Tidbits Grand Forks - June 2, 2016

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU June 2, 2016


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 971




INDY 500


Little Paper Ever Read®

by Kathy Wolfe

The 100th Indianapolis 500 recently took place on May 29, 2016. What do you know about the history of this race and its venue? Tidbits will Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Sharon Opdahl get you “in the know”! Even though life is busy, take Agent a moment to reflect on what’s 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F most important. For peace of • The Indianapolis Motor Speedway was the viGrand Forks, ND 58201 mind, protect your family with sion of Indianapolis business Carl Fisher, who State Farm life insurance. 701-746-0495 Like a good neighbor, sharonopdahl.com first came up with the idea in 1905. Along with State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. three partners, he purchased Pressley Farm, a 328-acre level piece of ground about 5 miles outside of the city, for $72,000. Construction on the 2.5-mile oval track began in March, 1909. Five hundred workers, 300 mules, and a fleet of steam-powered machinery labored to reshape the land. The track was graded, and covered with packed soil, 2 inches) of gravel, Carpet Cleaning 2 inches of limestone, and coated with tar and Services, Inc. oil. Another 2 inches of crushed stone chips Carpet Cleaning • Carpet were added, more tar and oil, and a final coverCleaning SPECIAL! ing of crushed stone. Grandstands with 12,000 Upholstery $149 •Cleaning seats were built to accommodate racing fans. 5 Rooms, Hallway • When the Speedway was built, the average & 1 Stairway • Water Not valid with any other offer. price of a new car was $1,280, and a gallon of Extraction Expires 7-1-16 gas could be purchased for 6 cents. • On June 5, 1909, the first event was held at the Speedway, although the oval hadn’t yet been 701-775-8500 completed. Nine helium-filled balloons took Residential & Commercial to the skies before 40,000 people competing for trophies. Two months later a series of moA Lightweight Vacuum Even Turn the page for more! torcycle races were held. a 6-Year Old Can Handle Sharon Opdahl, Agent 2534 17th Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com


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Quiz Bits

6. In what movie was the character of John McClane introduced? 7. What country was the music group ABBA from? 8. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure, learn science, technology? Where can you begin to make your dreams all come true on the land or on the sea?”


1. What name is given to the Thursday before the Indy 500? 2. What song is sung approximately 10 minutes before the race? 3. What car was the Indy 500 pace car at the 2015 race? 4. Name the only person to be named U.S. Driver of the Year in three separate decades? 5. What’s the largest city in Florida?


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INDY 500 (continued): • The first car race was held on August 19 of that year. The track’s surface was already becoming damaged with ruts and chuckholes. Nearly 20,000 spectators paid up to a dollar for a ticket. The first race, a 250-mile event, included leader Louis Chevrolet, for whom an automobile would later be named. The track’s first fatality occurred in that race, when a car flipped end over end before crashing into a fence post. Both the driver and his mechanic died on site. The third race of 300 miles resulted in three more deaths, and all races and future events at the Speedway were terminated until improvements were made to the track. • Paving of the track with bricks began almost immediately, with 3.2 million 10-lb. bricks supplied by local manufacturers. The last brick, made of gold, was set in place was by the governor in a special ceremony. From then on, the track became known as the Brickyard. • On Memorial Day, 1911, more than 80,000 spectators gathered to watch 40 cars compete in the first 500-mile “International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race.” Driving a Marmon Wasp, which was manufactured right there in Indianapolis, Ray Harroun won the race with an average speed of 74.602 mph. All the other drivers had their mechanic as a passenger, but Harroun picked up speed by driving alone. Without a passenger to keep track of what was behind him, Harroun installed a rear-view mirror in his Wasp, the first time such an apparatus was used in a car. Harroun’s car can be viewed at the Indy 500 Hall of Fame Museum, which opened in 1956 on the grounds of the Speedway. ...continued


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www.newvisiontruckaccessories.com 4. In 2015, Hassan Whiteside set the Miami Heat team mark with 12 1. Three drivers have won blocked shots in a game. the Indianapolis 500 four Who had held the record? times. Name them. 5. Of Tom Glavine, Greg 2. How many American drivMaddux and John Smoltz, ers won the Indy 500 from who recorded the most 2000 to 2015? victories for the Atlanta 3. What decade was the last Braves? time before 2015 that three 6. Jordan Spieth set a record Pittsburgh Pirate starting at the 2015 Masters with pitchers, over three con28 birdies in 72 holes. secutive games, recorded Who had held the mark, double-digit strikeouts? and how many was it?



