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Big savings Issue # 999 Published by: Wick Publications 701-772-8239 wickpub@yahoo.com for TIDBITS SINGS ALONG WITH SOME Bigsafe savings Mrs. ack says... drivers. See why for safe HOLIDAY MUSIC “Give the Gift See whytrust millions by Kathy Wolfe drivers. millions trust us for Home of Warmth”
December 22, 2016
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‘Tis the season to sing! This week, Tidbits delves into the history of some of the season’s most timeless melodies.
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• In 1857, James Lord Pierpont was the music director at a Savannah, Georgia church when he composed a happy little winter tune he entitled “One-Horse Open Sleigh,” later known as “Jingle Bells.” Just a few years later, he was composing “We Conquer or Die” and “Strike for the South,” Civil War marching songs. Pierpont wasn’t a native Southerner, and was in fact the son of a staunch abolitionist from Boston.
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HOLIDAY MUSIC (continued):
• Two record producers from Denmark came up with the idea of splicing together recordings of dogs barking into the pattern of songs. In 1955, the two used five dogs – Dolly, Pearl, Pussy, Caesar, and King – to create The Singing Dogs performing “Jingle Bells,” a rendition that has become a well-known holiday favorite of most radio stations.
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Quiz Bits
5. What holiday song was originally titled “Tinkle Bell”? 6. Name the song that begins “Oh, the weather outside is frightful.” 7. What song, written by Mel Torme, was made famous by Nat King Cole? 8. What is the best-selling Christmas song of all-time in the United States? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. What Christmas tune was Brenda Lee’s big hit in 1958? 2. What singer debuted “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas”? 3. What 14th-century carol has the French word for “Christmas” in its title? 4. How many times is the word “Christmas” mentioned in the song “Frosty the Snowman”?
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• Written in 1864, “Up on the Housetop” is the second-oldest secular Christmas song, after “Jingle Bells.” It was composed by Benjamin Hanby, who wrote 80 other songs, before perishing from tuberculosis at age 33. It seems that Hanby was inspired by Clement Moore’s poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” the first piece of writing that spoke of Santa’s sleigh and his reindeer landing on rooftops. The most wellknown recording of this song was by cowboy singer Gene Autry in 1953. • “Silent Night” comes to us from the German language, from words written by Father Josef Mohn, a priest in a tiny Austrian village. “Stille Nacht” was set to music in 1818 by the church organist Franz Gruber, who wrote the music for guitar, since the church’s pipe organ was in disrepair. • Written in 1943 in the midst of World War II, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” was written to honor GI’s serving overseas and their families. Composer Kimball Gannon sang the song for singer Bing Crosby while the two were playing golf to get his opinion. Crosby recorded the tune, which was a chart-topper for eleven weeks and became Crosby’s fifth gold record. When Gannon died in 1974, he bequeathed the rights to the song to the American Heart Association, which has benefited from the gift since that time. ...continued
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PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TIDBITS! 4. In 2015, the Pittsburgh Pirates won 98 games during the regular season. 1. When was the last time beHow many other times fore 2015 that the Kansas since 1970 did they win City Royals won a division at least 98 games? title game—1983, 1985, 5. Toronto Maple Leaf’s 1994, or 2001? Austin Matthews scored 4 2. Tom Brady is one of five goals in his rookie debut NFL quarterbacks to have at least 400 career TD pass- in 2016. Name the last #1 draft pick to score at least es. Name the other four. 2 goals in his first game. 3. What year did the Miami 6. What is the last franchise/ Dolphins have a perfect team to join the NFL? season?
