Tidewater TimesAugust2022

Tom & Debra Crouch Benson & Mangold Real Estate 211 N. Talbot St., St. Michaels · 410-745-0415 Tom Crouch: 410-310-8916 Debra Crouch: dcrouch@bensonandmangold.comtcrouch@bensonandmangold.com410-924-0771 www.SaintMichaelsWaterfront.com Historic St. Michaels - This c. 1890 home is loaded with character - expansive living room with gleaming wood floors, cozy den with fireplace and built-in bookshelves, cook’s kitchen with vaulted ceiling and large island, and breakfast room overlooking the landscaped yard. The upstairs features a large primary suite plus two bedrooms and a bath. The one-bedroom guest cottage is adorable! Just listed $825,000 St. Michaels - This c. 1892 home radiates a happy well-loved feel that seamlessly mixes old charm with modern conveniences. Extensively renovated by the current owners, it features original hardwood floors, one downstairs bedroom and full bath plus three bedrooms and full bath upstairs, new two-zone central a/c and heating, a shady screened porch and large fenced yard. Rails to Trails is a half block away and all of St. Michaels’ shops and restaurants are nearby. $695,000


2 Stock from Three Stores Available for Delivery Including Chaddock • Century • Lillian August • The Ralph Lauren Home Collection jconnscott.com J. Conn Scott 6 E. Church St. Selbyville, DE 302 · 436 · 8205 Showhouse 27 Baltimore Ave. Rehoboth Beach, DE 302 · 227 ٠ 3780 Interiors 19535 Camelot Dr. Rehoboth Beach, DE 302 · 227 ٠ 1850 SinceSummer1924

3 Anne B. Farwell & John D. Farwell, Co-Publishers Editor: Jodie Littleton Proofing: Kippy Requardt Deliveries: Nancy Smith & Brandon Coleman P. O. Box 1141, Easton, Maryland 21601 410-714-9389 www.tidewatertimes.com info@tidewatertimes.com Published Monthly Tidewater Times is published monthly by Bailey-Farwell, LLC. Advertising rates upon request. Subscription price is $35 per year. Individual copies are $4. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in part or whole without prior approval of the publisher. Printed by Delmarva Printing, Inc. The publisher does not assume any liability for errors and/or omissions. Vol. 71, No. 3 August 2022 Features: Publishers' Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 About the Cover Artist: Donna Tolbert-Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 The Glory of the Snow Cone: Helen Chappell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 An Anegada Adventure - Part 2: Bonna L. Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ed & Helen Thieler - The Oxford Years: Michael Valliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Tidewater Gardening: K. Marc Teffeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 When Pigs Fly: A.M. Foley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Tidewater Kitchen: Pamela Meredith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 If These Walls Could Talk: Leslie Orndoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Women Make an Impact on the 2022 Chesapeake Film Festival . . . . . . . . 131 Where to Stay in Talbot County: James Dawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Changes - Coming Again - A Work Progress: Roger Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . 163 Departments: August Tide Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Easton Map and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Caroline County ~ A Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Queen Anne's County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Dorchester Map and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 St. Michaels Map and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Oxford Map and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Kent County and Chestertown at a Glance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109



6 902 Talbot Street, St. Michaels, MD 410-745-5192 · 410-822-8256 · Mon. - Fri. 8-5, Sat. 10 - 4 higginsandspencer.com · higginsandspencer.hdwfg.com The finest in home furnishings, interior design, appliances, floor coverings, custom draperies and re-upholstery. Voted Best Interior Design Services and Furniture Store on the Shore!

7 While 70 years has been a giant milestone for Tidewater Times, we need to acknowledge some of our advertisers and other businesses in the area that have similar birthdays thisWhileyear.we think 70 years is an ac complishment, some of our advertisers have even more to crow about. C. Albert Matthews and the Avalon Theatre are both celebrating 100 this year. J. Conn Scott - 98 years; Shearer the Jeweler - 96 years; Frank E. Daffin, Inc. - 86 years; Higgins and Spencer - 80 years and Lu-Ev Framing - 70 years. Of course, then you have other places like Wades Point Inn celebrating 146 years and the Robert Morris Inn that's been around for over 300 years! So, happy birthday to our friends Publishers’ Note: Celebrating 70 Years! and customers. It is a pleasure to be amongst such impressive company! ~ Anne Farwell "The Tidewater Times and Shearer the Jeweler… I have been advertising my business in the Tidewater Times for as long as I can remember. The mixture of great articles and creative ad posts make for the perfect combi nation for readers. My clients pick up for tide tables and give positive feedback when seeing my ad. Con gratulations to the seventy year anniversary. Thank you for con tinuing to produce this product. The photographs are first class. The best pocket size magazine you will everBestsee."to you ~ Steve Shearer

8 Inquire at 410.356.1620 | BobJacksonLandscapes.com ExceptionalLandscapesDesigners,ArtisansandCaretakersof

About the Cover Photographer Donna Tolbert-Anderson in lower-slower Delaware. He liked Helen’s stories because we grew up in West Grove and he knew her father. Even now, I send Helen’s stories to my friend in Pennsylvania.
I was so excited when Anne Farwell asked to use one of my images on the August cover so I could ditch my boring bio. I don’t like writing about myself or being in front of the camera, so I would like to take this opportunity to offer my personal congratulations to Tidewater Times for 70 years of publishing. This is now my 15th cover shot for this great little magazine, with my first cover being in June 2008 of a Sanderling. Anne Farwell and Dave Pulzone were simply top-notch people to work with. I appreciate the confidence they had in my images, and I am humbled and flattered. I always made sure my parents got a copy of the Tidewater Times. My father had a boat and he couldn’t wait to read the tide tables even though he lived
. Thank you Anne and Dave for inviting me along for the ride, and I wish Tidewater Times many more years of success.
Tom's Cove Chincoteague
I’ve always felt that to be a serious wildlife photographer you have to be a little crazy, and I am no exception. I have been sharing the natural world for over fourteen years at the Saturday Easton Farmers Market and I always have a stack of Tidewater Times on my table. My artwork can be purchased directly from me at the Saturday market or through my website, whiteegretstudio.com

10 Pools • Outdoor Entertaining Areas • Landscaping 410-266-8700 www.olmobros.com Create your outdoor oasis!

The Glory of the Snow Cone by Helen Chappell
There was a time, not too long in the past, when there was a lady in St. Michaels who would put a sign outside her door every summer picturing a snow cone. No writing, just a snow cone. That was all that was needed.Youwould knock on her door and she would let you come on her porch, where she had a crushed ice machine and an entire array of sweet syrups, the colors of jewels lined up in the sun. For a nominal amount, you could pick a fl avor and she would fi ll a paper cone with ice, then squirt the fl avored syrup of your choice on top. This sweet, sugary, deeply fl avored treat was your snow cone, a blessed treat on a hot summer day when you could cut the humidity with a knife. Which would be almost any summer day on the Shore. Where breathing the humidity was like inhaling raspberry Jell-O. Raspberry is also a popular fl avor, by the Snowway.cones, or snow ice or snowballs or whatever name they go by where you came from in Maryland, were and are part of everyone’s summer life. Right up there with steamed crabs, Old Bay and Natty Boh. They’re downright patriotic in the Old Line State. In my journalist days, when I’d drive up from a full day of covering the Tilghman waterfront, I’d always stop and get me a snow cone. I liked lime, which tasted about as much as the fruit for which it was named as nothing.Snow cone syrups are thick and deeply, sugary sweet, so cloying you can feel the cavities forming, and

12 7B Goldsborough St., Easton www.studio443-988-1818Bartgallery.com Representing National & Award-WinningInternationalArtists “Afternoon at Tilghman Island” QiangbyHuang Looking forward to seeing you! Look for the OPEN sign! come in flavors that have never been outside the lab in which they were created. Your average lime-flavored snowball is as close to citrus as I am to being Queen Marie of Romania, but I tell you, in spite of all the sugar and chemicals ~ or maybe because of them ~ it is deeply, deeply satis fying, especially after a rough day of playing Margaret Mead to the watermen of Tilghman, such as they were back in those days. Not that they were mean to me, most of the time, or unfriendly. It’s just that leaning into the bed of someone’s pickup truck down at Dogwood Cove, intently listening to other people talk about places and persons you know nothing about but are trying hard to learn, is exhausting. Fun, but exhausting. But a snow cone just melted on my tongue, and all that sweet, choppy flavor chilled down my insides, kind of cleaning out the hard work of col lecting information for a story. And it still does, from time to time. Snow Cone

13 13 Goldsborough Street ♦ Easton, Maryland 410.822.2211 ♦ Open Mon. - Sat. 10-5 www.dwellinganddesign.com Unique Home Furnishings & Interior Design Services Follow us forInstagramonSpecials.


15 McMartin&BegginsFURNITUREMAKERS Custom Design, Benchmade Furniture & Expert Restoration Visit our showroom in Wittman or at www.McMartinBeggins.com 410.745.5715 Maple, Walnut and Fiber Baskets A Sorted Affair

16 a mid-century modern gallery 22-A North Harrison Street, Easton, MD | 443-239-6668 Visit Thu.-Fri. 11am-4 pm | Sat. 10 am-4 pm | 11am-3 pm or by appointment the modern bulldog email: themodernbulldog@yahoo.com instagram: @themodernbulldog website: www.themodernbulldog.net etsy: TheModernBulldog.etsy.com


18 So looking back, years later, that snow cone stop was both a quencher and a way of censing my mental palate. I am also addicted to sweet green fl avors over cracked ice. It’s not that I don’t like ice cream, gelato or soft ice cream, because I do. There’s just something special about the crunch of ice in your mouth and the delicious shock of some faux fl avor on your taste buds that means when you’ve got that craving, nothing else will do. Recently, I mentioned snow cones on a Facebook page dedicated to local topics, and the response was so big it surprised me. Snow cones are still a popular topic, and that lady in St. Michaels is fondly remembered for her special brand by a large population. No one could recall her name, but she was near Big Al’s and her husband, they said, made crab pots. Like many other wonderful things, she seems to be gone now, but I hope wherever she is, she knows how many people appreciSnow Cone Lona is a 3rd generation realtor in the family business with her father as the current broker since 1978. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS!
Lona Sue Taylor410.310.0222ToddProperties800.913.4326
Lona has lived on the Eastern Shore her entire life. Her local knowledge and connections make her an expert in the area. Providing customer service with honesty and integrity is important to her!

19 22 North Washington Street, Historic Easton shearerthejeweler.com410-822-2279 22 North Washington Street, Historic Easton www.shearerthejeweler.com410-822-2279 August Birthstone Peridot

20 ated her and her snow cones, and how much she’s missed in a world that’s too full of slick commercialism, franchises and people who wouldn’t understand the charm of a snow cone if they were a soul in hell and that snow cone was ice water.
Helen Chappell is the creator of the Sam and Hollis mystery series and the Oysterback stories, as well as The Chesapeake Book of the Dead . Under her pen names, Rebecca Baldwin and Caroline Brooks, she has published a number of historical novels. Snow Cone
Other people recalled other snow cone stands in other places: Denton, Chestertown, Cambridge, Ocean City. And everyone seemed to have wonderful memories of them. Some people were able to suggest places you could still get a snow cone. A local truck will be offering snowballs at both the St. Michaels and Easton pools, and I’m sure there are other places where you can sample such exotic fl avors as Dubonnet and Spearmint and Sriracha. If you can dream it, someone will make a fl avored syrup of it. All the great comfort foods come wrapped in memories and guilty pleasures. The snow cone is one of the best of summer. It eases heat, satisfies thirst and freezes the brain.

21 WINK COWEE, ASSOCIATE BROKER Benson & Mangold Real Estate 211 N. Talbot St. St. Michaels, MD 21663 410-310-0208 (DIRECT) 410-745-0415 www.BuyTheChesapeake.com(OFFICE)winkcowee@gmail.com
“THE WEBER HOUSE,” - an historic home in the charming and very popular community of Fairbank. Built in the late 1800’s this home has been carefully preserved and updated and provides comfortable living areas from the great room to the master suite w/ sitting room and o ce. Double porches on the water side, pier and boat ramp. A large outbuilding provides a spacious workshop area plus a studio apartment w/full bath and kitchenette. Main house has wood oors throughout, 4 BRs, 3-½ BAs, LR w/ replace, great room, separate dining, 2 screened porches and patio area. $1,375,000
AFFORDABLE WATERFRONT NEAR ST. MICHAELS! - This unique retreat is tucked away at the end of a private drive, surrounded by mature trees. First time o ered, a 3 BR/2 BA home with vaulted ceilings, skylights, and an open oorplan. The wrap-around screened porch connects with the large deck surrounding the pool. The waterfront has a private pier with protected water and approximately 3.5 ft. mlw. Fish, crab, or just enjoy the views as you relax by the water. Located in an historic village, close to public landing and park. $449,000


23 Cheri Bruce-Phipps m +1 443 994 2164 Annapolis Brokerage 209 Main Street, Annapolis, MD +1 410 280 5600 | ttrsir.com Cheri Bruce-Phipps IS EXCITED TO JOIN TTR SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY cheribrucephipps.ttrsir.com m 443 994 2164 | cbrucephipps@ttrsir.com 17 Goldsborough Street Easton, MD 21601 O: 410-673-3344 Cheri Bruce-Phipps m +1 443 994 2164 cheribrucephipps.comcbrucephipps@ttrsir.com Annapolis Brokerage 209 Main Street, Annapolis, MD +1 410 280 5600 | ttrsir.com Cheri Bruce-Phipps TTR SOTHEBY’S INTER N A TIONAL I N ANNA PO L I S Cheri Bruce-Phipps m +1 443 994 2164 cheribrucephipps.comcbrucephipps@ttrsir.com Annapolis Brokerage 209 Main Street, Annapolis, MD +1 410 280 5600 | ttrsir.com Cheri Bruce-Phipps TTR SOTHEBY’S INTER N A TIONAL I N ANNA PO L I S IN TOWN LIVING AT ITS BEST! This beautifully renovated, 2 bedroom, Craftsman style floor plan, large master suite, Georgia heart pine flooring, Dacor & SubZero appliances. Large detached garage/workshop Whether you prefer walking to town or watching the many this home offers it all! Offered at $489,900

24 Waterfront Estates, Farms and Hunting Properties also available. Kathy 410-924-4814(C)Christensen·410-822-1415(O ) Benson & Mangold Real Estate 27999 Oxford Road, Oxford, Maryland 21654 kccamb@gmail.com · www.kathychristensen.com Oceanfront Perfection! Fabulous direct oceanfront end unit with southern exposure! 1 BR, 1 BA second floor unit with stunning panoramic views. Never rented, this unit has been renovated and meticulously maintained. Oversized oceanfront balcony (14’ x 15’) perfect for watching sunrises, ocean gazing and hosting family & friends. Ideal 76th street location. Sold furnished and ready to go! Start creating your OC memories now! Building is non smoking. $429,000. Prime building and location in the heart of St. Michaels! High traffic area with good visibility. Property consists of 4,700+/- sf 2-story building with fenced courtyard and private off street parking. Zoned commercial, most recent use is restaurant with seating on first and second floor, bar and patio. New roof and siding in 2022. Possible owner financing and other opportunities. Many potential uses. $1,385,000 . UNDER CONTRACT

An Anegada Adventure Filled with Surprises
by Bonna L. Nelson
- Part 2
The dazzling, sugar-white sand beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters of the hidden gem, the British Virgin Island (BVI) of Anegada, was our home for two weeks on a recent Caribbean island adventure. The only resort on the remote, sparsely populated island, Anegada Beach Club (ABC), was where we slept, played and frequently ate. A comfortable rented SUV was our means to explore the towns, beaches, restau rants, shops, harbor, natural areas, flora, fauna and one museum. After inhaling ABC’s breakfast of coconut-dusted French toast smothered in coconut syrup, accom panied by fresh melon and papaya, we hopped in our transport to embark on the day’s expedition. After a bouncy ride on the sand-covered coral main road, we found a small grocery store in the nearby town of Setting Point, one of only two towns on the Settingisland.Point embraces the only harbor on the reef-surrounded island of Anegada. At the harbor dock, ferry boats from Tortola and other islands deposit and pick up goods and passengers. The harbor is also a popular destination for sailors cruising the BVIs who like to anchor out, dinghy in and partake of the abundant lobster, conch and other delicacies that the island has to offer in addition to shopping, sightseeing and spending a day at the beach or at the ABC pool. We picked up some basics ~ bread, milk and fruit ~ as well as treats such as rum, pina colada mix and pine

26 OXFORD | $750,000 | www.CapsizeOXMDforSale.com BENSON & MANGOLD REAL ESTATE Chuck Mangold Jr. - Associate Broker C 410.924.8832 O 410.822.6665 chuck@chuckmangold.com · www.chuckmangold.com 31 Goldsborough Street, Easton, Maryland 21601 Turn-key and established waterfront restaurant featuring transient slips and ample parking located in historic Oxford,MD. Enjoy an established clientele and well run business on day one.

