Tidbits Grand Forks - November 24, 2016

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN November 24, 2016

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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by Janet Spencer

In an average lifetime, a human will spend 25 years sleeping. A person can survive longer without food than they can without sleep. Come along with Tidbits as we doze off!


• The word “sleep” comes from the German adjective “schlapp” meaning “weak” or “limp.” The same root word also gave us the word “slack.” • We think of going to sleep as a gradual procedure, where we slowly drift off. However, going to sleep is actually an instantaneous process: one second the organism is aware— the next second it is not. • There has never been documented proof of a human who did not sleep. The record for the least amount of sleep needed on a regular basis is held by two Australians who required less than three hours of sleep per night. Both were active men with full-time jobs. • The average adult needs to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night. Napoleon Bonaparte needed only four to six hours of sleep a night, as did Thomas Edison and Winston Churchill. However, Albert Einstein is said to have spent about ten hours a night in bed. It is not true that older people need less sleep. However, over 50% of people over 64 years old suffer from some type of sleep disorder. Turn the page for more!


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SLEEP ON IT (continued):


• A pregnant woman will generally sleep up to two hours a night longer than she did before she got pregnant.


• Newborns sleep a total of 14 to 17 hours a day on an irregular schedule with periods of one to three hours spent awake.


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Quiz Bits 1.

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5. Do men or women tend to need more sleep? 6. What percent of traffic acT or F: Sleeping directly cidents are sleep related? after learning something new 7. What superhero’s real name is will improve your ability to Steve Rogers? remember it effectively. 8. What plant does the coriander What mammal spends more seed come from? time asleep than any other? 9. Who are Ray Davies, Dave What percent of the population Davies, Pete Quaife and Mick are sleepwalkers? Avory? What percent of married couples TRIVIA sleep in separate beds? SPONSORED BY:


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• Although it's possible to force yourself to stay awake, it is impossible to force yourself to stay asleep. The longest recorded sleep period was 17 hours by a person who had been deprived of sleep in the prior few days. He was able to sleep only 5 hours the next night. • A survey showed that people who characteristically get ten hours of sleep suffered twice as many heart attacks and three and a half times as many strokes as people who slept seven hours or less.


• Two experimenters spent two months living in the darkness of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky in 1938. For the first month they lived 21-hour days using electric lights; and for the second month they lived 28-hour days. Although the men felt that they had adjusted to the new schedule, their bodies showed through blood and urine tests and temperature readings that they were still operating on a 24-hour cycle. • People who are transferred to the perpetual night of the Arctic tend to sleep about an hour longer than they did prior to going there. • One experiment placed volunteers alone in a completely dark sound-proof room, with gloves to reduce sensations. The object was to see how much time a human would spend sleeping when there was absolutely nothing to do. On the first day, the subjects slept 12 to 14 hours. But as time passed, the amount of sleep decreased until after one week they were sleeping six hours or less each day. This suggested to researchers that wakefulness is the basic state of the brain. ...continued

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. Miami’s Dan Marino led the NFL in touchdown passes in three different 1. Name the two Pittsburgh seasons (1984-86). Name Pirates to have recorded 150 home runs & 150 steals. the other Dolphins QB to lead the NFL in TD 2. In 1973, the first year of passes for a season. the designated hitter, the 5. What was the lowest numAmerican League set a ber of losses in a season pitching record for most for Dean Smith as coach 20-game winners. How of the North Carolina many was it? men’s basketball team? 3. Which two teams were 6. Name the three golfers added in the last round who won back-to-back of NHL expansion? Masters Tournaments.


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.





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King Features Weekly Service

There is something undeniable about Tony Romo. He is all but universally beloved by anybody who has ever coached or played with him. As the franchise face for America’s Team, his mug gets plastered on both sporting and celebrity gossip magazines alike. But you know, he’s got a bad back and he has yet “to win the big one.” “Yet to win the big one” is perhaps the most damning thing you can say about an NFL quarterback, particularly when you’re a Dallas Cowboy and have to live up to legendary names like Don Meredith, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman. And it’s something that Romo has heard a lot. People are always unsure about him. Is he a fearless playmaker, or is he a guy who makes bad decisions and refuses to stick to the script? Well, we may never know that answer, at least not in Dallas, because a new story is being written there as we speak by Rayne Dakota “Dak” Prescott. Prescott is accustomed to rewrites. He rewrote Mississippi State’s record book, setting 38 school records and setting the record for most passing yards in Orange Bowl history. Picked in the fourth round by the Cowboys in 2016, he broke the rookie record for most completions without an interception as a rookie,


