Tidbits Grand Forks - September 29, 2016

Page 1


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon Opdahl, Agent pennies aa day. Just day. Sharon Opdahl, Agent Get a discount up toa to 50%. Just pennies day. Get a discount up 50%. Sharon Opdahl 2534Avenue 17thAvenue Avenue South, Suite 2534 17th South, Suite 2534 17th South, Suite F FF 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite Sharon Opdahl, Agent pennies ayour day. Grand Forks, ND 58201 58201 youhelp know your landlord’s Grand Forks, ND Did your landlord’s help lower your premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 Agent I Just can lower premium 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F I can Grand Forks, ND 58201 Did your know your Bus: 701-746-0495 Bus: 701-746-0495 only covers the Bus: 701-746-0495 insurance only covers the™. ™ Grand Forks, ND 58201 Did you know your landlord’s Bus: 701-746-0495 sharon@sharonopdahl.com through Drive Safe & Save sharon@sharonopdahl.com through Drive Safe & Save . landlord’s insurance sharon@sharonopdahl.com Bus: 701-746-0495 Protect sharon@sharonopdahl.com Protect your stuff. ® stuff. 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite F building? insurance only your covers ® the

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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU September 29, 2016


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Issue # 987





by Janet Spencer


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• The first Ford Model T left the Ford Motor Company factory in Detroit, Michigan, on September 27, 1908. Within ten years, over half of all cars sold in America were the Ford Model T.

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• The Model T was the first car that the common man could own. It was low-priced, reliable, and easy to repair. It could be hitched up to pump water, saw wood, chop silage, or generate electricity. With a change of wheels, it could double as a tractor. It operated as a pick-up truck, hay wagon, taxi, or fire engine. • The Model T started out priced at $850 in 1908, then dropped to $360 and later went down to $290 in 1925 (equal to about $4000 today). • It had a 20-horsepower, four cylinder engine and could travel about 45 mph, getting up to 20 miles per gallon. From 1908 till the end of production in 1927, over 15 million Model T Fords were made.


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Quiz Bits

5. In which state is the busiest road in the U.S. located? 6. What is the name of Batman’s butler? 7. Who is the leader of the wolves in “The Jungle Book”? 8. Which two islands in the Mediterranean Sea are governed by Italy? 9. What are the first names of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. How many acres of land does a mile of four-lane highway cover—15, 17, 19 or 21? 2. What percentage of land in a typical city is paved? 3. How many million miles of roads and streets are there in the U.S.? 4. What state has more miles of highway than any other state?

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• Chauncey Depew, a United States senator and orator, once told his nephew to forget about investing $5,000 in Henry Ford's new business, saying, "Nothing has come along that can beat the horse and buggy!"


• Ford once said, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black." Black paint was the only kind that would go through the spray nozzles easily and dry quickly. Finally, Pierre DuPont put his best scientists on the problem. DuPont's scientists worked hard for months without success. • They were working in labs in New Jersey, where they shared a floor with other DuPont chemists who were trying to invent a better celluloid film. In the 1920s, movie films had a habit of disintegrating when they got hot. • One day, the celluloid researchers had just finished mixing a 55-gallon drum of cellulose when the electricity went off. The power stayed off for three days. The drum of cellulose was left outside in the hot sun, forgotten. The scientists, remembering the mixture later, called the paint people over to the drum. "Hey, you wanna see 55 gallons of cellulose goo?" But the paint scientists were intrigued to see that it had turned into a plastic syrup. They'd tried everything else in their paint guns— why not try this, too? It worked! Today you can have a car in any color you like because the lights went out in New Jersey.


• You can't sell black cars in India, where black is an unlucky color. Red stands for Communism and can't be used on cars in many anti-Communist countries. In Japan maroon is reserved for the emperor and can't be used on cars used by the common people. Yellow is the color of mourning in Japan and that's why only hearses are painted yellow. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the last team before the Toronto Blue Jays in 2015 to have two winning streaks of at least 11 games in the same season? 2. T or F: Jim Brown is in both the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and the Lacrosse Hall of Fame. 3. What NFL football team currently plays home games in the oldest stadium?

4. What is the name of the Denver Broncos stadium? 5. In 2015, Texas pitcher Yovani Gallardo became the fourth native of Mexico to win at least 100 major-league games. Name two of the first three to do it. 6. In 2015, Denzel Valentine became the fourth player in Michigan State men’s basketball history to have a triple-double in a game. Name 2 of the first 3 to do it.


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• It's estimated that 4% of gasoline is consumed during traffic jams. One minute of idling uses more gas than it takes to restart the engine.



