Tidbits Grand Forks - September 15, 2016

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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THE "I'S" HAVE IT by Kathy Wolfe

There are a lot of interesting people, places, and things that begin with the letter “I” and this week Tidbits is investigating several of them. • When type is printed in italics, the font slants slightly to the right. This isn’t a new typeface, but rather was first used in Italy in 1500, hence the name “italic.” Italics are used for a number of purposes, including emphasizing a word in print. Books, plays, and periodicals are written in italics, as are names of ships, foreign words, and the Latin genus and species names in biology. • Although elephants usually come to mind when the word ivory is mentioned, there are several other tusked mammals, including the walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, narwhal, and wart hog. No matter the species of animal, the chemical structure of tusks is the same, similar to that of bones and antlers, except that ivory has no blood vessel system, making it much denser than bone. Dentine, the main component is a connective tissue of minerals and protein. International trade in ivory has been illegal for decades, but continues underground, with 1 lb. bringing in $1,000. The tusks of one elephant can be worth more than ten times the average annual salary in most of the African countries where the elephant is found.


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Quiz Bits

5. What’s the capital of India? 6. Name the only U.S. state capital city that starts with “I”. 1. Name the group of people who 7. What is the name of the dam first appeared in Peru in the that created Lake Mead? 12th century. 8. What political party did Presi2. Goiter is the result of the lack dent Zachory Taylor represent of a certain element. Name it. when elected? 3. What's the region of the Earth’s 9. Who starred in the 1981 upper atmosphere, beginning movie “Mommy Dearest,” and about 37 miles from the surface? what actress did she portray? 4. IBM is the company. What do TRIVIA the letters stand for? SPONSORED BY:


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THE "I'S" HAVE IT! (continued): • If you’re suffering from icterus, your skin and the whites of your eyes will appear yellow. The more common name for his ailment is jaundice, from the French word jaune, meaning “yellow.” Bilirubin is a yellow substance produced when the liver breaks down old red cells. When the substance is at high levels, the yellowish pigmentation appears. The condition is common in infants around Day Two of life, and can be alleviated by exposing the baby to light and sunlight, which promotes the production of Vitamin D. Hepatitis, liver cancer, and bile duct blockage can also produce icterus. • Idaho is nicknamed the “Gem State” because almost every known type of gemstone has been found there. In fact, its state gem, the star garnet, can only be found there and in India. This mountainous state was the 43rd state admitted to the Union and has an area larger than that of all the New England states combined. It’s believed that the name Idaho traces its origins to the Shoshone language, translating “the sun comes from the mountains.” Two major grocery chains, Safeway and Albertsons, have their roots in the state of Idaho. Famous folks born there include baseball great Harmon Killebrew, Olympic skier Picabo Street, and actress Lana Turner. • Izzard might sound like a rare animal or one of its parts, but it’s actually the Old English word for the letter “Z”. The expression “from A to izzard” means “from beginning to end.” If you “don’t know A from izzard,” you don’t know even the most basic things. Izzard is related to the British use of “zed” for Z, while the Scots call it “ezed.” ...continued

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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 3. Name the school that has been ranked No. 1 in the Associated Press top-25 1. In 2015, Los Angeles college football preseason Dodgers pitcher Clayton poll the most times. Kershaw tied a team record 4. When was the last time with a sixth consecutive sea- before the 2015 NBA son of 200-plus strikeouts. playoffs that the WashingWho else holds the mark? ton Wizards swept a series 2. Which of the following —1982, 1984, or 1986? four left-handed pitchers 5. T or F: Prior to 2016, the appeared in the most malast time that the St. Louis jor-league games: Tommy Blues made the ConferJohn, Jim Kaat, Sparky ence Finals in the NHL Lyle or Tug McGraw? playoffs was before 2000.