Lovely brick colonial situated on expansive double lot in the heart of historic Easton. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home is brimming with classic charm from the side entry leading into the traditional “warming room”, to the period details found throughout including light fixtures and doorknobs. The kitchen is modern yet retains vintage appeal as it has new stainless steel appliances, durable laminate flooring and refinished original cabinetry with refurbished handles. Custom moldings and millwork found throughout the home add a touch of elegance. Each bedroom has direct access to an updated bathroom. New HVAC added to the second floor. Sunroom with wall of windows provides abundant light. Detached two-car garage and ample parking with circular drive. This stunning home is an absolute must see if you love classic charm with modern amenities. Just blocks from downtown Easton’s shops, restaurants and entertainment.
27 BENSON & MANGOLD REAL ESTATE Chuck Mangold Jr. - Associate Broker C 410.924.8832 O 410.822.6665 chuck@chuckmangold.com · www.chuckmangold.com 31 Goldsborough Street, Easton, Maryland 21601 EASTON | $1,295,000 | www.214SouthWashingtonStreet.com

28 apple juice. We visited harbor-based restaurants, including the Anegada Reef Hotel and Bar, Potter’s by the Sea and Wonky Dog, as well as a few souvenir and beachwear shops. Our big find for the day was the Pink Flamingo Smoothie, Bar & Restau rant on the main dusty road heading back to ABC. There we met the sweet, friendly proprietress, Glenora.
SURPRISE #1: Glenora not only operated the restaurant, she operated the only bakery on the island. We learned that all dinners and bakery goods must be ordered ahead, dinner by 4 p.m. Due to Anegada’s re moteness, restaurants, shops and the bakery are dependent on ferry and barge deliveries as well as the local fishermen’s catches to replenish food stocks. Order we did, from Flamingo, a spicy shrimp dinner for that night, which was scrumptious, and banana bread, humongous glazed cinnamon Anegada Adventure buns and blueberry muffins fresh from the oven, wrapped and ready for us to take for breakfasts on the balcony. Glenora never received her order of key lime juice to make us a key lime pie during those weeks, an example of the island’s dependency on imports. However, we were able to savor our favorite pie several times at the ABC. We never went hungry on Anegada and felt fortunate to be able to visit the intimate island getaway.
The Lobster Trap restaurant, a part of ~ but not on the campus of ~ ABC, is located within walking distance of Setting Point and is frequented by sailors from the vessels anchored in Anegada’s only harbor. Like most
SURPRISE #2, actually a shock: When we asked to pay the dinner and bakery bill, Glenora told us that Kasha, one of our ABC managers, had already paid it when she stopped by to pick up a carryout dinner while we were eating! Never had we ever! We sat there with mouths open in surprise. What to do to repay the amazing generosity? We thanked her profusely the next day and left an envelope of cash for her at the office when we departed the island. We made two other stops that day.


30 Brand New Single Family Homes Leasing Now! An Active 55+ Community in Bridgeville, Delaware

31 Stylishly Coastal! 106 Heritage Shores Circle, Bridgeville, DE 19933 (302) 281-1235 • www.coastalrun.com Contact Our Leasing Professionals Today! Leasing by the award-winning management company, Allen & Rocks, Inc. providing exceptional resident services since 1948. Open Floor Plans & Upscale Finishes for Luxury Living Gourmet Kitchens • Entertainment Sized Porches & Patios 2 Car Garages with Driveways • 1 Level Living or Loft Styles Maintenance Free Living Resort Amenities Right At Your Door Step! 45 Minutes to Rehoboth Beach Large Pond with Kayak Launch Dog Park • Walking Trails • Indoor & Outdoor Pools • Club House Woodworking Shop • On-Site Casual & Fine Dining • Conceirge Planned Events Health, Wellness & Fitness Center Pickle Ball & Tennis Courts Exclusive Access to the Finest Community Amenities Included in Your Lease Resort Living and So Much More

32 Hours: Mon.-Sat.: 10:30-5:30 31 N. Harrison St., 410-770-4374Easton Say hello to a new season at Lizzy Dee! of the restaurants, it was outdoor dining under a thatched roof on a beach overlooking a long pier and the harbor dotted with sailing vessels. We enjoyed lunch there later in the week, too. Our last stop was at the Fla mingo Pond Observation Deck, where, SURPRISE #3: We saw no pink flamingos! As recommended, we climbed to the two-story-high wooden viewing platform equipped with binoculars to look for the elusive, shy roseate or “greater fla mingo” flock said to occupy that salt pond area, but with no success. We were, however, delighted to see a multitude of other species, includ ing herons, terns, frigate birds, Anegada Adventure


34 sandpipers, seagulls, egrets, plovers and pelicans on the salt fl ats, which helped us to overcome our fl amingo disappointment.Afteralazyday at pool and beach, including beach walking, beach combing and kite surfer watching, we journeyed to the other side of the island. Our destination was the Big Bamboo restaurant, famed for its grilled lobster. We frequently passed the ubiquitous feral cattle, donkeys and goats along the way. We were more than pleased with the large, sweet, juicy, buttery lobster and spicy grilled vegetables. The wood-framed outdoor restaurant is located on a not-to-be-missed Anegada Adventure beach at Loblolly Bay. Loblolly Bay and Beach are named after the pine trees of the same name that line the brilliant white-sand beach on the north side of Anegada. John embarked on a guided bone fishing excursion on the flats the next day, during which he encountered not many bone fish but groups of green turtles and the famous conch mounds at the end of the island (historically signifi cant Arawak conch


Anegada Adventure Offered at $479,000
36 middens now mounded by local licensed conch watermen).
While lounging and journaling at the pool, I was approached by one of the ABC landscapers. SURPRISE #4: The young man offered me a fresh coconut from the coconut palms surrounding the pool and restaurant/ tiki bar. He sliced off the top of the coconut, placed a straw in the opening and, voilà, fresh, sweet, healthy, unexpected coconut water! Heaven on earth. Paradise. At the end of week one, we moved out to the beach for our planned week-long palapa experience. Palapas are generally simple dwellings with palm-thatched roofs, usually open-sided and commonly found at Caribbean resort restaurants and Tiki bars. Our palapa, one of ABC’s ten such dwellings, was elevated, atop the dunes, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean crashing over the reef that surrounds Anegada. The palapa tent walls were enclosed with canvas on three sides


Anegada Adventure We realized that “glampers” we were not. We missed the comforts of airconditioning, our mini fridge and quiet nights. Feeling our age? Prob ably. SURPRISE #5: Thankfully, ABC’s general manager, David, was very understanding and very quickly arranged our move back to civiliza tion. Managers David, Darling and Kasha and the ABC staff were always so friendly and accommodating and attended to every detail. I did wonder if they made bets on which guests would last in palapas, and for how long. David confided that he had only lasted one palapa night when he first arrived at ABC! On our next trek, we drove to the main town of Settlement. We located the Anegada Iguana Headstart Facility nestled between the impres sive cream stucco and red-roofed
38 and screens on the beach side. Some call the experience “glamping,” meaning glamorous luxury camping, since we slept in an upscale tent-like structure, but in a comfortable kingsized bed surrounded by romantic, swaying mosquito netting (no bugs bothered us), not a sleeping bag. We also had a private luxury bathroom, attached by a deck to the palapa, that included French toiletries and plush towels. In addition to the bed, the palapa included a sofa and table, a closet, a television and a marvelous front porch with table and chairs and hammocks for lounging and wonderful views of the beach, ocean and reef by day and dazzling stars and planets by night. After three days of “glamping bliss,” that included visits from feral cattle serenading us under our palapa, not enough ocean breeze for the fans to cool us down but just enough for the tent to flap noisily, and ice quickly melting in the cooler, we sought the bliss of the hotel suite.


Anegada Adventure
# 6: There were no staff on site. On our self-guided tour, we learned from signage that the Anegada iguana population has been decimated by a growing population of feral cats that prey on young iguanas. Biologists at the facility safeguard nests, bring new hatch lings in from the wild and raise them in a safe environment until they are large enough to defend themselves in the wild against the cats, their onlyWepredator.spotted
40 Theodore Faulkner Administration Building and the Anegada Fire Sta tion. The site is managed by the BVI National Parks Trust and the San Diego and Fort Worth zoos and is a breeding farm for the rare and criti cally endangered native Anegada RockSURPRISEIguana.
According to Rophilia, Faulkner became a legislative council member and is known as one of the “Fathers of this Little Nation.” A handsome bronze bust of Faulkner and a com memorative plaque are situated outside the trim white clapboard museum that was his modest home. Inside, the walls are adorned with photographs, posters and other
SURPRISE #7: The museum curator, Rophilia, a delightful, knowledgeable, welcoming Anegadan who shared with us the story of Anegada’s native son. Theodolph Halburn Faulkner, the Martin Luther Kinglike figure and political activist, played a vital role in the establish ment of a new Legislative Council after leading a protest march against social mistreatment of BVI natives by British colonialists in 1949.
various sizes of iguanas, from babies to teenagers, in above-ground cages in the facility.
The stocky juvenile lizard is patterned with wide bands of gray to moss green that fade when the animal matures to a uniform grayish or brownish black. They are primarily herbivorous, en joying leaves, flowers and fruits, and live in the wild in caves and burrows in the coral and limestone from which the island is made. Directly across the street from the site is Anegada’s only museum, the Faulkner House Museum, also managed by the BVI National Parks Trust.

41 PRIME MEATS Pork | Poultry | Beef | Lamb | Dry Aged Meats 1216 S. Talbot Street, St. Michaels, MD | 410.745.5056 REEL FRESH SELECTIONS Whole Fish | Filets | Oysters | Lobster | Crabs Shrimp | Cherrystones | Mussels | Scallops GOURMET FOODS & ARTISAN GIFTS Assorted Spices and Fresh Produce Caviar | Smoked Fish | Pâté Artisan Olive Oil | Soups | To-Go-Meals NOWPRE-ORDERFORSUMMERCRABFEASTS! C HESAPEAKE S EAFOODAND P RIME M EATS.COM


43 SHARP’S IS. LIGHT: 46 minutes before Oxford TILGHMAN: Dogwood Harbor same as Oxford EASTON POINT: 5 minutes after Oxford CAMBRIDGE: 10 minutes after Oxford CLAIBORNE: 25 minutes after Oxford ST. MICHAELS MILES R.: 47 min. after Oxford WYE LANDING: 1 hr. after Oxford ANNAPOLIS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford KENT NARROWS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford CENTREVILLE LANDING: 2 hrs. after Oxford CHESTERTOWN: 3 hrs., 44 min. after Oxford TIDE TABLE OXFORD, MD AUGUST 2022 3 month tides at www.tidewatertimes.com 12:1510:4412:4111:3010:269:298:407:577:186:421:412:403:374:315:206:076:517:348:169:019:491:091:592:433:233:584:325:045:366:116:481. Mon. 2. Tues. 3. Wed. 4. Thurs. 5. Fri. 6. Sat. 7. Sun. 8. Mon. 9. AM AMPM PM 11:46am11:1710:1812:3811:4110:439:488:568:077:221:442:473:464:425:366:317:268:229:2012:481:472:403:274:104:505:306:106:527:37 12:03pm11:3511:0710:3710:0512:0511:4711:0510:2012:381:282:273:374:596:227:368:399:321:052:083:164:295:456:567:588:489:2912:321:26 12:5612:2911:4410:5810:1412:2711:0410:018:567:476:395:364:423:563:182:452:151:461:061:442:192:543:304:104:555:476:457:438:379:271:25 HIGH LOW Buy the boat of your dreams fromReadyCampbell’s.toSell? P.J. Campbell is an experienced yacht broker who will get results. call P.J. Campbell · boats@campbellsyachtsales.com410-829-5458www.campbellsyachtsales.com Campbell’s Yacht Sales Sail & Power 1981 Dyer 29 Hardtop$69,000 She is ready for cruising the Bay beyond!and

44 405 S. Talbot Street Cell: joanwetmore@msn.comOffice:410-924-2432410-745-8060 Joan Wetmore 3 BR in the heart of Neavitt! This home needs spiffing up but what a buy! Large lot, first floor BR and bath, open kitchen, nice living room and absolutely wonderful porch and deck! Plus two BRs and bath on second, plug-in for your electric car, and SOLAR! Just $325,000. Coming Soon! Terrific waterfront house with first floor master, incredible views. $1,100,000 Anegada Adventure memorabilia. Some of Faulkner’s original furnishings decorate the home of the national hero. We left no accessible Anegada beach untouched by our feet! We left no al fresco beachside eatery without partaking of its food or tropical drinks or both. We experienced all of the beautiful, pristine, mostly deserted beaches and all of the beachfront open-air restaurants on our relaxing odyssey. Ms. Belle welcomed us to Cow Wreck Beach Bar and Grill on the seafront with cozy, shaded seating. The established is named, as the story goes, for a ship that wrecked off the coast while transporting islandraised cattle to nearby Beef Island, Tortola, for processing. The stunning beach and scrump tious food and drink are a draw. Try Ms. Belle’s lobster, Anegada style, cut in chunks and cooked in a butter sauce with spices, onion and chopped red and green pep pers, served with traditional island peas and rice. The open-air dining


Snorkelers favor the Bay, but we nev er spotted anyone snorkeling there.
Sid’s Palmetto Point open-air restaurant on the western shore is the place to go for gorgeous sunsets overlooking the beach and sea. After enjoying a first for me, lobster cevi che ~ tender boiled lobster chunks
Ann’s Gift Shop and Tipsy’s Beach Bar are also located on Cow Wreck Beach and are owned by Ms. Belle’s daughter, Ann. We made several visits to Tipsy’s for the casual vibe and delicious island food and bev erages; for respite in their shaded beach cabanas furnished with sofas and chairs; for lounge chairs on the sand; and, for John, for bone fishing from the shoreline. When I told the gentlemen in Ann’s Gift Shop, who we later learned was her husband, that I was going to write a story about our adventure, he told me that I must read the Anegada-based murder mystery Sun, Sand, Murder by John Keyse-Walker.
46 spot is decorated with cow skulls that washed ashore from the wreck, conch shells and candles. It was a very intimate, natural setting to celebrate our anniversary, and we were the only diners that night!
SURPRISE #8: I read the book and found it great fun, a page-turner and enjoyable for islanders and visitors familiar with the Anegada setting and place names mentioned in the book. But all would enjoy the awardwinning mystery and its sequels, which are available on Amazon. I already mentioned Loblolly Beach on Loblolly Bay, named after the loblolly pines that line the miles of breathtaking, uninhabited, powdery white sand beach on Anegada’s northern coast. It was there that we Anegada Adventure enjoyed grilled lobster at the Big Bamboo restaurant with its large, colorful outdoor dining pavilion.