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• In 1856 William Rand founded a small printing shop in Chicago, specializing in publishing guidebooks, directories, and railroad schedules. Shortly afterwards, Rand hired Andrew McNally, and eventually made him a partner, naming the company Rand McNally. Their first maps showed railroad routes throughout the U.S. and Canada. They then branched out into globes and atlases of the world. • In 1917 Rand McNally published the first highway maps of the U.S. after inventing the system of naming the highways with numbers, a system that is still followed today. They later published “Goode's World Atlas”, named after the editor of the book which became the standard geography text in schools. • Today, Rand McNally offers travel planning software, street atlas programs, a trucking route database, downloadable maps and directions, and GPS units. The company, headquartered in Skokie, Illinois, employs about 1,200 people.


*Answer located further back in this issue.

• 50% of Americans surveyed reported that they keep maps in their glove compartments. 23% said they keep sunglasses in the glove compartment. Nobody said they keep gloves in the glove compartment.


• In German, “Volkswagen” means “people’s car.” In 1937 Adolf Hitler commissioned Ferdinand Porsche to engineer a car that could carry two adults and three children, and that could get 62 mph while still being affordable enough for common citizens to purchase.

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• World War II interrupted the VW project and all car-production facilities were used to produce vehicles for the war effort instead. • After World War II, when American personnel were inspecting Germany, they examined the plant where Volkswagens were made. The Germans offered the factory to help pay for war damages. American officials scoffed at the ugly little Beetle car, saying it would never sell. The Germans kept their factory, and they kept producing VWs. By 1972 the Beetle was the best-selling single model ever manufactured. • The VW beetle was produced from 1938 until 2003. Over 21 million were produced, surpassing the number of Ford Model T’s and making it the most popular vehicle ever sold in the world. • Today VW is the largest automaker in Germany and Europe.

• VW invented the first windshield washer in 1961. • In 1965 the six VW plants in Germany contained a total length of 135 miles of continuous conveyor belts. • In 1962, the VW accounted for 60% of all imported car registrations in the U.S. IT’S A FACT • There are about 1 billion cars currently in use on Earth. About 165,000 new cars are produced every single day. • There are more cars than people in Los Angeles. • The average car has about 30,000 parts. • In 1901, the price of a barrel of crude oil was five cents, equal to about $1.44 in today’s U.S. currency. • The very last car that included a cassette tape player was the Ford Crown Vic, which still had an optional player in 2011. PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES:

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

Grand Forks’ Only LOCAL WEEKLY Publication! Wick Publications P.O. Box 12861 Grand Forks, ND 58208

Chadwick Parkinson 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century Florida politician Claude Pepper, member of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, who made the following sage observation: "If more politicians in this country were thinking about the next generation instead of the next election, it might be better for the United States and the world." • Those who study such things say that the letter "s" begins more words in the English language than any other letter. The letter "c" takes second place, followed by "p" in third. • In 1958, a woman named Ella Petry, then residing in St. Leonardson-by-the-Sea, England, spent 21 days carrying an egg around in the bosom of her dress, successfully hatching a chick at the end of the three-week period. • It's been claimed that English is the only language that capitalizes the pronoun "I." • It may be difficult to picture a pope in anything other than the robes of office, but they certainly lead normal lives when they're young. Pope John Paul II reputedly was an excellent soccer goalkeeper, and he worked as a playwright -and even performed as an actor in some productions. • When black sheep get old, their wool turns gray. *** Thought for the Day: "Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on 'I am not too sure.'" -- H.L. Mencken


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• Some time ago, a spider was called a “cop” and its web was called a “cop web.” Cobweb is considerably easier to pronounce. • A special oil on the body of a spider prevents the spider from sticking to its own web. • Some spider silks are able to stretch up to five times their length without breaking. • It would take 5,000 strands of spider web to made a ribbon one inch wide. • It would take 27,000 spider webs to produce a single pound of spider silk. • The thinnest man-made thread is a gold filament four microns wide, but spider's webs are as thin as one micron wide. • Some spider webs would reach for 300 miles (482 km) or more if their threads were straightened out. • One spider of the genus Nephila is the only spider in the world known to spin a golden-colored web. • Spiders typically build a web in about an hour. Once started on the job, they won't stop until it is done. They build the web from the outside in. If you carefully remove the outside half of the web, the spider will continue to build the inside half and then will stop. • Experiments have been done on how amputating a spider's legs affects its web. Not surprisingly, spiders with missing legs build webs that are smaller, have fewer radii, and contain fewer spiral turns. • Spiders produce a substance surprisingly similar to hightech, high-strength polymers that humans been producing for just a few years. Spiders extrude a very strong polymer that is quite similar to today's polypropylene. Spiders have developed a way of stretching the polymer before it dries so that it will gain even more durability. This is exactly the same process used in manufacturing polypropylene.



