Tidbits Grand Forks - November 3, 2016

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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by Kathy Wolfe

America’s favorite children’s program premiered on PBS on November 10, 1969. In observance of Sesame Street Day, Tidbits passes along the facts on this long-running series, now in its 46th season. • A dinner party at the home of television documentary producer Joan Ganz Cooney in 1966 got the ball rolling toward a new children’s educational program. She and her guests discussed statistics showing that the average preschool child was watching 27 hours of television a week, much of which was considered too violent. Cooney conceived the idea of helping these preschoolers prepare for the classroom, teaching them the alphabet and how to count in an entertaining way. In addition, the program taught basic life skills, such as proper hygiene, healthy eating habits, self-control, dealing with low self-esteem, and crossing the street safely. Cross-cultural friendships were prominent, as well as roles for the disabled, the young, senior citizens, and actors of all ethnicities, all demonstrating “peace and harmony.” • Joan Cooney hired puppeteer Jim Henson to create the cast of Sesame Street characters. Henson, who had founded Muppets, Inc. in 1958 at the age of 22, was more than a puppeteer. Turn the page for more!


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SESAME STREET (continued):

• Jim Henson was an artist, cartoonist, inventor, screenwriter, composer, musician, director, and producer as well. He signed on from the inception and spent the next 20 years with the series, until his sudden death at age 53 from streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. Who is Big Bird’s best friend? 7. The current Sesame Street logo has “123” at the top. Name the married couple who What was originally there? owns the Fix-It Shop 8. What is the longest mountain on Sesame Street. chain on Earth above sea level? What is the name of Big Bird’s 9. What element has the chemiteddy bear? cal symbol Hg? What is Elmo’s favorite food? 10. Name two of the top three What does Bert collect as a vanilla producing countries. hobby? 11. What is the capital of Brazil? What is the name of Oscar the TRIVIA Grouch’s pet worm? SPONSORED BY:


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• After just one season, the Educational Testing Service reported that children who regularly watched Sesame Street scored higher on tests than occasional viewers. Ten years after its premiere, 9 million American children under the age of six were watching the program every day, including 90% of children in low-income, inner-city homes. • “Sesame Street” was based on a combination of streets in Harlem, the Bronx, and the upper West Side of New York City. Most of the action takes place around the address of 123 Sesame Street. • Original Sesame Street puppets were Big Bird, Kermit, Bert and Ernie, Oscar, Grover, and Cookie Monster. Others such as The Count, Elmo, Zoe, and Snuffleupagus came along in subsequent years. • Trash can dweller Oscar the Grouch was yellow, then orange during the first season, but was changed to his present green for Series Two. The explanation was that Oscar went on a holiday to “the very damp Swamp Mushy Muddy,” and came back permanently green. Oscar’s signature song is “I Love Trash.” His home is much larger on the inside that a typical trash can, and contains such luxuries as a swimming pool, ice rink, bowling alley, and piano beneath the surface. Oscar is performed by the same man behind Big Bird, Caroll Spinney, who says he got the idea for Oscar’s gruff voice from a Manhattan taxi driver who growled, “Where to, Mac?” ...continued


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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. Who was the last Chicago Blackhawk before Patrick Kane in 2016 to win the 1. In 2015, Alex Rodriguez Hart Trophy as the NHL’s became the second player Most Valuable Player? to belt 30 or more homers 5. How many times have the in 15 major-league seasons. Atlanta Hawks reached Who was the first? the conference finals 2. How many combined years following the franchise’s did Chuck Tanner and Jim move from St. Louis? Leyland manage the Pitts- 6. T or F: No male tennis burgh Pirates? player has ever won all 3. Since 1974 (OT started), four Grand Slam tournahow many NFL seasons have ments in the same calenthere been two tie games? dar year.

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by Jeff Pickering

The Spats

*Answer located further back in this issue.

SESAME STREET (continued): • Caroll Spinney, 81, has been the puppeteer for Big Bird since Sesame Street’s inception. He stands inside the 8’2” bright yellow bird and extends his right arm above his head, with his arm acting as the neck, and his right hand as the beak. Spinney’s left hand is Big Bird’s left wing, which is attached to the right wing by a fishing line so that both wing’s move. Since he can’t see out, a tiny TV set is strapped to his chest. The suit weighs 10 lbs. with the head weighing an additional 4 lbs. . • What kind of a bird is Big Bird? One book about the series calls him a canary, although on an episode of Sesame Street, Big Bird himself said, “I’m more of a condor.” When appearing in the game show Hollywood Squares, the Bird called himself a lark, but a special 1983 broadcast of Sesame Street calls him an ibis. Whatever he is, he’s always flightless! • Bert and Ernie were designed to illustrate that two totally different characters can still be good friends. They were originally performed by Jim Henson and writer Jon Stone, with Bert and Ernie’s friendship symbolic of the true-life friendship between the two performers. • The Count, a vampire based on Count Dracula, was introduced in Season 4, and was intended to teach mathematical principles to children. He loves counting and counts everything! His favorite number is 34,969, which he calls a "square-root thing," since that number is 187 squared. ...continued

