Tidbits of Gallia, Jackson, Meigs, & Mason Counties

Page 1

April 19, 2013

Volume 2 Issue 16

MASSie Publishing LLC

For Ad Rates call: (740) 446-4543


DEODORANTS by Janet Spencer

For most of our time on earth, humans walked around stinking. Deodorant is a relatively new invention, and Tidbits tells the story.


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THE ARMPIT ● To understand antiperspirant, you must first understand sweat. Sweat does not gush out of the pores. It hangs in the opening like a drop of water in a faucet. What finally pulls the sweat out is an electrical charge. A bead of sweat has a negative electrical charge. The surface of the skin has a positive electrical charge. The positively charged skin yanks the negatively charged sweat out of the pores. Enter antiperspirant. Aluminum chloride is the active ingredient, and it has a negative charge. The negatively charged aluminum shoves the sweat back into the body, just like two negative ends of a magnet move each other around. The sweat is re-absorbed by the body and the skin stays dry. ● Deodorant is another story. There are bacteria living in a typical armpit, which is warm and moist. The ammonia waste products produced by the bacteria cause the odor. (Sweat is odorless.) Deodorants contain insecticides and bactericides that wipe out the entire arm pit colony— temporarily, at least. When the antimicrobial agents wear off, the bacteria move in again, journeying from the shirt or other parts of the body. Turn the page for more!

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Tidbits® of Gallia, Jackson, Meigs & Mason Counties

1. LANGUAGE: In English slang, what are plimsolls? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of India? 3. HISTORY: In what year were East Germany and West Germany unified? 4. MUSIC: Who composed the opera "The Barber of Seville"? 5. ANATOMY: What is a synapse? 6. ART: What are putti? 7. QUOTES: Who said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." 8. NATURAL WORLD: What kind of creature is a merganser? 9. CELEBRITIES: What was Bob Hope's real first name? 10. LITERATURE: Who wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

DEODORANTS (continued) ● The reason we have armpit hair is because the hairs act like wicks, moving moisture away from the skin and keeping it dry. Dry skin is healthier than moist skin. However, hair adds plenty of extra surface area for skin bacteria to cling to. Shaving cuts that area down. ● Mankind through history has worked to combat body odor. Early Egyptians applied perfumed oils to the armpit, and regularly removed their underarm hair. The Greeks and the Romans followed suit, but until 1888 the only remedy for B.O. was to mask the odor with perfume and spices. ● In 1888, a Philadelphia inventor stumbled on the fact that zinc prevents body odor. Zinc, like aluminum, prevents sweat from coming out of the pores, but it was decades before anyone understood why. He invented a zincbased cream called Mum, patented it, and sold it widely. Bristol-Myers later bought him out, and Mum is still produced today, being marketed mainly in Britain. In 1902, a new antiperspirant called Ever-Dry hit the market; it was the first to use aluminum chloride. It was followed in 1908 by Hush. Unfortunately all of these early brands of antiperspirant were sticky, slow drying, and irritating to the skin. Ever-Dry was so acidic it would eat right through the fabric of a shirt. ● In 1916, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association discussed a study that showed a 25 percent solution of aluminum chloride in distilled water would reduce excessive sweating if applied to the underarm every two or three days. However, such a solution tended to cause the skin to burn, sting, and itch because aluminum chloride is corrosive, having a very low pH value. ● The FDA classifies deodorants as cosmetics. However, antiperspirants are classified as drugs. Why the difference? Because antiperspirants technically alter the natural functions of your body.

