Cobanic - Brand guidelines

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Brand Guidelines

Student: Nguyễn Ngọc Tiên ID: 22000620
brand guidelines
brand guidelines Contents A - Introduction 4 B - Brand Guidelines 7 01 Logo 9 1.1 Concept 11 1.2 Construction 12 1.3 Logo variations 15 1.4 Logo sizes 17 1.5 Clean space 18 1.6 Logo on backgrounds 19 1.7 Restriction on the use of logo 20 02 Colors 23 2.1 Primary colors 25 2.2 Secondary colors 26 03 Typography 27 04 Pattern 30 4.1 Graphic elements 31 4.2 Pattern 32 05 Application 33 5.1 Product packaging 34 5.2 Stationary set 36

Introduction A

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About us

Cobanic is a brand of dry vermicelli with the desire to create for users a habit of eating full of nutrients through colorful foods. With the orientation of “eat the rainbow”, Cobanic advocates to provide dry foods produced from organic ingredients such as vegetables and fruits originating from Cao Bang land.


To become a vital part of every family meals.


To provide the most organic foods with Vietnamese traditional agricultural produces.


Balance: maintaining a balanced life that allows for mental and physical well-being. Stability: staying committed to providing clients with stable quality products. Family: we concentrate on gathering and strengthening family members together.

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• Natural

• Friendly

• Organic

• Family-oriented

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Brand Guidelines B

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Brand GuidelinesCobanic

Cobanic is a brand of five-color dried vermicelli - a specialty of Cao Bang region, made from 5 types of natural ingredients to fully supplement nutrients for consumers. The specific guidelines and regulations in each of these categories describe the visual and interpretive elements that represent the Cobanic brand, making it easier to circulate the visual brand.

These categories include logos, names, colors, and identifying elements. All are valuable assets of the company.

Each of us has a responsibility to protect the interests of the company by preventing unauthorized or improper use of the Cobanic brand image.

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9 01 Logo brand guidelines

1. About logo

The Cobanic logo is the most important element of our identity system. Logo is the representative signature, showing the unique personality of the brand, is a guarantee of quality for each product and service we provide. As such, this logo needs to be respected and accurate in the process of using the logo. From these principles, we can apply them in the design of the brand. These principles are fundamental and should not be violated under any circumstances.

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1.1 Concept

Cobanic takes the image of the famous Ban Gioc waterfall terrain in Cao Bang as a logo development symbol. In addition, Cobanic’s dried vermicelli products are characterized by eating using chopsticks to pick up, the production of vermicelli noodles before the finished product must be dried on a wooden stick, so we have clearly shown than the curves and thick lines in the logo to emphasize the symbol of Cobanic’s noodles. The two colors blue and beige represent the cleanliness and nature of Cobanic products. Perspective and straight arrangement from small to large symbolize prestige, solidity and development over time.

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Ban Gioc waterfall Way to eat vermicelli Vermicelli drying process
Final Logo

1.2 Construction

Logo is formed from two components, symbol and brand name.

The icon part is the waterfall icon and the noodle is created from parallel lines and circles arranged together to create a rounded curve as shown in the image below. After being processed, the array will create 3 shapes of hooks placed parallel to each other from small to large according to visual elements that distribute near and far perspective.

The part of the brand name uses the Boldena Bold font, which has adopted a structural variable to create a unique character for the logo. In addition, the white space around the logo is a safe distance that must also be ensured according to regulations.

Final version

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Line version original Boldena font Final brand name

1.2 Construction

The logo part is the image of a waterfall and noodles made from parallel lines and circles arranged together to create a rounded curve as shown in the image below. After the strokes and arrays have been processed, 3 hook shapes will be created parallel to each other from small to large according to visual elements, perspective.

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1.2 Construction

Standard logo ratio of logo part and brand name.

The letter element “a” is used from the part of the brand name to act as the x-value that scales the brand logo and as a safe distance around the space outside the logo.

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logo x

1.3 Logo variations

The standard Cobanic logo, depending on the use case, will be presented in two forms, a horizontal logo and a vertical logo.

In which the horizontal logo is the main form preferred, the vertical form is the supplementary form, encouraged to be used when the horizontal logo does not meet the requirements for visual attraction. In addition, it is possible to separate the logo mark and the brand name part of the logo for separate use in case the standard logo is not suitable in size.

