Tidbits Grand Forks - June 23, 2016

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU June 23, 2016


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 974



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by Janet Spencer

The definition of ‘irony’ is “incongruity between what is expected to be and what actually is, or a situation or result showing such incongruity.” We all feel the same Sharon Opdahl Come along with Tidbits as we laugh at a few commitment to care for our Agent families. Helping you meet choice examples of irony at work in the world! 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F your insurance needs is part Grand Forks, ND 58201 of my commitment to you. Like a good neighbor, IRONY AT WORK IN THE WORLD 701-746-0495 State Farm is there. sharonopdahl.com CALL ME TODAY. • In 1966 Harry Guyton, who worked for the prosecutor's office in San Francisco, put his name on a waiting list to get a reserved parking space in a city-owned garage downtown. Nineteen years later he was notified that the parking space was his… …after he had been retired for two years. • City public information director Randy Myer Carpet Cleaning of Lexington, KY, paid $400 for steel-belted Services, Inc. tires guaranteed to be bulletproof, bombproof, and spikeproof. He got a flat tire… Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL! …when he rolled over a ballpoint pen. • Upholstery $99 • When Frank Taylor, age 86, was arrested in Cleaning 3 Rooms & Hollywood on charges of malicious mischief, Hallway • Water he used his free phone call… Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 7-22-16 …to contact the Los Angeles airport and make a bomb threat. • In Cedar Lake, Indiana, a large watchdog qui701-775-8500 etly observed two people robbing his master's Residential & Commercial store. He then proceeded… …to bite the cop who came to investigate. Vacuum Sharon Opdahl, Agent 2534 17th Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 sharonopdahl.com

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What was the title of the first James Bond novel? 6. What is the study of the moveT or F: Lake Superior is the ment of bullets? deepest lake in the U.S. 7. What group released the song A piece of music in the “adagio” “Hanky Panky” in 1966? style would be played in what 8. What is the easternmost state manner? capital in the United States? What was the name of the first 9. What 1947 invention led to the fully functional Space Shuttle development of small portable orbiter? radios? Who was the first U.S. Secretary TRIVIA of the Treasury?



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IRONY (continued):

• Three men were hanged in 1911 for the murder of Sir Edmund Berry. They were hanged in London at Greenberry Hill. The names of the three men were… …Green, Berry, and Hill. • In the 1950s the BBC had a new building erected next to the old building with connecting halls between. The Music Department worried about the problems of transporting grand pianos between the buildings, so they asked carpenters to build a mock-up of a piano to see if it would fit through the hallways and doors. The model piano was constructed in the workshop… …and then found to be too large to pass through the shop doors. • NASA was preparing to launch a rocket in order to study lightning. As the rocket rested in its launcher prior to take-off… …it was hit by lightning, triggering a false take-off and ruining the mission. • Doctors in Los Angeles went on strike in 1976 to protest malpractice insurance rates. During the strike… …the death rate dropped 18 percent. • New York City spent $54,000 in 1981 on an exhibit designed to lure foreign manufacturers to set up shop in the city. The display, called "Make it In New York"… …was manufactured in New Jersey. • There are lots of towns in America with the word “Beach” in their names: Miami Beach, Long Beach etc. But the only town in America that is named simply “Beach” is in… …land-locked North Dakota. • Lucille Ball was once dismissed from a drama class because the instructor thought… …she was too shy. ...continued

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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. In 2015, the Miami Marlins’ Jose Fernandez set a major-league record for 1. Golden State’s Stephen most home wins without a Curry has played 7 seasons loss to start a career. How in the NBA. Where does many was it? he currently rank in career 5. How many seasons did Bud th 3-pointers made — 13 , Grant coach the Vikings? 16th, 19th or 22nd? 6. The L.A. Lakers’ Kobe 2. How many times did the Bryant reached the NBA Minnesota North Stars reach Finals 7 times during his the Stanley Cup Finals? career. Five other former 3. Who was coach of the Lakers players reached Golden State Warriors the Finals more times. before Steve Kerr? Name them.


