Tidewater Times March 2020

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Tidewater Times

March 2020


MILES RIVER - Designed to maximize the panoramic water views. Featuring bright, spacious rooms, high ceilings, lots of waterside glass, heated floors, 3-car garage, nautical room and a huge gourmet kitchen. St. Michaels is just 2 miles away, by land or sea! $1,499,000

TURKEY NECK POINT - Incredible 36-ac. SW facing point, w/over 3,000’ of shoreline. The main house, designed by Christine Dayton, AIA, is ultra-high quality, w/over 7,000 sq. ft. of living space. Big water views from every room! Pool. Guest house. $4,995,000

PERRY CABIN - Overlooking St. Michaels Harbor, this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath waterfront townhouse is suited as a full-time residence or summer/weekend get-away. Great floor plan, including a spacious waterside deck with electric awning. Includes a premier deep-water boat slip! $595,000

ST. MICHAELS CONTEMPORARY Designed by a prominent architectural firm, this 2,243 square foot home is exceptional, with dramatic cathedral ceilings, spacious lightfilled rooms, wood floors, master suite and 2 guest bedrooms...all on 1 level. 6.4 mostlywooded, private acres. $485,000

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Tidewater Times

Since 1952, Eastern Shore of Maryland Vol. 68, No. 10

Published Monthly

March 2020

Features: About the Cover Photographer: Jay Fleming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Memento Mori: Helen Chappell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky: Bonna L. Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 John Ford ~ A Portrait of a Man Through the Arts: Michael Valliant . . 41 For All Seasons Heart & Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Tidewater Kitchen ~ Primo Pastas: Pamela Meredith . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Two Boats and Three Stories: Jim Dawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Tidewater Gardening: K. Marc Teffeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 The Tilghman's Island Series (Part III): Gary D. Crawford . . . . . . . . . 137 Ninth Biennial Chamber Music Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Changes ~ All-American (Part VI): Roger Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Departments: March Tide Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Queen Anne's County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Caroline County ~ A Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Dorchester Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Easton Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 St. Michaels Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Oxford Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Tilghman ~ Bay Hundred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 March Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Anne B. Farwell & John D. Farwell, Co-Publishers

P. O. Box 1141, Easton, Maryland 21601 3947 Harrison Circle, Trappe MD 21673 410-714-9389 FAX : 410-476-6286 www.tidewatertimes.com info@tidewatertimes.com Tidewater Times is published monthly by Bailey-Farwell, LLC. Advertising rates upon request. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Individual copies are $4. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in part or whole without prior approval of the publisher. The publisher does not assume any liability for errors and/or omissions. The views and opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers.



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Voted Best Interior Design Services and Furniture Store on the Shore! The finest in home furnishings, interior design, appliances, floor coverings, custom draperies and re-upholstery. 902 Talbot Street, St. Michaels, MD 410-745-5192 · 410-822-8256 · Mon. - Fri. 8-5, Sat. 10 - 4 higginsandspencer.com · higginsandspencer.hdwfg.com 6

About the Cover Photographer Jay Fleming third printing, and his second, Island Life, is expected to be released in the fall of 2021. The cover photo is of Sarah Lewis, a senior at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School, who helps her father, Burl, fi sh his pound nets off Hoopers Island before her morning classes. Sarah is the sixth generation of the Lewis family to work on the water. Jay may be contacted at 410-2798730 or e-mail at jaypfleming@ gmail.com. Please visit his websiteJayFlemingPhotography.com.

Jay discovered his passion for photography upon inheriting a hand-me-down Nikon film camera from his father, Kevin, a former National Geographic photographer. Jay immediately developed an affinity for looking at life through the lens of his camera, and what ensued was an exciting photographic journey that would eventually lead him to his career as a professional photographer. At the age of 32, Jay has an extensive portfolio that is sure to impress. His first book, Working the Water ~ a photographic narrative of the Chesapeake Bay seafood industry, is in its


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Memento Mori by Helen Chappell

One of the most interesting uninvited guests I ever had was a perfect stranger who came to my door late at night, asking if I would write his wife’s obituary. She’d just died, and he evidently didn’t trust the funeral home’s ability to memorialize her life. He wanted a pro obit, and he was willing to pay for it. Seated at his kitchen table in St. Michaels with the grieving man and his adult sons, I carefully noted everything about her long life, and I wrote it in my best obituary style, learned from years of newspapering. I was careful to avoid flowery, language, because WASPs don’t go in for that kind of stuff, but I did throw in some ruffles and flourishes because she’d had an interesting life. I like to think that I offered her family some comfort and paid her a tribute she deserved. It wasn’t the first time I’d ever written an obituary, but it was the first one I’d ever done for someone who wasn’t a blood relative. I’ve always said I’m too old for weddings and births and too young for the obituaries, so I have to find my friends in the crime and accident reports in the paper. The other day, it occurred to me that I’m not too young for the obits

anymore. I find myself scanning them for people I know because so many people I know no longer go out to lunch or a concert or use social media to stay in touch. So, the obituaries may be the only place I can see what they’re up to. A lot of people only take the local paper for high school sports and the social announcements, especially the obituaries, which are also known as the Eastern Shore Sweepstakes. If your name isn’t in there, it’s a good day. Back in the day, obituaries were something special. They were sentimental, ornate and pious. No one died. People passed, slipped away, departed this life, went to their heavenly rest, fell asleep in Jesus and a lot of other euphemisms. People still avoid the word “died” as if it’s an obscenity, which says a lot more about our culture than the fate we will all meet sooner or later. Even in the ’50s, when I was 9



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Memento Mori

very young, we do tend to think the worst, like overdose or suicide. So, we no longer get ornate, amateurishly written screeds like: The silver cord is loosened, the golden bowl is broken as Oderbald Phenian Bladderwack of Pumpkin Corners departed this life for one in Jesus at home on Tuesday, March 24 surrounded by friends and family. At his last bedside to guide him to his heavenly rest were his wife Ghislane Grinch Bladderwack, his daughter Lina Bladderwack Heaton Tooey of Shaft Ox Corner, her husband Jackson Phines Tooey, also of Shaft Ox Corner, Oderbald’s other daughter, Chlorinda Bladderwack Chambers and her husband, Thomas Cambertine Chambers, both of

growing up, obituaries followed the axiom say no evil of the dead, as if, like the ancient Romans people believed, you dissed the departed, they’d come back and haunt you. So, you would never read that Orvis was a wife-beating drunk, or Angelina created misery for the entire town with her sharp tongue and malicious gossip, oh, no. People still don’t reveal everything about the deceased in an obit, but it’s more because there’s simply no space in print, not even for what a lot of us want to know, which is cause of death. Let’s face it. We’re all morbid curiosity seekers at heart, and if someone’s not very old or very,


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Memento Mori

Dantown, his son Goomer Edward Bladderwack of Gander Hill, his other son Hinzer Minor Bladderwack and his wife Floria, both of Tumberville, and their children. In addition to his beloved wife, sons, daughters and in-laws, Mr. Bladderwack leaves seven grandchildren and a host of friends down to the Pumpkin Corners VFD, where he was former chief for four terms, the Loyal Order the Buffalo Lodge of Pumpkin Corners and the Wahoo Fishing Club. Mr. Bladderwack was a self-employed waterman known for his fantastical tales, the like of which we will never hear again. A final farewell will be held at the Dismal Funeral Home, and the graveside service, reverently conducted by Rev. Earl Houndstooth of

Find Your Style at Lizzy Dee!

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Memento Mori the Tubman’s Corners First Church of Elvis, Reformed at Eternal Mount Hope Cemetery. Or something like that. With dead tree newspapers dying, and increasing need to cut costs, small-town newspapers now offer survivors ten whole lines, or about five column inches, of newspaper space for free. After that, it’s going to cost you anything from a dollar to ten dollars a line, and let’s face it, these days, with the soaring cost of medical care and funeral expenses, the obit is something the family can cheap out on.

home, for obvious reasons. You may think it’s hilarious to submit a fake obituary for your mortal enemy, but no one else does. And if you’re thinking about disappearing, don’t even go there. There is such a thing as a paid death notice, and they do tend to appear in major urban dailies, but not so much in small-town rags. Unless you’re famous, don’t even expect to make the news, unless your demise is something spectacular, and I think most of us would prefer to go out quietly than in a hail of bullets. Helen Chappell is the creator of the Sam and Hollis mystery series and the Oysterback stories, as well as The Chesapeake Book of the Dead. Under her pen names, Rebecca Baldwin and Caroline Brooks, she has published a number of historical novels.

Most obits among the non-literary are written by the funeral home, and frankly, it’s not their favorite part of the job, which tells you a lot about obit writing. Most newspapers will not accept obits unless they’re faxed in by the funeral 18

The Birthstone for March is Aquamarine



Louisville and Lexington, KY Land of Burgoo, Bourbon & Bluegrass by Bonna L. Nelson

“You must try the burgoo,” said a guest in line with us at Louisville’s favorite barbecue joint, Mark’s Feed Store. The local man was seated before I could ask, “What in the world is burgoo?” After flying from Baltimore’s BWI to Louisville’s Muhammad Ali International Airport, picking up our rental car and quickly unpacking, we headed to the highly recommended eatery for dinner. Sidney, our cheerful waitress, explained that Mark’s famous lean barbecue meats are smoked over hickory wood for twelve hours and then topped with a secret sauce. And the burgoo? She insisted we try a cup on the house before revealing the ingredients. John ordered a rack of ribs, and I chose the smoked turkey with sweet potatoes, green beans and cornbread. The food was outstanding! It was moist, spicy and f lavorful. And Mark’s burgoo? Burgoo is a stew of smoked meats ~ including brisket, chicken, pork and turkey ~ and potatoes, carrots, peas and onions. The meats and vegetables are nestled in a thick, light brown and slightly spicy sauce. We later learned that burgoo is a traditional dish in

Kentucky and that each restaurant/ church group/family uses unique ingredients and flavors to distinguish their burgoo. We enjoyed it so much that we returned later in the week to savor it again with their sweet buttermilk pie for dessert. Continuing our quest to v isit all fifty states along with national parks and historic sites in the U.S., we decided to embark on a late-fall adventure to Kentucky and Indiana. We had read that the average temperatures would be fifty to sixty degrees and that the trees would be decorated in peak autumn colors. However, with the ever-changing weather that many link to climate change, you can’t count on historic weather predictions. Two days before we left for Kentucky, a cold 21

Louisville and Lexington A rctic blast crossed the central states and headed up the East Coast. When we arrived, Kentucky and Indiana were blanketed in light snow with temperatures in the low teens. Trees were either bare or decorated with brown crispy leaves. Kent uck y blueg ra ss wa s brow n grass. Undeterred, we had packed for wintry weather, having experienced it in Maryland before leaving. Forbes placed Louisville in the “Top Ten Coolest Cities to Visit,” and Travel + Leisure magazine suggests that the town is “One of the Friendliest Cities in America.” As we drove around Louisville, we stopped at the 85-acre Waterfront Park, with

trails and playgrounds and views of an array of attractive vehicular bridges crossing the Ohio River. The chilly, windy weather kept the Belle of Louisville, a historic 104-yearold paddle-wheel steamboat, at the dock. Few people tackled, as we had hoped to, the two-mile round-trip walk/bike across the Ohio on the Big Four Pedestrian Bridge with its breathtaking skyline views. We stopped at the Old Louisville Information Center downtown for maps and recommendations and were greeted by Kentucky’s favorite sons. No, not Mitch McConnell, but Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame and Muhammed Ali, the world boxing champ, in the form of life-sized statues situated in mini-exhibits. The friendly staff smothered us



Truly one-of-a-kind property on Peachblossom Creek off the Tred Avon River between Easton and Talbot CC. Main & Guest house connected by breezeway all overlooking gorgeous gunite pool & waterfront splendor. Main & Guest have kitchens open to family rooms, total 4 bedrooms & 6 baths, garage w/finished 2nd flr, sep artist studio.


Perfect family compound with deep water dock on Miles River, five minutes from downtown Easton. Enjoy this lovely 7+ ac. estate with gorgeous one-story “open concept” main house, waterside guest cottage and 1500+/-sf 2 BR apartment. Two large outbuildings perfect for multiple boat, rv, auto storage, dream workshop, additional stalls, more!

Janet Larson, Associate Broker

410.310.1797 · jlarson@bensonandmangold.com www.shoremove.com


31 Goldsborough St., Easton, MD 21601 · 410.822.6665 · www.bensonsandmangold.com


Louisville and Lexington

The unique Hot Brown sandwich was f irst ser ved in L ouisv ille’s legendar y Brow n Hotel in 1926. Its popularity grew, and it is now in several other eateries. “When in Rome,” as the saying goes, we always try to experience not only the culture, nature and history of a state but also its favorite dishes and beverages, thus the burgoo, the Hot Brown and soon all things bourbon. The Hot Brown is basically a hot turkey open-faced sandw ich on toasted bread, topped with sliced tomatoes and crispy bacon, smothered in Mornay sauce and broiled until bubbly and brown. The sandwich is true comfort food: hot, messy, slurpy and fun. We accompanied it with another Kentucky favorite, a Mint Julep, the traditional drink of the Kentucky Derby, and knew we were experiencing the best of the “Bluegrass State.” We always allow time on our state trips to visit sites that weren’t originally researched and included in our itinerary. The Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory is one such Kentucky site. When we passed the museum fronted by the world’s largest bat, weighing 68,000 pounds and stretching 120 feet into the sky, John ~ my husband, driver, traveling companion and high school baseball player ~ hit the brakes and made a U-turn to take a closer look. We joined a group of travelers that included a few young boys. The factory tour was enhanced by the

with information, maps and a dinner recommendation. We made a quick stop at the 147-acre Churchill Downs Racetrack, the famed home of t he K ent uc k y D erby. It w a s closed, but the setting sun bathed its twin spires in beautiful light. We joined L ouisv i l le’s young professionals in hitting the bar on a Friday night at the Troll Pub Under the Bridge. Not only was it under a bridge, it was underground in a basement near the Ohio River. We weren’t there to catch up with friends like they were, but we were there for another locals’ favorite savory. We were advised not to miss the “Hot Brown.”


NEW OXFORD LISTING Perfect for weekends or year round living ! Great in town Oxford location. Ranch style home, featuring 4 + bedrooms, 2 baths with open floor plan. First floor master with master bath, walk in closet, dual gas fireplace. Huge kitchen with large center island, spacious living room, separate dining room, laundry room, screened porch. Hardwood floors throughout. 4th bedroom & bonus room. Close to restaurants, marinas, parks and public beach 1 block away. $475,000 www.107RiverviewAve.com

RARE OFFERING! Easton model waterfront end unit in Marshy Cove. Great water views from every window! Large eat-in kitchen with granite, living/dining combo. Waterfront balcony, assigned parking spot in garage and storage unit! Community pool, river trail & marina. Close to restaurants, shops and marina’s. Pet restrictions. Marina boat slip available for purchase separately. $285,000

TALBOT CO. ESTATE FARM Dukesdale Farm (c. 1865) is a gracious estate farm on 41.5 +/- acres, historic Federal style home with 4+ bedrooms, 4 baths, 10’ + ceilings, original woodwork and trim. Tillable acreage and mature woods, several outbuildings. 6 approved non-conforming lots (4 perc approved, 2 perc unknown). Lot line revision in process. $630,000 www.DukesdaleFarm.com

Waterfront Estates, Farms and Hunting Properties also available.

Kathy Christensen

410-924-4814(C) · 410-822-1415(O ) Benson & Mangold Real Estate 27999 Oxford Road, Oxford, Maryland 21654 kccamb@gmail.com · www.kathychristensen.com


Chuck Mangold Jr. - Associate Broker BENSON & MANGOLD R E A L E S TAT E C 410.924.8832

O 410.822.6665

chuck@chuckmangold.com · www.chuckmangold.com 31 Goldsborough Street, Easton, Maryland 21601

Alan Meyer designed home perfectly situated on the Tred Avon River. Open floor plan, panoramic water views with wrap-around deck. Fantas�c great room, gourmet kitchen, 1st floor master suite with luxury bath. Deep water pier, 7’ +/- MLW, waterside pool and cabana bath. $1,795,000 · Visit www.26689NorthPointRoad.com

Historically significant waterfront estate on 6+ acres on La Trappe Creek, with 1,489’ +/- of shoreline. Long tree-lined driveway, stunning water views and southern exposure. Elegant period home with 2 wings and separate guest house, ensuring entertaining space and privacy for all. $1,995,000 · Visit www.BeauvoirFarm.com


Chuck Mangold Jr. - Associate Broker BENSON & MANGOLD R E A L E S TAT E C 410.924.8832

O 410.822.6665

chuck@chuckmangold.com · www.chuckmangold.com 31 Goldsborough Street, Easton, Maryland 21601

Extremely rare peninsula estate lot w/frontage on both the Tred Avon River and Trippe Creek. 16 +/- acre estate lot features a main residence, full size guest house, pool house and tennis court. Lot has 738’ +/- of frontage on the Tred Avon River and 650’ +/- on Trippe Creek. $2,995,000 · Visit www.6064ShipyardLane.com

Well maintained and completely updated. Turn-key 3,500 +/- sq. �. waterfront home and 1 BR co�age w/panoramic view on Boone Creek. Main house has a composite deck spanning the whole back side of house w/retractable awning; guest house has composite deck overlooking the water. $1,495,000 · Visit www.4568BooneCreekRoad.com


Louisville and Lexington

quality bats preferred by today’s professional players, who order at least 100 custom-made bats per season. Photographs and quotes from baseball superstars singing the praises of the bats adorn the walls, and each visitor goes home with a free miniature version of the real thing. The spontaneous visit was a hit with us. We bypassed Louisville’s “Urban Bourbon Trail,” with stops including Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse and Evan Williams Bourbon Experience. Instead, we planned to savor the tastes of Buffalo Trace Distillery, one of America’s oldest continually operating distilleries (for 200 years) and t he world’s most awarded distillery. Buffalo Trace also produces one of John’s favorite bourbons. Located in nearby Frankfort, the state capital, the Buffalo Trace Distillery is a national landmark. We learned on our tour that Kentucky is the birthplace of bourbon and produces 95% of the world’s supply. There are more resting bourbon barrels in Kentucky than there are

excitement of the boys watching the world-famous bats being made and then having a chance to swing a few bats owned by baseball greats such as Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth. This family woodworking business made its first bat in 1884. A f ilm explained to us where and how special trees are selected and how they are cut to make the high-

All Natural Soy Candles

100% Soy Wax Candles Fully Scented with Essential Oils Hand-Crafted Easton · St. Michael · Oxford See our website for information on where you can buy candles in local stores. OakviewCandles.com 410-924-7620 28

KINTORE LAKE Private oasis on 5.78 ac. $887,500

SNUG COVE - BOZMAN 3.43 Private wooded ac. on deep water. $1,150,000

MILL RIDGE www.chesapeakebayproperty.com $497,000

Kurt Petzold, Broker

Chesapeake Bay Properties

Brian Petzold

Established 1983 102 North Harrison Street • Easton, Maryland 21601 • 410-820-8008 www.chesapeakebayproperty.com | chesbay@goeaston.net 29

Louisville and Lexington

Next came the best part of any distillery or brewery tour ~ the tastings! At the Buffalo Trace Distillery Visitors Bar, rows of shot glasses were lined up for each guest to sip slowly. We tasted the distillery’s vodka, two bourbons of different ages and proofs, and my favorite, their Bourbon Cream.

people, and we walked through racks of some of these barrels in the century-old Buffalo Trace warehouses. All bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon. Kentucky boasts some of the richest, most fertile soil in the country, which makes it ideal for growing corn, the main ingredient in bourbon along with rye, barley and water. Bourbon must be made from a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn, and whiskey must age for two years before it becomes straight bourbon.

If you’re like me and enjoy Bailey’s Irish Cream liqueur ~made with cream, cocoa and Irish whiskey ~ you’ll also enjoy Buffalo Trace Distillery Bourbon Cream liqueur. The drink is made with cream, hints of vanilla and mellow Kentucky bourbon. It is rich, sweet and delicious. Could a liqueur be more decadent? Yes, when our tour guide added root beer to the cream bourbon to create a dreamy grown-up root beer f loat, ice cream optional. Pure delight! We brought home two bottles. The next best thing to a glass of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a Rebecca Ruth chocolate bourbon ball, which we found in Rebecca Ruth’s Candy Shop, also in Frank30

Now you have a be er option!

Thomas Schoenbeck,Assoc. Broker 302-632-7407 schoenbeck.wlpg@gmail.com

Bill Lucks, Managing Partner 302-236-1230 wlucks@wlucks.com

Gary Lucks, Realtor 410-251-0985 grlucks@gmail.com

Jerome Hensley, Realtor 202-841-9874 jerome.hensley@gmail.com

443-746-2132 24 W. Dover Street, Easton Maryland 21601 31

Louisville and Lexington

lates.” Ruth’s family continues to manage Rebecca Ruth’s Chocolates and make the famous bourbon balls from melt-in-your-mouth creamy milk chocolate on the outside and mouthwatering buttercream made with Evan Williams bourbon on the inside. We bought boxes for family, friends and ourselves to bring home. After bourbon and bourbon candy tastings, we decided to pay our respects to Daniel Boone at the Frankfor t Cemeter y on a scenic hill overlooking Frankfort and the Kentucky River. On the way, we stopped to take photographs of the impressive Beaux Arts-style Governor’s Mansion, modeled after Marie Antoinette’s summer home; and the Kentucky State Capitol, featuring

fort. Ruth Manly Booe is known by proud Kentuckians as the “Mother of Bourbon Balls.” Ruth and her friend Rebecca Gooch founded the artisan chocolate and candy company in 1919. Ruth first made the bourbon balls in 1936, after prohibition, when a friend commented that “The two best tastes in the world are Kentucky bourbon and Ruth’s choco-


Gorgeous LOW MAINTENANCE 4 BR, 5 BA home w/water views, pool, boat slip, wine room, guest suite w/ kitchen, minutes to everything Easton has to offer. See photos at Realtor.com! $2.2 million.

