Morning Anxiety: Causes and Coping Techniques It’s common to feel anxious in the morning as one thinks about all the stressful works that he/she may have to do during the whole day. Morning anxiety is usually triggered by what happened the previous day or what would happen today. Some people might get up anxious and irritated due to troubled or disturbed sleep. Individuals experiencing nightmares may also feel anxiety the following morning. According to experts, people already struggling with anxiety-related problems are likely to experience its symptoms as the dawn breaks. “Morning is a time when many individuals with anxiety disorders can be particularly vulnerable, if they find themselves anticipating something in their day that triggers anxiety,” says Dr. Nina Rifkind, Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) member. Feeling anxious in the morning is a significant problem as it affects the whole course of the day, compromising one’s personal and professional life. People experiencing anxiety on a few consecutive mornings start to expect it almost every morning, thereby leading to a vicious cycle of daytime stress and morning anxiety. It is important to nip the problem in the bud by some effective lifestyle changes. Some of the ways include: Getting adequate sleep: According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), around 40 million people in America experience long-term sleep disorders, while an additional 20 million have sleeping problems occasionally. As ADAA suggests, some forms of sleep disruption are associated with nearly all psychiatric disorders, it is important to enjoy quality sleep for a sound mental health. People with troubled sleep can try certain things, like establishing a bedtime routine, practicing relaxation techniques and avoiding distractions before hitting the sack. Sparing sufficient time for daily chores: Snoozing until the very last second can disrupt one’s complete routine for the day. It can leave many panicked, as they may not be able to meet some important timelines. The best way to avoid stress is by allowing themselves sufficient time to begin the day on a happy note. A few tips that can be tried include setting alarm to
wake up stress-free, having a nutritious breakfast and taking a quick glance at the headlines before leaving for the work. Stressing upon physical activity: Physical activity in the morning should be a “must-do” thing in the morning. While it helps people avoid harmful effects of stress-related problems, it is also effective in dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and depression. People can choose from different types of physical activities, from stretching, running or brisk walking to hitting the gym and yoga. A few minutes of physical activity in the morning prepares the brain and body for the day’s hard labor while delivering a sense of happiness. Avoiding negative thoughts: Generally, anxiety is an outcome of persistent fear and worry, which can be outweighed by healthy thinking. A rational and positive self-talk can boost mood and negate negative thoughts. Believing in one’s abilities, and thinking and expecting affirmative things can make anxiety take a backseat. People with anxiety should keep reminding themselves that they are focused on the present moment or they are happy and healthy. Anxiety disorders are treatable If lifestyle changes and self-help ways do not help subside anxiety, it may be the time to seek medical assistance. Anxiety disorders are treatable with medication and therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The Anxiety Treatment Advisors of Colorado offers valuable information about anxiety disorders treatment centers in Colorado. If you or your loved one shows symptoms of anxiety, you can call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-8912539 and get connected to one of the best anxiety disorders treatment centers in Colorado.