Tidbits of Gallia, Jackson, Vinton, Meigs, & Mason Counties V2, Issue 45

Page 1

November 8, 2013

Volume 2 Issue 45

MASSie Publishing LLC

For Ad Rates call: (740) 446-4543



by Janet Spencer The word poker comes from the German word “pochen” meaning “to brag.” Come along with Tidbits as we deal the cards!

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CARD FACTS ● On a deck of cards, the king of spades represents David, King of Israel; Clubs represents Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia; Hearts is Charlemagne, King of France; and Diamonds is Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome. ● The symbols on a deck of cards were invented to represent the four classes of men: hearts represented the clergy; spades for warriors; clubs were originally leaves and represented the peasants; and merchants were represented by diamonds. This design was invented around 1392. ● The word spades comes from the Spanish word for sword, “espada.” ● Clover comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “cloefer” meaning club. Hercules had a club which had three heads, and the clover plant has bracts of three leaves. The club on decks of cards come from the clover plant. ● In card games, sometimes a marker or buck is placed in front of the person who is to deal the next game. Every time the deal passes, players also “pass the buck.” turn the page for more


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Tidbits® of Gallia, Jackson, Vinton, Meigs & Mason Counties

1. TELEVISION: What popular TV show features a nerdy physicist named Sheldon? 2. MOVIES: What was the name of Tony Stark's assistant in "Iron Man"? 3. MEDICAL: What is the common condition described in medical terms as "xerostomia"? 4. U.S. STATES: What is the capital of Louisiana? 5. ASTRONOMY: Which planet in our solar system has the largest number of moons? 6. FAIRY TALES: What was the first item that Jack stole from the giant in "Jack and the Beanstalk"? 7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the world's smallest ocean? 8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was born on July 4? 9. LANGUAGE: What does it mean for someone to be in "high dudgeon"? 10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What makes up a shark's skeleton?






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FAMOUS GAMES ● In 1921, millionaire Howard Hunt won his first oil well in a game of 5-card stud in Arkansas. ● A banker in Denver arrived at work one morning to find four men waiting for him on the steps. They had been playing poker all night, and one man insisted on taking the banker aside and showing him the contents of a sealed envelope. Inside were five cards— four kings and an ace. It was his poker hand. The pot, he explained to the banker, was worth $4,000 and the other players had given him 30 minutes to raise $5,000 to call the last bet. He wanted to borrow the money from the bank with his poker hand as security. The banker refused— but just then the bank president arrived. After the situation was explained to him, he agreed to the loan and accompanied the poker players back to the game. He returned within a few minutes with the amount of the loan, along with an additional $500 in interest. “If you were a poker player,” he told the other banker, “you’d know good collateral when you see it.” ● Black Bart was a notorious highwayman in California who became famous during gold rush days for politely holding up stage coaches and leaving bits of poetry behind. One day he robbed a stage coach north of Sacramento. In the stagecoach were seven men and one pretty little schoolmarm. He robbed each of them in turn, but the lady challenged to aOWN handBUSI of poker. If she WANT TO RUN him YOUR NESS? won, she would keep her valuables. If he won, Publish a Paper in Your Area he If You Can Provide: Sales Experience · A Computer · would keep her things and also collect a kiss from Desktop Publishing Software · A Reasonable Financial Investment provide the opportunity for success! her. HeWe was so surprised at her gumption and grit Callto1.800.523.3096 that he agreed the terms. A deck of cards was www.tidbitsweekly.com produced and the game progressed. She won— and he kept his word. Local citizens were so impressed with her pluck that they presented her with a gold watch, and the stage company gave her a check for $1,000. Information in the Tidbits Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. ®

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Teaching Petless Kids to Care for Animals DEAR PAW'S CORNER: We can't have pets in our apartment, but I want to teach my children about responsibility and compassion for animals. Are there volunteer opportunities for kids out there? -- Jessica in Seattle DEAR JESSICA: There certainly are volunteer opportunities for kids in most communities. The hard part can be finding one that will work for your kids, fit in with school schedules and provide the kind of rewarding experience you want them to have. PAWS.org, for example, has several volunteer opportunities in the Lynnwood, Wash., area. The shelter doesn't allow kids under 18 to work directly with animals, but it hosts a special Day of Service for those 10 or older to help spruce up its dog trail, and hosts a PAWSWalk each summer. Kids also can choose to "donate their day" -- ask for donations to the organization in lieu of birthday presents, for example.

That's just one organization in one area. Kids and parents should search for local shelters and animalrescue organizations to see what volunteer or fundraising opportunities are available. Another, more immediate opportunity may be right in your neighborhood. Do you have friends or neighbors with pets? Are they willing to let your kids visit and play with their dog or cat? Is there an elderly relative or friend who needs help walking their dog or taking their cat to the veterinarian? Remember that, as the parent, you'll need to supervise your kids for many of these events or pet-care opportunities. But you'll be giving them key tools to be awesome pet owners of the future. Send your questions or comments to ask@pawscorner. com. My booklet "Fighting Fleas" is now available on Amazon.

CALL TO SPONSOR: (740) 446-4543

Welcome to Goose Tips! Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means millions of Americans are prepping for the heartiest, most coveted meal of the year. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, and pie will all grace the dining room table at many household celebrations. Just how much of these Thanksgiving foods are consumed? Check out these jaw-dropping stats. Apple, pecan, and pumpkin are the most popular Thanksgiving picks but it was Ohio that won the World Record for the largest pumpkin pie back in 2010. The prodigious pie, baked by the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers, weighed a whopping 3,699 pounds and was 20 feet in diameter. The ingredient list was just as impressive as the actual pie since the recipe required 187 cans of pumpkin, 233 dozen eggs, 109 gallons of evaporated milk, 525 pounds of sugar, 7 pounds of salt, 14.5 pounds of cinnamon, and 3 pounds of pumpkin pie spice. Don’t worry if cooking a Thanksgiving feast is too daunting. The National Restaurant Association estimates Fourteen million Americans feel the same way and are planning to eat out this year. Another 16 million will order takeout for at least part or all of their Thanksgiving meal.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM THE WOUNDED GOOSE! ---Kat Brabham, owner 740-388-0565

