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By Dr. Greg Fors, DC / Board-certified Neurologist Do you realize that you could transform your life in as little as 21 days? No doubt you would be skeptical but I have seen it happen in numerous patients throughout my years of clinical practice. You can reset your metabolism, break free of cravings, lose weight and radically transform your health in just a few weeks by following a 21 day detox plan. With an individualized program you can not only lose your chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog and G.I. problems but also start shedding those unwanted pounds. This can also help you turn the corner on present and future chronic health problems such as metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, sexual dysfunction and so much more. FACT! What makes you hurt, fatigued and fat often is the very same metabolic problems that bring about chronic disease; from heart disease to Alzheimer’s. It is a perfect storm of underlying metabolic issues: systemic inflammation, free radical damage, insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance. Primarily triggered by poor diet, high glycemic foods, food allergies, toxic chemicals and metals, and elevated levels of stress. All are within your power to correct. With an individualized 21 day detox program you can “reboot� your personal system back to factory settings. It’s like when your computer freezes up, you have to stop and reboot the system. By following a quality doctor directed detox program you can accomplish all this without going hungry. This is not a one size fits all program. It is unique in that it starts with a thorough nutritional examination and comprehensive lab work to find out what your specific metabolic needs and issues are. Within the lab work are biomarkers to identify the extent of the inflammation, insulin resistance and hormone imbalance you are facing, and with that, answers on how to treat it. For example, hidden insulin resistance or prediabetes can be a primary source of pain, fatigue, brain fog and weight gain. Insulin resistance damage affects your body’s ability to efficiently get energy from your foods at the cellular level. This is primarily because your cells start to become “deaf� to the hormone insulin that signals cells to take up glucose out of the bloodstream. Your pancreas then screams louder by pumping out more insulin. Elevated insulin causes you to store fat, and the increased blood glucose levels causes all forms of health issues, from muscles becoming easily fatigued and sore, to an energy deficit in your brain causing you to experience brain fog, depression and anxiety. How do you know if you have insulin resistance or even early diabetes? Good laboratory testing begins with fasting glucose, fasting insulin, Hemoglobin A-1C, hsCRP, GGT, Fibrinogen, Homocysteine and Triglyceride to HDL cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-C). All part of the individualized 21 day detox program. Another hormonal imbalance causing weight gain, fatigue and chronic pain is undiagnosed under-conversion hypothyroidism or Reverse T-3 hypothyroidism. Both go undiagnosed because of the confusion and effect of showing normal TSH and free T4 levels, without considering possible low free T3, or elevated reverse T-3 levels. Thyroid antibody tests should also be run to determine if you have Hashimoto's autoimmune disease, the most common cause of thyroid dysfunction. It should be noted that the primary cause of Hashimoto’s disease is leaky gut, which also leads to food allergies and autoimmune dysfunction. A 21 Day Personalized Detox Program can remove chronic inflammation, insulin resistance and hormonal balance, leading to a healthier, happier and more slender you for 2016! If you’d like to know how, then attend my “Transform Your Health in 21 Days� seminar! Two FREE workshops will be held Friday, January 22 at 10 AM and Monday, January 25 at 7 PM at the Pain and Brain Healing Center. Seating is limited you must call to register at 763-862-7100. For more details please see our website at www.

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Dr. Greg Fors, D.C. is a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN), certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU) and acupuncture. As the clinic director of the Pain and Brain Healing Center in Blaine Minnesota he specializes in a Functional medicine approach to chronic pain, fatigue, hypothyroidism, hormonal balance, depression, autoimmune syndromes, autism and ADHD. If you have any questions or comments regarding this article you can contact Dr. Fors at 763-862-7100. Dr. Fors is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “Why We Hurt� available through booksellers everywhere.

Tidbits of the North Metro is published under licensing agreement with Tidbits Media Inc., Montgomery, AL â—? Email: â—? Fax: 763-792-4795 â—? Falcon Prince Inc . â—? Blaine Mn â—? Phone: 763-218-0033

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► On Jan. 7, 1785, JeanPierre Blanchard and John Jeffries travel from England to France in a gas balloon, becoming the first to cross the English Channel by air. They nearly crashed as their balloon was weighed down by extraneous supplies such as silkcovered oars. ► On Jan. 4, 1847, Samuel Colt rescues his faltering gun company by winning a contract to provide the U.S. government with 1,000 of his .44 caliber revolvers. The heart of Colt’s invention was a mechanism that combined a single rifled barrel with a revolving chamber that held five or six shots.