47 soaked in lime juice with chopped peppers, onion, garlic and spices ~ we strolled to the beach. With a few other admirers, we watched the golden orb sink slowly into the sea. Dining al fresco under the palmthatched roof and wriggling our toes in the sand at the ABC restaurant was a favorite. We dream about the coconut-crusted cracked conch, the divine warm lobster salad and tart, yet sweet, key lime pie. ABC’s beach at Keel Point ~ with vibrant blue skies overhead, the gentle, crystal-clear sea, coral outcroppings, tropical fi sh and shell-dotted sands ~ were perfect for our daily walks andAtdips.thetime we traveled to Anegada, we wanted to get away from Covid and headline news. We did get away from the news by not watching television or checking online news feeds, and newspapers were non-existent, but we couldn’t escape the dark cloud of Covid. BVI required not just proof of vaccines and boosters but a negative test one day before entering


49 Easton Map and History The County Seat of Talbot “ColonialdistinctionEastonnificance,itsstored.preservedhomes,andperiodgracedlinedfascination.anduniqueturalbusinessspecialtycenterpieceEastontoriccourtsettlementsearlyEstablishedCounty.aroundreligiousandaoflaw,His-Downtownistodayaoffineshops,andcul-activities,restaurants,architecturalTree-streetsarewithvariousstructuresremarkablecarefullyorre-Becauseofhistoricalsig-historichasearnedastheCapitol of the Eastern Shore” and was honored as number eight in the book “The 100 Best Small Towns in America.” With a population of over 16,500, Easton offers the best of many worlds including access to large metropolitan areas like Baltimore, Annapolis, Washington, and Wilmington. For a walking tour and more history visit https:// tidewatertimes.com/travel-tourism/easton-maryland/.

50 the country. I felt so stressed after months of planning, investing in the trip and then packing for two weeks away and making dog and house care arrangements to not know until the day before departure if a positive test would end it all. Fortunately, we tested negative after paying $65 each for a test. BVI also required proof of travel insurance covering the costs of contracting Covid while away. Then the Covid test requirement to return to the U.S. changed just before we were to leave the island, from 48 hours to 24 hours before entering the U.S. This created another stressful situation because we were leaving Anegada on a Sunday and the clinic was closed on Saturdays, and no medical staff were available to give us the test. ABC manager David was very helpful, made inquiries for us and suggested that we be tested on Tortola, BVI, at the airport, our Anegada Adventure


Licensed: Maryland & Delaware · NMLS#1287757 MLO #1287757 fi rst stop on our three-plane return trip home. Sunday was the day of the return fl ights, so that was a bit anxiety-producing too. After our island hopper plane landed in Tortola, we found the airport Covid test clinic, which required an online QR-code-based application and payment system before a nurse would see us. After getting through that more-complicated-than-necessary system and paying $85 each, we both tested negative and were free to board our next flight. Whew! Recently, the U.S. stopped requiring a Covid test for entry, but each destination country has a different requirement and a different system for testing. We recommend thorough test requirement research before traveling. The dark shadow of Covid and the Covid testing experience did not erase our memories of the wonderful Anegada experience. The natural beauty of the island and its people nurtured our souls and refreshed our senses after several years of lockdown. With miles and miles of brilliant and secluded sandy beaches, the bluest of skies, the calm, clear waters and the delicious bounties of the sea, enchanting Anegada beckons to us to return.
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Bonna L. Nelson is a Bay-area writer, columnist, photographer and world traveler. She resides in Easton with her husband, John. Adventure
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55 Ed and Helen Thieler: The Oxford Years
I was standing on the edge of the ferry dock in Oxford wearing surf trunks and flippers, getting ready to swim across the river to Bellevue. While I swam, a car was going to drive around from Oxford to Bellevue and we would see who got there first. It was to decide a long-standing bar-room bet. I am not a swimmer ~ had never swum any kind of distance. The OxfordBellevue Challenge had become a small buzz around the bars of Oxford. And some boats had come out to watch. One of those boats belonged to Ed and Helen Thieler, who lived in the boat at the end of the dock at Schooner’s Landing.
Ed watched the river current for a minute.“Ifyou want to end up at the Bellevue ferry dock, you are going

I’d grown up swimming in the Tred Avon River, but I’d never had to consider current. About 28 min utes later, after swimming toward the house, I touched the dock in Bellevue about 30 seconds before the car arrived. Thanks to the ad vice from Ed. That was the summer of “I1996.remember well the Oxford-Bellevue Challenge. That kind of thing was going on all the time in Oxford back then,” Ed said. “There was the big blizzard of 1996. Schooner’s always had a wonderful oak fire going in the fireplace. On that big bliz zard occasion, nobody could get to work, but everybody managed to get to Schooner’s! And oh, Oxford was fun. We fell in with the people of the town, the old-timers, and it became a special place for us.”
pulseandbeatspilates.com410-690-73598626Brooks,DriveEaston,MD21601 come try a free class Ed and Helen Thieler to have to swim for that house off to the left,” he said. “If you point to the ferry dock, the current will push you too far to the right.”
Ed had been an orthopedic surgeon in Somers Point, New Jersey.


58 In 1993, surgery for prostate can cer forced him to retire from his practice. He took it as a sign that it was time to smell the roses, to live life at a different pace. Their younger son, Jim, had had a sum mer job teaching Laser sailing at the Tred Avon Yacht Club, which then turned into a job at what was then Crockett Brothers Boatyard. Jim offered to help Ed and Helen sail down to Oxford. They pulled in to a slip at Crockett Brothers but quickly moved over to Schooner’s Landing. And then they made an otherRealizingmove. their sons were moving in their own directions and weren’t available as crew, Ed and Helen Ed and Helen Thieler sold their sailboat and found a 38foot lobster yacht for sale in Soundings Magazine . It had been built in Maine by a couple from Texas. Ed and Helen flew down to see it and arranged to have it trucked back to Oxford.“The truck driver called to tell us that he would be arriving in Ox ford the next morning,” Ed said. “A number of friends gathered at the Oxford Market to see our boat ar rive. It was July, the trees formed a canopy over Morris Street. I had my camera. Helen was on her bicycle. We saw the truck come around the causeway corner and stop at Shanahan’s sales office. The truck driver got out and was energetically talking and gesturing with someone who had come out of the office.

59 101 N. West Street, Easton, MD 21601 Cell: tljordan520@gmail.comOffice:410-310-8606410-822-2001 Traci Jordan Associate Broker, GRI Helping Buyers and Sellers Reach Their Dreams Since 1989 MSBR 2014 Realtor of the Year UNDER CONTRACT Picture yourself in this park-like setting with a meandering driveway leading to your sprawling 3 or 4 bedroom, 3 bath ranch home with full basement, attached and detached garages.7406EASTON$450,000CUBTOURDRIVEAnother 3 BR, 2-1/2 bath unit is available if you missed the others here’s your chance! Enjoy your morning coffee on the back deck and then take a dip in the community pool or play some tennis or pickleball at the community court. Enjoy the simple life! $319,000 NEW LISTING 2 BR Bungalow walking distance to Rise Up and all the attractions in downtown Easton is wonderfully decorated and has beautiful wood floors. The backyard patio is great for relaxing and hanging out and the studio could be a private at-home office or exercise room. Come take a look!

Helen saw this happening, went pedaling down the street and asked what was going on.”
The concerned yacht broker was telling the driver there was no way the boat could get through town, that it would have to go to his boat yard in Trappe.
The crew from OBY escorted the boat down the street, and Ed was able to take some terrific pictures of the boat, newly named Rolling Hitch , framed by the Morris Street trees. OBY launched the boat, and Hel and Ed lived on it at the end of the pier at Schooner’s for the next four and a half years.
“And Helen said to the truck driver ~ that’s my boat, don’t you dare move, I’ll be right back. She came pedaling back to the Oxford Market, got on the phone ~ we didn’t have cell phones back then ~ and called Oxford Boat Yard, be cause that’s where it was supposed to go. OBY said tell the guy not to move, we’ll be right there.”
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While the Thielers were living on Rolling Hitch at Schooner’s, the skipjack Thomas Clyde was hauled out for repairs at OBY. The largest skipjack working the Bay at the time, the boat was owned by Lawrence Murphy from Tilghman Island. His brother Jimmy and a number of waterman friends came to help him rebuild it. “These men were really intriguEd and Helen Thieler

61 4190 Evergreen Rd., Oxford, Md Welcome to “Evergreen”, truly one of the most beautiful waterfront farms in Talbot County. Sited on 121 acres in Oxford Md, this property has over 2000’ of shoreline (most rip-rapped) bordering the Choptank River and Island Creek, and a large tidal pond which offers incredible views and is an extraordinary habitat for wildlife. A 6 BR home, gunite pool, and protected pier complete this offering. $5,495,000 5171 Feather Lane, Tilghman, Md Incredibly private waterfront home on nearly 6 acres with spectacular views of Harris Creek. This meticulously maintained and very private 4 BR home built in 2002 offers an open floor plan and great living space. $939.000

62 Serving the Mid-Shore from the Easton Airport 20, 40 and 60-minute rides - by reservation only yalo .com 410-770-5253 · 410-310-2626 Come Fly With Us! Award-Winning1942300hp.Stearman Silver Queen Gi Certi Availablecates ing to me, and I started to watch these guys taking Thomas Clyde apart. They had scaffolding up, and every now and then a tool would fall to the ground. I would just pick it up and put it on the scaffolding. They appreciated that,” Ed said. “And so, I helped more and really got involved with it. During that time, many people were coming by, many were watermen, because this was a big deal, The Clyde was be ing rebuilt! I listened to the stories the men told and became more and more interested in the watermen, their culture and their history.” Ed and Helen came to know more watermen during the winter months, when empty slips at Schooner’s filled with boats from Secretary, Madison, Tilghman and other Choptank River harbors. The Tred Avon had some of the best oysters for tongers in those years. On bad weather days, the men would come to check their boats and then come on Rolling Hitch to talk and have coffee. “We got to know some wonderful watermen,” Ed said. “After a while, they wouldn’t even bother to come when the weather was bad; they would call and ask, ‘Hey, Ed, how’s my boat?’ I joked and told them, ‘I can still see the antenna.’ My word was good enough for them.”
When the Thielers finally looked for a house, they told their friend Ed and Helen Thieler


64 and realtor Doug Hanks that it had to be between Lowe’s and the boat and had to have space for a sepa rate building that Ed could use as a shop. Doug found a shop, and it came with a nice house in Oak lands.Itwas while volunteering for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, where their son Jim was working, that Ed’s talent for building model boats became apparent. CBF asked Ed if he would build a model of a boat being sponsored by a benefactor. The new jet-drive vessel was going to take school groups and others out on the Bay, and to the Bay’s islands, on environmental/ educational tours. Ed agreed to buildTheit.boat, Jenny S. , was spon sored by Ted and Jennifer Stanley, who lived just up the creek from Ed and Helen, though they hadn’t met each other yet. On the day they presented the Stanleys with the model, CBF staff came up Town Creek on the real Jenny S. , picked up Ed, Helen and the model from their boat, and they all went together to meet the Stanleys. It was Jennifer Stanley who would later ask for Ed’s help to teach the boys and girls in the Oxford Community Center’s After School program how to build boat models and do other crafts. That began a long-standing friendship, and volunteer work for Ed, helping Jenny with kids at OCC After School.Seeing Ed’s model boats gave then-OCC director Barb Seese the idea to ask him to put together a model boat show in Oxford during Waterfowl Festival. “Anything oth er than decoys,” she said. The OCC Model Boat Show has become an annual tradition, bringing in dozens of modelers and hundreds of Ed and Helen Thieler


66 For all of your insurance needs, choose an agent you can trust.
Ed and Helen Thieler visitors each year. Ed and current OCC director Liza Ledford have met and talked about keeping the show going even after the Thielers move north. Ed has built about 30 model boats, almost all representing the history and culture of the watermen of the Eastern Shore, from the days of sail to the present. The models won’t be going north with the Thielers, though: they have found a home at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. Chief Curator Pete Lesher puts Ed’s work in perspective:“Ifirstheard about Ed maybe 25 years ago, when we were researching an exhibit on marine carvings, and we received word that a re tired doctor from New Jersey was making new carvings for the skipjack Thomas Clyde ,” Pete said. “At some point, Ed approached me about crabbing skiff plans from our Howard Chapelle collection. When I told Ed that not all of Chapelle’s crabbing skiff plans had been pub

67 410-822-7299 40 E Dover St, Easton, MD 21601 More information at www.avalonfoundation.org FREE OUTDOOR Street Concerts To Commemorate our 100th Year August 6th - Chandler Travis Philharmonic 13th – Roomful of Blues 20th – US Navy Band Country Current 27th – Motown and More MAJOR CONCERTS AT THE AVALON 8/5 - Crack the Sky 8/18 - Dustbowl Revival 8/21 - Taimane 8/24 - Shovels and Rope THE AVALON JAZZ EXPERIENCE LABOR DAY WEEKEND Dominick Farinacci and Triad Marcus Roberts Modern Jazz Generation Jon Thomas and Firm Roots

One model not going to CBMM is a 10-foot model crabbing skiff that hangs in the lobby of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s headquar ters. The story of this particular model says something of why Ed loves building models and has loved the Thielers’ time in Oxford.
While they were living on the boat, Ed often went to Cutts and Case Boatyard to see what they were up to. He became such a fixture that owner Eddie Cutts once had Ed finish a tour of the yard for him when Eddie was called away, telling Ed that he knew the place just as Whenwell.CBF asked Ed to build a large model for their new building, he found the plans in a Chapelle book for a crabbing skiff that was representative of the Bay and its culture. He wanted to find just the right wood to build it and went to Cutts, drawings in hand, and explained the situation. Eddie told Ed to come with him. “We went into his new build ing, which wasn’t quite finished yet. Eddie had just received some beautiful white cedar from North Carolina; it was all stacked up in the museum area facing Tilghman
68 Ed and Helen Thieler lished, he was intrigued. Ed identi fied a special niche in concentrat ing on regional small craft ~ the modest crabbing skiffs and gunning boats that were vital tools to watermen up and down the Shore and that express local character. As you can probably tell, I’m excited about Ed’s collection coming to CBMM. He built not only good models. He built important models.”