St. Rt. 554, Bidwell, OH


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FAMOUS GAMES cont’d ● The story goes that a poker game started up on a steamboat. However, the players discovered they had no chips on board. They found some ears of dried corn and shelled them, using the kernels to bet with. In the middle of the game, one player found an opportunity to sneak back into the storeroom where the corn was kept, and in the dark he shelled another ear’s worth of kernels, figuring on sneaking these ‘chips’ into the game. It was unfortunate for him that the ear he chose in the dark was red. No word on what happened to him when he laid these counterfeit chips on the table, but one report states that his comrades tossed him overboard. ● King Kalakaua ruled Hawaii, and he was very fond of poker. During one game a messenger arrived with the urgent news that the natives were restless and beginning to riot. The king declared that as soon as the hand was finished they would all go home. There was quite a large pot, and just after the king put his final bet on the table, gunfire was heard. “Run!” cried King Kalakaua. They all rushed outside and commenced running down the road. When they figured they were a safe distance from the guns, they stopped and finished playing the hand while sitting in the middle of the road. The king won the hand— but only because he mistook a joker for a king in the dark. No one corrected him because he was, after all, the king, and also because he had been losing all summer long.

Tommy Tidbits Contest Winner of Vol. 2, Issue 43 is :

Clara Ellen Owens Bidwell, OH

Tommy was found hiding in the following ads:

1. Higgins Steel Roofing 2. French City Antiques & Craft Mall 3. Dave’s Supreme Auto Sales 4. New Beginnings Barber Shop & Hair Salon Playing is FUN and EASY! Just search the ads for a very small Tommy.

This is similar To Tommy’s acTual size you Will Be searching For in The ads! do noT counT This one!

Then write or email us with the name of each advertiser that has a hidden Tommy. (He will be in 2 or more ads each week.) You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS AND ISSUE NUMBER (from front page) Entries must be received by midnight Thursday of each week. A winner will be drawn from all correct entries for that issue. Mail your entry to: Massie Publishing PO Box 236, Gallipolis, OH 45631 or email: mm@lovemytidbits.com This weeks winner will receive a gift card good for $25 at 740-388-0565

St. Rt. 554, Bidwell, OH

● On Nov. 12, 1799, Andrew Ellicott Douglass, an early American astronomer born in Vermont, witnesses the Leonids meteor shower from a ship off the Florida Keys. Douglass' journal entry is the first known record of a meteor shower in North America. ● On Nov. 17, 1869, the Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean and the Red seas, is opened. The canal was only 25 feet deep, 72 feet wide at the bottom, and 200 to 300 feet wide at the surface. Fewer than 500 ships navigated it in its first full year of operation. ● On Nov. 16, 1907, Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory enter the United States as Oklahoma, the 46th state. Oklahoma initially prospered as an agricultural state, but the drought years of the 1930s made the state part of the Dust Bowl. ● On Nov. 14, 1941, "Suspicion," a romantic thriller starring Cary Grant and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, makes its debut. The film marked the first time that Grant, a Hollywood leading man, and Hitchcock, one of the greatest directors in movie history, worked together. ● On Nov. 15, 1957, Nikita Khrushchev challenges United States to a missile "shooting match," claiming that the Soviet Union had missile superiority over the United States. He also claimed that the United States did not have intercontinental ballistic rockets; "If she had," the Russian leader sneered, "she would have launched her own sputnik [satellite]." ● On Nov. 13, 1969, in Washington, protesters stage a symbolic "March Against Death" with more than 45,000 participants, each with a placard bearing the name of a soldier who had died in Vietnam. The march lasted for two days and two nights. President Richard Nixon was deeply angered by the protests, but publicly feigned indifference. ● On Nov. 11, 1973, the Soviet Union announces that, because of its opposition to the overthrow of the government of Chilean President Allende, it would not play a World Cup Soccer match against the Chilean team. It was the first time in the history of World Cup Soccer that a team had boycotted over political issues.

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From Huntington, WV: Take Rt. 7 North to Gallipolis, OH, take 141 West to 775 South (watch for signs at intersection) turn left onto Boggs Road From Jackson, OH: Take Rt. 35 to Rio Grande, then 325 South to 141, East to 775 South, (watch for signs at intersection) turn left onto Boggs Road From Charleston, WV: Take Rt. 35 to Gallipolis, OH, then 7 South to 141, West to 775 South, (watch for signs at intersection) turn left onto Boggs Road

Page 4

Online at www.lovemytidbits.com

¢ ¢ 99 ¢

99 99 lb lb

All prices effective thru Saturday, November 16th

Sugardale Sugardale Shank Shank Portion Ham Sugardale Butt Portion Ham: $1.19 lb Portion Ham Shank

12 4$ prices. azing quality. Fantastic 4$


Butt Portion Ham: $1.29 lb Portion Ham




Pepsi 12 Packs


Sugardale $2.49 lb Center Cut Sugardale Ham Steaks Center Cut $ Steaks Ham 2.49 lb $2.49 lb

12 oz cans, Assorted Varieties

*Final price after $2 instant savings at checkout with purchase of 4 pks.


12 Packs

12 oz cans, Assorted Varieties


*Final price after $2 instant savings at checkout with purchase of 4 pks.

199 8 25 $99 4 519 2$ 5 99 1 5 99 3 4 4 lbbag

5 lbbag


Russet 8 lbbag Potatoes


Russet Potatoes


C&H or Domino Sugar




lb bag

Yellow Onions


forMaxwell House



*Final Price With $1 Coupon On Product



14979 lb



Maxwell Housect Original Roast ea pkg Coffee 30.6 oz General Mills Fresh Beef Bottom Tomatoes *Final Price With $1Cereal Coupon On Product


1 1 59 99 2 2


10.7-13.1 oz, Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Trix or Honey Nut Cheerios



Round Roast




Family Pack


Fresh Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs



Florida Oranges or Grapefruit

lb bag


lb 499 bag ea







ea Eckrich Fresh Smoked, Polish or Turkey 81% Lean Smoked Sausage Ground Beef 12 oz

499 Family Pack ea



Family Size



40-60 ct Bag

Sugardale Center Cut Sugardale Ham Steaks



Matlaw’s Cooked Fast Fixin’ Breaded Honeysuckle Chicken Nuggets or Cocktail Shrimp Turkey Strips, CountryBone-In Fried 12 oz, Frozen Steak or Chicken Breast or Raw Frozen Shrimp

lb Frozen Honeysuckle Bone-In Turkey Breast 22.75-56 oz


lb C&H or Domino Sugar

12 oz, 40-60 ct: $4.99 ea

49 lb


44 99

Port Side Breaded Fish

lblb bag

19-24 oz, bag Fish Sticks, Fish Fillets, Battered Fillets or Beer Battered Fillets

it quantities. Ad valid only at stores listed on back. Not all items available in all stores. Not responsible for typographical errors.