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THE "I'S" HAVE IT! (continued):

• Ibex and ibis might look like similar words, but these two creatures are vastly different. The ibex is a wild goat with large curved horns that lives in the European Alps. Its habitat is the mountainous regions from 5,900 to 10,800 feet. The ibis is a long-legged wading bird related to the heron. Its long slender, downwardly-curved bill enables them to probe mud for food. Florida’s University of Miami has chosen the white ibis as its school mascot because of its bravery. Legend has it that the ibis is the last creature to take shelter before a hurricane, and the first to reappear when the storm has passed. • The driest known object in the Solar System is Io, one of the moons of the planet Jupiter. Discovered in 1610, it’s also the most geologically active object, with more than 400 active volcanoes. This moon is named for the mythological priestess Io, a mortal lover of Zeus, ruler of the Olympian gods. According to Greek mythology, Zeus turned her into a heifer in order to hide her from his wife. • Can you translate this sentence? Those who are impavid have no iatrophobia. To be impavid means a person is fearless; therefore, he has no fear of going to the doctor, which is iatrophobia. • If a word is imsonic, it’s also onomatopoetic. What in the world does that mean? These are words that have been created to imitate a natural sound, such as honk, beep, buzz, cuckoo, meow, quack, and purr. • If someone can follow your ichnograms, you’ve simply left your footprints behind. • We all have that one inaniloquent friend – one who is prone to foolish or empty babbling!

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THE "I'S" HAVE IT! (continued): • When we mention a school as being “Ivy League,” it belongs to a group of eight longestablished U.S. universities in the eastern part of the country. The group includes Harvard, the nation’s oldest institute of higher learning, founded in 1636. Harvard was initially a school for the clergy, gradually becoming secular in the 1700s. Yale was founded in New Haven, CT in 1702 as a training ground for political leaders and clergymen. Today it is home to the second-largest academic library in the U.S., second only to Harvard. Princeton University was founded in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, its name until 1896. Founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin, the University of Pennsylvania was established in Philadelphia with a focus on education for public service and commerce. Providence, Rhode Island’s Brown University was founded in 1746. The smallest of the group is Dartmouth, established in 1769 in Hanover, New Hampshire. Located in New York City, Columbia University was founded in 1754 by a royal charter of King George II of England. The final Ivy League college is Cornell, founded in 1865 in Ithaca, New York. During the 1800s, “planting the ivy” was a traditional ceremony at many colleges, and the ivy-covered walls reflect the efforts of students each Spring. It wasn’t until the early 1930s that this group of universities were described as “Ivy colleges.” They term “Ivy League” was first used in 1954, when the NCAA athletic conference was formed and the eight schools became part of the Division.


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• It was Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist Gabriel Garcia Marquez who made the following sage observation: "Words are not created by academics in universities and suchlike; rather it is the man in the street who does so. Dictionary compilers almost always recognize them too late and embalm them in alphabetical order, in many cases when they have lost their original meaning." • Those who study such things say that when faced with a crisis situation, the average woman tends to remain calmer than the average man. • You might be surprised to learn that the first printing press in North America was not anywhere within the present-day boundaries of the United States. The very first one was set up in Mexico City, back in 1539. • In the Talmud, a central text of Rabbinic Judaism, sneezing is called "pleasure sent from God." • The largest single dormitory in the world is at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. With 4.8 miles of corridors and providing 33 acres of floor space, Bancroft Hall provides a home for the school's entire brigade of 4,000 midshipmen. • Many people harbor a fear of snakes (which, incidentally, is known as ophidiophobia), but venomous bites and constricting squeezes aren't the only ways a snake can kill. For instance, in the 1990s a man in Iran, while trying to capture a snake, placed the butt of his shotgun against the snake's neck behind its head. In attempting to escape, the snake wrapped the length of its body around the gun, pulling the trigger in the process -- and killing its would-be captor. • According to historians, Native Americans who lived on the Pacific coast often weaned their babies on caviar. *** Thought for the Day: "Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes." -- Henry David Thoreau © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Unusual Animals:


• Seahorses have a prehensile tail, meaning it is able to pick up things and hold them. This enables them to swim in pairs by wrapping their curled tails around another’s tail.