70 Street,” Ed said. “Eddie rummaged through that pile and brought out several really wonderful pieces of cedar for me. When I asked, ‘What do I owe you?’ Eddie told me, ‘Not a thing. Just, when you write up your signage, put on it, ‘Wood donated by Cutts and Case Boatyard.” Which, of course, I did. I loved that I could go to a local boatyard like that and the owner himself would select brand-new, beautiful, quarter-sawn white cedar that had just arrived.”TheThielers’
decades in Oxford were about smelling the roses, about making new friendships, about learning the culture and becoming part of it. They made the town and the community better and richer for being here. They will certainly do the same in the next chapter of their story. As they get ready to move north to be closer to family, Ed is already looking forward to getting involved with the Woods Hole Historical Museum, where they have a very well-known biannual model boat show. Michael Valliant is the Assistant for Adult Education and Newcomers Ministry at Christ Church Easton. He has worked for non-profit organizations throughout Talbot County, including the Oxford Community Center, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum and Academy Art Museum. Ed and Helen Thieler Pamela P. Gardner, AIA, LLC 311 N. Aurora St., Easton · 410-820-7973 · www.pamelagardneraia.compam@ppgaia.com


72 AUGUST EVENTS IN CAROLINE COUNTY, MARYLAND CAROLINE-DORCHESTER COUNTY FAIR August 3-6 | Caroline County 4-H Park, 8314 Detour Rd, Denton WHEAT THRESHING, STEAM & GAS ENGINE SHOW August 5-7 | 5806 Federalsburg Hwy, Federalsburg FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN CAR SHOW August 12 | Market St, Denton PRESTON PEACH FESTIVAL August 13 | Preston Fire Hall, 3680 Choptank Rd, Preston CAROLINE SUMMERFEST August 19 & 20 | Downtown Denton BIRDING FOR BEGINNERS August 31 | Adkins Arboretum, 12610 Eveland Rd, Ridgely VISITCAROLINE.ORGSEE MORE EVENTS AT
Federalsburg is located on Marshyhope Creek in the southern-most part of Caroline County. Agriculture is still a major portion of the industry in the area; however, Federalsburg is rapidly being discovered and there is a noticeable influx of people, expansion and development. Ridgely has found a niche as the “Strawberry Capital of the World.” The present streetscape, lined with stately Victorian homes, reflects the transient prosperity during the countywide canning boom (1895-1919). Hanover Foods, formerly an enterprise of Saulsbury Bros. Inc., for more than 100 years, is the last of more than 250 food processors that once operated in the Caroline County region.
Denton, the county seat, was situated on a point between two ferry boat landings. Much of the business district in Denton was wiped out by the fire of 1863. Following the Civil War, Denton’s location about fifty miles up the Choptank River from the Chesapeake Bay enabled it to become an important shipping point for agricultural products. Denton became a regular port-ofcall for Baltimore-based steamer lines in the latter half of the 19th century.
was created in 1773 from Dorchester and Queen Anne’s counties. The county was named for Lady Caroline Eden, the wife of Maryland’s last colonial governor, Robert Eden (1741-1784).
Caroline County is the very definition of a rural community. For more than 300 years, the county’s economy has been based on “market” agriculture.CarolineCounty
. Caroline County – A Perspective
Points of interest in Caroline County include the Museum of Rural Life in Denton, Adkins Arboretum near Ridgely, and the Mason-Dixon Crown Stone in Marydel. To contact the Caroline County Office of Tourism, call 410-479-0655 or visit their website at www.tourcaroline.com
Preston was the site of three Underground Railroad stations during the 1840s and 1850s. One of those stations was operated by Harriet Tubman’s parents, Benjamin and Harriet Ross. When Tubman’s parents were exposed by a traitor, she smuggled them to safety in Wilmington, Delaware. Linchester Mill, just east of Preston, can be traced back to 1681, and possibly as early as 1670. The mill is the last of 26 water-powered mills to operate in Caroline County and is currently being restored. The long-term goals include rebuilding the millpond, rehabilitating the mill equipment, restoring the miller’s dwelling, and opening the historic mill on a scheduled basis.


Queen Anne’s County
Queen Anne’s County is also home to the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (formerly Horsehead Wetland Center), located in Grasonville. The CBEC is a 500-acre preserve just 15 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the area. Embraced by miles of scenic Chesapeake Bay waterways and graced with acres of pastoral rural landscape, Queen Anne’s County offers a relaxing environment for visitors and locals alike. For more information about Queen Anne’s County, visit www.qac.org
Queenstown was the original county seat when Queen Anne’s County was created in 1706, but that designation was passed on to Centreville in 1782. It’s location was important during the 18th century, because it is near a creek that, during that time, could be navigated by tradesmen. A hub for shipping and receiving, Queenstown was attacked by English troops during the War of 1812. Construction of the Federal-style courthouse in Centreville began in 1791 and is the oldest courthouse in continuous use in the state of Maryland. Today, Centreville is the largest town in Queen Anne’s County. With its relaxed lifestyle and tree-lined streets, it is a classic example of small town America.
The Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center in Chester at Kent Narrows provides and overview of the Chesapeake region’s heritage, resources and culture. The Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center serves as Queen Anne’s County’s official welcome center.
The history of Queen Anne’s County dates back to the earliest Colonial settlements in Maryland. Small hamlets began appearing in the northern portion of the county in the 1600s. Early communities grew up around transportation routes, the rivers and streams, and then roads and eventually railroads. Small towns were centers of economic and social activity and evolved over the years from thriving centers of tobacco trade to communities boosted by the railroad boom.
The Stevensville Historic District, also known as Historic Stevensville, is a national historic district in downtown Stevensville, Queen Anne’s County. It contains roughly 100 historic structures, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is located primarily along East Main Street, a portion of Love Point Road, and a former section of Cockey Lane.

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Dorchester County is known as the Heart of the Chesapeake. It is rich in Chesapeake Bay history, folklore and tradition. With 1,700 miles of shoreline (more than any other Maryland county), marshlands, working boats, quaint waterfront towns and villages among fertile farm fields – much still exists of what is the authentic Eastern Shore landscape and traditional way of life along the Chesapeake. more information about Dorchester County visit https://tidewatertimes.com/travel-tourism/dorchester/

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81 EndbyGARDENINGTIDEWATERK.MarcTeffeau,Ph.D.ofFruitMonth The Indigenous tribes of North America had names for the different months of the year. The Chero kee called August the “End of Fruit Month.” The Cherokee calendar was based on a lunar calendar marked by 13 moon cycles of 28 days each. My step-grandmother, “Nona,” who raised my father, was a Cherokee from Flowery Branch, Georgia. I remember my Nona planting her vegetable garden by the cycles of the moon. Whether we call August the End of Fruit Month; Hot, Humid and He** Month or whatever, this month’s heat and humidity can be brutal. When temperatures get and consistently stay above 85⁰ F during the day and above 70⁰ F at

82 Tidewater Gardening SALES - PARTSwww.riodelmarent.comSERVICE410-822-8866Rt. 50 at Rt. 565, 2 mi. South of EastonLOOK FOR US IN OUR NEW Rt.SalisburyTheLOCATION!formerPewterbuilding,50-2milessouthofEaston RIO DEL MAR ENTERPRISES night, gardeners tend to notice a drop-off of production in the vegetable garden. Tomato, pepper and eggplant flowers will not pollinate when temperatures are above 90⁰ F. The flowers will form but will then die and fall off the plant before becoming fruit. At these warm temperatures, the tomato plant is stressed and burns up energy reserves. The heat stress modifies the flowers, mak ing them harder to pollinate. As a result, the blossom often drops off without pollination occurring. You will also notice leaf rolling on tomato plants. The same effect on flower formation and pollina tion occurs with green beans. The flowers will abort in hot tempera -

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84 Tidewater Gardening tures (over 95° F), especially if the soil is Highdry.temperatures will also change the types of flowers pro duced by vine crops. Vining vegetables like cucumbers, melons, squash and pumpkins produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. Look at the base of the flower to tell the sex. Female flowers will be swollen underneath in the area that will eventually become the pumpkin, zucchini, melon or squash. Male flowers will have just a straight stem. Depending on the type of vine crop, hot temperatures can change how many male and female flow ers are present. High temperatures (over 90° F during the day and 70° F at night) usually result in the de velopment of more male than fe male flowers. As a result, you will have a zucchini plant with lots of flowers but little fruit. We do not like hot weather, and neither do bees. High tempera tures slow down the bees, and thus they are less busy visiting and pollinating flowers. For many species of bees, the ideal range for pollination is some where between 60° and 90° F, with hotter temperatures in this range promoting more pollination. Once it gets over 90° F, however, many bees slow down and pollinate less. This can be especially pronounced in crops like cucumbers, whose small flowers aren’t particularly attractive to many bees. Pollination may occur at high temperatures, but it will be in complete. This leads to deformed cucumbers, summer squash and melons. Cucumbers develop odd and uneven shapes when not fully pollinated.Highnight temperatures also result in delayed fruit ripening. Tomatoes ripen in two steps. First is the seed formation inside the fruit. The second step is the red color ation. High temperatures at night interfere with this color formation.

FRANK E.DAFFIN, INC. Quality Builders Since 1936 fedaffin@atlanticbb.netfrankedaffininc.com410-822-2364 MHIC MHBR#1857#877 We make construction work and renovations to your home fun and exciting, as well as easy and stress-free. Once nighttime temperatures drop to the 68° F to 77° F range, the coloration maturity occurs. High tem peratures also affect our lawns. If we get into a dry period, cool sea son turf varieties like tall fescue will go into dormancy and will not green back up until the cooler days of September. try to keep mildew under control, but it is usually a difficult battle. For plants like lilac, just ignore the problem and be sure that you remove all diseased leaves dur ing your fall cleanup to prevent a source of infection next year. August is not the time to be putting down mulch. In fact, you should examine mulched shrubs where the mulch is touching the stems, as this may prevent the shrubs from developing mature stem tissue. To harden stems so they can withstand early frost damage, remove about 2 to 3 inches of the mulch from the base of the stems in mid-August. In addi tion, avoid deep cultivation in your flowerbeds on hot, dry August Perfect conditions for powdery mildew develop as we get into August weather. Powdery mildew diseases attack a great many or namentals, most often in late sum mer when the days are warm and the nights cool. Some mildews, particularly those on roses, apples and cherries, are also increased by high humidity. Prevention by prop er cultural techniques is the first defense. Grow resistant varieties; space and prune plants to improve aeration and lessen shading; wa ter early in the day and at the base rather than on leaves; and reduce nitrogen applications to avoid excessive late-season growth. You can apply over-the-counter fungicides to certain plants to

If your marigolds have been wiped out by spider mites or powdery mildew has taken out the zinnias, replace them with coolseason annuals like salvia, coleus and petunias. If the local garden center is not carrying any fall annual transplants, start your own
86 Tidewater Gardening days. Loosening the soil under these conditions reduces water uptake by increasing loss of soil water and damaging surface roots. Plants often look much worse after cultivation than before. You can plan to do some planting in August for fall flowers and next year’s early-spring blooms. Order peony roots now for planting in September, or about a month before the average first frost date in your area. Planting should be completed before the first killing frost occurs. Plant autumn-flowering crocus, sternbergia, colchicum and other fall-flowering bulbs as soon as they become available at garden centers. Crocus and sternbergia need full sun; colchicum can be planted in areas that receive light shade.August is a good time to sow perennial seeds, especially for plants like lupine and delphinium. Pansies, forget-me-not and English daisies can also be sown this month.TheAugust heat takes a toll on our flowerbeds, leaving them looking ragged. Many annuals will bounce back with cooler fall weather, though. Renovate the flowerbed by removing dead plant materials and cleaning up spent blossoms and seed heads. Put a hold on any fertilization until next spring.

87 Focus-Construction, Ltd. 208 E. Dover Street Easton, MD 410-690-490021601 Focus-Construction.Net PE #32293 · MHBR #5448 · MHIC #94387 · EPA NAT #122843-1 · MD ESCC #42952

Tidewater Gardening now from seed. If we have a mild fall, you should have flowers right through November. Some sum mer annuals don’t need replacing, just a cutting back to get them to bush out and start blooming again. Good plants for this pruning treat ment include begonia, coleus, an nual vinca and petunias. transplants of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and lettuce varieties for transplant ing in early September. Keep the produce picked on a daily basis to encourage a continued production through the fall. Make one more planting of an early-maturing green bean variety in early Au gust. Root crops like beets and turnips can be seeded now for a fall crop. Also plant a crop of sugar snap or Sugar Ann edible pod peas for a harvest this fall. August is an excellent time to seed a fall salad garden. These in clude cut-and-come-again greens like leaf lettuces, arugula, mus tard and others. Look for greens that you would normally plant in spring before the last frost date ~ those that can take some cold. Choose from the many leaf lettuces, including All-America Selection winners such as ‘Red Sails,’ ‘Buttercruch,’ ‘Ruby’ and ‘Salad Bowl.’ Romaines can take the cold; try ‘Rouge d’Hiver’ and “Freckles’ for good color. Mix in some ‘Lollo Rossa,’ ‘Artic King,’ ‘Winter Marvel’ and ‘North Pole’ for an outstanding winter collec tion.You can sow each type of seed separately or create your own per sonal mesclun blend by mixing all the seeds together in a bowl and then scattering them more thickly than normal on bare soil. By the time the plants are a few inches Don’t forget to water the land scape plantings, especially those that will flowers next spring. Water shrubs deeply once a week during August. Many plants, in cluding azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias and lilacs, are setting flower buds now for next spring’s flower display. Water early in the morning and apply the water to the base of the plants, not the foliage. Watering the foliage wastes water and can cause the spread of foliar diseases like powdery mildew. Do not fertilize or prune these plants at this time. In the vegetable garden, start

89 tall, they will need thinning. Pull up plants at random for an instant salad of baby greens. Since you will be planting in the heat of summer, sow the seed in a partly shaded spot or provide shade with spun polyester cloth to keep them cooler. Mist lightly during the day to refresh the seedlings and young plants. Otherwise, they require no different care than spring-sown seeds. Growing spinach in spring can be a challenge, as it doesn’t like heat. In fall, however, it is happy with the cooling weather. Be sure to avoid any varieties that are labeled “summer spinach.” As with other plants for fall harvest, sow the seed in a partially shaded area to keep the soil from getting too warm.
Happy Gardening!
Marc Teffeau retired as Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs at the American Nursery and Landscape Association in Washington, D.C. He now lives in Georgia with his wife, Linda.

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91 FULL SERVICE TREE COMPANY A-Fordable Tree Service, LLC is a full service tree company serving the Eastern Shore, Annapolis and Delaware. We use state-of-the-art equipment and use the most skilled tree removal technicians in the industry while providing an a ordable cost to the customer. Tree Demolition/PoolStormStumpRemovalGrindingTreeTrimmingDamageCleanupPropertyMaintenanceGrassCuttingRemoval REQUESTYOURFREEQUOTE410-820-5030 Toll Free: 28825-Awww.a-fordabletreeservice.com855-755-TREELlandaRd.,EastonMD21601 For New Customers


OK, maybe pigs can’t fly, but they sure can swim. When fattened hogs resided in many Depressionera farmyards, about to morph into pantry staples come fall, porcine aquatics were sometimes common. Synchronized swims occurred when a late-summer hurricane swept over low-lying Chesapeake communities, preempting routine. August 23, 1933 was such a day, when an epic storm sent water surging over low-lying Bay dwellings. That day, many a weighty sow morphed into Esther Williams. In Recipes and Recollections , compiled in 2006 by the Oxford fire company’s Ladies Auxiliary, one longtime resident recalled: “Ben Forest’s father had a soft crab business on the pier and also had pig pens there. During the storm of ’33, the pigs swam out of the pen. There were hogs at many places around town, including Valliant’s Marine by the Strand.” On the Eastern Shore, old-timers spoke simply of “The August Storm.” Until that day in 1933, the benchmark for flooding on Hoop-
When Pigs Fly
. . .


For a walking tour and more history of the St. Michaels area visit https://tidewatertimes.com/travel-tourism/st-michaels-maryland/.
St. Michaels Map and History
On the broad Miles River, with its picturesque tree-lined streets and beautiful harbor, St. Michaels has been a haven for boats plying the Chesapeake and its inlets since the earliest days. Here, some of the handsomest models of the Bay craft, such as canoes, bugeyes, pungys and some famous Baltimore Clippers, were designed and built. The Church, named “St. Michael’s,” was the first building erected (about 1677) and around it clustered the town that took its name.