101 N. West Street, Easton, MD 21601 410-822-2001

Joan Wetmore: 410-924-2432 (cell) joanwetmore@msn.com (always the best way to reach me!) 32


The Oxford Community Center, Tred Avon Players, & Robert Morris Inn Present:

A Readers’ Theatre Event Celebrating the writing of local legend Lucille Fletcher “Sorry Wrong Number” and “The Hitchhiker”

Saturday March 28th 7pm dinner show $60 Dinner catered by Robert Morris Inn

Sunday Matinee at 2pm $10

Oxford Community Center



410-226-5904 34

Louisville and Lexington

The temperature rose 10 degrees to a warm 37 with a bit of sun when we visited beautiful Kentucky horse count r y a nd t he Horse Pa rk in Lexington, Kentucky. We drove by fence-lined rolling hills of the pristine Bluegrass (now brown grass) countr yside and passed some of the more than 450 elegant horse far ms and steeple bar ns in t he “Horse Capital of the World.” Here and there, the famous four-legged celebrities dotted the hillsides and fields, occasionally glancing up at us as we drove past. Lexington is at the center of thoroughbred horse breeding and racing in Kentucky. We were greeted by a bronze statue of the great racehorse, Man o’ War, at the 1,200-acre Kentucky Horse

70 Ionic columns. Both are listed on the National Register of Historic Sites, and the capitol is known as one of the most beautiful in the nation. Both warranted a longer visit on another trip. The famous American frontiersman Daniel Boone and his wife, Rebecca, are buried on a scenic high bluff above the capital of Kentucky. Scenes carved into all four sides of the tall stone marker represent Boone’s life. A historic marker provides more detail about the explorer and pioneer, and a black wrought iron fence and stone walkway surround the memorial. He would be happy here under the trees and by the river.





Merrilie D. Ford

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Louisville and Lexington

also gave us a bag filled with maps and brochures. They asked us what direction we were headed at the end of the day and suggested a not-to-bemissed dining spot. Claudia Sanders Dinner House in Shelbyville, Kentucky, was established in 1964 when Claudia’s husband, Colonel Harland Sanders, sold his Kentucky Fried Chicken enterprise. He said he was just plain tired. But the Colonel and Claudia still wanted to serve their famous fried chicken and provide their Southern hospitality. The Sanderses built a restaurant and home on the grounds of the Colonel’s offices and warehouse. The current owners of the restaurant bought it from Mrs. Sanders and renovated it after a fire. They keep the legend of the Sanderses’

Park, a working farm that celebrates and educates on everything equine. The Park provides visitors with the opportunity to see nearly 50 breeds of horses, along with museums, art galleries, theatres, sculptures, shows, competitions and gift shops. It is Kentucky’s unique tribute to one of the state’s most famous industries. There were no shows on the day we visited, but we took a driving tour to see the historic barns and paddocks and horses at work and play. John stopped to talk to a young horsewoman working with one of her seven horses to prepare for a dressage show. The charming staff at the Lexington Visitor Center helped us get our bearings and find local sites. They



Louisville and Lexington

r Fo lity l i l Ca ilab a Av

Southern hospitality and claim that it is the only place in the world where you can still eat the original Kentucky Fried Chicken the way the Colonel meant it to be. The elegantly decorated restaurant serves traditional southern fare, including bourbon-glazed bread pudding. Of course, we ordered crispy fried c h ic ken, m a she d p ot ato e s a nd gravy, green beans cooked all day with onion and ham, corn bread and biscuits and bread pudding for dessert. We relished another opportunity to enjoy Kentucky’s famous savory delights. Bourbon, cuisine, horses, history and friendly southern hospitality attracted us to Kentucky, and we were not disappointed. More Kentucky history and adventures are on the horizon. Bonna L. Nelson is a Bay-area writer, columnist, photographer and world traveler. She resides in Easton with her husband, John. 38


Located in the geographic center of the Mid-Chesapeake’s waterways on the Wye East River, this property affords easy access to the neighboring towns of Easton, St. Michaels and Oxford by land or water. Dramatic panoramic views include Wye Island, a federally protected nature preserve. This protection assures that the stunning views from this elevated home site will always remain unobstructed. This home was tastefully expanded and updated by architect Gary Schwerzler. High quality construction, design and detailing make its 5,200 sq. ft., which includes three family bedrooms and a generous first floor master suite, feel very inviting. Additional amenities include a free-form pool, three-car garage with second floor guest suite, rip-rapped shoreline and dock shed. The offering consists of the home plus five waterfront acres on the Wye East River. An impressive dock complex, with sailboat depth water, private boat ramp and two boat lifts, is located on a protected cove. Offered at $2,500,000.

Schuyler Benson Benson & Mangold Real Estate, LLC 27999 Oxford Road, Oxford, MD (c) 410-310-3251 or (o) 410-822-1415 sbenson@bensonandmangold.com 40

John Ford: A Portrait of a Man Through the Arts by Michael Valliant

I wish I had seen The Tragically Hip perform live. They were John Ford’s favorite band, and he would quote them frequently, mystically and proudly. In a documentary on the band, the Hip’s singer, Gord Downie, said, “Something I’ve learned over the last bunch of years is look everyone in the eye, all show. Like never stop doing it.” There’s a lesson there, both in connection, and in appreciation of moments spent together. John Ford passed away in February at the age of 67. He was widely and well loved, a public servant, an elected town official, a father and husband whom anyone would do well to emulate. He was a superlative human being, and many great stories about his life are being told. If you get a chance, listen to them. This story is one facet. James Joyce wrote a book called A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. This is “A Portrait of a Man Through the Arts.” Over his career, John made things happen; he made things go and work, overseeing operations, buildings, grounds and maintenance at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. At CBMM, the arts

John Ford at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. ~Photo by Tracey Johns grabbed hold of John in a powerful way. Of course, he shared them with others as a teacher and class leader. It started with a course on Herman Melville’s classic novel, Moby Dick. John was a fan. John studied literature at Towson University, but there wasn’t often a call for it in his day job or his elected office. The known literary scholar at CBMM was John 41



OXFORD, MD 1. Sun. 2. Mon. 3. Tues. 4. Wed. 5. Thurs. 6. Fri. 7. Sat. 8. Sun. 9. Mon. 10. Tues. 11. Wed. 12. Thurs. 13. Fri. 14. Sat. 15. Sun. 16. Mon. 17. Tues. 18. Wed. 19. Thurs. 20. Fri. 21. Sat. 22. Sun. 23. Mon. 24. Tues. 25. Wed. 26. Thurs. 27. Fri. 28. Sat. 29. Sun. 30. Mon. 31. Tues.


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John Ford

They went on to lead 50 classes together, covering everything from Shakespeare, to the writings of Abraham Lincoln, to a number of poetry courses and writings on the civil rights movement and Frederick Douglass. John Ford’s wife, Peggy, became a part of the classes after she retired from teaching elementary school. Extraordinary moments came about in those classes. “The power of literature opened up the freedom to say something personal,” Miller said. “If we had gone around the room and asked people to share something personal, it wouldn’t have worked. But it was the corporate engagement of a

John and Peggy Ford. Miller, who has a PhD in English literature and was a college professor. Miller had it on his mind to do something with Melville’s novel. Mystic Seaport in Connecticut and the New Bedford Whaling Museum are known for doing a continuous public reading of Moby Dick. But that idea wasn’t catching on in St. Michaels. Miller and Ford were both interested and took an I’ll-doit-if-you-do-it approach to leading a class.

John Ford and John Miller - the “Two Johns.”

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John Ford

Miller and Rabbi Peter Hyman (who co-led The Merchant of Venice) will lead a class on Shakespeare’s Scottish play, Macbeth, this spring in Ford’s honor ~ he was to lead the class with them, and it was one of his favorite plays. When discussing what to do about the class, Miller and Hyman decided they needed to lead the class as Ford would have done, making a stellar job of it. During the time that I worked with John Ford at CBMM, there were a few things that I encountered on a daily basis. The first was his coffee pot ~ he ground his own beans daily and was always happy to put on a fresh pot whenever folks wanted good coffee. The second was a talking Abraham Lincoln doll, which quoted some of Abe’s speeches and sayings. John’s love of Lincoln manifested into a class that he and Miller taught about The

poem or a short story that opened those doors. And those were some of the most powerful things that happened.” In addition to the growth and connection of the students, Miller also witnessed the growth of Ford as a teacher. “It was my great pleasure to watch John turn into a real independent scholar, reading deeper and deeper every time and engaging in original thinking. Early on, John Ford would defer to me, ‘the Doc,” and then, after our last class (discussing Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice) at the Temple B’nai Israel in Easton ~ I said to John, ‘That last class we had, I saw you, all of us did, at the top of your game.’ I was seeing someone who had grown right in front of me. It is like seeing a student grow beyond the teacher.”



John Ford

one of which discussed the death of a fellow professor while they were at sea. After a memorial service presided over by Bishop Desmond Tutu, the ship observed the nautical tradition of navigating figure eights, the sign of infinity, as friends and family let roses go into the sea. In response to Miller’s journal entry of the service, John Ford responded with a poem of his own. John made a life of giving credit and praise to others, of working selflessly and not seeking acclaim for himself. He generally gave others the last word. But in this case, the last word should go to John.

Literary Lincoln. And a third was the Hip. “It was in Bobcaygeon I saw the constellations Reveal themselves one star at a time” ~ The Hip The Hip were a Canadian band, who played together for 32 years and put out 14 albums together. Their music and lyrics are inventive, sprawling, unexpected, poetic and personal. They helped put the small town of Bobcaygeon on the national map, in part because it rhymes well with the word ‘constellations.’ When singer Gord Downie died of brain cancer in 2017, I sent word around to a group of us who knew the Hip because of John Ford, saying I intended to listen to the band that night. John’s response was, “Play it loud, my friend.” When poet Phillip Levine died in 2015, I sent a long retrospective article to the two literature-teaching Johns, and Ford pulled one quote from the story that spoke louder than the whole article, “There’s only one reason to write poetry. To change the world.” John Ford had both the mind of a statesman and the heart of a poet. See for yourself. Miller taught literature aboard a ship through the University of Virginia’s semester at sea program. He had a habit of e-mailing back sea journal entries,

In Memoriam The ship’s slow, circular passage through a wake Of roses Marks an ending with a continuance, The bright running lights foretell a journey ahead. Behind us the petals dissipate; the sea Won’t long remember them, but In our mind’s eye, the waters Are forever marked with roses And the reasons why we dropped them in the sea. ~ John Ford Michael Valliant is the Assistant for Adult Education and Newcomers Ministry at Christ Church Easton. 48



For All Seasons Heart & Music to Feature a Special 10-Year Tribute the Beatles, James Taylor, Neil Diamond, Pharrell, Alicia Keys and Sonny and Cher. Heart & Music is produced by Beth Anne Langrell and Lisa Roth, with special guests from Crashbox Theatre Troupe. Beth Anne Langrell, CEO of For All Seasons and co-founder of Heart & Music with her husband, Ed Langrell, comments, “We are thrilled to be celebrating 10 years of the show, which has been our most successful fundraiser for the agency. This year we bring back some of our favorite

For All Seasons Behavioral Health and Rape Crisis Center presents the 10th annual Heart & Music show Thursday, March 5 through Sunday, March 8 at the Oxford Community Center in Oxford. This year, Director Ed Langrell and Music Director Ellen Barry Grunden return with a special “10-Year Tribute,” showcasing such popular shows as Rent, Dear Evan Hansen, Jersey Boys, and Spamalot. The best-of-thebest songs featured during the last 10 years include selections from

For All Seasons Behavioral Health and Rape Crisis Center’s 10th Annual Heart & Music cast. 51

For All Seasons numbers from years past. The show highlights some of the Mid-Shore’s finest musical talent. It promises not to disappoint.” Local talent featured in the show includes Lisa Roth, Mike Sousa, Beth Anne Langrell, Ed Langrell, Gail Aveson, Heather Scott, Malley Hester, Becca Van Aken, Matt Fokker, Bill Gross, Shelby Swann, Zack Schlag, Ricky Vitanovec, Marcia Gilliam, Maureen Curtin, Jane Copple, Joe Tyler and Erinne Lewis. Join the cast for a great show filled with talent and entertainment at the opening night gala on Thursday, March 5 at 6 p.m. Tickets for the gala start at $150 and include cocktails and a gourmet dinner. Weekend performances are Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7 at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee on March 8 at 2 p.m. with tickets starting at $25 for adults and $10 for students. To reserve seats for the show, call 410-820-7007 or visit heartmusic. eventbrite.com. Heart & Music benefits For All Seasons, the only non-profit behavioral health and rape crisis center serving the five counties of Maryland’s Mid-Shore. To learn more about their services and to get involved, visit forallseasonsinc.org.

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Primo Pastas The cooking time for pasta depends on its size and shape. The test for doneness is the same ~ al dente, as the Italians put it, means “to the tooth.� When properly cooked, pasta should be pliable but firm and no longer starchy. When the pasta is close to being done, check it once a minute until it is tender.

Pasta comes in about as many shapes as there are ways to prepare it. The most common is spaghetti, but even that takes on different looks and numerous options. Whole wheat pasta has complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc. One serving (2 ounces of dry makes 1 cup) has


Primo Pastas 180 calories, 39 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber. White pasta has 200 calories, 42 grams of carbs, 7 grams fiber and no minerals. A complex carb feeds your body better and won’t lead to spikes in blood sugar. When pasta is cooled down, your body digests it differently, causing fewer calories to be absorbed and a smaller blood glucose peak. Reheating it is even better ~ it reduces the rise in blood glucose levels by a whopping 50 percent. Brown rice pasta is made from ground brown rice and is good for people who have celiac disease or are gluten sensitive. It is also high in fiber and has fewer calories than white pasta. One cup of cooked brown rice pasta has 190 calories, 40 grams of carbs, 4 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein and 3 grams fat. Quinoa pasta is full of protein ~ higher than any flour, and rich in iron and magnesium. It is also gluten free. It is sometimes combined with brown rice or corn to make pasta. Be sure to read the ingredients on the package. Chickpea pasta is made with chickpeas or garbanzo beans. It has 190 calories, twice the fiber and almost twice the protein of white pasta. It has 32 grams of carbs, 8 grams of fiber and cooks in about 6 minutes. Buckwheat noodles, also known 56

as soba noodles, are typically served cold. They are lower in calories and carbs than other pasta. However, make sure buckwheat is the main ingredient. Despite the name, buckwheat is not wheat, so it is gluten free. During this season, sauces should be simple and quick as well as delicious. These easy recipes allow you to breeze out of the kitchen and into the evening with a satisfying meal under your belt. If you don’t have time in the morning to load your slow cooker, here are some ideas for one-pot pastas that should keep your family full and satisfied.

1/2 t. freshly ground pepper 2 (5 oz.) cans tuna, drained and flaked 3 T. fresh dill or green onions, chopped 2 T. extra-virgin olive oil Combine water, spaghetti, olives, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a large deep skillet. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a lively simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the water is absorbed and the pasta is tender, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from heat and add tuna, dill and oil. ONE-POT TOMATO-BASIL PASTA 8 ounces whole wheat rotini

ONE-POT PASTA WITH TUNA Even kids will enjoy this tuna pasta with olives, as it is no ordinary tuna casserole.

A Taste of Italy

3-1/4 cups water 8 ounces whole wheat spaghetti 1/2 cup Kalamata or black olives 2 t. fresh lemon juice plus the juice of half a lemon 1/2 t. sea salt

218 N. Washington St. Easton (410) 820-8281 www.piazzaitalianmarket.com 57

Primo Pastas

1/2 t. onion powder 1/2 t. garlic powder 1/4 t. crushed red pepper 1/2 t. sea salt 6 cups baby spinach 1/4 cup shredded basil Parmesan cheese for garnish

2 cups water 2 cups chicken broth 1 (15 oz.) can diced tomatoes 2 T. extra virgin olive oil 1-1/2 t. Italian seasoning

Combine pasta, water, broth, tomatoes, oil, Italian seasoning, onion-powder, garlic powder, salt and crushed red pepper in a large pot. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Uncover, reduce heat to medium-high and cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. ONE POT CHILI MAC AND CHEESE This dish has a soup-like texture.



Primo Pastas

Bring to a simmer and stir in pasta. Bring to a boil and cover, reduce heat and simmer until pasta is cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes. Removed from heat. Top with cheese and cover until melted, about 2 minutes. Serve with parsley, cilantro or minced green onion. WILD MUSHROOM RAGOUT WITH UDON NOODLES Shiitake mushrooms are undisputed heroes, as they add flavor and texture to almost any dish. The dried version needs to be reconstituted in water; fresh shiitake cost a few cents more but are worth it for the taste. Udon noodles are made from wheat flour and contain gluten.

If you like a thicker, creamier dish, halve the amount of chicken broth. 1 T. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium onion, diced 8 ounces grass-fed ground beef 4 cups chicken broth 1 (14.5 oz.) can diced tomatoes 3/4 cup canned kidney beans, drained and rinsed 3/4 cup canned cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 2 t. chili powder 1-1/2 t. cumin 10 oz. elbow pasta 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese 2 T. fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped

10 oz. flat dried udon noodles 2 cups Parmesan cheese, shredded into large flakes For the mushroom ragout: 2 T. extra virgin olive oil 1 large onion, chopped

Heat oil in a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic and ground beef and cook until browned, 3 to 5 minutes, making sure to crumble the beef as it cooks. Drain excess fat. Stir in chicken broth, tomatoes, beans, chili powder and cumin. 60

7 oz. mixed wild mushrooms (oyster, morel, etc.), roughly chopped 7 oz. cremini mushrooms, quartered 4 oz. fresh shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced 1/2 cup mirin 1/2 cup sake 3 T. cornstarch 2 cups parsley, chopped 2 oz. of chives, chopped Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, cook the udon in a pot of boiling salted water for 7 to 8 minutes until al dente. Drain the noodles. Dissolve the cornstarch in 1 cup of cold water. Add the cornstarch mixture to the mushroom ragout until it thickens. You may not need all of it. Stir in the fresh herbs and season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove half the ragout from the wok and set aside in a bowl. Add the noodles to the wok and turn them in the ragout until they have heated through. Divide the noodles among four large bowls and top with the remaining ragout and plenty of Parmesan cheese.

To make the ragout: heat the olive oil in a wok and add the onion. Saute until golden. Add the mushrooms and turn them gently in the oil, cooking for 8 minutes. Add the mirin and sake, cover and simmer

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Primo Pastas

Let the water come back to a boil and add the bok choy. Blanch for 30 seconds and then remove with a slotted spoon. Run under cold water and add to the carrots. Let the water come to a boil again and cook the soba noodles according to package directions (usually 5 to 8 minutes until al dente). Drain the noodles. After noodles are cool, add them to the carrots and bok choy. Add the scallions and cucumbers to the bowl and toss together. Whisk together the sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce and hot sauce. Pour this over the noodles and vegetables and toss until everything is evenly coated. Divide salad into individual bowls. Salad can be served warm or cold and will keep in the refrigerator for 3 days.

SOBA NOODLE SALAD with BOK CHOY 1 carrot, peeled and cut into thin matchsticks (a mandolin works great for this!) 2 bunches bok choy, sliced into ribbons 1/2 pound dried soba noodles 6 scallions, thinly sliced 1/2 cucumber, peeled and cut into matchsticks 1 T. sesame oil 2 T. rice vinegar 1-1/2 T. soy sauce 1 t. hot sauce (optional) Fill a medium-sized saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. Drop the carrots and 1 teaspoon of salt into the boiling water. Blanch the carrots for 30 to 60 seconds (depending on how cooked you like them) and lift them out with a slotted spoon. Run the carrots under cold water to stop the cooking process and place them in a mediumsized bowl.

CREAMY VEGAN FETTUCCINE ALFREDO 14 oz. uncooked gluten-free fettuccine pasta 1 cup raw cashews 3-1/2 cups water, divided 2-1/2 t. minced onion (dried) 1-1/2 t. sea salt 2 t. fresh lemon juice 1 t. tahini 2 T. cornstarch 2 T. olive oil 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley Optional: grilled chicken, shrimp, peas or fresh steamed broccoli may also be added. 62

parsley), lemon juice and tahini in a blender and blend until very smooth. Mixture should be very smooth with no graininess. Add cornstarch and blend until well mixed. Pour mixture into a saucepan. Rinse blender out with remaining 2 cups water and pour into saucepan. Bring mixture to boil over medium to medium-high heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to prevent mixture from scorching. Allow to boil for 10 to 15 seconds. Remove from heat and stir in parsley. Drain pasta. Combine pasta and sauce and toss until well coated. Season to taste and serve hot. A longtime resident of Oxford, Pamela Meredith, formerly Denver’s NBC Channel 9 Children’s Chef, now teaches both adult and children’s cooking classes on the south shore of Massachusetts. For more of Pam’s recipes, visit the Story Archive tab at tidewatertimes.com.

Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, wash cashews in a colander under very hot water. Place drained cashews, 1-1/2 cups water, seasonings (except

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Two Boats and Three Stories

The Loss of the Skipjack Annie Lee by James Dawson Collectibles often come with stories, and the two Chesapeake Bay boat models I bought last year were no exception. But who would have guessed that the innocent-looking skipjack would lead to one of the worst oyster dredging disasters on the Chesapeake Bay? Actually, I had resisted acquiring a skipjack or any boat model for years, figuring it was a fragile dust catcher that I didn’t need. Or did I?

There it was, and there I was. It was attractive, and I was immediately hooked because I guess that I had secretly wanted a skipjack model, so the purchase was made. The skipjack is a sail-powered oyster dredge boat developed in the late 1800s. Native to the Chesapeake Bay, it is the state boat of Maryland. Once there were many hundreds, but now there are only about 10 working skipjacks left.