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HOLIDAY MUSIC (continued)
• A 34-year-old copyrighter working for the department store chain Montgomery Ward in 1939 was the creator of one of the season’s most beloved characters, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Robert May was given the assignment of coming up with a story for a holiday promotional booklet for distribution to customers to replace the coloring books they had circulated in previous years. May, who had been teased as a child for his shyness and short stature, used the same theme for his red-nosed reindeer, who was made fun of for being different. Montgomery Ward sold nearly 2.5 million copies that year. When they reissued it in 1946, sales were 3.5 million copies. Unfortunately, because May was an employee of the store, Ward’s owned the copyright, and it was several years before May convinced them to allow him the rights. In 1949, May’s brother-in-law penned one of the most loved holiday tunes of all time, based on the story. Cowboy singer Gene Autry recorded the song and sold over two million copies the first year.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• The name Johnny Marks might not be familiar to you, but you’ve certainly heard his compositions hundreds of times. Johnny Marks was the brother-in-law of Robert May, and the one who set “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” to music. But that wasn’t his only Christmas song by any means. Marks also gave us “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas,” “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “The Night Before Christmas Song,” “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” and “When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter,” among many others. • The English melody “Greensleeves” was composed in 1580, but it wasn’t until 1865 that William Dix wrote the poem “The Manger Throne,” which was fitted into the “Greensleeves” tune. We know this Christmas carol as “What Child Is This?”. ...continued
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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King Features Weekly Service
As the playoff picture shapes up, New York Giants would like to remind you that the Dallas Cowboys haven’t won anything worth shouting about yet. The Giants, however, have to know all too well that their plan on offense most closely resembles something you would find on a typical JV high school’s squad: have your good quarterback throw passes to your great wide receiver the ENTIRE game or die trying. There is no doubt that Eli Manning is one of the game’s alltime great quarterbacks, and Odell Beckham Jr., even if he never catches another pass, will still be rembered as having the best start of any wide receiver in NFL history. But how long can the Giants go with this game plan? Actually, the better question to ask is how deep can the Giants go in the playoffs with that plan and zero running game. True, there is a certain charm to the Manning-Beckham plan. For one thing, you don’t need to be a technical football wiz to understand what is going on there. They’re calling the same plays you did when you huddled up in your backyard as a kid: “You get open, and I will throw the ball to you, and then you just outrun everybody and score. Got it? OK! Break!” For the time being, this strategy has largely worked. That’s because Odell Beckham Jr. is just that good.
• Composed by Irving Berlin in 1940, “White Christmas” made its debut in 1941 on the NBC radio program “Kraft Music Hall,” sung by Bing Crosby. Crosby didn’t record the song until the following May, and the song was used in the movie “Holiday Inn” later that year. The song was given the Oscar for the Best Song of 1942. It’s the most-recorded holiday song, with more than 500 versions over the years, selling more than 100 million copies around the world.
December 19, 2016
Good Luck Moving On
He is a game breaker, he is young and healthy, he can catch, he’s a fierce competitor, and he’s got turbo jets. As long as the Giants’ truly superb defense is around, the G-men can get away with this plan. As for Dallas, the team that beat everyone but the Giants, they still have one of the greatest offensive lines in modern times. They don’t just give rookie sensation Dak Prescott time to throw ... they give him enough time to drop back and meditate, write a little bit in his journal, eat a yogurt with fruit on the bottom (ya know, the kind you have to stir), call to check in on his mama and decide he needs to buy a house out in Hackensack before throwing a pass. But when he ends up on the short end of a throwback 10-7 game against the Giants, people jump to conclusions. Seven points? Is that all you get for your money? The question there is whether Dallas fans and Romo-smitten owner Jerry Jones will have the patience to stick with the kid once they’re in the playoffs. After all, if you’re going to use Romo, the clock is ticking. At best, has about two seasons left before he succumbs to chronic, lifelong pain. But it would seem such a waste of time to try and develop Prescott only to bail on the guy come playoff time. If the franchise is eyeing another dynasty, it’d be foolish to jump off that Patriot-esque potential 10-year train. Dallas should look at Romo as being the best backup quarterback since Johnny Unitas. He can still chip in. We’ve seen him play long enough to know by now that if he can’t drive the Cowboys with a broken back, at least he can polish the fenders. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.
• “Carol of the Bells” is a Ukrainian folk song originally titled “Shchedryk.” It tells the story of a swallow flying into a home to sing of a bountiful year that will follow. It was first performed in Ukraine on New Year’s Eve, 1915, and in the United States, at Carnegie Hall in 1921. In January, 1921, the composer of the song, Mykola Leontovych, was murdered by a Soviet state security agent for his participation in the Ukrainian independence movement. • “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” was written in 1966 as part of the Dr. Seuss TV special “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” Dr. Seuss wrote the lyrics to this classic. Thurl Ravenscroft was the vocalist for the song. You may not remember Ravenscroft’s name, but his voice is most recognizable as Tony the Tiger in ads for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, when he growls, “They’re g-r-reat!” • “O Little Town of Bethlehem” was composed by an Episcopal clergyman, Phillips Brooks, who visited the Holy Land in 1865. He was so inspired by his surroundings that he penned a poem of his thoughts in 1867, words that were set to music by the organist at his Philadelphia church.
