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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU August 25, 2016
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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications
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BANANAS by Janet Spencer
ack says... Summer
Bananas are the top selling fruit in the U.S. Americans eat more bananas each year than apples and oranges combined. Come along with Tidbits as we discover why!
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• The Arabic word ‘banan’ means ‘finger’ and that’s where we get the word ‘banana.’ • Bananas were cultivated as early as 1000 B.C., originating in the tropical rain forests of Southeastern Asia. They spread to tropical regions all over the world, as sailors plantState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL ed cuttings everywhere in order to assure a steady food supply while on long voyages. • A banana tree is actually the world’s largest herb, in the same family as lilies, orchids and Carpet Cleaning palms. The fruit is classified as a giant berry. Services, Inc. A banana tree can grow thirty feet tall, making Carpet Cleaning • Carpet it the largest known plant that doesn’t have a Cleaning SPECIAL! woody trunk. Because of this, it’s susceptible Upholstery $109 •Cleaning to wind damage. Many of the world’s largest 3 Rooms & banana-producing areas are located in hurriHallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. cane country. Extraction Expires 9-16-16 • When a mature banana tree is cut down or blown over, new shoots sprout from around the parent stalk. It takes only about 18 months of continu701-775-8500 ously warm sunny weather for a banana plant Residential & Commercial to grow from a shoot to a mature plant bearing fruit. The banana plant is perennial, meaning it SLOW COMPUTER? will grow year after year from the same roots.
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• Each stalk can contain up to 150 individual bananas, weighing up to a hundred pounds. A typical banana plant can yield about three or four SPECIAL harvests over the course of its lifespan. After SAVE $250 that, it is cut down and left to turn into soil in on Select FIREPLACES order to support the shoot that re-grows from Sales & Installation the original stem. 701-746-8684 • Modern bananas are unable to reproduce on Over a Dozen Burning Displays at: 4224 Gateway Dr. • Grand Forks their own and must have human assistance. Premium Powersports Audio They do not have seeds, and are spread only by 4. The banana business is the cloning. Banana plants are propagated by translargest industry in Honduras. planting suckers and corms that grow off the What percentage of the bananas 1. There are more varieties of baLet’s play dirty.by mother plant’s roots. Therefore, every modern grown there are owned nanas grown in this country than Premium Chiquita and Dole? Audio Powersports commercial banana plant is a genetic clone. anywhere else in the world, with 5. T or F: Bananas will float in 670 types? Name it. • Because every banana is identical, they are all water. 2. What percentage of people who Let’s play dirty. 6. What image is part of the susceptible to the same diseases. One popular are allergic to laxtex are also Premium PowersportsChiquita Audio logo? allergic to bananas? strain of banana is now nearly extinct due to a 3. The world’s largest banana fac- 7. T or F: The banana split was fungus, and the same incurable banana disease first served at a pharmacy. tory Let’s can handle 50,000 bananas play dirty. continues to spread from one banana plantation to per day. In what Central AmeriTRIVIA Premium can countryPowersports is it located? Audio SPONSORED BY: the next, threatening the world supply of bananas. • India grows about 20% of the world’s bananas, Let's Play Dirty. but exports very few of them because bananas grown in India are eaten in India. Other countries such as Ecuador export nearly 100% of their banana crop. • Avalon • Fireplace Extrordinair • Lopi
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Let’s play dirty.
Quiz Bits
• Bananas are cut while green because they keep ™ longer and ship better while green. They begin How we play. UTV Audio to ripen as soon as they are picked, because at Sound Decision chlorophyll starts breaking down, turning the SoundDecisionND.com • 701-738-0713 • 1923 DeMersw Ave., w wwe .Grand jla u dForks i™o . c o m play. fruit from green to yellow, just as green leaves Let’sHow play dirty. Premium Powersports Audio turn yellow in the fall.
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• 32% of a banana is the peel. Of the fruit, 75% is water, 21% sugar, and only 4% is protein, fiber, and starch. There are about 110 calories in one medium banana. • Chiquita was clearing jungle land to make room for more banana plantations when they accidentally discovered ancient Mayan ruins. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Which Minneapolis stadium was in use longer: Metropolitan Stadium (the Met), or the Metrodome? 2. T or F: Brazil’s men’s soccer team won the gold medal for the first time ever in this year’s Olympics. 3. Name the top four coaches for most years of coaching the Notre Dame football team?