Elmer Riggin with a skipjack model he made. Photo courtesy of Brice Stump. 65

Two Boats

everything by hand, from chopping the hull out of a chunk of cedar to drilling the tiny blocks for the rigging working at his kitchen table using the most primitive tools. It took four months to make a skipjack model. A neighbor sewed the sails, and the dredges were represented by tiny knitted bags. His models are interesting in that they have a folk-arty look to them and do not have a high, glossy finish. Some took marks can be seen, which adds to their charm as far as I’m concerned. Remember, skipjacks were at times dirty, smelly workboats with patched sails. They

Information that came with the model stated that it had been made by Elmer T. R iggin (1901-2001) of Crisfield. I didn’t know at the time, but Riggin had somewhat of a reputation for his distinctive models of various Chesapeake Bay craft. A lifelong waterman, he had made boat models as a hobby since he was a kid, then full time after his retirement from the water. He liked to say that if it f loated, he could make it. He didn’t work from any plans because he had all the boats in his head, and he took pride in making

Skipjack model Annie Lee. 66

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Two Boats

were not rich men’s pleasure yachts, so a little crudeness might be authentic. Riggin probably didn’t buy sandpaper, either, as some of his surfaces are a little fuzzy. But his boat models have a following and it’s easy to see why. My skipjack model even had a name, Annie Lee, so it was based on an real boat, and some more research turned up the tragic story. She had been built in Virginia in 1912 by an unknown maker and presumably dredged oysters on the Bay without incident until that fateful day of Feb. 3, 1939. She was one of about twenty boats caught by a sudden gale in on the Choptank River shortly after 3 p.m. The storm capsized three boats and drowned nine men. As Pat Vojtech wrote, it was the worst disaster in skipjack history. The harrowing story was reported by a number of newspapers on Feb. 4, 1939 including the Baltimore Sun, the Cambridge Banner and the Salisbury Daily Times. It was even

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Two Boats

The heavy fog had not let up since morning, and it was threatening to rain. The wind was so fluky that the boats could barely pull the dredges, so it had been drag, stop, drag, stop, all day. But oysters were scarce, and they’d just had a bad freeze, so the watermen had little choice but to work when they could. By 2 p.m., the sky looked so ominous that Captain Parks on the Joy Parks yelled to Captain Kerwin on the Reliance, “We’d better get out of here!” and left for Cambridge. Captain Parks had never seen the barometer so low; the needle was actually jumping around, which was a bad sign. By 3 p.m., the rest were calling it a day. Wheatley was in the yawl (also called a push boat) on the davits filling the gas tank for the trip home. As he looked up, it started getting dark, and black clouds hid the sun. There was a little rain, and the wind started to freshen. Suddenly, as a bank of clouds rolled in, it looked like the surface of the water was smoking due to the churning of the approaching squall. It hit with a blast from the northwest, bringing 70- to 80-knotwinds and high seas. It was blowing so hard, it blew the tops off the waves. There was no time to do anything. The Annie Lee was blown over with all her sails still raised and sank in 40 feet of water The men got into the skiff they had been towing but were thrown

picked up by the Associated Press. Strangely enough, there was not one word about the tragedy in the Easton Star Democrat. Lost from the Annie Lee were Captain Theodore Woodland, his mate Emerson Wingate and two black helpers, Herbert Robinson and John Scruggs. The only survivor was 18-year-old George Wheatley. Describing the loss of his fellow oystermen, Wheatley said, “They did not have a chance. Each was wearing about fifteen pounds of gear, hip boots, rubber coats, heavy coats.”

George Wheatley, Sr. 70

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Two Boats

tain Hubbard approached in the Geneva May looking for survivors. There was only one. It was still blowing, so Captain Hubbard could on ly ma ke one pa s s. He t h rew Wheatley a line as he went racing by, yelling for him to hold on for his life. “If you don’t, you’re done for!” There was no turning back if he missed. It looked to George as if the Geneva May was going by at 100 miles an hour, but he caught the rope and clung to it with both hands and his teeth. He was pulled on board and then passed out on deck. Wheatley’s skin had turned so dark from exposure to the frigid water that they didn’t recognize him and thought he was a black man. He was unconscious for over an hour. The Agnes and Nora Lawson also capsized. It was thought that because the three boats were in a straight line with each other, they were probably in the path of a waterspout. While waterspouts are rare on the Choptank, one was photographed on December 30, 2019 near the Choptank bridge. Fortunately, that one only touched down for a few seconds and did no damage. There were no survivors from the Agnes, which also sank. Lost were Captain William Bradford, 72, and his helpers ~ Aaron Ennals, Rodney Jones, Robert Elliott and Sam Brown, all members of the black c om mu n it y. C apt a i n Br ad ford , believed to be the oldest oysterboat captain working on the Bay,

out when it was slammed by a huge wave. As George sank in the icy water, he managed to kick off his waterlogged boots and shoot to the surface. Somehow he remained c a lm while t he ot hers, in t heir panic, tried to climb up on the overturned skiff. He later remembered, “You’re scared. Everybody’s scared. If you’re not scared, you’re crazy. You know how a drowning person would be. The mistake they made is they tried to pull themselves up. Every time they did, the skiff would roll right over just like a log [and knock some of them away].” He hung on to the skeg on the upturned keel as best as he could, letting go when it rolled. Captain Woodland was the first to go. The last George saw of him was the top of his head two feet under water as he sank out of sight. Wheatley thought that Captain Woodland must have been injured by debris because he was an excellent swimmer. Then Emerson Wingate was washed away. George saw Captain Bradford of the Agnes a few feet away and grabbed his hand, but he couldn’t hold on. It was too rough and too cold. Then the deck hands were gone. It was all over in about ten minutes. About three feet of the top of Annie Lee’s mast stuck out of the water to mark the site of the tragedy. After another ten minutes, Cap72

bodies of those who had drowned to come to the surface, so maybe there was something to that. Wheatley was given first-aid and was watched caref ully to guard against an attack of pneumonia induced by the exposure. He recuperated at his brother’s house and two months later was back working on another dredge boat planting seed oysters for the state. Being a plucky 18-year-old, it had never once occurred to him that he might not make it, even as he saw his companions drowning. During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army and also survived Guam, the liberation of the South Philippines and the invasion of Okinawa, living to the grand old

had planned to retire at the end of the season. The Nora Lawson was blown over under bare poles in shallow water, and the four men on board were able to make it to shore. The other boats limped back to port with damaged rigging and shredded sails. “All of us are lucky to be here. I didn’t think a single boat would come back,” said Ivy McNamara. The last of the bodies, except for one, was found several days later using a special grappling hook made by a local blacksmith. Captain Bradford’s body wasn’t found until April, after a thunderstorm swept over the Choptank. It was believed that thunder and the firing of cannons and big guns would cause the

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Two Boats

luck had changed. Or had it? Captain Taylor sold the Annie Lee to Skipper Isham of Chesapeake, Va., who converted her to a pleasure boat. Her luck ran out when she developed a crack in the center board housing the night of June 15, 1974, nearly 85 miles off of Cape Kennedy, Florida. Fortunately, this time, all three crewmen were rescued, but unfortunately, the Annie Lee went down for the last time and only survives now in this model and a few old newspaper clippings. So now I was somewhat hooked on Elmer Riggin boat models and went back and bought the other one, a buy boat, that was available. It was a bit folk-arty, too, and no less charming, but what in the world were all those tiny stones scattered on deck? No doubt that would horrify the makers of those high-priced, f lawlessly finished Chesapeake Bay boat models you often see, where, it would seem, each oyster on deck is carved by hand and to scale, but these make me smile. Of course, Riggin would have scattered tiny stones on deck to simulate oysters, so I took pains not to lose any on the trip home. This model also had a name, Winnie Estelle, and the Winnie Estelle had a history, too, though not so dramatic as the Annie Lee. She was built in Crisfield in 1920 by Noah T. Evans and was named for his two daughters, Winnie and Estelle, She worked on the lower Bay

age of 88. George was a real fighter. The Annie Lee was raised and continued dredging. We next hear of her when Captain Zack Taylor of Wenona entered her in the 1967 Deal Island Labor Day skipjack race, where she came in third. We know that it is the same Annie Lee because it was noted that she was built in 1912. Also, in the list of vessels in Pat Vojtech’s skipjack book, there is only one skipjack named Annie Lee. The Annie Lee did much better the next year, 1968, when she came in first, narrowly beating out the Rosie Parks captained by Orville Parks (this was the same Captain Parks with the barometer in 1939). A photo of Captain Taylor holding his trophy was published in the (Salisbury) Daily Times on September 3. Captain Taylor capitalized on her fame by running ads: “SAILING PARTIES OUT DAILY On The Skipjack Annie Lee, Winner of the Skipjack Race. Contact Zack Taylor 784XXXX.” She lost to the Rosie Parks the next year, coming in second. Such is fame and skipjack racing. The Annie Lee was one of several workboats rescued by an icebreaker and the Coast Guard when they were caught by huge ice f loes during a cold spell in mid-January 1970. This might have been another tragedy, as the ice could have easily crushed the boats if they had stayed out much longer. Apparently the Annie Lee’s 74


Two Boats

boats, two models and many stories. For more about Elmer Riggin, see Brice Stump’s Unforgettable Treasures, People, Places and Culture on the Eastern Shore (Donnelly, 2000). For skipjacks and the 1939 storm, see Pat Vojtech’s excellent Chesapeake Bay Skipjacks (Tidewater Publishers, 1993). For buy boats, there’s Larry S. Chowning’s Chesapeake Bay Buy Boats (Tidewater Publishers, 2003). A big thank you to my friend Captain Wade Murphy, Jr. for all of his help. And to Brice Stump for the use of his photo of Elmer Riggin.

for over 50 years carrying oysters and produce. In the 1970s, she went through a succession of owners and ended up in the Caribbean working as a cargo ship carr ying lumber from Honduras to Belize. The Winnie Estelle was eventua l ly aba ndone d a nd pu rcha se d in derelict condition in 2012 by Michael Whitehall of Centreville, who raised money for the 5 year long tot a l r e s tor at ion. T h a n k s to an anonymous donor, she was later given to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, where she is available for cruises and private charter. Winnie Estelle the model rests in my den, near the Annie Lee. Two

James Dawson is the owner of Unicorn Bookshop in Trappe.

Waterspout on the Choptank, 12-30-2019. 76


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Queen Anne’s County The history of Queen Anne’s County dates back to the earliest Colonial settlements in Maryland. Small hamlets began appearing in the northern portion of the county in the 1600s. Early communities grew up around transportation routes, the rivers and streams, and then roads and eventually railroads. Small towns were centers of economic and social activity and evolved over the years from thriving centers of tobacco trade to communities boosted by the railroad boom. Queenstown was the original county seat when Queen Anne’s County was created in 1706, but that designation was passed on to Centreville in 1782. It’s location was important during the 18th century, because it is near a creek that, during that time, could be navigated by tradesmen. A hub for shipping and receiving, Queenstown was attacked by English troops during the War of 1812. Construction of the Federal-style courthouse in Centreville began in 1791 and is the oldest courthouse in continuous use in the state of Maryland. Today, Centreville is the largest town in Queen Anne’s County. With its relaxed lifestyle and tree-lined streets, it is a classic example of small town America. The Stevensville Historic District, also known as Historic Stevensville, is a national historic district in downtown Stevensville, Queen Anne’s County. It contains roughly 100 historic structures, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is located primarily along East Main Street, a portion of Love Point Road, and a former section of Cockey Lane. The Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center in Chester at Kent Narrows provides and overview of the Chesapeake region’s heritage, resources and culture. The Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center serves as Queen Anne’s County’s official welcome center. Queen Anne’s County is also home to the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (formerly Horsehead Wetland Center), located in Grasonville. The CBEC is a 500-acre preserve just 15 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the area. Embraced by miles of scenic Chesapeake Bay waterways and graced with acres of pastoral rural landscape, Queen Anne’s County offers a relaxing environment for visitors and locals alike. For more information about Queen Anne’s County, visit www.qac.org. 79


St. Paddy's Day 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run Saturday, March 14th | Denton

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Caroline County – A Perspective Caroline County is the very definition of a rural community. For more than 300 years, the county’s economy has been based on “market” agriculture. Caroline County was created in 1773 from Dorchester and Queen Anne’s counties. The county was named for Lady Caroline Eden, the wife of Maryland’s last colonial governor, Robert Eden (1741-1784). Denton, the county seat, was situated on a point between two ferry boat landings. Much of the business district in Denton was wiped out by the fire of 1863. Following the Civil War, Denton’s location about fifty miles up the Choptank River from the Chesapeake Bay enabled it to become an important shipping point for agricultural products. Denton became a regular port-ofcall for Baltimore-based steamer lines in the latter half of the 19th century. Preston was the site of three Underground Railroad stations during the 1840s and 1850s. One of those stations was operated by Harriet Tubman’s parents, Benjamin and Harriet Ross. When Tubman’s parents were exposed by a traitor, she smuggled them to safety in Wilmington, Delaware. Linchester Mill, just east of Preston, can be traced back to 1681, and possibly as early as 1670. The mill is the last of 26 water-powered mills to operate in Caroline County and is currently being restored. The long-term goals include rebuilding the millpond, rehabilitating the mill equipment, restoring the miller’s dwelling, and opening the historic mill on a scheduled basis. Federalsburg is located on Marshyhope Creek in the southern-most part of Caroline County. Agriculture is still a major portion of the industry in the area; however, Federalsburg is rapidly being discovered and there is a noticeable influx of people, expansion and development. Ridgely has found a niche as the “Strawberry Capital of the World.” The present streetscape, lined with stately Victorian homes, reflects the transient prosperity during the countywide canning boom (1895-1919). Hanover Foods, formerly an enterprise of Saulsbury Bros. Inc., for more than 100 years, is the last of more than 250 food processors that once operated in the Caroline County region. Points of interest in Caroline County include the Museum of Rural Life in Denton, Adkins Arboretum near Ridgely, and the Mason-Dixon Crown Stone in Marydel. To contact the Caroline County Office of Tourism, call 410-479-0655 or visit their website at www.tourcaroline.com. 81

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by K. Marc Teffeau, Ph.D.

Anticipating Spring With March comes the anticipation of spring and returning to gardening activities. We can still get some nasty weather and even heavy snowfalls, but the cold, dark days of winter are behind us. The warmer days and increasing sunshine of March start the sap stirring in both the trees and the gardeners that have languished over the winter. Get ready now so that it will be much easier to start working when spring fever hits and hundreds of pressing gardening chores add up on our “to-do� list. Most years, March is a rainy month on the Shore. This slows the planting of early spring coolseason crops. However, if we have a dry period during the month, be ready to spread the lime, fertilizer and organic matter over the vegetable garden and till it under. Do not work heavy clay soils when they are wet, as this will destroy the soil structure. You can also turn under any green manure or cover crop that you planted last

fall. If the green manure has had a growth spurt and is too tall, mow it down to one inch before turning it under. You can also kill it with an herbicide and plant in only the areas you need right now. An alternative to herbicide is to cover the area in a heavy-grade black plastic or multiple layers of old newspaper weighted down to prevent the wind from blowing it away. A tradition for many Tidewater gardeners is to plant white potatoes 83

Tidewater Gardening

to end of the month to set out the transplants of broccoli, cabbage, caulif lower, Brussels sprouts and leaf and head lettuce. Make provisions to cover or protect your transplants if severe weather is forecast. Plastic milk jugs with the bottoms cut out are good protectors when placed over the plants. Another way to avoid the danger of unusually cold nights is to set water-filled plastic jugs around each seedling. Warmed by the sun, these will radiate heat all night and prevent cold damage. You can also purchase cold protection tents and other devices through gardening catalogs.

and peas on St. Patrick’s Day. It is important not to add lime to the area for potatoes as the lower soil pH helps control scab. Don’t forget that you can plant edible pod peas like Sugar Snap and Sugar Ann in late March. Peas prefer cooler temperatures. Other cool-season crops that can be directly seeded into the garden in March include beets, carrots, turnips, kale, lettuce, Swiss chard, onions sets, radishes and spinach. Wait until the middle

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Tidewater Gardening

mulch, they will become etiolated (blanched) and yellow from lack of chlorophyll and may burn and die when exposed to the sun. Disease and insect control on tree fruit begins now with the application of a dormant oil spray on apples and pears, and copper and dormant oil spray on peaches. Dormant oil is a safe, effective control for aphids, mites, scales and other overwintering insect pests. The copper and dormant oil spray provides reasonable mite control and helps to prevent peach leaf curl. Sanitation is especially important in reducing fruit insect and disease problems. Remove and dispose of all mummified (dried) and fallen fruits. Left where they are, they’re a possible source of disease and insect issues on this year’s crop. Also, check for the telltale gummy deposits of the peach tree borer at the bases of your peach, apricot and cherry trees. If you find any, carefully remove the borers with a penknife or a piece of stiff wire. For a comprehensive guide on the control of tree fruit diseases and insects, consult the Virginia Tech publication Pest Management Guide: Home Grounds and Animals, 2020. You can download for free the pdf section on fruit tree management at the Virginia Tech Extension website: pubs.ext. vt.edu/456/456-018/456-018.html. The Univ. of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center ~ pubs.

Home fruit growers need to start paying attention to their fruit plantings. The apples, peaches, grapes and brambles need to be pruned. Apple trees and grapes can be done early in the month. Wait until later or the end of the month to prune the peaches. By then, the fruit buds will have begun to swell and show a little bit of color. This indicates how much winter damage the trees have actually suffered. If there appear to be a lot of healthy fruit buds, you can go heavy on the pruning. Fewer buds tell me to go light on the pruning so that I will have an adequate number of peaches this year. Apples are more cold tolerant than peaches, so we can prune them earlier. Don’t rush to remove mulch from strawberries. Leave it over your plants to protect them from late cold spells. When plants start to grow, the mulch must be removed to allow leaves to develop in the light. If leaves develop under the


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Tidewater Gardening ext.vt.edu/456/456-018/456-018. ht ml://ex ten sion.umd.edu/hgic ~ also has excellent information on applying IPM (Integrated Plant Management) techniques to home fruit plantings to reduce pesticide use. Pesticide recommendations change over time, so you must use the most current land-grant university recommendations. The relatively mild winter weather we experienced in January and February have stimulated tulips, narcissus and hyacinths into active growth. Many home gardeners worry about these new soft succulent leaves and try to protect them from freezing temperatures. Expe-

rience has shown that these newly emerging leaves are winter hardy, so there is little to worry about when you see them emerging in late winter and early spring. Since


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plant those balled and burlapped and container-grown plants into the home landscape. Planting them now will give them the time to become established before the hot weather appears. While you are working on your ornamental trees and shrubs, take

the flower buds are still within the bulb in the ground, chances are that the bulbs will flower normally but probably slightly ahead of schedule. Late winter/early spring is the best time to transplant all bareroot plants. The roots must become well established before their buds break into active growth. Leaves and young stems require a constant supply of water and nutrients to develop. These needs can only be met by transplanting them early, before growing conditions become favorable for new leaves to appear. Although you may not realize it, the roots of most woody trees and shrubs begin to grow when the soil temperature reaches 38°. This is also an excellent time to

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Tidewater Gardening

moving the old flower heads. Do not cut back to the same joint each year, as this weakens the joint and makes branches more liable to split and break with the additional weight of heavy flower heads in fall. Remove water sprouts at the base of the tree. Cut back butterfly bushes to onethird the desired height. Butterfly bushes can take severe pruning deemed necessary. In the flower garden, if you have left a few inches of plant stems on your perennials to identify the plant’s location, cut them back before new growth emerges. It is also an excellent time to cut back the tattered foliage on evergreen ferns and perennials. Cut foliage off tattered liriope. Divide daylily and

time to clean them up. Remove any bagworm “Christmas ornaments” on your cedars and other narrowleafed evergreens. This will reduce the bagworm’s population for this year. Each of the bags contains 500 to 1,000 eggs that will hatch out later this spring. Prune any dead or diseased branches and stems, and remove diseased leaves and insect eggs. Be sure to wait until after they flower to prune spring flower shrubs like azaleas, forsythia and lilacs. If you decide to prune these plants now, you will be pruning out the flowers. Prune crape myrtles, only re-


hosta clumps when the leaves just start to emerge from the ground, so you don’t damage the new growth. Prune clumps of ornamental grass before new growth appears. Tie large clumps with rope; cut with a hedge trimmer. Again, a reminder: the best way to avoid insect and disease problems this year in the vegetable garden is to practice proper prevention and sanitation techniques. Sanitation is one of the main elements of practicing IPM in your garden. When conditions are favorable, a disease may start on one or several susceptible plants and spread throughout the garden. It is essential to destroy the first infected plants or plant parts as soon as

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Tidewater Gardening

when they are dry. Many fungi and bacteria are waterborne and are spread to other plants by wet pants, shoes, or tools. Many times, good sanitation practices are all that are needed to keep disease and insect problems under control in the garden. Chemicals are still sometimes needed, but good sanitation techniques can greatly reduce your need for pesticides. Happy Gardening!

you find them. This means careful monitoring of your plants. Most fungicides are used as protectants and need to be on the plant before infection occurs. Very few chemicals can cure a plant already infected with a fungus. For this reason, the destruction of badly diseased plants or plant parts aids in preventing the spread of diseases. In addition to rooting out diseased plants, elimination of places that are likely to harbor diseases is another good practice. If you haven’t already cleaned up the garden, do it now ~ and remove and dispose of the debris. Work among your plants only

Marc Teffeau retired as Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs at the American Nursery and Landscape Association in Washington, D.C. He now lives in Georgia with his wife, Linda.

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Dorchester Points of Interest

Š John Norton

Dorchester County is known as the Heart of the Chesapeake. It is rich in Chesapeake Bay history, folklore and tradition. With 1,700 miles of shoreline (more than any other Maryland county), marshlands, working boats, quaint waterfront towns and villages among fertile farm fields – much still exists of what is the authentic Eastern Shore landscape and traditional way of life along the Chesapeake. FREDERICK C. MALKUS MEMORIAL BRIDGE is the gateway to Dorchester County over the Choptank River. It is the second longest span 95

Dorchester Points of Interest bridge in Maryland after the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. A life-long resident of Dorchester County, Senator Malkus served in the Maryland State Senate from 1951 through 1994. Next to the Malkus Bridge is the 1933 Emerson C. Harrington Bridge. This bridge was replaced by the Malkus Bridge in 1987. Remains of the 1933 bridge are used as fishing piers on both the north and south bank of the river. HERITAGE MUSEUMS and GARDENS of DORCHESTER - Home of the Dorchester County Historical Society, Heritage Museum offers a range of local history and gardens on its grounds. The Meredith House, a 1760’s Georgian home, features artifacts and exhibits on the seven Maryland governors associated with the county; a child’s room containing antique dolls and toys; and other period displays. The Neild Museum houses a broad collection of agricultural, maritime, industrial, and Native American artifacts, including a McCormick reaper (invented by Cyrus McCormick in 1831). The Ron Rue exhibit pays tribute to a talented local decoy carver with a re-creation of his workshop. The Goldsborough Stable, circa 1790, includes a sulky, pony cart, horse-driven sleighs, and tools of the woodworker, wheelwright, and blacksmith. For more info. tel: 410-228-7953 or visit dorchesterhistory.org.