men the right to vote.

streets of Boston, killing 21 people and injuring scores of others. Some 2.5 million gallons of molasses burst ► On Jan. 10, 1946, the first General Assembly of from a huge tank when bolts holding the bottom of the the United Nations convenes in London. Two weeks tank exploded, shooting out like bullets. later it adopted its first resolution, which called for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction. ► On Jan. 11, 1949, in Washington, D.C., the cornerstone is laid at the first mosque of note in the ► On Jan. 5, 1957, in response to the increasingly United States. The Islamic Center was built with tense situation in the Middle East, President Dwight a 160-foot minaret from which prayers were to be Eisenhower delivers a proposal to Congress calling announced. for a more proactive U.S. policy. The “Eisenhower Doctrine” established the Middle East as a Cold War ► On Jan. 14, 1969, an explosion aboard the aircraft battlefield. carrier USS Enterprise kills 27 people in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. A rocket accidentally detonated, destroying 15 ► On Jan. 6, 1994, Olympic hopeful Nancy Kerrigan planes and injuring more than 300 people. is attacked at an ice rink two days before the Olympic trials. A man, hired by the ex-husband of skating rival ► On Jan. 13, 1999, NBA superstar Michael Jordan Tonya Harding, clubbed Kerrigan in the leg in an announces his retirement from professional basketball attempt to keep her out of the Olympics. Months later, for the second time, saying he had lost the drive and Kerrigan won the silver medal, while Harding finished desire to continue playing. Jordan originally had eighth. announced his retirement in 1993.

► On Jan. 8, 1867, Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson’s veto of a bill granting all adult male citizens of the District of Columbia the right to vote. It was the first law in American history to grant black ► On Jan. 15, 1919, fiery hot molasses floods the (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• Diamonds are simply crystallized carbon (like coal or soot) and will burn at a temperature of 1652° F. (900° C.) • Red wines are fermented from grapes that still have their skins on. White wines come from grapes with no skins. • When Walt Disney went to collect his Academy Award for the film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" he was handed one regular sized award statue and seven little tiny ones. • The term ‘carpet’ comes from the Latin word ‘carpere’ meaning ‘to pluck’ probably because carpets were made from ‘plucked’ fabric. Carpet has the same Latin root as ‘carpe diem’ meaning ‘pluck/seize the day.’ • Caterpillars completely liquefy inside the cocoon as they transform into moths. • Humans can survive longer without food than they can without sleep. • Months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th. • The State of Florida is bigger than England. • Ants stretch when they get up in the morning. • About 7 to 12 million slaves were transferred from Africa to the Americas between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. • Men outnumber women in U.S. prisons by about 25 to 1. • Michael Jackson's 1988 autobiography “Moonwalk” was edited by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. • Horses can't vomit. • Koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day. • The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” which uses every letter in the English alphabet, was developed by Western Union to test communication systems. • One out of every five people on

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the planet is Chinese. • On Valentine’s Day, nearly 189 million stems of roses are sold in the U.S. • The little dot over the lowercase letter ‘i’ is called a tittle. • The mask used by Michael Myers in the original “Halloween” movie was actually a Captain Kirk mask painted white. • About 10% of the world’s bird species live in Thailand, a greater diversity than in all of Europe or North America. • Voice actor Thurl Revenscroft sang “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and was also the voice of Tony the Tiger. • The Corduroy Appreciation Club celebrates 11-11-11 as ‘The Day That Most Resembles Corduroy.’ • Bug repellent doesn’t repel mosquitoes; it simply masks your body odor with a new scent that female mosquitoes dislike. • Rome was the first city to reach a million people. • Fortune cookies were invented by a cook in San Francisco in 1920. • The bladder of a male lobster is located in its head. When they fight, they squirt each other in the face with urine. • The oldest living organism on earth ever verified was a Great Basin bristlecone pine tree in Nevada called Prometheus that was measured by a ring count to be about 4,900 years old when it was cut down in 1964. • George Washington was a redhead. • Michigan has more shoreline than the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S. • Texas is larger than every country in Europe. • The characters Bert and Ernie on “Sesame Street” were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's film “It’s A Wonderful Life.” • When director George Lucas was mixing soundtrack for the film “American Graffiti” he numbered the reels of film starting with an R and numbered the dialog starting with a D. When the sound

designer requested Reel 2, Dialog 2 by requesting “R2D2” George liked the way it sounded so much that he worked it into his Star Wars project. • The Sahara desert is larger than the continental U.S. • Whales, dolphins, and porpoises move by plunging their tails up and down, unlike fish, which move their tails from side to side. • In 1949, brothers Forrest and Leroy Raffel created a restaurant that sold roast beef sandwiches. They spelled out the initials “Raffel Brothers” (RB) to create the name Arby’s. • The deadliest natural disaster in the U.S. was the Galveston hurricane of 1900, which killed between 8,000-12,000 people. • China and the U.S. are about the same size but China’s population is four times larger. • Thomas Jefferson first introduced French fries to the White House.