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INDY 500 (continued):

• The name of the race remained the same until after World War I, when, in 1919, the name was changed to “Liberty Sweep Stakes,” a change that stayed in place just that one year. In 1920, it was once again the “International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race. • The 1925 race was the first time a driver averaged 100 mph for the race. Pete DePaolo accomplished the feat with an average of 101.13 mph. • In 1927, the speedway was sold to World War I fighter ace pilot Captain Eddie Rickenbacker for $750,000. Rickenbacker was also a former race car driver who had competed at Indy five times between 1911 and 1916. • An amazing feat was accomplished in 1931 when racer Dave Evans completed the entire 500 miles without a single pit stop. His Cummins Diesel Special was the first diesel entry in the history of the race, finishing in 13th place. Since that time, only three others have achieved this deed – one racer in 1941 and two in 1949. • 1936 was a big year at the Speedway, when the legendary brick was replaced with asphalt. A 3-ft. wide section of the original bricks was left at the Start/Finish line, still in place today. • In December, 1941, with the United States’ entry into World War II, it was agreed that 1942’s Indy 500 would be cancelled. Late in 1942, a ban was placed on all auto racing for the remainder of the war, in place through 1945. The track fell into disrepair, and plans were made to subdivide the acreage into a housing development. Eddie Rickenbacker turned down all offers from real estate developers and instead sold it to Terre Haute, Indiana businessman Anton Hulman for the same price he had paid for it in 1927. Hulman restored the track in time for the 1946 race. Amazingly, the same family still owns and operates the Speedway.


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INDY 500 (continued):

• On a hot Memorial Day in 1936, three-time Indy 500 winner Louis Meyer drank a glass of buttermilk in Victory Lane after his win. The local Milk Foundation saw the picture in the newspaper and used it as a publicity strategy to encourage milk drinking. The practice became a tradition and every winner is now presented a glass quart bottle of milk after the race. It’s no surprise that the American Dairy Association is a regular sponsor of the Indy 500. • The traditional phrase, “Gentlemen, start your engines” prior to the race has been around since the early 1950s. Wilbur Shaw, a three-time Indy winner became the president of the Speedway in 1945, and is believed to have coined the phrase. When women are part of the line-up, the phrase has been adjusted to, “Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines.” If there’s been a rain delay, occasionally “Restart your engines” has been proclaimed. • A.J. Foyt began his history-making run at the Indy 500 in 1961, when, at age 26, he won his first race there. His next Indy 500 win was in 1964, when he became the last to drive a frontengine car. (Every winner since 1965 has driven a rear-engine car.) Foyt’s Indy victories in 1967 and 1977 made him the first driver to secure four wins. Only two other drivers have accomplished this feat – Al Unser in 1970, 1971, 1978, and 1987 and Rick Mears in 1979, 1984, 1988, and 1991. • A.J. Foyt holds the record for the most consecutive Indy 500 races, having driven for 35 in a row. This adds up to nearly 12,275 miles, with earnings of $2,637,963. Year 34 was a challenge after Foyt suffered severe leg injuries in a serious crash nine months earlier, but that didn’t stop him from competing.

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*Answer located on Inside Back Page

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE The track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has been repaved in 1976, 1988, 1995 and 2004.

*Answers located further back in this issue.

America's first automobile race was held when there weren't even 100 cars in the U.S. Seven cars raced through the streets of Chicago in 1895, with the winner driving a Benz reaching a top average speed of 10 mph.