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IRONY (continued): • In 1964 a casting director was looking for a man to portray the president in a film called “The Best Man.” Someone suggested Ronald Reagan be offered the part, but the director said… …“Reagan doesn't have the presidential look.” • The manager of a movie theater in South Korea decided that the running time of “The Sound of Music” was too long. He cut it down… …by editing out all the songs. • 5,000 copies of John Steinbeck's book “The Wayward Bus” were in a truck traveling from the bindery when there was a traffic accident. The truck was wrecked and all 5,000 copies of the book burned in the resulting fire. The cause of the accident was… …a bus — a wayward bus — that had been traveling down the wrong side of the road. • Albert J . Lowry, author of “How To Become Financially Independent by Investing in Real Estate” and other best-selling books on how to get rich… …filed for bankruptcy under Chapter VII of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

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• Horatio Alger, famous for his rags-to-riches stories… …died penniless. • The address where Mrs. O'Leary's cow presumably kicked over a lantern, starting the Chicago fire in 1871… …is now the address of the Chicago Fire Academy. • The first time the Harlem Globetrotters ever actually played a game in Harlem was in 1968… …after they'd been in existence for over 40 years.


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West Nile Virus indentified in Grand Forks!

Mosquito Surveillance - Why Trap Mosquitoes?

Grand Forks Health Department has identified West Nile virus (WNV) in a crow. WNV is a serious disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Most people infected with this disease will have no symptoms or mild symptoms but this is a serious disease and can be fatal. The Grand Forks Public Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn. Please take the necessary measures to avoid mosquito bites.

The Grand Forks Health Department maintains an active mosquito surveillance program. The more we know about mosquitoes, the better equipped we are to control them. Our surveillance program is responsible for collecting, identifying, and conducting West Nile virus tests on mosquitoes. Traps are distributed throughout the community and the Information gained from these traps include: Mosquito Population – Knowing the population helps us determine if it’s necessary to conduct citywide mosquito spraying. This information also enables us to measure the effectiveness of the mosquito spraying operations.

How do people get infected with WNV? Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

Can I get West Nile virus directly from birds? There is no evidence that a person can get infected from handling live or dead infected birds. However, you should avoid bare-handed contact when handling any dead animal. If you must pick up a dead bird, use gloves or an inverted plastic bag to place the bird’s carcass (body) in a garbage bag.

Why do some states and local areas stop collecting dead birds to test for West Nile virus? West Nile virus is found in all 48 contiguous states (not in Alaska and Hawaii) and the virus circulates in mosquitoes and birds every year. Because West Nile virus is well established, some states and local jurisdictions are no longer collecting dead birds for testing. Instead, they have chosen to shift staff and funding resources away from testing of dead birds to other areas of West Nile virus surveillance and control.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness.

Species of Mosquitoes – There’s around 43 different species of mosquitoes in North Dakota. Some of these mosquitoes are just annoying pests, but one of them, the Culex tarsalis, is the most common mosquito for transmitting West Nile virus in North Dakota. This mosquito is prevalent in the Grand Forks region. Monitoring and testing the Culex tarsalis mosquito is important because it may enable us to respond to an elevated threat of West Nile virus before it infects the human population. This component of mosquito control is very important in reducing the risk of mosquito-borne disease in our community. Mosquito Activity – Knowing what times the mosquitoes are active is important for getting the best results from our spray operation. We use ultra-low volume sprayers that deliver very small droplets and only 1 ounce of a diluted, non-residual insecticide per acre. Because we’re using such a small amount of insecticide, timing is critical to be successful. This insecticide must directly impact mosquitoes, generally while in flight to be effective. Rotator traps are used to monitor the times the mosquitoes are most active. Gender Identification – Knowing the sex of the mosquito can be helpful in predicting a new hatch. Male mosquitoes hatch out before females. Therefore, if we see a spike in the number of male mosquitoes collected in our traps, we know there’s the potential for an increase of females soon to follow. That data is helpful in preparing us for a citywide spray. It’s a short warning to get ready. Traps used in mosquito surveillance programs are not successful in reducing mosquito populations. They are simply a surveillance tool used to collect data about the mosquitoes in our community.