4. In 2015, Alex Rodriguez became the fourth major-league player to hit a home run as a teenager and as a 40-year old. Who was the first to do it? 5. Five centers have averaged at least 12 points, 11 rebounds and five assists per game for an NBA season. Name four of them. 6. How many NHL All-Star Games has Pittsburgh Penguins star Sidney Crosby played in?
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• A banana has four times as much protein as an apple, plus twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, and five times the vitamin A and iron. Bananas are high in potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. It’s the only fruit that contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is also found in turkey and tends to make people sleepy. It’s one of the few fruits that contain vitamin B6. Bananas have little fat and no cholesterol.
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• Americans eat almost 30 lbs. of bananas per person per year, averaging about 1.5 bananas per week. That’s nine pounds more than the annual consumption of apples, which are the second most popular fruit. • Over 96% of American households purchase bananas at least once each month. • About 60% of the world’s production of bananas is consumed in the U.S. • Except for a small crop from Hawaii, the entire American supply of bananas is imported, nearly all coming from countries in the Caribbean. A typical banana travels 4,000 miles before being eaten.
*Answer located on Super Crossword Page.
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• Bananas were first imported to the U.S. in 1804 when a ship brought 30 stalks to New York from Cuba. They were introduced to the public at the Philadelphia Centennial Expo in 1876 and sold for 10 cents each, equal to $10 today. A guard posted next to a living banana plant prevented people from breaking bits off as souvenirs. • Within just 20 short years at the end of the 1800s, bananas went from being a novelty item to surpassing apples as America’s best selling fruit, in spite of the fact that bananas rot easily and must be shipped thousands of miles, whereas apples grow very near most of the cities in the U.S. ...continued
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BANANA HISTORY (cont'd) • One reason for the banana’s skyrocketing popularity is that they are available year-round because they are harvested constantly. Nearly all other fruits are seasonal.
• In 1905, writer O. Henry authored a book called “Cabbages and Kings” which takes place in a mythical country in Central America called Anchuria. In the book, he coined the term ‘banana republic.’ During the 1930s, this term became common, denoting unstable countries whose economy is dependent upon a single resource which is controlled by plutocrats.
• By the early 1900s, the banana business was booming in Caribbean countries. However, there were problems. Although bananas and coffee often accounted for 80% of the exports, the economic benefits were limited to members of • During World War I, many ships belonging to the governments and the corporate owners. Little revenue fruit companies which had been used to haul bawent to the country where the fruit was grown. Further- nanas were conscripted by the Navy for use in more, workers spent their wages in company stores, whose the war instead. The banana trade was strangled supplies were imported rather than being purchased locally. because there was no way to get bananas to market. The popularity of the fruit rebounded after the war ended, but the same thing happened during World War II when banana boats were once again conscripted for military use. • The song “Yes We Have No Bananas” was written in 1923 in response to frequent banana shortages caused by blight, hurricanes, and wars.
*Answer located on Inside Back Page
• The invention of steamships, railroads, interstate highways, and refrigeration all spurred the popularity of bananas because they made it possible to get the fruit to market before it spoiled.
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• It's still not known who made the following sage observation: "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." • You probably won't be surprised to learn that 92 percent of teens say that they use social media -- the only question there is why the other 8 percent aren't using it. It is surprising, though, that, according to a recent survey, 54 percent of teens feel their teen years would be happier if social media didn't exist. • This contentious election season is a good time to increase your vocabulary. Between now and Nov. 8, you may find ample opportunity to use the word "calumniate," which means "to maliciously make false statements about someone." • President Lyndon B. Johnson owned four beagles while he was in the White House: Edgar, Freckles, Him and Her. • In 2011, a Denver woman named Susan Cole went to great lengths to avoid jury duty. When she arrived at the courthouse -- with curlers, mismatched shoes and deliberately botched makeup -- she handed District Judge Anne Mansfield a sob story about domestic violence, military service and post-traumatic stress disorder. She was excused from jury duty, and if she'd been smart, that would've been the end of the matter. However, a few months later, a radio talk show's featured topic was avoiding jury duty, and Cole couldn't resist telling her story in detail. Unfortunately for her, Judge Mansfield also was listening, and Cole was charged with first-degree perjury. • Sometimes a group of rabbits will get really excited and start to jump around wildly. When that happens, it's called a binky. *** Thought for the Day: "Men rarely (if ever) managed to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child." -- Robert A. Heinlein © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Amazing Animals:
• One kind of fly lays its eggs on the bodies of caterpillars. The caterpillars are sometimes able to bite the eggs off, so the fly has learned to wait • There are over 87,000 species of flies in the world. until the caterpillar lifts it foot off the ground. Dragonflies, mayflies, fireflies, and butterflies are not Then in a flash the fly moves in and deposits flies. Gnats, mosquitoes, and midges are flies. the eggs on the bottom of the caterpillar’s foot, • Flies have hearts. where they cannot be reached. • The feet of a fly exude a sticky substance which helps it walk on slick surfaces and upside-down. The sticky • The fairy fly is the smallest insect at 1/100th inch. It can crawl through the eye of a small needle. feet also pick up germs, which is why flies spread so much disease. The average fly carries between one and • In a cave called Waitomo Cavern in New Zealand there lives a fly that's about twice as big as a six million bacteria. mosquito. Its scientific name is Arachnocampa • The housefly is quite close to being the average size anluminosa. It clings to the roof of the cave imal for the entire animal kingdom, exactly midway beover an underground river and trails in the tween the one-celled protozoa and the blue whale. air a series of sticky threads of mucus • Flies are loners. They may feed and breed at the four or five feet long. Under its tail is a same carrion, but there is never any social interaclight-emitting organ which lights up the tion between them. shimmering mucus strands. Any insects in the cave are attracted to the light. They stick • Male flies have been observed waiting patiently next to to the thread and are hauled in and eaten by the the pupa of female flies, waiting for mates to hatch. fly. With several thousand flies all lighting up • When an adult hatches out from the pupa, it has achieved their shimmering threads, the sight is eerie and its final form. Small flies do not grow into large flies. unforgettable. • Utah’s Great Salt Lake is famous for its outbreaks of brine flies, sometimes numbering 370 million per mile • Ancient Roman poet Virgil once held a grand funeral for a dead fly, including pallbearers and of shoreline. eulogies. Land used as a cemetery was exempt • One kind of fly lives both underwater and above wafrom taxes, so by burying a dead fly on his propter near seaweed beds. However, this fly has a strange erty, Virgil was able to make it tax-exempt. fixation on the smell of dry cleaning fluids and will frequently congregate at cleaning establishments in such • Renaissance painter Giotto was studying under Giovanni Cimabue when he secretly painted a fly numbers that they become a nuisance. on the nose of a figure in one of Cimabue's paint• The mouthparts of a horsefly are strong enough to pierce ings. So realistic was the fly that when Cimabue leather. returned to complete the picture, he tried repeat• William Buckland, British geologist, was known to edly to brush the fly away. Only then did he realsample every living thing he came across. He once deize he was a victim of Giotto's practical joke. clared that the mole was the nastiest thing he ever tast- • Scientists have been completely unable to train a ed, but later passed the award to blue bottle flies. fly to press a lever in order to receive the reward
of food.
Thanks for Reading Tidbits!
aking the time to learn a little bit about mosquitoes can make for an enjoyable summer. Communities that have comprehensive mosquito control programs benefit substantially by reducing the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Mosquito control is very expensive. Most small communities can’t afford a comprehensive mosquito program. So, trying to achieve successful mosquito control on a single farmyard or rural home is almost impossible. The cost per household would be too expensive for most. However, by taking a few simple steps, you may be able to reclaim your back yard. Here are four simple steps that will help reduce the mosquito population on your property in both rural and urban areas:
#1: Eliminate Breeding Habitat
#3: Protect Yourself
Mosquitoes can reproduce anyplace that water collects and remains for as little as one week. By eliminating standing water on your property, you can prevent mosquitoes from reproducing. Inspect your property weekly for any signs of standing water or water holding containers. If you have a rain barrel used for collecting rainwater, make sure it is completely sealed to prevent mosquitoes from gaining access to the water. If you have a low spot in your yard where water accumulates and remains for several days after a rain, fill it in or consider planting a water tolerant tree or shrub to soak up the water. Develop a property checklist and get your children or grandchildren involved with weekly inspections. Assign the responsibility to the kids. They’ll love it! It also gives them ownership in the success of reducing the mosquito population.
Wear protective clothing to cover exposed skin. Apply an effective insect repellent. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention recommends repellents that contain DEET. There are several new repellents on the market that go on dry. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, DEET is not recommended for children under 2 months old. Always follow the label directions when applying insect repellents.