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by Samantha Weaver

• It was early 20th-century Irish author Robert Wilson Lynd who made the following sage observation: "The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions." • If you find yourself with a dull pair of scissors, try this trick: Fold a piece of sandpaper in half, rough side out, and make repeated cuts until the blades are sharp again. • In 1980, 16 Danish seamen issued a Mayday call and abandoned their sinking ship, leaping into the frigid waters of the North Sea. Despite the fact that the water of the North Sea is so cold that it can kill a person in half an hour, all 16 sailors, who all were wearing life jackets, survived three times that long, and all were alive when rescuers arrived 90 minutes later. The sailors were immediately taken below decks on the rescue ship, wrapped in blankets and given warm drinks. Seems like a happy ending, doesn't it? Nope. After reaching supposed safety, all 16 of the rescued sailors suddenly dropped dead. • The word "infant" is derived from the Latin word "infans," which means "unable to speak." • If you're a pet owner, you probably know that the epidemic of obesity is not limited to humans; many pets are overweight, too. You might be surprised to learn, though, that some pet owners choose to deal with the problem in a way that we usually associate only with people: liposuction. Yes, you can get cosmetic surgery for your pets. • Those who study such things say that in Norway, there are 1,800 lakes that have no fish at all. *** Thought for the Day: "I was a late bloomer. But anyone who blooms at all, ever, is very lucky." -- Sharon Olds © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.






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Unusual Animals:


This week, Tidbits goes under the sea to dig up some facts on crabs. • The approximately 5,000 species of crabs are divided into “true crabs” and “false crabs.” About 4,500 are true crabs, or brachyurans, and include blue crabs, spider crabs, and ghost crabs. False crabs are “crablike” animals, which have a longer abdominal section and fewer walking legs, including hermit crabs and king crabs. • Crabs are decapods, which are crustaceans with 10 limbs. Their two front legs end in claws, called chelae. The other four pairs are the creature’s walking legs. If a crab loses a claw or leg in a fight, it will grow back. • Although crabs can live on land, they spend most of their time in fresh water, and live in more different places than any other sea animal, even under the ice in Antarctica and in volcanic vents. • The crab’s hard shell, called a carapace, is actually a skeleton on the outside of its body. Because the rigid shell cannot grow or stretch, the creature must shed its skeleton and grow a new one. When it molts, a crack forms in the shell, and the crab backs out of it. During their first year of life, this occurs six or seven times, then once or twice a year after that. A crab might go through up to 50 molts during its lifetime. • A crab’s eyes are located on short independentlymoving stalks and are compound eyes made up of hundreds of tiny lenses that can detect UV light more than half a mile below the ocean’s surface.

• As omnivores, crabs dine predominantly on algae, although some species eat worms and mollusks. They have no teeth in their mouths, but rather, the teeth are in the stomach. Large mashing jaws on either side of the mouth do mash food somewhat, but within in the stomach, the teeth grind against each other every time the stomach contracts. The mouth opens on the underside of the animal, but because of the hard exoskeleton, it doesn’t open very wide. • A group of crabs is called a cast, and its members communicate with each other by flapping their pincers or drumming their claws. • The world’s largest crab is the Japanese Spider Crab, found in the waters off the southern coast of Japan. This giant’s leg span can reach 12 feet from claw to claw and can weigh up to 42 lbs. • A crab that doesn’t find its way into a fisherman’s trap will live between 8 and 13 years (although fiddler crabs live just two years.) Of all the creatures caught from the world’s bodies of water, 20% of them are crabs. The average crab weighs about 2 lbs. and is 6 inches long. About one-fourth of its weight is meat. About 1.5 million tons of crab are consumed by humans around the world each year. The Japanese Blue Crab is the most consumed. The popular king crab is not even a true crab. Native to the cold waters of the Bering Sea and northern Pacific Ocean, it’s easily the most expensive per unit of weight.






