The Net

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––––––– SPECIAL FEATURE –––––––

A BEACON OF HOPE for Badjao Learners

Teaching the marginalized members of the community is a calling only few have the courage to embark on. ------- full story on page 9 -------

Fisher of News The Official Publication of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School, Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur Louie Jay Dela Torree

Vol. XVII No.1


July - November 2017 GRADE 4

Be strong - Cacho

War victim inspires Marawi trans in Ronn Julius Sabuya

was there when the war started and they knew it was common to hear it but I know how the victims feel but they when the explosions happened continuously have to be strong!” the whole day, they were alarmed. Imee Kassandra Cacho, an awarded The more that they were worried as the PAGE 2 Most Outstanding Supreme Student Government (SSG) President in the region said this during an interview after the conduct of Regional Election of Federated Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Advisers, July 3. “To the pupils of this school who transferred from Marawi City, my story is not far from your story pero dapat laban lang tayo (but we just have to fight),” Cancho said when asked about her message to the pupils. According to Cacho, the real battle was facing own self and the reality in a new place that one must blend in. “Imagine I am carrying initial loads of trauma from the siege being added up with another trauma of culture shock,” Cacho added. She was in her school in Mindanao State University (MSU) when the war started on May 23. SURVIVE: IImee Kassandra Cacho shares her When they heard bombing in Marawi war experience to the Net Staff. the city, it did not surprise them because



Taming the Gen Z: limiting cellphone usage

BOYS - 17 GIRLS - 7


Louie Jay Dela Torree


CCTV: SCCES’ private eye


GRADE 3 BOYS - 21 GIRLS - 10


BOYS - 60 GIRLS - 22 ________


BOYS - 2 GIRLS - 1


Non-readers worry teachers School intensifies reading activities Hannah Ysabel Santisteban

The increasing number of pupils under NonReader level urged the school administration to intensify reading and literacy programs in school. After the last Philippine Reading Inventory was conducted, the school guidance office recorded a total of 72 nonreaders from Grade Three to Grade Six. According to the principal, Dr. Hazel Luna, “There are already existing programs such as the Project REYNALD, Every Child a Reader Program, the Division Reading Recovery, Read-a-thon, Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Program, and all we need to do is just to thoroughly implement these programs and find ways to contextualize the programs and put it into one.”




Julyza: DavSur’s new track and field queen


the Net


June - November 2017

War victim... continued from PAGE 1

sound of explosions got nearer to their location. “It took me three days before I escaped the war that was happening in Marawi and all I was thinking was just to escape,” Cancho said. Currently, there are five pupils who are transferees from Marawi. “All of them have no documents when they enrolled but were accepted by the school because of the department’s mandate to admit them,” Guidance Counselor Alma Espe said. According to Cacho, “To cope up with the Marawi crisis is a collaborative effort that focuses on making your deeds in harmony with your thoughts and words.” Cacho also advised the pupils and said, “My leadership life has helped me a lot. One must really lead himself or herself and let not any other else rule it.” She was a third year Chemical Engineering student of MSU-Marawi when the war took place.

Non-readers... continued from PAGE 1

Supporting the vision of the principal, the SCCES (Sustainable ChildCentered and Embracive-Structured) Reading Program was then launched on September 14. This program is part of DepEd’s move to institutionalize all programs on reading and literacy where available reading and assessment materials will be used. “Teachers will all be reading teachers and will allocate 30 minutes daily from 11:00 A.M to 11:30 A.M. to conduct reading remediation to identified pupils and enrichment activities for the faster ones,” Luna said in one of the interviews. Guidance Counselor Alma Espe also showed her worry about the number of non-readers this school year. “This number is not okay. We need to find the roots why we have this record,” Espe said. Espe also added that intensifying the reading programs can help nonreaders and encourage them to read with comprehension. Among the activities lined up is the putting of classroom reading corners with individualized reading materials and monitoring forms which aims to bring closer to the non-readers the opportunity to read. Parents will also take turns in assisting their child to read in school.

REACH OUT. SPG President Princess Jo Ann Brucoy helps a Badjao learner to read.

Reaching out the needy

Letecia Mel Dato

Pupil government conducts reading assistance to indigent learners HANNAH YSABEL SANTISTEBAN


he Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) conducted a reading activity to indigent pupils of Badjao Community School, an annex of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School, October 9. “This is one of our advocacies to help the pupils,” SPG president Princess Brucoy said. Volunteers did individualized reading tutorial to identified Badjao learners and also gave them snacks and books. The organization wants to give books and conduct regular reading activities to the

Badjao pupils. “We actually put up a booth for book donations last September 14 and gladly, many children shared their used books,” Brucoy said. She also said that they have another reading schedule in months of October and November, and they wish to have a Christmas party with the kids. “Hope we can inspire all children to read,” Brocuy further said. Aside from the reading activity of the SPG, they also advocate on gift giving to calamity victims, tree planting and coastal clean-up activities.

DA puts up Farmer Field School Parents, pupils learn scientific gardening

Letecia Mel Dato


he Department of Agriculture (DA) identified Santa Cruz Central Elementary School as recipient of Farmer Field School (FFS) program. 35 children, with their parents benefitted the program, through the Municipal Agriculture Office. “This Farmer Field School program is an innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach that emphasizes problem solving and discovery based learning,” Municipal Agriculture head Gina Fuenconcillo said. FFS aims to build capacity among the recipients to analyze their production systems, identify problems, test possible solutions, and eventually encourage the participants to adopt the practices most suitable to their farming systems. “Every Tuesday we will visit the school to conduct lectures and actual gardening activities with the identified pupils and their parents,” Fuenconcillo continued.

DA also provided the materials needed for farming like the vegetable seeds, farming tools, and pesticide sprayer. The program started August 15 and will end on the third week of December. All recipients were Grade Four pupils, with parents and their class adviser Teacher Joselle Cutamora. “I’m really glad pupils got to learn planting from the experts,” Cutamora said.

