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October is National Corn Month, and Tidbits is taking the opportunity to inform our readers I can help lower your premium through Drive Safe & Save . of the facts about the largest crop grown in the I’m here to help life go lifeup go right ,, Get discount 50%. to help . to GetI’m tohere aabetter State time and money byright saving money ,toyou by saving you here help life gopremium right , can help lower your GetII’m State Farm. United States. home when you combine home bytime saving youmoney time and money and when through Drive Safeyour & Save . ME TODAY. and auto insurance. FCALL when combine your. home home Get toyou a better State you combine your ME TODAY. and State auto insurance. Grand Forks, ND 58201 CALL • By the time Christopher Columbus landed in Get Farm. andME auto insurance. CALL TODAY. 701-746-0495 CALL ME TODAY. CALL ME TODAY. the New World, the ancient Mayans had been cultivating corn for centuries. Corn was domesticated from a wild grass called teosinte. Prior to Columbus’ voyages, there was no State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 corn in Europe. The explorer traded with the State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL inhabitants of the West Indies and brought the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL grain back to Europe. • Many countries refer to corn as “maize,” which translates “sacred mother” or “giver of life.” Carpet Cleaning • Because corn is domesticated, you won’t find Services, Inc. it growing in the wild. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet • The typical corn plant can reach a height of Cleaning SPECIAL! 10 feet, although certain strains can grow to Upholstery $109 •Cleaning 39 feet. The ear or cob of corn is part of the 3 Rooms & plant’s flower. Each individual kernel is a Hallway • Water Not valid with any other offer. seed. One pound of corn will contain about Extraction Expires 11-18-16 1,300 kernels. At the end of each ear is a cluster of silks, each about 7 inches long. There is one piece of silk for each kernel. At the end 701-775-8500 of each hair-like silk is a carpel, the female Residential & Commercial reproductive organ of the plant that holds the ovules. If the carpel is fertilized by a pollen House of grain, it will develop into a kernel. Sharon Opdahl, Agent 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon Opdahl Sharon Opdahl, Agent Sharon Opdahl, Agent 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F 253417th 17th Avenue South, Suite FF 2534 Avenue South, Suite Agent Grand Forks, NDND 58201 Sharon Opdahl, Agent Grand Forks, 58201 Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bus: 701-746-0495 2534 17th Avenue South, Bus: 701-746-0495 Bus: 701-746-0495 Suite F Grand Forks, ND 58201 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite
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CORN (continued):
60+ Years Experience
• Each ear has about 800 kernels in 16 rows. There are always an even number of rows on each ear. • Corn is measured in bushels, but how much is a bushel? One bushel is equal to 8 gallons, contains up to 90,000 kernels, depending on moisture content, and weighs 56 pounds.
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Quiz Bits
5. What community is home to the Corn Palace? 6. The book “Happy Trails” was
1. Which U.S. state has chosen corn as their official state grain? 2. Name the U.S. state that grows the most corn. 3. Which Canadian province grows the country’s most corn? 4. About how many different grocery product uses are there for corn —2,500, 3,000, or 3,500?
the autobiography of what famous Western film couple? 7. In anatomy, what is a more common name for the sternum? 8. What were the five original colors of M&M’s candies? 9. What father/daughter duo had a Billboard No. 1 hit in 1967?
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• Corn is grown on every continent in the world except Antarctica. The U.S. produces more than 40% of the world’s supply of corn. America’s corn production is more than twice that of any other crop grown. More than half of that amount is grown in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Illinois, with the remainder coming from Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin South Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, and Kentucky. All of these states comprise what is referred to as the “Corn Belt.” With about 90 million acres planted in the U.S. every year on approximately 400,000 farms, that makes for about 14 billion bushels of corn! • In 1880, about 62 million acres of corn were planted in the U.S. In 1900, that number was 95 million. The most acres of corn planted in one year in the U.S. was in 1917, when 111 million acres were cultivated. However, the yield has significantly changed. In 1906, an acre yielded 31.7 bushels per acre. Today, that number is about 155! Farmers are growing five times more corn today than they did in the 1930s, yet on 20% less land! An acre of corn contains about 30,000 plants. • When corn starch is processed with enzymes or acid to create a dextrose solution, the result is corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is even further processed in order to increase sweetness. Because it is cheaper to produce than ordinary sugar, high fructose corn syrup is used in many processed foods and soft drinks. One bushel of corn can sweeten 400 cans of soda pop. ...continued
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