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• Average cubic feet of gas a cow belches each day: 35 • Gallons of milk a good dairy cow can produce daily: 8 gallons (30 l) • Gallons of urine produced daily: 30 (113 l) • Pounds of manure produced daily: 60 (27 kg) • Distance of world record toss of a cow chip: 266 ft (81 m) • Number of times an average cow stands up and sits down daily: 14 • Percent of DNA genome cows share with humans: 80 • Normal lifespan of a cow: 20-25 years • Typical lifespan of a beef steer: 2 years • Number of cows in the U.S.: 90 million • Number of people in the U.S.: 318 million • Percent of U.S. beef cows in Texas: 13% • Approximate percent of food budget Americans spend on dairy products: 12% • Average number of people killed by cows in U.S. annually: 20 • Average number of people killed by bee stings in the U.S. annually: 60 • Number of 7-ounce (200 g) servings of beef a typical cow will yield: 1,000 • Average annual consumption of beef by Americans: 61 lbs. (27 kg) • Average annual consumption of poultry by Americans: 97 lbs. (45 kg) • Approx. number of cows consumed by McDonalds per day: 2,500 • Percent of U.S. cattle purchased by McDonalds: 1 • Number of cows a typical

Do you have common warts? Volunteers, ages 18 years of age and older are wanted for a research study that will compare investigational topical study medications for common warts.



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For more information, please call: 763-502-2941 American will eat in a lifetime: 350 • The Latin word ‘caput’ meaning ‘head’ is the origin of the word ‘capital’ meaning ‘a principle sum of money.’ That word went into the Anglo-Norman language as ‘catel’ and the Old French language as ‘chatel.’ That evolved into the word ‘cattle’ because a person measured wealth in terms of how many head of livestock they owned. The Old English word ‘feoh’ also meant cattle or property, and survives as our word ‘fee.’ • Cattle were domesticated some 10,000 years ago, descended from a species of wild ox called aurochs which is now

extinct. DNA studies have shown that it’s likely the 1.4 billion cattle that now inhabit the earth are descendants of a single herd of auroch. • Christopher Columbus brought cattle with him on his second journey in 1493. Texas longhorns descended from the cattle explorer Coronado brought with him in the year 1540. • Cows have nearly panoramic vision, being able to see 300 degrees from side to side. This helps them spot predators as they graze. Their sense of smell is highly developed and it’s been estimated they can catch a whiff of a predator at a distance of

six miles (9.6 km). • Cows have 32 teeth, but they are all located on the bottom part of the jaw. The top part of the mouth is a hard platform of skin which serves as a grinding pad. • Cattle are ruminants, meaning they have a digestive system that allows them to digest difficult foods by regurgitating and re-chewing the cud. The cud is then re-swallowed and further digested by specialized microorganisms in the four different compartments of the stomach, called a rumen. They can digest things such as almond shells and shredded newspaper.

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Volunteers, ages 9 years of age and older are wanted for an investigational drug research study that will compare topical study medications for acne.


WE HAVE A 3 MONTH STUDY THAT YOU OR YOUR CHILD MAY QUALIFY FOR. All participants are seen by a board certified Dermatologist No cost study related evaluations Qualified participants will be reimbursed for time and travel Parental (or legal guardian) consent is required for all participants under the age of 18.