CULTIVATE. Pupils plow to prepare the seedbed. Letecia Mel Dato

the Net


June - November 2017


MONITORED. SPO3 Joenalyn Brucoy and SPO2 Grace Bañagaso, with Sir Carl Deck Cortes check the CCTV footage of the robbery incident. Louie Jay Dela Torre

Robbed by own learners

Parents, teachers help secure school Thea Blaire Guimary


n alarming record of robbery made by own learners prompted the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) to install seven Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras around the school campus on July 15. Guidance Councilor Alma Espe revealed that in the past three years the office has recorded 15 robbery cases in 2014, 25 in 2015, 40 in 2016, and 23 from June to September this year. “These cases include stealing in the three canteens, in some classrooms, and including the school gymnasium,” Espe said. Espe also said that most of the things stolen were foods in the canteen, wires, TV antennas, sacks, and classroom materials. To support the school security, PTA president Joventino Rizada II led the installation of seven CCTV cameras around the campus. “I hope that with this project, the

people behind these robberies will be caught and be given lesson,” Rizada said. School principal Dr. Hazel Luna also supported the putting up of CCTV cameras and said, “These robbery cases were reported to the barangay council or the police, and others in DSWD.” Luna added that most of the robbery cases were done by pupils in the school leaving near the campus because witnesses told the office. “Their parents were already called in the office and in the DSWD but still they cannot control their children,” Luna explained. “With this CCTV cameras, hopefully we can provide valid evidence to have them suspended, if they are pupils of the school, and be jailed if they are adult outsiders,” Luna further said. The complete set of CCTV installation costed Php 55, 000.00 and the budget was taken from last year’s PTA contribution.

School eyes new library LGU to support funding

Brgy. Council pleads opening of exit School insists student safety Thea Blaire Guimary


ue to traffic hazards, Barangay Captain Rodolfo Pasaol Jr. asked the school to open the second gate located near the NCCC supermarket. “Traffic aids have difficulty in controlling the pupils when they are released from school at 4:30 in the afternoon,” Pasaol said. He also added that due to road reconstructions in the highway, other vehicles will use the short cut route passing the roads near the two gates of the school. “We only have three regular traffic aides reporting daily and are situated near NCCC supermarket and in the school’s main gate,” Pasaol explained, “They cannot control the 3,000 kids going out after school and the passing vehicles.” Dr. Hazel Luna, the school principal PAGE 4

Ysabel Santistehan


upils will soon have a new reading nook as the school administration will put up a new library. School principal Dr. Hazel Luna said that funds are already processed by the Local School Board to finance the construction of the new library. “An amount of Php 750,000.00 will be used in building the new library,” Luna said. Books in the old library will be transferred and sponsors were already tapped to donate books. The new library will be constructed near

the Home Economics building, replacing the old canteen. “This will be a better library as children will have easier access and better opportunity of enjoying the amenities like online searching, video presentations, and of course with books,” Luna added. The construction is expected to start anytime next year. The old library which is situated at the Gabaldon Building will be used as computer room.

REQUEST. The Net staff interviews Brgy. Captain Rodolfo Pasaol Jr. of his request to open the second gate. Louie Jay Dela Torre


the Net


June - November 2017

School orders canteens to follow D.O. 13, s. 2017

New rules back health practice in DepEd facilities Ronn Julius Sabuya


or the promotion and development of healthy eating habits among the youth and Department of Education (DepEd) employees, the school ordered the canteen personnel to strictly implement DepEd Order No. 13 s. 2017 or the Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Offices. The policy and guidelines aim to make available healthier food and beverage choices among the learners and DepEd personnel and their stakeholders; introduce a system of categorizing locally available foods and drinks in accordance with geographical, cultural, and religious orientations; provide guidance in evaluating and categorizing foods and drinks; and provide guidance in the selling and marketing of foods and beverages in schools and DepEd offices, including the purchasing of foods for school feeding. Foods products to be sold will be evaluated using the three group categories – Green, Yellow, and Red. The Green category includes foods and drinks that should always be available in the canteen like unsweetened milk, safe and clean water, unsweetened Buko juice, milled rice, boiled potato or banana, corn, boiled peanuts, suman, puto, fish, shellfish, shrimps, lean meats, chicken without skin, nuts, and eggs. Yellow category includes foods and drinks that should be served carefully and only twice a week like fresh fruit juices, fried rice, bread, biscuits, banana cue, camote cue, turon, maruya, waffles, champorado, pancit, aroz caldo, sandwiches, processed foods, and stir-fried vegetables. Red category includes those with high amounts of saturated fats, sugar or salt which are not recommended to be in the canteen menu like soft

RECESS: Irish Joy Bonayog buys calamansi juice in the canteen.

This policy is for our own good, especially for our pupils, so we just have to follow.

Vira Mae Dueñas

drinks, alcoholic drinks, sports waters or drinks, sweetened or powdered juice drinks, jellies, ice cream, cakes, donuts, sweet biscuits, candies, chewing gums, French fries, instant noodles, heavily salted chips, chicharon, chicken skin, bacon, fish balls, kikiam, fruits canned in heavy syrup, and sweetened fruits or vegetables. The school canteens were already evaluated twice by the Division doctors and nurses. “Gladly, we all passed the standards used by the visitors on the second evaluation last September 11,” school canteen in-charge Jennifer Estrella said. Estrella also added that they only follow all the recommendation given during the first evaluation. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2007 or Revised Implementation Guidelines on the Operation and Management of School Canteens was also used to evaluate schools.

K to 12 tests teachers to provide digital environment Letecia Mel Dato


s the full implementation of the K to 12 curriculum kicks off this school year with the Grade Six teachers having their training before of the opening of classes, they are challenged to provide multimediaassisted instructions to the pupils. “It can be observed that this year among the 72 class advisories, 24 classrooms already have their LED or smart televisions and others use projectors,” school property custodian Ryan Ramirez said. Most teachers asked help from their homeroom Parents Teachers Association (PTA) the purchase of these equipment. These televisions are connected to the laptops or cellular phones of teachers and are used as projectors in teaching.

“85% of these televisions were funded by the PTA and others were sponsored by stakeholders like the Ayala Foundation, Coco Planters Bank, Local Government, and others” Ramirez explained. According to Dr. Hazel Luna, the school principal, “teachers have to find ways in providing the environment needed by the kind of learners we have nowadays, and they should also follow competencies set by the new curriculum, that basically need the use of multimedia.” Luna also added that teachers who do not have flat screen televisions can use the computer room for their instructions. “We really need to use these kind of equipment because we have topics in English that need viewing,” teacher Lynn Holly Alia said.