Shank $2.49 lb

Domino 12 oz cans, Sugar Selection Varies By Store

Assorted Varieties

1 5 5 ea

*Final Price With $1 Original Roast CoffeeCoupon On Product


10.7-13.1 oz, Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Trix or Honey Nut Cheerios

Selection Varies By Store

99 99

Butt Portion Ham: $1.19 lb

Selection Varies By Store

General Mills Cereal

C&H or Domino Sugar

Maxwell House * Original* Roast ea ea Coffee Maxwell House

Portion Ham

Domino Sugar


1113FOM- 22891 - BA


*Final Price With $1 Coupon On Product




$2.49 lb

30.6 oz

*Final price after $2 instant savings at All prices effective Sunday, October 27th to Saturday, November 16th checkout with purchase of 4 pks.

22891 - BA

179 lb

Pepsiea C&H or 12 Packs

99 12 $ 4 599 1241 99 ¢ 99¢ 149299 99 4 99 99 1 1 5 99 lb



lb bag


1 12


*Final price after $2 instant savings at checkout with purchase of 4 pks.

Sugardale Center Cut Ham Steaks

*Final price after $2 instant savings at * Pepsi Family checkout with purchase of 4 pks. Family Family Family lb All prices effective Sunday, October 27th to Saturday, November 16th USDA Pack USDA 12 Packs eaPack * 8 bag Pack Pack 12 oz cans, for * Fresh Fresh General Mills Honeysuckle Chicken Assorted Fresh Turkey Beef Bottom Sugardale Varieties Florida Oranges Boneless Fresh Beef 81% Lean Bone-In Cereal Fresh ChickenPepsi Fresh ea Drumsticks Round Roast orfor Grapefruit Center Cut Pork Loin Ground 10.7-13.1 Beef oz, Breast or Pepsi Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, lb lb lb Maxwell House or Thighs 12 Packs Frozen Drumsticks Ham Steaks Chops Bottom Round Trix or Honey Nut Cheerios ea 12 oz cans, 6 Packs lb *Final lb lb price after $2 instant savings Original ea Roast Fresh Bone-In Pork Sirloin Roast: $1.19 lb Assorted Varieties or Thighs lb lb 24 oz$2.49 btls at checkout with purchase of 4 pks. Coffee Roast C&H or 22891 - BA

t kg

12 oz cans, Assorted Varieties


lb bag


Pepsi 12 Packs



Original Roast Coffee ea 30.6 oz


4 ctpkg

Selection Varies By Store



Selection Varies By Store

C&H or lb * Domino Sugar bag


Yellow Onions

Butt Portion Ham: $1.19 lb

Sugardale Center Cut Ham Steaks

atisfaction guaranteed. Pepsi

ntastic prices. aranteed.


General Mills Cereal

22891 - BA



Round Roast


99 lb

Fresh Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs



F o


Maxwell House All prices effective Sunday, October 27th to Saturday, November 16th Original Roast Coffee● It was much-loved Irish playwright George Bernard 30.6 oz Shaw who made the following sage observation: "It is ea *Final Price With $1 Coupon On Product dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."


10.7-13.1 oz, Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Trix or Honey Nut Cheerios

* Fresh Beef Bottom

Family Pack



● If you find brushing your teeth to be tedious, you might want to check out the Blizzident. The makers of Family *Final Price With $1 Coupon On Product this eanew product use a 3D scan of your teeth to create Size a custom toothbrush that looks like a mouthpiece lined BIDWELL, OH JACKSON, OH WAVERLY, OH POMEROY, OH 40-60 ct General Mills 9039 State Rt 160 71 E Huron St with bristles. Supposedly, all you have to do is insert Fresh Chicken Bag 705 W EMMITT AVE 700 W Main ST Fresh Beef Bottom ea for Cereal Mon-Sat 8 am - 9 pm Mon-Sun Drumsticks Mon-Sat 8 am - 9 pm 10.7-13.1 oz, Mon-Sat 8 am - 9 pm the Blizzident in yourRoast mouth, bite down Family Round lb and release Matlaw’s Cooked ded Port Side ea bag Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Sun 9 am 7 pm am 9 pm 8 or Thighs Sun 10 am 9 pm Sun 10 am 9 pm Pack s or 10 times, and -voila! -clean teeth in 6 seconds. Cocktail Shrimp Breaded Fish Trix or Honey Nut Cheerios Fried lb 12 oz, Frozen 740-446-0818 19-24 oz, 740-286-5586 General Mills 740-992-2891 740-947-3611 Be prepared to pay for the convenience, though; a Fresh Chicken Fresh Beef Bottom Florida Oranges n or Raw Frozen Shrimp Fish Sticks, Fish Fillets, Battered Cereal Blizzident of your very own will set you back $299. The Drumsticks Round Roast or Grapefruit Fillets or Beer Battered Fillets 10.7-13.1 oz, 12 oz, 40-60 ct: $4.99 ea We accept WIC, EBT, Debit Cards, Visa, MasterCard & Discover Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, or Thighs Allwill prices 27th to Saturday, No toothbrush last effective for a year,Sunday, though,October and replacement vailable in all stores. Not responsible for typographical errors. 22891 - BA - BA to limit quantities. ®November, 2013 Moran Foods1113FOMLLC, All Rights Reserved. reserve the22891 right Trix or Honey Nut We Cheerios lb lb ea bristles are $89. Ad valid only at stores listed above. Not all items available in all stores. Not responsible for typographical errors. tered Frozen