• The scientific name given to seahorses is Hippocampus, which translates from the Ancient Greek word hippos, (horse), and kampos, meaning “sea monster.” In looking at the tiny fish, with its head and neck resembling that of a horse, it’s easy to see where it received its name.

• Seahorses are part of the diet of penguins, tuna, rays, and crabs. If a seahorse manages to avoid its predators, it lives from 4 to 6 years. They do have an important defensive ability, that of changing colors to blend into their environment, protecting them from predators. In a matter of seconds, seahorses can change from purple to yellow to gray to black. While on the lookout for predators, the seahorse can move one eye at a time. Yet, less than 1% of the babies survive to adulthood.

It’s time to bone up on the more than 50 different species of seahorses found around the globe.

• Seahorses are classified as “bony fish,” with a skeleton of bone tissue rather than cartilage. They have no scales, but rather bony plates of armor arranged in rings around their bodies. Each species has its own specific number of rings. • Size of these sea creatures ranges from less than one inch up to 14 inches long. The smallest is the pygmy seahorse that is 0.5 inch long and lives in the waters off Indonesia and Malaysia. The big-bellied seahorse ranks as the largest species, and can be found in the waters off Southern Australia and New Zealand. • Each seahorse shows it uniqueness in the small crown on its head. Each crown, known as a coral net, differs in size and design. • Only two types of fish swim upright, seahorses and razorfish, propelling themselves with their dorsal fin, located on the back of their body. The pectoral fins on the sides of the head are used to steer themselves while swimming. Even with these methods of locomotion, seahorses are poor swimmers. They would rather rest in one area, holding on to seaweed or coral for days at a time. Sometimes they hitchhike through the waters by attaching themselves to floating debris.

• Because they have no teeth or stomach, food passes through the body very quickly, requiring them to be eating almost constantly, sucking up food through their long snout. A tiny 2-week old creature might consume 4,000 shrimp a day! • Unlike any other species, the male seahorses are the ones who carry the young. As they mate, the female deposits up to 1,500 eggs in the male’s pouch, where they are fertilized internally. The male typically wraps his tail around nearby coral or seaweed to wait it out. The female’s body becomes slimmer, while his expands as he carries the eggs for about 45 days, until the baby seahorses are born fully developed. The male is then finished with his part in reproduction, and takes no part in the lives of the offspring. • Not surprisingly, a group of seahorses, (which are often referred to as the Stallions of the Sea), is called a herd.






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September 5, 2016

• Use this old trick to keep white canvas sneakers clean: Make a solution of water and cornstarch by mixing a heaping tablespoon in a pint of water. Spray it on the canvas and let dry. It dries on the canvas and creates a barrier so that dirt doesn’t stick to the weave of the fabric. You also can use a fabric sealant spray for white and other colors. • If you hang your pants on a hanger, you may have it all upside-down. Hang creased slacks clipped at the ankles. The weight of the waist keeps creases stiff, and wrinkles out. • Sweater weather is here! To keep your fuzzy tops in shape, look no further than your medicine cabinet. Use a disposable razor to de-pill sweaters and keep them looking great. • This fall and winter, if you’re dealing with static, keep your cool and grab this hair helper from the laundry room: Rub a sheet of fabric softener over flyaway hairs, and watch that science-experiment hairdo disappear! The cold, dry weather coupled with indoor heating creates a perfect situation for static. The softener effectively banishes it. • This facial mask is good enough to eat. You might have a hard time deciding whether you want the facial or the snack: Mix together one mashed ripe banana with three tablespoons of sugar, and apply liberally to face. Leave it on for about three minutes, and rinse with warm water. Follow with your favorite moisturizer. • If you have a sticky zipper, try running a candle along the zipper face, then zipping it up and down a few times. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