CORN (continued): • About 20% of all the calories consumed in the world come from corn. However, nearly 75% of all corn grown in the U.S. isn’t consumed by humans, but is either fed to livestock or used for ethanol production. The process of making fuel ethanol takes between 40 and 50 hours. It involves breaking down the corn’s starch into simple sugars, adding ammonia, and combining the sugars with yeast. It is then processed at high temperatures and cooled in fermenters. One bushel of corn yields about 2 ½ gallons of ethanol fuel. • The major types of corn include dent, flint, sweet, flour, and popcorn. Dent corn is another name for field corn, which is grown to feed livestock and poultry. It’s also used for ethanol production and other industrial uses. Flint corn is also known as Indian corn, or calico corn, as the kernels have a wide range of colors from white to dark red. Sweet corn contains more natural sugar than any other type, 10% compared to field corn at 4%. Sweet corn is primarily eaten on the cob, but is canned and frozen as well. Because nearly half of sweet corn’s sugar is converted to starch just 24 hours after it is picked, it tastes best when it’s freshly picked. After just six hours at room temperature, up to 40% of its sweetness is lost. Flour corn has a soft, starch-filled kernel that is easy to grind, making it optimum for use in baked goods. Popcorn has a very hard exterior shell surrounding a soft starchy center. When it is heated, the moisture inside the kernel turns to steam, creating pressure for the kernel to explode and turn inside out. ...continued
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CORN (continued):
• There are more than 3,500 uses for corn products. It’s found in hundreds of household products, including laundry detergent, aspirin, antibiotics, marshmallows, chewing gum, and shoe polish. It’s even in your toothpaste and cosmetics! In the industrial world, corn is a component of rust preventatives, glue, paint, ink, film, plastics, and even fireworks. • How do you know when sweet corn is ready to pick? It will be ready for harvest about 20 days after the silk first begins to appear. When it’s ready, the silk turns brown, while the husks are still green. The corn needs to be in the “milk” stage. When a kernel is punctured, there will be a milky liquid inside. A clear liquid means it’s not ready, while no liquid means you’ve waited too long. • The Gleaner Harvester Combine Corporation introduced the first mechanical corn harvester in 1930 and revolutionized the harvesting of corn. Picking by hand before the machines were available, a farmer might gather about 100 bushels of corn during a nine-hour day. Today’s combines can harvest that same 100 bushels in less than seven minutes, about 900 bushels per hour. • Some folks love corn so much they enter contests for eating it. Dave “Coondog” O’Karma set a record for eating 5.1 pounds of corn in seven minutes, while Ed “Cookie” Jarvis holds the world record of eating 33 ½ ears of corn in 12 minutes. DeAngelo deMoulin has a record of eating one ear in 11.61 seconds.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• It was 20th-century American journalist and author Sydney J. Harris who made the following sage observation: "Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men." • The Hawaiian Islands didn't have mosquitoes until the 1820s, when a ship evidently brought the pests along with the people. • Those who study such things claim that, generally speaking, the more money a man makes, the less alcohol he drinks. With women, though, the opposite holds true: The more money she makes, the more alcohol she drinks. • The name of the nation of India is derived from the name of the river Indus. It's interesting to note, however, that the Indus doesn't actually flow through any part of modern-day India; it's in Pakistan and the disputed region of Kashmir. • The snapping turtle is the only modern reptile that can breathe underwater, and then only if it stays put on the bottom. If it starts to swim, it has to surface to breathe. • A researcher named Joel Achenbach says that the red in the occurrence of red eye in some photographs is actually blood. The color comes from the flash reflecting off the blood vessels in the back of the eyeball. • You might be surprised to learn that of the 6 million parts that make up a Boeing 747, half of them are categorized as fasteners. • It would take 34 days (and nights) to ride a horse around the world. If you didn't stop for sleep, of course. Or bathroom breaks, or food. And if you were provided a fresh horse whenever the one you were riding began to tire. And if those horses could gallop across water. *** Thought for the Day: "I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." -- John Cage
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Unusual Animals:
• The nine-banded armadillo is the most common one found in North America, and is named such for the nine breaks in its armor, which allow it to flex its stiff hide. Because the tough armored plates are so inflexible, most species cannot roll into a ball as a means of defense. Only the three-banded armadillo can roll into a complete armored ball that can actually be rolled along the ground, and can’t be broken open. • Armadillo shells are so strong, those shooting at the animals have been injured when their bullets ricocheted off the shell. A Marietta, Texas man shot three bullets at an armadillo, one of which ricocheted and hit him in the jaw. In another strange incident, a Georgia man fired shots at an armadillo, one of which bounced off the shell, zipped through the back door of a mobile home and hit his 74-year-old mother-in-law in the back.
• Although they have an excellent sense of smell, armadillos are nearly deaf and blind. Because of their poor eyesight, they frequently wander out onto roads and are killed by vehicles. This has earned them the nickname “hillbilly speed bumps.” • Oddly enough, armadillos can contract leprosy, and so they are often used in the study of the disease. Eating them has been connected to leprosy in humans. • A lute instrument of the Andes Mountains is frequently fashioned from the shell of the armadillo. • Because an armadillo’s claws are designed for digging and they do so most of their waking hours, they can be very destructive. Their burrowing under a concrete foundation, sidewalk, or porch can cause it to crack. In addition to causing serious damage to landscaping, their burrows also attract other damage-causing animals.