SESAME STREET (continued):

• One of the best-known songs from the series is “C is for Cookie,” first aired in 1972, and sung by the big, blue, growly-voiced Cookie Monster. Other favorites are Kermit the Frog’s “Bein’ Green” and Ernie’s “Rubber Duckie,” which enjoyed a stint on the Billboard Top 100 pop chart in 1970. • Sesame Street wasn’t Kermit the Frog’s first gig. The famous green puppet made his debut in 1955 on Jim Henson’s local television series Sam and Friends, which aired until 1961. Kermit is the only Muppet with a prominent role on both The Muppet Show and Sesame Street. Henson was Kermit’s puppeteer from 1955 until his death in 1990. Upon Henson’s death, the Sesame Workshop bought full ownership of Henson’s characters for $180 million; however, Kermit wasn’t part of the deal. The Tickle-Me-Elmo doll was a source of hundreds of millions of dollars for Sesame Workshop to help purchase the rights for the other Muppets.

*Answer located further back in this issue.





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• A favorite human character on the series was the Fix-It Shop’s co-owner, Maria. Maria was played by Sonia Manzano, who joined the cast in 1971 at age 20 and remained until she retired in 2015. In addition to being nominated for two Emmy Awards for her performances, she won 15 Emmy’s as a Sesame Street writer. Other beloved humans have included Bob the music teacher, Linda the librarian (the first regular deaf character on television), schoolteacher Gordon, nurse Susan, and candy store owner Mr. Hooper. When Will Lee, the actor who played Mr. Hooper, passed away in 1982, rather than cast a new actor in the role, the producers used the opportunity to help young viewers understand death. • There have been more than 4,500 episodes of Sesame Street, and the series has won 116 Emmy Awards, more than any other program. It has been televised in more than 120 countries. About 8 million viewers tune in each week in the United States alone.


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by Samantha Weaver

• It was Bulgarian-French philosopher Tzvetan Todorov who made the following sage observation: "We should not be simply fighting evil in the name of good, but struggling against the certainties of people who claim always to know where good and evil are to be found." • As Halloween approaches, it's interesting to note that in 16 states, you won't pay taxes on the candy you buy for trick-or-treaters; for tax purposes, candy is categorized as groceries. Of course, there's room for debate over what qualifies as candy; breath mints and gum are usually included, along with the obvious -- chocolate bars, hard candies and such. The tax code can get even more detailed than that, though; for instance, in Florida (which taxes candy but not groceries), marshmallows are tax-exempt, but marshmallow candies are not. • The seahorse is the only animal whose head is positioned at a right angle to its body. • Recently retired sportscaster Vin Scully served 67 seasons as the play-by-play announcer for the Dodgers -- starting in Brooklyn in 1950, then moving with the team to Los Angeles in 1958 -- making him the longest-tenured broadcaster with with a single team in the history of professional sports. Over the years he's had many fans, including Chris Carter, creator of the long-running TV series "The X Files." One of the main characters, Dana Scully (played by actress Gillian Anderson), was named for the sportscaster. • In William Shakespeare's day, the sound of thunder often was described as a "rounce-robble-hobble." *** Thought for the Day: "Patriotism, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. In Dr. Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit it is the first." -- Ambrose Bierce © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Unusual Animals:


This week, Tidbits is just humming along, taking a look at our tiny feathered friend, the hummingbird. • There are about 340 identified species of hummingbirds in the world, the second largest bird family. Yet they can only be found in the western hemisphere. Ecuador has the most hummingbirds of any country. Mexico is home to 50 different species, but only eight species are found in the U.S. They are not just found in warm climates -three species are found in Canada, and certain types are even found in Alaska. • A ruby-throated hummingbird weighs about 3 grams. Compare this to the weight of a nickel at 4.5 grams. That’s about 150 birds to make one pound! The smallest bird in the world, the bee hummingbird, is about 2 inches long and weighs about 2.5 grams, about the same as a penny. Even the largest species, the giant hummingbird, is only 8.5 inches long. Yet their tiny size doesn’t affect their attitude. They are one of the most aggressive bird species, and will attack jays, crows, and hawks that intrude in their territory. • These tiny creatures can flap their wings as many as 200 times per second! They can fly at speeds up to 30 mph, and when diving, can reach double that speed. They are the only bird that can fly backwards. However, for all these amazing feats, the hummingbird can’t walk. Their pectoral chest muscles are so strong, they make up almost 30% of the bird’s body weight. • In order to collect nectar, hummingbirds do not suck the nectar through their long bills. Rather, they lick it at the rate of 10 to 15 times per second with forked tongues.