● On April 28, 1789, three weeks into a journey from Tahiti to the West Indies, the HMS Bounty is seized in a mutiny led by Fletcher Christian, the master's mate. Captain William Bligh and 18 of his loyal supporters were set adrift in a small, open boat. Bligh and his men reached Timor in the East Indies in June, after a voyage of about 3,600 miles. ● On April 24, 1800, President John Adams approves legislation to appropriate $5,000 to establish the Library of Congress. The first library catalog, dated 1802, listed 964 volumes and nine maps. Twelve years later, the British army invaded the city of Washington and burned the Capitol, including the then 3,000-volume Library of Congress. ● On April 26, 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, the German military tests its powerful new air force -- the Luftwaffe -- on the Basque town of Guernica in northern Spain. One-third of Guernica's 5,000 inhabitants were killed or wounded, and fires engulfed the city and burned for days. ● On April 23, 1954, Hank Aaron hits the first home run of his Major League Baseball career. Twenty years later, Aaron became baseball's new home-run king when he broke Babe Ruth's long-standing record of 714 career homers. ● On April 27, 1963, Margaret Annemarie Battavio's very first single, "I Will Follow Him," reaches No. 1 on the U.S. pop charts. At age 15, the singer better known as Little Peggy March became the youngest female performer ever to top the Billboard Hot 100. ● On April 22, 1970, Earth Day, an event to increase public awareness of the world's environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time. Millions of Americans participated in rallies, marches and educational programs. ● On April 25, 1983, the Soviet Union releases a letter that Russian leader Yuri Andropov wrote to Samantha Smith, an American fifth-grader from Manchester, Maine, inviting her to visit his country. Andropov's letter came in response to a note Smith had sent him in December 1982, asking if the Soviets were planning to start a nuclear war.

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MASSie Publishing LLC

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mm@lovemytidbits.com Is Heartworm Testing Really Necessary? DEAR PAW'S CORNER: My vet tells me my dogs have to be tested for heartworm every two years, even though they take heartworm medication regularly. Why? It's expensive -- one test times three -- and I don't see why it's necessary. Seems like a way for the vet to make money. -- Dog Mom in New York DEAR DOG MOM: It's a valid question, but there really is a good answer for why the veterinarian insists on testing your dogs for heartworm. The reason is that monthly heartworm medications, while billed as "preventative," work by killing off the microfilariae (heartworm larvae) that enter a dog's bloodstream through an infected mosquito's bite. The medication doesn't stop mosquitoes from biting your dog; therefore, there's still a risk of heartworm infection even though it is taking preventive medication. The other reason is that the doctor can't be 100 percent sure that your dogs are taking their heartworm medication every month. He doesn't administer the medicine, so -- while

you probably are giving your dogs their monthly dosage right on schedule -- he can't take your word for it. That's because, as you know, there are some pet owners who don't give pets their heartworm preventive on schedule. To reduce the number of heartworm infections, and keep your dogs healthy, the vet has to check them regularly. He does it every two years because it can take several months for an infection to be detected. Some vets test for infection every year, particularly in regions with a high infection risk. What if the vet detects a heartworm infection? He'll treat your dog with a much stronger medication to kill the heartworms. The healthier your dog is when treatment starts, the better it will be able to tolerate the treatment. Send your questions or comments to ask@pawscorner. com. Did you know mosquitoes can transmit heartworm larvae to dogs, but fleas don't? Find out more in my new book "Fighting Fleas," available now on Amazon.


for more information call (740) 446-4543

1. What 1999 song by Irish boy band Westlife became a hit for an "American Idol" performer? 2. Who was Running Bear? 3. What are the differences between "Country Road" and "Country Roads"? 4. Who had a hit with "This Girl Is a Woman Now"? 5. Name the song with this lyric: "It was only late last night, He was out there sneakin', Then he called you up to check that you were waiting by the phone."

1. "Flying Without Wings," as done by Ruben Studdard on his "Soulful" album. 2. A "young Indian brave" who loved Little White Dove in the 1959 Johnny Preston version of the song written by J.P. Richardson (aka The Big Bopper). 3. The first by James Taylor refers to the woods near the Massachusetts hospital when he once committed himself. The second, by John Denver, is about the West Virginia countryside. 4. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, in 1969. A Spanish cover of the song was done in 1972 by Nino Bravo. 5. "Cold-Hearted," by Paula Abdul in 1989. The song is sometimes mistitled "Cold Hearted Snake." The lyrics were a bit streetwise for that time, and the video provocative.

DEODORANTS (continued) ● There was a break-through in 1919 with the unveiling of a brash new antiperspirant called Odo-Ro-No. In ads in newspapers and magazines, Odo-Ro-No proudly declared that it banished “B.O.” B.O., an abbreviation for ‘body odor’, was a scandalous term. Previously, such products had euphemistically claimed that they kept a person “clean, sweet, and dainty” so to admit that people actually sweat— and to further state that sweat smelled bad— made for a shocking advertisement. “Take the Armhole Odor Test!” challenged the ads, hinting at social disasters that might ensue if one failed the test. Sales soared. ● A new product called Arrid Cream was introduced in the 1930s which contained aluminum sulfate instead of aluminum chloride. This was much easier on the skin and the product sold well. The next advancement in deodorant didn’t come along until 1947 when Stoppette Spray Deodorant became the first deodorant that could be applied without the fingers having to contact the solution. It came in a spritzing squeeze tube. In 1952, Bristol-Myers (producers of Mum) came out with the first roll-on, invented by a company researcher named Helen Barnett Diserens who was inspired by the newly invented ballpoint pen. They named the product Ban, and it is still one of the top selling deodorants today. ● While scientists were trying to figure out how to get a man to the moon, the Gillette corporation was trying to figure out how to get deodorant into a can. It was a tough problem because the spray nozzle kept corroding or the deodorant would crystallize inside the can. In 1965 they got the formula right and introduced Right Guard.