#2: Make Your Property Undesirable for Mosquitoes The first step to making your property undesirable for mosquitoes is to eliminate breeding habitat. Then, learn a little bit about the biology of the mosquitoes in your region. The majority of the mosquitoes in the Grand Forks region are night biters. However, if kicked up during the day in shaded areas, you can expect to be bitten. They generally seek out their blood meals around sunset and may stay active until midnight. Once the temperature starts rising, they head for cover. During hot sunny days, mosquitoes look for cool, shaded, moist, areas to rest. Tall grass, weeds, and shrubbery provide ideal resting places during the day. If the tall grass, weeds, and shrubs are by your backyard deck, then you’ve pretty much invited the mosquitoes to your evening barbeque. By keeping your grass and weeds cut short and shrubbery trimmed, you’ll reduce the resting sites for mosquitoes.
#4: Apply Barrier Treatments Mosquito barrier treatments are products designed to repel or kill mosquitoes on contact. Many professional mosquito control programs use these products to get instant results in controlling mosquitoes in a selected area. Permethrin is a common active ingredient in these products. Barrier treatments are residual products, meaning they’ll continue working for an extended amount of time (1-3 weeks). When applying these products, try to spray areas that remain shaded during the day. The shaded areas are where the mosquitoes choose to rest during the day. Treating the shaded areas may also extend the effectiveness of the product. The active ingredient in these products break down rapidly from Ultra Violet sunlight. These products can usually be purchased from local retail stores and can be applied by the homeowner. Always read and follow the label directions when working with any chemicals.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
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• On Sept. 4, 476 A.D., Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, is deposed by Odoacer, a German barbarian, who proclaims himself king of Italy. Although Roman rule continued in the East, it marked the end of the original Roman Empire. • On Aug. 29, 1533, Atahuallpa, the 13th and last emperor of the Incas, dies by strangulation at the hands of Francisco Pizarro's Spanish conquistadors. The execution of the last free reigning emperor ended 300 years of Inca civilization. • On Aug. 31, 1897, Thomas Edison receives a patent for his movie camera, the Kinetograph, which used celluloid film. In 1898, Edison sued Biograph Pictures, claiming patent infringement. However, in 1902, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Edison only owned rights to the sprocket system that moved perforated film through the camera. • On Sept. 2, 1959, Henry Ford II introduces his company's newest car, the Falcon. The compact car was an overnight success. In just one day, dealers had snapped up every one of the 97,000 cars in the first production run. • On Aug. 30, 1967, Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black American to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. He would serve for 24 years before retiring for health reasons, leaving a legacy of upholding the rights of the individual. • On Sept. 3, 1982, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's US Festival opens in San Bernardino, California. Entertainment included The Police, The Kinks and Fleetwood Mac, along with games for the Atari Video Computer System. The Apple Macintosh was still 18 months away. • On Sept. 1, 1998, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 finally goes into effect. The law required that all cars and light trucks sold in the U.S. have air bags on both sides of the front seat. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
King Features Weekly Service
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
(Answers located on next page)
August 15, 2016
• Hull strawberries quickly by pushing a straw through from the tip to the stem. • Ice cream will stay soft and scoopable if you put it in a zipper-top, freezer-safe storage bag before you tuck it away in the freezer. • Taco Tuesdays made easy: “Flip a muffin tin over so that the wells of the tin are poking up. Set your hard taco shells in between the wells to hold them up while you are filling them. You could even make a bunch of tacos this way and bring them to the table already made! Fun stuff.” — J.D. in Oregon • “To make sure you don’t get any slipped stitches when you are interrupted while knitting or crocheting, just clip the work at the needle with a clothespin. It stays put, and you can pick it right back up after you are done taking a break.” — C.C. in Arkansas • If you love coffee, you’ll extra-love this tip: Freeze leftover hot coffee that has been slightly cooled. Then, use the ice cubes to cool down a piping hot cup, as a base for coffee milkshakes and in iced coffee drinks so they will not water down. • “I use clothespins clipped to the top of my shower curtain to hang washcloths to dry. When they are dried out, I toss them in the laundry bin. I only do laundry one a week, and if a washcloth sits wet in the laundry bin, it starts to mildew and smell!” — E.L. in New Hampshire
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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Doreen Nowlan of Massachusetts was listening to the radio in 1984 when she heard a used car salesman named Crazy Carlo announce he had a car for sale for "999 bananas." Doreen took him at his word and showed up with a load of 999 bananas. Crazy Carlo honored his promise. She drove off with a car worth about $2,000. The Salvation Army got the bananas, worth about $120. And the dealership got nationwide publicity, worth millions.