• The bird’s heart beats around 1,260 times per minute, and even at rest, its breathing rate is 250 breaths per minute. In order to support this incredibly high metabolism, the bird needs to eat up to eight times per hour. Each feeding session lasts less than a minute. The hummingbird will visit about 1,000 flowers per day to gather the sugary sweet nectar needed for their energy. But because the nectar is not a good source of other nutrients, the birds also dine on insects and spiders. • At night, when food is not readily available, hummingbirds enter a deep-sleep state similar to hibernation known as torpor. Their metabolism, heart, and breathing rates all dramatically slow down to preserve their energy levels. The heart, which normally beats during the daytime upwards of 1,200 times per minute, slows down to no more than 180 beats. • Hummingbirds have stunning colorful plumage, with about 1,000 to 1,500 feathers. Surprisingly, this is the least amount of feathers of any type of bird. The lower amount of feathers keeps them lightweight for their fast flight. • Most North American hummingbirds migrate south every autumn to spend the winter in Mexico, the Caribbean, or Central America. The 3-inch-long rufous hummingbird travels 3,900 miles one way from Alaska to Mexico. • The lifespan of a hummingbird ranges from 5 to 12 years. • If you want hummingbirds to visit your garden, plant a collection of bright flowers that continuously bloom, including zinnias, bleeding hearts, lupine, columbine, petunias, and beebalm. You can also add a feeder containing a mixture that is one part sugar to four parts water.






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King Features Weekly Service

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

October 24, 2016

• I use an empty hard-plastic travel container originally used for wet wipes to hold my coupons. It keeps them organized as I walk through the store, and its surface is great for writing on. — I.L. in Arkansas • “When cleaning out my storage and clutter areas, I ask myself one question, and it usually helps me clear out a lot of otherwise unusable stuff: Am I really likely to dig this out (or even remember that I have it), or am I more likely to buy or borrow a new one?” — M.E. in Maine • Got leftovers? Try throwing chopped leftovers into a tortilla for a “leftoverrito.” Or make soup with remains from the produce drawer before it goes bad. Fried rice also works as a delicious delivery vehicle for leftover veggies and meats. • Want to save some money on your electric bill? Here’s two things you can do. First, plug your electronic devices into power strips and turn the strips off when you’re done using them for the day. Then replace the five most-used light bulbs in your house with ENERGY STAR certified bulbs. They cost a little bit more, but last way longer and use a fraction of the energy, saving you dollars! • Here’s another great tip to save money on utilities from A.E. in New Hampshire: Buy a hot water tank blanket (insulation) and you will save on your utilities because once the water is heated, it will not have to be reheated again and again. The blanket keeps it from losing heat when it’s cold out. • Make your own portable cleaning wipes. Mix together 1 1/2 cups of water, 1/2 cup alcohol and 1/2 cup white vinegar. Stack sturdy napkins or paper towels inside a gallon-size, resealable plastic bag, and add the liquid to soak. Seal and use as you would a packet of glass wipes. They can be used on hands, but not near the eyes. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On Nov. 12, 1889, DeWitt Wallace, founder of Reader's Digest, is born. By the end of the 20th century, the magazine had the largest circulation in the world, with more than 17 million readers in some 20 languages.

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• On Nov. 10, 1903, U.S. Patent No. 743,801 is awarded to an Alabama woman named Mary Anderson for her windshield wipers. Anderson tried to sell the patent to a Canadian firm, but it said the device had no practical value. • On Nov. 11, 1921, the Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated at Arlington National Cemetery in an Armistice Day ceremony. The Tomb of the Unknowns is considered the most hallowed grave at Arlington and has been guarded by sentinels 24/7 since 1937. • On Nov. 13, 1953, Mrs. Thomas J. White of the Indiana Textbook Commission calls for the removal of references to the book "Robin Hood" from school textbooks, claiming it was communistic. Attacks on freedom of expression in the U.S. during the Red Scare resulted in a number of books being banned, including John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath." • On Nov. 8, 1960, John F. Kennedy, 43, becomes the youngest man and first Roman Catholic ever to be elected president of the United States.