• The armadillo is born with very soft shells, similar to human fingernails. As they mature, the scales, known as “scutes,” become harder as bone is deposited under the skin.
• There are 20 species of armadillos, with the country of Paraguay home to the most varieties, with 11. The average armadillo will reach a length of about 30 inches, including the tail. One species, the giant armadillo grows to about 59 inches and will weigh up to 119 lbs. The smallest, the pink fairy armadillo, is just 6 inches long.
• The word armadillo translates from the Spanish for “little armored one.” This animal is most closely related to sloths and anteaters, and is native to North and South America. The leathery armored shell is made up of plates of bone with a covering of horn that overlap, creating a shield over the shoulders and hips. More armor covers the top of the head, the upper part of the limbs, and the tail. Only the armadillo’s underside has no armor, covered with only fur and soft skin.
This week, Tidbits is bringing you up to date on the facts about that little armored animal, the armadillo.
• Although armadillos have short legs and a load of armor, surprisingly, they can move rather quickly. They have two interesting methods of crossing water. They are able to actually walk underwater on the bottom for up to six minutes, the amount of time they are able to hold their breath. They can also float on the surface by swallowing air to inflate their stomach and intestines to twice the normal size, increasing their buoyancy.
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King Features Weekly Service
© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
(Answers located after next page)
October 10, 2016
• “To keep sneakers from smelling up a closet, tuck a sheet of fabric-softener into each one. Keep it in overnight, or just leave it there until you wear your shoes again.” — D.F. in Texas • Now is the time to prep your outside pipes if you live in a cold-weather area. Cover exposed spigots with a foam wrapper, and be sure to drain any in-ground irrigation systems if you expect a freeze in your area. • If your brown sugar is too hard, just pop it in a bowl and into the microwave with a slice of bread. The bread will help soften it, and it will be ready to use in seconds! • “If you pack your lunch at night, but forget it in the morning, try putting your keys next to your lunchbox in the fridge. Can’t leave without lunch now.” — M.L. in Georgia • “When organizing a garage sale, get the kids involved. They can clean out their rooms and create a kids’ store to sell their stuff for extra cash. If they aren’t into selling the toys they have outgrown, maybe they can run a lemonade or hot chocolate stand, weather permitting.” — E.S. in North Carolina • “With so many people getting deliveries these days, I always check with my neighbors when I need a box to mail something. They usually have something perfect.” — S.W. in Tennessee Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
29th Annual
Fall Craft Show October 22, 2016 9:00— 2:00 At the
Fertile-Beltrami School Both Gyms Are Full!! Rolls and Coffee will be available.
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For More Information, Contact: Stacy Erickson, Organizer at 218-277-9338 Fertile, MN • On Oct. 29, 1948, killer smog hovers over Donora, Pennsylvania, trapping the sulphuric acid, carbon monoxide and other pollutants released by steel mills and a zinc smelting plant. By the time rain washed the air, 20 people had perished and thousands were ill. • On Oct. 30, 1864, the town of Helena, Montana, is founded by four gold miners who strike it rich at the "Last Chance Gulch." Eventually, Last Chance Gulch would prove to be the second biggest gold deposit in Montana.
• On Oct. 27, 1970, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice released a double-LP "concept" album called "Jesus Christ Superstar" after they were unable to find financial backing for a stage production due to the nature of the story.
• On Oct. 26, 1881, in a shootout that lasts all of 30 seconds, the Earp brothers face off against the Clanton-McLaury gang in a legendary shootout at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. The Earps and Doc Holliday were charged with murder, but a Tombstone judge acquitted them.
• On Oct. 25, 1983, President Ronald Reagan, citing the threat posed to Americans in Grenada, orders the Marines to invade. Nearly 1,000 Americans were on the island, many of them students at a medical school. In a week, Grenada's government was overthrown.
• On Oct. 24, 1931, the six-lane George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey is dedicated. In 1946 two more lanes were built, and in 1958 six lower-level lanes were added. Today the bridge carries 106 million cars per year.