November 21, 2016

The Sacking of Romo

a record once held by a guy named Tom Brady ... a guy who didn’t break 38 records at Michigan. Prescott plays like the pro he is every week, he plays as if he’s been there before, and he plays like a leader who will take you places that you’ve never been before. When you can orchestrate not one, but two game-winning full-field drives to come from behind at Pittsburgh, you are treading on untouched real estate. But that is, of course, exactly what Prescott did. The Cowboys as a franchise know how to deal with the press. While more than a few players aren’t smart enough to keep their names out of the police blotter, they know better than to tip their hand regarding the quarterback situation. “I’ll let those in charge of making that decision make that decision” is the common refrain. The team’s larger-than-life owner is a near-obsessive fan of Tony Romo. (He has gone on record saying that he would be heartbroken if he didn’t win Romo a championship. Huh? Shouldn’t that be the other way around?) Even he had to begrudgingly admit that the team had to go with “the hot hand.” The aforementioned hand is Prescott’s, and no doubt about it, it is scorching hot. Romo may be burning to get back into the game, but with each passing win — and I do mean “passing” win — the more it appears that we will be seeing Romo in another uniform come next fall. Time waits for no one, and in the NFL, you’re only as good as your backup’s first game.

• Sleep is a universal characteristic of complex living organisms and has been observed in insects, mollusks, fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. • Humans sleep on average around three hours less than other primates like chimps, rhesus monkeys, squirrel monkeys and baboons, all of which sleep for 10 hours. • Bats sleep for 20 out of every 24 hours. Lions sleep 17 hours out every 24. Squirrels and cats sleep about 14 hours a day but donkeys only about 4. • The sleep of moles is very like our sleep: it lasts 8 hours, and about 2 hours is spent dreaming. • All birds sleep, and they all experience dreams as well, although they spend very little time dreaming. • Zebra herds sleep in shifts, with half the herd sleeping while the other half stands guard. • Horses can sleep lightly while standing; moderately if they have support for their head; but they must lie down to sleep heavily. They sleep on their sides 85% of the time, and on their stomachs 15% of the time. • Ground squirrels hibernate every year for a certain period of time. Even if they are kept in warm, light rooms where there is plenty of food available, they will still hibernate for the usual period of time. • Giraffes sleep only 2 hours a day in five- to 10-minute sessions. • Only one half of a dolphin’s brain goes to sleep at a time. Dolphins are capable of what is known as unihemispheric sleep, in which one hemisphere of the brain goes into a deep sleep while the other hemisphere remains awake. This allows dolphins to sleep under water without drowning. Dolphins spend approximately one-third of their lives asleep. ...continued


• Most plants show some primitive form of sleep. For instance, the sugar in an ear of ripened corn will flow downward through the stalk and into the roots at night. In the morning, the sugar rises again. That's why an ear of corn tastes starchy if picked in the evening, but sweet when picked in the morning. • The heliotrope is a plant that reacts to sunlight by opening its leaves and shutting them again when the light is gone. When placed in complete darkness, they will continue to open and close right on schedule.


• In sleep deprived people, it is most difficult for them to stay awake between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. This is because the body reaches its rhythmic low at that time. An opposing low occurs around twelve hours later— in the afternoon after lunch. • Many countries realize the natural need of the human body to nap in the afternoon. About 42% of people in Greece take a siesta at least three times a week, lasting an average of one hour. And in China, factory workers and office personnel alike regularly take a nap after lunch. Article 49 of the Chinese constitution maintains that "the working population has a right to rest." Many Japanese companies provide employees with quiet, darkened relaxation rooms.

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• French expert Pierre Fluchaire maintains that, "It is a huge mistake to go sixteen hours without sleeping. Nothing is so civilized as a siesta." He feels that American businesses could improve productivity by encouraging a little napping now and then. • Daytime naps improve memory and cut the risk of heart disease.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

• "Frequent naps will keep you from getting old, especially if you take them while driving." -Evan Esar

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by Samantha Weaver

• It was American science-fiction writer Hal Clement who made the following sage observation: "Speculation is perfectly all right, but if you stay there you've only founded a superstition. If you test it, you've started a science." • Americans have more debt from student loans than credit cards and car loans combined. • For centuries, the month of June has been the most popular choice for weddings. One of the purported reasons was that some hundreds of years ago, this time was just after May's annual bath, so the happy couple and the guests were about as clean as could be hoped. • It is the policy of the United States government to never insure federal buildings. The rationale? With such vast holdings, it's best for the government to assume its own risks. • As Thanksgiving approaches, you might want to add to your vocabulary. In the Eurasian nation of Georgia, there is a term to describe the feeling of being full but unable to stop eating due to the deliciousness of the meal: "Shemomedjamo" means, literally, "I accidentally ate the whole thing." • You've probably heard that classical Greek philosopher Socrates died after drinking hemlock, carrying out the death sentence imposed on him for impiety and for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens. You might not realize, though, that the poison is not derived from the hemlock tree, but from a flowering plant known as poison hemlock, a relative of the carrot. • Oysters and worms, although unable to see images, are able to sense dark and light. *** Thought for the Day: "The door of a bigoted mind opens outwards so that the only result of the pressure of facts upon it is to close it more snugly." -- Ogden Nash

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.



