Being exclusive distributor of body shaping equipments for famous international brands, we have distributed medical aesthetic products, surgical and diagnosis equipments. The professional teamwork delivers kind and professional services to our customers.
oh Medical have introduced advanced technology body shaping equipments, skin care materials and diagnosis image systems from Europe, the United States and Asia.
The professional teamwork delivers kind and professional services to our customers.
elcome to Woh Medical Woh Medical Co.,Ltd is located
in the Neihu Technology Park of
About Woh
Taipei city. The management team is experienced in the fields of
Company Introduction
dermatology and plastic surgery for over ten years.
Corporate Partners
Contact Us
elcome to Woh Medical !
oh Medical Co.,Ltd is located in the Neihu Technology Park of Taipei city. The management team is experienced in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery for over ten years. Being exclusive distributor of body shaping equipments for famous international brands, we have distributed medical aesthetic products, surgical and diagnosis equipments. The professional teamwork delivers kind and professional services to our customers.
01 About Woh Company Introduction Corporate Partners
Woh Medical have introduced advanced technology body shaping equipments, skin care materials and diagnosis image systems from Europe, the United States and Asia. The exclusive patent equipment, “Ultrashape” “FluoBeam”, and “Croma Princess” have successfully created new area of interests and have recognized by doctors and medical institutes. They have become the first choice of professional doctors in clinical treatments.
Creativeness, integrity, and sustainable operation are the core value of Woh Medical. Coping with the competition and change of the market, we will keep providing services that meet customer needs to fulfill our long term goal of becoming the best marketing team of medical equipments. Cooperating with the manufacturers and customers to examine new product demands, we would integrate the supply chains of medical industries to remain the leading advantageous status and explore new opportunities in the market.
Business strategy
Woh Medical provides products, and creates more tangible and intangible values for our customers.
It is essential to create independent marketing strategies for different medical equipments and products. One of the tactics is to propose various hot marketing topics for products to make them more acceptable in the market and enhance the demand. We would also help customers to understand the developing trends of the market; thus, they would purchase suitable medical equipments. Meanwhile, it is important to generate demand of end consumers, and develop effective marketing strategies for customers. The goal is to increase customer’s profit and enhance the competitiveness; therefore, to reach a win-win situation for Woh Medical and our customers.
Competitive advantages Globalization prescribes an ongoing process of changing market, in which the competitiveness of business is key to success. The most crucial factor of Woh Medical’s advantage lies in its human resources. In terms of market operation, we develop highly efficient professional work teams and marketing sectors to grasp the most up-todate dynamics in markets. In addition, we also seek to construct an integrated information platform in hopes of maximizing the strengths of ever y employee through decent communication channels and coordination. Team work is a focal point in the cooperation and we appreciate our excellent working partners. In respect with products, market researchers actively introduce products that match current market trends and encourage their clients and marketing teams to engage in joint research and sharing of empirical experiments so that the company can enter the market with comprehensive marketing strategies. 03
01 About Woh Company Introduction
Our partners A type of business organization in which two or more individuals pool money, skills, and other resources, and share profit and loss in accordance with terms of the partnership agreement. In absence of such agreement, a par tnership is assumed to exit where the participants in an enterprise agree to share the associated risks and rewards proportionately .
Corporate Partners There had been some rough spots along the way but all in all, the entrepreneurs enjoyed their business partnership and looked forward to many more successful years together.
Develop a partnership It was only logical for George and Nate to develop a partnership in their laundr y business because both were passionate about the laundry industry and only had enough money to launch their business when they pooled each of theirs together.
â—? â—? â—?
Plan for the worst Keep it Equal in Shares Develop an Operating Agreement
02 Team
02 Team Direcotor Deputy Director
HR Department Planning Department Purchase & Order Department
Pa r t n e r i n g w i t h U M C C a p i t a l m e a n s w o r k i n g w i t h professionals who understand you, your vision, your company and your business model. With evergreen capital nature, we can support entrepreneurs during the challenging process of growing business. The rich investing experience also allows us to bring in resources that often create opportunities for breakthrough. Here’s a short introduction.
02 Team Direcotor Deputy Director
HR Department Planning Department Purchase & Order Department
Isabel Liu is a manging director at UMC Capital. She joined the firm in 2004 and f o c u s e s o n i n v e s t m e n t e va l u a t i o n a n d investment management. Before joining UMC Capital, she worked at UMC, a ROC and NYSE listed company, and was responsible for treasury, credit control and investment management for 13 years.
Claire Lai is a vice president at UMC Capital. She joined the firm in 2004 and focuses on investments in electronic components and high-end material industries. Before joining UMC Capital, she worked at China Development Industrial Bank (CDIB), an industrial investment company, and was re s p o n s i b l e f o r i n ve s t m e n t e va l u a t i o n , industry and financial analysis.
DC Cheng is the president of UMC Capital and oversees the Company’s strategic investments. Before joining UMC Capital, he was the managing director at United Investment, a venture capital company. Prior to United Investment, he was the executive director of investment banking division at Morgan Stanley Asia.
