opposition to the nominating President played a role in at least 16 of the 36 nominations that were not confirmed. Many of the 16 were put forward by a President in the last year of his presidency.” No doubt, Republicans will take heat for simply saying “no” to another Obama appointee to the court. But there will be none of the faux drama of a government shutdown, when the national parks are shackled and the media acts as if America’s national life is on the verge of collapse. The country will be able to survive some 4-4 Supreme Court decisions, which affirm the lower-court decision. The Senate owes President Obama no deference or consideration. He has trampled on the legislative power at every opportunity, including attempting to deem the Senate in recess on his own say-so (he lost the resulting Supreme Court case 9-0). His unconstitutional immigration and clean-power directives both have been held in abeyance by the courts. If President Obama wanted a collegial relationship with the Republican Senate, he should have thought of that long ago. Now, he will pronounce himself shocked and saddened that Congress doesn’t want to hold his coat while he remakes the high court. The Senate should hold firm, and let Elizabeth Warren and her colleagues rend their garments and gnash their teeth. Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. © 2016 by King Features Synd., Inc.


• As years passed, the smaller storm flag was lost and no one knows what became of it. But the larger flag was handed town to Major Armistead’s family, who rightfully cherished it as an American heirloom.

• Over the years, the Armistead family was bombarded with requests for souvenir scraps of the fabric of the flag. They snipped bits and pieces off, giving them to veterans, government officials, and honored citizens. More than two hundred square feet of the Star-Spangled Banner was eventually given away, including one of the stars. • In 1873 the flag was attached to a canvas backing in order to be displayed at the Boston Navy Yard. • In 1907, it was donated to the Smithsonian Institute, who later hired a team of ten seamstresses to remove the canvas backing and replace it with a linen backing. It took them two months to sew 1.7 million interlocking stitches in a mesh that covered and reinforced the flag. • The flag spent the next 50 years in a glass case in the Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building, before being moved to the National Museum of American History in 1964. • In 1999 it was taken to a climate-controlled lab where it took a team of workers two years to undo the 1.7 million stitches to remove the linen backing. It was examined, cleaned, and attached to a backing made of a lightweight polyester fabric called Stabiltex. The project cost $7 million and took about ten years. • In 2008 it was put on display in a climate-controlled low-light gallery where it is sealed in a pressurized chamber, monitored by sensors, shielded by glass, and guarded by a waterless fire-suppression system where it will remain permanently.

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• It was Founding Father Thomas Paine who made the following sage observation: "He who would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." • Most people prefer to kiss with their eyes closed; however, of those who do prefer to keep their eyes open, the vast majority are men. • It's well-known that a certain segment of native Londoners speak in a dialect known as Cockney, which makes frequent use of rhyming slang -- some classic examples are "dog and bone" for "phone" and "apples and pears" for "stairs." A more recent addition to the vocabulary is "Donald Trump," which, for at least the past 15 years, has been used as an equivalent for going to the bathroom. • If you watch TV or movies at all, you've probably seen some variation of the Humane Society disclaimer "No animals were harmed in the making of this program." You may not have considered that it's also applicable to insects, but those who make the programs certainly do. In fact, if you see a bug being destroyed in a contemporary movie, it's a safe bet that the bug was dead before the scene was shot. There are even people who stuff dead bugs with a sort of cream to fill it out -- and to ensure a satisfying squish for the camera. • You may be surprised to learn that many people never even feel it when they're bitten by a venomous snake. (They certainly experience the aftereffects, though.) *** Thought for the Day: "In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." -- Mortimer J. Adler

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• The beaver is the largest rodent in North America. An adult can weigh between 40 and 95 lbs. They can live about 12 years. • Beavers eat the inner bark of a tree as high as they can reach and then they chip away at the tree with phenomenal front teeth that never stop growing. They can fell a tree five feet in diameter. A flap in the back of their mouth keeps them from swallowing splinters. • When the tree falls, beavers strip the inner bark that was previously out of reach. Branches are chewed off and carried to the water for use in the dam or lodge, or to be stashed as a winter supply of food. They fashion mud roads to their favorite lumbering grounds to make it easier to drag branches. If the trunk is too heavy to be easily moved, a canal may be constructed to float it down to the water. Canals can be 700 feet long. Beavers also build canals across peninsulas in the pond. • Dams are built by dragging trees to the stream and placing them with their big end upstream. They are weighted with mud and stones, and many layers are added. Beavers bring mud up from the bottom by scooping it up in their front paws and holding it against their chests. They can hold their breath underwater for 15 minutes. Beavers work hard to keep their dams in repair— a tough job when you consider that the dams can be several hundred feet in length. One Montana dam was over 2,000 feet long. • They build their lodges by constructing a cone of sticks on the bottom of the pond. Mud serves as plaster, and there's always a ventilation hole at the top.