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DORCHESTER COUNTY VISITOR CENTER - The Visitors Center in Cambridge is a major entry point to the lower Eastern Shore, positioned just off U.S. Route 50 along the shore of the Choptank River. With its 100foot sail canopy, it’s also a landmark. In addition to travel information and exhibits on the heritage of the area, there’s also a large playground, garden, boardwalk, restrooms, vending machines, and more. The Visitors Center is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about Dorchester County call 410-228-1000 or visit www.visitdorchester.org or www.tourchesapeakecountry.com. SAILWINDS PARK - Located at 202 Byrn St., Cambridge, Sailwinds Park has been the site for popular events such as the Seafood Feast-I-Val in August and the Grand National Waterfowl Hunt’s Grandtastic Jamboree in November. For more info. tel: 410-228-SAIL(7245) or visit www. sailwindscambridge.com. CAMBRIDGE CREEK - A tributary of the Choptank River, runs through the heart of Cambridge. Located along the creek are restaurants where you can watch watermen dock their boats after a day’s work on the waterways of Dorchester. HISTORIC HIGH STREET IN CAMBRIDGE - When James Michener was doing research for his novel Chesapeake, he reportedly called Cambridge’s High Street one of the most beautiful streets in America. He modeled his fictional city Patamoke after Cambridge. Many of the gracious homes on High Street date from the 1700s and 1800s. Today you can join a historic walking tour of High Street each Saturday at 11 a.m., April through October (weather permitting). For more info. tel: 410-901-1000. High Street is also known as one of the most haunted streets in Maryland. join a Chesapeake Ghost Walk to hear the stories. Find out more at www. chesapeakeghostwalks.com. SKIPJACK NATHAN OF DORCHESTER - Sail aboard the authentic skipjack Nathan of Dorchester, offering heritage cruises on the Choptank River. The Nathan is docked at Long Wharf in Cambridge. Dredge for oysters and hear the stories of the working waterman’s way of life. For more info. and schedules tel: 410-228-7141 or visit www.skipjack-nathan.org. CHOPTANK RIVER LIGHTHOUSE REPLICA - The replica of a six-sided screwpile lighthouse includes a small museum with exhibits about the original lighthouse’s history and the area’s maritime heritage. The lighthouse, located on Pier A at Long Wharf Park in Cambridge, is open daily, May through October, and by appointment, November through April; call 410-463-2653. For more info. visit www.choptankriverlighthouse.org. DORCHESTER CENTER FOR THE ARTS - Located at 321 High 97

Dorchester Points of Interest Street in Cambridge, the Center offers monthly gallery exhibits and shows, extensive art classes, and special events, as well as an artisans’ gift shop with an array of items created by local and regional artists. For more info. tel: 410-228-7782 or visit www.dorchesterarts.org. RICHARDSON MARITIME MUSEUM - Located at 401 High St., Cambridge, the Museum makes history come alive for visitors in the form of exquisite models of traditional Bay boats. The Museum also offers a collection of boatbuilders’ tools and watermen’s artifacts that convey an understanding of how the boats were constructed and the history of their use. The Museum’s Ruark Boatworks facility, located on Maryland Ave., is passing on the knowledge and skills of area boatwrights to volunteers and visitors alike. Watch boatbuilding and restoration in action. For more info. tel: 410-221-1871 or visit www.richardsonmuseum.org. HARRIET TUBMAN MUSEUM & EDUCATIONAL CENTER - The Museum and Educational Center is developing programs to preserve the history and memory of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday. Local tours by appointment are available. The Museum and Educational Center, located at 424 Race St., Cambridge, is one of the stops on the “Finding a Way to Freedom” self-guided driving tour. For more info. tel: 410-228-0401 or visit www. harriettubmanorganization.org. SPOCOTT WINDMILL - Since 1972, Dorchester County has had a fully operating English style post windmill that was expertly crafted by the late master shipbuilder, James B. Richardson. There has been a succession of windmills at this location dating back to the late 1700’s. The complex also includes an 1800 tenant house, one-room school, blacksmith shop, and country store museum. The windmill is located at 1625 Hudson Rd., Cambridge. For more info. visit www.spocottwindmill.org. HORN POINT LABORATORY - The Horn Point Laboratory offers public tours of this world-class scientific research laboratory, which is affiliated with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The 90-minute walking tour shows how scientists are conducting research to restore the Chesapeake Bay. Horn Point Laboratory is located at 2020 Horns Point Rd., Cambridge, on the banks of the Choptank River. For more info. and tour schedule tel: 410-228-8200 or visit www.umces.edu/hpl. THE STANLEY INSTITUTE - This 19th century one-room African American schoolhouse, dating back to 1865, is one of the oldest Maryland schools to be organized and maintained by a black community. Between 98

1867 and 1962, the youth in the African-American community of Christ Rock attended this school, which is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Tours available by appointment. The Stanley Institute is located at the intersection of Route 16 West & Bayly Rd., Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-228-6657. OLD TRINITY CHURCH in Church Creek was built in the 17th century and perfectly restored in the 1950s. This tiny architectural gem continues to house an active congregation of the Episcopal Church. The old graveyard around the church contains the graves of the veterans of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the American Civil War. This part of the cemetery also includes the grave of Maryland’s Governor Carroll and his daughter Anna Ella Carroll who was an advisor to Abraham Lincoln. The date of the oldest burial is not known because the wooden markers common in the 17th century have disappeared. For more info. tel: 410-228-2940 or visit www.oldtrinity.net. BUCKTOWN VILLAGE STORE - Visit the site where Harriet Tubman received a blow to her head that fractured her skull. From this injury Harriet believed God gave her the vision and directions that inspired her to guide so many to freedom. Artifacts include the actual newspaper ad offering a reward for Harriet’s capture. Historical tours, bicycle, canoe and kayak

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Dorchester Points of Interest rentals are available. Open upon request. The Bucktown Village Store is located at 4303 Bucktown Rd., Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-901-9255. HARRIET TUBMAN BIRTHPLACE - “The Moses of her People,” Harriet Tubman was believed to have been born on the Brodess Plantation in Bucktown. There are no Tubman-era buildings remaining at the site, which today is a farm. Recent archeological work at this site has been inconclusive, and the investigation is continuing, although there is some evidence that points to Madison as a possible birthplace. HARRIET TUBMAN VISITOR CENTER - Located adjacent to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center immerses visitors in Tubman’s world through informative, evocative and emotive exhibits. The immersive displays show how the landscape of the Choptank River region shaped her early years and the importance of her faith, family and community. The exhibits also feature information about Tubman’s life beginning with her childhood in Maryland, her emancipation from slavery, her time as a conductor on the Underground Railroad and her continuous advocacy for justice. For more info. visit dnr2. maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/eastern/tubman_visitorcenter.aspx.

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BLACKWATER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE - Located 12 miles south of Cambridge at 2145 Key Wallace Dr. With more than 25,000 acres of tidal marshland, it is an important stop along the Atlantic Flyway. Blackwater is currently home to the largest remaining natural population of endangered Delmarva fox squirrels and the largest breeding population of American bald eagles on the East Coast, north of Florida. There is a full service Visitor Center and a four-mile Wildlife Drive, walking trails and water trails. For more info. tel: 410-228-2677 or visit www.fws.gov/blackwater. EAST NEW MARKET - Originally settled in 1660, the entire town is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Follow a self-guided walking tour to see the district that contains almost all the residences of the original founders and offers excellent examples of colonial architecture. For more info. visit http://eastnewmarket.us. HURLOCK TRAIN STATION - Incorporated in 1892, Hurlock ranks as the second largest town in Dorchester County. It began from a Dorchester/ Delaware Railroad station built in 1867. The Old Train Station has been restored and is host to occasional train excursions. For more info. tel: 410943-4181. VIENNA HERITAGE MUSEUM - The museum displays the last surviving mother-of-pearl button manufacturing operation in the country,

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Dorchester Points of Interest as well as artifacts of local history. The museum is located at 303 Race, St., Vienna. For more info. tel: 410-943-1212 or visit www.viennamd.org. LAYTON’S CHANCE VINEYARD & WINERY - This small farm winery, minutes from historic Vienna at 4225 New Bridge Rd., offers daily tours of the winemaking operation. The family-oriented Layton’s also hosts a range of events, from a harvest festival to karaoke happy hour to concerts. For more info. tel. 410-228-1205 or visit www.laytonschance.com. HANDSELL HISTORIC SITE - Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2008, the site is used to interpret the native American contact period with the English, the slave and later African American story and the life of all those who lived at Handsell. The grounds are open daily from dawn to dusk. Visitors can view the exterior of the circa 1770/1837 brick house, currently undergoing preservation work. Nearby is the Chicone Village, a replica single-family dwelling complex of the Native People who once inhabited the site. Special living history events are held several times a year. Located at 4837 Indiantown Road, Vienna. For more info. tel: 410228-745 or visit www.restorehandsell.org.


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© John Norton


Easton Points of Interest Historic Downtown Easton is the county seat of Talbot County. Established around early religious settlements and a court of law, today the historic district of Easton is a centerpiece of fine specialty shops, business and cultural activities, unique restaurants and architectural fascination. Tree-lined streets are graced with various period structures and remarkable homes, carefully preserved or restored. Because of its historical significance, Easton has earned distinction as the “Colonial Capital of the Eastern Shore” and was honored as #8 in the book, “The 100 Best Small Towns in America.” Walking Tour of Downtown Easton Start near the corner of Harrison Street and Mill Place. 1. HISTORIC TIDEWATER INN - 101 E. Dover St. A completely modern hotel built in 1949, it was enlarged in 1953 and has recently undergone extensive renovations. It is the “Pride of the Eastern Shore.” 2. THE BULLITT HOUSE - 108 E. Dover St. One of Easton’s oldest and most beautiful homes, it was built in 1801. It is now occupied by the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. 3. AVALON THEATRE - 42 E. Dover St. Constructed in 1921 during the heyday of silent films and vaudeville entertainment. Over the course of its history, it has been the scene of three world premiers, including “The First Kiss,” starring Fay Wray and Gary Cooper, in 1928. The theater has gone through two major restorations: the first in 1936, when it was refinished in an art deco theme by the Schine Theater chain, and again 52 years later, when it was converted to a performing arts and community center. For more info. tel: 410-822-0345 or visit avalontheatre.com. 4. TALBOT COUNTY VISITORS CENTER - 11 S. Harrison St. The Office of Tourism provides visitors with county information for historic Easton and the waterfront villages of Oxford, St. Michaels and Tilghman Island. For more info. tel: 410-770-8000 or visit tourtalbot.org. 5. BARTLETT PEAR INN - 28 S. Harrison St. Significant for its architecture, it was built by Benjamin Stevens in 1790 and is one of Easton’s earliest three-bay brick buildings. The home was “modernized” with Victorian bay windows on the right side in the 1890s. 6. WATERFOWL BUILDING - 40 S. Harrison St. The old armory is 105

Easton Points of Interest now the headquarters of the Waterfowl Festival, Easton’s annual celebration of migratory birds and the hunting season, the second weekend in November. For more info. tel: 410-822-4567 or visit waterfowlfestival.org. 7. ACADEMY ART MUSEUM - 106 South St. Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, the Academy Art Museum is a fine art museum founded in 1958. Providing national and regional exhibitions, performances, educational programs, and visual and performing arts classes for adults and children, the Museum also offers a vibrant concert and lecture series and seasonal events. The Museum’s permanent collection consists of works on paper and contemporary works by American and European masters. Mon. through Thurs. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. First Friday of each month open until 7 p.m. For more info. tel: (410) 822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 8. CHRIST CHURCH - St. Peter’s Parish, 111 South Harrison St. Founded in 1692, the Parish’s church building is one of the many historic landmarks of downtown Easton. The current building was erected in the early 1840’s of Port Deposit granite and an addition on the south end was completed in 1874. Since that time there have been many improve-

Sue Sterling’s Hair Studio, Inc Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Tricol Italian Hair Colour Hair Products All natural ingredients, sunscreen & weightless moisturizers Sue Sterling - Owner 105 Federal St., Ste. A, Easton ◆ 410-822-6777 106

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Easton Points of Interest ments and updates, but none as extensive as the restoration project which began in September 2014. For service times contact 410-822-2677 or christchurcheaston.org. 9. TALBOT HISTORICAL SOCIET Y - Located in the heart of Easton’s historic district. Enjoy an evocative portrait of everyday life during earlier times when visiting the c. 18th and 19th century historic houses, all of which surround a Federal-style garden. For more info. tel: 410-822-0773 or visit hstc.org. 10. ODD FELLOWS LODGE - At the corner of Washington and Dover streets stands a building with secrets. It was constructed in 1879 as the meeting hall for the Odd Fellows. Carved into the stone and placed into the stained glass are images and symbols that have meaning only for members. See if you can find the dove, linked rings and other symbols. 11. TALBOT COUNTY COURTHOUSE - Long known as the “East Capital” of Maryland. The present building was completed in 1794 on the site of the earlier one built in 1711. It has been remodeled several times. 11A. FREDERICK DOUGLASS STATUE - 11 N. Washington St. on the lawn of the Talbot County Courthouse. The statue honors Fred-

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Easton Points of Interest erick Douglass in his birthplace, Talbot County, where the experiences in his youth ~ both positive and negative ~ helped form his character, intellect and determination. Also on the grounds is a memorial to the veterans who fought and died in the Vietnam War, and a monument “To the Talbot Boys,” commemorating the men from Talbot who fought for the Confederacy. The memorial for the Union soldiers was never built. 12. SHANNAHAN & WRIGHTSON HARDWARE BUILDING 12 N. Washington St. It is the oldest store in Easton. In 1791, Owen Kennard began work on a new brick building that changed hands several times throughout the years. Dates on the building show when additions were made in 1877, 1881 and 1889. The present front was completed in time for a grand opening on Dec. 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor Day. 13. THE BRICK HOTEL - northwest corner of Washington and Federal streets. Built in 1812, it became the Eastern Shore’s leading hostelry. When court was in session, plaintiffs, defendants and lawyers all came to town and shared rooms in hotels such as this. Frederick Douglass stayed in the Brick Hotel when he came back after the Civil War and gave a speech in the courthouse. It is now The Prager Building.

Shapers Hair and Make-up Artistry 410-822-6555 413 Needwood Avenue, Easton Bridal Boutique - 6 West Street www.shapershairsalon.com 110

14. THOMAS PERRIN SMITH HOUSE - 119 N. Washington St. Built in 1803, it was the early home of the newspaper from which the StarDemocrat grew. In 1911, the building was acquired by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club, which occupies it today. 15. ART DECO STORES - 13-25 Goldsborough Street. Although much of Easton looks Colonial or Victorian, the 20th century had its inf luences as well. This row of stores has distinctive 1920s-era white trim at the roof line. It is rumored that there was a speakeasy here during Prohibition. 16. FIRST MASONIC GR AND LODGE - 23 N. Harrison Street. The records of Coats Lodge of Masons in Easton show that five Masonic Lodges met in Talbot Court House (as Easton was then called) on July 31, 1783 to form the first Grand Lodge of Masons in Maryland. Although the building where they first met is gone, a plaque marks the spot today. This completes your walking tour. 17. FOXLEY HALL - 24 N. Aurora St., Built about 1795, Foxley Hall is one of the best-known of Easton’s Federal dwellings. Former home of Oswald Tilghman, great-grandson of Lt. Col. Tench Tilghman. (Private) 18. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CATHEDR AL - On “Cathedral Green,”


Easton Points of Interest Goldsborough St., a traditional Gothic design in granite. The interior is well worth a visit. All windows are stained glass, picturing New Testament scenes, and the altar cross of Greek type is unique. For more info. tel: 410-822-1931 or visit trinitycathedraleaston.com. 19. 202 DOVER - Built in 1874, this Victorian-era mansion ref lects many architectural styles. For years the building was known as the Wrightson House, thanks to its early 20th century owner, Charles T. Wrightson, one of the founders of the S. & W. canned food empire. Locally it is still referred to as Captain’s Watch due to its prominent balustraded widow’s walk. The Inn’s renovation in 2006 was acknowledged by the Maryland Historic Trust and the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 20. TALBOT COUNTY FREE LIBRARY - Housed in an attractively remodeled building on West Street, the hours of operation are Mon. and Thurs., 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tues. and Wed. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fri. and Sat., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit tcf l.org. 21. U. of M. SHORE MEDICAL CENTER AT EASTON - Established in the early 1900s as the Memorial Hospital, now a member of University of Maryland Shore Regional Health System. For more info.


tel: 410-822-100 or visit umshoreregional.org. 22. THIRD HAVEN FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE (Quaker). Built 1682-84, this is the earliest documented building in MD and probably the oldest Quaker Meeting House in the U.S. William Penn and many other historical figures have worshiped here. In continuous use since it was built, today it is still home to an active Friends’ community. Visitors welcome; group tours available on request. thirdhaven.org. 23. TALBOT COMMUNITY CENTER - The year-round activities offered at the community center range from ice hockey to figure skating, aerobics and curling. The Center is also host to many events throughout the year, such as antique, craft, boating and sportsman shows. Near Easton 24. PICKERING CREEK - 400-acre farm and science education center featuring 100 acres of forest, a mile of shoreline, nature trails, low-ropes challenge course and canoe launch. Trails are open seven days a week from dawn till dusk. Canoes are free for members. For more info. tel: 410-822-4903 or visit pickeringcreek.org. 25. WYE GRIST MILL - The oldest working mill in Maryland (ca. 1682), the f lour-producing “grist” mill has been lovingly preserved by The Friends of Wye Mill, and grinds f lour to this day using two massive


Easton Points of Interest grindstones powered by a 26 horsepower overshot waterwheel. For more info. visit oldwyemill.org. 26. W YE ISL A ND NATUR AL RESOURCE MA NAGEMENT AREA - Located between the Wye River and the Wye East River, the area provides habitat for waterfowl and native wildlife. There are 6 miles of trails that provide opportunities for hiking, birding and wildlife viewing. For more info. visit dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/eastern/wyeisland.asp. 27. OLD WYE CHURCH - Old Wye Church is one of the oldest active Anglican Communion parishes in Talbot County. Wye Chapel was built between 1718 and 1721 and opened for worship on October 18, 1721. For more info. visit wyeparish.org. 28. WHITE MARSH CHURCH - The original structure was built before 1690. Early 18th century rector was the Reverend Daniel Maynadier. A later provincial rector (1764–1768), the Reverend Thomas Bacon, compiled “Bacon’s Laws,” authoritative compendium of Colonial Statutes. Robert Morris, Sr., father of Revolutionary financier is buried here.

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St. Michaels Points of Interest

© John Norton

On the broad Miles River, with its picturesque tree-lined streets and beautiful harbor, St. Michaels has been a haven for boats plying the Chesapeake and its inlets since the earliest days. Here, some of the handsomest models of the Bay craft, such as canoes, bugeyes, pungys and some famous Baltimore Clippers, were designed and built. The Church, named “St. Michael’s,” was the first building erected (about 1677) and around it clustered the town that took its name. 1. WADES POINT INN - Located on a point of land overlooking majestic Chesapeake Bay, this historic inn has been welcoming guests for over 100 years. Thomas Kemp, builder of the original “Pride of Baltimore,” built the main house in 1819. For more info. visit www.wadespoint.com. 117

St. Michaels Points of Interest 2. LINKS AT PERRY CABIN - Located on the scenic Miles River with an 18 hole golf course - Links at Perry Cabin. For more info. visit www. innatperrycabin.com. 3. MILES RIVER YACHT CLUB - Organized in 1920, the Miles River Yacht Club continues its dedication to boating on our waters and the protection of the heritage of log canoes, the oldest class of boat still sailing U. S. waters. The MRYC has been instrumental in preserving the log canoe and its rich history on the Chesapeake Bay. For more info. visit www.milesriveryc.org. 4. INN AT PERRY CABIN - The original building was constructed in the early 19th century by Samuel Hambleton, a purser in the United States Navy during the War of 1812. It was named for his friend, Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. Perry Cabin has served as a riding academy and was restored in 1980 as an inn and restaurant. For more info. visit www.innatperrycabin.com. 5. THE PARSONAGE INN - A bed and breakfast inn at 210 N. Talbot St., was built by Henry Clay Dodson, a prominent St. Michaels businessman and state legislator around 1883 as his private residence. In 1877, Dodson,

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along with Joseph White, established the St. Michaels Brick Company, which later provided the brick for the house. For more info. visit www. parsonage-inn.com. 6. FREDERICK DOUGLASS HISTORIC MARKER - Born at Tuckahoe Creek, Talbot County, Douglass lived as a slave in the St. Michaels area from 1833 to 1836. He taught himself to read and taught in clandestine schools for blacks here. He escaped to the north and became a noted abolitionist, orator and editor. He returned in 1877 as a U.S. Marshal for the District of Columbia and also served as the D.C. Recorder of Deeds and the U.S. Minister to Haiti. 7. CHESAPEAKE BAY MARITIME MUSEUM - Founded in 1965, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of the hemisphere’s largest and most productive estuary - the Chesapeake Bay. Located on 18 waterfront acres, its nine exhibit buildings and floating fleet bring to life the story of the Bay and its inhabitants, from the fully restored 1879 Hooper Strait lighthouse and working boatyard to the impressive collection of working decoys and a recreated waterman’s shanty. Home to the world’s largest collection of Bay boats, the Museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions, special events, festivals, and education programs. Docking and pump-out facilities available. Exhibitions and Museum

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St. Michaels Points of Interest Store open year-round. Up-to-date information and hours can be found on the Museum’s website at www.cbmm.org or by calling 410-745-2916. 8. THE CRAB CLAW - Restaurant adjoining the Maritime Museum and overlooking St. Michaels harbor. Open March-November. 410-7452900 or www.thecrabclaw.com. 9. PATRIOT - During the season (April-November) the 65’ cruise boat can carry 150 persons, runs daily historic narrated cruises along the Miles River. For daily cruise times, visit www.patriotcruises.com or call 410-745-3100. 10. THE FOOTBRIDGE - Built on the site of many earlier bridges, today’s bridge joins Navy Point to Cherry Street. It has been variously known as “Honeymoon Bridge” and “Sweetheart Bridge.” It is the only remaining bridge of three that at one time connected the town with outlying areas around the harbor. 11. VICTORIANA INN - The Victoriana Inn is located in the Historic District of St. Michaels. The home was built in 1873 by Dr. Clay Dodson, a druggist, and occupied as his private residence and office. In 1910 the property, then known as “Willow Cottage,” underwent alterations when acquired by the Shannahan family who continued it as a private residence for over 75 years. As a bed and breakfast, circa 1988, major renovations took place, preserving the historic character of the gracious Victorian era. For more info. visit www.victorianainn.com. 12. HAMBLETON INN - On the harbor. Historic waterfront home built in 1860 and restored as a bed and breakfast in 1985 with a turn-ofthe-century atmosphere. For more info. visit www.hambletoninn.com. 13. SNUGGERY B&B - Oldest residence in St. Michaels, c. 1665.The structure incorporates the remains of a log home that was originally built on the beach and later moved to its present location. www.snuggery1665.com. 14. LOCUST STREET - A stroll down Locust Street is a look into the past of St. Michaels. The Haddaway House at 103 Locust St. was built by Thomas L. Haddaway in the late 1700s. Haddaway owned and operated the shipyard at the foot of the street. Wickersham, at 203 Locust Street, was built in 1750 and was moved to its present location in 2004. It is known for its glazed brickwork. Hell’s Crossing is the intersection of Locust and Carpenter streets and is so-named because in the late 1700’s, the town was described as a rowdy one, in keeping with a port town where sailors would come for a little excitement. They found it in town, where there were saloons and working-class townsfolk ready to do business with them. 120