Tommy Tidbits Contest Winner of Vol. 2, Issue 14 is :

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Then write or email us with the name of each advertiser that has a hidden Tommy. (He will be in 2 or more ads each week.) You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. Entries must be received by midnight Thursday of each week. A winner will be drawn from all correct entries for that issue. Mail your entry to: Massie Publishing PO Box 236, Gallipolis, OH 45631 or email: mm@lovemytidbits.com This weeks winner will receive a gift card good for $25 at

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Page 4

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● It was pioneering science-fiction author H.G. Wells who made the following sage observation: "Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." ● In a match between a 200-pound mountain lion and a 20-pound porcupine, the lion is likely to be the loser -- and will probably die if it tried to take a bite of the desired prey.

Salmon Steaks with Tricolor Pepper Relish Roasted salmon is a heart-healthy option for dinner. For an easy relish topper, peppers and onions are roasted with the salmon in the same pan. 1/4 cup sliced almonds 3 medium (4 to 6 ounces each) peppers (preferably red, yellow and orange), thinly sliced 1 small (4- to 6-ounce) onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt Pepper 2 (12 to 14 ounces each) salmon steaks 1/2 cup packed fresh basil leaves, finely chopped, plus additional for garnish 1/4 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, patted dry and chopped 1 tablespoon capers, coarsely chopped Cooked white rice, for serving 1. Preheat oven to 450 F. In 18- by 12-inch jelly-roll

pan, spread almonds in single layer. Roast 4 to 6 minutes or until toasted. Transfer to plate; set aside. In same pan, combine peppers, onion, oil, 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Spread in single layer; roast 15 minutes or until tender. Stir vegetables; push to one side of pan to make space for salmon. 2. Sprinkle salmon with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper to season both sides. Place in pan with peppers. Roast 8 to 10 minutes or until salmon is just opaque and a knife pierces easily through flesh. 3. Meanwhile, in large bowl, combine basil, tomatoes and capers. Add roasted peppers and onion and stir well. Cut each salmon steak lengthwise in half; remove and discard bones. Divide salmon among serving plates and top with pepper relish and almonds. Serve with rice, garnished with chopped basil, if you like. Serves 4. ● Each serving: About 395 calories, 20g total fat (3g saturated), 101mg cholesterol, 385mg sodium, 14g total carbs, 4g dietary fiber, 40g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipefinder/.

● In an odd coincidence, President Abraham Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Kennedy the secretary told Lincoln the president that he shouldn't go to Ford's Theatre the night he was shot; Lincoln the secretary tried to convince Kennedy the president not to go on a trip to Dallas, where he was shot. ● Those who study such things say that Americans watch more television during the months of January and February than at any other time during the year. ● Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges. ● You may not realize it, but you've probably seen pictures of the French village of Mont-St.-Michel. It's a picturesque place, a tiny islet in the English Channel with an 8th-century abbey at the top of a high hill, surrounded by stone houses and cobbled streets. It wasn't always an islet, though; the hill on which the abbey sits was once surrounded by an oak forest, and the shore was miles away. That all changed in the year 725, though, when an earthquake struck the region. A tidal wave washed over the forest, leaving a vast tidal plain in its wake. Ever since, twice a day, 40-foot tides completely surround Mont-St.-Michel. Thought for the Day: "The fundamental cause of trouble in this world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell

Page 5

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543 DEODORANTS (continued) ● Right Guard used zirconium salts instead of aluminum salts. Although it was less irritating to the skin, it acted as a deodorant but not as an antiperspirant. Five years later, Arrid Extra Dry provided both an antiperspirant and an antimicrobial deodorant in an aerosol spray. It sold so well that use of roll-ons and creams diminished, and by the mid-1970s the vast majority of deodorants used in the U.S. were aerosols. Then problems with the ozone layer surfaced. The aerosol market plummeted, to be replaced by today’s infinite variety of pump sprays, sticks, and gels. ● Aluminum chloride discolors clothing and is famous for turning T-shirts yellow. Blame the antiperspirant for the armpit stains, not your sweat. ● When rock star Kurt Cobain wrote the lyrics for Nirvana’s breakout song “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” he didn’t know Teen Spirit was actually the name a popular deodorant brand. The Mennen Company, which produced the deodorant, wouldn’t say whether the song caused sales to spike, but six months after the single debuted, Colgate bought the company for $670 million. ● In 2008, actor Matthew McConaughey mentioned in an interview that he never uses deodorant or antiperspirant. The next day, he received a year’s supply of deodorant body spray from the Axe Company, along with a note on why he might want to start. ● The Service Shirts Corporation once invented a bowling shirt that had deodorant injected right into the fabric of the shirt.

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Page 6

Tidbits® of Gallia, Jackson, Meigs & Mason Counties WOMEN IN HISTORY: RACHEL CARSON

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The Tidbits® Paper is a Division of Tidbits Media, Inc. • Montgomery, AL 36106 (800) 523-3096 • E-mail: tidbits@tidbitsmedia.com • All Rights Reserved ©2008

● Rachel Carson was born in 1907 on a small farm near Pittsburgh. She began writing at an early age and her first story was published when she was 11. She studied marine biology, zoology, and genetics at Johns Hopkins University, earning a master’s degree in 1929. She intended to get a doctorate but when her father died suddenly she was forced to support her mother. ● She got a job working for the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries writing weekly educational radio broadcasts about aquatic life. The radio spots were very popular, and Carson began to submit articles on marine life to various newspapers and magazines, where they were well received. ● She took the civil service exam in 1936, and became the second woman in history to be hired by the Bureau of Fisheries for a full time position as an aquatic biologist. ● In 1937, she suffered a set-back when her older sister died, making her the sole breadwinner for her mother and her two nieces. Later that year, an essay she’d written describing the ocean floor was noticed by editors at Simon & Schuster, who asked her to turn it into a book. The result was Under the Sea-Wind published in 1941, which was critically acclaimed while also being a commercial flop. ● Flop or not, that book resulted in Oxford University Press publishing her second book The Sea Around Us in 1950, which remained on the New York Times Bestseller list for 86 weeks. The success of her second book led to the republication of her first book, which then also hit the bestseller lists. The financial security allowed Carson to quit her job and concentrate on writing full time.



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1. Is Song of Solomon in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From Genesis 19, who prepared a meal for two in Sodom? Lot, Abel, Ishmael, Hagar 3. What was the more commonly known name of Hadassah? Ruth, Esther, Sarah, Michal 4. From Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goeth before ..."? Failure, Lust, Destruction, Forgiveness 5. Where is the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention? Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee 6. Who was the father of Jacob? Moses, Isaac, Abraham, Noah

Page 7

For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543 RACHEL CARSON (continued) ● In 1953, her third book The Edge of the Sea was published by Houghton Mifflin. ● In 1957, tragedy struck her family again when one of the nieces she raised died suddenly, leaving a 5-year-old son, whom Carson adopted and raised. ● A friend of hers complained about indiscriminate spraying of pesticides that were being used in an effort to eradicate the spread of fire ants. Government agencies sprayed both public and private lands, leaving landowners angry. The pesticides ran into lakes, where they affected other wildlife. Her friend urged Carson to speak out against uncontrolled use of chemical pesticides such as DDT. Carson devoted the rest of her life to this issue, researching and writing about ecological damage and human sickness caused by over-use of pesticides. ● She began working on a book called Silent Spring, now remembered as her masterpiece. At the same time, another tragedy struck, as she found she had malignant breast cancer. She was in a race against time to finish the book before she died. ● When the book was released, it was chosen for the “Book of the Month Club” and was serialized by New Yorker magazine, which brought it to the doors of millions of Americans. Chemical companies launched a huge smear campaign against the book, which backfired when the publicity sent sales of the book soaring through the roof, increasing public awareness of the problem. ● In one of her final public appearances before her death, Carson testified before President Kennedy’s Science Advisory Committee, which backed her claims. She received many medals, honors, and awards before she died in 1964 at the age of 56.


