Tidbits Grand Forks - November 10, 2016

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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by Janet Spencer

Economically speaking, soybeans are the most important bean in the world. Come along with Tidbits as we consider soy!


• In 1765 a sailor named Samuel Bowen came back to the U.S. from China with a sack of soybean seeds. He gave them to Henry Yonge, the Surveyor-General of Georgia. Yonge planted them and grew them with phenomenal success, reaping three crops in a single growing season. Turn the page for more!


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• The soybean is a member of the legume family, and a legume is a plant that has peas or beans growing inside pods. Around 5,000 years ago, people in Asia began cultivating and eating soybeans. Soybeans are very nutritious and were so important to the ancient Chinese that they were considered to be one of the five sacred grains needed for life, along with rice, wheat, barley, and millet. • By the late 1700s soybean cultivation had spread to Europe. Soybeans were one of the few types of beans available in the Old World, until Columbus and other explorers visited the New World and brought back the beans the natives were growing there: string beans, kidney beans, and lima beans.

Issue # 993

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SOYBEANS IN THE U.S. (cont'd):

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Quiz Bits 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. What year did the movie “Old School” debut in theaters? What was the name of Will In what two states are the Ferrell’s character? most soybeans grown? 6. Which group released both The average American con“Ramblin’ Man” and “Jessica” sumes how many gallons of in 1973? soybean oil per year in various 7. In math, what two letters are foods and products? symbols for 1,000? In the U.S., soybeans are the 8. What is the setting for the 1987 2nd largest crop. What’s #1? movie “The Untouchables”? Which has more protein: soyTRIVIA beans or beef? SPONSORED BY:


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• Samuel Bowen took the soybeans that were harvested in the state of Georgia and used them to make soy sauce and soy noodles, patenting the process he used. He presented his knowledge to British monarch King George III and was rewarded with a gift of 200 guineas from the king and a medal from the Society of Arts, Manufacturers, and Commerce in England. However, when Bowen died in 1777, all Western interest in the soybean faded and wasn’t revived for many years.


• In 1851 a Japanese junk foundered in the ocean off the coast of Japan. A ship called the Auckland bound for San Francisco rescued the stranded sailors. When the ship arrived in California, port authorities forbad the Japanese sailors from leaving the ship for fear they would spread disease. • Dr. Benjamin Edwards was in the area waiting for a ship to take him the round-about way back to his home in Alton, Illinois. He examined the Japanese sailors, pronounced them healthy, and allowed them shore leave. He received a thankyou gift from them. The gift was a package of soybeans. • Edwards took the seeds to Illinois with him and gave them to a horticulturist in town named John Lea. They grew so well that Lea began passing seeds out to other people interested in horticulture and agriculture, who in turn passed seeds onto others.


• In America, soybeans were thought of only in terms of hay and forage for livestock. Nearly all kinds of livestock thrived on nearly all parts of the soybean plant. But by the late 1890s, western scientists experimenting with soybeans began to make new discoveries. ...continued


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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 3. How many World Series titles do the Chicago Cubs now have? 1. In 2015, pitcher Zack Greinke became the third 4. In 2015, Keenan Allen Los Angeles Dodgers right- tied a San Diego Chargers record for most receptions handed pitcher in the modin a game (15). Who else ern era to have six straight did it? starts without allowing a 5. Who was the last run. Who else did it? American before Austin 2. The Cleveland Indians Matthews in 2016 to be last won a World Series selected No. 1 overall in in 1948. How many times the NHL Draft? have they lost the World 6. Name the first year the MN Series since then? Vikings played in the NFL.