For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

IRONY (continued):


• In Nebraska, the state department paid a consultant $200/hour to the tune of nearly a quarter million bucks. His job was… …to find ways for the state to save money. • In the ancient Greek city of Amyclae, rulers were tired of the panic that ensued whenever the rumor was spread that the Spartan army was on the way to attack the city. To stop the panic, they decreed that anyone spreading such false rumors would be put to death. When the Spartan army really did appear… …everybody was too chicken to report it. The city was taken without a fight. • The American yew tree is a shrub used extensively in landscaping around Washington D.C. The botanical name of the bush is… …Taxus. • When Joyce Lott was arrested on drug charges and sent to prison in South Carolina, she was surprised to meet her long-lost sister, who was also in prison for drug charges. When the newspaper ran an article about the unlikely reunion, the sisters got a call…

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…from their long-lost half-brother. He was also doing time for drugs, larceny, and burglary. • Police arrested Dennis John Alson of Van Nuys, California on forgery charges. He paid his bail with a cashier's check for $1,500… …which was a forgery. • After a series of burglaries, police in Pasco, Washington loaned the business a fancy $4,000 burglar alarm. Within a week… …it had been stolen by burglars. • In Wausau, Wisconsin in 1981, two women had a fender bender at the Fifth Street intersection. After the cops had wrapped up their paperwork, the two ladies drove off in opposite directions. A minute later… …their cars collided at an intersection a block away.

© 2016 King Features Syndicate

*Answer located on inside back Page.


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• It was 19th-century mathematician and philosopher William Kingdon Clifford who made the following sage observation: "It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." • Thanks to stories of Robin Hood, most people have heard of King Richard the Lion-Hearted. He wasn't much of a king, though; he spent only about six months in England, and he didn't even speak English. • If you have the great good fortune to take a cruise along the length of the Danube River -- Europe's second-longest -- you'll hear seven languages spoken along the banks as you travel. • Just a couple of hours southwest of Indianapolis, you'll find the town of Vincennes, Indiana, home to the Backyard Roller Coasters. This is where John Ivers, a blue-collar worker, decided he wanted to build a roller coaster in the backyard of his home off Highway 41 -- and he didn't let his lack of an engineering background stop him. The thrilling 10-second ride was completed in 2001, and in 2006 those with less nerve got their own, tamer coaster on the same site. The coasters are open to the public, so visitors can try out either (or both) of the rides by making an appointment. • You may be surprised to learn that an elephant is 40 to 50 years old before all of its teeth come in. • Aside from being well-known conquerors, what did Alexander the Great and Napoleon have in common? They both hated cats. *** Thought for the Day: "Man can be the most affectionate and altruistic of creatures, yet he's potentially more vicious than any other. He is the only one who can be persuaded to hate millions of his own kind whom he has never seen and to kill as many as he can lay his hands on in the name of his tribe or his God." -- Benjamin Spock © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• The chances of being attacked by a shark are about equal to being struck by lightning. About 20% of shark attack victims die.

Amazing Animals:


• The word shark probably comes from the German • Between 50 and 100 fatal shark attacks occur word ‘schurke’ meaning villain or scoundrel. worldwide each year. In the U.S., the majority of • Shark teeth are replaceable. Their jaws are lined with attacks occur off Florida and California, because several rows of teeth ready to move forward as the both sharks and people prefer warm water. front teeth fall out. A shark can use up to 20,000 teeth in a lifetime. Some shark mouths have 3,000 teeth in • Half of attacks occur within 200 feet of shore, and half of those happen in water that is shoulder deep. use at once. • Fossil shark teeth found near Chesapeake Bay were • Victims who are wading are more likely to die than submerged scuba divers, perhaps because divers 5 inches long. The prehistoric shark they came from are better able to fight the attacker. must have been large enough so that a person could have easily stood upright between its jaws.