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Page 8

Online at www.lovemytidbits.com THE BRINKS ROBBERY In which we learn a great object lesson on the value of honesty among thieves. ● Eleven crooks spent months studying the Brinks trucks in Boston, memorizing their routes, their shipment schedules, their personnel, and their check-in times. They broke into the Brinks terminal many times in order to find out the floor plan, learn the location of the safe, make extra keys for all strategic locks, and practice disabling the alarm system. On January 17, 1950, at 7:00 p.m., seven robbers pulled off their burglary, walking into the terminal wearing Halloween masks, tying up five surprised employees, and walking out with over a million dollars in cash and a million and a half in checks and securities in less than 30 minutes. At the time, it was the biggest heist in U.S. history. ● Knowing that it would be folly to start spending the money while the cops were on their tail, the gang agreed to lay low and hang onto the money until the statute of limitations ran out in six years. Because he had to serve a prison sentence for another crime, Joseph ‘Specs’ O’Keefe turned most of his money over to gang member ‘Big Joe’ McGinnes and asked him to hide it until the heat died down. ● Most of the gang members lived quietly while waiting. But some of them continued their life of crime, including O’Keefe, who was caught while holding up an Army-Navy store in Pittsburgh. He was given three years on a gun charge, which was to be followed by a trial on a robbery charge. By the time he was finishing up his first sentence, O’Keefe felt he would die if he had to spend any more time in jail. Paroled three months early, he went to Boston with the thought in mind of hiring the best possible lawyer to defend him in the robbery trial. But lawyers cost money. ● O’Keefe went to McGinnes to ask for the money he needed. McGinnes turned him down and then hired a thug to kill him. Three different murder attempts failed, but the third attempt left O’Keefe with gunshot wounds in the wrist and chest. ● O’Keefe went to the cops and fingered the hit man. The very next day, Boston police arrested Elmer ‘Trigger’ Burke and charged him with possession of a machine gun. Subsequently, this machine gun was identified as having been used in the attempt on O’Keefe’s life.

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1. When was the last time Washington had a majorleague baseball team in the playoffs before 2012? 2. Name the last player to win a major-league batting title without hitting a home run in that season. 3. Who was the last Florida State running back to rush for 1,000 yards in a season? 4. Who was the last NBA player to be on a title-winning team after leading the league in minutes played during the regular season? 5. Who was the last NHL player before Anaheim's Teemu Selanne in 2013 to have a four-point game at age 42? 6. In 2012, Brad Keselowski became the second driver to win NASCAR's Cup season championship after having won a title in the Nationwide Series. Who was the first? 7. Earlier this year, Serena Williams became the oldest player (31) to hold the No. 1 ranking in women's tennis. Who had been the oldest?

Page 9

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When the Heart Has Become a Weak Pump

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am 79 and have congestive heart failure with some high blood pressure. Please give the information you have on my illness. -- F.W. ANSWER: Congestive heart failure is a common illness in older people. Up to 10 percent of those older than 65 have it or have had it. The meaning is that the heart has become so weak that it can't pump enough blood to support all body organs and tissues. You can call it just heart failure. The "congestive" word confuses people. The signs of a weakened heart are breathlessness when trying to do even relatively easy physical tasks, along with a feeling that all energy has left the body. A third sign is swelling, most often of the feet and ankles. The lungs also fill with fluid from backed-up blood, and that adds to the breathing difficulty. The lungs are congested with fluid. Clogged heart arteries, heart-valve problems, a previous heart attack, a former viral heart infection and uncontrolled high blood pressure are some of the causes of heart failure. Aging is a major cause. The heart is beginning to wear out. This sounds hopeless; it isn't. Plenty can be done. For one, reduce the amount of salt and salty foods that you eat. Salt causes fluid retention in the body. Water pills (diuretics) remove excess body fluid, and they're a constant part of treatment. Drugs called ACE inhibitors not only regulate blood pressure, but they also ease heart failure. This is only a sample of the drugs that are useful