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• Pigeons strapped in cages to the undersides of helicopters have been trained to peck a switch whenever they see the colors orange, yellow, or red. The helicopters then fly over the ocean in areas where planes or ships have gone down. When a pigeon spots orange life vests, yellow rafts, or red flares, they peck the signal and are rewarded with food. Pigeons score 90% every time, compared to only 40% for humans.

• A type of bird called a black kite which lives in India is known as a “fire hawk” because of its habit of picking up burning twigs from fires, then dropping them into dry grass in order to flush small animals which flee from the resulting fire. • Penguins return to the very same nest year after year, building it up with new stones in a ring. When they return to their nesting grounds each year, the old nest will be buried under several feet of snow. Still, the penguins immediately begin to pile up stones on top of the snow. When the snow melts, the new stones will settle exactly on top of the old. • Observers watching peregrine falcons have seen them teaming up to teach their young how to catch prey on the wing. One parent, carrying prey, will fly above the offspring while the other flies below the offspring. The prey is dropped, and if the youngster fails to nab it as it falls, the parent below will catch it. The two parents will then switch places and continue dropping the prey until Junior catches on. • Researchers once put a shearwater (a bird that migrates from Pole to Pole) into a dark box and released it in Britain 3,000 miles from its home. The bird found its way back to its home nest in 12 days— flying across open ocean at a rate of 250 miles per day.



• In experiments done at Harvard, pigeons were taught they would receive a food reward when they pecked at a picture of a human. They were then shown all manner of photos, but they proved they understood the concept of “human” when they pecked at pictures of infants and old people alike, of every race, every culture, and every size. They pecked at pictures of the back of a human head, or a single hand, or only a foot. They pecked at pictures of nude humans, humans wearing strange clothing, and pictures containing a tiny human head in a group photo of animals. Likewise, when pigeons were taught to peck at pictures of water, they pecked at pictures of oceans, brooks, sink taps, and puddles in the middle of the road. However, they did not peck at a picture of the road taken after the puddles had dried up.

• Eleven different species of birds in Britain learned how to remove the tin foil and cardboard caps on milk bottles left on porches and doorsteps so they could help themselves to a free meal. They also followed milkmen on their routes.


• In ancient Greece the owl was associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom, and so came to symbolize wisdom. But is an owl wise? And should you really feel insulted if someone calls you "birdbrain"? Actually, the brain of most birds is big and heavy in proportion to body weight. However, an owl doesn't match many birds (such as the goose, raven, or common crow) for intelligence.

• Some types of birds such as warblers and kingfishers will build nests next to a wasp or hornet nest to help ward off predators.




Amazing Animals:

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• To make quick work of avocados when making guacamole, use a potato masher. • If you suspect a slow air leak in your tire but can’t find an obvious puncture spot, do like the professionals: squirt the tire with soapy water, and the air escaping from the hole will begin to make a bubble. You can use this for any kind of tire, car or bicycle. • “Want that white wine chilled? Try freezing grapes to use as ice cubes. Keeps it cold, but won’t water it down. Plus, it’s a nice touch!” — A.A. in Fla. • Recipe substitution: Need buttermilk? Add a teaspoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to regular milk and let sit for 10 minutes. • Use rock salt to clean stuck-on bits from a cast iron pan. Never use soap. Always dry immediately and coat with oil before storing. • The richest chocolate cake and brownies have a secret: Replace water in your recipe with cooled coffee. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

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King Features Weekly Service

November 14, 2016

t e

• On Nov. 29, 1775, the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, establishes a Committee of Secret Correspondence. Its goal is to provide European nations with a Patriot interpretation of events in Britain's North American colonies, in the hope of soliciting aid for the American war effort. • On Dec. 1, 1824, Congress acts to decide a presidential election for the first time in history, giving the presidency to John Quincy Adams, even though Andrew Jackson had received the most electoral votes among the four candidates. The Constitution's 12th Amendment puts an election in the hands of Congress if no candidate receives a majority of Electoral College votes. • On Nov. 28, 1895, Frank Duryea wins the first motorcar race in the United States, piloting a gas-powered "horseless carriage." Vehicles had to be able to carry at least two people: the driver and a race-appointed umpire, who would guard against cheating. • On Nov. 30, 1954, the first modern instance of a meteorite striking a human being occurs in Sylacauga, Alabama, when an 8 1/2 pound meteorite crashes through the roof of a house, bounces off a radio, and strikes Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges. • On Dec. 3, 1947, Marlon Brando's famous cry of "STELLA!" first booms across a Broadway stage, electrifying the audience at the first-ever performance of Tennessee Williams' play "A Streetcar Named Desire." • On Dec. 2, 1975, Ohio State senior running back Archie Griffin becomes the first player in history to win the Heisman Trophy two years in a row. Griffin set an NCAA record with 5,177 career rushing yards. • On Dec. 4, 1991, Islamic militants in Lebanon release kidnapped American journalist Terry Anderson after 2,454 days in captivity. He was kidnapped on a west Beirut street and held prisoner in an underground dungeon for the next six-and-a-half years. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Zion United Methodist Church