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St. Michaels Points of Interest Fights were common especially in an area of town called Hells Crossing. At the end of Locust Street is Muskrat Park. It provides a grassy spot on the harbor for free summer concerts and is home to the two cannons that are replicas of the ones given to the town by Jacob Gibson in 1813 and confiscated by Federal troops at the beginning of the Civil War. 15. FREEDOMS FRIEND LODGE - Chartered in 1867 and constructed in 1883, the Freedoms Friend Lodge is the oldest lodge existing in Maryland and is a prominent historic site for our Black community. It is now the site of Blue Crab Coffee Company. 16. TALBOT COUNTY FREE LIBRARY - St. Michaels Branch is located at 106 S. Fremont Street. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit www.tcfl.org. 17. CARPENTER STREET SALOON - Life in the Colonial community revolved around the tavern. The traveler could, of course, obtain food, drink, lodging or even a fresh horse to speed his journey. This tavern was built in 1874 and has served the community as a bank, a newspaper office, post office and telephone company. For more info. visit www. carpenterstreetsaloon.com. 18. TWO SWAN INN - The Two Swan Inn on the harbor served as the former site of the Miles River Yacht Club, was built in the 1800s and was renovated in 1984. It is located at the foot of Carpenter Street. For more info. visit www.twoswaninn.com. 19. TARR HOUSE - Built by Edward Elliott as his plantation home about 1661. It was Elliott and an indentured servant, Darby Coghorn, who built the first church in St. Michaels. This was about 1677, on the site of the present Episcopal Church (6 Willow Street, near Locust). 20. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 301 S. Talbot St. Built of Port Deposit stone, the present church was erected in 1878. The first is believed to have been built in 1677 by Edward Elliott. For more info. tel: 410-745-9076. 21. THE OLD BRICK INN - Built in 1817 by Wrightson Jones, who opened and operated the shipyard at Beverly on Broad Creek. (Talbot St. at Mulberry). For more info. visit www.oldbrickinn.com. 22. THE CANNONBALL HOUSE - When St. Michaels was shelled by the British in a night attack in 1813, the town was “blacked out” and lanterns were hung in the trees to lead the attackers to believe the town was on a high bluff. The houses were overshot. The story is that a cannonball hit the chimney of “Cannonball House” and rolled down the 122

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St. Michaels Points of Interest stairway. This “blackout” was believed to be the first such “blackout” in the history of warfare. 23. AMELIA WELBY HOUSE - Amelia Coppuck, who became Amelia Welby, was born in this house and wrote poems that won her fame and the praise of Edgar Allan Poe. 24. ST. MICHAELS MUSEUM at ST. MARY’S SQUARE - Located in the heart of the historic district, offers a unique view of 19th century life in St. Michaels. The exhibits are housed in three period buildings and contain local furniture and artifacts donated by residents. The museum is supported entirely through community efforts. For more info. tel: 410745-9561 or www.stmichaelsmuseum.org. 25. GRANITE LODGE #177 - Located on St. Mary’s Square, Granite Lodge was built in 1839. The building stands on the site of the first Methodist Church in St. Michaels on land donated to the Methodists by James Braddock in 1781. Between then and now, the building has served variously as a church, schoolhouse and as a storehouse for muskrat skins. 26. KEMP HOUSE - Now a country inn. A Georgian style house, constructed in 1805 by Colonel Joseph Kemp, a revolutionary soldier

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St. Michaels Points of Interest and hero of the War of 1812. For more info. visit www.oldbrickinn.com. 27. THE OLD MILL COMPLEX - The Old Mill was a functioning flour mill from the late 1800s until the 1970s, producing flour used primarily for Maryland beaten biscuits. Today it is home to a brewery, distillery, artists, furniture makers, and other unique shops and businesses. 28. CLASSIC MOTOR MUSEUM - Located at 102 E. Marengo Street, the Classic Motor Museum is a living museum of classic automobiles, motorcycles, and other forms of transportation, and providing educational resources to classic car enthusiasts. For more info. visit classicmotormuseum.org. 29. ST. MICHAELS HARBOUR INN, MARINA & SPA - Constructed in 1986 and recently renovated. For more info. visit www. harbourinn.com. 30. ST. MICHAELS NATURE TRAIL - This 1.3 mile paved walkway winds around the western side of St. Michaels starting at a dedicated parking lot on South Talbot Street. The path cuts through the woods, San Domingo Park, over a covered bridge and ending in Bradley Park. The trail is open all year from dawn to dusk.

Call For Hours 125

© John Norton


Oxford Points of Interest Oxford is one of the oldest towns in Maryland. Although already settled for perhaps 20 years, Oxford marks the year 1683 as its official founding, for in that year Oxford was first named by the Maryland General Assembly as a seaport and was laid out as a town. In 1694, Oxford and a new town called Anne Arundel (now Annapolis) were selected the only ports of entry for the entire Maryland province. Until the American Revolution, Oxford enjoyed prominence as an international shipping center surrounded by wealthy tobacco plantations. Today, Oxford is a charming tree-lined and waterbound village with a population of just over 700 and is still important in boat building and yachting. It has a protected harbor for watermen who harvest oysters, crabs, clams and fish, and for sailors from all over the Bay. 1. JOHN WESLEY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Built on a tiny patch of land outside Oxford, this unassuming one-room building without a steeple and without indoor plumbing, once served as an

202 Morris St., Oxford 410-226-0010

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Oxford Points of Interest important place of worship and gathering for generations of Talbot County African-Americans. It was an abolitionist and integrated church community in a county which was slave-holding since 1770. Talbot County was at the center of both legal manumission (the freeing of a slave) and Fugitive Slave Act enforcement. The African American community was 50% free and 50% enslaved. It was also the center of Union recruitment of slaves for the U.S. Colored Troops. For more info. visit johnwesleychurch.org. 2. OXFORD CONSERVATION PARK - The park’s 86 acres stretch out on the southern side of state Route 333, near Boone Creek Road, and features walking trails, wetland viewing areas, native bird species, and open landscapes. 3. TENCH TILGHMAN MONUMENT - In the Oxford Cemetery the Revolutionary War hero’s body lies along with that of his widow. Lt. Col. Tench Tilghman, who was Gen. George Washington’s aide-de-camp, carried the message of Cornwallis’ surrender from Yorktown, VA, to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Across the cove from the cemetery may be seen Plimhimmon, home of Tench Tilghman’s widow, Anna Maria Tilghman.

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Oxford Points of Interest 4. THE OXFORD COMMUNITY CENTER - This former, pillared brick schoolhouse was saved from the wrecking ball by the town residents. Now it is a gathering place for meetings, classes, lectures, and performances by the Tred Avon Players and has been recently renovated. Rentals available to groups and individuals. 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc.org. 5. THE COOPERATIVE OXFORD LABORATORY - U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Maryland Department of Natural Resources located here. 410-2265193 or visit dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/oxford. 6. U.S. COAST GUARD STATION - 410-226-0580. 7. CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY - Founded in 1851. Designed by esteemed British architect Richard Upton, co-founder of the American Institute of Architects. It features beautiful stained glass windows by the acclaimed Willet Studios of Philadelphia. 410-226-5134 or visit holytrinityoxfordmd.org 8. OXFORD TOWN PARK - Former site of the Oxford High School. Recent restoration of the beach as part of a “living shoreline project” Tidewater Residential Designs since 1989



Oxford Points of Interest created 2 terraced sitting walls, a protective groin and a sandy beach with native grasses which will stop further erosion and provide valuable aquatic habitat. A similar project has been completed adjacent to the ferry dock. A kayak launch site has also been located near the ferry dock. 9. OXFORD MUSEUM - Morris & Market Sts. Devoted to the preservation of artifacts and memories of Oxford, MD. Admission is free; donations gratefully accepted. For more info. and hours tel: 410-2260191 or visit oxfordmuseum.org. 10. OXFORD LIBRARY - 101 Market St. Founded in 1939 and on its present site since 1950. Hours are Mon.-Sat., 10-4. 11. BRATT MANSION (ACADEMY HOUSE) - 205 N. Morris St. Served as quarters for officers of the Maryland Military Academy. Built about 1848. (Private residence) 12. BARNABY HOUSE - 212 N. Morris St. Built in 1770 by sea captain Richard Barnaby, this charming house contains original pine woodwork, corner fireplaces and an unusually lovely handmade staircase. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (Private residence) 13. THE GRAPEVINE HOUSE - 309 N. Morris St. The grapevine over the entrance arbor was brought from the Isle of Jersey in 1810 by Captain William Willis, who commanded the brig “Sarah and Louisa.” (Private residence) 14. THE ROBERT MORRIS INN - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Robert Morris was the father of Robert Morris, Jr., the “financier of the Revolution.” Built about 1710, part of the original house with a beautiful staircase is contained in the beautifully restored Inn, now open 7 days a week. Robert Morris, Jr. was one of only 2 Founding Fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution. 410-226-5111 or visit robertmorrisinn.com. 15. THE OXFORD CUSTOM HOUSE - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Built in 1976 as Oxford’s official Bicentennial project. It is a replica of the first Federal Custom House built by Jeremiah Banning, who was the first Federal Collector of Customs appointed by George Washington. 16. TRED AVON YACHT CLUB - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Founded in 1931. The present building, completed in 1991, replaced the original structure. 17. OXFORD-BELLEVUE FERRY - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Started in 1683, this is believed to be the oldest privately operated ferry in the United States. Its first keeper was Richard Royston, whom the 130

Built in 1710, this is the most historic and unique restaurant with rooms on the eastern shore. waterview and Fireside dining For weekend Brunch, and dinner wednesday through sunday see our weBsite For winter wine dinners and events. weddings, events and outside catering.


Oxford Points of Interest Talbot County Court “pitcht upon” to run a ferry at an unusual subsidy of 2,500 pounds of tobacco. Service has been continuous since 1836, with power supplied by sail, sculling, rowing, steam, and modern diesel engine. Many now take the ride between Oxford and Bellevue for the scenic beauty. 18. BYEBERRY - On the grounds of Cutts & Case Boatyard. It faces Town Creek and is one of the oldest houses in the area. The date of construction is unknown, but it was standing in 1695. Originally, it was in the main business section but was moved to the present location about 1930. (Private residence) 19. CUTTS & CASE - 306 Tilghman St. World-renowned boatyard for classic yacht design, wooden boat construction and restoration using composite structures. Some have described Cutts & Case Shipyard as an American Nautical Treasure because it produces to the highest standards quality work equal to and in many ways surpassing the beautiful artisanship of former times.

Martha’s Closet Yard Sale Huge selection of clothing (sorted by size), toys, books, kitchen items, small appliances, knickknacks, decorations, and much, much more. All at Very Affordable Prices! Open every 2nd & 4th Saturday - 7 to 10 a.m. and every Wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Wesley Hall at Trappe United Methodist Church Maple Ave., Trappe We regularly give clothes to the Salvation Army, the Lutheran Mission, the Neighborhood Center, St. Martin's Barn, and area nursing homes. Whenever a family is in dire need, they are welcome to what we have.



4 & 6 ~ Shamrock Painting Class; Wed. at 11 a.m. and Fri. at 6 p.m. at The Treasure Chest. $25, includes supplies. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 7 ~ Cookery Demo & Lunch w/Mark Salter - Winter Desserts @ Robert Morris Inn 10 a.m. 2 hr. demo w/2 course lunch & wine. $75. RSVP robertmorrisinn.com/cook-school. 8 ~ Oxford Volunteer Fire Department Breakfast: 8 - 11 a.m., $10/pp. 11 ~ Beginner Chalk Mineral Painting Class at 11 a.m. at The Treasure Chest. $45, includes supplies. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 12 ~ Chalk Mineral Painting Demo at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at The Treasure Chest. Demo of Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 13 ~ Card Party at the Oxford Firehouse Hall. 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 202-320-1110. 13 ~ St. Patrick’s Day Dinner with Free N’ Eazy Band @ OCC. 6 p.m. $25; cash bar. 18 ~ Bring Your Own Furniture Painting Class at 10 a.m. at The Treasure Chest. $65, includes supplies. Furniture should be small like a picture frame, stool, mirror, etc. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 19 ~ Movie Classics Series: Sorry Wrong Number @ OCC. 7 p.m. Free or come for dinner before the movie. Dinner is $10. Reservation req. 410-226-5904 or oxfordcc.org. 20 ~ Beginner Chalk Mineral Painting Class at 5:30 p.m. at The Treasure Chest. $45, includes supplies. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 21 ~ Cookery Demo & Lunch w/Mark Salter - Authentic Curries from Around the World @ Robert Morris Inn 10 a.m. 2 hr. demo w/2 course lunch & wine. $75. RSVP robertmorrisinn.com/cook-school. 24 & 25 ~ Songwriting Workshop with Paul Lewis @ OCC. 1 to 3 p.m. $60 includes both days. Bring an instrument if you have one. 410-226-5904 or oxfordcc.org. 25 & 27 ~ Painting Transfer Class: Wed. at 11 a.m. and Fri. at 6 p.m. at The Treasure Chest. $36, includes supplies. 410-924-8817 or facebook.com/thetreasurechestinoxford/events 28 ~ Cookery Demo & Lunch w/Mark Salter - Mark Salter’s Signature Dishes @ Robert Morris Inn 10 a.m. 2 hr. demo w/2 course lunch & wine. $75. RSVP robertmorrisinn.com/cook-school. 28 ~ Dinner Theater @ OCC. A Reading Theater Celebration of Lucille Fletcher, author of Sorry Wrong Number and The Hitchhiker. Dinner by RMI, entertainment by Tred Avon Players. 7 p.m. $60/pp cash bar. 410-226-5904 or oxfordcc.org. Matinee on March 29 at 2 p.m. $10/pp; cash bar. Ongoing @ OCC Community Café - Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Core & More Fitness RX w/Mark Cuviello: Mon. & Wed. 10:30 a.m. $12/class Beginner Tai Chi with Nathan Spivey: Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m. $75/mo. or $10/class. Steady and Strong Exercise Class: Tues. & Thurs. 10:15 a.m. $60/10 classes or $8/class. Book Club - 4th Monday, 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Oxford Business Association ~ portofoxford.com Visit us online for a full calendar of events 133

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Tilghman’s Island “Great Choptank Island” was granted to Seth Foster in 1659. Thereafter it was known as Foster’s Island, and remained so through a succession of owners until Matthew Tilghman of Claiborne inherited it in 1741. He and his heirs owned the island for over a century and it has been Tilghman’s Island ever since, though the northern village and the island’s postal designation are simply “Tilghman.” For its first 175 years, the island was a family farm, supplying grains, vegetables, fruit, cattle, pigs and timber. Although the owners rarely were in residence, many slaves were: an 1817 inventory listed 104. The last Tilghman owner, General Tench Tilghman (not Washington’s aide-de-camp), removed the slaves in the 1830s and began selling off lots. In 1849, he sold his remaining interests to James Seth, who continued the development. The island’s central location in the middle Bay is ideally suited for watermen harvesting the Bay in all seasons. The years before the Civil War saw the influx of the first families we know today. A second wave arrived after the War, attracted by the advent of oyster dredging in the 1870s. Hundreds of dredgers and tongers operated out of Tilghman’s Island, their catches sent to the cities by schooners. Boat building, too, was an important industry. The boom continued into the 1890s, spurred by the arrival of steamboat service, which opened vast new markets for Bay seafood. Islanders quickly capitalized on the opportunity as several seafood buyers set up shucking and canning operations on pilings at the edge of the shoal of Dogwood Cove. The discarded oyster shells eventually became an island with seafood packing houses, hundreds of workers, a store, and even a post office. The steamboats also brought visitors who came to hunt, fish, relax and escape the summer heat of the cities. Some families stayed all summer in one of the guest houses that sprang up in the villages of Tilghman, Avalon, Fairbank and Bar Neck. Although known for their independence, Tilghman’s Islanders enjoy showing visitors how to pick a crab, shuck an oyster or find a good fishing spot. In the twentieth century, Islanders pursued these vocations in farming, on the water, and in the thriving seafood processing industry. The “Tilghman Brand” was known throughout the eastern United States, but as the Bay’s bounty diminished, so did the number of water-related jobs. Still, three of the few remaining Bay skipjacks (sailing dredgeboats) can be seen here, as well as two working harbors with scores of power workboats. 135


The Tilghman’s Island Series by Gary D. Crawford

NOTE In the first two installments of our revised and expanded edition of Tilghman’s Island: An Exploration, we sketched the pre-colonial history of the area and how settlement of the upper Eastern Shore began on Kent and Poplar islands. This is Installment 3. What would eventually become known as Tilghman’s Island was there all along, of course, but it remained unmentioned in the colonial record. It’s time to change that. The people who finally put our island on the map were a remarkable family. Let’s meet them. ~ GDC Fairbank, Tilghman’s Island OUR FOUNDING MOTHER Around the year 1623, a baby girl was born in Jamestown to the Lucas family. Although her given name was Elizabeth, there are indications that her friends and family called her Eliza. We shall do the same. About her childhood, we know nothing other than (miraculously) she survived it ~ unlike so many of her fellow Virginians. The grim reality was that in the early days only one in five survived their first year in Jamestown. And just two years before she was born, in 1621, the colony was nearly wiped out by local Indians. Eliza was to play a key role in the “founding” of our island. To learn how she got from Jamestown all the way up the Bay to our part of the Eastern Shore, we need to pick

up the thread of events at Kent and Poplar islands. The leaders of both Chesapeake colonies were keen to strengthen their communities by attracting new settlers from England. They advertised the opportunities available in the New World and offered free land to anyone who would come over. Those already here were encouraged to sponsor new settlers, and incentives were offered: pay the passage of a new immigrant to Virginia and you could claim 50 free acres of land. (A few years later, Maryland doubled that, offering 100 acres each.) Robert Selfe was a Virginia planter who had settled at Nomini Creek, near the mouth of the Potomac River. In 1634, when the Mar ylanders arrived and established St. Mary’s City on the other side of the river,


Tilghman's Island the Potomac became the border between the two colonies on the western shore.

Selfe took advantage of the landfor-passage program by paying the cost of transporting six new immigrants: Thomas Hawkins, Abigail Hawkins and Thomas Hawkins, Jr., Daniel and Jonathan Stepping (perhaps brothers) and William Harper. When they stepped ashore in 1635, Selfe claimed a tidy 300 additional acres. The new arrivals settled in the Nomini Bay area and began their lives in the New World. A few years later, one of them, Daniel Stepping, met young Eliza Lucas of Jamestown. We don’t know how they met, but a relationship had developed by 1643, when, at the age of twenty, Eliza became Mrs. Daniel Stepping. She would prove to be a strong and remarkably resilient woman and a key figure in our island exploration story ~ though not quite yet. (But keep her in mind.) Another of those new arrivals at Nomini Creek was Thomas Hawkins, with wife and son. He seems to have

prospered quickly in the New World, and before long, he, too, became interested in the “bay trade” ~ trading with the Indians for animal furs, notably beaver. Like William Claiborne before him, Hawkins recognized the need for a fur-trading outpost much closer to the head of the Bay, the source of the best beaver pelts. The forests of the upper Bay were still thick and dark, however, with bands of Indians coming and going, some of them unfriendly to the Europeans. Hawkins came to appreciate Claiborne’s view that an island would be a more defensible location, though the Thompson tragedy had made clear that constant vigilance was required. Kent Island, now under Maryland rule, was inhabited, but Poplar Island appears to have been abandoned after the 1637 massacre of Richard Thompson’s family. When Leonard Calvert, the Provincial Governor and younger brother of Lord Baltimore, came over on the Ark, one of the men with him was Thomas Greene. Three years later, the Governor granted him rights to a 500-acre estate on Kent Island, where Greene established a manor home he named “Bobbing” after his home in England. Greene also was granted all thousand acres of Poplar Island. The Ca lver ts worked ha rd to establish better relationships with various Indian groups, and they achieved some success during the 1640s. Settlement of the Eastern


Shore began to pick up, increasing the need for a court and administrative center on this side of the Bay. In 1642, Kent “Hundred” (an ancient term for a county subdivision) was upgraded to become Mar yland’s second county. By 1650, Thomas Hawk ins of Virginia had made his move into Maryland. He asked Thomas Greene to sell him his 500-acre estate on Kent Island and all of Poplar Island. Greene agreed to his offer and sold Hawkins both properties. Hawkins assembled a group of friends and associates to join him in the re-settlement of Poplar Island and the further development of Kent Island.