Brgy. council pleads ... continued from PAGE 3

responded the request of the barangay council and ordered the opening of the second gate. Luna, however, requested additional security guards to be paid by the barangay council to help secure the campus. “We always consider the safety of our children. We have had kidnapping threats before and a lot of robbery cases, including illegal selling of outsiders and most of them use the back gate for their entrance and exit.” Luna said. The barangay addressed the request of the principal, yet after two weeks of opening the gate, two cases of robbery were then recorded and Grade Three pupils were reported to have been harassed to give their allowances to a stranger. Because of the incidents, the principal ordered the indefinite closure of the second gate, on August 2. This second gate is located at the rear part of the school near the Gulayan sa Paaralan area where an old footbridge is placed.

the Net


June - November 2017



Taming the Gen Z: limiting cell phone usage


lementary learners, especially the higher grades are often seen using cell phones in school. This only shows that they are not far from the technological advancement of times. Most of the children claim that they benefit much in using cellphone because they can communicate their parents and can do research easily, but the use of cell phone is not without the negatives. A teacher in Grade Six – Balagtas once confiscated cell phones of pupils for using it on Math computations and playing games while on a class activity. Another class in same grade level banned all pupils from using cell phones because children were no longer focuses on their class. We see problem with this. Children, as observed, do not follow zero-tolerance policies even in classroom levels, especially that they see teachers using cell phones too in their classes. According to the School Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Alma Espe, using cell phone in school is not bad as long as it is regulated. Teachers should also set as examples. Children will always have the tendency to defy orders once they are forced to forget something they like doing. Another point was given by Beaumont Enterprise in the United States after they conducted a survey in 2011. It revealed 99 percent of teenagers’ cell-phone usage is considered unnecessary. Only half of the reasons were about children’s safety as rated by their parents. A survey in school was also conducted by the Net writers on the second week of October showed that out of 70 pupils, 61 like to use cell phone in school. The most common reasons were for communication with parents, for research, and for playing games. Out of 20 teachers, 11 of them do not want their children to use cell phones in their classes. The main reason they presented was gadgets take away children’s focus. The generation of children nowadays is very different from the times of their parents and even teachers. They are called the Generation Z or Gen Z learners. They like to spend time in using gadgets, facing the computer and exploring new trends. These are facts that teachers are coping to understand and should consider. However, it cannot be denied that responsibility in using gadgets like cell phones should also be set in the classrooms because enormous influence from annoying to dangerous can be brought from its usage. Children should therefore be allowed to use cell phones but there should be limit.

the Net



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Ronn Julius Sabuya

Children will always have the tendency to defy orders once they are forced to forget something they like doing.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Hannah Ysabel Santisteban MANAGING EDITOR: Ellaine Criselle Cortezano NEWS EDITOR: Thea Blaire Guimary

FEATURE EDITORS: Jamma Paolo Sariol, Janina Ontal SPORTS EDITORS: Kian Franco Codilla, Ace Arquillano CARTOONIST: Delia Francesca Estropia PHOTOJOURNALISTS: Letecia Mel dato, Louie Jay Dela Torre

CONTRIBUTORS: Carl Andrei Hipolan, Lawrence Abangan, Josefina Florem Espinosa, Jenoel Jacob Eknadan, Neuheart Zerin Dawn, Georri Ron Elijah Panuda, Jermille Faith Viola, Sonny Yricho Kim ADVISER: Gervasio R. Salinas, Jr., PhD ASST. ADVISERS: Lynn Holy C. Alia, Archie F. Ramirez Arlene S. Gementiza PRINCIPAL: Hazel V. Luna, PhD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR: Abdulpatta U. Kamdon


the Net


June - November 2017

A Muslim, in a Christian platform No boundaries, just acceptance


EYESHOT By Jamma Paolo Sariol

Young as I am, I have seen how the Christian community accepted us, the Muslims.

hey say religions should be with their own kind. Well, that is not really true because, some Muslims go to schools that are supposed to be for Christians. So, what they believe is completely untrue. Islam is a religion in which people who are Muslims believe. A lot of things are prohibited from them to do. Christians can eat foods that Muslims cannot. They can join most contests in school but they cannot go to churches for other religions. Other religions also prohibit their members to join communions in masses. Christians, however, generally can do what Muslims cannot do. These two religions are opposites, and that is why they often cannot be together. My religion is Islam. I am a Muslim. Although my classmates and schoolmates are Christians but

Activities Overload: Burning or Building Pupils’ Learning? A room to breathe ur parents and teachers always remind us to give the best in everything that we do. In school we are taught how to read and write; to do the math and discover the world of science. But aside from academic works, we have so many activities that our teachers encourage us to join. There are different sports like taekwondo, ballgames, track and field, even gymnastics. In the arts, we can learn music, dance, the theatre, and journalism. Came with these activities are constant practices to master our chosen craft. Practice makes perfect, that’s what we are taught. That is why we give so much effort when there are upcoming activities especially competitions. We sometimes ask to be excused in class and even come to school on Saturdays or Sundays to practice for our tasks.



By Ellaine Criselle Cortezano

School works and activities are designed to help us grow and be the best that we can be.

Ronn Julius Sabuya

This is not good for Santa Cruz. It will certainly affect its tourism and economy.

Adults around us sometimes forget that we are still children, we also feel tired and grumpy when bombarded with so many responsibilities. As children, we also want to have fun, the time where we are allowed to wake up late and be lazy on a weekend. Yes, school works and activities are designed to help us grow and be the best that we can be. We are grateful to our parents for helping us purse our dreams and to our teachers for showing us that learning is not only found in the four corners of our classroom. As children we would also want to play, to run around an open field, be silly like what normal children often do. We want to experience the beauty of our childhood, and to enjoy time with our friends because we can only experience this kind of beauty once in a lifetime.