Selection Varies By Store




1113FOM- 22891 - BA

22891 - BA

30.6 oz








All prices effective Sunday, October 27th to Saturday, November 16th

● Those who study such things say that by the year 2020, more data will be created in a single hour than had been created in the entire world over the 30,000 years leading up to the 21st century. ● Here's an experiment for you: Find a piece of paper and write the word "suns." Turn the paper upside down. It still says "suns." ● There are more public libraries in the United States than there are McDonald's restaurants. For the moment, at any rate. ● You might think that once gloves were introduced to the sport of boxing, it became safer to be a boxer. You'd be wrong. After the introduction of boxing gloves, death rates actually went up. It seems that when bare-knuckle boxing, hardly anybody would get hit in the face -- the one who threw the punch was too likely to end up with a broken hand. *** Thought for the Day: "The graveyards are full of indispensable men." -- Charles de Gaulle

Page 5

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543 FAMOUS GAMES cont’d ● Songwriter Ira Gershwin was not good at poker. After one disastrous game, he turned to his friends and announced, “I take an oath. I’ll never pick up a card again!” He paused, then added, “Unless, of course, I have guests who want to play...Or unless I am a guest in another man’s house...” He thought for a moment and said, “Or whatever circumstances arise.” ● Writer and prankster Wilson Mizner was playing poker when an opponent took out his wallet and tossed it into the pot saying, “I call you.” Mizner replied by removing his shoe and placing it on the table as well. He announced, “If we’re playing for leather, I raise.” ● A famous poker player nicknamed Herrmann the Great played games all over the world in the 1890s. One day he decided to pull the wool over the eyes of a naive player. Herrmann was a great sleight-of-hand master and was assured of winning using shady techniques. When the other player insisted on playing with real money instead of chips, Herrmann agreed assuming he just liked flashing his money around. Herrmann let the man win just often enough to keep suspicion down, then socked it to him, taking him for $300. There he ended the game, explaining to the ‘sucker’ that he’d been cheating, and offering the man his $300 back. The man got huffy, refused the money, and walked out. Herrmann had a good laugh, and took the wad of money to a restaurant for a meal. When he offered a $20 bill to pay, he was informed that the bill was counterfeit. The entire $300 was counterfeit— and the man who was supposed to have been ‘suckered’ made off with Herrmann’s real money. ● John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, was a compulsive gambler in the 1700s. He was so reluctant to leave a card game even for a meal that he had a servant bring him a piece of meat between two slices of bread so he could eat with one hand and play cards with the other. The new invention was dubbed a sandwich. ● The Marx brothers were playing poker one night with a talent agent who suggested that Julius, Adolph, Herbert, Leonard, and Milton Marx change their names to Groucho, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, and Gummo.

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Page 6

® of®Gallia, Tidbits Jackson, Vinton, & Mason Counties Tidbits of Gallia, Jackson, MeigsMeigs & Mason Counties WOMEN IN HISTORY ESTEE LAUDER

S a l e D a t e s : N o v. 1 0 t h r u N o v. 1 6














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3 AQ U



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● Born in 1908 in Queens, New York, 3 Josephine Mentzer went by her middle PL Esther AQ U name. Her mother had wanted her middle name E to be Esty, after a favorite aunt. However, when it came time to fill out the birth certificate, she thought that Esty was too unusual and no one would be able to spell it. She chose Esther as a middle name instead. At home, the child’s pet name became Esty. ● Esther’s uncle, a chemist, began mixing up skin creams to sell, and Esther began selling them in resorts, beauty parlors, and salons. Sales were good and Esther began developing her own cosmetics, promoting them by offering women tiny free samples. ● When Esther was getting her hair done one day, the salon owner asked how she kept her skin so flawless. The next day, Esther brought in samples of her products. The salon owner was so impressed that he gave Esther counter space in the shop, which led to counter space in other shops as well. ● In 1930 she married an immigrant named Joseph Lauter, who later changed the spelling of his last name to Lauder. Esther decided to change the spelling of her middle name to her family’s pet name for her, changing the spelling so that looked elegant and vaguely foreign. She became Estee Lauder. ● In 1944 she opened an office in New York City, naming the company after herself. She had four products: a lotion, two face creams, and a cleansing oil. Later she added rouge, lipstick, and make-up bases. ● One story told is that there was only one employee to answer the phone in her office, who would change their voice to represent the billing department or a shipping clerk or the advertising office. ● When Estee budgeted $50,000 to spend on advertising, New York City ad agencies laughed at that small amount. She spent the money on free samples which she distributed at fashion shows and through mass mailings. That was all she needed. Business took off. ● Business took a huge leap upwards when she introduced her first fragrance, called “Youth Dew” in 1953. Most ladies dabbed a tiny bit of perfume behind each ear, and a single bottle of perfume could last for years. Estee promoted her fragrance as something ladies should add to their bathwater, which used up the fragrance much more quickly. In the first year, she sold 50,000 bottles. By 1984, she was selling 150 million bottles a year.

1. Is the book of Cyrus in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. What word meaning "trouble" did Jesus pronounce on the Pharisees seven times in one speech? Misery, Gloom, Murk, Woe 3. From Proverbs, what stones are worth less than either wisdom or a good wife? Rubies, River, Minas, Emeralds 4. What parts of the New Jerusalem's city walls are decorated with precious stones? Sides, Foundations, Fronts, Tops 5. Of these, which book comes before the others in the KJV Bible? Hosea, Job, Ruth, Jeremiah 6. What does Paul say is the supreme gift of the prophecies to believers? Charity, Hope, Faith, Eternity

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543

Page 7

ESTEE LAUDER cont’d ● By 1948, Saks Fifth Avenue was carrying her creams, followed by Neiman Marcus and Harrods. ● She made a habit of sending her products to all the richest and most famous ladies of the day, correctly guessing that when movie stars and royalty were seen using her products, it would provide valuable free advertising. ● Lauder was the only woman on Time magazine’s 1998 list of the twenty most influential business geniuses of the 20th century. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and was inducted to the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1988. ● She was the subject of a TV documentary in 1985 called “Estee Lauder: The Sweet Smell of Success.” ● Estee Lauder died in 2004 of a heart attack in Manhattan at the age of 97. She lived long enough to see her products sold in over 120 countries. They are found at nearly every upscale department store in the U.S. and the company she founded is on the Fortune 500 list. She was one of the wealthiest self-made women in the history of the U.S.