• On Sept. 22, 1598, famed playwright Ben Jonson is indicted for manslaughter after a duel. His ability to read and write saved him, and he claimed "benefit of clergy," which allowed him to be sentenced by the lenient ecclesiastical courts. • On Sept. 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United States approves 12 (of an original 17) amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Only 10, known as the Bill of Rights, were initially ratified by the states. • On Sept. 21, 1866, H.G. Wells, pioneer of science fiction, is born in Bromley, England. Wells worked as a draper's apprentice and bookkeeper before becoming a freelance writer. In 1895, he published "The Time Machine," about a man who journeys to the future. • On Sept. 24, 1890, faced with the eminent destruction of their church and way of life, Mormon leaders reluctantly issue the "Mormon Manifesto" in which they command all Latterday Saints to uphold the anti-polygamy laws of the nation. • On Sept. 23, 1933, American Standard Oil geologists land in Saudi Arabia and begin their search for oil. The next year the Arabian American Oil Company (a joint venture with the Saudi government) exported its first tanker-load of petroleum. In 1980 the Saudis won control of the company. • On Sept. 19, 1959, in one of the Cold War's more surreal moments, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev enjoys lunch with Frank Sinatra and photo ops with Shirley MacLaine, and then explodes with childish anger when he learns that he cannot visit Disneyland. Authorities feared that the crowds would pose a safety hazard. • On Sept. 20, 1973, in a highly publicized "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match, top women's player Billie Jean King, 30, beats 55-year-old Bobby Riggs, former No. 1 ranked men's player, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. Riggs had boasted that women were inferior. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Fighting Late Season Mosquitoes Grand Forks Mosquito Control maintains an extensive trapping network to monitor the local mosquito population and species composition. However, these traps don’t always tell us what’s out there. The weather is a major factor in determining how effective the traps are. It’s common to have artificially low trap counts when we get into September because the nights are cool and mosquitoes are not active. Achieving a successful spray for mosquitoes in September can be very difficult. Mosquitoes function best around 80° F, they become lethargic around 60° F and cannot function below 50° F. As we get into September, once the sun goes down the temperature usually drops rapidly and mosquito activity decrease significantly. Spraying for mosquitoes when there is little natural activity results in few mosquitoes killed and expensive chemicals needlessly sprayed. We know it is frustrating when you’re getting bit up from these pests but it isn’t that we don’t want to spray, or don’t have the staff or resources, it comes down to whether or not spraying would be effective. We need to have the right meteorological conditions when spraying mosquitoes. The best solution to this problem is to wear protective clothing and apply insect repellants that contain DEET. Please be patient, when the conditions improve for spraying, we’ll get out there as soon as we can. We want to do the best job we can to reduce the mosquito population, but we must follow the label directions for the chemicals we use and we will not be reckless with the products we use to control mosquitoes in our community. Grand Forks Mosquito Control has identified several pools of mosquitoes that were positive for West Nile virus this summer. The State Health Dept. has also reported human WNV from Grand Forks County. The cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks urge citizens to take extra precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com


September is National Mushroom Month, and September 10 and 11 have been designated Mushroom Days by a group of mushroom devotees. In conjunction with this observance, Tidbits is conveying some information on these little fungi. • In 1986, the residents of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania were attempting to raise funds for scholarships for local students, and put together the community’s first Mushroom Festival. Vendors gathered along a one-block area to host the event, which has now grown into a mile-long stretch, with exhibits, culinary events, kids’ activities, and upwards of 200 vendors, attended by 100,000 spectators. Since 2000, the community’s grant program has donated $700,000 to local non-profits.



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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE German psychologist William Stern coined the term "IQ", short for Intelligence Quotient, in 1912, as a means of assessing intelligence scores on a series of tests he had developed. The tests determined the ability to reason, to form concepts, solve problems, and communicate knowledge.

Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel director's office. "What is the meaning of this?" the director asked. "When you applied for this job, you told us you had five years experience. We've learned that this is the first job you've ever had!" "Well," the young man replied, "in your ad you said you wanted someone with imagination."

(Solution on Next Page)

• Mushrooms are the spore-bearing body of a fungus, classified as such because it has no chlorophyll and produces spores rather than seeds. A single mushroom can drop as many as 16 billion spores. The word “fungus” has its roots in the Greek word sphongos, meaning “sponge.” The part that we see growing above the ground is the fruit of the organism, with a web of tiny filaments growing underground. Because they have no chlorophyll, mushrooms require no sunlight to make energy. • Truffles are mushrooms that grow below the ground and are one of the world’s most expensive foods, highly valued in Italy to flavor pasta sauces. Several varieties can cost up to $1,500 a pound. The largest and most expensive truffle to date was harvested in Tuscany and fetched $330,000 at auction. Although truffles normally weigh between 1 and 3 ounces this record-holder weighed in at 3.3 lbs. • China, the world’s largest producer of edible mushrooms, grows about half of all cultivated mushrooms.

DIFFERENCES: 1. Sign is missing. 2. Bow is missing. 3. Umbrella is smaller. 4. Plant is missing. 5. Leash end is moved. 6. Mailbox is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• There are about 10,000 known species of mushrooms in North America alone. Of these, 50% are inedible, Answer: Dell. meaning woody and indigestible. About 25% are edible, but lacking much taste. A VERY LARGE NUMBER Another 20% will make you sick, meaning •they Edward a mathematician. In 1938 will Kasner severelywas irritate your digestive tract, he was asked to come up with a name for a resulting in vomiting and/or diarrhea. Just 4% very large number: the numeral one, followed are and the remaining 1% his can two kill you. bytasty, a hundred zeros. He asked young nephews what name would suggest. • Edible mushrooms arethey loaded with health benResearch indicates eating these fungi •efits. Nine-year-old Milton that suggested a name can reduce blood pressure, reduce choout help of the funnies. A cartoon strip character named Barney wasimmune very popular. Milton chose lesterol, boost the system, and reduce Barney’s lastare name number. stress. They richfor inthe copper (necessary for bloodannounced cell production), •red Kasner the newselenium name forand thezinc, big numberboth in his next book,the altering the spelling. which strengthen immune system, three B-complex vitamins -riboflavin, niacin, • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed aacid new –internet Other pantothenic which search releaseengine. energy, and search engines searched each and potassium, necessary for all cellwebpage functions. A ranked them according to how many times a 100-gram serving contains more fiber than the specific term appeared on them, but Page and same amount of celery. Brin designed their search engine to search for • Athe person who collects mushrooms formany conspecific term and then find out how sumption is referred to as a mycophagist. links there were that led back to that page, resulted in a better search • Ifwhich you have a “fairy ring” in yourengine. lawn, it’s ac•tually They a decided they needed a mushroom formation that name causesthat the reflected how many websites the search fungi to grow in the outline of a perfect cirengine searching. They fairy took rings the name cle. Somewas of the oldest living grow of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only around England’s Stonehenge monument, with they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being rings up to 328 feet some spelled exactly thewide. sameAccording way the to cartoon legends, fairy rings mark the site of witches or character Barney spelled his last name. What’s fairies dancing, while the rings show it called? (Answer at others bottomsay of page) where the Devil set his milk churn. COMPUTER FACTS


• The largest Earth is a • In 1981 Billliving Gates organism said, “640 on kb of memory 2,400-year-old giantformushroom ought to be enough anybody.” in Oregon. honey species covers 2,200 •This Moore’s Lawmushroom states that computer performance acres, and is a parasitic variety that consumes doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since wood slowly killing off the trees in the 1971,and thisishas been true. forest by creating a destructive white rot. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. Thanks for Reading Answer: Google, from googol. Tidbits!


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