OUR FOUNDING FATHER One of those who came up from Virginia with Hawkins was a young fel low na med Set h Foster, who had arrived from England around 1645 when he was in his twenties. Foster’s name appears in various Westmoreland and Northumberland court records, so it is reasonable to assume he was living in the Nomini Creek area, too, where he encountered the Hawkins family. Seth Foster would go on to become a key figure in the history of Choptank (Tilghman’s) Island. And what of Eliza? I have not discovered whether she and her husband, Daniel Stepping, also joined in with the Hawkins migration up the Bay, but a most surprising event


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Tilghman's Island

in 1653 suggests they might have all been together. The next time we hear of Eliza is on March 1, 1653 ~ her second wedding day. And her new husband is none other than Thomas Hawkins himself. We don’t know what happened to their first spouses. Daniel Stepping recorded his will in 1651, so he may have fallen ill; there is no mention of any children. Nor do we know what happened to Hawkins’ wife Abigail, who had accompanied him to Virginia eighteen years earlier. In any event, Thomas and Eliza were married and living, we presume, at Bobbing Manor on Kent Island. If we suppose that Thomas Hawkins, Jr. was about 12 years old when he and his parents arrived in



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Virginia in 1635, then he and his new stepmother would be about the same age, around 30. All in all, the Hawkins family was did very well for several years, and business was booming. In January of 1655, Thomas gave power of attorney to Seth Foster in order to collect some outstanding debts owed Hawkins, totaling the sizable sum of 4,595 pounds. The inventory of Hawkins’ estate, the fi rst recorded in what soon would become Talbot County, added up to an impressive 27,864 pounds. Their happiness did not last long, unfortunately, for Hawkins apparently became ill. He recorded his will


Tilghman's Island in August of 1656 and then passed away on October 2. Hawkins left half of Poplar Island to his son Thomas and everything else to his wife, Eliza. He also mentioned his three “beloved friends,” namely Robert Vaughn, Henry Carline and Seth Foster. Once again, Eliza’s life had taken a hard and unexpected turn. She was now 33 years old, twice widowed, with a household to run, and her late husband’s business affairs to look after. And to top everything off, she found that she was pregnant. When this child was born in the spring of 1657, he was 34 years younger than his half-brother Thomas, Jr. The little boy ~ Eliza’s first child, so far as we know ~ was given the name John Hawkins. Thomas never knew of this second son, as there is no mention of him in his will. Eliza had wealth and property, but now alone and with an infant, she was in need of help. It was then that one of their “beloved friends,” Seth Foster, stepped forward and asked for her hand. Thus, our Eliza became Mrs. Elizabeth (Lucas) Stepping Hawkins Foster. Both were living on Kent Island at this time, although Seth had been seeking opportunities on the mainland. In any event, when Eliza and Seth set out to establish a family of their own, they decided not to remain on Kent or Poplar Island, perhaps

to give Thomas, Jr. a free hand in managing the Hawkins family affairs. No w t h at t r e at i e s h a d b e e n worked out with the various Indian groups in the area, settlement on the mainland picked up rapidly during the 1650s. Plantations were being established on both sides of the Great Choptank River and along the shores of the Miles River and many major creeks. Seth and Eliza selected a promising piece of real estate right at the mouth of the Great Choptank R iver, where the tip of the long peninsula was separated by a shallow waterway. Yes, you’ve guessed it! They settled on what was known as “Great Choptank Island,” finally bringing our island into history. They built a home here and began clearing fields. The island proved to have rich soil and large stands of excellent timber. On February 19, 1658, Eliza presented Seth with their first child, a baby girl. Christened Elizabeth, she was the first child of English ancestry born on Great Choptank Island.



Tilghman's Island The Fosters found that the place suited them, and Seth asked the Lord Proprietary for rights to 1,200 acres. A warrant was issued in 1659 to lay out Great Choptank Island for “Seth Foster, of the Province, Planter.” The parcel was conveyed by a Certificate of Patent on August 11 of that year, for an annual rent of 1 pound 4 shillings. Two years later, in 1661, they obtained rights to the remaining 300 acres.

And thus, the island’s “plantation period” began. For the next 181 years, Choptank Island would pass through a succession of owners, serving them as a productive plantation devoted to farm products, fruit, livestock and timber. That sequence of ow ners began with Seth and Eliza Foster and their children, our “founding family.” Unlike most of the later owners, the Fosters actually lived on the island, and we honor them today

with the street names: Seth Avenue and Foster Road. That the Tilghman Elementary School now stands proudly on Foster Road is appropriate. Although no archeological evidence has been found, the Foster home was said to be on the eastern side of the island, some distance from a deep cove, and protected on the west by a pine forest. All that fits rather well with the location of the school. While the Fosters and the official land records for centuries would refer to it as Great Choptank Island, ever yone else in the area called it simply “Foster’s Island.” Some maps even labeled it so. The island and the Foster family prospered. Eliza presented Seth with their second child in 1658, a not her d aug hter, S a r a h. S e t h rose to a prominent position in the prov incia l gover nment. A s new settlers f looded into the region, the need for a second administrative and legal center on the Eastern Shore became apparent. Accordingly, in 1662, the Lord Proprietor created Ta lbot C ount y, a nd si x gentlemen landowners were sworn in as Commissioners. One was Seth Foster. Two other Commissioners were William Coursey of Wye and Thomas Hynson. Both these names are of interest. Hynson’s name is still seen on the roadside in Bay Hundred, announcing the village of “Hynsontown.” Oddly, the County does not include


it in its list of Talbot’s twenty-two unincorporated villages. William Coursey settled in the Wye River region to the north of the Miles R iver. He would have one child, a son also named William, who brief ly would own Great Choptank Island. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. As there was yet no county seat or courthouse, the new county’s Commissioners had to meet in each other’s homes. So, yes, that means that several of the first meetings of the “Talbot County Council” took place right here on Great Choptank Island, in Seth and Eliza’s home. At this point, an important new figure appears in our exploration. His name is Vincent Lowe, and he arrived in Maryland in 1670 at the age of 38. Lowe may have come to live right here on Foster’s Island. In any event, he certainly became acquainted with that family and their charming daughter Elizabeth, then just coming of age. The Lowe family was very well connected; indeed, his older sister Ja ne L owe (t he w idow S e w a l l)

b e c a me t he “ f i r s t l ady ” of t he Province in 1666 when she married Charles Calvert, the third Lord Baltimore. Vincent Lowe soon was well established, acquiring properties in several counties, including Lowe’s Point near the modern village of Sherwood. L owe b e c ome s l i n ke d to ou r island when, in 1674, at age 42, he marries 16-year-old Elizabeth Foster. Late that same year, on 2 December, Seth Foster f iled his will. It is worth examining in some detail, for it explains much that happens later. Here are the relevant portions. I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Foster my dear and loving wife and unto Sarah my youngest daughter all the money I have in England... to be equally divided between my wife and daughter; only [except a sum sufficient] to buy my son- inlaw, John Hawkins, a manservant out of it. Wait, his son-in-law? We know that John Hawkins never married

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Tilghman's Island either of Seth’s daughters, indeed, they were his half-sisters. But in the 1600s, the term “son-in-law” also could refer to a “stepson” ~ which John Hawkins was. Hav ing dealt w ith his money, Seth next disposes of his personal property possessions, leaving them to his wife and two daughters in equal parts. Finally, he turns to the really valuable stuff ~ his land holdings. Foster owned four large plantations: two thousand-acre plantations on the Chester River, “Tulley’s Delight” and “Standish Woods.” He also had a plantation on Kent Island. And, of course, there was his home, Great Choptank Island, of 1,500 acres. I give to my loving wife the third of all my real estate at my island here called Great Choptank and also the third of all my real estate lying in Chester River and in the island of Kent during her natural life. He went on to stipulate that upon Eliza’s passing, full ownership of “Tulley’s Delight” would pass to John Hawk ins; daughter Sa ra h Foster would get both “Standish Woods” and the Kent plantation. A nd his home proper t y ~ Great Choptank Island ~ went to his elder daughter, Elizabeth, recently

married. He described it in rather charming terms: I give to my oldest daughter Elizabeth Lowe all my island called Great Choptank with houses, buildings, orchards, gardens with all their privileges thereon belonging forever. Seth Foster may have had a reason to file his will at this time, for just three months later, on March 1 2 , 1675 , ou r Fou nd i ng Fat her pa s s e d aw ay. A t t h at moment , Great Choptank Island ceased to be “Foster’s Island” and became “Lowe’s Island.” Vincent, now Col. Lowe, was very active and successful in his service to the Provincial government. He was appointed High Sheriff of Talbot County in 1675 and SurveyorGeneral of the Province in 1679. He had a distinguished career, serving on the Prov incial Assembly, the Provincial Court and the Board of Deputy Governors. Along the way, he acquired considerable wealth and property. Vincent and Elizabeth Lowe lived together for 18 years, until he passed away in 1692 at the age of 60. They had no children. In his will, Lowe left Great Choptank Island to his wife, who had inherited it from her father, with one stipulation: if she were to die without issue, the island should go to her nephew, sister Sarah’s oldest son, Foster Turbutt.


That never happened, however, because within two years, Elizabeth Lowe remarried. Her second husba nd wa s Wi l lia m C oursey, Jr., t h e o n l y c h i ld o f W i l l i a m Coursey. (You may recall him as one of t he f irst Commissioners of Talbot County, along with her father.) Although the Courseys and the Fosters lived some distance apart, undoubtedly their families got together from time to time; E l i z ab e t h a nd you ng W i l l may even have been childhood friends. In any event, they came together now, later in life. After all, in 1694, Elizabeth was still just 36. Elizabeth brought Great Choptank Island into this new marriage, and so it became “Coursey’s

Island.” She and William chose not to retain the island, however, and four years later they sold it to her half-brother John Hawkins. And with that, the connection between our island and its Founding Family was broken. They had sh ap e d it s de s t i ny for over 41 years. Now its future was in the hands of others. [End of Installment 3] Gary Crawford and his wife, Susan, own and operate Crawfords Nautical Books, a unique bookstore on Tilghman’s Island.

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Ninth Biennial Chesapeake International Chamber Music Competition for Young Professionals The ninth Biennial Chesapeake International Chamber Music Competition for Young Professionals will be held on April 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. at the Avalon Theatre in Easton. Five ensembles will compete for the $10,000 Lerman Gold Prize and the $5,000 Silver Prize. Prizes are announced after 9 p.m., following the final performance. This year’s finalist ensembles include Aya Piano Trio of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Colores Trio of Zurich, Switzerland; Dior Quartet of Bloomington, Indiana; Iceberg String Quartet of Montreal, Canada; and Soma Quartet of Bloomington, Indiana. The average age of an ensemble must be under 31, and some include members as young as 21. The ensembles represent a wide range of instrumental combinations, including winds, strings and mixed instruments such as percussion. Based in Philadelphia, the AYA Piano Trio was formed in 2013 by three students at the Curtis Institute of Music. The trio has performed extensively across the United States, and in 2018 they were semifinalists in both the M Prize Chamber Arts Competition and the Fischoff Com-

petition. They were also winners of the 2018 Young Chamber Musicians Competition in North Carolina, where they were invited for a residency of recordings and concerts and made their New York City debut in 2019 at the Mannes New School Concert Series. Follow them on Facebook @AYAPianoTrio. After meeting at Zurich University of the Arts, Colores Trio (colorestrio.ch) formed in 2017 to explore a rich and varied repertoire of


Chamber Music both contemporary compositions and new arrangements of classical works, played with enthusiasm and joy. The musicians, who are from Switzerland and Austria, study under Klaus Schwaerzler (solo percussionist of the Tonhalle Orchestra in Zurich), Benjamin Forster (solo timpanist of the Berlin Philharmonic) and Raphael Christen (Yamaha marimba artist and soloist). They won the Jury and Audience Award at the 2019 Chamber Music Competition of the MigrosKulturprozent in Zurich, received a Special Prize at the 2019 International Anton Rubinstein Competition in Dusseldorf and were silver medal winners at the 3rd Berliner Competition in Berlin. Hailing from Israel, Canada, Brazil and the US, the members of Dior Quartet formed their ensemble at Indiana University in Fall 2018 and won the Bronze Medal at the 2019 Fischoff National Chamber Competition (Senior Division). They have also won first prize at

the 9th Plowman Chamber Music Competition (Senior Strings), first prize at the 2019 Kuttner Quartet Competition and runner-up at the Beethoven-Haus Competition at the Jacobs School of Music, as well as held the 2019 Fellowship String Quartet at Wintergreen Summer Music Festival in Virginia. They are currently the new Kuttner Quartet, the student string quartet-in-residence at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Follow them on Facebook @ diorquartet. The Iceberg String Quartet (icebergstringquartet.com) was formed in September 2017 at the McGill University Schulich School of Music in Montreal, Quebec, and


won the grand prize at the McGill University Chamber Music Competition. They were invited to study and perform at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Netherlands, in April 2018, where they worked closely with Asdis Valdimarsdottir of the Miami String Quartet. In July 2018, they were chosen for the “Evolution of the String Quartet” study and performance program at the Banff Center for Arts and Creativity in Alberta, Canada. Based in Bloomington, Indiana, Soma Quartet (somaquartet.com) was formed at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music under the guidance of Otis Murphy. In

addition to being the Grand Prize winners at the 2019 Plowman Chamber Music Competition, they were First Runner-Up in the 2018 Classic Alive Young Artist Competition; First Prize winners in the 2017 Chicago Woodwind Ensemble Competition; and were also finalists in the 2018 North American Saxophone Alliance Quartet Competition. The ensemble is committed to performing new works to expand quartet repertoire and has collaborated with several composers from Indiana University. This year’s Competition judges include J. Lawrie Bloom, Ieva Jokubaviciute and Michael Kannen. Bloom, founding artistic co-director of the Chesapeake Chamber Music Festival and the Chesapeake Chamber Music Competition, plays clarinet and bass clarinet with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO), is a senior lecturer in clarinet at the Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University and presents master classes all over the world. Lithuanian pianist Jokubaviciute’s performances have earned her critical acclaim on major stages around the world, such as Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center and London’s Wigmore Hall. Her piano trio, Trio Cavatina, won the 2009 Naumburg International Chamber Music Competition and made its Carnegie Hall debut in 2010. Cellist Kannen has appeared at


Chamber Music chamber music festivals across the country and with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. He is currently a member of the Apollo Trio and is the Director of Chamber Music at the Peabody Conservatory of Music, where he holds the Sidney Friedberg Chair in Chamber Music. There will be Sunday afternoon concerts on April 5 following the Competition. Christ Church in Cambridge will feature Soma Quartet at 4 p.m.; Church of the Holy Trinity in Oxford will feature Iceberg String Quartet at 2 p.m.; St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Easton will feature Colores Trio at 3 p.m.; Temple B’nai Israel in

Easton will feature AYA Piano Trio at 1 p.m.; and Trinity Cathedral in Easton will feature Dior Quartet at 4 p.m. The Chesapeake International Chamber Music Competition, a program of Chesapeake Music, is underwritten by the Talbot County Arts Council, the Maryland State Arts Council and private benefactors. The cost to attend the Competition on April 4 is $20 per person. Students (with ID) and children are admitted free. For more information about attending the Competition events, visit ChesapeakeMusic. org or call 410-819-0380.

Tidewater Times July 2020 Cover Painting Contest Tidewater Times

September 2014

Tidewater Times imes ater T Tidew

June 2017


July 201

Rules and Plein Air Criteria: ◆ Plein Air Painting must pertain to the Mid-Shore ◆ Portrait/Vertical Orientation ◆ Room at the top for the Name and Date (Tidewater Times · July 2020) ◆ Deadline for Submission is May 20th to info@tidewatertimes with high res photo of your painting and “Photo Contest” in the subject line. 152


803 Go ld sboro ugh St., Easton, MD | 4 1 0 .8 2 2 .2 6 22


Take 20% you men



All-American Part VI of a novel in many parts

by Roger Vaughan Previously: The year is 1998. Andy Thomas made an ill-advised tactical call during a race in 50foot sailboats that nearly caused a dangerous collision. His father, Mitchell (at the helm), was livid. Later, at the awards dinner, a drunken Andy delivered a public declaration that made it virtually impossible for Mitchell Thomas, a well-known amateur sailor, not to mount a Volvo Round the World Race challenge. Mitchell is CEO of Moss Optical, a company inherited by his wife, Deedee Moss. Thomas was thoroughly outraged by his son’s gaffe. At a board meeting of Moss Optical held in the company’s planetarium/boardroom, a proposal for the company to sponsor the first American boat in the Volvo Race was presented, and accepted, much to Deedee’s delight. Colorful two-time America’s Cup winner Jan Sargent held a press conference to announce he had been asked by Mitchell Thomas to skipper the Moss-sponsored boat, All American. In his office, Andy is distraught, having learned he is ex-

pected to be part of All American’s crew. He agonizes over this to his friend Jeff Linn, a Moss opticist. Linn jokingly suggests Andy shoot himself in the foot. Gloria, Andy’s secretary, buzzes to tell him his father wants to see him. After an unpleasant meeting with his father, who is adamant about Andy going on the Volvo Race, he drives to see his mother, Deedee, on the country estate, hoping she will intervene. * * * * Andy was momentarily mesmerized by the familiar sight of the huge free-standing oak tree on the big lawn. It seemed to rotate slowly on its base like a carousel as he passed by in the golf cart. It was one of his first and most magical memories of the sumptuous Long Island family estate where he had spent his youth. Most of his memories of those days were confusing, strangely disturbing, best left dormant. But he had gravitated to the shady strength of the oak not long after he learned to walk. Whenever he was missing, his parents knew where to find him. The tree was



long ago. And she always seemed so close to the edge of some kind bigger now, but not all that much of peril that one wouldn’t dream of bigger. It was well over a hundred provoking even the mildest form of years old when he was born, a huge confrontation. The wave of sadness towering tree with an enormously that struck Andy was so strong it thick trunk. caused him to forget just for a moThe golf cart lurched as it went ment the reason he had come. off the concrete path. Andy reached They were dressed all in white, out and steadied the wheel. His mother and son. That’s how she mother was driving. She wouldn’t always went sailing, forever faithdream of driving a car, but she ful to the family guidelines for how loved driving golf carts and boats. things were done. It’s a wonder she She gently pushed his hand away. didn’t insist on high-button shoes, “Everything’s under control,” she Andy thought. Surely they could said, feigning admonishment with be fitted with non-skid soles, for a a little smile. Andy smiled back, price, and the price never mattered knowing better. He couldn’t under- if it had to do with propriety. He’d stand what had hapnever met people pened to his mother. He'd never met people quite like his family. In his teens, he had He was tutored at quite like his family home when he first discovered the old scrapbooks hidden hit school age. After away in the cellar, seen the pic- a few years, even his grandfather tures of her as a young girl, sailing, had to relent, let the boy go off to a playing tennis. She looked so fit, so private day school where Andy had athletic. But he’d never known her his first chance to compare notes as anything but sickly, tired, old- with other kids and discover that looking beyond her years. Now, in his home environment was mighty her mid-50s, she was damn near strange. a hermit, slogging through life in It wasn’t just the money. There a dreary sort of way. She had no were plenty of rich kids at the friends that he knew about, no in- school. It was some heady extreme terests other than the charities she of self-proclaimed grandeur that supported. his family had assumed. It was a He wondered what she did every sense of superiority, for sure, but day, what she thought about. But it was more than that. There was that regal way of hers made her im- a righteous isolation of body and penetrable. She had locked all the spirit involved that was apparently doors and thrown away the keys designed to stop time, to preserve 156

a certain moment of family prow- full f lower, past the tennis court, ess. What it really did was stunt around the swimming pool with its growth and deny progress. Andy quarter-scale version of the great often wondered where the atti- house at one end, past the stables tude originated, how it generated and indoor riding ring. What most the power to sustain itself over so people wouldn’t give for this whole many years. scene, Andy thought, and how clasPerhaps aliens were involved, sic it was that none of it interested like those elves from outer space him. He might have been a tourwho supposedly helped his grand- ist trapped on a museum tour he father figure out how to cast that hadn’t signed up for. big telescope lens. His grandfaWhen the path turned onto the ther’s combination of eccentric- paved road that led down the hill ity and talent was a heavy card. to the boat house and dock, he got And the wealth, of course. Any- interested. The waterfront was a one with that kind of power could different story. call whatever tune he wanted, and The 26-foot custom day-sailor everybody had better get up and was at the dock. Andy had always dance. Powerful loved the little boat, stuff. But it was his The missing piece was a gem that the leggrandfather’s chops endary Nathanial all too evident that made people Herreshoff had detake him seriously. signed for his grandOne couldn’t quarrel with the ac- father, a friend and fellow genius. complishments of Randolph Moss. Randolph Moss had named the Unfortunately, the rest of the fam- boat Katie, after his wife. When ily didn’t inherit the chops, only the golf cart pulled into view, Kathe attitude, and the money to help tie’s mains’l began to go up as if sustain it. The missing piece was by magic. Stoic old Karl Oyslebow, all too evident, and it made the “Ossie,” they called him, who had survivors seem quite ridiculous. been in charge of the boat house Andy shot a glance at his mother, nearly 50 years, was on the job. whose hands gripped the wheel Ossie was Andy’s first hero. His and whose eyes were on the road, mother had taught him to sail, but that little I’m-fine-thank-you smile Ossie, who had cut his teeth on firmly in place. She was going sail- fishing boats in his native Norway, ing. had provided the grit of boats and The cart path led across the water: the knot tying, the marlinbig lawn, through the exquisitely spike seamanship, the secrets of manicured gardens that were in paint and varnish, even some con157


boat, took Ossie’s hand and stepped almost nimbly down into the cockstruction and repair techniques. pit, taking a seat in the stern next And some basic understanding of to the tiller. Andy’s mother was marine engines. The stone boat- never more at home than on a boat. house that Ossie had built was the Oyslebow was more stooped size of a good-sized barn, with a than Andy remembered. He had to marine railway running into the big be into his 80s now. But his shouldouble doors on the water side. All ders were still powerful, his face the small boats were hauled out in no more craggy than always, his the fall. Ossie spent winters getting thick head of hair pure white. He them ready for the next season. was dressed the way he had always Oyslebow, who had come to dressed, in the khaki uniform of the United States when his father the old-time paid hand. He wore the had crewed on the America’s Cup familiar leather knife kit on his hip, yachts of the 1930s, knew his stuff. a knife sharp enough to keep his And, unlike Andy’s father, he had hair under control. The Moss house time, patience and some affection flag crossed with the burgee of the for the youngster. New York Yacht Club When he was moved War was hell and he was embroidered to explore beyond on the front of his was suddenly losing cap. When Deedee the shade of the big oak, Andy headed thanked him for for the waterfront and spent every having the boat ready, he touched available minute at the boat house, the visor of his hat but said nothing. watching and learning. But Andy Andy waited on the dock. When had quit Oyslebow and the boat Ossie stepped onto the foredeck, scene when he entered his teens, Andy put his foot on the bow line when the war with his father esca- and gently applied pressure, slowlated, and when the game of escap- ly closing the distance between ing his old man’s grasp became an boat and dock. Then he stuck out obsession. He hadn’t laid eyes on his hand. Ossie looked at Andy Ossie in a couple years. But then he in a way that made him feel naonly visited the estate when he ab- ked before his old hero ~ embarsolutely had to. War was hell, and rassed. Ossie looked at Andy’s to make matters worse, he was sud- outstretched hand, cracked a tiny denly losing. smile, and reached for it. Andy felt As unsteady as she was most the big crusty hand close on his of the time, Deedee stepped con- like a vise as Ossie pulled himself fidently onto the foredeck of the onto the dock. Then he looked at 158