The following article reported, “Hundreds of acres that never tast ed salt water submerged beneath high seas whipped by terrific hurWhen Pigs Fly
96 ers Island had been the Centennial Storm of 1876. The August Storm exceeded the Centennial by two and a half feet, an exemplar of a “hundred-year storm” before the term became familiar. Across Chesapeake Bay, some called it “The Great Flood of 1933.” When it struck St. Georges Island, one couple living near the shore waded for higher ground, leaving their hogs sheltered on their house porch. When the surge receded, they returned to find the house washed off its foundation and hogs asleep in their bed. On the Atlantic coast, many profited from the inlet that the August Storm created, separating Ocean City from Assateague Island. This happenstance carved a fine harbor for Atlantic fishermen, but the storm brought few (if any) benefits west of the growing resort town. With no pithy name for a hurricane, one Bayside newspaper headlined:County Swept by Destructive North East Storm North East Gale and Tidal Wave Leave Wide Area in State of Destruction

97 The CRAB CLAW RESTAURANT Specializing in choice, fresh Chesapeake Bay seafoods served in the informal Eastern Shore style by people who know seafood best! 410-745-2900 · www.thecrabclaw.com ® ricane.” Losses mentioned included thousands of chickens, horses, hogs, cows, sheep, smokehouses, barns, corn cribs, meat and pro visions, growing crops, furniture, boats and pound nets. As pigs couldn’t fly, neither could chickens with clipped wings. Surviving fowl roosted in trees and on roofs. In 1933, many people lived life on the edge; loss of a family’s flock loomed large. For want of cash, homemakers traded in eggs at local stores.
David Sayre, an island youngster whose family lost their home to the surge, described the aftermath to an interviewer: “The day after the storm was one of the most beautiful days that you ever saw. The wind was very mild. The sun was brighter, and the atmosphere was very clear. I went to my sailboat, put up the mast and sail…to see if I could find some of our furniture. I found four or five broken chairs, one of which we used later, but the greatest shock was a red handbag hanging on a tree limb around two miles up-river….It was my mother’s bag with twenty-six cents inside, one quarter and one penny…put in the bag three or four days before. This was her insurance money, twenty-six cents a month. These were the Great Depression days.”
For Slack Water, an oral history project of St. Mary’s College, Erskine Thompson was interviewed in 1995, his 80th year on St. Georges Island.

98 St. Michaels Inn 1228 S. Talbot Street, Saint Michaels, Maryland 21663 410-745-3333 • www.stmichaels-inn.comreservations@stmichaels-inn.com St. Michaels Inn offers our guests outstanding amenities to enhance your Maryland coastal retreat or business trip. Start your day off with complimentary continental breakfast, then enjoy time on the patio. Last Weeks to Enjoy Summer on the Shore! Summer Special - Stay Two or More Days Sunday - Thursday and Save up to 20% Off Summer Special: New reservations only. Not valid on 3rd party res. or res. made before 8/1/22 - Expires 8/31/22
Thompson’s childhood home sat on a piece of land for which his father had traded a 40-foot bateau. His dad then bought a two-room house on the opposite end of St. Georges, When Pigs Fly moved it to the land for which he’d swapped his Quick Step and built on a two-room addition, only to have the house swept away that August. Another interview involved a family originally from Talbot County. Depending on the tide, their former homeplace of Bod kin Island is sometimes a mere memory off southern Kent Island, but residents carried knowledge of floods when moving to St. Georges Island. Granddaughter Norma Co pado remembered being with her mother by a creek as the August Storm began to wane: “Momma stuck her finger down in the creek, tasted it, and she says, ‘It’s salt wa ter.’”Norma and her mother ran for

99 Open 8 a.m. 410-745-5111Daily 410-745-5777 Corner of Talbot & Carpenter Sts. Breakfast · Lunch · Dinner Specials Pool Tables Upstairs Wednesday Night Trivia Thursday · Open Mic Night Entertainment Fri. & Sat. Food · Fun · Revelry www.carpenterstreetsaloon.com“Hot”Sauces · Drinks Chocolate · Lottery Carpenter Street Saloon A St. Michaels Tradition


101 Oxford Map and History Oxford is one of the oldest towns in Maryland. Although already settled for per haps 20 years, Oxford marks the year 1683 as its official founding, for in that year Oxford was first named by the Maryland General Assembly as a seaport and was laid out as a town. In 1694, Ox ford and a new town called Anne Arundel (now Annapolis) were selected the only ports of entry for the entire Maryland province. Until the andcharmingtobaccoroundedshippingasenjoyedRevolution,AmericanOxfordprominenceaninternationalcentersurbywealthyplantations.Today,Oxfordisatree-linedwaterboundvillage with a population of just over 700 and is still important in boat building and yachting. It has a protected harbor for watermen who har vest oysters, crabs, clams and fish, and for sailors from all over the Bay. For a walking tour and more history visit https://tidewatertimes. com/travel-tourism/oxford-maryland/. The StrandTilghman St. Market St. HighSt. OxfordEastSt.DivisionSt.RoadRobesBenoniAve.PleasantSt.Hbr.Ct.SouthMorrisStreet Bachelor PointRoad Pier St. E. Pier St. BonfieldAve.ThirdStreetJack’sPt.Rd.St.2ndFirstStreetW.DivisionSt.CarolineSt.WestSt.TredAvonAve. MyrtleAve. RichardsonSinclairSt.St.StreetSouth TownCreek Rd. WilsonSt.StewartAve. NortonSt. MillSt.JeffersonSt.BanksSt.FactorySt.Morris St. Oxford Community Center Oxford Park Oxford Bellevue Ferry T r e d A v o n R i v e r Town Creek Oxford To Easton 333 8 1 2 3 7 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 4 65 12 14 © John Norton
Ralph Parks, the captain’s grandson, described his brother and cousins watching from the attic as Bay water swept around them: “Irving and Johnny ~ seven of them ~ were there in Grandfa ther’s house in the storm….Waves shook the house, then felled three poplars on its southern side, which steadied and saved the structure…. Well, you can just figure how high the tide was. The seas rolled right in the lower windows. “It was the same night…Johnny
102 BOOKSELLERS 202 Morris St., 410-226-0010Oxford *Listen Fri. mornings on WCEI 96.7fm *20% off your book clubs’ books *Books of all kinds & Gifts for Book Lovers *Special orders *Online ordering & e-newsletter @ www.
Oxford author Bryan Christy (IN THE COMPANY OF KILLERS) Aug. 2, @ 5 p.m. at the Oxford Community Center Author B. B. Shamp (WIFE IN WATERCOLOR) with the Oxford Book Club Aug. 22 @ 10:30 a.m. at the Oxford Community Center. home to warn her grandmother that the creek was extra-salty and a surge would be coming with a rush. “I was six years old and the water came up in the house over my head. I was put up on this old-fashioned buffet.” In Dorchester County, storminduced erosion had scattered the last Holland Islanders fifteen years before, but many still spent summers at their old homes, the men crabbing, wives and children catching up with relations and for mer neighbors. Among them that August were descendants of the late Captain Bill Arthur and Mar garet Parks, whose fine old house had weathered many storms on the When Pigs Fly northern point, overlooking Hol land Straits. As the storm drove water surging from the south, several families retreated to the captain’s house, where they were forced to climb higher and higher.

103 314 NORTH MORRIS STREET ٠ OXFORD ٠ 410 226 5111 WWW.ROBERTMORRISINN.COM Open for Dinner Wednesday through Saturday, Lunch Wednesday through Saturday, Brunch Sunday & Breakfast seven days. THE ROBERT MORRIS INN 1710 OXFORD MD

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Tidewater Residential Designs since 1989 said he saw some boats come by the house and he didn’t know why they didn’t hit the house, but they would go by one side or the other. They’d broke loose from down there ~ Crisfield or Smiths Island, some where…”
When Pigs Fly
Above Hollands, Elliotts Island wasn’t prone to flooding, but every man’s boat was at hazard. Hyland Jones nearly lost his big bugeye/ buyboat, Annie E. Interviewed in his nineties, Lawson Ewell remembered her well: “Originally she was a two-masted boat. He’d put a mo tor in her before ’33, when she blew aground in the August Storm. That storm drove her [across Fishing Bay and] half a mile up on the marsh. He was gonna strip her and let her go, but they come from all over and dug her out, from Tyaskin and Wingate and Hurley’s Neck and all over. There were two tugboats and there must’ve been a hundred and fifty men digging and they got her back afloat.”

Wed. ~ Mon. 10 AM to 5 PM, closed Tues. ·
111 S. Morris St., Oxford MD www.treasurechestoxford.com410-924-8817
A Gift Shop Featuring Locally Made Artisan Crafts & Artwork
Seaglass Jewelry by Joan’s Gems, Sculptures, Home Décor and More! Sea Glass Show Sept. 1-5 inside the store! 10-5 each day
Annie E. was a popular buyboat, and oystermen liked dealing with Captain Jones. As Ewell said, “Hy land used to buy oysters from all the tongers ’round here, even when they could get a little more money from somebody else.” Another islander remembered that Captain Jones’s old bugeye was loaded with summer freight: “All this time the watermelons were still aboard, and when they got her afloat, she sailed on up to Baltimore with them.”
Captain Seymoure risked jumping overboard to undo the lines so he could pull farther offshore before the heavy vessel suffered more dire damage. His tug Trouper broke loose and was blown out of the
Hauling produce lacked the glamour of a life in the theater, but glamour offered no protection from the storm. Before the ’33 sum mer season had opened, the barge holding the beloved James Adams Floating Theater had been towed to Baltimore for repairs and refur bishing. That August, the storm caught it tied up at Cricket Hill by Gwynn’s Island. On the evening of the 23rd, rising winds rocked the performers, distracting the audience and whistling louder and louder. After hasty curtain calls, men attending had to carry their ladies through advancing water to reach autos parked by the wharf. Through the night, waves pound ed the barge-borne auditorium and cast quarters against the wharf.

A two-day advance storm warning from the Weather Bureau undoubtedly reduced the overall death toll, placed at 47, including Grovener Cleveland Riggin, whose body was later recovered in Chesapeake Bay. Forty-some years ago, A.M. Foley swapped the Washington, D.C., business scene for a writing life on Elliott Island, Maryland. Tidewater Times has kindly published portions of one upcoming work, Chesapeake Bay Island Hopping, along with other regional musings. Foley’s published works are described at www.HollandIslandBook.com.
106 creek, but when the wind veered, Trouper was blown back in. Despite the “show must go on” tradition, the hurricane so damaged the theater and the cast’s psyche that performances had to be canceled for a week. One longtime cast member slept through the night’s storm, but less-seaworthy performers wasted no time in deserting.The 1933 storm surge reportedly hit Hoopers Island at 11 feet, enough force to knock out all bridges connecting the string of islands to each other and to the mainland. James Riggin and Grovener Cleveland Riggin tended the When Pigs Fly S. Hanks Interior Design Suzanne Hanks Litty Oxford, shanksinteriordesign@gmail.comMaryland 410-310-4151 Narrows Bridge, which tied the three islands to the mainland. The Daily Banner reported, “The draw tender house which stood on a shell pile just off the upper island end of the Narrows Ferry Bridge was last seen more than a half mile from its customary place and the tender James Riggin and his assistant G. Cleveland Riggin had not been located yesterday morning.”

8/3 - Sign Painting & Transfers Class - Learn more about Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral paint and transfers by painting a plaque and applying an inspirational word transfer. $36, all materials provided. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford. com or call 410-924-8817.
8/7- Annual Ice Cream Sunday –Following the 9:30 a.m. service Highland Creamery will be on-site to offer delicious scoops of their heavenly ice cream. Church of the Holy Trinity Church, 502 S. Morris St.
8/8 - Bring Your Own Piece Furniture Painting Class – Bring a small piece such as a small table, plant stand, footstool, picture frame, bread box and learn how to paint it with Chalk Mineral paint. $65, includes 4 oz. jar of paint.5:30-8:30 p.m. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford.com or call 410-924-8817.
8/6 - Cars and Coffee - Oxford Community Center. Free; 8:30 -10:30. www.oxfordcc.org; 410-226-5409.
Painted Oxford Picket Fences are up all around town. Come visit them all, pick out your favorite! They will be auctioned on Sept. 24 to benefit local organizations.
8/2 - Speaker Series - Bryan Christy – Local resident, author, and investigative journalist. Bryan spent 15 years investigating wildlife traffickers and fighting for justice. His novel IN THE COMPANY OF KILLERS is a fictionalized portrayal if the world of undercover trading in animals and reptiles and involves lots of great intrigue. Sponsored by Oxford Community Center and Mystery Loves Company. Free, 5:30 p.m. OCC, 200 Oxford Rd. 0xfordcc.org
107 Oxford Business Association ~ portofoxford.com
Oxford Association August 2022 Calendar
8/14 - Pancake Breakfast – Oxford Volunteer Fire Dept. 8 – 11 a.m. 8/18 - Beginner Chalk Mineral Paint Class – Learn how to use Dixie Belle chalk mineral paint and seal ers to paint furniture, picture frames, home décor items too! You will be painting practice boards, applying paints, glazes & sealers. $45, all materials provided. 5:30 p.m The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford.com or call 410-924-8817. 8/18–21 & 25-28 - Camelot - Tred Avon Players. A 1960 musical, book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner, music by Frederick Lowe. Based on the King Arthur legend as adapted from T. H. White’s 1958 novel The Once and Future King. Thurs. – Sat 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m. For more info and tickets go to tredavonplayers.org. 8/24 - SILK All-In-One Mineral Paint Demo & Instruction – See how to use Dixie Belle’s new Silk AllIn-One mineral paint. It has a different application than chalk mineral paint. You will be able to try it out on practice boards. Seating limited to 6. $10, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford.com or call 410-924-8817.
Early September - Save the Date 9/1-5 - Sea Glass Show and Sale - The Treasure Chest,10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Free admission 9/3 - The Fabulous Hubcaps return to the Oxford Community Center. Ongoing: Caronna Estate Sales - online auctions at www.caronnacollections.com.
Jam Session - Free. Monday @ 6 p.m., Oxford Community Center. Call ahead to confirm 410-226-5904. Yoga and Exercise Classes @ OCC - Oxford Community Center, info at oxfordcc.org. 410-226-5904. Check restaurant and shop websites or facebook for updated hours


. For information specific to Chestertown visit www.chestertown.com
county seat, was founded in 1706 and served as a port of entry during colonial times. A town rich in history, its attractions include a blend of past and present. Its brick sidewalks and attractive antiques stores, restaurants and inns beckon all to wander through the historic district and enjoy homes and places with architecture ranging from the Georgian mansions of wealthy colonial merchants to the elaborate style of the Victorian era.
Kent County is a treasury of early American history. Its principal towns and back roads abound with beautiful old homes and historic landmarks.
The area was first explored by Captain John Smith in 1608. Kent County was founded in 1642 and named for the shire in England that was the home of many of Kent’s earliest colonists. When the first legislature assembled in 1649, Kent County was one of two counties in the colony, thus making it the oldest on the Eastern Shore. It extended from Kent Island to the present boundary.
The first settlement, New Yarmouth, thrived for a time and, until the founding of Chestertown, was the area’s economic, social and religiousChestertown,center.the
Kent County and Chestertown at a Glance
The beauty of the Eastern Shore and its waterways, the opportunity for boating and recreation, the tranquility of a rural setting and the ambiance of living history offer both visitors and residents a variety of pleasing experiences. A wealth of events and local entertainment make a visit to Chestertown special at any time of the year.
Second largest district of restored 18th-century homes in Maryland, Chestertown is also home to Washington College, the nation’s tenth oldest liberal arts college, founded in 1782. Washington College was also the only college that was given permission by George Washington for the use of his name, as well as given a personal donation of money.
. For information about the Historical Society of Kent County, call 410-778-3499 or visit www.kentcountyhistory.org/geddes.php
For more information about events and attractions in Kent County, contact the Kent County Visitor Center at 410-778-0416, visit www. kentcounty.com or e-mail tourism@kentcounty.com


Peeling large quantities of toma
The tomato is one of those plants responsible for creating an over abundance of food from the garden. While everyone loves vine-ripened tomatoes, having to figure out what to do with them can be overwhelming. Tomatoes are delicious sliced for sandwiches, tossed into salads or enjoyed in soups or pies. But if you still have more than you can use, try them in one of these recipes and enjoy the flavor longer.
One of the first rules about tomatoes is to not store them in the refrigerator. The aroma of a vinepicked tomato can be maintained at room temperature while the fruit is ripening, but it evaporates quickly in the refrigerator, never to be replaced. Keep whole fresh tomatoes at room temperature, re frigerating only to maintain very ripe or sliced or chopped fruit.
What To Do With All Those Tomatoes

You can use red or yellow tomatoes for this recipe. Yellows are increasingly available, and their low acidity makes them very easy to digest.
3 lbs. ripe golden tomatoes, cored, seeded and coarsely chopped 1 small onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, peeled 1 yellow bell pepper, coarsely 1/2choppedc.extra-virgin olive oil 3 T. white wine vinegar 1/4 t. cumin 1 t. kosher salt 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and 1/2dicedc. red bell pepper, diced 1/3 c. fresh cilantro, finely chopped Working in batches, place the tomatoes, onion, garlic, yellow bell pepper, oil, vinegar, cumin and salt in a food processor or blender and pulse to coarsely chop. Transfer to Tidewater Kitchen A Taste of Italy 218 N. Washington St. Easton (410) www.piazzaitalianmarket.com820-8281
112 toes can be a difficult task. Score the blossom end of the tomato (op posite the stem) and drop it into a pot of boiling water. Blanch for 15–30 seconds and then transfer to a bowl or sink filled with cold water. The skin will wrinkle immediately and slip off or peel away easily.
For the ultimate in tomato experience, slice a ripe, fresh-from-thegarden tomato just before serving. The aroma will be at its peak ~ and your nose is every bit as important as your tastebuds in delivering the real tomato experience.

