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Publishers' Note
Publishers’ Note: Celebrating 70 Years!
It has certainly been an eventful year for us. We have enjoyed celebrating our 70th anniversary with you all. Special thanks to all of our advertisers, readers, writers and friends who participated in our anniversary celebration at the iconic Robert Morris Inn back in May. During our silent auction at that event, we were able to raise over $4,000 for the Talbot County Sheriff's Department D.A.R.E. program.
Anne and I are excited for you to read all of the amazing stories our writers have put together for December. We are especially enthused about two several-part stories that begin this month.
The first is by our newest contributor, Dan Hoyt. He will take us through his battle with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), from diagnosis to stem cell transplant. Dan's writing is upbeat, with a sprinkling of humor, and his bepositive approach to life is truly an inspiration.
The second multi-part series, by Michael Valliant, features a groundbreaking Talbot County resident, Darryl Hill. Hill broke race barriers and became the first African American to play football at the University of Maryland. He went on to establish himself as a very successful entrepreneur. It is a fascinating journey!
Anne, Pop and I want to thank you for an amazing year, and we wish you all the very best during this joyous holiday season! ~ John Farwell
P.S. Our newest family member, Doodler, wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and is looking forward to lots of treats from Santa in her stocking!