THANKSGIVING ● In 1621 at the first Thanksgiving where the Pilgrims and Indians ate together, they no doubt ate birds, but there is no proof that they ate turkey. They had no bread, since they had long depleted their store of flour. Although they probably ate stewed pumpkin, without flour they could not have had pumpkin pie. Instead, they ate venison, corn cakes, berries, plums, watercress, and cranberries. The next year brought more immigrants to shelter and feed, and a poor harvest made life hard. They never again celebrated Thanksgiving.





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Page 8

Online at www.lovemytidbits.com THANKSGIVING cont'd ● In 1777, all 13 colonies joined in a Thanksgiving celebration to commemorate the victory over the British at Saratoga. It too was a one-time event. In 1789, George Washington tried to establish a regular Thanksgiving Day, to no avail. But in 1827, magazine editor Sarah Hale started a one-woman crusade in Godey’s Lady’s Book urging readers to write their politicians in support of a national holiday. Over a period of four decades she kept up her campaign. It took the victory at Gettysburg to put the public in a thanksgiving mood, and in 1863, Lincoln signed the proclamation and Thanksgiving Day was born. ● Since then, there has only been one controversial tampering with the tradition. In 1939, store merchants who wanted a greater number of shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas pressured Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt to move Thanksgiving back one week. This made the merchants happy but upset just about everyone else. Millions of Americans, in defiance of the new proclamation, continued to take the fourth Thursday off from work instead of the third Thursday. In 1941, Roosevelt admitted his error and returned the holiday to the traditional date.

For QUALITY SERVICE at an AFFORDABE PRICE, LET MIKE DO IT RIGHT!!! 740-245-0006 164 St Rt 325 S, Rio Grande, OH

DINNER IS SERVED ● About 275 million turkeys are raised in the U.S. annually. About 45 million of those will be eaten during Thanksgiving. ● The average weight of a turkey purchased for Thanksgiving dinner is 15 pounds (7 kg). ● It’s estimated that 90 percent of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

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Q: I have two older toys: a tin mechanical Ferris wheel and a rocket ride. Both are in their original boxes and in excellent condition. I would like to know the value of each so I can sell them. -- Connie, Surprise, Ariz. A: One of the best sources for vintage toys is Ted Hake, an expert and collector who conducts periodic auctions. He purchases vintage toys and also consigns certain items to his auctions. Contact Hake c/o Hake's Americana and Collectible Auction, P.O. Box 444, York, PA 17405; Ted@hakes.com; and http://www. hakes.com. Q: I would like to find out more information about Bernie, the Albuquerque man who contacted you about an old clock that is designed to look like a miniature fireplace. I have been looking for just such a clock for a long time and hope you can put me in contact with him. -- Jo Ann, West Warwick, R.I. A: When I answer a letter from a reader, it is immediately shredded. If it is an email, it is deleted. This is done for security purposes. About 25 years ago, I published an item about a woman who had a doll collection. I shared her address with another reader, and several weeks later she was burglarized and her dolls stolen. That taught me a valuable lesson. I simply don't share this type of information so I can't help you, except to report that several such clocks are available on eBay, as mentioned in my original column. Q: I have two tables that were made by the Fine Arts Company of Grand Rapids, Mich. They appear to be either end or tea tables. My question is whether they are real Duncan Phyfe pieces. -Linda, Sarasota, Fla. A: I examined the pictures you sent, and the answer is no. Duncan Fife moved from Scotland to New York in 1791. Several years later, he changed his name from Fife to the more elegant Phyfe and listed himself as a cabinetmaker. Within a decade, he was building and designing furniture. All authentic Duncan Phyfe pieces are from this early period. Your pieces are, of course, from a much later, since the Fine Arts Company of Grand Rapids operated from 1925 until it eventually closed in 1977.

Page 9

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543 DINNER IS SERVED cont'd ● An average person consumes about 2,250 calories during Thanksgiving dinner. ● It’s been estimated that about 20 percent of all cranberries produced each year are eaten at Thanksgiving. ANTICS & ANECDOTES ● President Lincoln was presented with a live turkey that was to be the main course in the Presidential family’s Thanksgiving dinner. However, Lincoln’s son, Tad, appealed to his father to save the life of the bird. The turkey was given a reprieve and thereafter became Tad’s pet. ● For Thanksgiving in 1909, bakers in Jersey City and New York City got together and decided to send President Taft a gigantic mince pie. It was some four feet (1.2 m) wide and six inches (15 cm) deep. Somehow, the pie disappeared without a trace on the train trip to Washington. At Christmas time, they decided to try again. But this time they took no chances: they packed it in a heavy box, nailed it shut, and had four union members sit on top of it all the way to the White House. ● William Maxwell Evarts, Secretary of State in 1877, was asked to give a speech after an important Thanksgiving function. He rose and opened his speech by saying, “You have been giving your attention to a turkey stuffed with sage; you are now about to consider a sage stuffed with turkey.”


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Page 10

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1. Name the song that mentions "Celtic, United." What does it mean, and who wrote and released the song? 2. Who wrote and released "Wild World" and when? 3. Which artist released "My Old Piano"? 4. Which event got Sly and the Family Stone the attention they needed to launch their career? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: "'Relax,' said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave!"

1. "Celtic, United" are the names of two U.K. football teams, the Glasgow Celtic and Manchester United. Rod Stewart wrote the song, "You're in My Heart (The Final Acclaim)," for his 1977 album "Foot Loose & Fancy Free." 2. Cat Stevens, in 1970. The song is a message to a lover who's leaving. Stevens allegedly wrote it to his girlfriend, actress Patti D'Arbanville. 3. Diana Ross, in 1980. 4. Woodstock. They'd had a hit with "Everyday People," but it took the mega-concert to really get them noticed. Even soso previous songs sold well when they were re-released postWoodstock. 5. "Hotel California, by The Eagles in 1977. The song is about the negative side of the music industry.