• Spiders have from three to five kinds of silk glands. Some kinds of silk are dry, some stay sticky, some is made to wrap egg sacks or prey, some are used to build webs, and some are used as draglines. Many kinds of spider never build a web at all. They have found other uses for silk. • The bolas spider throws a line with a sticky ball at the end of it to trap insects. • The purse-web spider builds a silk tube up the side of a tree, hides in it, and bites through it when an insect walks across it. • The jumping spider will launch itself into space from a high place to jump on prey, then float to the ground on a dragline. • Another kind of spider spits globs of sticky silk at potential victims. The silk arches over them and binds them to the ground. • One type of spider builds a small web between its hind legs. It jumps on insects, spreading its legs and wrapping the bug up in the web as if in a blanket. • The platform spider builds a silk sheet on top with a silk net underneath. Bugs hit the sheet and fall into the net. • Another kind of spider lives in a waterproof silk bubble underwater and breathes with silk sacs of air attached to its body. • A species of African spider whirls a string of silk above its head like a helicopter blade, waiting for an insect to fly into it. • Balloon spiders, which throw silk strands into the air in order to be lofted by the wind, have been found floating in the air more than 200 miles from land. Weather balloons have found them at 30,000 feet. • The female crab spider will eat her mate if she gets a chance. Therefore male crab spiders are in the habit of tying the female's legs to the ground with silk threads before mating.


Amazing Animals:

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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King Features Weekly Service

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

September 19, 2016

• Cold weather and quick dinner? Baked potato four ways: broccoli with cheddar cheese; sausage crumbles and Alfredo sauce; BBQ pulled pork with corn; and the Italian, with sliced meatballs, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and Italian seasoning. • “Attach shower rings to the bar of a coat hanger to organize scarves or even baseball caps. Thread the adjustable strap through the rings and secure to hang hats.” — M.W. in Kansas • Reusables are the way to go for school lunches. Grab assorted forks, spoons and even metal containers at the thrift store and use just for lunches. That way, if the flatwear gets left behind one day, you won’t miss a piece of your everyday set. • Baby bottle-drying racks can find a new life airing out reusable water bottles, many of which are better suited to hand-washing. • If you use a pad mop (think, Swiffer), here’s a great tip from T. in Kentucky for making your own reusable pads: “I repurposed my cloth diapers to use on my mop. Just sew hookand-loop tape to the edges of a cloth diaper so that you can wrap it around the pad, and secure it on the top.” • Make a fun coffee-can shoe storage rack by nailing clean, empty coffee cans to a section of scrap wood. Lean it against the wall on the porch to collect dirty, muddy shoes, or mount it inside the bottom of a closet for indoor storage. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

• On Oct. 6, 1866, in Indiana, the Reno gang carries out the first robbery of a moving train in the U.S., making off with over $10,000. Holding up moving trains in remote locations soon became popular in the American West. • On Oct. 5, 1947, President Harry Truman makes the first-ever televised presidential address from the White House, asking Americans to cut back on their use of grain in order to help starving Europeans. He asked that the public voluntarily forgo meat on Tuesdays, eggs and poultry on Thursdays and to save a slice of bread each day. • On Oct. 4, 1957, the "Space Age" begins with the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite. Other firsts for the Soviet space program included first man in space, first woman, first three men, first space walk and first to orbit the moon.

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• On Oct. 3, 1961, the United Auto Workers union goes on strike at Ford plants across the country to win higher wages and better benefits. It was the first company-wide strike since Ford had agreed to a collective-bargaining deal in 1941. • On Oct. 8, 1970, Matt Damon, the future star of a long list of hit movies, including "The Bourne Identity," is born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Damon, who left Harvard University before graduating to pursue an acting career, made his big-screen debut with a small role in 1988's "Mystic Pizza." • On Oct. 7, 1984, at Soldier Field, Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton runs for 154 yards to become the NFL's all-time rushing leader, breaking the record set by Cleveland's Jim Brown in 1965. • On Oct. 9, 1992, a bowling ball-sized meteorite crashes through an orange 1980 Chevy Malibu in Peekskill, New York. Scientists say it came from the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


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"I rent a lot of cars, but I don't always know everything about them. So a lot of times, I drive for like ten miles with the emergency brake on. That doesn't say a lot for me, but it really doesn't say a lot for the emergency brake. It's really not an emergency brake; it's an emergency "make the car smell funny" lever." ~ Mitch Hedberg

(Solution on Next Page)

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE At 60 mph it would take about six months to drive to the Moon. Over 50% of all automobile trips taken in the United States involve distances of five miles or less. 70% of travel done in America is by automobile; 28% by plane; the rest by bus and train.