• In a beaver lodge, several underwater entrances slope up to a living room that's above water level. It's carpeted with grasses, and can be big enough for a man to curl up in. • Beavers have to regulate the water level of the pond in order to keep their lodge from flooding or going dry, so they build locks and spillways. They build dams upstream and downstream to aid in flood control. • Beavers also keep themselves busy raising young. A typical beaver family consists of the parents, a bunch of newborns and several one-year-olds. The young stay with the parents for two years before being driven off to fend for themselves. There are usually 6 to 12 family members in each lodge. • The enamel on the teeth of a beaver is orange. Their eyelids are clear so they can see under water. Their ears and noses have valves that close to keep water out when the beaver is submerged. They also have an interior set of lips that close so the beaver can chew underwater without getting water in their mouths. They mate for life. • Their favorite trees to cut down include aspen and willow, which re-grow from the roots and become thicker after pruning. As the beaver ponds flood more meadows, more aspen and willows grow in the damp ground. And willow sticks will grow roots and sprout when placed in a beaver dam or lodge, helping to stabilize the area. • At one time beavers were common in Europe and parts of Asia, but now their territory is limited to parts of the U.S. and Canada. About half a million are trapped each year for their pelts and scent glands. Scent glands are used in perfume. Their under-fur is combined with wool and other animal fibers and compressed under steam in order to form felt.




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Amazing Animals:

• On March 11, 1861, delegates from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas adopt the Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States of America. It provided for six-year terms for the president, who was ineligible for successive terms. • On March 10, 1876, the first discernible speech is transmitted over a telephone system when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summons his assistant in another room by saying, "Mr. Watson, come here; I want you." Bell had received a telephone patent three days before, filing just hours before another inventor, Elisha Gray. • On March 12, 1888, agreeing to cooperate with a policy adopted by Congress, China approves a treaty forbidding Chinese laborers to enter the United States for 20 years. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred immigrants based on race and nationality for the first time. • On March 7, 1923, The New Republic publishes Robert Frost's poem "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening." The poem, beginning with the famous line "Whose woods these are, I think I know," has introduced millions of American students to poetry. • On March 13, 1942, the Quartermaster Corps of the United States Army begins training dogs for the new War Dog Program, or K-9 Corps. Tens of thousands of dogs had served during World War I, the most famous being Rin Tin Tin. • On March 8, 1951, the Lonely Hearts Killers, Martha Beck and Raymond Martinez Fernandez, are executed in the electric chair in New York. The couple had schemed to seduce, rob and murder women who placed personal ads in newspapers. • On March 9, 1981, a nuclear accident at a Japanese power plant dumps 16 tons of radioactive waste into Wakasa Bay. Despite the risk to people eating contaminated fish, the public was not told of the spill for more than a month. Fish in the area displayed mutations for several years afterward. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE By 1930, five million citizens had signed a petition in support of making "The Star Spangled Banner" the national anthem, yet Congress kept voting it down. Finally, some veterans recruited a pair of sopranos to sing the song in front of the House Judiciary Committee. Congress adopted "The Star Spangled Banner" as the national anthem the next year.

Q: How is a flag like Santa Claus? A: They both hang out at the pole.


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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(Answers located 2 pages after this one)

• “When you’re slicing flank steak or chicken breasts (anything that needs to be cut thin and has a lot of skin or fat that makes it hard to trim), try partially freezing the meat beforehand. It makes it much easier to cut, and it defrosts quickly when it’s sliced thin.” — C.O. in Indiana • “Being Southern, I make my own biscuits from a recipe that’s been in my family forever. But here’s a tip for people who like to bake: freeze and grate your butter when mixing it into your dry ingredients. Less handling means more flakiness and a more tender texture. It’s just right for biscuits, and for pie crust and scones too.” — R.L. in Alabama • Add some shaker pegs or a peg rack to your closet door. They are great for scarves, necklaces, purses and other bags. You can store many items in places that might otherwise go unused. • “Use plastic food-storage containers to hold your accessory cords in a ‘junk’ drawer. If you flip them bottoms up, you can see what cord is in the container to access it quickly. This way, you don’t need to worry about family who don’t put things away in the right box. Or is that just my family?” — A.L. in South Carolina • “I purchase big boxes of assorted greeting cards by mail order. They include many generic cards, as well as birthday and other occasions. I donate them to my local nursing home, along with stamps. Many residents love to keep in touch by mail, but aren’t able to go out and choose greeting cards or stationary on their own.” — M.A. in Texas • Substitute 1/4 cup of applesauce or mashed banana for an egg in baking recipes. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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(Solution on Next Page)