• The largest shark ever caught in modern times teeth 3 inches long and was 30 feet long. On the other hand, the midwater shark of the Gulf of Mexico is only 6 inches long when mature. • The skin of a shark is not covered with scales, but with dentricles, which are akin to tiny teeth. A shark can do much damage just by brushing against a human. Leather made from the skin of a tiger shark has up to 10 times the tensile strength of ox hide. • Two-thirds of the brains of some shark species are devoted to odor detection.

• Scientists are unable to explain why men are 13 times more likely than women to be attacked. had • Sharks seem to be attracted to bright, contrasting colors. Yellow is their favorite— a color commonly used in flotation devices, rescue equipment, and scuba gear. Black is the color that sharks are most likely to ignore.

• Sharks can detect one part of blood per ten billion parts of water - that means they could detect one drop of blood in a volume the size of an Olympic swimming pool. • Sharks will eat anything. Some of the odd things that have been found in their stomachs include: a roll of roofing paper, a telephone book, pots and pans, a drinkable bottle of wine, a keg of nails, a car license plate, and a yellow-billed cuckoo.

• When sharks choose a victim, they tend to concentrate only on that person, totally ignoring other people who are trying to help. • When under attack by a shark, the worst thing to do is to thrash and flee. That's what sharks expect. What sharks don't expect— and don't like— is prey that fights back. Swim directly at the shark, shout, wave your arms, blow scuba bubbles at it, and try to hit it on the snout, gills, or eyes.

• A 15-foot white shark caught off Florida had in its • Dolphins have been trained to protect divers from stomach 2 brown sharks, each 6 feet long. sharks.





• Off Charleston, South Carolina, junk cars are sunk to form an artificial reef. One scuba diver was atTHANKS FOR READING tacked by a shark while spearfishing, but escaped by shutting himself in the front seat of a Chevrolet. TIDBITS!

HOT BUYS! Bug Blast 20” Box Fan • On July 2, 1839, Africans on the Cuban schooner Amistad rise up against their captors and seize control of the ship, which had been transporting them to a life of slavery on a sugar plantation in Cuba. Despite an international ban, Cuba continued to transport captive Africans until the 1860s. • On June 28, 1862, Confederates posing as paying passengers make a daring capture of a commercial vessel on Chesapeake Bay. The conspirators planned to use the St. Nicholas to force other Yankee ships into Confederate service. • On June 30, 1900, four German boats burn at the docks in Hoboken, New Jersey, killing more than 300 people. The combination of old wood, strong winds and fuel-filled cargo sheds made the fire spread very rapidly. The fire was so large that it could be seen throughout the New York City area. • On June 27, 1940, the Germans set up two-way radio communication employing their most sophisticated coding machine, Enigma, to transmit information. The Germans considered Enigma unbreakable, but the British had broken the code as early as the German invasion of Poland. • On July 3, 1957, Nikita Khrushchev takes control in the Soviet Union by orchestrating the ouster of his opponents in the government. Khrushchev's action delighted the United States, which viewed him as a more of a moderate. • On June 29, 1967, blond bombshell actress Jayne Mansfield is killed instantly when the car in which she is riding strikes the rear of a trailer truck on I-90 east of New Orleans. A thick white fog from a mosquito sprayer may have obscured the truck. • On July 1, 1979, the first Sony Walkman goes on sale for $150 after a breakneck development phase of only four months. The initial production run of 30,000 units looked overly ambitious when only 3,000 were sold the first month. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Grand Forks’ Only WEEKLY PUBLICATION! Chadwick Parkinson Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 701-772-8239 Grand Forks, ND 58208 wickpub@yahoo.com

King Features Weekly Service

He Hasn't Kept Us Safe

defeating the terror group and limits the resources devoted to fighting it. So long as ISIS looks as though it is successfully resisting its enemies, though, it has a magnetic appeal to potential loyalists in the West. If it is impossible to snuff out the ideology of Islamic radicalism on the battlefield, it is possible to make it look much less alluring. No one likes a loser. ISIS will no longer have such perverse cachet as soon as it is crushed in the field. President Obama is certainly right that a San Bernardino or an Orlando isn't going to bring the country to its knees, but he underestimates the price to American society. Do we want to live in a country where every county agency or nightclub feels compelled to deploy metal detectors and armed guards? President Bush used every tool in his power, from the Patriot Act, the NSA surveillance program and enhanced interrogations to relentless military operations overseas, in his zeal to protect the homeland. President Obama let up the pressure, and what he once dismissed as the JV team is exacting a terrible price.