• On Oct. 28, 1998, President Bill Clinton signs into law the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The DMCA explicitly authorized copyright holders to issue "takedown" notices to individuals or companies believed to be engaging in infringing use of a copyrighted work. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Don’t miss the chance to celebrate Dictionary Day on October 16, named as such in honor of Noah Webster’s birthday. • Noah Webster wasn’t just a lexicographer (one who compiles, writes, or edits dictionaries), he was also a political writer, author, lawyer, schoolteacher, and one of the founders of Amherst College. Webster was a descendant of the first governor of the Plymouth Colony, William Bradford, who came to the New World aboard the Mayflower. • After graduating from Yale University and passing the bar exam in 1781, Webster had difficulty finding a job in the legal field. His passion for education led him to found a private school instead. It bothered Webster that all the colonies’ textbooks Valley Memorial Homes Annual Employee came from England, and he set out to develop his own. In 1783 he wrote A Grammatical Institute of NUGGET OF the English Language. Because of its blue cover, KNOWLEDGE the book was known as “The Blue-Backed Speller,” which became the most popular American Corn is rich in fiber, provid4000 Valley Square book of its time, and taught five generations of 4000 24th Ave. S., GF ing 7% of the daily requirechildren how to spell and read. The royalties of a Friday, October 28th ment per serving, and is half cent per copy enabled Webster to spend time 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. also a good source of mancompiling a dictionary. Over 25 million copies of ganese, Vitamins B1, B5, • FREE Admission the book were sold during his lifetime, and 100 • Hourly Door Prizes and folic acid. In addition, million in the book’s first 100 years. corn provides 5 to 6 grams of protein per cup. • The first American English dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, containing about 37,000 words, was published in 1806, in which Webster permanently altered the old English spellings. He was the one who changed “colour” to “color,” “centre” to “center,” and “musick” to “music.” Webster tried .COM changing “tongue” to “tung,” but it was unpopular. He also added words unfamiliar to those in Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks England, like “skunk” and “squash.”
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Hat is different. 2. Arm is moved. 3. Light is missing. 4. Beads are missing. 5. Pumpkin is missing. 6. Window is smaller. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• Webster’s first dictionary sold just 2,500 copies. He had to mortgage his home in order to finance Dell. the development of a second edition. Answer: He spent most of the remainder of his life in A VERY LARGE NUMBER debt. • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • Inhe1828, at ageto 70, The was asked comeWebster up withpublished a name for a American Dictionary of the English Language, very large number: the numeral one, followed containing definitions morehisthan by a hundred zeros. Heofasked two 65,000 young words, 12,000 of which had never appeared in nephews what name they would suggest. previous dictionary. a lifelonga activist •any Nine-year-old Milton As suggested name for copyright protection, (he known out of the funnies. A cartoonbecame strip character asnamed the “father copyright”), he registered the Barneyofwas very popular. Milton chose dictionary immediately. new dictionary Barney’s last name for theHis number. to reform spelling the big old •continued Kasner announced the new away namefrom for the English it matched pronunciation. numberso inthat his next book, altering the spelling. • •Webster learned 28 different languages, includSixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin ing Old English, Latin, Italian, developed a newGerman, internet Greek, search engine. Other search engines each webpage and Spanish, French, searched Dutch, Aramaic, and Sanranked them according to how many times a skrit, to evaluate the origins of words. In 1843, specific term appeared on them, but Page and George and Charles Merriam acquired the Brin designed theirdictionary search engine search for rights to Webster’s fromtohis estate. the specific term and then find out how many • Webster published the led first back American links there were that to thatEnglish page, dictionary, but the first English dictionary which resulted in a better search engine. was in 1604, they and isneeded attributed to Samuel •written They decided a name that Johnson. reflected how many websites the search engine wasEnglish searching. They took name • The Oxford Dictionary, firstthe released of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only in 1928, is considered one of the most reliable. they misspelled it slightly, so itfamous ended up being J.R.R. Tolkien, author of the Lord of spelled exactly the same way the cartoon the Rings series of books, landed his first job character spelled hisan lastassistant name. What’s right after Barney World War I, as to the it called? (Answer at bottom of page) editor, Tolkien was tasked with working on COMPUTER words beginning with theFACTS letter “W.” Tolkien •later In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb he of memory spoke of this period, saying “learned ought to be enough for anybody.” more in those two years than in any other equal •period Moore’s Lawlife.” states that computer performance of my doubles every 24Oxford months,Dictionary and ever since • The first edition18oftothe took 1971, this has been true. 70 years to compile. There are about 600,000 •words HP, Google, Microsoft, and The Apple were all in the current edition. word “run” started in garages. has more definitions than any other word. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
8. Red, brown, 1. Wisconsin 2. Iowa yellow, 3. Ontario green and 4. 3,500 purple 5. Mitchell, SD 9. Nancy 6. Roy Rogers & and Frank Dale Evans Sinatra 7. Breastbone
1003 S. Washington Street Grand Forks, ND • (across from Gerrells)
Sports Answers 4. Argentina, 1. Rickey Brazil, Italy, Henderson Germany, Spain, 2. Evgeny & South Korea. Kuznetsov 5. Mississippi (2015-16). State (SEC) 3. 19 (won all).
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