• In the late 1800s a magazine called “The Youth’s Companion” was very popular. Editor James Upman promoted education tirelessly and instigated a program of premiums for subscribers. The prizes included such things as patriotic posters, historical books, and especially American flags. He began a concerted campaign encouraging all schools to install American flags, and he sold them the flags. • In 1892 Upman was preoccupied with the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Columbus in the New World. He wanted a nationwide celebration on that day to underscore his belief that the American system of free universal education was the source of the country’s success. He asked Francis Bellamy, who worked for the National Education Association, to help him create a program for schools for the Columbus Day event. • Bellamy wrote a speech, devised a flag-raising ceremony, and penned a simple creed that school children could recite in unison as the flag was raised. The pledge that Bellamy wrote was short so that even the youngest of schoolchildren would be able to memorize it. These details were published in the September edition of the magazine. • On October 12, 1892, millions of children all over the United States recited this creed while saluting the flags. This started a tradition. In 1942 Congress recognized the creed as the official national pledge of the U.S., now called the Pledge of Allegiance. • The original version was: "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. In 1954, the words “under God” were added.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Fish is missing. 2. Car is missing. 3. Arm is lowered. 4. Remote control is missing. 5. Clown is reversed. 6. Coat is opened. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• Born in Massachusetts in 1859, Katharine Lee Bates grew up to become a professor of English literature at Wellesley College. She was Answer: Dell. also a prolific writer, authoring many books, A VERYand LARGE articles, poems, stories.NUMBER • Edward Kasner was atomathematician. In 1938 • In 1893 she traveled the Rocky Mountains he was asked to come up with a name for a where she spent the summer teaching at Colovery large number: the numeral one, followed rado College. One day, she joined a group of by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young people headed the they top of 14,000-foot nephews whatfor name would suggest.Pikes Peak. They traveled by wagons, mules, and foot. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name • Katharine exhausted by strip the time she out of thewas funnies. A cartoon character reached the top, was but the was magnificent. named Barney veryview popular. Milton chose Inspired thename sightfor of the the number. mountains, plains, Barney’sbylast skies,announced she composed a poem •and Kasner the new name celebrating for the big the beauty of America. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • •Two poem wasand published in a Sixtyyears yearslater, later,her Larry Page Sergey Brin magazine Congregationalist” for developedcalled a new“The internet search engine. Other search engines searched their Fourth of July edition,each and webpage it reachedand an ranked them according to how many times even wider audience when it was reprinted ina specific termEvening appearedTranscript” on them, but Page and “The Boston in 1904. Brin designed their search engine to search for • Meanwhile, a New musician the specific term andJersey then find out hownamed many Samuel Wardwere had written hymntocalled links there that leda back that “Mapage, terna.” song’s was,engine. ‘O Mother which The resulted in a first betterline search dear, Jerusalem’ and the tune was metrically • They decided they needed a name that identical Katharine’s It was reflectedtohow many poem. websites the natural search for Katharine’s poem and Samuel’s tune to engine was searching. They took the name match up, and soon people werenumber, singingonly the of Edward Kasner’s very large new song. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelled exactly the same way thethe cartoon • By the time Katharine died in 1929, song character Barney spelled his last name. whose lyrics she had penned had becomeWhat’s a nait called? (Answer at bottom of page) tional favorite. COMPUTER FACTS • Many people approached Congress asking for •this In 1981 said, kb of national memory song Bill to beGates chosen as “640 America’s ought to be enough for anybody.” anthem because it is simple, beautiful, and •easy Moore’s LawEven statesthough that computer performance to sing. “The Star Spangled doubles every 18 to 24inmonths, ever since Banner” was chosen 1931, and many people 1971, this has been true. still feel that Katharine and Samuel’s song •would HP, Google, and Apple wereThe all make aMicrosoft, better national anthem. started in garages. song is called “America the Beautiful.” Answer: Google, from googol.




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Quiz Answers

1. Jose Feliciano, and Whitney Houston 2. 15 stars and 15 stripes 3. Four 4. Jupiter: rotates in less than 10 hours

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