over when the two met in a Thames Street bar. Oyslebow had put the Andy again at closer range. “How other guy in the hospital. Nate Herare ya?” he asked quietly, the pale reshoff, who had known Oyslebow, blue eyes calm. The question made had passed on by then, but somea lump rise with surprising speed one from the yard called Randolph in Andy’s throat. From the first Moss and asked him if he needed a time he’d entered the boat house good man to take care of his boats. as a young boy, Ossie had been It was either that or jail ~ or even greeting him with that question. extradition ~ for Oyslebow, who And as always, Ossie already knew was a first-class craftsman. The old the answer. The old man turned man was surely full of information away before Andy could gather his that he would take to the grave out wits, walking off toward the boat of loyalty to Randolph Moss. house and the familiar routine that “Coming?” Andy’s mother was awaited him. eager to cast off. Andy watched him go. He’d Like everything on the estate, give anything to get inside Ossie’s Katie was immaculate, painted head. He’d tried a and varnished to a few times, but it Andy cast off and gave perfection that bewas like pounding trayed the boat’s Katie a firm shove rocks. When it was years. The lines about boats and the were new, the sails water, Ossie had always been an sparkling white, the brass fittings open book to him. But when it was gleaming. It was a sensual pleasure about the family, he was a prover- just being on Katie and using the bial clam. Andy’s grandfather had gear. His mother busied herself hired Oyslebow, pulled him out organizing the lines while Andy of a nasty situation, something raised the jib. They said nothing. about a fight one night in Newport, The tasks had long ago been apRhode Island, when America’s Cup portioned. Andy cast off and gave Avenue was called Thames Street Katie a firm shove astern. Deedee and lined with scummy bars full of put the tiller hard over to port as tired hookers who would cut your Andy backed the club-footed jib to heart out over ten bucks. Oysle- starboard. As the boat turned away bow was working for the famous from the wind, Andy trimmed the Herreshoff boatyard at the time in sails and they accelerated out of Bristol, Rhode Island. There’d been the small private harbor and into some bad blood between Oyslebow Long Island Sound. and another worker that boiled It was a gorgeous afternoon. The 160

wind was blowing 15 knots, just enough to raise little white caps, ideal conditions for the Herreshoff to sail fast without a fuss. The boat was well balanced, so there was little pressure on the tiller. Deedee was beaming as she sailed Katie upwind, steering with two fingers, letting the boat have its head with only subtle corrections. Andy felt how lively the boat was and admired his mother’s touch on the helm. If she steered Worthy they’d never lose. That was a laugh. He could imagine how his father would accept that turn of events. Hey, Mitch, by the way, today Mom will be steering upwind. Nothing personal, Dad, she’s just a whole lot better than you. Oh, yeah, what a scream that would be. “We should tack.” Andy had almost dozed off. They’d been sailing for almost an hour in silence before Deedee spoke quietly without taking her eyes off the jib telltales. She was sitting to leeward where she had a clear view of the jib under the mains’l, but mainly she loved the water skidding by so close to her shoulder. They were mid-Sound. “Ready?” Deedee put the helm over gently, using all of the boat’s momentum to swing through the wind in a smooth arc, losing a minimal amount of headway. As the boat settled onto the new tack, she expertly bore off the wind a few degrees, letting the boat get up to speed before she put

it back in the upwind groove. Andy loved it. What a pleasure it was to watch someone so in tune with a fine sailboat. “There are sandwiches in the cooler. And I should probably have a swig of my green medicine if you wouldn’t mind.” Andy opened the cooler and brought out the bottle. “Do you have a cup or something?” “No, it’s too bothersome. I just drink it from the bottle when no one is looking. Isn’t that awful? And you don’t count.” She looked at Andy and smiled. He opened the bottle and handed it to her. No way was she going to relinquish the tiller, even for the time it took to take her medicine. She took a gulp and handed it back. “Horrible stuff.” Deedee made a face as she licked her lips. Andy returned the bottle to the cooler and took out a beer. It was time. He’d been lulled into simply enjoying this afternoon with his mother. But he had a mission. “I’ve got to talk with you about this crazy race Mitchell has me going on,” he said. “I was hoping I could explain my perspective of this thing and get you to help me make Mitchell understand how wrong it is for me. It’s a bad idea, me going on this race.” “I’m really glad you brought it up, Andy.” “Really?” Andy’s heart leapt. She was with him after all. Mitchell


All-American had been bullshitting as usual. “Yes, because I know you are going to love it. You have to love it. I know you will.” Andy’s heart landed with a thump in mid-leap. He was done for. This was his final appeal, and he could tell it was useless. He saw it in her face, heard it in her voice. She was the least aggressive, least demanding person he knew. But those few times when she made up her mind, it was set in concrete. He could talk to his mother until hell froze over and it wouldn’t make a difference. There had been other times he had failed to get his way with her. Not many. The jet ski was one. She even got furious when she saw him on a friend’s. Hated the things. Saw them as unsuitable for a member of the Moss family. Almost raised her voice about it. He could get himself in all kinds of trouble and she’d bail him out. She’d buy him anything, spoil him rotten. And always she’d step between him and Mitchell, take up for him even when his behavior was admittedly obnoxious. And never a big lecture. Just a mild correction when they were alone, and total support. But no jet ski. Didn’t want to talk about it. Case closed. Sailing lessons were the same. No excuse was good enough for missing a sailing lesson. The day he’d put a

rusty nail through his foot, she was waiting for him at the dock when he returned from the doctor. Sailing doesn’t involve walking, she’d said. Anything less than perfection on the boat was unacceptable. The only good dock landing was one that touched the imaginary egg placed between dock and boat without breaking it. Sails had to be furled without a lump or a wrinkle. Sail trim had to be exact at all times. It was damn lucky he took to sailing. And now this. “Mom…” He couldn’t find the words. Why bother. He leaned against the coaming and took deep breaths, tried to beat back the panic that was creeping up like water in a f looding cellar. He tried to imagine anything worse than sailing around the world for nine months. Fury and despair wrestled to a standoff in his psyche. A wave of violence cruised through until his hand cramped from trying to crush the beer bottle like a can. Prison. That would be worse. That he managed to think of something worse brought relief. Not that nine months on a 60-footer wasn’t akin to imprisonment. At least he wouldn’t get knifed on the Volvo – as far as he knew. Andy turned and observed his mother in total communication with the boat. “I know there’s no point in discussing this, I know that. But there is one thing I’d like to know.”


“What’s that, Andy?” “Why are you so sure I’m going to love it? You must have some reason for thinking that.” She looked at him for just a moment, and Andy saw a cloud f licker across her face like a sudden loss of power. Something strong, something ghostly had paid a visit. Her eyes returned quickly to the jib. For a moment she was silent. “It’s just a hunch, Andy. Just a hunch.” When she looked back at him, he thought her eyes were glistening a little too much. “You have to remember, I know you better than you know yourself.” “So give me some clues, Mom.” Andy said it as gently as he could.

“And deny you all that good selfdiscovery? I couldn’t do that, Andy. Now, if you would please pass me the green medicine, I think we should be turning back. We’ll have a wonderful spinnaker run home, don’t you think?” Deedee’s landing was perfect as always, the bow stopping just a few inches from the dock. Andy had dropped the sails when his mother turned the boat head to the wind. Now he waited patiently for the Katie to stop before he moved to the foredeck. It was their ritual, how she had taught him. He stepped onto the dock and secured the bow line, then helped his mother off the boat. Oyslebow appeared on cue and

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the marlin that had ever been cut; all the nylon and Dacron ends that drove Deedee to the house in the had ever been burned; and the golf cart while Andy furled the funky odor of saltwater organisms sails and put on the cover. When in concert with pilings and the he finished, he went into the boat stuff of boats. house and f lopped into the old It reminded him of the only leather easy chair, a castoff from time he’d ever gotten Oyslebow rethe house that had found a final ally furious at him. Oyslebow had resting place near the woodwork- spent weeks taking a treasured aning bench many years ago. Andy tique lapstrake dinghy down to the felt exhausted, drained, slightly wood and building up new coats of nauseous. He put his head back in varnish. He had just finished coat the chair and closed his eyes, hop- number five or six, whatever, when ing if he held still the confetti of Andy, age 12, had rushed into the confusion in his head would settle boat house and f lipped on the big like the particles in a snow globe. band saw to cut something. That The fact that only divine inter- was against the rules to begin with. vention could keep The old saw always him from going on Andy felt exhausted, gave a jerk when it the Volvo Race was started up, enough drained, nauseous taking root in his to send tremors into guts like that monthe overhead and ster fetus from the movie Alien, the shake loose a light rain of dust that one that comes bursting out of the settled in a uniform pattern all over guy’s stomach a few scenes later. the glistening mirror coat of wet He knew one of the amazing things varnish that had just been applied about animals, humans included, to the dinghy. He ran into Oyslewas how quickly they could adapt bow as he left the boat house, cut in the name of survival. He hated stick in hand. He may as well have the idea. He didn’t want to adapt. been clutching a smoking gun. UnHe wanted to puke, or scream, or der Oyslebow’s close supervision, start smashing things. Andy had sanded for two whole Something made him open his days to undo the damage. His fineyes. He realized in a second that gertips were chafed raw and bleedit was the smell of the boat house, ing long before he finished. a heady mix of all the paint and In the rafters above him, he varnish that had ever been opened spotted his grandfather’s old shell there; all the mahogany, cedar, and stored forever along with a woodteak that had ever been milled; all en canoe, some paddles and other 164

gear. Light slanted in through a murky window high on one wall. Against another wall was the old Elco electric launch, another of his grandfather’s boats that hadn’t been in the water since he died. Still in good shape. He could remember a couple afternoon cruises on the Elco, boring afternoons for a kid, with Grandpa playing chess with some dorky friend of his, plodding along at 4 knots. Beside it was the Penguin his mother used to race, with him as crew. How she’d wanted him to continue as skipper, but no way, not interested, more important shit to do, whatever. As he closed his eyes again, a tear rolled down his face. When he heard the golf cart squeak to a stop outside, he jumped up and walked quickly over to the Elco, a good dark space for recovering composure. Ossie came in and walked over to the bench before he saw Andy. “Your mother tells me you’ve got quite an adventure ahead,” Andy turned to look at the old man. “That would seem to be the case.” “Won’t be that bad. S’jes sailing.” Andy took a few steps toward the bench where Ossie was fussing with a carburetor from another old launch. “Let me ask you something. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do less… except maybe go to pris-

on. Yet my mother assured me I was going to love it. Now why would she say that, Ossie? Why on earth would she say that?” Ossie had the carburetor in a metal pan and was brushing it with gasoline, peering at it through little reading glasses as he worked. He kept brushing as he spoke. “Guess she has her reasons.” Andy spun on one foot, suddenly furious, his temper f laring. He walked a few steps toward the Elco thinking it was ever thus, nothing but BS from old Ossie when it came to the family crap, God damn it and son of a bitch! He spun again and walked toward Ossie, ready to do battle with the old man for the first time in his life. He stuck his jaw out and f lung the words at Ossie, practically shouting as he finished. “You guess she has her reasons?? Just what does that mean, Ossie, God damn it…!” Ossie dropped the brush and looked at Andy for a long moment over his glasses. “She has good reasons, Andy. Damn good.” Ossie picked up a rag and began wiping his hands as he walked out of the boat house. Andy stared after him. Finally the old man had told him something. He had no idea what, but it was a breakthrough of sorts. Roger Vaughan lives, works and sails in Oxford, Maryland.


























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“Calendar of Events” notices: Please contact us at 410-714-9389; fax the information to 410-476-6286; write to us at Tidewater Times, P. O. Box 1141, Easton, MD 21601; or e-mail to info@tidewatertimes.com. The deadline is the 1st of the month preceding publication (i.e., March 1 for the April issue). Daily Wye Grist Mill, Wye Mills, open for tours, Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. Grinding days are the first and third Saturdays of each month from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Millers demonstrate the traditional stone grinding process. For more info. tel: 410-827-3850 or visit oldwyemill.org. Daily Meeting: Mid-Shore Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous. For places and times, call 410822-4226 or visit midshoreintergroup.org. Daily Meeting: Al-Anon and Alateen - For a complete list of times

and locations in the Mid-Shore a re a, v i sit ea ste r n shore mdalanon.org/meetings. Every Thurs.-Sat. Amish Country Farmer’s Market in Easton. An indoor market offering fresh produce, meats, dairy products, furniture and more. 101 Marlboro Ave. For more info. tel: 410-822-8989. Thr u Ma rch 6 Winter Af terSchool Art Club for grades K through 4 with Susan Horsey at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Fridays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. $120 members, $130 non-members. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit


March Calendar

members’ art at the Tidewater Inn. The featured artist for February is Rhonda Ford. Artwork is hung in the Library Room each month by individual artists on a rotating basis. The public is encouraged to stop in at the Tidewater to see the paintings. Ford’s art will be available for viewing and purchase throughout March.

academyartmuseum.org. T h r u Ma rch 27 2020 Jur ied Art Show Discovering the Native Landscapes of Maryland’s Eastern Shore at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. This year’s juror, Heather Har vey, is an ar tist, Associate Professor of Art and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at Washington College. For more info. tel: 410634-2847, ext. 0 or visit adkinsarboretum.org. Thru March 31 Exhibition: The Tidewater Camera Club to exhibit their photography at the Todd Performing Art Center at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. Members include both professiona l a nd non-profe s siona l photographers. For more information visit tidewatercameraclub.org.

1 Talbot Bird Club half-day trip to western Talbot landings and Change Point Farm. Bring your scope. Meet at Easton Acme at 6:30 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-443-5016 or e-mail jkeffinger55@gmail.com.

Thru Summer 2020 GAMELTRON@AAM: Bodyphones in the Museum front yard. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bodyphones is an immersive installation by Aaron Taylor Kuffner (1975), an Americanborn conceptual artist. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org.

1 Crawfish Boil and Muskrat Stew Fest at Governor’s Hall, Sailw inds Park, Cambridge from noon to 6 p.m. The Crawfish Boil and Muskrat Stew Fest boasts the most unique festival menu on the East Coast and features muskrat stew, smoked muskrat, boiled crawfish, crawfish cakes, crawfish chowder, raw oysters and oyster fritters, along with conventional festival food. For more information, tickets, or to register for the World Famous Muskrat Leg Eating Competition, visit the Facebook event page, call 410-228-3575, or email info@ dorchesterchamber.org.

1-31 The Working Artists Forum of Easton, Maryland, showcases

1 Nature Sketchers at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Led by fine artist


and Maryland Master Naturalist Diane DuBois Mullaly, this monthly nature walk along the A rboretum trails allow stops for sketching in graphite, ink or watercolor. Each walk will focus on what’s in bloom, budding or of interest along the paths. This program is free for members and free with $5 admission for nonmembers. 1 to 3 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0 or visit adkinsarboretum.org. 2 Lunch and Learn at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels featuring Jenifer Dolde on Reconsidering the Roles of Wome n on the C he s ap e a k e. Dolde is the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s associate curator of collections. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit tcfl.org.

2 Meeting: Tidewater Camera Club at the Talbot Community Center, Easton. 7 p.m. Guest speaker Renee Comet focuses on you behind the scenes of an advertising shoot, including pre- and post-production. For more info. visit tidewatercameraclub.org. 2 Meeting: Cambridge Coin Club at the Dorchester County Public Library. 1st Monday at 7:30 p.m. Annual dues $5. For more info. tel: 443-521-0679. 2 Meeting: Live Playwrights’ Societ y at t he Ga r f ield C enter, Chestertown. 1st Monday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-810-2060.

2 Bluegrass Jam at St. Andrew’s Episcopa l Church, 303 Main St., Hurlock. 1st Monday from 7 to 10 p.m. Bluegrass musicians and fans welcome. Donations accepted for the benefit of St. Andrew’s food bank. 2 Meeting: Bereaved Parents group from 6 to 8 p.m. on the 1st Monday of the month at Compass Regional Hospice, Grief Support Services Wing, Centreville. For more info. visit compassregionalhospice.org. 169


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March Calendar 2,4,9,11,16,18,23,25,30 Core & More Fitness RX Class with instructor Mark Cuviello, owner of Fitness Rx Performance Training Studios, at the Oxford Community Center. $12 per person per class. Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc. org. 2,6,9,13,16,20,23,27,30 Food Distribution at the St. Michaels Community Center on Mondays and Fridays. Open to all Talbot County residents. Must provide identification. Each family can participate once per week. Every Monday: dinner buffet at Union United Methodist Church. 4 to 7 p.m. Every Friday: lunch buffet at St. Michaels Community Center. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073 or visit stmichaelscc.org. 2,9,16,23,30 Meeting: Overeaters Anonymous at UM Shore Medical Center in Easton. Mondays from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. For more info. visit oa.org. 2,9,16,23,30 Monday Night Trivia at t he Ma rke t S t r e e t P ubl ic House, Denton. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Join host Norm Amorose for a fun-filled evening. For more info. tel: 410-479-4720.

3 Bus tr ip to t he Philadelphia Flower Show with the St. Michaels Community Center. $83/ pp. For more info. and reservations tel: 410-745-6073 or visit stmichaelscc.org. 3

Read w it h Wa lly, a Pets on Wheels therapy dog, at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels. 3:30 p.m. Bring a book or choose a library book and read with Maggie Gowe and her dog, Wally. For more info. tel: 410745-5877 or visit tcfl.org.


Meeting: Eastern Shore Amputee Support Group at the Easton Family YMCA. 1st Tuesday at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info. tel: 410-820-9695.

3,5 ,10,12 ,17,19,24 ,26,31 Ta i Chi at the Oxford Community Center. Tues. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. with Nathan Spivey. $75 monthly ($10 drop-in fee). For more info. tel: 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc.org.


3,5,10,12,17,19,24,26,31 Steady and Strong exercise class at the Oxford Community Center. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:15 a.m. $60/10 classes or $8 per class. For more info. tel: 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc.org. 3,5,10,12,17,19,24,26,31 Mixed/ Gentle Yoga at Everg reen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org. 3,6,10,13,17,20,24,27,31 Free Blood Pressure Screenings from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fr idays at Universit y of

Maryland Shore Medical Center, Cambridge. 3,10,17,24 Class: Realism to Abstraction with Sheryl Southwick at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 3,10,17,24,31 Healing Through Yoga at Talbot Hospice, Easton. Tuesdays from 9 to 10 a.m. This new complementa r y t herapy g u ide s pa r t icipa nt s t h roug h mindfulness and poses that direct healing in positive ways. Participants will learn empowering techniques to cope with grief



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March Calendar and honor their loss. No previous yoga experience necessary. Yoga mats will be provided, and walkins are welcome. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-822-6681. 3,10,17,24,31 Free Blood Pressure Screening from 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays at University of Maryland Shore Regional Health Diagnostic and Imaging Center, Easton. For more info. tel: 410820-7778. 3,10,17,24,31 Story Time at the Ta lbot C ount y Free L ibra r y, Easton. Tuesdays at 10 a.m. (program repeats at 11 a.m.) for ages 5 and under accompanied by an adult. For more info. tel: 410-8221626 or visit tcfl.org. 3,10,17,24 ,31 Meeting: Br idge Cli nic Suppor t Group at t he U M Shore Medical Center at Dorchester. Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free, confidential sup-

port group for individuals who have been hospitalized for behavioral reasons. For more info. tel: 410-228-5511, ext. 2140. 3,17 Meeting: Breast Feeding Support Group, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at UM Shore Medical Center, 5th floor meeting room, Easton. For more info. tel: 410-822-1000, ext. 5700 or visit shorehealth.org. 3,17 Afternoon Chess Academy at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton. 4:30 p.m. Learn and play chess. For ages 6 to 16. Snacks ser ved. Limited space, please pre-register. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit tcfl.org. 3,17 Cancer Patient Support Group at the Cancer Center at UM Shore Regional Health Center, Idlewild Ave., Easton. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. For more info. tel: 443-254-5940 or visit umshoreregional.org. 3,17 Grief Support Group at the

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Dorchester County Library, Cambridge. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sponsored by Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care. For more info. tel: 443-978-0218.

Maggi Sarfaty at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org.

4 We Are Builders at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels. 3:30 p.m. Enjoy STEM and build with Legos and Zoobs. For ages 5 to 12. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit tcfl.org.

4,11,18,25 The Senior Gathering at the St. Michaels Community Center, Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a well-prepared meal from Upper Shore Aging. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073 or visit stmichaelscc.org.

4 Meeting: Nar-Anon at Immanuel United Church of Christ, Cambridge. 7 to 8 p.m. 1st Wednesday. Support group for families and friends of addicts. For more info. tel: 800-477-6291 or visit nar-anon.org.

4,11,18,25 Acupuncture Clinic at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org.

4,11,18,25 Meeting: Wednesday Morning Artists. 8 a.m. at Creek Deli in Cambridge. No cost. All disciplines and skill levels welcome. Guest speakers, roundtable discussions, studio tours and other art-related activities. For more info. tel: 410-463-0148. 4,11,18,25 Chair Yoga with Susan Irwin in the St. Michaels Housing Authority Community Room, Dodson Ave. Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Free. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073 or visit stmichaelscc.org. 4,11,18,25 Class: The Naturalist’s Notebook: Spring Botanicals with 173

March Calendar 4,11,18,25 Meeting: Choptank Writers Group at the Dorchester Center for the Arts, Cambridge. Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Everyone interested in writing is invited to join. For more info. tel: 443-521-0039. 4,11,18,25 Yoga Nidra Meditation at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org. 4 ,25 Stor y Time at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels at 10:30 a.m. For children ages 5 and under accompanied by an adult. For more info. tel: 410745-5877 or visit tcfl.org. 5 Dog Walking at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 1st Thursday at 10 a.m. For more info. tel: 410634-2847, ext. 0 or visit adkinsarboretum.org. 5 Arts & Crafts at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free instruction for knitting, beading, needlework and more. Bring your coloring books, Zentangle pens or anything else that fuels your passion to be creative. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit tcfl.org.