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• Researchers found that soybean plants, like all legumes, improve the quality of the soil they grow in because they are able to take nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into a form of nitrogen that enriches dirt. All plants need nitrogen to grow, but not all plants can convert it from the air. Other plants grow better in soil that legumes have recently grown in because of the increased level of nitrogen. • George Washington Carver began studying them along with the peanut, and found that the oil in the beans could be used in many different ways. Health food advocate John Kellogg promoted the use of soybeans at his health spa in Battle Creek, Michigan. His chef, Jan Willemse, used them in as many ways as possible. Many of Willemse’s recipes were even showcased at the 1934 World’s Fair. People finally began to think of soybeans as more than just livestock feed. • In the 1900s, a man named William Morse, a researcher for USDA, devoted his entire 42-year career to promoting the soybean. He founded the American Soybean Association; he wrote books about soybeans; he published papers; and he lectured. By the time he retired in 1949 he had earned the title of “The Father of Soybeans.” • In 1922 in Decatur, Illinois, the Staley Company built the first major soybean processing plant, giving Illinois farmers a guaranteed market price for soybeans. By 1938, the U.S. was exporting soy meal to other countries. • When World War II began, soybean production soared. Soybeans fed millions of starving refugees. Soybean oil replaced imported fats and oils needed to make glycerin, which was used in many ways as a solvent and lubricant. Soybean meal increased animal production. Soybean protein was used as a meat extender. ...continued

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Out on a Limb

by Gary Kopervas

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

stop there? There are plenty of things 1. Tim Tebow needs to try for to every in the sporting world thatout need be major sport. This is a no-brainer. Everyaddressed. Here are a few I will toss one knows that Tim Tebow is a superior outathlete there:and a virtuous Christian. That is 1. Tim needs outmarfor why he Tebow must always be to set try up for tyrdom, so we can talk how teams every major sport. Thisabout is a no-brainunderstand thethat righteous talent er.don't Everyone knows Tim Tebow they are sitting on. It doesn't matter that is a superior athlete and a virtuhe's only hitting .149 for the Mets' fall ous Christian. That is why he must instructional league team, he probably always be set up for martyrdom, so we can talk about how teams don’t understand the righteous talent they are sitting on. It doesn’t matter that he’s only hitting .149 for the Mets’ fall instructional league team, he probably sells more jerseys than most of the Mets big-league players combined. Surely he could be a center on the Blue Jacket’s checking line, or a power forward for the Brooklyn Nets. It might hurt to watch, but that means it’s working. 2. Every NFL team has to wear black (or pink). Studies show that teams wearing black are more aggressive. That study, no doubt commissioned by the circa 1970s

King Features Weekly Service

With everyone racking their brains about With everyone racking their brains the perceived problem of shrinking NFL TV ratings, now get to shift our focus about the weperceived problem of to the flawedNFL NCAA rankings. But shrinking TVplayoff ratings, we now why to stop there? are to plenty things get shift ourThere focus the offlawed in the sporting world that need to be adNCAA playoff rankings. But why dressed. Here are a few I will toss out there:

November 7, 2016

The Way Things The Way to Things Ought Be Ought to Be

game. When A-Rod isn't name-checking sells more thanGreen. most ofPhiladelthe Mets color backjerseys to Kelly Andy Pettite (which almost never hapbig-league players combined. Surely he phians shouldn’t be made to wear pens) or using multi-syllabic words, Pete could be a center on the Blue Jacket's Forest Green, Rose is there to make fun of him or tease checking line, orsorry. a power forward for the 3. Nick Saban every him about Derek Jeter's inspiring play. Brooklyn Nets. It needs might to hurttrash to watch, other offensive but thatteam’s means it's working. scheme at The matchup of those two plus Frank Thomas is a thing of beauty. You can just press conferences, destroy 2. Every NFL team has then to wear black that (or picture a bunch of drunken FOX execs team by mastering the offensive pink). Studies show that teams wearing coming up with the idea ... "No! Wait! black arehe more study, scheme justaggressive. trashed.That It started Pete Rose has to wear a bow-tie!" then no doubt commissioned the circa with the run option, butbysomething still going with the idea the next morn1970smetangerine-orange mustachioed tells that Saban would win if ing. Tampa Bay Buccaneer, has taken hold he ran nothing but wildcats or fake of the league because black keeps creep- 5. The Cubs needed to lose the World Sepunts oncolor every first down. This is a ries. The world needed the Cubbies to ing into schemes. The only excepgood thing, because Saban’s idea tion can be made for the Eagles, but onlyof lose. They were the last team clinically aifperfect game be Alabama proven to break hearts. Look at what they switch theirwould color back to Kelly happened to Red Sox fans. They used to Green. Philadelphians shouldn't made scoring every quarter and bebeating be the quirky losers, now they're just obto wear Forest Green, sorry. LSU 8-0, all safeties. noxious without the charm (Fenway Park 4. Pete Rose and Rodriguez 3. Nick Saban needs to Alex trash every other notwithstanding). Look at how miserteam'sto offensive scheme at analysis press conferneed do postgame for able hockey fans are having been robbed ences, baseball then destroy that team by masterevery game. When A-Rod of the joy that was chanting "1940" to ing the offensive scheme he just isn’t name-checking Andy trashed. Pettite Ranger fans. Oh well, Wrigley Field is It started with the run option, but somestill only place where singing "take me (which almost never happens) thing tells me that Saban would win ifor out to the ballgame" in the vocal style of using multi-syllabic words, Pete he ran nothing but wildcats or fake punts Daffy Duck can be considered cool (but Rose is there to make of him on every first down. This isfun a good thing,or only when Bill Murray does it). because of aJeter’s perfectinspirgame tease himSaban's aboutidea Derek would be Alabama scoring of every quarter ing play. The matchup those two Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who and beating LSU 8-0, all safeties. plus Frank Thomas is a thing of lives in New Jersey. (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. 4. Pete Rose and Alex to beauty. You can justRodriguez picture aneed bunch do postgame analysis for every baseball of drunken FOX execs coming up with the idea ... “No! Wait! Pete Rose has to wear a bow-tie!” then still going with the idea the next morning. 5. The Cubs needed to lose the World Series. The world needed the Cubbies to lose. They were the last team clinically proven to break hearts. Look at what happened to Red Sox fans. They used to be the quirky losers, now they’re just obnoxious without the charm (Fenway Park notwithstanding). Look at how miserable hockey fans are having been robbed of the joy that was *Answer located further chanting “1940” to Ranger fans. Oh back in this issue. well, Wrigley Field is still the only place where singing “take me out to


• One of Henry Ford’s interests was to improve the lot of the American farmer. He became fascinated by the soybean and sent one of his researchers to China to investigate the ways the soybean was used there. In the early 1930s Ford had 300 different types of soybean planted on 8,000 acres of farmland he owned, and his scientists began to experiment. The experimentation, which cost his company over a million dollars, paid off. • Soybean oil was used to make a superior automobile paint; it was used to oil the casting molds in the same way a cook oils a baking pan; soy fibers were stuffed into seat cushions; and soybean meal was molded into buttons and knobs for use as handles and horns. Eventually it was estimated that a bushel’s worth of soybeans went into every Ford car that rolled off the line. They were used in the window trim, the accelerator pedal, the timing gears, and many other small parts.

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• Today soy products are used in hundreds of ways: car wax, chain oil, cleaning solvents, fuel additives, hydraulic oils, paint strippers, grease, lubricants, motor oil, spray foam insulation, ink, crayons, odor reducers, nail polish remover, lawn fertilizer, hand lotion, hand cleaners, hair care products, candles, fire extinguishers, bug sprays, disinfectants, linoleum, soaps, varnishes, tape, explosives, leather softeners, and more. • About 80 million acres are planted in soy every year in the U.S., mostly in the Midwest. Many areas average 50 bushels per acre. Each bushel of soybeans (which weighs 60 lbs) can be processed to produce 10 lbs. of soybean oil, or 39 lbs. of soy flour, or 11.8 lbs. of isolated soy protein. The U.S. grows more soybeans than any other nation, supplying half the world’s soybeans. Soy also supplies more protein meal for livestock feed than any other source.

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ted on publicatio the racks nea n r th Exit doors e !