The letter element “a” is used from the part of the brand name to act as the x-value that scales the brand logo and as a safe distance around the space outside the logo.

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5x x 3x x x logo vertical horizontal

1.3 Logo variations

The modified versions of the logo here are suggestions for use in different media, contributing to bringing the best brand image on different media to help bring the brand image to life. easier access to the public.

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1.4 Logo sizes

To ensure a good display and suitable for today’s printing technology, Cobanic allows logos to have a minimum size of:

8 x 30mm & 12.5 x 18mm

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40mm x 11mm 50mm x 14mm 60mm x 16mm 70mm x 20mm 80mm x 22mm

1.5 Clean space

Logos need to have a limited distance from other content to ensure visibility. Other graphic or textual content is not allowed to violate this safe distance. The letter “a” is used from the part of the brand name to act as the x value as a safe distance around the space outside the logo.

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1.6 Logo on backgrounds

Black and white background

The logo version is returned to black and white to demonstrate that graphic elements or logo elements are not disputed or overlapped or technically flawed in the design. In addition, these versions are also the color regulations of the logo when used in negative form or in the case of a colorless design.

Color backgrounds

Logos can only be used with certain color versions specified in the guidelines, not allowed to arbitrarily use other colors at will that may affect brand identity.


White version


Black version


Color version


Color version


Color version

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1.7 Restriction on the use of logo

Acceptable logo use

Logos in color are monochrome.

Monochrome colors

Logo in black and white print for faxes, copies or other white or black text and documents.

Black and white print

20 brand guidelines logo

1.7 Restriction on the use of logo

Unacceptable logo use

Logos as well as other components in the brand identity system need to be respected and consistent in expression.

In addition to the cases where the logo is on the above color background, the Cobanic Logo must not be placed on any color or image background with the same color, detail and difficulty to recognize.

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1.7 Restriction on the use of logo

Unacceptable logo use

In order that each party may protect its trademarks, trade names, corporate logo, goodwill and product designation, no party, shall have the right to use any such marks, names, slogans, or designations.

1. Stretching the logo distorts the logo structure.

2. The logo is tilted, deviating the logo axis.

3. Use any other font instead of Cobanic.

4. Use a logo different from the color specified by the brand.

5. Use the logo around the border.

6. Change and modify the block array language.

7. Change the brand name position.

8. Adjust logo proportions.

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23 brand guidelines 02 Colors

2. Brand colors

CMYK: C082 M035 Y091 K026

Pantone: 7483C

RGB: R046 G105 B60

HEX: #2E693C

CMYK: C005 M004 Y018 K000

Pantone: 7499C

RGB: R240 G235 B212


Color plays a very important role in the Cobanic brand identity design. The following colors are suggested for use in different media.

Here is the color palette Cobanic uses for my brand. The palette has two parts: the main color and the complementary colors.

CMYK: C000 M000 Y000 K000

: R255 G255 B255 HEX: #FFFFFF

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CMYK: C048 M003 Y068 K000 RGB: R140 G196 B124 HEX: #8CC47C CMYK: C088 M088 Y011 K002 RGB: R070 G066 B140 HEX: #46428C CMYK: C035 M080 Y040 K010 RGB: R158 G077 B106 HEX: #9E4D6A CMYK: C018 M081 Y097 K007 RGB: R194 G080 B042 HEX: #C1502A CMYK C007 M038 Y092 K000 RGB: R234 G165 B052 HEX: #EAA533

2.1 Color palette

Beige Green

Primary colors

The main color palette of Cobanic includes 2 colors: green and beige. Indicates a strong, distinct difference between the two main colors. Blue represents safety, health, nature and white beige represents the calmness, ethereal brand.


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CMYK: C005 M004 Y018 K000 : 7499C RGB: R240 G235 B212 HEX: #F0EBD4 CMYK: C082 M035 Y091 K026 Pantone: 7483C
90% 90% 70% 70% 50% 50% 30% 30% 10% 10%
RGB: R046 G105 B60 HEX: #2E693C


2.1 Color palette

CMYK C048 M003 Y068 K000

Pantone 359C

RGB R140 G196 B124

HEX: #8CC47C

Secondary colors

From the original color palette as the main color, we develop a color system that complements the main color to help the design remain vivid and unified in one system. These auxiliary colors are selected based on 5 main ingredients to create five-color vermicelli with 5 different colors: yellow (corn), redorange (gac), green (moringa), and camo leaves (purple), blue (blue pea flower). These colors will complement the main colors of the logo and should only be used for less than 10% of the overall colors in a design, not used to identify the Cobanic brand.