June 13, 2016

dents,granted, when, inespecially point of fact, it isthat the Bush's sucgiven students arediminished too blinkeredthe by race cesswho itself urgency people and gender to marvel at great works felt about the terror threat. Butofwith two doart. mestic terror attacks in the past six months The poet Maya Angelou said in a leckilling more people and wounding ture once that as athan child60she thought, more than 70, the long stretch “Shakespeare must be a black girl.” of safety at is harder to dismiss. It washome because, growing up in the Jim Crow South, a victim of unspeakable The rise of terror attacks within the U.S. abuse, 29 spoke so powerfully -- Sonnet in addition to the mayhem in San Berto her. nardino and Orlando, there has been a Yale’s petitioners must consider Toni drumbeat of to smaller attacks -- corresponds Morrison a traitor her race and genwith ISIS conquering and holding der. She had an argument with a the- swaths of A Safe Space territoryyears in Syria Iraq. Itshe isn't a coinciater director agoand in which From Chaucer defended “Othello,” and went on to dence. production based DesdeYale English majors are demanding a write aJohn McCain and on other hawks warned President Barack Obama desperately mona, the play’s doomed female charsafe space from Chaucer. so often during the Iraq War that if we rewanted be a peacetime president, is Or how about Derek Walcott, In a to petition to the English depart-yet acter. treated in the face of the jihadi whom a Yale professor sympathetic threat overending second term with Islamic ment,his Yale undergraduates declare terseaspetitioners it would follow us home, the argument to the suggests adding a required two-semester rorthat attacks looming larger thanseminar at any time began to lose its force. But they were right. to the required course? He told The on Major English Poets is a danger to since 9/11. The tide of war isn't receding, Guardian newspaper a few years ago It is an iron law of nature that if a group like their well-being. Never mind that the as he famously contended in a speech on be absurd to haven, say, “Don’t read offending poets, Shakespeare, Chau- it would ISIS gets a safe it will use it to train, thecer, Afghan drawdown in 2011; it is lapping because he was white.” Donne, Milton, Wordsworth, et Shakespeare recruit and propagandize for terror attacks onto our shores. Anyone reading widely in the English al., are the foundational writers in the against the West. canon will encounter supremely talThe left language. hates the notion George W. English It’s as ifthat chemistry President view isInthat attacks female, blackObama's and gay writers. students learning the periBush "keptobjected us safe,"tobut after Sept. 11 -- ented a like the one on the Pulse nightclub fact, many other Yale courses feature aren't an odic table. plot set in motion before he took office -them.existential But the creative streamhebegan threat. While certainly doesn't root of another the plaintsignificant against the BushThe prevented attack so-called dead white males. It is them horseminar is, of course, the usual PC with want them to happen and finds thebean-counting, rest of his presidency, at a time their rible geniusand thatwrenching, their words they transcend where prodigious tal-when are the implicit a follow-on strikestood here the at home their time and place and have given us ents who have test ofseemed time all price of what he conceives as a prudently butand inevitable. explore the deepest questions phrases, characters and stories that are crafted anti-ISIS strategy -in other words, still vital today. to beachievement human are for Itabout was what easy ittomeans take this one that doesn't show much urgency about An official description of the Major found wanting. The petition whines that “a year spent around a seminar English Poets seminar says the classes table where the literary contributions seek to create a heightened “curiosity of women, people of color, and queer about the way language works,” as folk are absent actively harms all stu- well as “a confidence in engaging with historically and formally diverse literdents, regardless of their identity.” This is a variation on the widespread ary texts.” This is a reasonable enough belief on campus that unwelcome academic goal — unless the students speech is tantamount to a physical involved are willfully incapable of threat. In this case, the speech happens curiosity or confidence. There is an easy solution to the to be some of the most eloquent words written in the English language. One dilemma of the aggrieved petitioners: can only pity the exceedingly fragile They shouldn’t study English, or anysensibility it takes to feel assaulted by, thing else that might challenge their say, “Lines Composed a Few Miles absurdly small-minded ideological hobbyhorses. Above Tintern Abbey.” The petition’s implicit contention is Rich Lowry is editor of the National that the major poets are too circum- Review. scribed by their race and gender to © 2016 by King Features Synd., Inc. speak to today’s socially aware stu-

Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

*Answers located on next page.