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• On June 11, 1509, King Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon, the first of his eventual six wives. When Catherine failed to produce a male heir, Henry divorced her against the will of the Roman Catholic Church, thus precipitating the Protestant Reformation in England. • On June 9, 1772, colonists, angered by the British Parliament's passing of the Townshend Acts restricting colonial trade, board the HMS Gaspee, an armed British customs schooner, and set it aflame. When British officials arrived to investigate the incident, they found no one willing to identify those involved. • On June 12, 1924, the first Bush president, George Herbert Walker Bush, is born in Milton, Massachusetts. Bush served in the Navy during World War II and survived a harrowing ordeal when his torpedo bomber was shot down over the Pacific. • On June 8, 1948, a hand-built aluminum prototype labeled "No. 1" becomes the first vehicle to bear the name of Porsche. Dubbed the Type 356, the sports car used modified Volkswagen drivetrain components. • On June 7, 1962, the banking institution Credit Suisse opens the first drive-through bank in Switzerland. The branch featured eight glass pavilions, seven outfitted for left-hand drive cars and one for right-hand drive vehicles. • On June 6, 1981, more than 500 passengers are killed when their train plunges into the Baghmati River in India. The rail accident was caused by a Hindu engineer who slammed on the brakes to avoid a cow, considered a sacred animal. • On June 10, 2002, Clint Messina and Rose Houk steal a Krispy Creme doughnut delivery truck and lead Louisiana police on a 15-mile chase, leaving a trail of doughnuts behind. As it involved cops and doughnuts, the incident kept late-night comedians busy for days. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com

Keep the Skeeters Down in Your Neighborhood

(Answer on next page)

The recent rains and increasing temperatures have created the ideal breeding habitat for those pesky mosquitos. It generally takes 10-14 days for mosquitoes to go from egg to adult. However, this time line can occur faster as conditions become warmer. The Grand Forks Health Department maintains a comprehensive larvicide program. Crews have identified and mapped more than 1,000 sites around our community. These sites are inspected and treated with public health pesticides on a regular schedule. But we still need help from homeowners to identify and eliminate breeding sites on private property. We do not have the resources to inspect all private property in the city. You can help by inspecting your property and getting rid of any standing water. If you have a large site that cannot be drained or a swimming pool that is not being used or may not be used until later this summer, contact the Health Dept. at 701-787-8110 and we’ll inspect and treat the water with a product designed to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. This service is free for citizens with property located within the City of Grand Forks.

Common Mosquito Breeding Habitat: • Drainage Ditches • Old Tires • Swimming Pools not being used • Wading pools • Boats or a saggy tarp on a boat • Leaky garden hose or outside faucet • Plugged rain gutters

• Rain water collecting barrels • Cans, bottles, plastic jugs, jars • Any open container that has water – i.e. recycle bins, garbage cans and lids, wheel barrow, flower pots, even something as small as a pop bottle cap.

• Any standing water is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes. • Thank you for helping us reduce mosquitoes in our community!

If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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King Features Weekly Service

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located on next page)

May 23, 2016

• Clean your paintbrushes before you begin that spring-cleaning paint job. Bring a few cups of white vinegar to a boil, and soak brushes in the vinegar for up to 20 minutes. Use a plastic scrubbie to remove stuck-on bits, then rinse in cool water. Use a fine-toothed comb to get rid of what’s leftover. The brush should be clean and the bristles nice and soft. • Don’t overlook your own garden and yard when putting together a centerpiece for a backyard BBQ or informal gathering. Herbs make a wonderful bouquet. • You can polish metal with wax paper. • To keep your kitchen trash can smelling sweet naturally, put three drops of eucalyptus or cinnamon oil on a cotton ball and drop it the bottom of the can. • What’s the right way to fold towels? So your folded towel uses the depth of the shelf it’s stored on. That way, you can store the maximum towels per shelf. • Do you have a large assortment of different colored cupcake liners? Store them in a mason jar. You’ll be able to see what you have at a glance, and they fit perfectly inside a widemouth jar. • “Bath toys plus glue gun equals no more gross moldy water inside your tub duck. Just use your glue gun to seal up the ‘drain hole’ on the bottom of most bath toys. I honestly don’t know why they do that, as it seems to only suck up water and not drain anything!” — L.R. in Virginia Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