The Road Construction Capital of the Philippines, Santa Cruz The road NOT less travelled



other than that, I am okay with everything. In the history of the Philippines, the Araling Panlipunan class clearly elaborates the events where Muslims and Christians are at war. The war in Marawi is even connected to the disparity of religion but I believe some news about it are presented fake because other Muslims also fight against the terrorists. Young as I am, I have seen how the Christian community accepted us, the Muslims. The school even has a special program for Muslims like me. This simply shows that even I am living in a community and studying in a school majorly occupied by Christians, I am not rejected or discriminated. If adults see how I appreciate my existence in a Christian environment, I think there would be peace, a real peace between Muslims and Christians.

raveling from Santa Cruz to Davao City used to take an hour. However, that seems impossible these days considering the Speed Limit policy, the increase number of vehicles, and worst, caused by the road constructions in Santa Cruz. A facebook post made by a known Mass Communication professor in Davao Region, Sir Derf Maiz last October 29 once flooded with comments. It said ‘Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur – The Road Construction Capital of the Philippines.’ The post went viral as it was shared by many followers of the said account. Netizens, mostly commuters agreed with the post. Jorlan Datalan even posted that this place should be given an award by the Guinness World of Records for its road constructions even started 10 years ago. On November 4, 2017, another post made by Prof. Derf Maiz sarcastically criticized the place. It said ‘Santa Cruz, dalan (road) of promise.’ Again, many commented the post. These facebook posts are a reality to some. A regular comuter named Edna Cabano said that she

has been travelling from these areas for twenty years since she is working in Santa Cruz but lives in Davao City. She mentioned that she is puzzled why Santa Cruz roads always undergo reconstructions. This, for her, is really a problem in commuting. So why is this happening? DPWH is in-charged of these projects and it seems they have not yet realized until now that money is just wasted from the said constructions. They actually conducted a research of the kind of soil where highways are located and found out that this is not good for highways. If this is the case, the government should find other alternatives to spend its funds wisely. Construct other road in areas where soil is suited. Saying that Santa Cruz is The Road Construction Capital of the Philippines is not good for this place. It will certainly affect its tourism and economy. We just hope the government will soon realize that many are affected by these many road reconstructions.

the Net


June - November 2017


Finding light on learning English Ace Arquillano


he teaching of Mother Tongue in Kindergarten to Grade Three might have caused problem among Grade Four teachers in teaching English as delays in learning are seen from their pupils.

This school year is the third year of implementing the K-to12 curriculum in Grade Four. Their first batch is now in Grade Six. However, teachers this year now argue that their children have difficulty learning English compared when they were using the old curriculum. Learning delays were seen in letter sound recognition that led into poor reading performance in English. There are also children who can read but have difficulty in spelling, and comprehension. During recitations, pupils prefer to answer in vernacular. Currently, teachers are conducting a study about this problem. Mrs. Arlene Gementiza of Grade IV-FL leads the team of researchers and they wanted to dig on the serious reasons and probable solutions to the problem. Others might say that it is because of the result of teaching Mother-tongue in the lower grades, but it can only be proven when they are through with their study. I believe there are a lot of reasons why pupils nowadays are pacing slowly in learning English. These reasons, I hope, will be seen in their study. And to all grade four pupils, we should take part in helping ourselves to learn English better because our teachers are so concerned of what is happening to us.


#HearMyVoice “We have been waiting for our I.D. it’s already November but still we do not have our I.D. -G.4 pupil “We have a lot of activities and our room is always used by visitors. Our class is often affected. Makaluya kaayo.”

Can we have another canteen? The foods are not enough for all of us.

theNet staff -G.3 pupil asked random people Could it still be possible that about school the gate at the back of the concerns and school will be opened? I am a mother of four and our we house is just beside the school found out fence. Before my children used to just walk from our house that… to school. Now they have to ride

-G.6 pupil

a tricycle and I have to prepare additional allowance for them. -Parent

More teeth for Juvenile Justice System Should young law violatorws be imprisoned?


POINTS OF VIEW By Hannah Ysabel Santisteban

A law should be for the good of the majority not just for the few.

he myriad cases involving juveniles in our country have become alarming. Republic Act 9344, Juvenile Justice System has been ill-protecting juvenile delinquents since law punishments cannot be applied on them. Based on the current law, 14 years old and below are automatically free from any law responsibilities while those who are 15 -18 years old age bracket shall still be subject to investigation whether or not the suspect has discernment on the crime committed. That is why, on one hand, many big time syndicates have used the minor in their criminal operation while making juvenile delinquents unafraid to pursue committing illegal acts and criminalities since they are aware that they are protected by the juvenile justice system and that they shall not be punished by the law. This issue hard-pressed Navotas Repersentative

Rated PG for social media



By Carl Andrei Hipolan

Just like watching television, parental guidance is imperative.

Toby Tiangco to pass House Bill 5344. Tiangco ensured that in this shall curb the increasing number of criminals involving minors. A law should be for the good of the majority not just for the few. While I’m convinced that he majority of our youth are well on their way for being right citizens of our society, sadly, there are still those who should be held accountable for their wrong choices. The provisions of RA 9344 appear to exonerate the juveniles and leave happyless victims and their loved ones without justice”, Tiangco’s statement. House Bill 5423 proposes that 9 years old and below shall be free from any law responsibilities; 10 to 14 years old shall be investigated whether or not has discernment to the crime committed; and 15 to 18 years old shall be held liable to law since minors in this age bracket have already discerned what is right or wrong.

Do parents check their kids?

ake news are now spreading, you can see it on any kind of social media applications or sites like Facebook, twitter, and instagram. It is the number one manipulator of our country as many people are tricked by the things we get from fake news. It is a very powerful tool in the changing the society. It leads to both progress and destruction as no specific law prohibits netizens to post and use social media platforms. Children in schools are not far from the whips of the internet. There are some who are well-oriented on how to use social media apps and are using it daily. They are the same kids who are prone to the

influence of fake news. Teachers give us advice that we should be responsible on what we read on social media so that we will not be victimized with false articles. This in general may change our perspective of how we view things, much more that we are in an age which we can easily be influenced. We may not be very good in identifying fake news but I think parents should guide kids like me when using social media. They should sit beside their children when they open their cell phones or computers. Just like watching television, parental guidance is imperative.

the N


Photos by Letecia Mel Dato

A boy’s plight against A Autism

I was bullied by my other classmates but I don’t fight them because fighting is bad.