113 a largeSeasonbowl.to taste with additional salt as needed. Stir in the cucum ber and refrigerate, covered, for at least 4 Pourhours.orladle the soup into chilled bowls, sprinkle with the red bell pepper and cilantro and serve immediately. Serves 6. BASIL COUSCOUSTOMATOSALAD Couscous is believed to be a sym bol of happiness and abundance. It is also very easy to prepare. 1-1/2 c. boiling water 1-1/4 c. couscous 2 c. tomatoes, chopped 1 c. fresh basil, finely chopped 1/3 c. purple onion, finely chopped 1/4 c. apple cider vinegar 2 T. extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 t. sea salt 1/8 t. freshly ground pepper Optional: 3 slices cooked bacon, crumbled

torn into
1 small
pieces 2
TOMATO AND ARUGULA SALAD large tomatoes 1/2 t. sea salt bunch arugula, and bite-size oz. Parmesan cheese Kitchen Easton, MD: 410.819.8900 Annapolis, MD: 410.267.7110 Mechanicsville, MD: 301.274.2570 Linthicum, MD: 410.789.8000 Chantilly, VA: 703.263.2300 Gaithersburg, MD: 240.650.6000 Takoma Park, MD: 301.608.2600 York, PA: 717.845.6500 adu.com Peel, seed and dice tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt. Pour Garlic and Pepper Dressing over tomatoes and toss to coat. Allow to stand 5 minutes.Combine arugula and Parmesan cheese in large salad bowl. Add to matoes and toss gently. Serve immediately. Serves 6.
114 Combine boiling water and cous cous in saucepan. Cover and allow to stand 5 minutes. Fluff with fork and cool. Combine couscous, tomatoes, basil and onions. Set aside. Combine vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. Drizzle over couscous mix ture and toss gently. Chill and toss with bacon. Serves 6–8.

115 410-310-5070 125 Kemp Lane, Easton Plenty of Off-Street Parking Brad says... Only the BEST Quality for you every time 15%discountwiththisad! with15%discountthisad! Only the Best for You!

SUMMER TOMATO PIE 6 Roma tomatoes peeled and sliced 10 fresh basil leaves, chopped 1/2 c. green onions, chopped 9-inch pre-baked pie shell 1 c. freshly grated cheddar cheese 3/4 c. half mayonnaise and half Greek yogurt Sea salt and freshly ground pepper Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place the tomatoes in a colander in the sink in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt and allow to drain 10 minutes. Use a paper towel to pat dry
CORN, TOMATO AND BASIL SALAD This makes a great summer sup per with grilled fish. 2 c. fresh corn, sauteed 2 medium tomatoes, seeded and 1choppedgreenonion, thinly sliced 1/2 c. red bell pepper, chopped 3 c. baby spinach leaves, washed and dried 1/3 c. chopped fresh basil
Tidewater Kitchen 1 T. fresh lime juice 1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 t. crushed red pepper flakes 1-1/3 t. sea salt Toss together sauteed corn and next 5 ingredients in large bowl. Set aside. Whisk together lime juice, olive oil, pepper flakes and salt in small bowl. Pour over salad and toss thoroughly. Serves 4. To serve: mound Corn, Tomato and Basil Salad on each plate and top with fish fillet.
2 T. extra-virgin olive oil 1 T. balsamic vinegar 2 small garlic cloves, minced 1/8 t. freshly ground pepper


Southerners are well known for their flare for frying, and one of the most popular dishes is Fried Green Tomatoes. To prevent tomatoes from becoming greasy, place them in ice water for 30 minutes before coating with batter. 1 1/2eggc. milk 1/4 c. flour 1/2 c. corn meal 4 large firm green tomatoes, cut into 1/8-inch slices Expeller-pressed cooking oil for Seafryingsalt and freshly ground pepper Beat egg and milk together and Tidewater Kitchen set aside. Combine flour and corn meal, mixing well. Dip each tomato slice in egg mixture, then dredge in cornmeal mixture. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add tomatoes and brown on both sides, turning once. Drain and season with salt and pepper. Serves 4–6. GRANDMA’S CASSEROLE
118 the tomatoes to make sure most of the excess juice is removed (if toma toes are wet, your pie will turn out soggy).Layer the tomato slices, basil and onion in pre-baked pie shell. Season with salt and pepper. Combine grat ed cheese, mayonnaise and Greek yogurt. Spread mixture on top of tomatoes and bake 30 minutes or un til golden and bubbly. Allow to rest at least 20 minutes before cutting. Note: I recommend using Roma tomatoes because they are firmer. However, any type of garden toma toes can be used if you use paper towels to blot excess juice.
Young people like this easy recipe! 1–2 lbs. ground chuck 1 large onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded and 2choppedt.seasoned salt 1/2 t. freshly ground pepper 4 c. whole tomatoes, peeled and chopped


120 1 15-oz. can tomato sauce 1 8-oz. package egg noodles, uncooked 1 8-oz. package shredded MozzarellaPreheatcheese oven to 350 degrees. Brown meat. Add onion, bell pepper, salt and pepper. Stir until mixed well. Add tomatoes and sauce. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour half of the meat mixture into a 9 x 13-inch glass pan. Spread with uncooked noodles. Pour remaining mixture over noodles, covering well. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serves 10–12. Pamela Meredith, formerly Denver’s NBC Channel 9 Children’s Chef, has taught both adult and children’s cooking classes on the south shore of Massachusetts. For more of Pam’s recipes, visit the Story Archive tab at tidewatertimes.com.CrackerjacksToys.com410-822-77167 S. Washington St., Easton Tidewater Kitchen



If These Walls Could Talk by Leslie Orndoff
Robert began steering the con versation back to 1988, when he was Easton’s financial adminis trator. “Many of the checks that
The sun mercifully broke through the clouds one recent morning in mid-May, enough that I needed to lower the sun visor as I pulled my car into a parking spot. Easton had been seeing only smatterings of the warming rays through periods of gray drizzle and pelting rain for a week. But that morning, the air was warmer, and the day held promise to be a good one. I got out of the car and felt the dewy air surround me as I walked to the historic Avalon Theater. I was there to record the memories and musings of a diverse group of people, all of whom hold important parts in the theater’s long and storied history. They sat on the stage in a row, and the conversation flowed eas ily, like old friends coming home. There was Ryan Finch, Jessica Bellis, Al Bond, Suzy Moore, Ellen Vatne, and Robert Karge. Each had their own unique story of how their personal history intertwined with that of the theater.

Suzy has worked at the theater since 2002 and has witnessed both renovations and innumerable performances during her tenure. When asked about her favorite per formance, Suzy had a hard time picking just one. “I always love any show that Alejandro Escovedo Avalon presents,” she said. She also loved the energy in the house when Graham Nash took the stage and ev eryone in the venue was singing “Our House” together. That sense of family together ness and community was threaded throughout the discussion. Ellen talked about her time in education and how she thought the best way to draw people to the newly reno vated theater was to educate them on what a valuable resource the building, which was then 75 years old, could be to the community. “I poured my heart, soul and energy into educating them,” El len explained. “I tried all kinds of different things: bringing or ganizations in, bringing music in to get the community inside so they could celebrate themselves. Because when a community cele brates itself, it can see its potential. And when it sees its potential, the magicJessica,happens.”who is Ellen’s daugh ter, spent her formative teenage years watching her mother bring the Avalon back from the brink. Though she had little interest in joining her mother in her hefty en deavor, the pull of community led Jessica in her 20s to Easton and theJessica’sAvalon. two boys have grown up in the theater. Much like her as a teen, they have no interest in the Avalon. But she is heartened to think that her kids have grown up Suzy Moore
124 went out for the initial renovation of this place had my signature on them,” he remembered. “I stayed involved in the theater from then untilSuzy2016.”chimed in that she graduat ed in 1988. She remembers well the theater before the renovation:. “I went on my first official date in 1985 when it was a movie theater,” she explained. “I can’t remember the movie, but I recall my date doing the classic yawn stretch and putting his arm around my shoulder.”


The talk drifts from family and Ellen Vatne
“Why settle for less when you can settle with the best!” Mid-Shore’s Leader in Grimes-Guy Photography And then, 20 years after that, I’m playing in a band with my son. So that’s a long lineage right there.”
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Ellen and Jessica were not the only ones on the stage with a fam ily lineage attached to the theater. Robert’s family involvement goes back to the 1940s. “My father was a projectionist; he ran all the mov ies during that time,” he began. “By the time he died, he could recite the words to every movie on Turner Classic Movies because he’d seen them all so many times.” He continued, “And then imag ine, 45 years later, I’m standing on the stage with my wife in our band. 114 North West Street | Easton, MD 21601 410.820.4426 www.easternshoretitle.com
126 with a sense of duty to the commu nity, “There is a real call to help in the community and to help make it better,” she explained.

127 CRONSHAW CARPENTRY MHIC #76923 We Specialize in www.cronshawcarpentry.comRemodeling!scronshaw@goeaston.netSCOTT CRONSHAW 8304 GANNON CIRCLE, EASTON 410.822.0981 office 410.310.4168 cell

128 community to music and the various artists that have stepped on that stage. “I’m not someone who gets easily starstruck,” Jessica said, “but we’ve met a lot of incredibly influential people ~ especially from that Woodstock era.” Not only artists from the Woodstock era have graced the stage. Acts like Joan Rivers, the Avett Brothers and Boys II Men have played there. Each performance has its own story, and each one brings a fun or fraught memory to the reminiscing members. “The Avett Brothers played here in 2005,” Jessica said. “When we booked them, no one knew who they were. By the time they played here, their music was blowing up.” The show ended up selling out. “I had to run downstairs during the show,” she went on to say. “I looked Avalon up, and the floor was flexing under the weight of all the people enjoying theTheshow.”group then turns the discussion to Joan Rivers. “She had this crazy rider,” Al explained. “She had to have a clock that was two feet wide; she had to have three mirrors, geraniums in pots and three Ficus plants; it went on and on and on.” Their initial impression was that she was a diva, but it turned out that she needed the items for her show. When she performed in venues she was unfamiliar with, she typically had a longer rider. So they discovered she was, in fact, a consummate performer. Through these 100 years, the Avalon has grown and changed as a person would grow and change. Her formative years were fl ashy and fast, her midlife was muddled and unsure and now, with the wisdom that years of life bring, she is coming into her “Garrisonown.Keillor once said that a building like this could survive 100 years only because people cared about it all the way along. I think it’s important to recognize those who made important, lasting decisions that we are all beneficiaries of now,” Al said. “So many things happen in this building. What’s important to me is the folks that were there when it was hard and made the right decisions, and that’s why we all get to enjoy this into the future.”
Jessica Bellis and Al Bond



Women of Impact is the dominant theme of the 2022 Chesapeake Film Festival, in honor of women who make films and women about whom films are made.
Until The Untold Story, Green specialized in creating title sequences for films, including more than 100 sequences for major Hollywood studios. Inspired by the Guy-Blaché story, she continues to focus on telling inspiring stories that bring overlooked figures to the forefront.
Women Make an Impact on the 2022 Chesapeake Film Festival
The CFF hybrid festival is LIVE in Easton, Md., September 30 ~ October 2 and VIRTUAL (and free) October 3–9 for audiences around the“Womenworld. have been making great films since the advent of the movie camera in the late 1800s. We proudly include their achievements, past and present, in our 2022 Festival,” said CFF Festival Director Cid Collins Walker.
The Untold Story of Alice GuyBlaché, by filmmaker Pamela Green (6:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 1 at the Avalon Theatre), tells the story of the first female director. From 1896 to 1906, Guy-Blaché was likely the world’s only female filmmaker.Inan interview in Women in Hollywood, Green said, “I was first moved to begin production on this film as I was watching AMC and discovered a show called ‘Reel Models,’ about pioneering women in cinema, including Alice GuyBlaché. I was surprised that I had never heard of her. I asked several people and realized that they, too, had never heard of her. I just kept asking, ‘How could such an important figure in the birth of cinema be unknown?’ It became clear I had to tell her story.”

award-win ning work as an environmental filmmaker has taken her around the world, but most of her recent work focuses on issues facing the Chesapeake Bay. Films by Can non-Brown, Harp and writer Tom Horton address climate change, erosion, rising seas, shellfish management and struggling commu nities. Cannon-Brown and Harp also collaborated on A Voice for the Rivers, about the riverkeepers of ShoreRivers. These films were featured in the Chesapeake Film Festival, aired on MPT and other PBS stations and were screened and discussed at multiple festivals,
The Chesapeake Film Festival, now in its 15th year, prioritizes films that focus on the environ ment and social justice. This year, films that address those issues are the heart of the LIVE Festival and are prevalent in the VIRTUAL Fes tival. Many of them were produced and directed by women. A documentary short co-di rected by CFF VP Sandy CannonBrown and photographer Dave Harp launches the LIVE Festival. Search for the Cooper River (6:30 p.m. Fri., Sept. 30 at the Avalon Theatre) follows area youth as they kayak, hike and hack their way through overgrowth along the Chesapeake Film Festival neglected Cooper River that runs through Camden, Cannon-Brown’sN.J.