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• It was notoriously prolific American author and academic Isaac Asimov, who died in 1992, who made the following sage observation: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" • If you're like 10 to 20 percent of the U.S. population, you suffer from "coulrophobia," a fear of clowns. • In Linden, California, a man saw a rabbit scurry into an irrigation pipe. Worried about the animal's safety, he got two other men to help him lift the 44-foot-long pipe and urge the rabbit out. Their kindly behavior wasn't rewarded, however; while the men were lifting it, the pipe touched a 12,000-volt electrical wire, electrocuting all three of the Good Samaritans. • Those who suffer from Moebius syndrome are incapable of showing expressions on their faces -- not a frown or a smile or a quizzical lift of an eyebrow. They often are found sleeping with their eyes open. • Between 1976 and 1987, no red M&M candies were produced. • A collection of items that belonged to Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler's longtime companion (and, very briefly, his wife), recently went up for auction. Among the items was a pair of her underwear, lilac with white lace and ribbon trim, embroidered with her initials. An unnamed collector bought the undergarment for more than $3,500. • If you want to get a karat's worth of diamond, you'll have to mine, on average, 23 tons of ore. *** Thought for the Day: "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• In December of 2001, over 500 Santas participated in a four-mile run for charity. The event, held in Wales, was open to both male and female Santas in full costume. Tim Davies, a farmer, was the first male Santa to cross the finish line, with of time of 21 minutes, 16 seconds. Annie Lander was the first female Santa and she ran the course in 26 minutes.
• Dunsley Hall Country House Hotel in England once offered just the thing for people who were sick and tired of Christmas: a 3-night, 4-day "Bah Humbug!" Christmas get-away. For about $500 per person, kill-joys heard carols sung out of tune, ate cold sandwiches for Christmas dinner, received gifts of socks, underwear, ties, and bath salts, threw decorations into a bonfire, and joined in a toast to Ebenezer Scrooge. "Some people just want to get away from the normal festivities and don't feel like celebrating Christmas," said a spokeswoman for the hotel.
• Fundraisers in London raise money for cancer research by hosting the Great Christmas Pudding race each December. The event pits teams of celebrities in fancy dress in a relay race. Each team carries a Christmas pudding on a platter, waiter-style. The racecourse is full of obstacles. The team that wins is awarded Christmas puddings as a prize.
• The TeePee Garden Center in Franklin Park, Pennsylvania had a Christmas display set up which included Donner and Blitzen, two tame reindeer rented from a nearby farm. When a gate was left open during feeding time shortly before Christmas, the reindeer wandered away. Donner was captured, but Blitzen ran off. Everyone's worst fears were realized the next day when a local man grabbed his gun and shot what he thought was a really large deer about a half mile away from the garden center. Law enforcement officials were reluctant to file charges because reindeer are not covered under local hunting regulations.
• Just before Christmas, a Reno, Nevada newspaper asked for volunteers to come forward to help in some less-than-scientific experiments to find out how to destroy unwanted fruitcakes. The assembled group then devised a number of methods. They discovered over the course of the day that dropping a fruitcake from a second floor had little impact. One team shot it with a sub-machine gun (sub-machine guns are legal in Nevada) but also found the fruitcake survived relatively intact. Football player Damon Fine drop-kicked one, with very satisfying explosive results. However, the best method was running over the fruitcake with a truck.
• Mafia fugitive Francesco Farina had been wanted by the Sicilian police since 1996. He'd been on the run, fleeing from charges of robbery and drug dealing. When police suspected they had tracked him down to a particular flat in Sicily, they staked the place out with a succession of cops dressed as Santa standing on the street corner outside the building. They arrested Farina shortly before Christmas, 2001, and then turned in their Santa suits.