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Page 11

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543

Managing Medicare Thank heavens for Consumer Reports. For many years it has been the go-to source for picking the best appliances and vehicles. Now it's put together a whole online section on managing Medicare and comparing plans in your state. If you don't have a computer, it's worth a trip to the library to read this online article and click all the links to even more information. Go online to www. consumerreports.org/healthinsurance and click on Managing Medicare. Some of the sections are: Getting started, Medicare Advantage, Medigap and Medicare Part D. (You can also read parts of the online report in the November issue of the magazine.) Most valuable is the link to rankings of health insurance plans. Click on it, then click to find your state. It compares all the available plans in easy to understand chart form, just like they do comparing appliances or cars. Consumer Reports got its rankings from the National Committee for Quality Assurance. By comparing the information in the Medicare site with the info that Consumer Reports is providing, you'll have a much clearer idea of what each plan really offers. You'll need to know: what does each plan cover; how much does each plan cost; and which doctors and hospitals are in the plan? (If you're not ready for Medicare and will be on an Obamacare plan, this report will help you with plan rankings.) If you don't know whether you have the original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan, you can find out by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227). You'll need the number that's on your card or statement. When a representative answers, just ask if your plan is original or Medicare Advantage. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com.

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1. Name the last player before the Dodgers' Clayton Kershaw in 2013 to toss a shutout and hit a home run on Opening Day. 2. Who was the last Texas Rangers pitcher before Yu Darvish in 2013 to strike out at least 14 batters in a game? . Two rookies in NFL history have passed for more than 25 touchdowns in a season. Name them. 4. When was the last time before the 201112 season that North Carolina State's men's basketball team won at least 24 games in a season? 5. Name the first NHL player for a team west of Chicago to win the Art Ross Trophy (season scoring leader). 6. In 2013, Missy Franklin set a record at the World Aquatics Championships by winning six gold medals. Who had held the record with five? 7. Which male golfer was the oldest winner of the U.S. Open?

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Older Faucet Still Can be Repaired Q: The faucet on the utility sink in my basement is leaking. It's one of those older faucets with a threaded spout where you can attach a hose, and a wingnut-looking handle. Can this be repaired, or is it too old? -- Clive in Pittsburgh A: If the leak is caused by a worn seal or washer, you should be able to find an adequate replacement in a universal washer kit. This inexpensive item is available at hardware and home-improvement stores and has a variety of different washers and seals to solve problems exactly like yours. The type of faucet you described is likely a hose bib. These are pretty reliable and long-lasting, but the washers can wear out just like any other faucet. You'll need to disassemble the handle to get to the assembly inside. First, shut off water to the faucet at the nearest shutoff valve. This may be located under the sink, or further along the pipe-run since it's a utility sink. Unscrew the small screw in the top of the faucet's handle. Then pull the handle up and off. Just below the stem is the packing nut -- the large nut just underneath the handle. Use an adjustable wrench to unscrew the packing nut. Next, carefully unscrew the spindle. It's important to not scratch the spindle shaft or strip the ridges at the end of it. You can use pliers (channel-type) to do this, but try wrapping a soft cloth around the spindle to protect it. Remove the spindle from the faucet valve. Now you're ready to replace the damaged washers. The assembly should have two: a packing washer, just under the packing nut; and a stem washer, near the bottom of the spindle. Remove the old washers, and locate same-size replacements from the universal kit. Reassemble the spindle using the replacement washers, reinsert into the valve and screw the packing nut back into place. Slide the handle back on and attach with the small screw. Test the faucet by turning the water back on and turning the faucet on and off. HOME TIP: Some professionals recommend coating new washers with a heatproof grease to prevent them from cracking, while others say it doesn't matter. Use your own judgment.

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Page 12

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Ablation Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Two years ago, I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. For one year, things were fine, but the atrial fib returned. After five months of hell and reactions to meds, I agreed to have ablation. I was told it was 80 percent effective; I'm in the 20 percent. Now the doctors recommend a repeat ablation. I hesitate, because I have gotten worse since the first procedure. Would you recommend a second try? -- K.S. ANSWER: Atrial fibrillation is near the top of the list when it comes to heartbeat disturbances. It's a rapid and erratic beat. The speed of the beat compromises heart pumping, and its irregularity sets the scene for a stroke. The upper heart chambers -- the atria -- are not contracting; they're squirming. Blood stagnates in the atria and forms clots. Pieces of the clots can be swept into the circulation to the brain, where they cause a stroke. Sometimes, if a normal beat can't be restored, slowing the fib restores adequate blood pumping, but the stroke threat remains. That's the reason for putting people on the anticoagulant Coumadin. Catheter radiofrequency ablation is an attractive choice for restoration of a normal heartbeat. A thin, flexible tube -- a catheter -- is inserted into a groin blood vessel and carefully advanced to the heart's left atrium, where the irregular beat originates. The catheter is equipped to emit high-frequency current that ablates tissue responsible

for fibrillation. "Ablation" means "destruction." One ablation treatment restores a normal beat 80 percent of the time. You fell into the 20 percent group. A second attempt achieves success 90 percent of the time. With those odds, I would jump at the chance of a second go with ablation. The odds are greatly in your favor. If a normal beat is restored, you can stop taking medicines, with their potential for side effects. You also can stop taking the anticoagulant, since the stroke threat will have gone. The booklet on heartbeat irregularities explains what happens in atrial fibrillation and its treatment. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue -- No. 107W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have been active all my life. In high school, I played three varsity sports. I am now 60. My doctor told me I have a dropped uterus. Do you think all that physical activity caused it? -- B.A. ANSWER: At your age, many, many women have dropped pelvic organs -- uterus, bladder or rectum. It's called pelvic prolapse. Genes (the go-to reason for just about everything), the number of vaginal deliveries, obesity and the normal diminished production of estrogen at menopause are some of the causes of pelvic prolapse. The most important factor is aging. I don't believe your active life had a role in it. The pelvic organs are held in place by muscles and ligaments. With aging, those muscles and ligaments become lax, and organs drop. If the prolapse isn't causing symptoms, no treatment is necessary.