MORE IRONY • In Sheridan, Wyoming, the annual Snow Festival was cancelled due to snow. • U.S. Rep. Charles Joelson was upset that souvenir statues of the U.S. Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima being sold in Washington D.C. were made in Japan. • A facility for the rehabilitation of alcoholics in Paterson, New Jersey happened to be located at the intersection of Straight Street and Narrow Street. • The first commercial with Mr. Whipple and Charmin toilet paper was produced in Flushing, New York. • Billy Carter, brother of former President Jimmy Carter, was allergic to peanuts.

(c) 2016 by King Features Synd., Inc.

Q. Where's the most ironic place to die? A. The living room! ------------------------------------Today I saw that my ironing board cover was wrinkled. I laughed at the irony. Then I laughed again because irony has the word 'iron' in it. -------------------------------------

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(Answers located on next page)

June 13, 2016

• If you use plastic grocery-store bags to line a small garbage can, here’s a great way to keep them from falling into the bottom of the can: Use two Command hooks (they have a stick-on back) on either side of your trash can. Aim the hook toward the bottom of the can, so that the bag’s handles catch on it. This works great in our house!” — M.M. in Pennsylvania • Use a binder clip to help your kitchen sponge stand up. That way, it will dry out better, as both sides will be exposed to the air instead of one lying flat. The sponge will collect less mildew, which is yucky. When it’s ready for a good wash, use the binder clip to secure it in the dishwasher. • To remove dust and dirt that collect in the tracks of your windows, first use a hand vacuum to remove the big stuff, then dip a cotton swab in vinegar and run it along the edges to get out the rest. • “I pinned a manila envelope on the wall behind my calendar. I pick up greeting cards well ahead of the occasion, and I slip them into the envelope. When I turn a new month, I fish out all the cards to be mailed that month, write my messages and add postage. They are ready to send! I love finding personal mail in my mailbox and not just bills and advertisements. I know my friends and family do too!” — P.C. in Washington • Got an old T-shirt that you love but can’t really wear anymore? Maybe it’s too small or too big or has a stain, but you love the print. Sew the bottom shut, cut off the sleeves and widen the opening. Instant reusable shopping tote. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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TIDBITS® BEATING by Janet Spencer

On September 11, 1952, the first artificial aortic valve was installed in a patient in Washington, D.C. Come along with Tidbits as we take a look at the human heart!

HEART ATTACK FACTS • 37% of all deaths in the United States are related to heart disease, making it the largest single cause of natural death. Heart disease kills twice as many people as all forms of cancer combined. The major causes are smoking, fatty diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, heredity, lack of exercise, and diabetes. It is an illness produced of man's environment. Before 1900, heart attacks were very rare. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world’s most serious epidemic. • Every single cell in the heart is guided by an electrical impulse which synchronizes the heartbeat so all muscle cells contract in unison to pump the blood. During a heart attack, the cells begin firing out of turn so the efficiency of the heart is lost and the blood does not get pumped. When doctors shock the heart, the shock overrides each cell’s individual firing mechanism and once again synchronizes every cell, hopefully getting them all to work together again. WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Publish a

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will publish on July 7th THANKS FOR READING TIDBITS!