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* Medical condition improves * Additional income * Overpayments

SENIOR NEWS LINE By Matilda Charles

Lifestyle Changes and Social Security With a new year it’s time to get organized, and Social Security should be at the top of the list. If we’ve had any changes in our lives that could affect our benefits, we need to tell officials right away if we collect retirement, disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). By law, we need to notify Social Security no later than 10 days after the end of the month when the change occurred. Here are some of the changes Social Security needs to know about, depending which benefits you receive: * Address * Telephone * Change in ability to work * Return to work

Financial changes are most important: You could be eligible for more benefits ... or less. If you receive SSI and you don’t let Social Security know (or you let them know after that 10 days), you could be subject to a penalty. Worse, if you don’t report changes quickly enough, no matter what kind of benefit you receive, you can be sanctioned and lose your payments for six months. If it happens again, that would increase to 12 or 24 months with no payments. There are three publications that are helpful in learning our responsibilities: What You Need to Know When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits, What You Need to Know When You Get Supplemental Security Income, and What You Need to Know When You Get Retirement or Survivors Benefits. Those publications can be read online at www.socialsecurity. gov. Or you can call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you need the TTY number, that’s 1-800-325-0778. If you’re online, take a look every week at the Social Security blog ( It will keep you up on new information you need. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Are Craigslist and Smilar Sites a Threat to the Thrift Industry? Selling your stuff rather than donating it is easier than ever thanks to free websites like Craigslist. And with plenty of people looking for a way to make ends meet, it seems logical that more people would prefer to sell their items rather than take a tax deduction. Is that likely to hurt the resale industry? Online classified sites have made an impact on the thrift industry since they’ve appeared in the last 15 years, but they certainly haven’t put retail stores out of business. In the end, many people find it troublesome when posting an ad, inviting strangers to their homes, and haggling over prices. While some high-value items may be more likely to end up on Craigslist, plenty are still coming to thrift stores. In fact, many thrift stores are also becoming intermediary safe pickup and shipping centers for the public posting items on ebay and craigslist. Trying to sell something? Give a local reputable thriftstore a call. It used to be that thrift shops were only for poor people, college students and serious bargain hunters. Those groups are still well-represented, but they aren’t the only ones. The recent recession introduced many new shoppers to second-hand stores. Middle class families tightening their belts after job losses and wage cuts started going to thrift stores instead of bigbox locations to look for the items they needed. The do-it-yourself (or DIY) movement really took off during the recession and has grabbed hold of millions of people across the country, particularly younger folks. Those people are flocking to thrift stores in search of clothing to upcycle or turn into costumes; craft goods for home projects; and furniture they can refinish. The popularity of the “industrial” and vintage looks in home décor and the steam punk or retro looks for clothing is also driving demand for the items available in resale shops. The Oregon Employment Department notes that surveys show young people “value unique and original styles, which often leads them to favor vintage and retro clothing or décor.” That, in turn, drives them to shop at thrift stores rather than more traditional retailers. Staff at St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County often hear that “treasure hunting” is one of our customers’ favorite parts of the thrift store experience, and more people are getting in on the fun. The popularity of websites like eBay and television shows like “American Pickers” are making people more comfortable (and even excited) about the idea of buying used. The Grammy Award-winning song “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis didn’t hurt either. The thrift industry is becoming more professional. As thrift stores have become more mainstream businesses, they’ve had to start operating more like businesses. Newspaper articles from across the country quote resale business owners and managers reporting that they’re focusing on keeping stores clean, organizing items in an attractive way, and generally strive to make their shops nicer, more “shopable" environments. In short, more people now feel comfortable going there and including re-use shopping for satisfying some of their regular shopping needs. If your looking to put more imagination and nostalgia in your life and keep more money in your pocket, go to the thift store and let its creative juices run wild. After all, re-using is good for everyone and our planet will thank you.

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REMEMBERING HERO'S Vietnam War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. He served as a Master Sergeant during the Korean War and was given a battlefield commission during the Battle of Pork Chop Hill. At that point in his career his dream was to attend flight school. However, because of his six foot four stature he was considered too tall. In 1955 the height limit was raised allowing Freeman to enroll fulfilling a lifelong dream. The nickname "Too Tall" stuck with him throughout his military career. It would be during the Vietnam War that Freeman would receive the honor for heroic actions in battle. As an Army helicopter pilot during the Vietnam war and flight leader, second in command, he flew fourteen separate rescue missions, providing life saving evacuation of an estimated 30 seriously wounded soldiers at a heavily engaged infantry battalion at Landing Zone X-Ray in the la Drang Valley. He was awarded the Medal of Honor by President George W. Bush in July of 2001. His Citation reads: "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty: Captain Ed W. Freeman, United States Army, distinguished himself by numerous acts of conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary intrepidity on 14 November 1965 while serving with Company A, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). As a flight leader and second in command of a 16helicopter lift unit, he supported a heavily engaged American infantry battalion at Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley, Republic of Vietnam. The unit was almost out of ammunition after taking some of the heaviest casualties of the war, fighting off a relentless attack from a highly motivated, heavily armed enemy force. When the infantry commander closed the helicopter