284 Pleasant Valley Rd., Vinton, OH 1 mile from Rio Grande, OH (off US 35 E or W)

Riverview Tactical 504 Everett Gills Lane Gallipolis Ferry ,WV 25515 304-675-7065 or email riverviewtactical@yahoo.com

Guns • Silencers Ammo & Accessories Owners Kelsey & Tessie Henry Turn Plastic Lids Into Easy Stencils At our house, there's a deep kitchen drawer overflowing with plastic containers that spill out when we jam it closed. It started as the Tupperware drawer in the '90s, but evolved into a catch-all of deli containers, cream-cheese tubs and our latest collectibles, glass storage bowls with snap-on lids. Over the summer, we used the handy storage units for leftovers. But it didn't take long before the refrigerator was crowded, and frustration mounted when searching for gazpacho only to find a single portion of wilted tossed salad under a lid labeled "honey walnut cream cheese." Now that the refrigerator is cleaned out for a new season, the drawer is jammed again. Sorting through it, I discovered that lids outnumbered containers three to one. But their usefulness isn't over yet. Upcycle the plastic lids into sturdy stencils for fun indoor-art activities for your kids and grandkids. Here's how: On the underside of a lid, use a pencil or marker and a ruler to draw a simple outline of a geometric shape or objects, such as a flower, house, bird, whale, train or car. Then an adult can cut out the shape with sharp scissors or an X-Acto knife. Cut off the rim, if you wish. To use the stencil, tape the lid to a sheet of paper, dip a piece of sponge in poster paint and lightly dab inside the cutout space. Let the paint dry and lift the stencil. Because the stencils are plastic, they may be washed and used over again. Here are some ideas for more stencil art: --Make a pumpkin and acorn stencil and print fall paper napkins and placemats. Use December holiday images for decorating gift cards and wrap. --Place stencils over pictures in old magazines, trace the shapes onto the pictures, then cut out the paper shapes. Glue shapes on construction paper to create collages. --For children learning the alphabet, make a set of lids with one letter per lid. Trace and color the letters on paper to practice their ABC's. Spell simple words. Make numbers, too, then stencil your address and let your kids practice saying it. Storage tip: For easy storage between use, thread stencils through a ribbon, tie and hang from a hook.

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543

Page 13

L & S SALVAGE, LLC Buyers & Sellers New & Used Steel

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● Mail service is a wonderful thing. Order what you want on the Internet, and it's in your mailbox or on your doorstep tomorrow. From efficiency to penny pinching, you can use the mail to help out in numerous ways. Or, use it to bring a smile to someone's face: Keep a stack of stamped postcards with you. Jot a note and mail one off whenever the mood strikes. I almost guarantee a great response from the recipient! Who doesn't love real snail mail? Ð JoAnn ● "To save on prescription costs, ask if your health insurance participates in a mail-order service where you can get three months of a drug for a discounted cost. Mine costs less for three months than it does for one month in my local drugstore, and I don't even have to go pick it up." -- B.W. in Virginia ● I love to shop, and for the best deals I go online to trusted e-retailers. When shopping online, don't forget to factor in shipping and handling, as some companies offer free shipping on orders over a certain dollar amount; others don't!

Easiest-Ever Apple Pie

For a true homemade presentation, use our trick to remove the crust from its foil pan and place in a 9-inch pie plate: Gently fold back foil around edge of frozen crust and pull slightly on the crust to remove from foil. Transfer to pie plate and thaw as directed. With fingertips, press lightly on thawed dough to mold into shape of pie plate. 1 frozen deep-dish piecrust 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 large egg white 1/4 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 pounds Granny Smith, Golden Delicious and/or Gala apples, each cored, peeled and cut into 8 wedges 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. While crust is thawing at room temperature for 15 minutes, mix pecans, flour and brown sugar in bowl. Work in butter with fingertips until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Set aside. 2. Prick bottom and sides of crust with fork. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly golden. Immediately brush bottom and sides of hot crust with light coating of egg white. Reset oven to 425 F. 3. Meanwhile, in large bowl, combine granulated sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon. Toss in apples and lemon juice. Cover with waxed paper and microwave on High 12 minutes, stirring halfway through. Spoon filling into crust. Sprinkle pecan topping over filling. 4. Bake pie 10 to 12 minutes or until topping is golden. Cool on wire rack. Serve with vanilla ice cream if desired. Serves 10. ● Each serving: About 290 calories, 12g total fat (3g saturated), 7mg cholesterol, 120mg sodium, 43g total carbs, 3g dietary fiber, 3g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipefinder/.

● "One of the greatest assets in our communities is the public library, and mine has just added a new service that I'm over the moon about: delivery! I can search the card catalog from home and have the books I want delivered right to my door. It's so convenient." -- J.H. in Florida ● "My uncle is really hard to buy for. He doesn't get out much, and he has everything he could ever need in his apartment. I hit gold with gift mail-order memberships. We've done beer, cheese and fruit, and this year is meat! He gets a different one every month. You can find these services on the web. Thought I'd pass it along as a gift idea." -- W.L. in Arkansas

The wheels of justice grind slowly. It was May 2012 that the capture of "Bobby Thompson" was detailed in this column. Thompson had spent the previous eight years scamming people who donated $100 million to the U.S. Navy Veterans Association. A reporter in Florida uncovered the scheme when he discovered that none of the supposed partners and participants of the charity organization could be located. Now his trial finally has begun. "Thompson" was a real piece of work. He made sure to send lots of money to political campaigns, thus ensuring himself photo ops with the candidates. If you put his name in an Internet search box, you'll find lots of images of him posed next to important people at fundraisers. Except his name wasn't Bobby Thompson. His name was John Donald Cody. He was finally identified when his 1969 military fingerprints were located. Cody was an attorney who'd been in one type of scheme or scam or another for many years ... starting when he went underground, vanishing from Arizona in 1984. Among other things, he was allegedly wanted for: --espionage and theft of client money in Virginia, --skipping out in Arizona after taking client money, --theft of charity money in Ohio and 40-plus other states. In the height of arrogance, he once hired a former state attorney general to represent the fraudulent Navy charity. The sheer length of time this guy evaded the authorities and the amount of money he scammed presses home a serious point when it comes to making donations: Check, check, check before you donate to veterans causes. Here are some of the best sources: GuideStar: www.guidestar.org/ Charity Navigator: www.charitynavigator.org/ Charity Watch: www.charitywatch.org/ Be sure to check the percentage of donated funds that actually go to a cause, as opposed to administrative costs. Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com.