• In December of 2001, organizers at Guinness World Records sponsored the first ever "Santathon" to find out who the world's best Santa is. The event, held in England, included a field of eight top contenders in full beards, red suits, and black boots, battling it out for the title. Competitive events included sack-hauling, pie eating, chimney climbing, stocking filling, and ho-ho-hoing. In the end, David Broughton-Davis from Croydon, a professional Santa for Selfridges, (a department store in London) was awarded the title of Britain's Ultimate Santa. "I just wish that the pie-eating hadn't taken place before the chimney climb," he said after being awarded the Golden Boots trophy.
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• If you are chopping a lot of tomatoes and need to remove seeds, this tip will leave you spinning. Get out your salad spinner, add chopped tomatoes and give it a whirl! • “When you are slicing flank steak or chicken breasts (anything you need to cut thin that has a lot of skin pieces or fat that make it hard to cut), try partially freezing the meat first. It defrosts quickly when it is cut thin, and it is much easier to slice.” — C.O. in Indiana • Baby bottle drying racks can find a new life airing out reusable water bottles, many of which are better suited to hand-washing. • Need to hang something on a wall? Here’s a trick to get your nails in just the right place. Use a dab of toothpaste on the back where the nails should go. Press against the wall. The toothpaste will leave behind a superb guide, which can be wiped right off the wall after the nail is in. Hang and admire! • Make an eraser for your whiteboard marker by gluing a pompom on the end with a drop of hot glue. Use giftwrap tape to secure a small magnet to the side of the marker, and it’s ready to go up on the fridge with your dryerase board. • Use a Bundt pan to roast a chicken. Season and prepare your bird, then slip the bird upright on the center of the greased pan, cavity down. Fill the pan with veggies for a complete meal. • “I store my loose charging cables in an eyeglass case in my purse. It all stays together, and the cords don’t get damaged or crimped.” — E. in Massachusetts Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
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December 12, 2016
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• On Dec. 30, 1903, a fire in the Iroquois Theater in Chicago kills more than 600 people. The fire inspector had declared the theater "fireproof beyond all doubt," even though it had no fire alarm and no sprinkler system over the stage. An asbestos curtain turned out to be made of paper, and the exits were locked. • On Dec. 27, 1932, at the height of the Great Depression, thousands turn out for the opening of Radio City Music Hall, an Art Deco theater in a formerly derelict neighborhood in Manhattan. Since its opening, more than 300 million people have attended events at Radio City. • On Dec. 29, 1940, London suffers its most devastating air raid when German planes firebomb the city. The next day, a newspaper photo of St. Paul's Cathedral standing undamaged amid the smoke and flames seemed to symbolize the city's unconquerable spirit.
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• On Jan. 1, 1959, a popular revolution led by Fidel Castro quickly takes over Cuba. After Castro nationalized American-owned property and allied himself with the Soviets, the U.S severed diplomatic and economic ties, and enacted a trade and travel embargo. • On Dec. 26, 1966, the first day of the first Kwanzaa is celebrated in Los Angeles under the direction of Maulana Karenga, the chair of Black Studies at California State University at Long Beach. The seven-day holiday celebrates African-American family, community and culture. • On Dec. 28, 1973, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "literary investigation" of the police-state system in the Soviet Union, "The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956," is published in the original Russian in Paris. Soviet officials were livid, and Solzhenitsyn was arrested, stripped of his citizenship and deported. • On Dec. 31, 1985, former teen idol Rick Nelson dies in plane crash in Texas. Nelson launched his pop career in 1957 by singing in an episode of "The Adventures of Ozzie And Harriet." © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
December 26 is known as Boxing Day in England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. No, it’s not a day devoted to the sport of prizefighting, but rather a day of goodwill. Read along and learn the facts about this British holiday. • There are differing theories as to the purpose and date of the origin of Boxing Day. Some historians believe the holiday developed during the Middle Ages. Servants, who were required to work on Christmas Day, were given December 26 as a day off. As they were leaving to visit their families, employees traditionally presented them with gift boxes. According to tradition, the Christmas box was made of clay.
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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE "The Little Drummer Boy" was written by an American classical music teacher named Katherine Davis in 1941. It's the story of a poor young boy who has no gift for the infant Jesus, but rather plays his drum for the baby. The song was first recorded in 1951 by the Trapp Family singers, of "The Sound of Music" fame.