• Charles Kettering was researching improvements in the gasoline engine in 1912 when the automobile industry was just beginning to grow. He was trying to eliminate the "knock" in the engine, caused when gas takes too long to burn in the cylinder, reducing efficiency. How could he get the gas to burn earlier? He started thinking of things that happen early. He thought of the trailing arbutus, a plant which blooms early. It has red leaves. Kettering thought the red color made the arbutus bloom early. He figured if gas was red, maybe it too would be affected and would burn early. Red dye was what he needed, but he didn't have any red dye. However, he did have iodine. He poured iodine in the gas. The knocking stopped. The following week, he poured red dye in the gas. The knocking started again. He decided it wasn't the red color— it was substances in the iodine. He had made the first important strides in developing the no-knock engine. • In 1903 French chemist Benedictus was working in his lab when he accidentally knocked a glass flask to the floor. He heard it shatter, but when he examined it he found all the glass fragments had hung together. Questioning his assistant, he discovered the flask had once held a solution of cellulose nitrate, which is a liquid plastic. The solution had evaporated, and the assistant, thinking the flask was clean enough, had not washed it out before returning it to the laboratory shelf. Only a few days later, Benedictus read an article in a Paris newspaper that mentioned a recent rash of automobile accidents. The article said most of the drivers had been seriously injured by shattered glass. Remembering the broken flask, Benedictus rushed to his lab, and within the next 24 hours had invented safety glass. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Mic is missing. 2. Poster cowboy is reversed. 3. Bill is moved. 4. Bandanna is smaller. 5. Sign is missing. 6. Bullet belt is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• After French inventor Benedictus developed safety glass, he was dismayed to find automobile manufacturers uninterested in the develAnswer: Dell. opment because they felt auto safety was the A VERY LARGE NUMBER responsibility of the driver, not the manufac•turer. Edward was a War mathematician. In 1938 NotKasner until World I brought the need he was asked to come up with a name for a for shatter-proof safety goggles did Benedicvery large number: the numeral one, followed tus' by invention a hundredcatch zeros.on.He asked his two young nephews what name would • Robert Fergusson ranthey away fromsuggest. his home in Scotland at the age of 12, and went ad• Nine-year-old Milton suggested toaseek name venture sea. His duties included swabout of on the the funnies. A cartoon strip character named was very Milton chose bing andBarney re-painting the popular. rusty metal deck, alBarney’s last name for the number. ways a tedious and time-consuming chore. • Kasner announced theannew for the big • One day he lunged for openname container of raw number in his to next book, alteringitthe spelling. fish oil trying catch it before spilled, but •failed. Sixty It years later,allLarry and Sergey spread over Page the deck. In the Brin days developedthe a new search Other following spill,internet he noticed thatengine. the rust that search engines searched each webpage and had been relentlessly creeping across the deck ranked them according to how many times a stopped the fish oil had spilled. Heand respecificwhere term appeared on them, but Page membered this fact throughout his long career Brin designed their search engine to search for asthe a sea captain. specific term and then find out how many links there were that Orleans, led back he to that page, • After settling in New frequently which resulted in a better search engine. experimented with fish oil-based paints. The •problem They decided neededterrible a name that was that they smelled and took reflected how many websites the search forever to dry. When Fergusson was 42 years engine wasputsearching. took old, he was in charge They of a fleet of the shipsname durof Edward Kasner’s very large number, only ing World War I. Taking the opportunity to do they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being further fishway oil, he hit spelledexperiments exactly thewith same thefinally cartoon oncharacter a formula that smelled better, dried fast, and Barney spelled his last name. What’s stopped rust overnight. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) COMPUTER • After the war, he foundedFACTS a paint company in which quite company’s •1921, In 1981 Bill did Gates said,well. “640The kb of memory name it’s a worldwide oughtistoRust-Oleum. be enough forToday anybody.” in protective and coatings for both •leader Moore’s Law statespaints that computer performance home and industry, and still offers the famous doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since rust-fighting that started it all back 1971, this hasformula been true. 1921. The company’s motto, ‘Rust Never •inHP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all Sleeps,’ was borrowed by singer Neil Young as started in garages. the nameGoogle, of his 1979 album. Answer: from googol.
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