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• It was beloved Scottish author J.M. Barrie, creator of Peter Pan, who made the following sage observation: "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." • Among the Balonda people, an African tribe that dwells along the Zambezi River, it was once customary for a groom to promise that he'll supply kindling wood to his mother-inlaw for the rest of her life. • Those who study such things -- word mavens with a penchant for statistics, presumably -have determined that, on average, English-language text contains 56 e's for every q. • A fisherman in the Philippines recently revealed a treasure that he'd been keeping under his bed for 10 years: a 75-pound natural pearl with an estimated value of $100 million. Evidently, after finding the pearl in a giant clam, he decided to keep it as a good-luck charm. The "Pearl of Puerto," as it's known, blew the world record out of the water (pun intended). The previous record holder for largest natural pearl was the "Pearl of Lao-Tsu" (sometimes called the "Pearl of Allah"), which weighs in at a mere 14 pounds. • The female Jesus bird is the one in charge, it would seem. She controls her own territory, allowing several male birds to build nests within it. Then she lays eggs in all the nests, and the males incubate them. • Before the Beach Boys were the Beach Boys, they considered naming their band the Pendletons. • The name "toadstool" actually has nothing to do with toads. The word is derived from the German words "tod," which means "death," and "stuhl," which means "stool." *** Thought for the Day: "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -- Edgar Allan Poe © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.



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• Some turtles can make noises, such as a South American species that clucks like a chicken, an Asian tortoise that whines like an electric motor, a Central American species that yelps like a dog when attacked, and the leatherback sea turtle which makes a belching sound. • The largest turtle in the world is the leatherback sea turtle, which can weigh over 2,000 lbs. • Green sea turtles make a remarkable 1,200 mile migration across the ocean to lay their eggs on Ascension Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Why do they go that far? Scientists hypothesize that sea turtles, being one of the more ancient species on the planet, were around in the days when continental drift had not yet separated Brazil from Africa. The turtles simply swam a short distance from Brazil to lay their eggs on Ascension Island. But as South America drifted slowly west over the eons, the distance the turtles had to swim kept increasing. No single turtle would have noticed the difference, but after thousands of years, the turtles were swimming 1,200 miles to build their nests. As the distance increased, turtles evolved to become larger, stronger, and more muscular with greater stores of fat in order to increase their chances of making the journey successfully.


• The only known instance of turtle-napping occurred in 1978 in Brooklyn. A 75 lb. show turtle named Little Rock was snatched from his motel room while his circus owner was gone. The next day, the owner received a ransom demand of $650. He was particularly concerned, because the turtle suffered from a sinus condition and required daily steam baths to keep his nasal passages clear. Two detectives hid out at the drop-off spot, and arrested a woman who came to collect the money. She led them to the turtle, who was suffering a severe sinus attack. Four more people were arrested in connection with the turtle-napping. While they were being booked, Little Rock recovered from his sinus condition in the police station shower room. • Postman Wilson Rittenhouse of Milford, New Jersey found a turtle feasting on his prize tomatoes in his backyard. He didn’t feel like sharing his produce with a turtle, so on his route the next day, he dropped the turtle off about a mile and a half from his home. Two weeks later he found the turtle in his back yard again. Now he marked the turtle’s shell and took it a mile and a half in another direction. Two weeks later, it was back again. Next he drove the turtle across the Delaware River, into Pennsylvania, and on for another five miles. In all, he travelled ten miles before dropping the turtle off. Four years went by— but the same turtle once again showed up in his tomato patch.


• The alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, growing to 2.5 feet long and weighing up to 200 lbs. An appendage on its tongue looks like a worm and acts as bait to draw prey straight to the turtle’s mouth.


• A typical turtle shell is made up of about 50 different bones, which are actually modified ribs and vertebrae. Shells have nerves and a blood supply so turtles can bleed and feel pain if their shell is damaged.

• Over a million sea birds and 100,000 marine mammals die each year after trying to eat plastic, including helium balloons commonly released by schoolchildren. A sick sea turtle found on the beaches of Hawaii was taken to a vet. It died two days later. An autopsy found the following items clogging the turtle’s digestive tract: a baggie, golf tee, fishing line, plastic flower, bottle cap, and comb.