5 Free Family Law Assistance in the Library at the Talbot County Free Librar y, Easton. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. A lawyer will provide free consultations to patrons on how to represent themselves and complete forms for divorce, custody, visitation, child support and more. For more info. tel: 410822-1626 or visit tcfl.org. 5 Pet Loss Support Group on the 1st Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Talbot Hospice, Easton. Monthly support group for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet. Hosted jointly by Talbot Humane and Talbot Hospice. Free and open to the public. For more info. contact Linda Elzey at lwelzey@ gmail.com or Talbot Humane at 410-822-0107. 5

Member Night at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. Learn the process of turning an iron-cast mold into an etched design with Shipyard Education Programs Manager Jennifer Kuhn. Not an artist? Stop by to sip and survey the scratch process. Seating is limited. Register online, at 410-7454991 or druzicka@cbmm.org.

5,12,19,26 Men’s Group Meeting at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. Thursdays from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Weekly meeting where men can frankly and open-


... Chapter Books! at the Talbot County Free Librar y, Easton. Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. for ages 6 and up. For more info. tel: 410822-1626 or visit tcfl.org.

ly deal with issues in their lives. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org. 5,12,19,26 Mahjong at the St. Michaels Communit y Center. 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays. Open to all who want to learn this ancient Chinese game of skill. Drop-ins welcome. Free. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073 or visit stmichaelscc.org. 5,12,19,26 Caregivers Support Group at Talbot Hospice. Thursd ay s at 1 p.m. Th i s ongoi ng we ek ly suppor t g roup i s for caregivers of a loved one with a life-limiting illness. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-822-6681. 5,12,19,26 Kent Island Far mer’s Market from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Thursday at Christ Church, 830 Romancoke Rd., Stevensville. For more info. visit kifm830.wixsite.com/kifm. 5-April 9 Milk and Cookies and

5,19 Meeting: Samplers Quilt Guild from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, Cambridge. The Guild meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month. Prov ide your ow n lunch. For more info. tel: 410-228-1015. 5,19 Classic Yoga at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. 12:30 to 2 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month. For more info. tel: 410819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org. 6 First Friday in downtown Easton. Art galleries offer new shows and have many of their artists present throughout the evening. Tour the galleries, sip a drink and explore the fine talents of local artists. 5 to 8 p.m.

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March Calendar 6 First Friday in downtown Chestertown. Join us for our monthly progressive open house. Our businesses keep their doors open later so you can enjoy gallery exhibits, unique shopping, special performances, kids’ activities and a variety of dining options. 5 to 8 p.m. 6 Dorchester Sw ingers Square Dancing Club meets 1st Friday at Maple Elementary School on Egypt Rd., Cambridge. $7 for guest members to dance. Club members and observers are free. Refreshments provided. 7:30 to 10 p.m. For more info. tel: 410221-1978, 410-901-9711 or visit wascaclubs.com. 6 Concert: Judy Collins at the Avalon Theatre, Easton. 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299 or visit avalonfoundation.org. 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28 Rock ’N’ Bowl at Choptank Bowling Center, Cambridge. 9 to 11:59 p.m. Unlimited bowling, food and drink specials, blacklighting, disco lights and jammin’ music. Rental shoes included. $13.99 every Friday and Saturday night. For more info. visit choptankbowling.com. 6,13,20,27 Meeting: Vets Helping

Vets ~ Informational meeting to help vets find services. Fridays at Hurlock American Legion #243, 57 Legion Drive, Hurlock. 9:30 a.m. All veterans are welcome. For more info. tel: 410-943-8205 after 4 p.m. 6,13,20,27 Meeting: Friday Morning Artists at Denny’s in Easton. 8 a.m. All disciplines welcome. Free. For more info. tel: 443955-2490. 6,13,20,27 Gentle Yoga at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. Fridays from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org. 6,13,20,27 Bingo! every Friday night at the Easton Volunteer Fire Department on Creamery Lane, Easton. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and games start at 7:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-4848. 7 The popular Safe Sitter® class, taught by pediatric nurses for yout h ages 11-13 , w ill be offered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton Health E duc at ion C enter. The c ost for this one-day class is $50; some scholarships are available. Because seating is limited, advance registration is required.


St. Michaels. 1:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 703-795-8922 or visit rotarystm.org.

For more info. or to register, tel: 410-810-5664. 7 First Sat urday g uided wa lk. 10 a.m. at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Free for members, $5 admission for non-members. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0 or visit adkinsarboretum.org. 7 Lecture: The Transformative Power of Public Art with Michael Rosato of Michael Rosato Studio in Cambridge at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. His most recent work that garnered worldwide attention is the “Take My Hand” Harriet Tubman Museum mural in Cambridge. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of

7 German Dinner at Immanuel United Church of Christ, Cambridge. 4:30 to 7 p.m. Adults (ages 13 and up) $18; children ages 5–12 $8; children ages 4 and under are free. Carry-outs available. For more info. tel: 410-228-4640 or visit immanuelucc.com. 7

The St. Michaels Community Center to host The Fabulous Hubcaps for a fundraising concert and dance at the St. Michaels Inn. The Fabulous ’50s Flashback event includes food and a cash bar, along with awards presented

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March Calendar to the winners of the best 1950s costume and dance-off competitions. Limited tickets are $50 and available in advance by emailing trish@stmichaelscc.org, or calling 410-745-6073. All proceeds from the event benefit the local children and adults served by SMCC’s food distribution, programs and activities. 7 Concer t: High Voltage ~ AC/ DC Tribute Band at the Avalon Theatre, Easton. 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299 or visit avalonfoundation.org. 7,14,21,28 Anahata Yoga with Cavin Moore at the Oxford Community Center. Saturdays at 8 and 10 a.m. $12/class ~ drop-ins welcome. In Sanskrit, anahata means “unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten.” For more info. tel: 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc.org. 7,14,21,28 Class: Basic Drawing Fundamentals with Katie Cassidy at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Saturdays. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 7,14,21,28 Class: Photo Shoot Adventures with Maire McArdle and Steve Walker at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Saturdays from 2 to 4:30 p.m. For more

info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 7-8 2nd Annual St. Michaels ChocolateFest throughout downtown St. Michaels. Be prepared for two days of chocolate delight from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. St. Michaels restaurant chefs will conjure up amazingly delectable menu items to showcase chocolate inspired dishes and desserts. Inns and B&B’s will offer chocolate-inspired getaway packages and more. The Chocolate Crawl is on Saturday. Chocolate lovers will enjoy strolling through the Town of St. Michaels to indulge in thousands of chocolate concoctions on Saturday, March 7th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the ChocolateFest Crawl, sampling amazing artisan chocolates, desserts, wine, beer and spirits. 8 Talbot Bird Club half-day trip to Easton Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bring your scope. Meet at Easton Acme at 7 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-6657 or e-mail pfthut@gmail.com. 8

Firehouse Breakfast at the Oxford Volunteer Fire Company. 8 to 11 a.m. $10 for adults and $5 for children under 10. For more info. tel: 410-226-5110.

8 Talbot Bird Club evening trip to Pickering Creek. Bring your


room. 7 p.m. Guest speakers: Dr. Wayne Bell and Ron Ketter on “30% Fe wer Bi r d s i n Nor th A mer ica ~ What Does That Mean for Talbot County and the Easter n Shore?” For more info. visit Facebook.com/ groups/1239297776214359/.

scope. 6 p.m. For more info. tel: 707-373-5532 or e-mail rgketter@gmail.com. 9 Meeting: Caroline County AARP Chapter #915 meet s at noon with a covered dish luncheon at the Church of the Nazarene in Denton. New members are welcome. For more info. tel: 410482-6039. 9 Caregiver Support Group at the Talbot County Senior Center, Easton. 2nd Monday, 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 443-746-3698 or visit snhealth.net. 9 Talbot Bird Club meeting at the E a s ton Y MC A mu lt ipu r p o se

10 Advance Healthcare Planning at Talbot Hospice, Easton. 2nd Tuesday at 11 a.m. Hospice staff and trained volunteers will help you understand your options for advance healthcare planning and complete your advance directive paperwork, including the Five Wishes. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410822-6681 to register. Call Us: 410-725-4643


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March Calendar 10 Habitat for Humanity Choptank: “Here to Stay: Home Upkeep for All” Workshop ~ an interactive workshop where you’ll learn how preventative home maintenance can save you money; important tasks to do on a regular basis to take care of your home; how to prioritize home maintenance tasks and more. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., workshop starts at 6 p.m. at Habitat for Humanity Choptank, Maple Ave., Trappe. For more info. tel: 410-476-3204 or visit familyservices@habitatchoptank.org. 10 Meeting: Us Too Prostate Cancer Support Group at UM Shore Regional Cancer Center, Idlewild Ave., Easton. 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-820-6800, ext. 2300 or visit umshoreregional.org. 10 Meeting: Tidewater Stamp Club at the Old Railway Station on Pennsylvania Ave., Easton. 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 301-704-3811 or visit twstampclub.com. 10,24 Meeting: Buddhism Study Group at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living, Easton. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-819-3395 or visit evergreeneaston.org.

11 Meeting: Bayside Quilters, 2nd Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Easton Volunteer Fire Department on Aurora Park Drive, Easton. Guests are welcome, memberships are available. For more info. e -mail mhr2711@ gmail.com. 11 Video Clip and Coaching Workshop: NURTUR E NATUR E ~ Growing a Greener World at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. 2 to 3:30 p.m. Presented by Talbot County Master Gardeners. Hosted by CBMM. TV host Joe Lamp’l chats with entomologist Doug Tallamy and horticulturist Rick Darke to help you understand the critical link between native plants and the wildlife that depend on them. For reservations, visit NurtureNature.eventbrite.com or tel: 410-822-1244. 11 Meeting: Grief Support for Suicide group from 6 to 8 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Compass Regional Hospice, Grief Support Ser vices Wing, Centreville. For more info. visit compassregionalhospice.org. 11 Meet i ng: Bay water C a mera Club at the Dorchester Center for the A rts, Cambridge. 2nd Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. All are welcome. For more info. tel: 443-939-7744.


11 Open Mic at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Theme: Becau se. Sha re a nd appreciate t he r ich t ape st r y of creat ivity, skills and knowledge that thrive here. All ages and styles of performance are welcome. The event is open to all ages. 7 to 9 p.m. Admission is free. Snacks provided; nominal charge for beverages. For more info. e-mail RayRemesch@gmail.com. 11,18,25 Class: Fundamentals of Photography ~ Tame Your Camera and Beyond Digital with Sahm Doherty-Sefton at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS

(2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 11,25 Meeting: Choptank Writers Group, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Dorchester Center for the Arts, C a mbr id ge. Ever yone i nter ested in w riting is inv ited to participate. For more info. tel: 443-521-0039. 11, 25 Da nc e Cla sse s for NonDancers at Evergreen: A Center for Balanced Living in Easton. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. $12 per person, $20 for both classes. For more info. tel: 410-200-7503 or visit continuumdancecompany.org.


March Calendar

sonville. The event will kick off with a VIP Party featuring Crow Vineyard of Kennedyville, from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by the public event from 6 to 9 p.m. All proceeds benefit Haven Ministries’ growing programs and services, including its homeless shelter in Stevensville, resource centers in Centreville and Grasonville, food pantries in Stevensville and Centreville, Our Daily Thread Thrift Store in Stevensville and Hope Warehouse, with job training, in Queenstown. For more info. tel: 410-490-9025 or visit havenministries.org.

12 Mid-Shore Pro Bono Legal Clinic at the Caroline County Senior Center, Denton. 2nd Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon. For more info. and to schedule an appointment tel: 410-690-8128 or visit midshoreprobono.org. 12,16 Memoir Writers at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Record and share your memories of life a nd fa mi ly. Pa r t icipa nt s a re invited to bring their lunch. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit tcfl.org. 13 Mid-Shore Pro Bono Legal Clinic at the Dorchester County Public Library, Cambridge. 2nd Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. For more info. and to schedule an appointment, tel: 410-690-8128 or visit midshoreprobono.org. 13 Chili Dinner at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, St. Michaels. Fantastic food, family fun and fine fellowship. 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. “All You Can Eat” for your donation. Pay what you can, if you can. Take-outs will be available. For more info. tel: 410-745-2534. 13 3rd Annual Haven Ministries Best Girlf r iend Night Out is themed “Pretty in Pink” at Prospect Bay Country Club in Gra-

13-15 Workshop: The Painterly P r int w it h Rosemar y Cooley at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 1 4 Friends of the Librar y Second Saturday Book Sale at the Dorchester County Public Library, Cambridge. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. $10 adults and children ages 3+. For more info. tel: 410-228-7331 or visit dorchesterlibrary.org. 14 Dog Walking at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 2nd Saturday at 10 a.m. For more info. tel: 410 - 634-2847, ext. 0 or v isit adkinsarboretum.org.


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March Calendar 14 Live at the MET in HD: Wagner’s Der Fliedende at t he Ava lon Theatre, Easton. 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299 or visit avalonfoundation.org. 14 Second Saturday at the Artsway from 1 to 5 p.m., 401 Market Street, Denton. Interact w ith artists as they demonstrate their work. For more info. tel: 410-4791009 or visit carolinearts.org. 14 Second Saturday and Art Walk in Historic Downtown Cambridge on Race, Poplar, Muir and High streets. Shops will be open late. Galleries will be opening new shows and holding receptions. Restaurants w ill feature live music. 5 to 9 p.m. For more info. visit CambridgeMainStreet.com. 14 Second Saturday Art Night Out in St. Michaels. Take a walking tour of St. Michaels’ six fine art galleries, all centrally located on Talbot Street. For more info. tel: 410-745-9535 or visit townofstmichaels.org. 14-15 Workshop: Still Life Painting with Bernard Dellario at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org.

14,28 Country Church Breakfast at Fa it h Ch ap el a nd Tr app e United Methodist churches in Wesley Hall, Trappe. 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. TUMC is also the home of “Martha’s Closet” Yard Sale and Community Outreach Store, open during the breakfast and every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to noon. 15 Talbot Bird Club half-day trip to Ea ster n Ta lbot L a nd ings. Bring your scope. Meet at Easton Acme at 7 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-410-443-5016 or e-mail jkeffinger55@gmail.com. 15 Concert: Mari Black in the Stoltz Listening Room, Avalon Theatre, Easton. 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299 or visit avalonfoundation.org. 16

Me e t i ng: S t . M ic h ael s A r t L eag ue f rom 9 a.m. to noon at t he Ch r i st Chu rch Pa r i sh Hall, St. Michaels. Open to the public. The meeting features a presentation by Brad Ross, a well-known portrait, figure and plein air artist. For more info. tel: 202-264-0724.

16 Caregiver Support Group at the Talbot County Senior Center, Easton. 3rd Monday at 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 443-746-3698 or visit snhealth.net.


Environmental Concern Wholesale Native Plant Sale

Wholesale Customers, Contractors, and Landscapers: Purchase native species to fill your early spring orders. Join us at EC’s Campus in St. Michaels Wed. April 8, 12:00 – 3:00 and Thurs. April 9, 8:00 – 11:00 Rain or Shine

*EC’s annual Spring Retail Native Plant Sale will be held on Mother’s Day Weekend 201 Boundary Lane, St. Michaels 40.745.9620 www.wetland.org

Contact nursery-sales@wetland.org for details


March Calendar

peake College, Wye Mills. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Active Aging Expo has assembled the best companies and brightest individuals in one location so you can get answers and explore activities for a more healthy and active aging lifestyle. Enjoy fascinating lectures and workshops from experts on health, medicine, technology and finance. Pre-register and you will be registered to win an Active Aging Expo Gift Pack. For more info. v isit ht t ps:// adamspgevents.com/e/activeaging-expo.

16 P re ston Hi stor ic a l S o c iet y membership meeting at 7 p.m. For more info. tel: 443-243-3771. 17 Family Craf ts at the Talbot Count y Free Librar y, St. Michaels. 3:30 p.m. Irish crafts. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit tcfl.org. 17 The Easton Saint Patrick’s Day Parade starts at 5:30 p.m. and loops the dow ntow n district. Celtic bagpipers, festive f loats, marching bands and the famous decorated golf c ar ts w ill f ill the streets. The Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Potato Races take place on Washington Street in front of the Talbot County Courthouse immediately following the parade. Parade and potato race registration online now! Visit www.discovereaston.com/stpatricks-day for more details. 17 St. Michaels is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with special events. The annual Carpenter Street Saloon shopping cart races are held every year on St. Patrick’s Day at midnight. Proceeds benefit the St. Michaels and Tilghman fire departments. For more info. tel: 410-745-9535 or visit stmichaelsmd.gov. 18 Active Aging Expo at Chesa-

18 Me et i ng: Dorche ster C a re g ivers Suppor t Group. 3rd Wednesday from 1 to 2 p.m. at Pleasant Day Adult Medical Day Care, Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-228-0190. 18 Child Loss Support Group at Ta lbot Hospic e, Ea ston. 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. This support group is for anyone grieving the loss of a child of any age. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-822-6681. 19 Stroke Survivor’s Support Group at Pleasant Day Medical Adult Day Ca re in Ca mbr idge. 3rd Thursday of the month. 1 to 2 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-2280190 or visit pleasantday.com. 19 Young Gardeners at the Talbot



March Calendar

a.m. to 3 p.m., with oyster farmer Lawrence Rudner of St. Michaels leading the course. The event includes a shuck-your-own lunch of a dozen oysters, with participation limited and advance registration needed. For more info. visit phillipswharf.org.

County Free Library, Easton. For children grades 1 to 4 at 3:45 p.m. Fun, hands-on learning program. Space is limited, so please pre-register. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit tcfl.org. 19 Third Thursday in downtown Denton from 5 to 7 p.m. Shop for one-of-a-kind floral arrangements, gifts and home dĂŠcor, dine out on a porch with views of the Choptank River or enjoy a stroll around town as businesses extend their hours. For more info. tel: 410-479-0655. 19 Meeting: Grief Support for Overdose Loss group from 6 to 8 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Compass Regional Hospice, Grief Support Ser vices Wing, Centreville. For more info. visit compassregionalhospice.org. 19-April 30 Class: Building Blocks of the Impressionist Landscape ~ One Element per Week with Diane DuBois Mullaly at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Thursdays f rom 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 21 Learn to grow your own oysters at Phillips Wharf Environmental Center on Tilghman Island. 10

21 Early Blooms, Songbirds and Spring Frogs Soup ’n Walk at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Listen for songbirds and spring frogs while searching for early purple, pink and white blooms. Following a guided walk with a docent naturalist, enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch along with a brief lesson about nutrition. Copies of recipes are prov ide d. $25 memb er, $30 non-member. For more info. tel: 410 - 634-2847, ext. 0 or v isit adkinsarboretum.org. 21 Concert: Maureen Choi Quartet at the Avalon Theatre, Easton. 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-8227299 or visit avalonfoundation. org. 22 Talbot Bird Club half-day trip to southwest Caroline County and the Choptank River. Bring your scope. Meet at Easton Acme at 7 a.m. For more info. tel: 410886-2009 or e-mail vdesanctis@ verizon.net. 23 Oxford Book Club meets the


4th Monday of every month at the Oxford Community Center. 10:30 a.m. to noon. For more info. tel: 410-226-5904 or visit oxfordcc.org. 23 Stitching Time at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton. 3 to 5 p.m. Work on your favorite project with a group. Limited instruction for beginners. Newcomers welcome. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit tcfl.org. 23 Read w it h T iger, a Pet- onWheels therapy dog, at the Talbot County Free Librar y, Easton. 4 p.m. Bring a book or choose one from the library’s shelves to read with Janet Dickey and her

dog, Tiger. For ages 5 and up. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit tcfl.org. 23-June 2 Online Course: “The Woods in Your Backyard.” Selfpaced, non-credit course runs for 10 weeks. The course will help landowners convert lawn to natural areas and enhance stewardship of existing natural areas. $95 per person includes t he 108-page Woods in Your Backyard guide, workbook and a tree identification guide. For more info. visit extension.umd. edu/woodland/wood s-yourbackyard/online-course. 24 Arts Express bus trip to the


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March Calendar National Gallery of Art: Degas at the Opéra & Painting from Nature: European Landscape Sketches, 1770–1870 sponsored by the Academy Art Museum, Easton. $60 members, $72 nonmembers. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 24 Monthly Grief Support Group at Talbot Hospice. This ongoing monthly support group is for anyone in the community who is grieving the death of a loved one, regardless of whether they were served by Talbot Hospice. 4th Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-822-6681. 24 Meeting: Breast Cancer Support Group at UM Shore Regional Cancer Center, Idlew ild Ave., Easton. 4th Tuesday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-1000, ext. 5411 or visit umshoreregional.org.

24 Meeting: Women Supporting Women, lo c a l bre a s t c a nc er support group, meets at Christ Episcopal Church, Cambridge. 4th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-463-0946. 25 Meeting: Diabetes Suppor t Group at UM Shore Regional Health at Dorchester, Cambridge. 4th Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more info. tel: 410-822-1000, ext. 5196. 27 Lecture: Kittredge-Wilson Lecture with Steve Ziger at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. 6 p.m. Steve is a partner at the Top-50 US Architects firm of Ziger/Snead of Baltimore, which serves as the architect for the AAM’s new courtyard entrance and gallery renovations. $24 members, $29 non-members. For more info. tel: 410-822-ARTS (2787) or visit academyartmuseum.org. 27 Concert: James McMurtry at the Avalon Theatre, Easton. 8 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299

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4-H Park, Denton. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. All vendors welcome. Tables $15 each. Set-up on Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Food will be available for purchase. For more info. tel: 410-479-0565. or visit avalonfoundation.org. 28 Talbot Bird Club half-day trip to the MOS sanctuary. Bring your scope. Meet at Easton Acme at 7 a.m. For more info. tel: 707373-5532 or e-mail rgketter@ gmail.com. 28 Indoor Craf t and Yard Sale sponsored by the Caroline County 4-H at the Caroline County

29 Cash Bingo hosted by Preston Historical Society, at the Preston Fire Dept. Doors open at 1 p.m., game begins at 2 p.m. Tickets reserved in advance are $25, or may be purchased the day of for $30. Event will include tricky tray, tag boards, 50/50 raff le, a nd ref re sh ment s. For more info. tel: 410-310-5454 or visit prestonhistoricalsociety.com.

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PRIVATE GETAWAY minutes from St. Michaels. Travel past ponds to this 3BR 2 BA home, secluded 3+ ac. setting. Custom built, open floor plan, 9 ft. ceilings, beautiful wood floors and cook’s kitchen. Main level owner’s suite, office, deck, attached garage. $475,000.

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