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• Born in Vermont in 1804, John was apprenticed to a blacksmith at the age of 17, later setting up his own shop. He had trouble paying his bills due to competition from other blacksmiths, so he moved to a town in Illinois that had no other blacksmiths. Work poured in and John’s reputation as a blacksmith spread. • Many customers were farmers bringing in their plows for repairs. Cast iron plows that easily turned the light soil of the eastern states were inefficient in the heavy sod of Illinois. John wondered if a plow made of steel would be better than a plow made of iron, so he began to experiment. The problem was that dirt clung to an iron plow and had to be cleaned off by hand every few steps. A polished steel plow, however, threw off dirt and was self-scouring, never needing cleaning at all. • In 1838 he sold his first steel plow. By 1841 John was selling a hundred plows a year. Soon they were selling so quickly that John dropped the blacksmithing and went into the plow business full-time. By 1856 he was selling 10,000 plows per year. • His son Charles joined the company and the firm expanded by inventing and producing seed drills, cultivators, harrows, and wagons. They invented the first plow that allowed the farmer to ride on a seat instead of walking behind the horse. • Long after John died in 1886, the company expanded into gasoline powered tractors and other farm machinery. Today the company, named after John’s last name, employs over 50,000 people, manufacturing agricultural and construction equipment. It has a net worth of over $40 billion. The company produces over 600 agricultural machines including backhoes, tractors, loaders, and water carriers. What was John’s last name? (Answer at top of next page)

DIFFERENCES: 1. Cap is missing. 2. Sweatshirt is fuller. 3. Sign is missing. 4. Zipper is missing. 5. Squirrel is missing. 6. Club is shorter.

• Born in 1838 in Ohio, Daniel Best grew up to earn his Dell. living running a sawmill while doing Answer: some farming on LARGE the side.NUMBER He was always inA VERY terested in machinery and tinkered constantly, • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 especially after to he come movedupto with California to for work he was asked a name a onvery his large brother’s ranch. number: the numeral one, followed • Inby1871 he patented grain a hundred zeros. aHeportable asked his twocleaner, young nephews what name would suggest. and followed that withthey a machine that harvestthreshed, andMilton cleaned suggested all at the same time. •ed, Nine-year-old a name Because the funnies. machineA“combined” functions, out of the cartoon strip characterit named Barney was very popular. Milton chose was called the “combine.” Barney’s lastbecame name for the number. • Then Daniel interested in the newly in•vented Kasnertraction announced the new name big engine, whose namefor wasthe shortnumber in his nextCombines book, altering spelling. ened to “tractor.” werethestill being horses, Daniel it would •pulled Sixty by years later, but Larry Page thought and Sergey Brin new internet search engine. Other bedeveloped far morea efficient if combines were towed engines searched was eachthat webpage and bysearch tractors. The problem the tractors ranked them according to how many times a were too large for a farmer to use in small fields. specific term appeared on them, but Page and What the world needed was a small tractor for Brin designed their engine to search for individuals to use. Hesearch designed a model that was the specific term and then find out how many smaller, more manageable, and easier to use. links there were that led back to that page, • Nearby, Benjamin which resulted in a Holt better loved search Daniel’s engine. new foundthey the machine got stuck •tractor, They but decided needed often a name that inreflected muddy fields. He improved the design by how many websites the search outfitting the tractor with They treadstook similar what engine was searching. thetoname tanks run on.Kasner’s This spread weight out over of Edward verythe large number, onlya larger area and prevented the tractor from sinkthey misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being spelled exactly the same way the cartoon ing into soft ground. character Barney spelledwere his last name. What’s • For years the companies competitors, but it called? (Answer at bottom of page) the rival firms eventually merged. The new COMPUTER FACTS company was named for the distinctive crawl treads. It’s now largest •ofInthe 1981 Bill Gates said,the “640 kb ofmanufacmemory ought to be enough for anybody.” turer of heavy equipment and farm machinery worldwide. Name it.that (Answer below) • Moore’s Law states computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since IT’S A FACT 1971, this has been true. • The Latin word “trahere” meaning “to pull” is •the HP,root Google, and Apple werefrom all of our Microsoft, “tractor.” “Traffic” comes started in garages. the Italian “traffic” meaning “to trade.” Answer: Google, from googol. Answer: Caterpillar.


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TRACTORS (cont'd)


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Page 8

Quiz Answers

1. 17 acres 2. 40%. In large cities it’s 50%. 3. About 4 million miles. 4. Texas: about 80,000 miles 5. California’s East L.A. interchange.

6. Alfred Pennyworth. 7. Akela 8. Sicily & Sardinia. 9. David, Stephen, Graham, and Neil.



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