Amazing Animals:

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• Online shopping season has started, or maybe it never really stops! Don’t forget to run your preferred brand and model number through Google to make sure you have the very best price. Try searching www. freeshipping.org to find coupon codes for free shipping. Also, take advantage of coupon hunting apps like RetailMeNot, CouponSherpa and Coupons. com before heading out on shopping expeditions. • “I recently scanned in a great many of my old photos in order to organize and preserve them. I have decided to send the originals of many candids as holiday cards this year. I purchased a big box of blank greeting cards at a crafts store for a great price and attached photos to the card fronts. This has turned into a fun project for me and a keepsake for the recipients.” — V.R. in Washington • Did you know that pillows need to be replaced every year? You can keep your pillow performing better by using a pillow-protecting pillowcase, and fluffing in the dryer for 10 minutes on low heat every so often to restore the loft of the pillow. • “I found a rack meant to hold spice jars at a garage sale. It was really neat, so I bought it but didn’t know what to do with it. When I brought it home, my roommate had the great idea to spray paint it and use it to display nail polish bottles. It’s so easy to find the right color, and they fit just right!” — M.T. in Alabama • Use empty toilet paper rolls to corral cords in storage. This works for small cords that go with electronic devices as well as small extension cords. Write the cord’s use on the tube, for example, “JoAnn’s iPad,” “Bob’s digital camera,” etc. If you have many cords, you can store them together in a shoebox. For a nicer presentation, cover the box with lively paper. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located after next page)

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PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES: “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

• On Nov. 19, 1915, British airman Richard Bell Davies performs a daring rescue, swooping down in his single-seat scout plane to whisk a downed fellow pilot from behind Turkish lines just as enemy soldiers approached. • On Nov. 16, 1945, the United States ships 88 German rocket scientists to America. The U.S. government was desperate to acquire the scientific know-how that had produced German rockets during World War II. • On Nov. 17, 1958, the Kingston Trio's "Tom Dooley" hits No. 1 on the Billboard pop chart. The song was probably first sung sometime after 1868, when a North Carolina man named Tom Dula was hanged for the murder of his fiancŽe. • On Nov. 15, 1965, at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, 28-year-old Californian Craig Breedlove sets a new land-speed record of 600.6 mph in the Spirit of America. The car was powered by a Navy jet engine.

• On Nov. 18, 1991, Shiite Muslim kidnappers in Lebanon free Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite after more than four years of captivity. Waite had secured the release of missionaries detained in Iran, British hostages from Libya and even American hostages from Lebanon before he was seized in Beirut. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

d Cities Gam n ra G


• On Nov. 20, 1982, the Cal football team wins an improbable last-second victory over Stanford when they complete five lateral passes around members of the Cardinals' marching band, who had come onto the field a bit early. Cal's Kevin Moen careened through the confused horn section to reach the end zone, where he slammed into a trombone player. The touchdown counted, and Cal won 25-20.

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• In 1896, Edward, Prince of Wales, attended a horse race to watch his horse, Persimmon, run. It had rained heavily and the track was extremely muddy. But Persimmon won magnificently, and the Prince left his royal box to congratulate the jockey. On the way across the muddy track, the elastic strap on the bottom of his pants snapped. Undaunted, the Prince simple ripped the elastic off and rolled up his pants legs so they wouldn’t get muddy. The next day, men all over London appeared in public with their pants rolled up. The new style of pants cuffs swept the country and is still popular today. • Broker’s Tip was the race horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 1933. He had never won a race before that day, and never won a race afterwards. • John R. Braden was a world-champion racehorse. He won huge purses and was seldom beaten. Between races he always returned to his hometown of Presque Isle, Maine, where the residents idolized him. He saw a lot of important visitors and had a large bank account. When he died, the entire town went into mourning. In his will, John R. Braden left the town $150,000. They used the money to build a new town hall, library, playground, and hospital. All were dedicated to the memory of John R. Braden—one of the fastest racehorses of his day. • Basic Witness was the six-to-one favorite to win at the Atlantic City Race track in 1974. The starting gate flew open, all the horses were off like a shot— except for Basic Witness, who did not move from the stall. No amount of prodding by the jockey could provoke him to move from the stall. Then the jockey discovered that the horse’s tail was caught in the rear door of the starting stall. Basic Witness was scratched and the money bet on him refunded. ...continued

