8 minute read
August Tide Table
1. Sun. 2. Mon. 3. Tues. 4. Wed. 5. Thurs. 6. Fri. 7. Sat. 8. Sun. 9. Mon. 10. Tues. 11. Wed. 12. Thurs. 13. Fri. 14. Sat. 15. Sun. 16. Mon. 17. Tues. 18. Wed. 19. Thurs. 20. Fri. 21. Sat. 22. Sun. 23. Mon. 24. Tues. 25. Wed. 26. Thurs. 27. Fri. 28. Sat. 29. Sun. 30. Mon. 31. Tues. 10:28 11:21 12:49 1:37 2:20 3:01 3:40 4:19 4:57 5:36 6:16 6:57 7:40 8:27 9:19 10:18 11:22 12:35 1:36 2:35 3:29 4:19 5:03 5:44 6:22 6:59 7:35 8:13 8:56 9:45 10:43 11:57 12:20 1:20 2:17 3:08 3:55 4:39 5:21 6:05 6:53 7:41 8:34 9:31 10:30 11:32 12:30 1:36 2:37 3:33 4:25 5:15 6:03 6:52 7:40 8:30 9:20 10:12 11:05 11:58
6:19 7:29 8:29 9:18 9:59 10:36 11:10 11:43 12:15pm 12:16 1:12 2:15 3:28 4:47 6:08 7:21 8:24 9:18 10:06 10:50 11:30 10:07pm 12:34 1:27 2:23 3:26 4:35 5:47 6:53 4:52 5:34 6:21 7:12 8:04 8:56 9:46 10:36 11:25 12:47 1:19 1:51 2:26 3:03 3:46 4:36 5:35 6:39 7:47 8:52 9:53 10:49 11:42 12:41 1:11 1:39 2:06 2:37 3:12 3:55 4:45
SHARP’S IS. LIGHT: 46 minutes before Oxford TILGHMAN: Dogwood Harbor same as Oxford EASTON POINT: 5 minutes after Oxford CAMBRIDGE: 10 minutes after Oxford CLAIBORNE: 25 minutes after Oxford ST. MICHAELS MILES R.: 47 min. after Oxford WYE LANDING: 1 hr. after Oxford ANNAPOLIS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford KENT NARROWS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford CENTREVILLE LANDING: 2 hrs. after Oxford CHESTERTOWN: 3 hrs., 44 min. after Oxford 3 month tides at www.tidewatertimes.com 43
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Curve Balls provoked (meaning something caused it to start, she wasn’t born with it) and refractory (meaning it isn’t responding to medication the way it should). Life is full of curve balls. Once you’ve seen a few fastballs, get used to them, get your timing down, get ready ~ you are swinging way ahead of a new kind of pitch you didn’t know was a thing. They come in all shapes and sizes. The one thing about them is that you have to adapt. Since coming home to Oxford and Easton in September 2015,
into her spine and caused her brain to swell, provoking that and subsequent and ongoing seizures. The doctors, nurses and technicians at Children’s were rock stars, stayed the course and sent Ava home to conquer fifth grade. Since then, she has been on medication to manage her seizures and we have learned a bit about the world of epilepsy,
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Ava has finished elementary and middle school, made honor roll several times, played field hockey and lacrosse, started high school and lives the life of a teenager. She has also had a few ambulance rides, been in and out of hospitals, taken a pharmacy’s worth of daily doses of anti-seizure medications and has to hold off on driving until we can figure out how to fully manage her epilepsy.
We all learn to deal with curve balls in our own way. Ava has her approach and her story. I can only speak from my experience as a father. For me, the ongoing, unfolding responses have circled around gratitude, faith and grace. I came back from Pittsburgh full of gratitude for Ava coming home and getting back to life. I knew it had nothing to do with me and that I wanted to show how grateful I was. A friend invited me to church. I went. And that was a new beginning to hearing a calling to go further, something that continues to transform my life, heart and mind ~ when I get out of the way. This fall will be five years since I started working at Christ Church Easton. Ava’s experience and my life taking a new direction are connected. Gratitude transforms: everything from events, to people, to moments. It can transform our awareness. In his book Whistling in the Dark, writer and theologian Frederick Buechner wrote about
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Matthew’s Gospel where Peter, James and John see Jesus transformed on the mountaintop and how the same thing can happen to any of us, at any moment, in everyday life, if we will see it.
“Even with us something like that happens once in a while. The face of a man walking his child in the park, of a woman picking peas in the garden, of sometimes even the unlikeliest person listening to a concert,

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Rustic charmer in Sailors Retreat with Main house, guest cottage and for the boating and fi shing enthusiast a dock with 4+/- ft. MLW, boat lift, water, electric and a fi sh cleaning station. REDUCED to $1,350,000
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101 N. West Street, Easton, MD 21601 Cell: 410-310-8606 Office: 410-822-2001 tljordan520@gmail.com
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Curve Balls ing, life can seem like an endless desert of danger with scratchy say, or standing barefoot in the sand sand in your shoes, and yet if we watching the waves roll in, or just remember or are reminded to pay having a beer at a Saturday base- attention, we find so many sourcball game in July. Every once and es of hidden water, so many bits so often, something so touching, so and chips and washes of color, in incandescent, so alive transfigures a weed or the gravel or a sunrise. the human face that it’s almost be- There are so many ways to sweep yond bearing.” the sand off our feet. So we say, ‘Oh
Gratitude transforms our aware- my God. Thanks.’” ness, and our awareness trans- We have a lot of metaphors workforms our lives. It’s up to us to see ing here, so I hope you’ll bear with it. And maybe curve balls help us me. Life is hard and painful and re-focus. unbearable at times. And there are
Anne Lamott is one of my fa- countless people going through so vorite writers. In her book Help, much worse than what I have expeThanks, Wow, she looks at what rienced. In whatever we are dealing she calls the three essential with, we may reach a point where prayers. The “thanks” prayer is not we let go of what we are clinging just about all the wonderful things to and throw our hands up and ask that happen to us along the way. for help (another of Anne Lamott’s
“Without revelation and refram- prayers ~ she may be on to something). There is grace in those moments. Or, as happens so frequently today, life might be speeding by in a blur and we are focusing on careers, bills, what other people think and missing so much going by us. We get looking for fastballs. And then comes the curve. No parent wants their child to go through something traumatic or to have life or the teenage years be even more difficult than they are for most kids. But we also learn that there are things beyond our control. Things I can’t fix, as badly as I want to.