133 Benson & Mangold Real Estate 24 N. Washington St., Easton, MD www.Jbent-MidShoreHomes.com21601 Call ~ Text or email For All of Your Real Estate Needs! C: 410.924.0901 ◆ O: JimBent@goeaston.net410.770.9255
The second film of the LIVE Festival, Upstream/DownRiver (7 p.m. Fri., Sept. 30 at the Avalon Theatre), was produced and directed by Maggie Burnette Stogner, a professor and executive director for the Center for Environmental Filmmaking at American Univer sity. The film recognizes the 50 th anniversary of the Clean Water Act with a discouraging assess ment of progress. Nearly half of U.S. streams, rivers and lakes are so polluted they are no longer safe for fishing, swimming or aquatic life.Burnette Stogner produced, directed and wrote numerous documentaries for National Geo graphic, where she was senior producer of the award-winning series EXPLORER. In 2005, she launched the independent media company Blue Bear Films. She has created numerous documentaries and outreach campaigns that in spire and inform, including In the Executioner’s Shadow, which was screened and discussed at CFF 2018, and Unbreathable ~ The Fight for Healthy Air, which was awarded Best Environmental Fea ture in CFF’s VIRTUAL Festival in 2020.Afilm from France is one of the most stunning environmental films in the VIRTUAL Festival. Mediter ranean: Life Under Siege, co-directed by Fabienne Berthaud and Fred Fougea, reveals the wonders of an astonishingly rich yet very fragile living world. At sea, on land and in the air, it is a fascinating journey through the world of ani mals and plants that survive in the Mediterranean despite the grow ing impact of human activity.
Co-director Berthaud is a French writer, actress, screen writer, director and winner of the Prix Françoise-Sagan. In 2005, she directed her first feature film with Diane Kruger. In 2010, she directed Pieds nus sur les limaces, based on her own novel. In 2019, she di rected Un monde Plus Grand, a feature film about Mongolian shamanism.
Jim SalespersonBentGRI21601 410.770.9255 the Environmental Film Festival in the nation’s capital.

134 Before the current war in Ukraine, Russia was conducting bizarre irrigation experiments in southern Ukraine that devastated farming and fi shing. Return Sasyk to the Sea, by Andrea Odezynska, reveals this Regardlesseco-disaster.ofgenre, Odezynska’s fi lms have celebrated ordinary women doing something hard and succeeding. She has received several prominent grants to support her work, including a U.S. Fulbright Scholar grant in 2018-2019 to research and fi lm Return Sasyk to the Sea. In 2016, Odezynska wrote a feature-length narrative comedy, Greenpoint. Among the fi lms addressing social issues in the 2022 Festival is Resisterhood (VIRTUAL Festival) by Cheryl Jacobs (CJ) Crim. Beginning at the 2017 Women’s March in Washington, D.C., the fi lm follows six diverse Americans as they fight for social justice on the streets and in the halls of power. We watch over the course of two years as they work Chesapeake Film Festival to protect our rights and inspire others to join this peaceful and historic movement. Resisterhood was produced, directed, fi lmed and edited by women. Resisterhood is her fi rst feature fi lm, but Crim has been producing, directing and editing awardwinning specials for more than 30 years. She produced for television in Cincinnati and New Jersey and directed the fi rst national series dedicated to women’s sports for ESPN. She also produced throughout Europe while living in Liverpool, England. Now in Maryland, she is passionate about creating fi lms that make a difference. Her many awards include 12 Regional Emmy Awards for outstanding documentary and entertainment programs, including two awards for individual achievement in directing andForediting.more information about the 2022 Hybrid Chesapeake Film Festival visit chesapeakefi lmfestival. com or contact Nancy Tabor, executive director, at 443-955-9144.



137 Where To Stay In Talbot Co., Md. - In 1926 by G. Arnold Shaw with notes by James Dawson The following article, “Where To Stay in Talbot County” by G. Arnold Shaw, is from the rare periodical Little Journeys Through the Eastern Shore…” The Talbot County Number published in the July 1926 issue provides a great picture of the sights, sounds and accommodations avail able then. The details in brackets about the various boarding houses are taken from their advertisements in that same issue, and I have added more explanatory information at the end. Little Journeys “Let us assume that you have made the wise choice of entering Talbot County by its Chesapeake Bay gateway ~ Claiborne….You may have taken the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis electric line to historic Annapolis ~ more probably you motored down. At Annapolis you may have visited the magnificent grounds and buildings of the Naval Academy, but have you seen them? No, not until you board the Governor Harrington or the Governor Ritchie

138 “As the steamer moves slowly out of its wharf, the whole story of the Naval Academy is unfolded before you ~ the training on land, on water and in the air of Uncle Sam’s midshipmen… “You have always promised yourself a trip to the land of the terrapin and the canvas-back duck. Well, here you are at last at the village-port of Claiborne, named after that Virginian who caused Lord Baltimore so much trouble in the early days of the nation and the problem, perhaps settled perhaps not, is where you will“Itstay.alldepends on what you want. There is the Hotel Bellefonte [Mrs. Where to Stay


“Perhaps it’s a first-class board ing-house you seek ~ Claiborne has that also. Its name is Maple Hall [Miss Julia Cockey, Proprietor. Golf Within Hearing of the Dinner-Gong. Open for the Fall and Winter DUCK SEASON as well as Spring and Where to Stay Claiborne Wharf
Anne B. Card, Proprietor. 5 Minutes from the ferry to Your First Bathe in Chesapeake Bay. Bright, cheerful dining and bedrooms overlooking the Bay. Headquarters for Fishing and Hunting Parties.] one of those delightful small hotels where the personal attention of the management can be given to each and every guest. Its velvety lawns slope down to the Bay where you can enjoy your first bath in the Chesapeake, for a small charge, even if you are not a guest at the hotel. Many fishermen, enchanted with the wide expanse of water view from the bay-front rooms, make the Bellefonte their headquarters for fishing trips in Eastern Bay, the Miles River and even for Tilghman’s Island, 15 miles down the river.


“Here one should mention that one of the chief joys of Talbot’s boarding houses is that, while they are all situ ated on clean salt-water, the bathing is perfectly safe even for tiny tots. A baby can frequently wade 50 feet Where to Stay
142 Summer] and its friends are legion. Maple Hall or ‘Cockey’s’ as it is familiarly named has a reputation built up, as so many boarding houses have been through personal recommendations of the satisfied guests. There is a beach on the Miles River, tennis courts and even a miniature golf course for those who do not care to motor to the links of the Talbot County Club beyond Easton.
“There are those who prefer the wide waters of the Chesapeake Bay even to the majestic Miles River ~ for such, located a few miles from the ferry at McDaniel, there is Little Haven on the Bay [Mrs. P. Carroll Price, Manager. This old established boarding house, now in its 20th Season, is FOR SALE. It is located, with a magnificent view, near the Steamer landing. Those wishing to derive di rect benefit from the Del-Mar-Va na tional advertising campaign would do well to look this property over. It contains 170 acres.] which has been conducted by the same management for 20 years. Little Haven has acres of shady lawn, home grown garden and dairy products ~ in short a most admirable place for a real rest for all families with children.


144 A full range of tax and accounting services: · Individual and Business · Estates and Trusts · Non-Profits WEAVER, MAVITY, SHORT ASSOCIATES, LLC 117 Bay Street, Suite F, Easton, MD • 410-820-8400 daley_weaver@verizon.net Call us for a consultation today! Since 1982 from the shore without getting out of its depth. Of course provision is made for more competent swimmers ~ a float is anchored in deep water. “We will begin again at the Ferry landing at Claiborne and ignoring the road to McDaniel we will keep on until we meet the sign reading to Bozman on the right of the concrete road leading to Easton and beyond. Bozman is famous for a boarding house run by Mrs. David Edmond and named Safety Beach. [As its name implies, this private boarding house is noted for the safety of its beach. It prefers to cater to those who can furnish references to other guests of the house. This advertisement is written by one who came with his family to stay 3 days, remained 5 weeks, and finally settled permanently in Old Talbot ~ there are others, and the reasons the table is unsurpassed on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is located on a broad expanse of water called Har ris Creek which is nearly two miles wide from Mrs. Edmond’s lawn. The highest praise I can give this lady’s Eastern Shore cooking and delight ful hospitality is that I went to spend a week-end and stayed five weeks.]
“The name of St. Michaels will intrigue many who see it for the first time. It is the second largest town in Talbot ~ Easton being the first and the County Seat. Turn off to the right just as you enter the town by Where to Stay

145 410-822-2205 Call for a free estimate! BAILEYRIPRAPMARINECOMPLETECONSTRUCTION·MARSHCREATIONSDOCKS·BOATLIFTSHeavyDutyandShallowWaterSTONEREVETMENTS baileymarineconstruction.com BAILEY CONSTRUCTION,MARINEINC. A 5th Generation Company - Since 1885 MD H.I.C. Lic. #343 Guests at Maple Hall

“Continuing on the concrete road Skipper John D. Higgins pilots the Governor Emerson C. Harrington on its last trip from Romancoke to Claiborne. This service was abandoned because of operating losses. With young Capt. Jack are his uncle Capt. Dan and his father Capt. Gardner. Another Higgins, Capt. Ned of Stevensville commanded the John M. Dennis. through St. Michaels we reach the historic village of Royal Oak, which according to the United States Health authorities is the healthiest place in the United States. Here a short distance from the highway is the Cedar Grove Summer Resort [E.P. Hall, Prop. Moderate Rates] with an open air dancing pavilion and a bathing beach on the Miles River.“Sixteen miles over a concrete road from Claiborne we reach the Talbot County Seat of Easton and if, on entering, we have a ravenous appetite to satisfy there is no better place to lunch or dine than the Wishing Well Tea Room, [The Place To Eat! Washington and Goldsborough Streets ~ Luncheon and Dinner ~ Table D’Hote and Á La Carte Daily, 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.] situated in the old Colonial house also occupied by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club. Many tourists wishing to explore virgin territory naturally prefer to stay where information of every kind is at hand. The Hotel Queen Anne at Easton [located on East Dover St., offered both rooms and apartments. A.H. Easter, Proprietor. “A Home Away From Home.” Famous for Eastern Shore Cooking] has recently been obliged to increase its accommodations by the addition of twenty new rooms ~ several with private baths. Easton may be made the headquarters for motor trips to the numerous Manor Houses mentioned in another article in this Where to Stay
Leonard’s Filling Station and a drive of two miles through gorgeous pine woods will bring you to Oakwood Park Inn, where a feature of the establishment provided is the free daily motor-trip to St. Michaels, which is nearer by water than by land. Oakwood Park Inn is on the San Domingo River while other sections of St. Michaels are located on the Miles River where the annual regatta of the Miles River Yacht Club is held annually in August.

147 Friends of Blackwater Blackwater410-228-2677NationalWildlife Refuge 2145 Key Wallace Drive, Cambridge, Maryland 21613 The Friends of Blackwater is a nonprofit citizens support group founded in 1987, assisting Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Cambridge, Maryland and the Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex to carry out their educational, interpretive, and public use missions. www.friendsofblackwater.org

148 issue. It is also possible to arrange for motorboat trips on the Tred-Avon, Choptank or Miles Rivers by calling at the office of the Talbot County Chamber of Commerce in the Court House, Easton.” Afterword by James Dawson Little Journeys Through the East ern Shore of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia was edited by Walter C. Thurston and published monthly by the Eastern Shore Publishing Co. in Salisbury, Md., from 1926 to 1929. Price $1.50 a year or 15¢ per copy. It was 8 ½” x 11 ¾” and 28 pages long, counting the covers, and Where to Stay CARRIER 360 ° ENERGY AUDIT WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS PLUMBING-HEATING-AIR GEOTHERMAL-SOLAR-NEWCONDITIONINGINSTALLATIONELECTRICAL-REPAIR&MAINTENANCE EFFICIENCY-SAFETY-COMFORT WWW.CALBERTMATTHEWSINC.COM410-822-0900C.ALBERTMATTHEWSWhere Integrity Meets Innovation INC.

149 410.251.2838 He o Summer! Reliable & Flexible • Locally Owned & Operated Background-Checked • FREE ESTIMATES Excellent Customer Service Gi Certificates Available Schedule a appointmentcleaningtoday! Relax while we do the cleaning! C LEANING S ERVICE was fi lled with stories and poems boosting the Eastern Shore. Along with illustrations and ads that are great examples of Roaring Twenties boosterism at its fi nest, the articles spotlighted various enterprises and counties and cities. Thurston, a Salisbury writer and poet, was also the author of The Eastern Shore in Song and Story in 1938. His 1944 obituary stated that he was the unofficial Poet Laureate of G.Salisbury.Arnold Shaw, who wrote this article, was born in England and immigrated to the U.S. in 1905. He lived in New York City and moved to Baltimore in 1925. He managed a lecture circuit. This article is taken from the July 1926 special issue of Little Journeys Through The Eastern Shore devoted to Easton and Talbot County, which featured other articles about the county: “By The Waters of Talbot” by William Draper Brinckloe, “Some Talbot Manor Houses” by Wilson M. Tyler, longtime editor and publisher of the Easton Gazette , and “Some Helpful Farm Suggestions” by E.P. Walls,ThisM.S.issue also included a fullpage map of Talbot and several short unsigned articles: “Baseball in Easton” by A Fan, “Federated Women’s Clubs of Talbot County” and “Star-Democrat Is Large Factor In Growth Of Easton.” In addition, numerous ads include this intriguing one: “CATHERINE

The steamers made five round trips daily in summer and bragged on their seafood dinners. They didn’t miss a trick. You could even buy a color postcard of the ferry John M. Dennis with the message already printed on it in script, like you had written it yourself, that read: Dear Friend:- What a pleasant surprise we had today. Instead of driving around the head of the Chesapeake Bay, we decided to use the ferry between Annapolis and the Eastern Shore, which saved us at least 100 miles.
Where to Stay WILLSON/ Exponent of/ ARTIS TIC DANCING/ Classes at the New Theater Ballroom/ EASTON, MD./ Private Lessons by Appointment/ St. Michaels, Md./ Telephone: St. Michaels, 5.” The mind boggles. I tried calling her number, but it doesn’t seem to be in service any longer.
Obviously, much has changed in the intervening 95 years since this article was written, including Talbot being called the land of the terrapin and canvasback, as canvasback ducks are nowhere near as common as they were in 1926. The Baltimore and Annapolis Railway was formed in the 19th century to connect the two cities. It then became the Annapolis and Baltimore Short Line in 1921, was later purchased by the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway and finally became the Bal timore and Annapolis Railway after it went bankrupt in 1935. And it was in operation until 1950.

151 AMISH COUNTRY FARMER’S MARKET 101 Marlboro Avenue, Easton, MD · 410-763-8002 www.lancohandmadefurniture.com Aspen Collection For more than a decade, Lancaster Legacy has been creating quality hardwood furniture in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. As a family-owned business, we take special pride in every piece we build, and we continuously strive to bring our customers the nest handcra ed furniture available.

152 410-822-0107 www.talbothumane.org Adopt a shelter dog or cat today Get free pet care information Spay or neuter your pet for a longer life Volunteer your services to benefit the animals 4930 Bucktown Road, Cambridge · 410-228-3090 info@baywateranimalrescue.org · www.baywateranimalrescue.org The Mid-Shore’s premier No Kill Shelter Come Adopt!