(Solution on Next Page)

HORSE RACING (continued):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Trash can is missing. 2. Letter is missing. 3. Curlers are missing. 4. Cuffs are missing. 5. House is smaller. 6. Sign is missing.


© 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• Sweet Kiss was the name of an old mare running in the steeplechase at Belmont in 1923. The odds were 20 to 1 against her, but her Answer: Dell. jockey, Frank Hayes, was hoping for one last A VERY LARGE NUMBER victory before they both retired from the race•track. Edward Kasner mathematician. In 1938 Sweet Kisswas ran aflawlessly and thundered he was asked to come up with a name a across the finish line ahead by two lengths.for The very large number: the numeral one, followed crowd rushed onto the track to congratulate the by a hundredwere zeros. He asked hishetwo young jockey—and confused when refused to nephews what name they would suggest. sit up in his saddle or acknowledge their calls. •That Nine-year-old Milton suggested a Hayes name was when they discovered Frank out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character had died during the home stretch. It was the named chose only timeBarney a horsewas hasvery beenpopular. pilotedMilton to victory by Barney’s last name for the number. a dead jockey. • Kasner announced the new name for the big • Atnumber the Sunshine racetrack in Florida, the tractor in his next book, altering the spelling. pulling the starting gate off the track broke down •just Sixty years Larry andthe Sergey after thelater, horses hadPage started race.Brin The developed a new internet search engine. Other tractor refused to start up again and it looked search engines searched each webpage and like the starting gate was going to many stay put, leadranked them according to how times a ing to crashes and injuries amongst horses and specific term appeared on them, but Page and jockeys. While their somesearch fans engine rushed totosearch the track Brin designed for tothe tryspecific to warnterm jockeys about the obstacle, other and then find out how many fans to the starting and helped linksranthere were that gate led back to that haul page,it which resulted in a better search engine. off the track manually. It was moved out of the way with just seconds to spare. • They decided they needed a name that many websites the and search • Inreflected Missourihow in 1865 a young black boy his engine was searching. They took the name mother were kidnapped to be sold as slaves. of Edward Kasner’s very large number, Nobody noticed or cared much, exceptonly for they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being a nearby kindly white farmer who went out spelled exactly the same way the cartoon searching for them, He found the kidnappers character Barney spelled his last name. What’s after several days ofatsearching. mother had it called? (Answer bottom ofThe page) already disappeared, but they still had the boy. COMPUTER FACTS The farmer started negotiating a ransom for the •boy. In 1981 Bill Gates said, kb of memory The kidnappers didn’t“640 understand why he ought to be enough for anybody.” would be interested in a young, small, sickly •black Moore’s computer performance boy,Law but states when that he offered to exchange his doubles every 18 kid, to 24amonths, andmade. ever since racehorse for the deal was Who 1971, this has been true. of the racehorse, but knows whatever became •the HP,boy Google, Microsoft, all grew up to changeand the Apple nation.were He was started in garages. George Washington Carver and his scientific discoveries affected Answer: Google, frommillions googol. of people.



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Quiz Answers

1. Illinois and Iowa. 2. Seven gallons. 3. Corn is #1. 4. Beef 27%, soybeans 17%

5. 2003; Frank Ricard. 6. The Allman Brothers 7. M and K 8. Chicago

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Sports Answers 1. Don Drysdale (1968), Orel Hershiser (1988). 2. Four: 1954, 1995, 1997, and 2016.

3 Three: 1907, 1908, & 2016. 4. Kellen Winslow, in 1984. 5. Patrick Kane in 2007. 6. 1961

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