landing zone due to intense direct enemy fire, Captain Freeman risked his own life by flying his unarmed helicopter through a gauntlet of enemy fire time after time, delivering critically needed ammunition, water and medical supplies to the besieged battalion. His flights had a direct impact on the battle's outcome by providing the engaged units with timely supplies of ammunition critical to their survival, without which they would almost surely have gone down, with much greater loss of life. After medical evacuation helicopters refused to fly into the area due to intense enemy fire. Captain Freeman flew 14 separate rescue missions, providing life-saving evacuation of an estimated 30 seriously wounded soldiers -- some of whom would not have survived had he not acted. All flights were made into a small emergency landing zone within 100 to 200 meters of the defensive perimeter where heavily committed units were perilously holding off the attacking elements. Captain Freeman's selfless acts of great valor, extraordinary perseverance and intrepidity were far above and beyond the call of duty or mission and set a superb example of leadership and courage for all of his peers. Captain Freeman's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army." His heroics grew nationwide attention when his character was played by Mark McCracken in the film, "We Were Soldiers." Freeman died from complications of Parkinson's Disease at age 80. Birth: Nov. 20, 1927 Neely, Mississippi, USA. Death: Aug. 20, 2008 Boise, Idaho, USA.

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(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Tidbits® readership is audited by CVC Call 763-218-0033 for the report.

► Parts of Australia have been undergoing an intense drought for more than a decade. The water shortage has been so severe that in 2002, the nation’s environmental minister issued a plea for those in affected areas to shower with a partner in order to conserve the scarce resource.

► If you’re planning to wrap a mummy in the proper Egyptian manner, you’ll need about 500 feet of linen to finish the job.

► You’ve probably noticed that St. Pauli Girl beer has on its label the image of a buxom blond beauty. You probably aren’t aware, however, that the beer was named after the St. Pauli neighborhood of Hamburg, Germany -- a notorious red-light district. So while you may think the lovely image is that of a simple serving girl, it’s not out of the question that the lady’s occupation may have been somewhat less savory.

► In a survey conducted in five major U.S. cities, men were asked to choose which activity they’d rather do: spend a romantic evening in a hotel with a sexy woman, or go to the Super Bowl. Three-quarters of respondents chose the football game.

► Those who study such things say that when Jell-O is hooked up to an EEG machine, the movements registered are almost identical to those produced by the human brain.

► In some parts of colonial America it was illegal to kiss your spouse in public.

► The Taj Mahal, widely known as “the jewel of Muslim art in India,” was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, who wanted the tomb of his favorite wife to be housed in splendor. After construction was complete, Jahan wanted to ensure that this architectural wonder would never have a rival, so he had the chief architect and main artisans put to death. The stone masons who had done the best work on the structure had their hands amputated, and the artists responsible for the delicate inlay work were blinded.

► If you live east of the Rocky Mountains, you’ve probably spent summer evenings watching the flashing green or yellow lights of those beetles we call fireflies. You might be surprised to learn, though, that different species have different colored lights. For instance, the Paraguayan railway beetle can show both green and red lights (like a railway lantern; hence, the name).

► Those who study such things say that Roman emperor Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus was more than 8 feet tall.

► It was noted 20th-century French-Swiss film director, screenwriter and critic Jean-Luc Godard who made the following sage observation: “A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.”

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Continued Pg. 2

• The average home buyer looks at 14 homes before making a purchase. • The average American lives in 30 different abodes over the course of a lifetime. • Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has gone on record saying he witnessed a UFO. • Between 1900 and 1920, Tug of War was an officially sanctioned Olympic event.

• January 4 has been designated National Trivia Day, so come along with Tidbits as we delve into the most trivial of facts! TRIVIAL DRIVEL • On an average day in New York City, almost a million people use taxis. • Washington, D.C., has the lowest marriage rate in the U.S., along with New Jersey. Nevada has the highest, and Hawaii is second. • Liza Minnelli, daughter of Judy Garland, married Jack Haley, Jr, the son of Jack Haley who played the Tin Man in "The Wizard of Oz." • Steven Spielberg was just 26 years old when he directed "Jaws." • The average American business lunch lasts 67 minutes, but the average French business lunch lasts 124 minutes. • When Hitler’s associate Ernst Hanfstaengl told him that his short mustache was unfashionable, Hitler responded: “If it is not the fashion now, it will be because I wear it.” • Only 2% of the world’s population is naturally blonde. • There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia.



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