153 Mullins & Sons, Inc. Automotive Repair Shop 410-822-5528 30343 Kates Point Rd. Trappe, MD 21673 3 Generation Family Run Auto Service Shop with over 31 years experience. Offering a wide variety of services to include but not limited to: Brakes, Diagnostics, Tire Rotation, Rv & Trailer Repair, Heating, and Basic Services. Specializing in ReasonableTransmissions.Rates! A beautiful 400-acre science education center and farm on the shores of Pickering Creek. Come explore our forests, shoreline, fields, wetlands and nature trails. Check out our adult and family programs! 11450 Audubon Lane, Easton 410-822-4903 · www.pickeringcreek.org

154 These modern ferry boats, which are so comfortable and commodious, along with the beautiful scenery and salt air, certainly do make a fine combination for an enjoyable trip. Allow yourself a little time in Annapolis where the U.S. Naval Academy is located. This quaint little city just basks in the sunlight of historical lore, and has the greatest background of colonial buildings in America.Ifyouare ever in this vicinity, do not fail to make the trip. I know you will not be The[spaceSincerely,disappointed.foryournamehere]ferryserviceranuntil 1952, Where to Stay when the new bridge over the Chesapeake Bay put it out of business. The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic R.R. conveniently went from Claiborne to Easton and points east. The concrete road from the Claiborne ferry to Easton was constructed in 1921. Note that this road originally went through Royal Oak on that section of the road that is now Rt. 329, as Rt. 33 as we know it had not been numbered yet. Rt. 33 is

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much straighter than the old Eastonto-Claiborne road. What became the modern Rt. 33 was completed in stages, beginning in 1919 as Rt. 17 and then Rt. 451 and finally Rt. 33 in 1952. The Easton-Claiborne section was completed in 1924.
The Claiborne-Annapolis Ferry opened in 1919 and closed in 1952 when the first Bay Bridge was opened, although it had been a steamboat landing previously, just not an automobile-carrying Baycrossing ferry. The hotels mentioned are all gone, except for one survivor. The Oak wood Inn, or The Oaks Waterfront Inn as it is now known, is still in business, although under different management. Maple Hall, conveniently located by the ferry and the terminus of the B.C. & A. railroad, was taking paying guests by 1892 and lasted until about when the Bay Bridge opened. It was torn down in 2013 after years of rather spectacu lar neglect. The Hotel Queen Anne opened in 1918 and was in business through WWII. The site is now the Where to Stay
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Where to Stay Wades Point Inn
Also not mentioned was Wades Point Inn in McDaniel which opened as a summer resort in 1876 and continues today on the banks of Eastern Bay. The others are long gone but have been replaced by many new places, so there is no lack of accommodations in Talbot County, Maryland, in 2022. James Dawson is the owner of Unicorn Bookshop in Trappe.
Thoroughgood Lane townhouse development.Notmentioned was the Hotel Avon in Easton, which opened in 1891 and burned in 1944. It was replaced by the Tidewater Inn on the same site in 1949. Also not mentioned was the Railroad Hotel by the tracks on Goldsborough Street, which closed after the Tidewater Inn opened.



“Look, Andy, it’s great you won the leg. I can’t wait to hear every bloody detail ~ I don’t care it if takes three Scotches. Everyone here is delighted. Great publicity. The re sponse is very good, better than anyone expected, to be honest. And Becky’s pictures, wonderful. There’s just one problem. You’re the CEO of Moss Optical, at least for the mo ment. The guy in charge. You have to show your face around here every so often. No way around it.” It was Sam on the phone. Andy was listening, getting a little lecture about responsibility and not enjoying it. It would be so easy to blow Sam off, stay in Auckland, where Andy had become an overnight ce lebrity for beating Koonce at his own game; Auckland, where his money was no good in any bar or restaurant once he’d been recognized. New Zealand is unique. It is so remote. In many ways, it is another world. The land itself is impres sive, amazingly varied, impos sible to ignore. From the striking fjords, fertile Canterbury Plains, and snow-covered mountains of the South Island, to the amazing rock formations on the beaches of the North, Mother Nature has done some of her best work here. It is all gorgeous, a sportsman’s paradise, a friendly place to live. Life here seemed just a touch more relaxed than anywhere else Andy had ever been. More sheep than people, they said, and, according to a local joke, men were men and the sheep were worried. Andy and Becky had snuck off one afternoon and looked at houses. But he was listening. He knew Sam was right.
Chapter 10: Sam
“There are some big decisions coming up, and a few overly ambi tious people with friends on the board who I know have their eyes on your job. Unless you don’t care. But I think you do.”
Changes: Coming Again A novel inbyprogress Roger Vaughan
“Only around twenty hours,”
Andy assured Sam he cared. “Then you need to get on the next plane, damn it, get your butt back here and pretend you know what’s going on. I’ll send you a file, you can catch up on the plane. You’ll have plenty of time.” Sam laughed.
164 Andy said. “Okay, okay, you’re right, Sam. I’ll let you know the schedule.”
“Plenty of time for that. Plenty of time.” * * * * * Andy was dozing in the comfort of a first-class accommodation. He had taken a Halcyon, and it had kicked in nicely. Sam had died the following day, closed his eyes and expired peacefully after having had a last talk with Andy and Becky that was mostly about golf, including some light-headed musings about what the golf courses in his future might be like. Would the rough be a tangle, or friendly? Would the Coming Again “Sam…your dad…” Gloria said to Becky, “…is in the hospital.
Gloria, Andy’s secretary, and his pal Jeff Linn met him and Becky at JFK. That was such an odd pair ing that Andy immediately sensed a problem. Jeff had been as intimidated by Gloria as Andy had, maybe more so. They didn’t come more offi cious than Gloria, or more capable, or more enticing in a militaristic sort of way. She presented a very unfair combination. Andy had always thought Gloria could run the compa ny. She was doing a pretty good job in his absence. But things had changed at Moss, and for the better. With Mitchell gone and Sam more or less in charge, Jeff had told him a new atmosphere prevailed at the company. The grim, oppressive tone set by Mitch had been replaced by a more productive, community-wide energy. Smiling had become a trend. But these two employees didn’t look happy. Their greeting was perfunc tory. Jeff was studying his shoes. Gloria was on point, as usual. “Sam…your dad…” Gloria said to Becky, “…is in the hospital. I’m so sorry. It happened while you were in theBeckyair.” was aghast. Her father was in his eighties with a heart condi tion, playing well into the fourth quarter. Even so, it’s impossible to comprehend or accept such an impending loss. A sudden turn for the worse never fails to shock. “What happened?”“Heart,”Gloria said. “On the golf course.”Becky put her face in her hands. “We should go to the hospital di rectly.”“Soon as you pick up your bags.” “You should have seen that baby,” Sam said from his bed. He looked tired, but his voice had that old crackle. “One of my best drives ever, well over 200 yards, straight as an arrow. What a sound. Craack! I’ll never forget that one.” He paused. “I ended up on the ground.” He looked disappointed. “Could have been par.” “Dad, try to rest.”
“This novel ~ set in the round the world race ~ has some very bad characters out to ruin a young man struggling to find his identity, an unexpected love interest, and some intense blue water sailing."
The book was originally serialized in Tidewater Times. Available on Amazon, print or eBook.

166 greens be fast? Would drives carry five or six hundred yards on those rarefied links? Would the traps be dry and fluffy, immaculately raked like Japanese sand gardens? It had been tough on Becky, but what a good way to go, Andy thought, hop ing he’d be half as zoned out when it was his turn. At Sam’s behest, there had been no funeral. The outpouring of con dolences had been impressive. From Harvard alumni and military mates to business friends and golf partners, the immense response was testament to the wide and gra cious swath Sam had cut through a productive and con siderate life. His law degree had gotten him a commission in the Navy in the early 1940s. He’d served aboard a destroyer and survived several harrowing forays, none of which appeared to have created permanent damage, physically or psycho logically. He was living proof, Andy thought, that a substantial business could be run successfully, and that even lawsuits could be settled ~ a war could be fought? ~ without an excess of ham-fisted vitriol. But for the most part, that was then. Andy wondered if Sam might be among the last of his breed. Or maybe he was just unique, one of a kind. Andy had had his moment with the board, calling an emergency session so he could catch a plane in time to make the next leg of the race. That hadn’t been as bad as ex pected, probably thanks to Sam’s death. Grief temporarily tabled whatever contestable items might have been lurking on personal agendas. Andy had reported on The Race. He was praised, was told race promotion had been very good for the company’s retail products, like their binoculars and small scopes. He had been encouraged to contin ue as long as he agreed to make an appearance between legs. It had all been quite uneventful, save for his amazement that Mountain View, his old concept about thebeinghotelastronomy-themedancomplex,wasconsideredbyboard.Mitchhad crushed the idea, and Andy figured it had stayed crushed. But there it was, and he had to admit it was still exciting, the idea of a Martianstyled hotel campus built around a high-end telescope of the sort Jeff had designed for Andy’s house.
Everything about the Mountain View concept reeked of outer space ~ of the universe ~ from drinks like a Black Hole (dark rum and iced coffee with a dash of sweet vermouth), to air lock sound effects when doors opened and closed, to every guest’s choice of the expanse of night sky they would like to sleep under. Guests would be allotted time on Coming might be among the last of his breed. Or maybe he was just unique, one of a kind.
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168 the telescope, supervised by as tronomy grad students. Andy que ried one of the board members after the meeting, who told him Mountain View had not been fully evaluated, but thanks to Gloria they had his old plans and several members thought it would be a smart promo tion for Moss, a natural follow-up to the company’s new public presence thanks to The Race. Gloria at work. He was now flying alone. Becky had her hands full as executor of her father’s estate. Neither of them liked it. They hadn’t been apart for many months. She planned to meet him in Punta del Este, Uruguay, their next stop. He hoped Punta would be friendlier than the first time they had stopped there. That was a bad movie, having been sent to that very rough neigh borhood bar by Isha, his desper ate fight with the guy with a knife, all set up by Mitch and executed by his nasty girlfriend, Andy’s exgirlfriend…whoa, he had to change channels. The intense white noise of the Boeing 747’s engines, and of the hull tearing through thin air at 600 miles an hour, dragged Andy into another disturbing scene, this one with his skipper, Jan Sargent, who had discovered the tube of jewels buried in the missing keel bolt. Sargent was ballistic. “You think I wouldn’t know about something, anything, on my freaking boat?” Sargent’s veins were bulging. He was at full tilt. Andy felt Sargent’s spittle raining on his face. “That there would be a spare roll of goddamn electrical tape or toilet paper on my boat that would escape my goddamn attention? We are now smuggling jewels in addition to rac ing around the world? You son-of-abitch stupid rich kid…what in Christ were you thinking? And removing a keel bolt…Jesus!...you don’t think there’s a reason they put in 10 bolts? Five pairs? So now maybe the keel has a better chance of ripping off if we should happen to hit one of those growlers that fall off icebergs, and we roll over and fucking die. All of us. You ass hole! You don’t have enough money? Is that the prob lem?”“My father…” Andy muttered. “Your father!? Grady? Your fa ther tells you to kill someone you’re gonna do “You“How…”it?”don’t think we check the keel bolts after every leg? They can get loose, you didn’t know that, es pecially on a light, unseaworthy piece of crap like we are racing on. This boat is a big freaking dinghy, not made for blue water racing by anyone’s stretch of the imagination. And you removed a keel bolt!” Sargent suddenly drew back his Coming father!? Grady? Your father tells you to kill someone you’re gonna do it?”

“Thanks for the good thoughts about Sam,” Andy said. “You’ll be glad to know he went down swing ing ~ a golf club.” The group chuck led. “He wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. He went out imagining the golf courses in his next life when work wouldn’t get in the way. I’ll tell you that the guys at Moss, meaning the board of directors, are very happy about how we are doing. The press has been very good, and Coming Again Dreams that mimic reality will linger, haunt you.
170 fist and launched it at Andy’s face. Andy ducked, flung up his arms to ward off the blow. “Sir! Please, sir…” Andy awoke to the flight atten dant trying to calm him down. He could barely get his eyes open. The Halcyon was far from done with him. But he could focus enough to realize he’d made quite a mess of his area. The flight attendant was gathering up papers, books and magazines that had gone flying into the“Whoa,aisle. sorry, sorry,” Andy mum bled.“No problem, sir. Must have had a bad dream.”“For sure,” Andy said, closing his eyes, returning to Halcyon’s insis tent embrace. The flight attendant pulled up his blanket.*** Dreams that mimic reality will linger, haunt you. One of the first things Andy did upon arriving in Auckland was visit the boat. It was midnight when he landed. He drove to the yard, showed his pass to the gatekeeper, whom he had to wake up, and was soon pulling up the cabin sole. It was crazy, he knew, and everything was undis turbed, of course, the way he and Martin had left it, but he simply had to make sure. Andy was half-conscious for the crew meeting the next morning. The sixteen-hour time change was brutal. The boys were glad to see him. They expressed sadness about Sam. Sargent ran the meeting.
“Two days to the start,” Sargent said. “We’re good. We could start this afternoon. That’s what happens when you guys bust your asses. Everything’s ready except for perishables ~ eggs, milk, fruit and some bacon for Boswick ~ that will be delivered late tomorrow.” Teddy Bo swick, the closest thing they had to a cook, had a big smile. “I’ll share,” he said. “Really.” “The issue,” Sargent continued, “as always, will be the weather. Harder to predict as we sail south. We’ve got Cape Horn this leg. There’s a gale there every four days, on average, and, well, let’s hope we play the odds right. Damaris has got some ideas. No doubt our esteemed owner has a few. Andy?”

Andy was hoping the color hadn’t drained from his face, and that if it had, Sargent either hadn’t no ticed or thought it was caused by the time change. He hoped he’d remained composed, that his jaw hadn’t sagged open, that he hadn’t drooled. He realized he had to say something.“Andifyou’d decided to do it, you would have called me, of course.”
172 lucky you, the Moss guys gave me permission to come back.”
Andy was eager to be off to the gym to give his muscles a chance to regroup after ten days of inactivity and then the long flight, but he stayed to have another coffee with Sargent and catch up. The skipper said the crew was in good shape. Larry Kolegeri had gotten in a bit of trouble when he chatted up the wrong girl at a bar one night. Turned out to be somebody’s wife. Somebody important. It caused a neardonnybrook, but cool heads and apologies had prevailed. “And we came this close to moving the keel,” Sargent said. “Stu was for it, and so was driver Crouse, and Zimmer the trimmer. Both of them thought the balance could be improved a touch if we moved it forward. Just a smidge. We had ten days, could have done it, barely, but we could have. We got the designer, Gibb Frey, on the phone. He did some numbers and agreed it might help, but he was talking three, may be four inches max. And for what it was gonna cost, it surely would have given Sam a heart attack well before he hit that drive. For three inches, I scrubbed it. If it’s not broken…”
“Of course,” Sargent said with an evasive smile. A good workout helped Andy clear his head and focus on the leg ahead. But on the short afternoon sail to go over the sail inventory, he found himself distracted at the wheel. He had put Moss Optics out of his mind, and now, there it was, with Mountain View to think about again. And there was that little tube buried in the keel. He’d more or less forgotten about that as well until the frightening Halcyon-stoked dream had floored him. And they had actually considered moving the keel! Of all the far-out, unexpected possibilities he’d totally failed to consider. He supposed he could have stopped it, but what if Sargent had just dealt with Sam and gone ahead with it? It made him sick to think about it. And there was Becky, whom he’d come to rely on, a world away. He’d call her when they got“Groundin. control to captain Andy” (it was Damaris). “Hello, anyone home? We were just saying, several times, actually, it might be a Coming Again Andy was hoping the color hadn’t drained from his face

fabulous selection of
LocallyDeliverWeandShiptoo! good idea to head for the barn, have a drink, get some chow.” “Sorry, guys. It’s still yesterday for me. AndyTacking…”skippedthe details, but he did tell Becky about the dream and about how Jan had stunned him with the possibility of moving the keel. “I have to admit, I’ve had some very bad minutes,” he said to her. There was a pause, never a good sign with Becky. “I have to accept what you’ve done…well, because I do,” Becky said. “But listen, Andy. You can’t come whining to me for sympathy, because honestly, I don’t have any. You know how I feel about it. That’s not going to change. My advice is to forget about it because it’s already done and there’s no undoing it. You know the old line ~ if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Says it all. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Forget it. Like you said, someone snuck on the boat and did this. That’s not bad. Go with it. Don’t waste any more time on it. It’s done. Over. Get it together. Race the boat. Throw those stupid dreams overboard.” “I wasn’t whining.” “Oh, “Not“I“I“You’reAndy…”right.”know.”loveyou.”asmuchas I love you.” vaughan.roger@gmail.com Coming Again “Not as much as
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