ll of us are special. We are given our own unique personality to be somebody in this world. Literally, there are children who born special, just like Cen-cen. He’s different but nevertheless unique in his own special way. Chris Earl Nicholas Arreglo or Cen-cen as we like to call him was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but he never let his condition stop him to live happily with his family and friends. His parents, Marjorie and Benajmin Arreglo are very supportive of him that they encourage him to his love for drawing and his fascination with Science. “I love to draw a lot. I make my brother model for me if I want to draw him,” Cen-cen tells me. As a toddler, he was already showing signs of his unique behaviour. To help him, his parents enrolled him in the Special Education (SPED) class of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School. When he was seven, Cen-cen was enrolled in the regular class for Grade one but continued attending SPED for an hour a day. “I was bullied by my other classmates,” he said, “but I don’t fight

Jamina Carmi Ontal

them because fighting is bad,” he shared. He experienced being bullied by his classmates even now that he’s in Grade six because of his condition. As kind-hearted as he was, he never fought back and just continues to be bubbly and energetic. Cen-cen is a consistent winner in the developmental games for Child with Autism (CWA) category. On October 21, 2017, he won four gold medals in the different events like sack race and cone blowing during the annual Division SPED Fun Day held at Padada Central Elementary School. When I asked him about his dreams, he said “I want to be a computer engineer. I will study hard because I want to help my family.” Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that begins in childhood and lasts throughout a person’s life. Children with ASD are having difficulty in the way they communicate and interact with others. They also have restricted or repetitive behaviors and interest. “Cen-cen’s condition taught me a lot of things,” shared his mother Marjorie, “I became more patient with my children, especially with him. I learned to be selfless and humble.” Cen-cen may have his moments when his condition gets the better of him yet he continues living with hope, nothing can stop him, not even Autism.


Photos by Louie Jay Dela Torre



A beacon of hope for

Badjao Learners Jamina Carmi Ontal


eaching the marginalized members of the community is a calling only few have the courage to embark on. In a small community in Apo Beach, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur, the Department of Education together with the Local Government Unit of Sta. Cruz, and partners from different Non-government Organizations worked together to put up an annex campus of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School (SCCES) to reach out to the Badjaos living in the community. Dirty and unhygienic; Badjaos are often frowned upon and shooed away not only because they would tug at anybody’s sleeve to beg for money but also for their unpleasant smell. They are mostly associated with laziness because they would rather beg than work for money. Teaching at the Badjao community is a not a walk in the park. The community itself is surrounded with filth, garbages, and human waste. You have to have a strong stomach to withstand the smell of the place. These are just some of the things the Local School Board (LSB) teachers of SCCES assigned at the annex school have to endure

everyday in respond to the calling of being an educator. “At first, lisod kaayo,” said Irene Martel, an LSB teacher assigned at the annex school. “I have to adjust to the community; the smell, the dirt, the attitude of the children.” Just like in a regular school, Badjao learners are taught the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. They are also taught personal hygiene and sanitation. In the community, teachers thread carefully with the Badjaos. “You never cover your nose; you never show them any indication na mabahuan ka sa ilaha because they will take offense,” said Edelyn Joy Reyes, LSB teacher at annex for two years. Most of the Badjao learners are malnourished, worst severely wasted. SCCES with the help of the Kiwanis Club of Davao City, a feeding program is also conducted in the annex school. Children are given meals twice in a day to improve their nutritional status.

Teaching knows no boundaries. It does not look on color, shape or form.

For this school year, the annex school has 56 learners from Kinder to Grade 3. The teacher hopes that this number will continue to increase every year because just like anybody else, Badjao children deserve an access to quality education. Teaching knows no boundaries. It does not look on color, shape or form. Teaching is working with a heart, and loving without condition.


the Net


June - November 2017

Surviving life’s tragedy:

A hapless girl’s There should have been a mother to take care of her and her siblings, a mother to kiss the pain away when they get sick…

Photos by Lynn Holy Alia

story of

Jamina Carmi Ontal


moving on

arents are the gentle and supportive presence that makes life easier. The parent – child relationship is one of the most fulfilling relationships. It is both love, care, and time-lasting connection. But for Nhorlyn, this is just a memoir of time long ago, where her mother and father, and five of her siblings, were still complete, happy and full of hope for the future. Nhoryln S. Toco, 12, is a transferee from Bawing Elementary School in General Santos City. She and four of her siblings left Bawing to start a new life with their aunt in Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur when their parents separated. Pale faced, stick-like-figure, eyes that mirror pain and hopelessness. With one look at her, you can easily tell that she’s seen the hardest battles in her life. Life was hard in Bawing. They were dirt poor. They often skip meals because food was scarce but they were happy because they were together as a family. One day, Nhorlyn came home from school finding her mother gone then few months after her mother left, her youngest sibling died crying in her cradle because of hunger. On June 2017, Nhorlyn enrolled in Santa Cruz Central Elementary School. She’s often seen in one corner of her classroom reading silently. Though she mingles with her new found friends, she still has the aura of aloofness in her. She missed her parents, especially being taken care of her mother. Though their situation improved living with their relatives, still there were times she can’t go to school because of poverty. For Nhorlyn, if only their parents were still together, life would have been better, they may not have a lot but at least they’re together. There should have been a mother to take care of her and her siblings, a mother to kiss the pain away when they get sick, and there should have been a father they could run to when they are afraid or make sure that they do not have empty bellies. She can only pray that one day, they will be together once again.

11 CCTV: SCCES’ private eye


Photos by Louie Jay Dela Torre

June - November 2017

Roy Earl Kyle Carbajosa


or the past years, SCCES has been experiencing robbery incidents in the different classrooms. To address this problem, Dr. Hazel V. Luna, Principal of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School, with the help of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and the Department of Education’s Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), has purchased Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) to help monitor activities inside the school. “CCTV can help monitor the school premises and secure the safety of our students,” said Dr. Luna in an interview. School premises like Santa Cruz Central Elementary School are at risk to criminal and terrorism activities hence

the need for a security system to monitor activities to prevent or discourage criminals from even thinking of assaulting the place. The project amounting to 46,000 pesos comes with eight CCTV cameras in high definition that would help monitor the comings and goings in the school and maintaining a record of evidence in the event of a crime, monitor bullying and vandalism in the school premises. Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. CCTV systems have been around for decades. In fact, it was used in 1942 to monitor the launch of the V2 Rockets invented by the Germans. The system was installed by Siemens AG at Test Stand