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Free Love Feast Meal will be served Tuesday, November 29, 5:30-6:30 pm at University Lutheran Church 2122 University Ave. Grand Forks, ND. University Lutheran Church will purchase, prepare and serve turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, dressing, corn, and pumpkin desert. Blood pressure checks will be available at the event. Call 218-791-6958 with any questions.


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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• About 25% of people snore occasionally, and one out of eight people is a chronic snorer. More than 45% of all adults snore occasionally. • More men than women snore. About 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women are habitual snorers. • Snorers are more likely to suffer from adverse health conditions such as heart problems, stroke, and hypertension than non-snorers. • The decibel level of some snorers has been registered at only one decibel lower than a jackhammer at a distance of ten feet. • Snoring is more common when sleeping on your back. Elevating the head of the bed can help reduce snoring. • Ten per cent of snorers have sleep apnea, a disorder which causes sufferers to stop breathing up to 300 times a night. This significantly increases the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Sleep apnea will almost always cause patients to snore, but snoring won’t always cause sleep apnea. Being overweight increases the risk for sleep apnea. About 33% of those who drink four or more caffeinated beverages daily are designated at risk for sleep apnea. • Snoring can become worse after drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a direct depressant effect on the tongue and other muscles in the throat, which narrows the upper airway space. • Nasal congestion caused by allergies and colds can lead to snoring. • There are over 300 U.S. patents on devices to prevent snoring and over 2,000 European patents. • The word “snore” once meant the same as “snort.” Shakespeare was the first to use the word denoting human snoring during sleep. ...continued

SNORING (continued):

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• People who share a bed with snorers have their sleep interrupted an average of 21 times a night compared to an average of 27 times per night Answer: Dell. for the snorer. A VERY LARGE NUMBER • It has been claimed that Italians snore more •than Edward Kasner was a mathematician. any other European nationality. In 1938 he was asked to come up with a name for a • Singing on number: a regularthebasis decreases snoring very large numeral one, followed because it strengthens throat muscles. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews whatcolumnist name they “Dear would suggest. • When advice Abby” ran a •letter Nine-year-old Milton suggested name from a woman requesting help awith her out of thesnoring funnies. A cartoon strip character husband's problem, Abby asked readnamed Barney was Milton ers for advice. She very was popular. swamped withchose over Barney’s last name for the number. 150,000 letters. Kasner Churchill announcedsnored the new name for the levbig • •Winston at the 35 decibel in his next book, altering the spelling. el,number as measured by a naval officer on board a •ship Sixty later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin in years August, 1944. developed a new internet search engine. Other • President Theodore Roosevelt snoredand so search engines searched eachonce webpage loudly in the hospital that nearly every patient ranked them according to how many times a inspecific the wing complained. term appeared on them, but Page and Brin designed their search engine search for • Harry Christy of Lewiston, Idaho towas elected the specific termchampion and then in findSeptember out how many Idaho's snoring 1944 links there were that led back to that page, at the Veterans Hospital in Boise. He won out which resulted in aofbetter over W.H. Gilman Twinsearch Falls, engine. who had held •the They decided they needed a name snorthat title for 17 years. Judges said Gilman's reflected how many websites the search ing had become "too jerky" to retain the title. engine was searching. They took the name • According a Baltimore a 300-lb. of EdwardtoKasner’s verynewspaper, large number, only cabbie went to sleep in his cab after working all they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being night. He snored so loudly that he attracted spelled exactly the same way the cartoona crowd. A cop tried spelled to wakehis him, no avail. By character Barney lasttoname. What’s it called? at there bottom of page) the time he (Answer awakened, were reportedly several hundredCOMPUTER people watching him snore away. FACTS • Travis Zellis in jail Cincinnati, serving • In 1981 Billwas Gates said,in“640 kb of memory a ought 90-day Soon after his to sentence be enoughfor forburglary. anybody.” jailers receiving com•imprisonment, Moore’s Law states thatbegan computer performance plaints from other prisoners who couldn't sleep doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since at1971, nightthis duehas to his profound been true. snoring. Zellis was released early so the otherand prisoners • HP, Google, Microsoft, Apple could were get all some sleep. started in garages. Answer: Google, fromREADING googol. TIDBITS! THANKS FOR


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