for the treatment of this condition. Once under treatment, you ought to be breathing with ease and feel a return of pep. An exercise program is then possible and an essential for treatment. The program is one that should be devised by your doctor. Walking is an excellent way to strengthen both body and heart muscles. The booklet on congestive heart failure provides detailed information on the condition and its treatment. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue -- No. 103W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My eyes are colored dark brown. I am a 57-year-old female. Around the edges of my brown eyes is a blue border -- something new. The eye doctor said it means my cholesterol is high. My family doctor said it is fine, and it happens with age. Have you heard of this? What causes it? -- D.E. ANSWER: I believe you're describing an arcus senilis. It's an off-white (bluish or gray) circle looping around the colored iris. Actually it's a deposit of fat and cholesterol in the cornea, the clear covering that lies over the iris and pupil. At one time, it was thought to indicate high blood cholesterol; it doesn't. It's one of those many adornments of aging that come for no good reason. If you start looking at the eyes of older people, you'll find that you are far from the only one with arcus senilis. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

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THE BRINKS ROBBERY (continued) ● O’Keefe was arrested for violating his probation by carrying a concealed weapon. Back in jail, O’Keefe had a lot of time to think about things- particularly the fact he could either live a long life in prison or a short life as a free man. ● To get even, O’Keefe spilled the beans to the cops five days before the statute of limitations ran out in 1956. The entire gang was behind bars in a matter of days. All were tried, found guilty, and sentenced to life. Some of the money was recovered from a picnic cooler hidden in a wall of an office that had been remodeled. ● Eight of the gang members received maximum sentences of life imprisonment; except for McGinnis, who died in prison, all were paroled by 1971. O’Keefe received only four years and was released in 1960. Only $58,000 of the $2.7 million was ever recovered. ● They had stolen about $2.5 million in cash and securities. The government spent $29 million trying to catch them. Revenge and resentment accomplished the job for them— no charge.

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For Advertising Call (740) 446-4543 ● "Plastic grocery bags are handy for so many uses, but keeping them organized was always a pain, until I discovered that I could use an empty tissue box to store them. I just ball up each bag individually (so there is no air trapped) and stuff it in the tissue box. You can do the same thing for larger amounts of bags by using an empty 12-pack soda box. I store one of these in my shop." -- Fred C. from Pennsylvania ● When you get near the end of a roll of paper towels, save it to put in your car. Put together a kit to keep in the car with the following items: a small bottle of Windex or other cleaner, a squeeze bottle of water, some wet wipes and the short roll of paper towels. You'll always be ready for a quick on-the-road cleanup.

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● To kick the itch from bug bites, make a mixture of half lime juice and half water. Apply to bug bites on a soaked cotton ball.

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● When you finish a woodworking project, save your leftover bits of sandpaper and use them to sharpen your scissors. All you need is a piece long enough to cut through few times.

Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com.

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MRI Can Verify Gulf War Illness


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My Social Security There is an easier way to get answers from Social Security than sitting on hold on the phone. Social Security's website (http://socialsecurity.gov) has a long list of things you can do online after creating a My Social Security account: get your benefits verification letter, get your statement, apply for retirement or disability benefits, appeal a disability decision, estimate your retirement benefits, check your application status and so much more. The biggest concern, however, is that if you've done a Google search about the topic, you easily could end up at a fake website that is not Social Security. For example, replacing your card is free, but if you accidentally wander to a scam site, they'll want to charge you as much as $50. Not only that, but they'll have your

Social Security number when you type it in. If you marry and want a card in your new name, you'll need to contact Social Security directly. Don't fall for an online scam. Even if you haven't hunted online for information yet you receive what looks like Social Security email, beware. Social Security will never send you email asking for information such as your name or number. Any emails asking for that are from scammers. If you receive that kind of email, call the real Social Security administration immediately at 1-800-772-1213 or the fraud hotine at 1-800-269-0271. Do the same if you receive a phone call from someone pretending to be from Social Security. They might have excuses, such as their computer system went down or they need to verify your banking direct-deposit information. If you sign up online for a genuine My Social Security account, beware. Be sure what webpage you're on. Remember to look for the ".gov" at the end of the address. Matilda Charles regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.