the Net

VII in Peenemunde, Nazi Germany. The noted German engineer Walter Bruch was responsible for the technological design and installation of the system. A 2009 analysis by Northeastern University and the University of Cambridge, “Public Area CCTV and Crime Prevention: An Updated Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis,” examined 44 different studies that collectively surveyed areas from the United Kingdom to U.S. cities such as Cincinnati and New York. The analysis found that surveillance systems were most effective in parking lots, where their use resulted in a 51% decrease in crime; public transportation areas saw a 23% decrease in crime; and sytems in public settings were the least effective with just 7% decrease in crime. In the Philippines, CCTVs has only been introduced and used widely just several years ago. If you check in Quezon City, they only started implementing a “No CCTV, No Business Permit” policy in 2014. While several cities are now requiring businesses to install CCTV cameras, the barangay, the smallest administrative division in the Philippines, are also now being required to install security systems in their respective areas. Currently, both businesses and barangays are obligated to install CCTV through ordinances that their local officials implement in their cities or provinces.

Roy Earl Kyle Carbajosa


he Municipal Agriculturist Office of the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, together with the teachers and stakeholders of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School launched the Farmer Field School on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in line with the Department of Agriculture’s (DOA) High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) for vegetables and other high value commercial crops on August 15, 2017. This program will help with the training of parents and selected teachers on crop production every Tuesdays for sixteen weeks. This way, Department of Agriculture will be able to encourage teachers and parents, through the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP), small farmers, and entrepreneurs to expand investments in high value commercial crops, in a way increasing producers income and consumers’ health and welfare. “There is money in farming if the farmer knows how to take care of the land and his crop,” said Sta. Cruz Municipal Agriculturist Roberto Florentino.

“Sa pagtanum ug gulay, healthy na, mukita pa” he added. The objective of the HVCDP is to fulfil food security requirements by improving the ability of the farmers to produce or procure high value crops. This way the farmer will be able to sell his crops on a higher price because of its quality. The program aims to increase the investments coming from the private sectors in agribusiness as well as to expand income opportunities for producers and other entrepreneurs especially from value-adding activities. Project HVCDP is also an avenue for DOA to provide improved technologies for fresh and processed forms of high value crops towards meeting world standard competitiveness, which is already a practice in our neighboring Asian countries. This will also provide an increase the

by Letecia Mel Dato

Agriculture’s IPM: There’s money in farming

farmer’s access to modern sustainable agricultural technologies and production schemes and to reduce post harvest losses of Filipino farmers through the improvement of rural infrastructures in order to increase and improve quality of produce of high value crops.


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S C I E N C E A N D T E JCu nHe -NN oOv eLm bOe r G2 0Y1 7

In fighting malnutrition: DepEd promotes

healthy eating habits Aliahna Mundoc

Recess, everyone’s favorite subject. This line is often heard as a joke, mostly for those students who can’t wait to go to the canteen when the clock strikes at 9:20 in the morning. Candies, jellies, juice in tetra packs. These are just some of the top of the list for children’s favorites. Nutritional value becomes an alien concept because children buy the food they like, especially when parents are nowhere in sight. For the promotion and development of healthy eating habits among the youth, The Department of Education on March 14, issued DepED Order 13, series of 2017 or the Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Offices. The department listed the strategies that will “promote healthy diets and positive eating behavior and provide healthy eating environment” in all public elementary and high schools in the country. In Santa Cruz Central Elementary School, this memorandum is taken seriously and was immediately implemented since the start of the school year. “Ginasunod namo ang mga policy sa DepEd.” Said Mrs. Jade Panuda, school canteen manager of SCCES. “ Makasiguro ang mga ginikanan ug mga magtutudlo nga ang mga pagkaon sa atoang canteen, healthy ug nutritious”. The DepEd order refers to the 8th National Nutrition Survey which showed that for children 5-10 years old, 29.1% were underweight, 29.9% were stunted, 8.6% were wasted, and 9.1% were overweight. One of the department’s strategies is to make sure that every school develops its own healthy menu, with food and drinks that are nutritious and affordable to school children. It also recommends the Food and Nutrition Research Institute’s (FNRI) Pinggang Pinoy and the importance of reading the Nutrition Facts found in the packaging of the food products. The order categorized canteen-cooked food, common Filipino snacks, and those without Nutrition Facts into 3:


– Food and drinks in this category should always be available in the canteen, DepEd describes these food the best choices for a healthy school canteen. Milk (unsweetened) Fresh buko water (unsweetened) Brown rice or iron-fortified rice Oatmeal Cassava (kamoteng kahoy) Boiled saging na saba Boiled peanuts Puto Shellfish Lean meats Nuts Fresh fruits, preferably those in season

Safe and clean water (nothing added) Milled rice Corn Whole wheat bread Boiled sweet potato (kamote) Corn, binatog Suman Fish Small shrimps Chicken without skin Egg Green, leafy, and yellow vegetables


– This category includes food and drinks that should be served once or twice a week only (Tuesdays and Thursday), and in small servings because they may contribute to excess calories if eaten in large amounts.

Fried rice Biscuits Pancakes Champorado Arroz caldo Butter, margarine, mayonnaise (use sparingly) Stir-fried vegetables


100% fresh fruit juices Bread (using white refined flour) Banana cue, camote cue, turon, maruya Waffles Pancit Sandwiches (cheese, egg, chicken filling, etc) Processed food such as meat/fish, hotdogs, sausage, burger patties, chicken nuggets, tocino, tapa, etc (still subject to evaluation of saturated or trans fat and sodium as reflected in their Nutrition Facts)

– These foods are not recommended in the menu because they contain high amounts of saturated fat, sugar, or salt. Soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, sports waters, sports drinks, flavored mineral water, energy drinks, sweetened waters, powdered juice drinks Any processed fruit/vegetable juice with added sugar of more than 20 grams or 4 teaspoons per serving Any ice cream/ice drops/ice candies All types of candies including chocolates, hard/chewy candies, chewing gums, marshmallows, lollipops, yema, etc Instant noodles Chicharon Bacon Fruits canned in heavy syrup

Any product containing caffeine (for school canteens) Any jelly, slushies Cakes and slices, donuts, sweet biscuits and pastries, and other sweet bakery products French fries, bicho-bicho, etc All types of heavily salted snacks such as chips Chicken skin Deep-fried food including fish balls, kikiams, etc Sweetened fruits or vegetables