(Solution on Next Page)


• In South Carolina, a wedding party in a photographer’s studio was being photographed when the floor collapsed, dumping them into the basement. In Mississippi, the band playing in the bandstand during 4th of July festivities plunged through the floor. In Tennessee, pacifists staged a peace rally at the courthouse. American Legionaries held a counter-protest and paraded in military style up the courthouse steps, which collapsed beneath them. All of these incidents were caused by termites. • In 1951 a warehouse in Missouri was found to be termite infested. Just then one of the worst floods in the city’s history inundated the town. For a full week, the warehouse was submerged. When the flood receded, the owners of the warehouse figured that their termite problem was over. However, after the mud was shoveled out, the termites were found to be still alive and thriving. Termites do more damage in the U.S. than lightning, tornadoes, arson, and vandalism combined. • Termites were among the first insects to appear on earth, showing up well before the dinosaurs. They are found in every state except Alaska. Texas has more species of termites than any other state with 17. California is a close second, followed by Arizona and Florida. Areas of least infestation include Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas. Termites have been able to expand their range vastly due to the invention of central heating, which keeps them warm throughout the winter. Infestation is so heavy in Washington, D.C. that city codes prohibit the construction of wooden floors in city buildings. Termites were once found living on the 11th floor of a high-rise hotel in Silver Moon Beach, Florida. They got all the water they needed from a leaky ice-cube machine and an incontinent poodle.

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Pail is missing. 2. Hair bow is smaller. 3. Snake is shorter. 4. Starfish is missing. 5. Umbrella is missing. 6. Arm is moved. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.


• All termites are deaf. However, they are extremely sensitive to vibrations, which is why they never live in railroad ties, bowling alleys, Answer: Dell. or factories with heavy machinery. A VERY LARGE NUMBER • Termites devour not only all kinds of wood and • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 wood products, but also wool, horns, ivory, he was asked to come up with a name for a rubber, plastic, and the manure. They been very large number: numeral one,have followed known to eat the corks right out of wine botby a hundred zeros. He asked his two young tles. One kind Panamanian termite can gnaw nephews whatof name they would suggest. through lead sheathing on cables and even eats • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name through concrete. terout of the funnies. Voracious A cartoon Australian strip character mites can reduce an abandoned ranch to dust named Barney was very popular. Milton chosein aBarney’s matter oflast a few years. name for the number. • •Some termite colonies Africa Kasner announced the in new nameare forestimated the big tonumber be more than 80 years old and contain 3 milin his next book, altering the spelling. lion or more termites. All the termites in col• Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey aBrin ony are descended from thesearch sameengine. set of parents. developed a new internet Other Asearch queenengines termite is 2,400 times bigger thanand the searched each webpage worker A queen 84,000 eggs ranked termites. them according to can howlay many times a inspecific a singleterm day.appeared on them, but Page and Brin 50 designed search to search for • Over speciestheir of birds eatengine termites. A flicker specific term and then find out by howanmany (athetype of woodpecker) dissected ornilinks there were that led back to that page, thologist had 1,109 termites in its stomach. which resulted in a better search engine. • Termites construct tunnels in all directions from •their Theynest decided needed aSome nametunnels that to avoidthey the sunlight. reflected how many websites the search extend 100 yards or more. Workmen once unengine was searching. They took the name covered a system of tunnels 13 feet below the of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only surface of the earth. they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being • Although no kindthe of same North way American termite spelled exactly the cartoon character spelled his lastthe name. What’sis makes its Barney nest above ground, practice it called?in(Answer bottom ofCement-like page) common tropicalattermites. termite columns may rise 30 FACTS feet high. Composed COMPUTER and said, excrement, theofmaterial •ofInearth, 1981 saliva, Bill Gates “640 kb memoryis extremely crushed and rolled, it ought to betough. enoughWhen for anybody.” forms marvelous tennis courts, roads, pottery, • Moore’s Law states that computer performance and bricks. One mound yielded doubles every 18 large to 24 months, and everenough since material to make almost half a million bricks. 1971, this has been true. On a golf course in Africa, golfers tee off from • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all the flat top of a 15-foot termite mound while 100 started in garages. other mounds on the course provide the hazards. Answer: Google, from googol.

Thanks for Reading Tidbits!

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Quiz Answers

1. False. Crater Lake in Oregon 2. Slowly 3. Columbia 4. Alexander Hamilton 5. “Casino Royale”

6. Ballistics 7. Tommy James and the Shondells. 8. Augusta, Maine 9. The transistor



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Sports Answers


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