Frank Lee is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 2006 and focuses on investments in semiconductors, communications, cloud, SaaS and mobile industries. Before joining UMC Capital, he worked at Ver tex Management Inc., a Singapore based venture capital company, and was responsible for investments in communications, wireless and semiconductors industries. Prior to Vertex Management Inc., he was a management consultant at AT Kearney. 10
02 Team Direcotor Deputy Director
HR Department Planning Department Purchase & Order Department
Managing director Antonius Wu is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 1999 and focuses on investments in semiconductors, electronic chemicals, telematics, and retail industries.
Frank Jang is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 2000 and focuses on investments in TMT and hi-tech related industries. Before joining UMC Capital, he worked at Industrial Bank of Taiwan (IBT), a financial services bank , and was responsible for direct investment. Prior to IBT, Mr. Jang was a sales engineer at Agilent.
efore joining UMC Capital, he worked at UMC, a ROC and NYSE listed company, and was responsible for customer's credit management. Prior to UMC, he was a corporate banker at Far Eastern International Bank.
Vice President James Yen is a vice president at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 2013 and focuses on investments in biotech and healthcare industries. Before joining UMC Capital, he worked at UniMed Investment, a Runtex Group-backed venture capital company, and was responsible for direct investment on new drug development and medical device companies.
Vice President Antonius Wu is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 1999 and focuses on investments in semiconductors, electronic chemicals, telematics, and retail industries.
02 Team
Vice President Antonius Wu is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 1999 and focuses on investments in semiconductors, electronic chemicals, telematics, and retail industries.
Direcotor Deputy Director
HR Department Planning Department Purchase & Order Department
Claire Lai is a vice president at UMC Capital. She joined the firm in 2004 and focuses on investments in electronic components and high-end material industries. Before joining UMC Capital, she worked at China Development Industrial Bank (CDIB), an industrial investment company, and was responsible for investment evaluation, industry and financial analysis.
Coping with the competition and change of the market, we will keep providing services that meet customer needs to fulfill our long term goal of becoming the best marketing team of medical equipments.
YK Yu is a managing director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 2006 and focuses on investments in Internet of Things., Semicoductors and Flexible Electronics industries. Before joining UMC Capital, he worked at China Development Industrial Bank (CDIB), an industrial investment company, and was responsible for direct investments in US, Israel and Taiwan. Prior to CDIB, he was an industries analyst at Formosa Plastics Group.
Athena Cheng is an associate at UMC Capital. She joined the firm in 2014. Before joining UMC Capital, she worked in equity research division of Daiwa Capital Market, covering semiconductor industry. Prior to Daiwa, she interned in investment banking division at BNP Paribas and received double degrees in Geography and Accounting from National Taiwan University.
Team Direcotor Deputy Director
HR Department Planning Department Purchase & Order Department
C r e a t i v e n e s s , i n t e g r i t y, a n d sustainable operation are the core value of Woh Medical.
Dylan Lee is a director at UMC Capital. He joined the firm in 2011 and focuses on Investment management and financial repor ting. Before joining UMC Capital, he worked at UMC, a ROC and NYSE listed company, and was responsible f o r t r e a s u r y, f u n d r a i s i n g a n d i n v e s t m e n t management for 9 years.
03 Events Products
C r e a t i v e n e s s , i n t e g r i t y, a n d sustainable operation are the core value of Woh Medical.
o fill the gap between surgery a n d q u a c ke r y, n o n - i n va s i ve lipo alternatives done at a plastic surgeon's or dermatologist's office seem ideal. Many versions have come out over the past several years, including devices that claim to heat, cool, laser or radiate fat cells into submission, but many doctors (and patients) haven't been thrilled with the results, or have been frustrated by the limited amount of body parts you can use them on. Until now. Meet the two newest fat-targeting machines that were FDA-approved in 2014 and have docs excited.
May 2015
Wohmedical in 3rd TDAC & TDA Spring Meeting
At the core of CoolsSculpting is a process called cryolipolysis—freezing (cryo-) fat cells (-lipo-) until they’re destroyed (-lysis). It exploits the fact that fat cells, called adipocytes, are more susceptible to cold than other skin cells, so you can blast an area with frigid temperatures that are tolerable to most cells (if a little uncomfortable to you), but deadly to fat cells. It’s like a selective freeze ray. When the adipocy tes die, they’re eaten by immune cells called macrophages. Fat goes bye-bye. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists have been eagerly awaiting FDA approval ofUltraShape, which has been zapping fat in Europe, Canada and Asia since 2005. Renowned dermatologist Dennis Gross was the first doc in the U.S. to get a machine, and our own plastic surgery advisor (and resident skeptic) Arthur Perry, M.D., F.A.C.S. also offers it in his practice. 20
04 Contact Us
+886-2-2657-2968 +886-2-2657-1855
Are you interested in finding out more about Woh Medical and our products? We’d be happy to hear from you.
4F-1, No.298, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11491, Taiwan
Creativeness Integrity Sustainable operation _ the core value of Woh Medical.
The professional teamwork delivers kind and professional services to our customers.