Looking into our Changing World:


the Net


Lynn Holy Alia

June - November 2017

Mankind’s part to climate change Jamina Carmi Ontal

Frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of typhoons. These are just some observable effects on the environment due of climate change. In Sta. Cruz, heavy rains would mean suspension of classes because of the location of the town which is prone to landslide and abrupt rise of water in rivers. Students rejoice because this would mean an escape from a whole day of classes to lazing in front of the television or playing computer games. To school kids, heavy rains means freedom, but few people take note that extreme weather conditions are the result of human activities that would eventually destroy the world. In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the sponsorship of the United Nations,

concluded there’s a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet. The main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect” or the warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. Long-lived gases that remain semi-permanently in the atmosphere and do not respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature are described as “forcing” climate change. Gases, such as water vapor, which respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature, are seen as “feedbacks.” Human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human

activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. “Taken as a whole,” the IPCC states, “the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.” The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling. The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about one point one degrees Celsius and the oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat. Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world. Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century. The acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30 percent. This increase is the result of humans emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and thus more being absorbed into the oceans. Climate change is real. The question is, what can you contribute to help save our environment? What can you do to help save the world?


the Net


June - November 2017

Archie Ramirez


Her success will not only give honor and pride to the school, but will also inspire other pupils like her and prove to those who belittle them that poverty and disability are not a hindrance to success.

Central taekwondo ...

Julyza: DavSur’s new

track and field queen Kian Franco Codilla


aningkamot jud ko nga modaug [I tried my best to win],” SPED athlete Julyza Ballos told me when I interviewed her about her successful participation in Palarong Pambansa 2017. Julyza was all smiles during the entire duration of our almost 30-minute conversation. I could feel her immense happiness, especially when I told her about the honor and prestige she brought to our school and how proud we are of her. Diagnosed with a mild form of intellectual disability, 13-year-old Julyza created history for Santa Cruz Central Elementary School after winning 5th place and a bronze medal in athletics’ relay in the Special (Para) Games of the Palarong Pambansa held in San Jose de Buenavista, Antique, last April. As part of that bronze-winning relay team, Julyza became the first pupil from Sta. Cruz Central to receive a Palaro medal. The school was in celebratory mood after learning her historymaking win. Moreover, this was also her first foray into the nation’s biggest sports competition and she was ecstatic about how things went in her favor. Her auspicious debut on the track augurs well for more good things to come. “Malipayon ko nga nidaug mi [I was happy we won 5th place in the race],” she uttered when asked about her reaction to her historic victory. Aside from the medal, Julyza also received a cash prize. When she got home, she immediately shared the good news to her very proud mother. At first, her mother was a bit hesitant to send her to Palaro because Julyza is a child with special needs. But in the end, she yielded after being assured that her daughter would be well-taken care of while in Antique. Prior to her stint in Palaro, Julyza competed in Davao Regional Athletic Association (DAVRAA) Meet where she was entered in 100- and 200-meter sprint events and long jump. Showing off her exceptional athletic ability, she reigned supreme in 100-meter run and long jump, and placed second in 200 meters, earning her two gold and one silver medals. With this multiple victory, she has established herself as the new sprint and

continued from PAGE 16

D. Rhom (Category 2 – Novice Boys), and Harvey Jayne T. Domopoy (Category 3 – Novice Girls) all bowed out in the goldmedal round of their respective kyurogi events. Veteran member Sarabia was lucky to go straight to the finals after receiving a bye in the quarterfinals and winning by default in the semifinals, but succumbed 8-11 to his much aggressive opponent from Tagum City

who bombarded him with a series of push kicks in each round of their sparring match. First-timer Rhom was poised to deliver the first gold medal for Sta. Cruz Central after the first round ended in deadlock, 11 all, but he was penalized with a four-point deduction for falling down and grabbing his opponent from Digos City in the two rounds of their match, resulting in his heartbreaking defeat, 17-18. Domopoy, the last woman standing,

long jump queen of Davao del Sur and perhaps in Davao Region. Mrs. Katherine B. Eborda, her very supportive coach, was surprised about Julyza’s achievement. “I really didn’t expect her to win in the regional meet because she didn’t have much practice in our school. But what was remarkable about her was her passion and determination to win. I felt the fire in her.” Julyza, who is now a Grade 4 mainstream pupil, hails from a very poor family. Her parents do not have a stable, high-paying job to financially support and sustain their family. Her father works as a traysikad driver whose meager income does not suffice, while her mother just stays at home busily attending to their needs and doing household chores. Julyza is the eldest daughter and has three female siblings who also have an intellectual disability. In fact, she and her two youngest sisters are classmates under SPED teacher Ms. Nineth L. Dizon. According to Ma’am Dizon, Julyza is doing well academically. She can read and comprehend though at slower pace. She can also perform basic mathematical operations. Despite living a hand-to-mouth existence, Julyza refuses to give up. She remains firm amidst the hardships in life and hopeful that one day she can lift her family out of poverty. “Gusto ko makahuman ug eskwela ug mamahimong kusinera para matabangan nako ang akong pamilya ug mapausab ang among balay. [I want to finish my study and become a cook in the future to help my family and to renovate our house].” As a child with special needs, Julyza needs continuous guidance and support from people around her in order to realize her full potential and bring out the best in her. Her success in track and field will not only give honor and pride to the school and town she represents, but also inspire other pupils like her and prove to those who belittle them that poverty and disability are not a hindrance to success, but a motivation to soar high and reach for your dreams.

could not sustain her winning momentum from the previous rounds of the competition and was beaten badly in the finals, 1-10, to an experienced player from Matanao who skillfully struck her with 45and 90-degree roundhouse kicks. Last year, Sta. Cruz Central salvaged 3 golds and 1 silver in the said tournament, which attracted budding and experienced taekwondo players and coaches from different cities and provinces in Davao Region.

the Net


June - November 2017

RAISE THE FLAG. Central Zone scouts lead in the raising of flag in the competition.