CMYK: C088 M088 Y011 K002

Pantone: 7670C

RGB R070 G066 B140

HEX #46428C

CMYK: C035 M080 Y040 K010

Pantone: 7640C

RGB R158 G077 B106

HEX: #9E4D6A

CMYK: C018 M081 Y097 K007

Pantone 143C

RGB: R194 G080 B042

HEX #C1502A

CMYK C007 M038 Y092 K000

RGB: R234 G165 B052

HEX: #EAA533

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27 brand guidelines 03

3. About font

The font system is another form of the visual system in the overall brand identity. Font used will be the important characters used to present information and send them to the user.

The font combined here is Boldena and the typeface set Fz Lufga.

Boldena Bold

It is a simple, sans serif typeface, with rounded lines and regular strokes. Boldena helps viewers feel soft, friendly and sustainable. Boldena was used to design the Cobanic logo because it has a thick, round shape that emphasizes the nature of Cao Bang noodles.

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Fz Lufga bold / 20pt

Fz Lufga

Although Fz Lufga is a sans serif typeface, it belongs to the group of human letters, so it feels friendly and easy to read.

The Fz Lufga font set is used in the text of the Cobanic brand.

Fz Lufga Medium Italic / 14pt

Fz Lufga regular / 12pt

Fz Lufga light / 11pt

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typography AaBb AaBb AaBb AaBb
30 brand guidelines 04

4.1 Graphic elements

The graphic elements include a set of shapes illustrating organic foods - the 5 main ingredients that make up Cao Bang’s dry vermicelli product (corn, moringa leaves, magenta leaves, gac, butterfly pea flowers).

Additional graphic elements are used in the following cases:

- Packaging Products.

- Posters, advertising brochures.

- Event backdrop.

- Business card.

- Other popular publications of the brand. Final

31 brand guidelines pattern
Corn Gac Butterfly pea flower Moringa leaves Magenta leaves

4.2 Pattern

Textures are designed to make products and brands more popular with consumers, helping to use them for different media and printing. Cobanic motifs are illustrated from the typical typical shapes of 5 main ingredients that create different colors of Cao Bang iridescent vermicelli. The ingredients include: corn, gac, moringa leaves, camellia leaves and butterfly pea flowers. Patterns are stylized to suit printing many different publications.

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33 brand guidelines 05 Application

5.1 Product packaging

Product packaging includes choices in material and form as well as graphics, colors and fonts that are used on wrapping.

Cobanic uses paper box for wrapping the dried vermicelli with a mix of the bright color of beige background and brand pattern.



34 brand guidelines application

5.1 Product packaging

Product packaging includes choices in material and form as well as graphics, colors and fonts that are used on wrapping.

Cobanic uses paper box for wrapping the dried vermicelli with a mix of the bright color of beige background and brand pattern.



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Cobanic packaging mock-up

5.2 Stationary set

Office suites are the primary means of communication and are essential to unifying all application patterns into a single brand identity system. Therefore, a well-formed design is best applied to all application units, however, there are many variations in size, content as well as different regions of the world. The following format will be specified for business applications. It includes all the basic fonts, colors, printing methods or layouts.

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5.2 Stationary set


This design pattern includes the main components of a document template that must be adhered to and applied as a system for use in customer communication.


A4: 297 x 210 mm

37 brand guidelines application
Front Back

5.2 Stationary set

Business card

This business card will be used for all official communications and companywide information systems. Use business cards and letterheads to send information to customers or partners and thereby spread the company’s brand everywhere.


50 x 90mm

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Front Front Back Back

5.2 Stationary set


This design pattern includes the main components of an envelope template that must be adhered to and applied as a system to use in communicating with customers.

A6: 110 x 220 mm

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Front Front Back Back

5.2 Stationary set

This Folder template is a design in the office suite that includes the main elements of the company’s brand identity. This folder with the above applications is one of the company’s means of communication.

220 x 310 mm

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Folder Dimension Front Back
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brand guidelines

Brand Guidelines - Cobanic

(3rd year project, Graphic Design, Hoa Sen university)

Student: Nguyễn Ngọc Tiên

Lecturer : Trần Thị Nhật Trâm

43 brand guidelines

Brand Guidelines

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