Page 14

Online at www.lovemytidbits.com

Easy Peanut Butter Muffins November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month, so for all you peanut butter lovers, here's a recipe just for you. 1/2 cup fat-free milk 1/4 cup Skippy or Peter Pan reduced-fat creamy peanut butter 1 tablespoon Land O Lakes no-fat sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg or equivalent in egg substitute 1 1/2 cups Bisquick Reduced Fat Baking Mix 1/4 cup Splenda Granular 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Spray 8 wells of a 12-hole muffin pan with butter-flavored cooking spray or line with paper liners. 2. In a large bowl, combine milk, peanut butter, sour cream, vanilla extract and egg. Add baking mix and Splenda. Mix gently to combine. Evenly spoon batter into prepared muffin wells. 3. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Place muffin pan on a wire rack and let set for 5 minutes. Remove muffins from pan and continue cooling on wire rack. HINT: Fill unused muffin wells with water. This protects the muffin tin and ensures even baking. ● Each serving equals: 145 calories, 5g fat, 5g protein, 20g carbohydrate, 317g sodium, 42g calcium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 starch/carbohydrate, 1/2 fat.


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Page 15

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1.99 98¢ Split Chicken Breast


1/2 gallon, Selected Varieties

Foodland Ice Cream F Fresh

1.88 1.79 Bone-In Assorted Pork Chops


Duncan Hines Classic Cake Mix

10/ 10 $



8 oz pkg, Selected Varieties

Essential Everyday Cream Cheese

10/ 10 $

Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops or Roast



Selected Varieties Foodland Milk Folgers Coffee



LIMIT 1 WITH $25.00 OR MORE ADDITIONAL PURCHASE Grade A, 4-7 lb avg wt, OHIO & PRICES MAY VARY 16 lb & up& KENTUCKY PRODUCT 2 ltr lttr btl, Bone-In Selected Se lected Varieties 24 pk/.5 ltr btls Grade A



gallon, 2% or Skim, United Lowfat Chocolate or Lowfat Buttermilk 27.8-33.9 oz pkg,

Coca-Cola Products or Pepsi Products


Fresh Bone In Foodland Center CutIce Cream Loin Chops


6 pk/16.9 oz btls, Selected Varieties

Foodland Milk Family Pack Tender Choice,




g gallon, 2% or Skim, United Lowfat Chocolate or Lowfat Buttermilk

Pork Loin Tender Choice,

6.99 ¢ 99

Hot Pockets




Final Price With Card 8-9 oz pkg, Selected Varieties, Lean, Croissant or

Black Angus Boneless Top Round Roast


Final Price With Card

27.8-33.9 oz pkg, Selected Varieties

Essential Everyday American Cheese Singles

USDA Choice Beef

Essential 8 lb bag, All Purpose Everyday Russet Frozen Potatoes Vegetables




16.5 oz box, Selected Varieties Signature or


Hudson Cream Flour 12 oz pkg, Individually Wrapped

16 oz pkg, Selected Varieties


6/ 2/ 10 4 2/ 5 -1.00

Selected Varieties



Final Price With Card

1/2 gallon, Selected Varieties


Frozen Turkeys



Pepsi Products lb


Frozen Aquafina Turkey Breast Water

$ 1 .8 5 3.99 / 8 Gallipolis • Ohio Valley • Wellston • Acorn Plaza 5 • Twin Rivers lb


Prices Effective: Sunday, November 10 thru Saturday, November 16, 2013



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Where h Available, il bll We Accept:

We reserve the right to limit quantities and to correct typographical or pictorial errors. USDA Food Stamps and WIC coupons gladly accepted for eligible foods only. Illustrations for design purposes only. Tax where applicable. All product may not be available at every Foodland location. MSMSMSMS 1110_PAGE 1_FOODLAND_MILTON

Page 16

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You Don’t Have To Worry Our nephew, an enlisted man in the Army, is heading to a dangerous part of the world for a second tour of duty. His parents and the rest of our family are justifiably concerned for his safety. A businessman watches carefully as a strong competitor opens a business two blocks down the street. Grandma is going to the doctor for her health check-up next week and she is apprehensive about what may be found. Each scenario is an occasion for worry. If my nephew’s parents spend an inordinate amount of time and energy conjuring up all the possible bad things that could happen to their son, they would never sleep because the possibilities for bad things to happen are endless. If the businessman sits and stews about how the competition will cause him to lose his business, he’ll probably lose his house, then his wife will divorce him, then his kids will think him a failure, and worse of all, his mother back in Des Moines won’t let him come home! In the meantime, he won’t have any time to think about the positive things he could do right now to solidify his customer base, expand his product lines, revitalize his marketing, etc. And Grandma, now in her mid 80’s; imagine all the things that could be wrong with here! She probably has all the latest information about some dreaded disease

1) Neither 2) Woe 3) Rubies 4) Foundations 5) Ruth 6) Charity

1. Cleveland's Bob Lemon, in 1953. 2. Nolan Ryan fanned 14 in a game in 1991. 3. Peyton Manning (1998) and Russell Wilson (2012) each threw 26 TD passes. 4. It was the 1987-88 season. 5. The Los Angeles Kings' Marcel Dionne, in the 1979-80 season. 6. Tracy Caulkins (1978) and Libby Trickett (2007). 7. Hale Irwin was 45 when he won it in 1990.

1. "The Big Bang Theory" 2. Pepper Potts 3. Dry mouth 4. Baton Rouge 5. Jupiter, with 63 moons 6. A bag of gold 7. Arctic 8. Calvin Coolidge 9. Outraged 10. Cartilage

that her neighbor died of a couple of months ago and now what if she gets it? She could worry herself right into a whole variety of ailments. These are all examples of the negative self-talk that distracts the mind from focusing on the real problems at hand. Worry is the archenemy of the imagination. You must take those negative worrying thoughts that enter your mind, and change them into problem solving thoughts that will result in a creative solution. You must deny worry a resting place in your soul. What’s important is what you can do today about the problems you face today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow’s not yet here. Today is what you have to deal with and worry doesn’t get anything done. The next time your mind begins to imagine all the bad things that could possibly happen, take that negative energy and put it to work to solve problems. You will be surprised at how much can be accomplished once the paralysis of worry and fear is crushed. And once you’ve done what you can do, take your stand. Things will happen the way they will happen whether you worry about them or not. Leo Buscaglia said, “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow it only saps today of its joy.”

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