Eduardo Eroy

Mindanao Children’s Games: A conduit for peace


SCCES rules BSP, GSP group games Frances AJ Dean


to see their enthusiasm, teamwork, camaraderie, and discipline during the competition. Meanwhile, their female counterpart followed suit and bested strong opponents from MATS, FRAMATS, and CAPALOGO zones. Central’s girl scouts won first place in message relay; finished second in songs and yells, scout law, and learn a dance; and placed third in sack race and Maria went to town. They were also adjudged as the most prompt and disciplined team. SCCES GSP coordinator Jenny S. Eknadan said, “I am bit surprised because our training time leading up to the encampment was limited, but still we managed to emerge on top. Kudos to the girls for winning the championship trophy!” More than 1,000 boy scouts, girl scouts, and adult leaders from four zones comprising the Sta. Cruz South District participated in the encampment with the theme, “Growth and Stability” (BSP), and “Health, Harmony and Peace” (GSP).

sing their exceptional agility and great teamwork to their advantage, boy scouts and girl scouts from Santa Cruz Central Elementary School triumphed over their rivals in a very convincing fashion to clinch the most-coveted championship trophy in the 21st District BSP/GSP Encampment held at the school ground on Oct. 13-15. Garnering a total score of 29.5, boy scouts from Central Zone unleashed their physical and mental strength and quickness to stamp their dominance in the team competitions by winning first place in eight out of the nine competitive events. Central scouters were victors in knot/hitches tying relay, stretcher race and bandaging, scout law relay, reading compass relay, verbal message relay, semaphore signaling, flag pole raising, and fancy drill, while they got second place in fire by friction, an event won by MATS scouters. “I am pleased with the results, but more than that I am very happy

Central hoops team ... continued from PAGE 16

MATS groped for form practically all game and exerted tremendous efforts to break Central’s momentum by resorting to speedy


plays and catch and shoot strategy, but Central’s nifty defense proved impenetrable as the latter clogged the lanes effectively well.

he Mindanao Children’s Games made its maiden edition in Davao City last May despite President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in the entire island of Mindanao. Children below 13 years old participated and competed in different sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and indigenous games, during the three-day sportsfest. Following its enormous success, succeeding editions were held in other parts of the country. According to Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) chair William “Butch” Ramirez, the architect of Mindanao Children’s Games, this event is a component of the Sports for Peace program of the government. It heeds Duterte’s call to make sports accessible to all, especially the children. Its purpose is not only to encourage the youth to actively engage in sports to make them healthy and keep them away from vices, but also to cultivate a culture of peace through sports. The staging of this sports event is very timely and significant because our nation, particularly Mindanao, is rocked by a series of terroristic violence and senseless killings of innocent citizens perpetrated by ISIS-inspired rebels in southern Philippines. Many lives have been lost and thousands of families have been displaced because of this unacceptable and unjustifiable violence. The games allows children from different religious and cultural backgrounds to come together and play against each other in the spirit of unity, sportsmanship, and camaraderie. Sports gatherings such as this ought to be replicated in various parts of our country, especially in conflictridden areas, as it brings a glimmer of hope to children greatly impacted by war and violence. Sports is a powerful tool to alleviate their suffering and divert their attention away from the conflict situation. Their involvement in sports would not only give them an opportunity to enjoy but also showcase their God-given talents and skills. For PSC, this is an opportunity to scout for potential players who will represent our country in international sports competition in the future. The children are regarded as the future builders of our country. However, they are the most vulnerable segment of our population during times of conflict. By all means, they must be protected from the ill effects of war and violence. By educating them the values of respect, tolerance, cooperation, discipline, nationalism, and peaceful co-existence through sports, we can ensure that our country will be led by patriotic, tolerant, and peace-loving individuals in the future.

SPEEDY MOVE. John Lloyd Gutierrez dribbles the ball while Josiah Tanoy and Dave Madera try to steal it. Eduardo Eroy



The Official Publication of Santa Cruz Central Elementary School, Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur

Vol. XVII No.1 Ace Arquillano


or the second straight year, Sta. Cruz North District shamed South District, 2-1, in their best-of-three volleyball girls finals during the Sta. Cruz Municipal Meet held at Sta. Cruz Central Elementary School grounds, Oct. 20. Relying on the formidable duo of Ashley Faith Conception and Carla Mae Boniao, North District managed to recover from a terrible beating in the first game and won the next two games to clinch the gold medal. Determined to avenge their stinging loss last year, South District drew the first blood by capturing the first game, 2-1, courtesy of team captain Mary Grace Loreto and Hannea Semilla, who worked together to energize the South’s offense, leaving the North with a defensive meltdown in the first set. However, the North fortified their defense and brutally hammered South, 2-1 on the second set, with powerful spikes and serves from Conception and Boniao. With one win apiece, the two teams fought extremely hard in the third game in which the spectators saw a lot of sensational rallies, but the final rallies favored North, 2-1 (25-20, 22-25, 25-27), to the huge disappointment of the South team.

July - November, 2017

Central hoops team sinks MATS, captures 10th straight title Kian Franco Codilla


anking on their towering height, physical size, and homecourt advantage, Sta. Cruz Central cagers ruthlessly drowned MATS Zone basketeers, 61-38, during the men’s basketball championship game held at Sta. Cruz Central gymnasium last Sep. 02. With the win, Central collected its 10th consecutive title stretching back to 2008, keeping its stranglehold of the men’s basketball in the District Meet.

Beanpole Ron James Carisosa, the lone player from Santa Cruz Central to score double digits, spearheaded the mayhem by firing up 15 points, almost half of it in the third frame, to lift his team to an emphatic victory against their gutsy opponent. Jehad Manehom and Mojahid Sultan led the scoring department for MATS by unloading 10 and 6 points, respectively, however, not enough to pull an upset against the prohibitive favorite and defending champion Central team. PAGE 15

Central taekwondo jins snatch 3 silvers in reg’l tourney Ace Arquillano


ta. Cruz Central taekwondo team settled for three silver medals after falling short of their gold-medal bid in the 8th Mayor Joseph R. Peñas Regional Taekwondo Championship held at Digos City National High School gymnasium last Sep.tember 03. Unable to fend off the barrage of lightning-fast, perfectly-timed attacks from their rival competitors, Adrian G. Sarabia (Category 2 – Advance Boys), John Drex PAGE 14

FIGHT. Rachelle Brucoy fails to hit Harvey Jayne Domopoy.

Eduardo Eroy

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