• Another theory of the origin of this holiday is related to the Feast of St. Stephen. This feast day also falls on December 26, and is named for one of the seven original deacons of the early Christian Church. Stephen was ordained by the Apostles to care for widows, orphans, and the poor. (He was later stoned to death by an angry mob.) Metal boxes were placed in churches for attendees to place coins for the poor, and on December 26, the funds were distributed among those in need. • The Boxing Day gift giving has expanded to include all those who provide a service during the year, such as doormen, mail carriers, tradesmen, and porters.
Ranked in the top five most performed Christ- • Since 1871, Boxing Day has been recognized as a mas songs, "Have Yourbank holiday on which banks, government offices, self a Merry Little Christand the post office are closed. mas" was first sung by Judy Garland in the • The British engage in several types of entertainment and activities on Boxing Day. Some swim 1944 musical film "Meet the icy waters of the English Channel, while othMe in St. Louis." ers participate in charity events and fun runs. SevIt immediately became eral prestigious horse races are held that day, along popular with U.S. troops with football games featuring top-rated teams. serving overseas.
(Solution on Next Page)
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Tassel is shorter. 2. Cuffs are missing. 3. Baseball bat is missing. 4. Arm is moved. 5. Sign is different. 6. Antenna is missing. © 2016 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
BOXING DAY (continued):
• In Australia, the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is an annual Boxing Day event. Established in 1945, this is one of the world’s top three offAnswer: Dell. shore yacht races and is one of the most difA VERY LARGE NUMBER ficult. The record setting time for the 630 nau•tical Edward Kasner was from a mathematician. 1938 miles distance Sydney to In Hobart, he was asked to come up with a name for a Tasmania, was set in 2012, with the winner very large number: the numeral one, followed crossing the finish line 1 day,his18two hours, 23 by a hundred zeros. Heinasked young minutes, 12name seconds. nephewsand what they would suggest. • Prior to 2004, Britain’s BoxingaDay ac• Nine-year-old Milton main suggested name tivity was hunting. year, thecharacter Hunting out of thefox funnies. A That cartoon strip named Barneythe waspursuit very popular. chose Act prohibited of foxesMilton with hounds Barney’s last name for the number. in England and Wales. Although an estimated of announced citizens supposedly oppose •80% Kasner the new name for hunting the big number his sport, next book, spelling. with dogsinfor 250 altering differentthehunts with more than 250,000 people in attendance are • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new internet search engine. Other still held. However, the protocol has changed search engines searched each webpage and since 2004, with hunters in traditional red huntranked them according to how many times a ing coats astride their steeds still following the specific term appeared on them, but Page and sound of the horn, but with the dogs following Brin designed their searchout, for artificially-laid trails.search A fox engine may betoflushed the specific term and then find out how many but killing prohibited. links thereit is were that led back to that page, resulted in a better search • Inwhich the retail world, Boxing Dayengine. is similar to the U.S. “Black Friday” day after • They decided they needed a Thanksgivname that ing, when how retailers havewebsites gigantic the salessearch with reflected many engine was searching.However, They took the name huge price reductions. in some areas Edward Kasner’s very large number, from only ofofeastern Canada, retailers are prohibited they misspelled it slightly, it ended law, up being opening on Boxing Day by so provincial with spelled exactly the same way the cartoon the intention of providing a day of rest followcharacter Barney spelled his last name. What’s ing Christmas Day. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) COMPUTER FACTS WE'RE TAKING WEEK • In 1981 Bill Gates said,A“640 kb of OFF. memory NEXT ISSUE OF ought THE to be enough for anybody.” • Moore’s Law states that computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true. • HP, Microsoft, and Apple were willGoogle, publish on January 5th all started in garages. THANKS FOR READING TIDBITS! Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
7. “Chestnuts 1. “Rockin’ Around the Roasting Christmas Tree” on an Open 2. Burl Ives Fire” 8. “White 3. “The First Noel” Christmas” 4. None by Bing 5. “Silver Bells” Crosby 6. “Let It Snow”
Sports Answers 1. 1985 2. Peyton Manning, Brett Favre, Drew Brees, Dan Marino. 3. 1972
4. Twice: 1979 and 1991. 5. Alex Ovechkin scored 2 goals in 2004. 6. Houston Texans in 2002.
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