• On Nov. 7, 1991, basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson stuns the world by announcing his sudden retirement from the Los Angeles Lakers, after testing positive for the AIDS virus. Johnson was one of the first sports stars to go public about his HIV-positive status. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

d Cities Gam n ra G


• On Nov. 9, 1971, John Emil List slaughters his family in their Westfield, New Jersey, home and then disappears for 18 years. List had methodically devised a plan, saying the family was going out of town. By the time authorities discovered the bodies, he had vanished. List was found in West Virginia in 1989.

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(Solution on Next Page)

Since November 13 is National Spicy Guacamole Day, what better time to learn about its main ingredient, avocados! • It’s believed that guacamole was first created by the ancient Aztecs in present-day Mexico. The Aztec word ahuacamolli literally translates “avocado sauce.” Avocados, which are a fruit, not a vegetable, are native to Central and South America, and have been cultivated there for over 10,000 years. The avocado is also known as the “alligator pear,” because of its pear shape and rough skin. • Mexico produces more avocados than any other country. The state of California is in second place, with more than 7,000 avocado groves, with nearly 5,000 of those in San Diego County. Other large producers of the fruit are the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and Colombia. • While most of us think of avocados as guacamole or to serve in sandwiches or on toast, other countries prepare them quite differently. Folks in the Philippines, Brazil, Indonesia, and India make avocado milkshakes and serve them with ice cream. Another dessert drink in those countries is made of sugar, milk, chocolate syrup, and pureed avocado. Those in Morocco mix avocado, milk, powdered sugar, and orange flower water. • The avocado tree reaches a height of about 66 feet. A tree takes between four and six years to bear fruit, and when it does, it can produce anywhere between 150 and 500 avocados per year. The fruit is referred to as a climacteric fruit, which means it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. An avocado can remain on a tree for as long as 18 months. They are picked when they are hard and green, then kept in coolers until they reach their destination. Once picked, it takes between 7 and 10 days to ripen.

GUACAMOLE (continued):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Pennants are missing. 2. Stripe is missing. 3. Number is different. 4. Pail is missing. 5. Sign is missing. 6. Tail is different. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• Do you want to speed up the ripening process? Put your avocados in a paper bag with an apple. If you want to slow down the ripening, put Answer: Dell. it in the refrigerator. A VERY LARGE NUMBER • There are several stages of ripeness and retail• Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 ers can actually request differing stages. For he was asked to come up with a name for a example, enough guacavery largeavocados number: tender the numeral one,for followed mole are at Stage Five, and those considered by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young “slice-ready” arename classified as Stage Four. nephews what they would suggest. • •Because all avocadoes picked by ahand, laNine-year-old Miltonaresuggested name bor a large cost for A growers. long character pole with outisof the funnies. cartoonAstrip Milton chose a named clipperBarney at the was end very and popular. an attached pouch is Barney’s last name for the number. used to harvest the fruit. • Kasner new and name the will big • Once an announced avocado is the peeled cut,forthey numberturn in hisbrown. next book, the spelling. quickly This altering is because of poly•phenol Sixty years later, Larry Page and which, Sergeywhen Brin oxidase in the fruit’s cells, developed a new internet search engine. Other exposed to oxygen, produces an enzymatic researchThis engines each webpage and action. can besearched prevented by adding lime or ranked them according to how many times a lemon juice to your guacamole, or by wrapping specific term appeared on them, but Page and tightly in clear their plastic wrap.engine If it does oxidize, Brin designed search to search for the solution is simple – Scrape off the brown the specific term and then find out how many layer, thethat green underneath! links exposing there were ledguac back to that page, which resulted in a better search engine. • A mailman named Rudolph Hass discovered •a They theygrowing neededin ahisname that varietydecided of avocado back yard websites search inreflected the 1930show and many patented the Hassthevariety in engine was searching. They took the name 1935, although it took until the 1970s before Edward Kasner’s number, only itofbecame popular. It isvery nowlarge the most common they misspelled it slightly, so itonly ended upgrown being avocado in the U.S. and the one spelled exactly the same way the cartoon year round. That first tree is still alive and procharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s ducing avocados today. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) • Because they are high in FACTS fat, avocados someCOMPUTER times get a bad rap. But this is monounsatu• In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory rated “good”for kind of fat that may help oughtfat, to the be enough anybody.” lower cholesterol levels. They also have the • Moore’s Law states that computer performance highest protein content of any fruit, as well as doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since being 975 mg of potassium. Com1971,loaded this haswith been true. pare this to the 487 mg found in a banana. One •avocado HP, Google, Microsoft, and ofApple were all also contains 81 mcg the carotenoid started in garages. lutein, which can reduce the risk of macular deAnswer: Google, from googol. generation and cataracts.


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