• The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the first track built in the U.S. specifically for auto racing. The original 328 acres has been expanded to 559 acres, and a seating capacity of 235,000 that can expand to 400,000 by filling the infield. This makes it the world’s highest-capacity sports venue. • Whereas some race cars had wheels covered by fenders, cars that had wheels sticking out from the main body of the car became known as “Indy Cars.” • The youngest Indy 500 winner was just 22 years old, California native Troy Ruttman, who, in 1952, drove his Agajanian Special at a recordbreaking average speed of 128.922 mph. Al Unser was just five days shy of his 48th birthday when he became the race’s oldest winner in 1987, his fourth victory. • There has been a pace car at the Indy 500 every year since its 1911 inception. The pace car leads the racers for a ceremonial two-lap run and one official lap prior to the race. It also enters the track in the event of a yellow flag caution event in order to bunch the cars at a reduced speed. The winner of the race is awarded the car at the victory banquet. • Ten women racers have entered at least once. The first female to qualify and compete in the Indy 500 was Janet Guthrie, an aerospace engineer, who drove in the 1977 race. Starting from 18th position, a timing gear failure after just 27 laps forced her to retire from the race. In 2005, Danica Patrick was the first woman to actually lead a lap at the Indy 500. She went on to finish fourth that year, and took third place in 2009. She also has the distinction of being the first Indy 500 driver to appear in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

(Solution on Next Page)

DIFFERENCES: 1. Picture is missing. 2. Antenna is missing. 3. Sleeve is shorter. 4. Coverlet is missing. 5. Shade is raised. 6. Teddy bear is reversed. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• The closest finish in Indy 500 history was in 1992, when Al Unser, Jr. beat Scott Goodyear byDell. just 0.043 of a second. Answer:

• There have been 60 fatalities associated with A VERY LARGE NUMBER Indy Kasner 500, including 38 drivers, 12 • the Edward was a mathematician. In me1938 chanics, five spectators, two members thea he was asked to come up with a nameoffor pit crew, firemen, a young who very largetwo number: theand numeral one,boy followed was struck by a wheel that bounced out of the by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews name they would arena andwhat across the street. Of thesuggest. 38 drivers, 14 were killed in the actual race, with re• Nine-year-old Milton suggested a thename mainder perishing practice or qualifyout of the funnies.during A cartoon strip character named ing runs.Barney was very popular. Milton chose Barney’s last name for the number. • The first Indy 500 winner Ray Harroun took • home Kasner$14,250 announced the prize. new name the big for his Juan for Montoya, numberinin2015, his next altering the spelling. winner hadbook, winnings of $2,449,055. • Average Sixty years later,has Larry Pagefrom and Sergey Brin speed grown Harroun’s developed a new internet search engine. Other average speed of 74.602 mph to a record search engines searched 187.33 mph achieved by each Tonywebpage Kanaan and in ranked them according to how many times a 2013. specific term appeared on them, but Page and Brin official designedtrophy their search search for • The of theengine Indy to 500 is the the specific and then find approximateout how many Borg Warnerterm Trophy, standing links there were that led back to 153 that page, ly 5 feet, 4 inches tall, weighing lbs., which resulted in a better search engine. crafted of sterling silver. The original trophy • was Theyproduced decidedat athey a name that cost needed of $10,000, but today reflected how many websites the search is insured for more than $1.3 million. Every engine was searching. They winner’s name and image sincetook 1911thearename inof Edward Kasner’s very large number, only scribed on the statue or on its base. The winthey misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being ners do not receive actual – it is spelled exactly the the same waytrophy the cartoon displayed at the Indy 500 Hall of Fame Mucharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s seum – but rather aat miniature it called? (Answer bottom of replica, page) nicknamed “Baby Borg.” COMPUTER FACTS


• • Tickets thisGates year’s race varied from $40 In 1981toBill said, “640 kb of memory for General Admission to $230 for a Pentought to be enough for anybody.” Box seat. • house Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since Thanks Tidbits! 1971, this hasfor beenReading true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol.


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