Gulf War illness is not psychological, and scientists can prove it. Researchers at Georgetown University were able to see the damage to the brain in 31 test veterans with Gulf War illness. The findings, published recently in the PLOS ONE journal, describe how a fast and definitive diagnosis can be produced. Specifically, they looked at brain fibers that process pain. In veterans with Gulf War illness, those fibers never turn off. Pain is constant. The key here is that researchers (or doctors) can see the actual damage to the fibers with a machine that many hospitals have -- an MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. All that's needed is special software called fMRI. Knowing that Gulf War illness is not psychological is not new. Studies have linked it to 1990-1991 exposure to sarin gas, pesticides, oil-well fires, smoke, petroleum, anti-nerve-gas pills and a whole array of vaccinations, including anthrax and botulinum toxoid. A partial list of illnesses tied to exposure: Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, muscle and joint pain, headache, memory problems and skin conditions. What's been seen in the 250,000 veterans who were exposed is that the illness doesn't go away. It gets worse as time goes on. Veterans who meet certain criteria can receive disability compensation, starting with a Gulf War Registry health exam. Enrollment in Department of Veterans Affairs health care is not required to get the free exam. Also available is the full range of VA health care. However, there is a time limit: Per the VA website, symptoms must be present for at least six months and have appeared during active duty -- or by Dec. 31, 2016. Call the VA Health Benefits Call Center at 1-877-2228387 for more information. Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com.

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Page 13 One-On-One Time With Grandparents "Over the freeway and through the 'burbs, to grandmother's house we go!" That's how urban families are likely to begin the traditional singalong song nowadays. And lucky they are if grandparents and grandkids are living only a ZIP code away. I recently met Nancy, an energetic early-60-something grandmother who lives in the same metro area as her three young grandchildren. She shared with me her ideas and enthusiasm for making the precious time she has with her preschool grandkids really count. To make together time extra special, invite one grandchild over at a time. The one-on-one approach to grandparenting is key to their relationship-building. And it really works because the kids feel extra special when they receive a grandparent's undivided attention. If a sleepover is planned, Mom or Dad can help pack the child's overnight backpack and talk about the activities they'll get to do away from home. Mornings with grandma can be spent at a children's museum, community nature center or at a storytime hour at the public library. Plan these special outings with fun coupons, which have been a hit with my own kids. An eye-catching pack of these personalized "Coupons for Togetherness" can be redeemed for an afternoon at a baseball game, a trip to the zoo or a breakfast, making Grandpa's famous flapjacks. Write and illustrate each activity on a separate piece of paper about 3 inches by 7 inches. Put a date on the coupon when you are able to plan ahead. If you have a sewing machine, use it for something other than its intended use! Make "Tear off" coupons. Remove the thread, and then run the machine 1/2 inch from the left short edge of each coupon. The needle will make a row of holes for perforation marks. Clip or staple together a pile of coupons and add a cover to protect them. Your grandchild can rip out each coupon along the perforation marks whenever he wants to redeem a coupon. Donna Erickson's award-winning series "Donna's Day" is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www. donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna's Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is "Donna Erickson's Fabulous Funstuff for Families."






On a Budget Tuna Loaf Just because your pocketbook might be empty -- with having to pay income taxes or higher gasoline prices -it doesn't mean that you have to eat like you're broke! Look inside your cupboards and you'll probably find that you have most (if not all) these ingredients already on hand. 2 (6-ounce) cans white tuna, packed in water, drained and flaked 3/4 cup dried bread crumbs 1 cup finely diced celery 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 cup fat-free mayonnaise 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish

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1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray an 8-by-8-inch baking dish with butter-flavored cooking spray. In a large bowl, combine tuna, bread crumbs, celery, onion, mayonnaise and pickle relish. Pat mixture into prepared baking dish. 2. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and continue baking for 20 minutes. Place baking dish on a wire rack and let set for 5 minutes. Makes 4 servings. Freezes well. ● Each serving equals: 236 calories, 4g fat, 23g protein, 27g carb., 823mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 3 Meat, 1 1/2 Starch, 1/2 Vegetable.

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1) Old 2) Lot 3) Esther 4) Destruction 5) Tennessee 6) Isaac 1. The Washington Senators went to the World Series in 1933. 2. Rod Carew, with the Minnesota Twins in 1972. 3. Warrick Dunn, with 1,180 yards in 1996. 4. Norm Nixon, with 3,226 minutes in the 1979-1980 season for the Los Angeles Lakers. 5. Tim Horton, in 1972. 6. Bobby Labonte, in 2000. 7. Chris Evert was not quite 31 when she was the No. 1 player in 1985.

1. Sneakers 2. New Delhi 3. 1990 4. Gioachino Rossini 5. The point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another 6. Figures of infant boys in Renaissance paintings 7. Samuel Johnson 8. Duck 9. Leslie 10. Washington Irving

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